Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.

"S" - Medical Theses:

(lista de medicamentos bÁsicos- deutsch)

Liste mit Basismedikamenten und Materialien Die folgende Liste enthält Medikamente welche häufig benutzt werden und bei denen wir sehr froh wären, wenn sie uns bei Möglichkeit solche beisteuern könnten. Erkältungs- und Bronchitis-/Asthmamedikamente: • Ambroxol, Sirup • Albuterol, Ampullen zum vernebeln/inhalieren • Ibuprofen (Brufen, Irfen, Optifen 200mg. Sirup und Tabletten �

Microsoft word - the rob kelly method research_6.docx

METHOD ® ’: AN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACT: This study presents the results of an online questionnaire for a novel smoking cessation treatment utilising applied psychological techniques. Participants were 107 paying clients attending Rob Kelly’s Cambridge Clinic. Post treatment 92.5% of participants reported that they had stopped smoking. INTRODUCTION: Cigarette smoking has a high ri

Microsoft word - effects of smoking and methods of cessation

Effects of Smoking and Methods of Cessation By Chetan Kaher Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It accounts or almost 500,000 deaths per year, or one in every five deaths. Cigarette smoking contributes to a remarkable number of diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vas


Se si perde denaro non c'è da preoccuparsi, poiché se ne può guadagnare ancora. Se si perde un amico se ne può trovare un altro. Se si perde la moglie ci si può risposare. Chi perde un pezzo di terra, può acquistarne un altro. Si può rientrare in possesso di tutto quanto, ma se si perde il corpo, esso non può essere riottenuto. (Versi Sanscriti) Incarnazioni del Divino Amore! Il tempo è i

Microsoft word - fiorlemkecv.docx

F I O R L E M K E E M A I L : F I O R L E M K E @ M E . C O M A G E N T : A U S C R E W ( 0 2 9 4 2 7 4 4 4 4 ) Designing, patternmaking, sewing, cutting, textile design and printing, aging & distressing of clothing, image consultant and personal stylist WORK PERMITS LANGUAGES English, Italian EMPLOYMENT TV COMMERCIALS Channel 10 ‘Masterchef promo’ MBF Plaza Films, D

Animal use protocol assistance

Small Animal MR Facility, Last Updated 6/1/2010 Documentation to assist in developing an Animal Use Protocol for Small Animal MR. Investigators intending to use the UGA small animal imaging facilities for in vivo studies are required to have an approved Animal Use Protocol (AUP) that includes the use of MR prior to initiating research. Information below is to assist in addressing some

Powerpoint presentation

Utility Profile: Commonwealth Edison (Exelon) Smart Grid Program Overview Successful, state-mandated AMI pilot provided results to justify total-footprint deployment based on operational savings alone; AMI-enabled pilot testing TOU, CPP, PTR, and RTP Utility Type: IOU DR: Pricing, with varying technologies; RTP offer available to all customers Multiple Rates Size: 3,800

Farmakologisk behandling vid lÅngvarig och Återkommande smÄrta av icke malign orsak hos barn

FARMAKOLOGISK BEHANDLING VID LÅNGVARIG OCH ÅTERKOMMANDE SMÄRTA AV ICKE MALIGN ORSAK HOS BARN Dokumentet är framtaget av: Mats Karling, överläkare, medicine doktor, Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, Umeå Eva Kokinsky, överläkare, medicine doktor, Drottning Silvias barn- och ungdomssjukhus, Göteborg Smärta i samband med långvarig sjukdom som t.ex. cancer och reumatiska sjukdomar kräv

Microsoft word - sunflower facts.doc

Sunflower Facts The sunflower is a distinctive, flowering plant ( Helianthus annuus L. ), the seeds of which contain a valuable edible oil that contains more Vitamin E than any other vegetable oil. Most sunflower oil is used in food products. The seeds of confection varieties of sunflower are also sold for human consumption and birdseed. Industry Overview U.S. sunflower oil crushers can


International Standards in process An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an International Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is circulated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus has been reached within the technical committee, the document is sent to the Central Secre

Microsoft word - 2013 passover product list

Ashkenazim Sephardim Carrots – raw, including baby carrots, peeled carrots without Any – Permissible without any special certification or certification for Pesach Any Kosher – Permissible for Pesach provided it has regular reliable Kosher Certification Cert P – Required Reliable Certification for Pesach specifically. Kitniyot – A list of products classified as Kit

Arthroscopy of the knee

Arthroscopy of the Knee Information for the Patients of Dr M R J Coolican INTRODUCTION: Knee arthroscopy provides direct inspection of the joint with further arthroscopic surgery as directed by the findings. All surgery is usually performed at the one time with admission and discharge on the same day. Knee arthroscopy is performed to treat problems with the menisci (which footb

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING For embedding of materialographic specimens Container size:Responsible for safety data sheet authoring: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified. However, the product contains a small amount of sensitizing substance. See section 15. May cause minor irritation on skin contact.


Manuscript Click here to view linked References Comparing the benefits of Caffeine, Naps and Placebo on Verbal, Motor and Perceptual Memory Sara C. Mednick Ph.D.1, Denise J. Cai M.A.3, Jennifer Kanady B.S.1, Sean P.A. 1. University of California, San Diego, Department of Psychiatry and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, Research Service2. University of California, San Diego


Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 336 (2005) 1144–1149Induction of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cellsRainer Girgert a,*, Hartmut Schimming b, Wolfgang Ko¨rner c, Carsten Gru¨ndker a,a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Go¨ttingen, D-37099 Go¨ttingen, Germanyb Facility for Electronic Equipment, University of Ulm, D-89075 Ulm, Germanyc Bava

(Stock Code: 1221) Notification of Publication of Circular in relation to Interim Dividend with Scrip Option for the year ending 30th June, 2011 (the “Circular”) on Website The Circular (in both English and Chinese versions) of Sino Hotels (Holdings) Limited (the “Company”) is now available on the Company’s website at You may access the Circular by clicking “Circula


El marco jurídico constitucional de las áreas metropolitanas. Especial referencia al caso de la de Monterrey. Por: Sergio Elías Gutiérrez y Pedro Torres Estrada Introducción. La intención del presente artículo es la de hacer un breve marco jurídico constitucional de referencia sobre la figura legal del área metropolitana, haciendo especial señalamiento

Bone health is a family affair

Department of Biostatistics is conducting a research project on osteoporosis. If you are eligible to participate you would receive at no cost to you a Bone Health Assessment which includes a bone density test. You will receive compensation for the one-time, 2 hour visit. Weekday, evening, and weekend appointment times are available. Eligible subjects must meet the fo

Grippeerkrankung durch neuen influenzatyp

Grippeerkrankung durch neuen Influenzatyp Begriff „Schweinegrippe“ ist irreführend Aktuelle Informationen zur Grippeerkrankung beim Menschen aus dem Robert-Koch- Institut und dem Freidrich Loeffler-Institut. Quelle: Infektionen hängen nach Informationen der betrof-fenen Länder nicht unmittelbar mit dem Kontakt zu Influenza in Mexiko und den U

Address for correspondence: Guo-Dong Medicine of Amazonas (FMTAM) in vivax malaria outbreaks in malaria-Liang, State Key Laboratory for Infectious Manaus, Brazil, to assess the effi cacy endemic areas within the Amazon. Disease Control and Prevention, Institute for of standard supervised CQ therapy. Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 100 unco


¨ offenporige, farblose Holzimprägnierung ¨ Holzschutzmittel gegen Bläue und Insekten ¨ für den Aussenbereich, wasserverdünnbar Eigenschaften Lignol WAB ist eine wasserverdünnbare, oxidativ trocknende, feuchtigkeitsschützende Holzimprägnierung. Lignol WAB wirkt vorbeugend gegen holzverfärbende Pilze (Bläue) und gegen holzzerstörende Insekten. Das Produkt besitzt eine gute Pene

Úlceras de Perna – Tratamento baseado na evidência Autores: Kátia Augusta X. Furtado (Enfermeira). Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil de Lisboa (Serviço de Resumo Os indivíduos que apresentam sintomas de insuficiência venosa muitas vezes não recorrem à ajuda de profissionais de saúde mas por vezes também não lhes é oferecido um tratamento efectivo. Contudo, qu

Microsoft word - ymh #2.doc

Your Mental Health - The Big Ones, Part One: Depression When someone begins to speak about mental health problems, the first two disorders that are usually discussed are depression and anxiety. Most people have heard of these terms, for a very good reason. Anxiety and depression are the two most commonly seen problems by psychologists and others who work in the field of mental health (more on t

(pdf) after sexual assault: a recovery guide for survivors

SAFE HORIZON 24-Hour Hotline: 212 227 3000 SAFE HORIZON hopes this guide will help the recovery of anyone whose life has been affected by a sexualassault. The Rape Crisis Program at Safe Horizon providesindividual and group counseling, workshops, support,practical assistance, and information to victims of sexualYou Have Survived a Trauma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Survivor’s

Patienten 10/2005 erstellt 17.11.2005

Abteilung Anästhesie/Intensivmedizin Dr. Klaus Lang Chefarzt Anästhesie Frau Dr. Christa Brenig Leitende Ärztin Anästhesie Dr. Urs Denzler Leitender Arzt Intensivstation CH-8208 Schaffhausen, 23. November 2005 , La Perioperativer Umgang mit vorbestehenden Dauermedikationen Patienten nehmen vielfach chronisch Medikamente ein, welche potentiell mit Anästhetika interagieren


INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES IN THE SUSTAINABILITY OF CROSS-BORDER TRANSPORT INSTITUTIONAL DIMENTIONS OF CROSS-BORDER TRANSPORT – Introduction to the Theme of the Special Issue – Professor, Department of Spatial EconomicsNOVA Endowed Professor, George Mason University 1. INTRODUCTION An important reason why institutions are importantis that they provide a basic level of justice and equi

Charta da program Preambla La SRG SSR metta la qualitad dals programs en il center da sias finamiras. Ella accentuescha en spezial la credibladad e la relevanza da ses programs. Per quel intent pretenda ella da sias collavuraturas e da ses collavuraturs in'auta professiunalitad schurnalistica ed in profund senn da responsabladad. Ella sa definescha sco interpresa averta e creativa en serve


PANORÁMA-VÁLSÁG Neil Simon: A 88. utca foglyai / Centrál Színház, POSZT 2010 2010.06.21. Komoly kellemetlenség, ha nincsen a lakásban fűtés vagy víz, a szomszédok hangosak, a közös képviselő pedig nem segítőkész. Így szinte létezni sem lehet. Akkor is ez a helyzet, ha nagy erkélyes, panorámás lakásban lakunk New Yorkban. És a tetejében még válság is van. KE

JSC Bank of Georgia I Banking | Finance | ARISBANK’S PROCESSES ARE 40 PERCENT FASTER—THANKS TO ARISChallenge With tough competition and tighter integration of the Georgian economy into the world market, JSC Bank of Georgia needs to be able to quickly respond to changes in business needs. The bank aims to decrease time-to-market of new products and, importantly, devise new business proces

Draft eln fact sheet v

FACT SHEET PROCTER & GAMBLE USES SAFE DIGITAL SIGNATURE STANDARD FOR ELECTRONIC LABORATORY NOTEBOOK PROJECT To be deployed to up to 4500 P&G scientists and technicians WHAT : Procter & Gamble (P&G) is using the SAFE digital signature standard in its Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) project, reaching potentially 4500 people inside the company. This project is

Infoblatt dp eng

Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Since the winter term 2012/2013, we offer our students and staff the opportunity to take advantage of the educational language learning software "digital publishing" for English and Spanish. 1) Please login at “digital publishing” using your university email address (http://www.cltnet

JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00899.633–638Attractive responses by Monochamus galloprovincialis (Col.,Cerambycidae) to host and bark beetle semiochemicalsJ. A. Pajares1, F. Ibeas1, J. J. Dı´ez1 and D. Gallego21Departamento de Produccio´n Vegetal y Recursos Forestales, ETSIIAA, Universidad de Valladolid, Palencia;2Departamento de Zoologı´a y Antropologı´a Fı´sica, Unive

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Brazen® NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE Active Constituent: 200g/L Glufosinate-ammonium HERBICIDE For non-residual control of broadleaf and grass weeds in various situations as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table IMPORTANT: READ THE ATTACHED LEAFLET BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. Contents:

Microsoft word - 808les3.doc

LESSON ASSIGNMENT LESSON 3 Antibiotics TEXT ASSIGNMENT LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Given the trade name of an antibiotic or sulfonamide agent and a list of generic names, select the generic name that corresponds to the trade name. Given an antibiotic or sulfonamide agent and a list of side effects/toxicities, select the side effect

Cover page

Analysis of the Cost of Transgender Health Benefits The Cost of Transgender Health Benefits Mary Ann Horton, Ph.D. JPMorgan Chase Transgender at Work ABSTRACT This paper measures the frequency and cost of Transgender Health Benefits (THBs) for US residents. Itreports on a survey of surgeons who do Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) procedures, and reports thenumber of US residents

Governo do distrito federal



Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2004) 65: 110–118A P P L I E D M I C R O B I A L A N D C E L L P H Y S I O L O G YA. Sajidan . A. Farouk . R. Greiner . P. Jungblut . E.-C. Müller . R. BorrissMolecular and physiological characterisation of a 3-phytasefrom soil bacterium Klebsiella sp. ASR1Received: 11 September 2003 / Revised: 10 November 2003 / Accepted: 21 November 2003 / Published online: 16 J

Microsoft word - behaviour & discipline police.doc

POLICY ON BEHAVIOUR & DISCIPLINE SEPTEMBER 2013 Ensure that children show respect for each other and their property, the staff Create a safe, happy and productive working atmosphere. Provide a common code of conduct which is clearly understood by staff, children, To provide opportunities to communicate with parents and guardians on a regular To support children who may find it diff


Giulia Mollica Curriculum vitae PhD in Chemical Sciences Laboratoire Chimie Provence, équipe SACS Case 512 Campus Scientifique St Jérôme Université de Provence Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen PERSONAL Born June 27th 1978 in Livorno, Italy. One child. EDUCATION • PhD, Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Solid State NMR) , January 20

Ridomil 2g [bag]

Approved Bag for RIDOMIL GOLD 1G Fungicide 26612 08-11-28 Page 1 of 7 4 FUNGICIDE RIDOMIL GOLD  1G FUNGICIDE GRANULAR AGRICULTURAL Systemic fungicide for the control of Cavity Spot in Carrots, Damping Off and Stunt in Head Lettuce and Phytophthora Root Rot caused by P hytophthora cactorum in ginseng GUARANTEE: Metalaxyl-M and S-isomer . 1% READ THE LABEL BEFORE

Microsoft word - manual therapy magical trick or science.doc

Introduction to a series of articles. First let me introduce myself. My name is Ger Plaatsman. For the last 30 years I have been practising, studying and teaching manual therapy. In 1994 I started the Plaatsman Concept of Evidence based manual therapy in Poland. At first only in corporation with the Katowice branch of PTF and AWF Katowice and later also in city’s like Warsaw and Wroclaw.

No slide title

SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Safe production of farmed Atlantic salmon - Identification of vulnerabilities in Martinez, I.1; Sandberg, M.1, Westavik, H.1, Garforth, D.2 and Winkel, C.21 SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, 7465-Trondheim, Norway; 2 IFQC SMART Group, Rivercourt Business Centre, Riverlane, Dundalk Co. Louth Ireland. [email protected] SigmaChain is an EU-financ

Microsoft word - new amended ophthalmic_contract_visit_form_v8_0_2011.doc

Ophthalmic Contract Visit Form To be completed by the PCT (References in brackets in bold italics are references to clauses of the model mandatory or additional services as appropriate) Voluntary information is highlighted with grey background shading Section A – All Contracts 1. Practice Details 1.1 Practice Name (66.3) 1.2 Contractor Name (If different)

Microsoft word - ocd.doc

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) Dr. Mohammed Sadiq An increasing number of obsessive-compulsive disorders are surfacing among Muslim communities around the world. This article is intended to provide some information about OCD to those who are suffering from this disorder. As such, the symptoms of this disorder, some contributing factors as well as some treatment alternatives will be dis

In Viaguara SA v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market The General Court summarised the requirements of Article 8(5) (OHIM) (Case T-332/10, January 25 2012), the General Court has rejected an appeal against the First Board of Appeal’s decision to refuse a Community trademark (CTM) application for a mark • the marks had to be identical or similar;• the earlier mark had to ha

Microsoft word - consent faq's 2014.doc

Q: WHAT IS INFLUENZA (FLU) AND HOW IS IT CAUSED? Influenza is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. Influenza A and B are the major types of influenza viruses that cause human disease and can affect people of all ages. When someone who has influenza sneezes, coughs, or even talks, the influenza virus is expelled into the air and may be inhaled by anyone close by. The Influenza viruses ch

Breves consideraciones sobre la preparación de soluciones por Guerrero Hernán Llega el momento en que todos comenzamos a buscar artículos de bricolaje o DIY (do it yourself – hágalo usted mis- mo), o bien los peces se enferman y se debe medicar. También sucede que uno, no conforme con los kits analíticos comer-ciales o fertilizantes comerciales, decide prepararlos “a medida�

Microsoft word - immunosuppression protocols.doc

There is no consensus as to the perfect immunosuppressive regimen. This is emphasized by the wide variation in immunosuppressive protocols used by different centers in Europe and US. Protocols are important because they create some uniformity in treatment for patients, they allow each center to become familiar with particular combinations of immunosuppressive drugs and they allow for bette

Microsoft word - packing list.doc

Suggested Packing List With a little thought and planning, making sure that you have the essentials will help make your study abroad experience in Europe an enjoyable one. General packing tips:  Don't be a packing procrastinator. Start packing gradually now to avoid last- Pack your bags and then take out half of the stuff you packed. You will be surprised that you can l

Microsoft word - 4. insomnia evaluation 3-15-11 update.doc

Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program Insomnia Evaluation Questionnaire Important Instructions 1. Please complete this questionnaire. 2. Please maintain the sleep log on the next page for the week before your scheduled appointment; or if less than a week, from the day you received this packet until your scheduled visit. 3. Bring this packet with you to your next visit. 4. If y

Adjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide versus cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in premenopausal women with axillary lymph node positive breast carcinoma

Adjuvant Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide versus Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy in Premenopausal Women with Axillary Lymph Node Positive Breast Carcinoma Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Soo-Mee Bang, BACKGROUND. This randomized controlled trial was to determine whether a com- Dae Seog Heo, bination chemotherapy regimen that contains anthracy

Microsoft word - document

SPEAK OUT - PUBLIC HEALTH: Suboxone works; it’s a tool we must use Suboxone has made its way to the street and so has methadone, OxyContin, Percocet, neurotin, clonidine, Klonipin, phenergan, elaviland .the list goes on. Some of these drugs stick out and we acknowledge that narcotics and benzo’s are on the street, but do we know that anti-nausea drugs, high-blood-pressure pills, etc., are on

Microsoft word - tems basic program - 25aug2009 - sp

Traveler Emergency Medical Services, Ltd. Descripción Detallada de los Beneficios Programa Agosto 25, 2009 Table of Contents El programa de beneficios que ofrece Traveler EMS está sujetos a cambios en los siguientes 30 días luego de notificar a los clientes existentes. Todas las cifras monetarias detalladas en este documento son en dólares estadou

Compulsive gambling litigation: casinos and the duty of care

GAMING LAW REVIEW AND ECONOMICS Volume 13, Number 5, 2009 ©Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/glre.2009.13503 C ASINOS THROUGHOUT the world have been sued other countries following suit. In the past decade, for negligence because they breached an al-there has been litigation by self-excluded compul-leged duty of care to patrons. One major duty ofsive gamblers in common law jurisdictio

Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg, LC Springning Heste Dotering: 300, 250, 200, 175, 150Start: Lørdag Start Stv. Resultat Placering Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg, U-LC Springning Heste Start Stv. Resultat Placering Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg, LB Springning Heste Dotering: 300, 250, 200


The Citizen Scientists United by the Net and emboldened by their numbers, parents of desperately ill children are funneling millions into research, building vast genetic databases, and rewriting the rules of the medical industry. They all remember the day of diagnosis. D day. Maybe they were in the delivery room, exhilarated and exhausted, when the terms - "cleft palate,"

Microsoft word - treatment of stis summary revised nov 2011.doc

TREATMENT OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS CONDITION Ist line treatment 2nd line treatment Comments SYPHILIS Penicillin allergy Penicillin allergy Penicillin allergy 3 days or Benzylpenicillin 18 – 24MU daily IV (3 –4MU 4 hrly) 17 days Plus prednisolone as above Penicillin allergy treatment of neonate at birth with penicillin Or Azithromycin 500mg daily

Microsoft word - health history 2010 - edited .doc

PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY 1. Are you currently being treated by your physician for any medical condition? ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Physician’s Name _________________________________ 3 .Please list ALL medications you are currently taking: ______________________________________ ________________________________

Curriculum Vita—Al M. Panu Contact Information (678) 717-3610 (O) E-mail: [email protected] Professional University of North Georgia Experience Senior Vice President for University Affairs, 2013-present The Senior Vice President for University Affairs (SVPUA) serves on the cabinet reports to the President and is responsible for the oversight of the Gainesville campus, the Oconee

20130826 11/10/2013 A & R MULTIMEDIA SRL20130833 11/10/2013 ACTIV CARGO GROUP SRL20130834 11/10/2013 ACTIVE-TRADE IND. SRL20130835 11/10/2013 ACTUAL CONSULTING SRL20130839 11/10/2013 ADI & LUCI TRANS SRL20130840 11/10/2013 ADI & NEL TRANS SRL20130383 11/10/2013 AFTENIE TRANS COM SRL20130389 11/10/2013 AGROMIXTA DEALUL OCNEI SA20130393 11/10/2013 AKA DESING & CONSTRUCT SRL2

San Spiridione di Trimithonte, Vescovo 12 dicembre La vita San Spiridione, pur avendo origini assai umili, proveniva infatti da una famiglia di pastori, divenne vescovo di una piccola zona remota nord-orientale dell’isola di Cipro, nei pressi di Salamina. Secondo lo storico Socrate, egli fu ritenuto degno della carica episcopale proprio per la santità dimostrata nell’atti

Skincare intake 201

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________ State ________________ Zip _________________ E-Mail __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______




Ryota Suyama Qualifications: Great sense of timing and motion. Flexible and able to adapt new technology and programs quickly. Work very well with different kinds of people. Always willing to be creatively challenged. Professional Experience: G M D THREE, New York, NY 2009 2D Compositor, 3D Animator BEYONCE - Live tour visual to be displayed on background - 3D Animator GREEN DAY

Form of final terms



American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2004) 190, 1476e8Risk of uterine rupture in labor induction of patientswith prior cesarean section: An inner city hospitalexperienceDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Emory University at Grady Healthcare System, Atlanta, GaReceived for publication September 10, 2003; revised December 31, 2003; accepted February 4, 2004–––––––

Clomid serophene

S o u t h M i a m i O B - G Y N A s s o c i a t e s H elp fu l Res ou rces This fact sheet is meant to provide you with basic information about this medicine. As usual, any further questions should be discussed with your doctor or p 1. What is Serophene/Clomid? It is the brand name for Clomiphene citrate, which is a medicine that has been on the market since the 1960s and introd

ST. THOMAS’ NURSERY P. O. Box 247 Fort Washington, PA 19034 215-233-2923 HANDBOOK 2013-2014 “Whose child is this?” I asked one day“Mine”, said the parent with a tender smileAnd each day to do the things he should”“Mine”, said the teacher with the same tender “Whose child is this?” I asked once more“Ours” said the parent and the teacher as they And

Highlights  of  Spanish  Astrophysics  VI,  Proceedings  of  the  IX  Scientific  Meeting  of  the  Spanish  Astronomical  Society  held  on  September  13  -­  17,  2010,  in  Madrid,  Spain.  M.  R.  Zapatero  Osorio  et  al.  (eds.)   Spectroscopic properties of nearby late-type stars,members of stellar kinematic groups1 Univ

Microsoft word - synthetische evolutionstheorie.doc

Die synthetische Theorie der Evolution. Diese Theorie fasst die Erkenntnisse aller biologischen Teilwissenschaften zusammen. Sie berück- sichtigt die grundlegenden Gesichtspunkte DARWINS, also die Überproduktion an Nachkommen, die erblichen Variationen (Mutationen) und die Selektion. Sie wird aber durch eine Reihe weiterer wichtiger Evolutionsfaktoren ergänzt und gilt nach heutigem Erk

Process tool scenario

Nursing Process Tool Patient Scenario Use this patient scenario to complete both the standard nursing process tool and the change of patient tool. Return the completed forms to the nursing office, 3331, and a faculty member will assess the tools and provide feedback to you. For dates, use present time, today’s date as surgery date, the tomorrow is tomorrow’s date, etc. Charles Lewis,

JOM deel 27, nummer 3, 2012 casestudy’s 131 Kanker en gerelateerde casestudy’s waarbij salvestrol en CYP1B1een rol spelen Brian A Schaefer, D.Phil1; Gerard A. Potter, PhD2; Robbie Wood, BDS, D.Orth.R.C.S.(Eng), D.D.Orth.R.C.P.S.(Glasg)3; M. Danny Burke, PhD41 Corresponderende auteur: Clinical Intelligence Corp., 205-1095 McKenzie Avenue, Victoria, BC Canada V8P 2L5; email: bsc

Microsoft word - ley nº 970.doc

Ley Nº 970/64 QUE CREA EL INSTITUTO PARAGUAYO DE VIVIENDA Y URBANISMO (IPVU) La Honorable Cámara de Representantes de la Nación Paraguaya, sanciona con fuerza de, De su naturaleza y objeto Art.1º- Créase el INSTITUTO PARAGUAYO DE VIVIENDA Y URBANISMO, como institución autárquica con personería jurídica, que se regirá por las disposiciones de esta Ley. En el texto de la present

Comprehensive cancer care: integrating complementary & alternative therapies

Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrating Complementary & Alternative Therapies Herbal Therapies Moderator: Joel Evans, MD Presenters: Steve Austin, ND; Sophie Chen, PhD; Bruce Dales; Alexander Sun, PhD Commentator: James Duke, PhD Session 405: June 14, 1998 Dr. Evans: My name is Dr. Joel Evans. I’ll be moderating this morning’s session. I’m proud to do this, because herbs represent the h


Editorial Subcutaneous furosemide in infusion (n=3).5 In a retrospective analy-sis of 43 episodes of decompensation in 32 advanced heart failure patients treated advanced heart failure: has in hospital, community or hospice set-tings by a palliative care–heart failure clinical practice run ahead of collaborative, the continuous SC infu-sion of a dose of furosemide empirically b


A pilot study on a specific measure for sleep disorders in Parkinson’s disease: SCOPA-Sleep P. Martínez-Martín a, E. Cubo-Delgado a,b, M. Aguilar-Barberà c, A. Bergareche d, S. Escalante c, A. Rojo c, J. Campdelacreu c, B. Frades-Payo a, S. Arroyo a, on behalf of the ELEP Group e A PILOT STUDY ON A SPECIFIC MEASURE FOR SLEEP DISORDERS IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE: SCOPA-SLEEP Summary.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Buff The Vampire Sla er The town is dark and quiet. Everyone has gone home for theThe to n is dark and uiet Ever one has gone home for thenight. We PUSH IN on the house. Again, dark and quiet. e PUSH IN on the house Again dark and uiet "My life closed twice before it's M life closed t ice before it sclose/ It yet remains to see. INT. BUFFY'S BEAR RIVER

Plida c2_mods_corr3.qxp

SEZIONE 1 – IL PLIDA Che cos’è il PLIDA? Il PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) è un diploma di certificazione rilasciato dallaSocietà Dante Alighieri in base ad una convenzione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Esso attestala competenza in italiano come lingua straniera secondo una scala di sei livelli, che rappresentanoaltrettante fasi del percorso di apprendiment

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des FC 1945 Ober-Rosbach – SOMA e.V . beschlossen von der Gründungsversammlung am 13.11.2009 in Rosbach. § 1 NAME, SITZ, GESCHÄFTSJAHR (1) Der Verein führt den Namen FC 1945 Ober-Rosbach – SOMA - mit dem Namenszusatz (2) Sitz des Vereins ist in 61191 Rosbach (3) Die Geschäftsstellenadresse ist mit der des jeweiligen 1. Vorsitzenden identisch (4) Das Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalende

C l i n i c a l C a r e / E d u c a t i o n / N u t r i t i o n / P s y c h o s o c i a l R e s e a r c h TSH-Lowering Effect of Metformin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Differences between euthyroid, untreated hypothyroid, and euthyroid on L-T4 therapy patients ARLO CAPPELLI, MD ELVIRA DE MARTINO, MD RESEARCH DESIGN AND ARIO ROTONDI, MD ANTONIO CIMINO, MD METHODS — A pilo

Microsoft word - an uncontrolled clinical trial for the treatment of androg–

An Uncontrolled Clinical Trial for Treatment of An Uncontrolled Clinical Trial for Treatment of Total Words- 3023 Abstract- 237 words Although shown to be effective for their intended medical treatment, AAS have been shown to induce hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in adult males. The medical literature is conflicting in the reports of spontaneous return and long-term suppression of gona


August 22, 2012 To: Sarpy/Cass County Health Care Providers Re: Increased number of S higella Infections in the community From: Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness Since early August, Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness has investigated 5 confirmed cases of Shigella sonnei infection, 1of which have been hospitalized. Four of the cases have b

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Date: 11/02/2011 Dear Pharmacist RE: BENDROFLUMETHIAZIDE 2.5MG TABLETS BENDROFLUMETHIAZIDE 5MG TABLETS I am writing to inform you that Dr Reddy’s Laboratories (UK) Ltd is issuing a warning in use notice for Bendroflumethiazide 2.5mg Tablets and Bendroflumethiazide 5mg Tablets. This warning affects the following batches: Following an internal audit, it was found that an out of date

SARCOIDOSIS TREATMENT GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION Goals of Sarcoidosis Management The goals of sarcoidosis management are to prevent or con-Sarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory granulomatous dis-trol organ damage, relieve symptoms and improve theease that primarily affects the lungs, although multi-organpatient’s quality of life. An evaluation by a pulmonologist isinvolvement is comm

Microsoft word - medication.doc

Medication Medication is often offered to people experiencing a first episode of psychosis. It is often prescribed in conjunction with other treatments and therapies (Link) and can be viewed as part of an overall care plan. For some people, it can be very useful for reducing or stopping symptoms associated with psychosis that may lead to distress and disruption. For many, this ca

273355 421.442

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available atIowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, andAbstractPurpose – In line with changes in consumer demand, models used in empirical study of the shoppingexperience have expanded. Reflecting the integrative (experiential and utilitarian) nature ofshopping experience, the paper aims to propose an overarching stimulus-organism-resp

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Exploratory Enzyme Inhibition Analysis Enzyme inhibition data is analyzed with the Exploratory Enzyme Kinetics option in SigmaPlot. The direct linear plot, secondary plots and a numeric report are created to help determine if Michaelis-Menten kinetics are satisfied and to elicit the type of inhibition. This analysis provides excellent qualitative and quantitative information prior to fit

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NEVADA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Immunization Record TRUCKEE MSV: GV NSJ WA Mother’s First Name Public Health Use Only Any serious reactions to other Immunizations? Have you ever had a serious reaction to eggs, neomycin, streptomycin, thimerosol or gelatin? Have you had a convulsion, seizure, or problem with Do you or anyone in your household have cancer, leukemia or ot

Evoke! 2.013 - rules and regulations

Organized by SN Infocomm Club Rules and Regulations 1. This competition is open to all secondary 1 to 4 students and the Alumnae of SNGS. 2. The theme of the competition is ‘家欢恩献’ 3. Each person is only allowed to enter 3 pictures in total for all the categories in the competition. 4. Images are allowed to be digitally enhanced using simple filters (eg. Instagram filters


Welcome letters

W E L C O M E L E T T E R F R O M M I K E S I N Y A R D a 1.5-inch diameter lower bearing), completely redesigned S-Works FACT carbon crank and S-Works Barmac, we shaved theWith most of the 2007 model year behind us, I look back andrealize more than ever that, whatever success we at Specializedenjoy, it would be impossible without the support of all the inde-pendent retailers like you—

Project acronym TransBasin Project title Start and end date Funding programme A The topic the project: T F Transboundary water management, sustainable agriculture, ecosystems services, environmental education, wastewater treatment, streams restoration. A short summary of the project: In many parts of the world water resources traverse political boundaries. The sus-tainab

Chapter iii: management of cardiovascular risk factors and medical therapy

European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (2011) 42(S2), S33–S42Chapter III: Management of CardiovascularRisk Factors and Medical TherapyN. Diehma,*, ‡ , J. Schmidlib, ‡ , C. Setaccic, J.-B. Riccod, G. de Donatoe,F. Beckerf, H. Robert-Ebadif, P. Caog, H.H. Ecksteinh, P. De Rangoi,M. Teraab,j, F.L. Mollj, F. Dickb, A.H. Daviesk, M. Lep¨ a Clinical and Interventional Angiology,

Non specific urethritis.doc

Non-Specific Urethritis Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra (the passage in the penis that urine and semen pass through). It has several causes, the most common are chlamydia or gonorrhoea, but other bacteria may be involved. Often the cause is not identified. Symptoms There are no symptoms at all. When symptoms are present, they may include: • discharge (milky or pus-like) from

Notice biblio cnu oo

Modèle de notice biographique IMPORTANT : La police de caractères utilisée pour rédiger le contenu de la notice biographique doit avoir une taille minimale de 12 points. L’organisation générale des rubriques doit être strictement respectée. L’ensemble de la notice biographique ne doit pas excéder 3 pages. La taille du fichier PDF correspondant est limitée à 1 mégaoctet.

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PRODUCT MONOGRAPH STIEVA-A® Gel STIEVA-A® Cream STIEVA-A® Solution Topical Acne Therapy Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6L4 Control Number: 138554 ©2010 GlaxoSmithKline Inc., All Rights Reserved ® STIEVA-A used under license by GlaxoSmithKline Inc. PRODUCT MONOGRAPH STIEVA-A® GEL STIEVA-A® CREAM STIEVA-A® SOLUTION THERAPEUTIC CL



VerksamhetsberÄttelse 2002

VERKSAMHETSBERÄTTELSE 2002 Styrelsen för SOLNA BÅTSÄLLSKAP får härmed avgiva följande berättelse över verksamheten för tiden 1 januari till 31 december 2002 Vid årsmötet den 6 februari avgick föreningens ordförande Ingvar Klerzell, sekreterare Lennart Nilsson och kassör Åke Hansson efter lång och trogen tjänst, vederbörligen avtackade för extraordinära insat


CON T EN TS 1 What is Enteral Nutrition? So why haven’t I heard about enteral nutrition? What will I learn?Understanding enteral nutritionA (very) brief history of enteral nutritionIs this the same thing as TPN?Why does enteral nutrition work?What have we learned? 2 Checking Out the Competition: Treatment Options for Crohn’s AminosalicylatesCorticosteroidsAntibioticsImmunomodu

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zita “a small planet that revolves around the sun” li “a faraway place” Conceptualised from pre‐Olympian mythology, drawing from natures two great divinities, the sun and the moon. After her brother, Helios finishes his journey across the sky, Selene, freshly washed in the waters of the earth‐circling ocean, begins her own journey. As night falls upon the earth we


Iade diaporama

MEDICAMENTS DU SNA - Mécanisme d ’action directe ou indirecte Agonistes alpha et béta adrénergiques : - Noradrénaline- Dopamine- Dobutamine- Ephédrine Phényléphrine Agonistes béta adrénergiques Agonistes alpha adrénergiques EFFETS DU SYMPATHIQUE • Glandes salivaires : salive épaisse • Oeil : Mydriase • Cœur/Vx : tachycardie/Vc • Bronches : Bd, inhibition des

The prairie view a&m university environmental health & safety department

Environmental, Health & Safety Department Policy and Procedures for Using Controlled Substances in Non-Clinical Educational and Research Activities This internal policy regulates the use of controlled substances, controlled substance analogues, chemical precursors and certain chemical laboratory apparatus used in non-clinical educational training and research activities

Microsoft word - meyskens12_05.doc

December, 2005 Melanoma and Redox: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma * Frank L Meyskens Jr M.D., FACP Professor of Medicine and Biological Chemistry, Director Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Senior Associate Dean of Health Sciences College of Health Sciences University of California Irvine, [email protected] I very much liked the title of the SMR article authorized by (mpage)

f : {0, 1}32 × {0, 1}48 → {0, 1}32. These notes are based in part on Susan Landau’sYou can find a pictorial representation of f in Fig-paper: “Standing the test of time: the data en-ure 4.5. Here is how f (A, J) is computed:1. Expand A to a bitstring of length 48, using aDES was adopted in 1977 as a standard for “un-2. Compute E(A) ⊕ J. View E(A) ⊕ J as the con-classified” a

Piezoelectric Accelerometer ENDEVCO MODEL 6237M70/ Model 6237M70/M71 • +1200°F (+650°C) Operation • Integral Hardline Cable • Single Bolt Mount • Ground Isolated • Gas Turbine Testing DESCRIPTION The ENDEVCO ® Model 6237M70 and 6237M71 piezoelectric accelerometers are designed specifically for use in extremely high temperature environments such as those experie


OLDHAM GL16 - Li-ionSAFETY LAMP GL16 CAPLAMP - FEATURES & BENEFITS: Extreme lightweight of the Lithium-ion battery: Reduced weight for user to carry, less fatigue Lithium-ion battery does not suffer from “memory effect”: Full capacity available every time after recharge Lithium-ion battery has low self-discharge rate: Long shelf life if stored during mine down-time Ru

Hra/flex reimbursement form

Request f for Reimbursement For or Reimbursement Fm ฀฀฀ Address Change ฀฀฀฀฀฀ Infinisource Benny Card used for this claim ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀ Use these claims to offset a Benny transaction claim HEALTH FSA/HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ARRANGEMENT (HRA) Health FSA: All claims must be submitted with supporting documentation containing the following: s Name of patient


PERSPECTIVES practice presents a threat to public health right balance in oversight of physician opioid discipline of physicians: assessing state and safety—have the ability to issue a prescribing for pain: the role of state medical medical boards through case studies. <http://boards. J. Law Med. Ethics 31 , 21–40 (2003). Hoffmann, D.E

Von der volkskrankheit, über die keiner spricht

Von der Volkskrankheit, über die keiner spricht Verbraucherumfrage: Was wissen die Deutschen über Verstopfung? Etwa jeder fünfte Deutsche leidet zumindest gelegentlich an Verstopfung. Bei so vielen Betroffenen sol te das Wissen über Ursachen und Behandlung der Beschwerden weit verbreitet seit. Doch sprechen die meisten Verstopften nicht darüber. Aktuel e Empfehlungen der führenden

Delta Cultural Educational & Service Foundation, Inc. Judith D. Asbury Scholarship In Conjunction with South Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dear Applicant: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a public service sorority with chapters nationally and abroad. Each year, the South Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter awards a number of scho


Die 36. Jugendfreizeit der JSG Nimstal wird in diesem Jahr In der Freizeitanlage in Kelberg stehen uns insgesamt 51 Plätze zur Verfügung. Auf dem Gelände befinden sich unter anderem: ein Bolzplatz, eine Tischtennisplatte für Außennutzung, eine Feuerstel e, eine 1000 m² große Wiese zum ausgiebigen Rumtoben. Lagerolympiade, Bal spiele, Lagerdisco, Workshops, Nicole Schausten, Christ

Recommendations for Equine Parasite Control on Southern Vancouver Island The changing patterns of resistance among target nematodes lend an element of urgency to implementing major changes in parasite control strategies for horses. The most critical change will be in the attitudes of horse owners and equine veterinarians because the notion of limiting treatment to certain seasons of the year

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Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Disease) What is it? Hyperadrenocorticism a condition wherein the adrenal glands (small glands which live next to the kidneys) overproduce cortisol and other hormones. This is due to either too much stimulation from the brain’s pituitary gland (Pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism/ “PDH”), or due to a tumor on one of the adrenal glands (Adrena

Msds: material safety data sheet for cartridges for power devices (t-sas-ptldmsd08)

CARTRIDGES POWER DEVICES - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE 1 OF 6 I. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Company: Address: 5956 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, CA 94588 Product Name: Cartridges For Power Devices Product Description: Powertool Loaded Round Emergency Contact No.: 1-800-535-5053 USA 1-352-323-3500 International Manufacturer: Olin

Esta noche hay eclipse de sol. Obra de teatro en tres actos en la que se analiza si es posible cambiar este mundo y también porque nos cuesta tanto hacerlo. 1º Acto. Mi marido me ha pegado. Pero yo sé que "otro mundo es posible". En la empresa en que trabajo quieren hacer reducción de plantilla. Pero yo sé que "otro mundo es posible". La lluvia ha decidido que no dejar�

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RASHAUN P. SOURLES 4750 E. 53rd St., Unit 103 Minneapolis, MN 55417 Tweet @rashaunps STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING MANAGER  Comprehensive experience in sales, marketing and new business development—including personal client relations, project leadership and total account management.  Skilled in strategic planning and high-impact, target marketing; deter

Activated Charcoal (Actidose, Sorbitol) • Class: Absorbent PARAMEDIC • Actions: Prepared charcoal that has a surface that will bind toxins, not allowing PHARMACOLGY III for absorption. • Indications: Poisoning after emesis or Seminole Community College when emesis is contraindicated. Paramedic Program • Dosage: 20 – 30 gm in 240 ml water in a surry so

SISC Flex Plan HEALTH CARE AND DEPENDENT CARE EXPENSES *Please note, all "potentially eligible expenses" require a Certification of Medical Necessity form completed by your medical practitioner in order to be considered eligible for reimbursement. The letter must include 1. Medical condition/diagnosis 2. Specific recommended treatment 3. Duration of treatment. This letter must be sub


Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Bisphosphonates in Patients with Bone Metastases Caused by Metastatic Breast CancerSolid tumors frequently metastasize to bone. This results in debilitating skeletal complications such as intracta-ble bone pain, pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, and hypercalcemia. Patients frequently require palliative radiation therapy or orthopedic surgery. Bispho

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Omsorgs- och socialförvaltningen Avd Individ- och familjeomsorg Chatarina Plomér Projektledare Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal (BiL) smygstartade den 2 mars 2009. BiL har sina lokaler i bottenplanet på Ljusdals Närsjukhus. Verksamheten består av två sjuksköterskor om 75 procent vardera, läkare om 25 procent (från

SolarPACES 2009 - Hotels 15 - 18 September 2009 Berlin, Germany In the following list you will find information about the hotels in which a contingent of rooms with early bird prices has been reserved for the week of the conference. To book a room please refer to "Solar Paces" and be aware of the period in which the contingent is available. However, ther

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Ausländische Bankfeiertage im Jahr 2013 BELGIEN Feiertag der Französischen Gemeinschaft Die Banken sind an Samstagen geschlossen. * Die Banken sind nur im flämischsprachigen Gebiet geschlossen; in Brüssel sind sie geöffnet. ** Die Banken sind nur im französischsprachigen Gebiet geschlossen; in Brüssel sind sie geöffnet. BULGARIEN Die Banken sind an Samstagen gesc

Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized by abnormal sugar metabolism causing hyperglycemia ( high blood sugar ). Chronichyperglycemia adversely affects the body. In the vascular system, there can be events such as strokes and heart attackscaused by atherosclerosis. There can also be renal disease, peripheral neuropathy, and blindness. In the United States,DM is a lead

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Dr. bruno paliani - new patient package

Name : _________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY Are you presently being treated for any medical condition? If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________ Are you presently under the care of a physician ? If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________________ Have you had a medical examination in the last year ? For ?

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Antares Pharma, Inc. (ATRS- NASDAQ ) January 16, 2014 ABOUT ANTARES PHARMA Antares Pharma focuses on patient self-administered parenteral (injectable) pharmaceutical products and topical gel-based medicines. The Company has received marketing approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for OTREXUP ™ (methotrexate) injection for the treatment of adults with severe a

Malaria prophylaxis (final draft)

Malaria Prophylaxis It is useful to take an ABC approach to malaria A- Awareness of risk – all travellers must be aware of the risk of malaria in the areas they visit, take action to reduce the risk, and seek medical advice urgently if they get a fever or flu like symptoms B- Bites : prevent or avoid – sleep in rooms properly screened. Spray the room with knockdown insecticide be

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The Case Studies of the Real Cases Project: Andrea R. Case Study Real Cases Project: The Case Studies ANDREA R. CASE STUDY Case Details Borough: Queens Type of Report: Initial Date of Intake: 9/15/07 Source of Report: Hospital psychiatrist Date of Initial Visit: 9/15/07 Date Source Contacted: 9/15/07 Current Allegation: Inadequate Guardianship Household: Allegation

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Prof. A.Reibaldi Presidente Prof. G.Lodato Vice-Presidente Dott. S.Azzaro Consigliere Consigliere Dott. L.Casano Consigliere Dott. F.Valvo Consigliere Dott. P.Colosi Segretario-Tesoriere XXXI Congresso Hotel Centro Congressi Baia Samuele Ragusa 7-8-9 Aprile 2006 L’Informazione, il Consenso e la Responsabilità nella pratica oculistica qu

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700 Olympic Plaza, Suite 850, Tyler, Texas, 75701 CERVICAL EPIDURAL INJECTION INFORMATION What is the epidural space? The covering over the nerve roots in the spine is cal ed the dura. The space surrounding this dura is the epidural space. Nerves travel through the epidural space before they travel down into your arms. The nerves leave the spine from smal nerve holes. Inflammatio


Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6syndrome. The origin of this sympathetic hyperactivitymay at least in part be due to higher levels of hyper-Impact of hypertension on sympathetic nerveinsulinaemia in hypertensive metabolic syndrome. hyperactivity in the dysmetabolic syndromeKeywords: Metabolic syndrome; Sympathetic nervousRobert J. Huggett*, Jeff Bannister, Alan F. Mackin

Estado de Santa Catarina PREFEITURA DO MUNICÍPIO DE LAGES Secretaria da Educação PROCESSO SELETIVO PARA CONTRATAÇÃO DE DOCENTES – EDITAL 001/2013 PRIMEIRO TERMO ADITIVO DE RETIFICAÇÃO A COMISSÃO ORGANIZADORA do Processo Seletivo da Prefeitura do Município de Lages, no uso de suas atribuições legais, torna pública a retificação do Edital nº ONDE SE LÊ: A

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Water is the petroleum for the next century says Goldman Sachs Water crisis to be biggest world risk Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 06/06/2008 A catastrophic water shortage could prove an even bigger threat to mankind this century than soaring food prices and the relentless exhaustion of energy reserves, according to a panel of global experts at the Goldman Sachs "

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Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía Pediátrica Texto de Cirugía Pediátrica Antibióticos e infección en Cirugía Pediátrica. Principios fisiológicos para el uso de antibióticos profilácticos en Cirugía Pediátrica. Hospital Infantil Universitario de la Cruz Roja Objetivos. - Conocer los principios fisiológicos para el buen uso de los antibióticos en Cirugía Pediátri

Fiche : d 4

VOUS ALLEZ PASSER UN SCANNER Dr JP ABECASSISDr D. CHELLYDr V. PAPONDr D. PARIENTEDr S VENT édecin vous a proposé un examen radiologique. Il sera pratiqué avec votre N nt. Vous avez en effet la liberté de l’accepter ou de le refuser. Une information vous est fournie sur le déroulement de l’examen et de ses suites. Le médecin radiologue est qualifié pour juger de l’utilité de

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The Influence of Shagya Blood in Warmblood Breeding Submitted by Terry Hey Although rare and relatively little known in America, Shagyas have had a profound influence on European warmblood breeding programs. Studs in Trakehner, Hannover, Holstein, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Westphalia and many others have been using the Shagya for years to bring refinement to warmblood breeds.

J. Parasitol., 90(2), 2004, pp. 405–407᭧ American Society of Parasitologists 2004 Infection by Anisakid Nematodes Contracaecum spp. in the Mayan Cichlid Fish ‘ Cichlasoma ( Nandopsis )’ urophthalmus (Gu ¨ nther 1862) Gaddy T. Bergmann and Philip J. Motta, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, SCA 110, Tampa, Florida 33620.

Http:// reprints This single copy is for your personal, noncommercial use only. For permission to reprint multiple copies or to order presentation-ready copies for distribution, use the reprints link below. · Order reprints of this article now. Sickle cell anemia By Mayo Clinic staff Original Article: anemia/DS00324 Definiti


Opinion Commentary 4 A newspaper with issues LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHER Send comments to [email protected] David Pisarra Send comments to [email protected] No endorsement here EDITOR IN CHIEF Recently representatives from the Santa Monica He’s favoring the MANAGING EDITOR Red Cross chapter had the opportunity to meet withthe proponents of Proposition T, known a

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N E W S R E L E A S E For Information Contact: Barbara Sullivan, Sullivan & Associates 714/374–6174, [email protected] bioTheranostics’ Breast Cancer Index (BCI) Molecular Test Predicts Late Distant Recurrence in Estrogen Receptor-Positive, Lymph Node-Negative Breast Cancer The TransATAC Comparative Study Presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Showed

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Identifying potential adverse effects using the web: a new approach to medical Adrian Benton, BAa,*, Lyle Ungar, PhDc, Shawndra Hill, PhDb, Sean Hennessy, PharmD, PhDa, Jun Mao, MD, MSCEa, Annie Chung, BAa, Charles E. Leonard, PharmDa, John H. Holmes, a University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA b University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA c Universi

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MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications: • Proscar© (finasteride) -usually given for prostate gland enlargement • Avodart© (dutasteride) -usually given for prostate enlargement • Propecia© (finasteride) -usually given for baldness • Accutane© (Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret, isotre

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Tribulus terrestris L., PUNCTURE VINE. Annual, taprooted, several−many-stemmed at base, matlike with radiating shoots often forked but not rooting at nodes, prostrate and trailing, < 5 cm tall; shoots strongly 2-dimensional (plagiotropic) with suntracking leaves, also closing upward in response to water stress, pubescent. Stems: cylindric, 2−3 mm in diameter, sometimes zigzagged,


Every day when you go to school, you will come across different trees in the school campus. Do you know the total number of trees in the school campus? Do you know the number of tree species (found in the school? If I were asked the same questions last year, my answer would certainly be “NO.” But now, I can give you the exact answers! Early this academic year, the school Gardening Club parti

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Gruppo Coppie Giovani – 12 gennaio 2007 Trasmettere la fede celebrandola in famiglia (2Tim 1,1-7) 1. Un mondo di affetti intensi Nel Nuovo Testamento questa seconda lettera a Timoteo (2Tim), è una delle poche scritte a destinatari singoli e «privati», dal momento che la maggioranza delle lettere paoline e delle restanti apostoliche sono per lo più indirizzate a comunità. In

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Gaming Event Revenue Report Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch – Licensing and Grants Division L&G File#: (for your organization) Mail: PO Box 9310, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9N1 Courier: 3rd Floor, 910 Government St., Victoria, BC V8W 1X3 Phone: (250) 387-5311 | Web: BEFORE YOU START Report completed on: Use this form

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Last Name First Name DOB County Mother's Name Vol Cert # ACTON Lela G 18 Jun 1903 Whitley Fannie Hubbs 184 47424 ADAMS Chester 06 Nov 1908 Whitley Amanda Jenkins 160 46447 ADAMS Mabel I 04 Dec 1910 Whitley Mollie Goodin 202 48152 ADKINS Hattie 20 Mar 1903 Whitley Eliza Higginboth 170 46872 ADKINS Myrtle M 25 Sep 1898 Whitley Dona Goins 226 49098 ADKINS Sidney O 31 Jul 1898 Whitley Rachel Smith 16

Keine angstmacherei, aber auch keine verharmlosung

KEINE ANGSTMACHEREI, ABER AUCH KEINE VERHARMLOSUNG Dr. Hansruedi Stadler, Ständerat des Kantons Uri / 20.10.2005 Die Ausbreitung der Vogelgrippe und die mögliche Gefahr einer Grippenpandemie haben diese Woche weite Kreise der Bevölkerung beschäftigt. Durch zum Teil widersprüchliche Pressemeldungen Verunsicherung entstanden. Geschäftsprüfungskommission des Ständer

Optometrisches Management bei psychopharmaka-induzierten Sehstörungen Prof. Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen GreinProf. Dr. Christoph HiemkeUndifferenzierte Sehstörungen gehören zu den in den Medikamenteninformationen beschriebenen Nebenwirkungen von Antidepressiva und Antipsychotika, insbesondere den alten Wirkstoffen. Ziel der Arbeit war es zu ermitteln, ob sich die auch Einnahme des neuen Antidep

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ADR in P.R. China This article is to provide a very brief introduction to the development of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in China. The principal focus of it is the definition and various forms of ADR and the organization and work of Conciliation Center of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) / China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), the most prominen

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Eric Dammer Dr. Arnold Chemistry II January 19, 2001 Abstract Titration with sodium hydroxide permits precise determination of the mass of active ingredient in aspirin pills, acetyl salicylic acid. Advertised mass content is confirmed within specific quality limits, demonstrating the successful use of the tablet as a uniform vehicle for delivery of a specific aspirin dosage. Introduction In me

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Pannus – saksanpaimenkoirilla tyypillinen silmäsairaus Artikkelin pohjana on käytetty artikkelia pannuksesta. Pannus on silmäsairaus, jossa koiran silmän sarveiskalvoon kasvaa verisuonia. Saksanpaimenkoira on yleisin rotu, jol a sairautta on tavattu. Etenevä muutos ilmenee kun verisuonet ja arpikudos valtaavat sarveiskalvoa. Muutokset alkavat yleensä silmän ulko- t

Can i have whiter teeth

CAN I HAVE WHITER TEETH? The least damaging and most conservative way of making your teeth whiter is by bleaching. Contrary to what most of us believe, brushing your teeth harder with a more abrasive toothpaste will not make them whiter. It will make them turn darker faster. The intrinsic colour of your teeth or your normal tooth colour is related to the colour and thickness of the

mostrar agradecimiento por una condecoración, formular una petición, ocasiones permanecía en Viena. En septiembre de 1898 Isabel fue próxima sala. Allí se encuentra también un cuadro de María Teresa o realizar una presentación al conseguir un puesto oficial. Francisco apuñalada en Ginebra por el anarquista italiano Luigi Lucheni con una como reina húngara, obra del pintor de cámara

Microsoft word - affiliation agreement _6.02.11_.doc

2011-2012 WESTWOOD ONE NFL FOOTBALL AFFILIATION AGREEMENT I. BROADCASTING A. Except as otherwise provided herein, BROADCASTER (see Exhibit A) shall broadcast the Programs (as defined below) in their committed entirety on “STATION” (see Exhibit A) without deletions or alterations, including commercials furnished by Westwood One Radio Networks, Inc. (“NETWORK”) (the “NE

267171 influenza vaccine and human papilloma virus vaccines given november 10 about 11:45 am

267171 INfluenza vaccine and Human Papilloma VIrus vaccines given November 10 about 11:45 AM. Patient woke up with numbness on right side of face on November 11. Presented to Emergency Room on November 12 with Bells Palsy of right side of face. Unable to move right side of face. Unable to close right eye. Previously healthy, no symptoms on day of vaccine administration. Received MR from pediatrici

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Information och råd om Nya influensan A(H1N1)v Smittskyddsenheten, Dalarna Till personal, elever och föräldrar i förskola/skola Bakgrund Varje år är vi vana vid att influensan dyker upp, som regel på vinterhalvåret. Befolkningen insjuknar i mer eller mindre omfattning och tidvis blir frånvaron hög i skolor och på arbetsplatser. Dessa återkommande influensaepidemier är vi van

Faq surgery

San Antonio Orthopædic Specialists Adam I. Harris, M.D. Board Certified in Orthopædic Surgery Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Frequently Asked Questions About Surgery How long will I be in the hospital? This is the most commonly asked question. Unlike some of my colleagues both in town and across the country, I don’t treat people like ingredients in a recipe. The

Microsoft word - cluster headaches.doc

Cluster headache is a type of severe, recurring pain that is located on one side of the head. It received its name from the clustering or pattern of frequent headaches that usually occur. There are two main types of cluster headaches: Episodic cluster headaches—These occur one or more times daily for 4-8 weeks. The headaches then enter a period of remission and come back months or years l

Scouts et Guides de France question sociale», verra notamment Etienne Père,délégué national Scouts et Guides de France, intervenirsur les conduites à risques chez les jeunes. Ca y est, les sites Internet Scouts et Guides de FranceAnimateurs, cadres du mouvement, parents et amis sontinvités à participer à ces formations qui verront se croiserLe site Internet national des Scouts et

Sss history gcse option evening - parents guide

St Sampson’s Parents Guide to GCSE History: AQA Schools History Project (3041) Paper 1: Medicine & Public Health . • Development in understanding of causes &  Contact: Mr Rees, Head of Humanities treatment of illness from Prehistoric to today. Public Health in Britain from Roman period to 21st century. Coursework: Worth 37.5% of final mark. Modern World :

Microsoft word - 16. subcutaneous infusion v1.3l.doc

___________________________________________________________________________ CLINICAL GUIDELINES for SUBCUTANEOUS INFUSION (HYPODERMOCLYSIS) Clinical Policy Folder Ref No: 16 APPROVED BY: Policy and Guideline Ratification Group (PGRG) Date of Issue: July 2010 Version No: 1.3 Date of review: May 2012 Author: Alison Griffiths. Matron District Nursing NHS South Glouces

Microsoft word - shi _list of publications_100504.doc

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CLINICAL TRIALS OF HERBAL MEDICINAL PRODUCTS DEVELOPED BY SWEDISH HERBAL INSTITUTE KAN JANG tablets, fixed combination ( Andrographis paniculata , Eleutherococcus senticosus ) Cáceres, D.D., Hancke, J.L., Burgos, R.A., Sandberg, F., Wikman, G.K., 1998, "Use of visual analogue scale measurements (VAS) to assess the effectiveness of standardized Androgr

Mediator: la justice cible des experts médicaux en plein conflit d'intérêts

Directeur de la publication : Edwy Plenel Jean Charpentier, neurochirurgien, qui a travaillé dansl’équipe de recherche du laboratoire et a réalisé desétudes sur le Mediator à partir de 1969. Charpentier, en tant qu’expert pharmacologue-ARTICLE PUBLIÉ LE SAMEDI 25 JANVIER 2014toxicologue agréé par le ministère de la santéParmi les quinze personnes physiques mises enpubliq

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PRODUCT INFO SICO PERMETHRIN 50 EC Public Health Insecticide for fumigation of mosquito nets TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOMENCLATURE Permethrin is the BSI/ISO approved name for: 3 phenoxybenzyl (IRS,3RS:IRS,3SR)-3-(2,2 dichlorovinyl)-2,2=dimethyl cyclopropane carboxylate (IUPAC). C = CH COOCH2 O PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Technical Permethrin has the followi

Apm 7-8-201

PHARMAZEUTISCHE WISSENSCHAFT Hagen Trommer, Hamburg Adamantan und seine Derivate Multifunktionell pharmazeutisch einsetzbare Tetracyclen Einleitung Der Kohlenwasserstoff Adamantan ist die Stammsubstanz der Klasse Die trotz relativ hohen Schmelzpunktes leichte Flüchtigkeit der Sub-der tetracyclischen Alkane. Er besteht aus vier Sechsringen und iststanz, die dadurch bereits bei Ra

New patient packet

SOUTHERN PAIN & ANESTHESIA CONSULTANTS DATE: ________________ PATIENT NAME: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________ STATE:_________ ZIP CODE: _____________ HOME PHONE: ________________________ CELL PHONE:__________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________

Policy hiv & needleprick.doc

Labour Broker, Payroll Administrator & Nursing Agency P O Box 74028, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Tel (012) 804 8039 Fax (012) 804 4862 POLICY: PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN EVENT OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS EXPOSED TO BLOOD & BLOOD STAINED BODY FLUIDS Background: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) are serious public health threats and Skills Hire is c


Large-Scale Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing: The Choice of a Null Hypothesis Bradley Efron Abstract Current scientific techniques in genomics and image processing routinely produce hy-pothesis testing problems with hundreds or thousands of cases to consider simultaneously. This poses new difficulties for the statistician, but also opens new opportunities. In particu-lar it allows e

Sans titre

fairvesta désormais également numéro 1 des entreprises spécialisées en fonds fermésEn début d'année, fairvesta occupait déjà la place de numéro 1 lors de la publication des chiffres dusecteur par l'Association al emande des fonds fermés (VGF). Aucune maison d'émission indépendantedes banques n'a pu, l'année dernière, investir autant de capitaux propres dans le secteur des fondsfer

2nd Sunday Lent B GIFT OF GOD, THE SON First Reading : Response : “I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 115) Responsorial Psalm : Psalm 115 Second Reading : In the Transfiguration, the apostles experienced Jeshua (Jesus) as the gift of God, in a special way. He is seen as the Son of God. He is present to us today as the Risen Lord, giving us

Metab Brain Dis (2008) 23:485–492DOI 10.1007/s11011-008-9109-2Effects of the HIV treatment drugs nevirapineand efavirenz on brain creatine kinase activityEmilio L. Streck & Giselli Scaini & Gislaine T. Rezin &Jeverson Moreira & Celine M. Fochesato &Pedro R. T. RomãoReceived: 2 June 2008 / Accepted: 15 August 2008 /Published online: 24 September 2008 # Springer Science +

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Leiðbeiningarrit Þjóðskjalasafns Íslands 2.1. Grisjun opinberra skjalasafna er óheimil án samþykkis Þjóðskjalasafns .5 2.2. Hvað er grisjun?.5 2.3. Hvers vegna er grisjað?.5 2.4. Grisjun byggir á aðferðafræði.6 2.5. Skjöl frá því fyrir 1960 eru ekki grisjuð .6 2.6. Almennar reglur um varðveislu – Skjalaflokkar sem ekki eru grisjaðir.6 2.7. Gildi skjala skiptir máli þe

Sheffield local medical committee

SHEFFIELD LOCAL MEDICAL COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER INDEX 2012 Activity Update: August to September 2012 Anticipatory Prescribing for End Of Life Care ATOS Healthcare: Request for Medical Information British Medical Association (BMA) Employment Services Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS) Care Quality Commission (CQC) Consultations Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registration Care Q

Microsoft powerpoint - diabetesosaaja 2013 rinnakkaissessio 2 30_1_2013

Diabetesta sairastava kotihoidon asiakkaana Diabeteshoitaja Anneli Jylhä 30.1.2013 Ravitsemusterapeutti Eliina Aro *Hyvän ravitsemustilan turvaaminen*Painon nousun tai laskun estäminen • Riittämätön insuliinin määrä suhteessa tarpeeseen *Ummetuksen estäminen*Verenpaineen ja veren rasvojen hoidon • Matalan verensokerin jälkeinen verensokerin – Suositella

PAKKAUSSELOSTE (4.6.2011) COVERSYL COMP NOVUM 10 mg/2,5 mg kalvopäällysteiset tabletit Lue tämä pakkausseloste huolellisesti, ennen kuin aloitat lääkkeen ottamisen. Säilytä tämä pakkausseloste. Voit tarvita sitä myöhemmin. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, käänny lääkärin tai apteekkihenkilökunnan puoleen. Tämä lääke on määrätty vain sinulle eikä sitä tule antaa / news / boston globe / health / science / doctors. / News / Boston Globe / Health / Science / Doctors must pre. THIS STORY HAS BEEN FORMATTED FOR EASY PRINTING Doctors must prescribe without all the facts October 12, 2004 Headlines recently trumpeted serious concerns about two types of drugs: Merck's withdrawal of the pain medication, Vioxx, because of

St Mary’s Medical Centre Wharf Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2DH 01780 764121 TRAVEL CLINIC Clinic Times by appointment only Dear Holidaymaker Thank you for choosing St Mary’s travel clinic. We hope you find the enclosed travel pack helpful and informative. Please find enclosed:  Questionnaire (please complete in advance and bring to your appointment)

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TRAINING VESSEL MANATRA (YP-671) SEA BAG CHECK OFF LIST You MUST bring - ___ A pair of khaki shorts (not p.t. shorts), suitable for shore liberty (of a style your grandmother would approve) ___ A standard-size sleeping bag and two pillow cases. Do not bring an oversized sleeping bag. If you do not have a sleeping bag you can substitute with a twin-size sheet and blankets

Shackles No More! Hi, My name is Jeff Daigle and I have co-occurring disorders, schizophrenia, depression and alcoholism. I am going to concentrate on my mental illnesses, but I have found that I need to treat all three disorders at the same time to be successful. I grew up near the western mountains of Maine, in the town of Mexico. Living close to the Catholic Church I walked to church ev

111_09 aju 009-191 anguis c

111_09 Aju 009-191 anguis c 16/10/09 08:34 Página 85Actas del Sexto Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, Valencia, 21-24 octubre 2009, eds. S. Huerta, R. Marín, R. Soler, A. Zaragozá. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera, 2009 Los puertos menores andaluces en el siglo XIX La comunicación que se presenta analiza la situa-ción de conflictividad vivida en España en esos mo-ci�

Referenzliste 2011-09-26

Gruppenauszug aus unserer Referenzliste 1. Kasernen 9,59 Mio. 2. Schulen 31,91 Mio. 3. Krankenhäuser 42,98 Mio. 4. Regierungs-, Amts- und Kammergebäude 17,50 Mio. 5. Kraftwerke 6,55 Mio. 6. Industriebetriebe 32,81 Mio. 7. Post und Bahn 14,08 Mio. 8. Handel und Gewerbe 35,52 Mio. 9. Ku


4.3.1 Estimating the Width of a Room RevisedThe unconditional analysis of the room width estimated by two groups ofstudents in Chapter˜3 led to the conclusion that the estimates in metres areslightly larger than the estimates in feet. Here, we reanalyse these data in aconditional framework. First, we convert metres into feet and store the vectorof observations in a variable y:R> data("ro

Microsoft word - new microsoft word document.doc

Opposition to Chinese firm ends, Middle Vaitarna dam on course Mumbai, September 06 After a series of hurdles and much opposition, construction of the state’s largest dam— the Middle Vaitarna, which will supply additional water to quench Mumbai’s rising thirst — to be built with Chinese expertise received final approvals on Friday from the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s

Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (mrsa) which is community a

HEALTH MINISTRY Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Brain Fog Research shows that neither aging nor senility is typically to blame for clouded thinking. Forgetfulness, attention lapses and other complaints about mental sharpness are more closely related to mood and general mental health. It could stem fro


1523 Il inois St, Meyer Hall, Golden, CO 80401 [email protected] [email protected] EDUCATION California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA • Dissertation: “Silicon microwire arrays for photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic applications” • Advisor: Dr. Nate Lewis (co-advisor: Dr. Harry Atwater), GPA: 3.6/4.0 University

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(note that 6 cannot otherwise occur). No unit can have flags applied to it on three consecutive turns. Flags can only be applied to units that have an Inspiring leader and the leader is assumed to be stacked with the unit. If the unit takes a loss, the leader is eliminated from the game on dieroll of 2-4 instead of 2-3. After a unit stops being “inspired” it automatically disrupts. Augerea

Confidentiality and security agreement

StoneCrest Medical Center Nursing Student Orientation Test 1. Patients have a right to delete incorrect portions of their medical records: a. True 2. Use Standard Universal Precautions when you reasonably expect to come into contact with blood, mucous membranes, bloody fluids, secretions and/or excretions: 3. The proper response for a FIRE is: a. Code 0 a. StoneCrest is a smoke-free env

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Main Number| 856-751-1331 Trading Desk | 800-486-1515 Web: Email: [email protected] MORNING NOTES…8/6/2012 THE ANALYST’S DESK  Kraft Foods (KFT-40.51, Not Rated, Yield 2.0%) Kraft reported that operating EPS was $0.68 versus $0.62 in the second quarter of 2011, in line with estimates. Net revenue fell 4.3%, organic revenue grew 8.3%. First


/Translated from Russian to English/ /Stamp: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF MOSCOW CITYSCIENTIFIC & PRACTICAL CENTER OF MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL ABNORMALITY OF CRANIOFACIAL AREA AND INHERENT DISEASES CASE RECORD Nr. 622/10 Full name : Sidorin Georgy Vasilievich Age : 2 years old 7 month Date of birth : 09.07.2007 Settlement : Moscow city He stayed at Psychoneurolog

In the name of god

Shiraz E-Medical Journal Vol. 12, No. 4, October 2011 Benefits of Metformin Combined with Insulin in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Abdeyazdan Z *, Hashemipour M**, Barekatain R***, Kalantary F±, Amini MΩ. * Associate Professor, Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, **

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The cost and benefits of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus as a chronic condition

The Cost and Benefits of Treating Type 2 Diabetes Copyright 2005 by the Society of Actuaries. All rights reserved by the Society of Actuaries. Permission is granted to make brief excerpts for a published review. Permission is also granted to make limited numbers of copies of items in this monograph for personal, internal, classroom or other instructional use, on condition that the foregoing copy

Spurlock spine centre

Mid Back Complaints Today’s Date: _____/_____/_____ Name:_________________________________________________ Circle the areas on your body where you feel the described sensations, and mark with the appropriate letter(s). For Office Use Only: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

1533 Wrightsbo ro Road, Augusta, Georgia 30906 (706) 737-4551 1533 Wrightsboro Road, Aug usta, GA 30904 (706) 737-4551 ~ MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST ~ Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications:  Proscar© (finasteride)  usually given for prostate gland enlargement (180)  Avodart©, Jalyn (dutasteride)  usually given f

Safety manual

Contents Table 1. Organic Solvents Table 2. Specified Chemical Substances Table 3. Poisonous Substances Attached Table 3: Specified poisonous substances Table 4. Deleterious Substances Table 5. Narcotics (Narcotics and Psychoactive Drugs Control Law) Table 6. Psychoactive drugs (Narcotics and Psychoactive Drugs Control Law) Table 7. Stimulants and Ingredients of Stimulants (Stimulants Control Law

Bumblebee factsheet.indd

Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Garden Bumblebees Bumblebees are insects of temperate climates. Quite different Bombus lapidarius - another large bee which likes to land on from honey bees and solitary bees, they live in small colonies fl owers with horizontal massed ’platforms’ e.g. Daisy family, of up to 200-300 and with their densely furry bodies can be active even in dull

Orale Filme Auf die Zunge, fertig, los Von Sven Siebenand / Auf dem deutschen Arzneimittelmarkt kündigt sich eine Premiere an. Wenn ab Oktober das Mittel Risperidon Hexal SF verfüg- bar ist, wird es hierzulande erstmals sogenannte orale Filme geben. Über Vor- und Nachteile dieser Darreichungsform, das Herstellungsverfahren und mögliche Einsatzgebiete informiert der folgende

Paul Baines Marketing Walk-Through of the Online Resource Centre Part 1: Marketing Fundamentals 1 Marketing Principles and Society 3 Marketing Psychology and Consumer Buying Behaviour 4 Marketing Research and Marketing Information Systems Part 2: Principles of Marketing Management 5 Marketing Strategy 7 Market Development and International Marketing Part 3: The Marke


25. Int. Hi-Point Meeting, Zurich, 50m Nr. 1, 50m Freistil Damen Finale Nr. 2, 50m Freistil Herren Finale Allgemeine Kategorie 1. Nr. 3, 50m Brust Damen Finale Schwimmclub "la Chiers" Differdange Nr. 4, 50m Brust Herren Finale Allgemeine Kategorie 1. Nr. 5, 50m Rücken Damen Finale Nr. 6, 50m Rücken Herren Finale Allgemeine Kategorie 1. Nr. 7, 50m Delphin



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2, 3-DICHLORO BENZOYL CHLORIDE CAS No.2905-60-4 MSDS Section 1 - Product and Company Information Substance : 2, 3-DICHLORO BENZOYL CHLORIDE Trade Name : 2,3-Dichloro Benzoyl Chloride Chemical Family : Acid Chloride Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients Product Name 2,3 Dichloro Benzoyl Chloride Section 3 – Hazards Identification SPECIAL I

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Dr. D. Siri, FAAAAI, FACAAI Dr. R. Govindaiah Dr. E. Pratt Allergy Skin Test Info rmation and Instructions What is skin testing? If you suspect that a particular allergen (for Skin testing is a rapid way to detect if you are allergic to an inhalant or food. It is more sensitive provoking your symptoms, please inform the and economical than allergy blood tests. Specifically, i


This review summarises the psychiatry of the puerperium, in the light of publications during the past 5 years. A widevariety of disorders are seen. Recognition of disorders of the mother–infant relationship is important, because thesehave pernicious long-term effects but generally respond to treatment. Psychoses complicate about one in 1000deliveries. The most common is related to manic depressi

Microsoft word - 2010-2014 rule changes.doc

ISF Rule Changes 2010 – 2014 RULE 1, SECTION 6 DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: (FP and SP) A base on balls permits a batter to gain A live or dead ball appeal is a play or situation on first base without liability to be put out and is which an umpire cannot make a decision unless awarded to a batter by the plate umpire when four requested by a Manager, Coach or infielder p

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Omringd door negen vrouwen Het Hindoeïsme kent een groot aantal hoogtijdagen. Op die dagen brengt de mens een verbinding tot stand tussen zichzelf en de Schepper, de kosmos, de voorouders, het hiernamaals etc. etc. Met drie van die hoogtijdagen zijn we in Suriname vertrouwd namelijk Holi Phagwa als saamhorigheidsfeest (in maart), Diwali, het verlichtingsfeest (in november) en Navrattam, de

To all university of washington medial center seattle marathon 2007 sponsors

Complications of Anti-Inflammatory Medications: What You Need To Know It hurts now and boy it is going to hurt in another few hours! How about taking a few more ibuprofen, or better yet maybe my doctor will give me some more long acting anti-inflammatory medications to prevent my suffering after the big race. Be careful what you ask for, it may cause more harm than good. THINK BE

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D was born on 7.10.03 the fourth child of his mother and the third child of her relationship with his father, the couple were separated at the time of D’s death. Their relationship was characterised by domestic violence with several of those incidents being referred to the Police and Social Services. At the time of D’s birth his father was bailed with a condition not to approach his mother, h


TRABALHO 23 USO DE ENXAGUATÓRIO DE POLI-HEXA METILENOBIGUANIDA (PHMB) NO TRATAMENTO DE CANDIDÍASE OROFARÍNGEA (C.O) – RELATO DE CASO. GERALDO BLSS, COSTA RA, VILLA PR, KLUMPP CC, MONETTA L O tratamento de diversaspatologias pode exigir o uso prolongado de corticoterapia, antibioticoterapia e inibidores da bomba de prótons. O uso detais fármacos e principalmente a imunossupressão c

The world's first all-natural means of fighting the "silent killers" of high cholesterol and homocysteine with one super-formu

NEW, DOUBLE-STRENGTH CHOLESTEINE The World's First All-Natural Means of Fighting the "Silent Killers" of High Cholesterol and Homocysteine With One Super-Formulation . Cardiovascular Disease kills more people in America than all other diseases COMBINED!!! More than Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes. The core reason for this fatal epidemic of heart attacks and stroke

Microsoft word - organisation for women _proofread 080709_

PERSONAL CARE AND HYGIENE: FOR WOMEN Moving from Secondary School to Higher/Further Education or Employment Some people with specific learning difficulties find many aspects of personal care challenging. The following practical ideas have been helpful to many people and may also be useful to you. Try using labour-saving gadgets, such as electric toothbrushes and razors to

MoÏnosti kontrolované ovariální hyperstimulace v léãbû neplodnosti metodou intrauterinní inseminace Stfieda R, ·tûpán J., Zadrobílková I., Dejmek M., ·ilhan V., Novotná ·., Huml V. Centrum asistované reprodukce SANUS, Hradec Králové PROVEDENÍ Intrauterinní inseminace je jednoduchá, ‰etrná a finanãnû nenároãná metoda léãby neplodnosti. Pfii ultrazvuko

Microsoft word - ts33c-5-3-05honeywell.doc

Honeywell Temperature & Humidity Sensor with INTRODUCTION PRODUCT OVERVIEW Thank you for selecting the Honeywell Temperature and Humidity FEATURES Sensor with LCD. This device register, display and transmits • Remote temperature and humidity transmission to the main temperature and humidity from the remote location to the designated • Temperature and Humidity LC


Agoraphobia What is agoraphobia? Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder. If you have agoraphobia, you avoid going places or doing things because you are afraid you will have no way to escape or will panic and have no help. For example, you might have an intense fear of driving, crossing bridges, or being in shopping malls. You fear the reactions, called panic attacks, that you will have in the

Free Hearing Aids for Pensioners If you have a Pensioner Concession Card, certain Veterans Affairs cards, or receive Sickness Allowance from Centrelink, you are eligible for free hearing aids. You firstly need to see your GP to be referred to the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. The program will provide a hearing services Voucher which you can then take to an Australian Hea

Expected Completion of Content Assignment Due (by 11:59 P.M.): Directions: In completing these Exercises, use the SAS tools presented in class. You may find the SAS Help useful. Where appropriate, you may perform calculations by hand. Note that neatness and format (including SAS code in an appendix) will contribute 10 points to the total score. This assignment will be graded out of 75 poi

Microsoft word - marketing with coreg prospects.doc

“ Coregs” are prospects that have been collected from a variety of marketing websites. Most of them are buyers, but the products purchased fall into a broad assortment of categories. A lesser number may have registered to receive information about products being offered for sale on the Internet. They represent a very broad cross section of the buying demography. Their past activity on the Int


Nutrition Soy Protein and Performance Nutrition New Evidence – New Opportunities The performance nutrition market is a dynamic and growing segment of today’s marketplace, supported by scientific evidence that demonstrates efficacy and also plays a key role in identifying new market opportunities. For over 35 years, The Solae Company has led the industry in supporting research to disco

5. sri endah 125-128.p65

Sari Pediatri, Vol. 6, No. 3, Desember 2004Sari Pediatri, Vol. 6, No. 3, Desember 2004: 125-128Penggunaan Sildenafil pada Anak dengan HipertensiPulmonal Sri Endah Rahayuningsih, Nono Sumarna, Armijn Firman, Dani Kurnia Hipertensi pulmonal merupakan penyakit yang jarang akan tetapi mempunyai tingkat mortalitas yang tinggi. Peran vasodilator, menurut beberapa penelitian dapat meningkatkan surv

Mirtazapina stada comprimidos bucodispersables efg

SILDENAFILO STADA COMPRIMIDOS RECUBIERTOS CON PELÍCULA EFG RESUMEN DEL ESTUDIO DE BIOEQUIVALENCIA OBJETIVO El Estudio de Bioequivalencia de Sildenafilo STADA comprimidos recubiertos con película se ha realizado siguiendo las Directrices que la Unión Europea recomienda para demostrar que estos medicamento son intercambiable con el producto de referencia Viagra®, de Pfizer S.A.


LINGUISTIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUCCESS OF Brand naming is an important domain of language use in modern commercial society and a field of potential pragmatic interest and investigation. Brand naming is a one-way communicative activity in which brand names are created to communicate the right information to the right people in a right manner. This article argues that linguistic characteristics o

Premier Tech Home & Garden. 1900 Minnesota Crt., Unit 125, Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT: One Shot Wilson Wasp & Hornet Jet Foam SECTION 1 - PRODUCT INFORMATION P.C.P. Act Registration No.: 26201 Product Code : 7 30651 0, 7 30651 2 Synonyms: Same as Product Name Chemical Family: D-Trans Allethrin/Permethrin/MG254 Product Use: Ins

From The Cochrane Library Prepared by: Dr. Mona Nasser, Coordinator The Cochrane Developing Countries Network, The Cochrane Collaboration E-mail: [email protected] The Cochrane Library is the best single source of high quality health care information. One of the databases in the Cochrane library is the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews which includes Cochrane Systematic

Uppsala universitet

TERMINSKURS 1 EUROPADOMSTOLENS STÄLLNING ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Inledning Samtliga fördragsslutande parter till Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och grundläggande friheterna (konventionen) är enligt art 1 bundna att garantera upprätthållandet av mänskliga rättigheter för sina medborgare. Art 19 fas

Q2L applies to non formal settings (learners without teachers) = WP 3 (L2- L1), WP5 (L2-L2), WP7 (L1-L2). Q2L: For learners without the supervision of a teacher (4 parts / 35 questions) A.Learning through watching subtitles (9 questions) Instruction list of languages but add Korean, Somali, Persian/Dari, Pashto, Q2L – 02 Subtitled audiovisuals are useful for learning language

Microsoft word - travel questionnaire.doc

Patient Travel Questionnaire Please complete this questionnaire and return it as soon as possible. You may need travel vaccinations depending on the country or countries you intend to visit. Asthe vaccines are not immediately effective, please ask about them as soon as you havebooked, ideally at least 4 weeks before travelling. Please fill in this form and hand it in to thereceptionist. Afte

Rsp 56-2.pdf

Hugo Pena Brandão e Carla Patricia Bahry Gestão por competências: métodos e técnicas para mapeamento de competências Hugo Pena Brandão e Carla Patricia Bahry Introdução A gestão por competências tem sido apontada como modelo gerencialalternativo aos instrumentos tradicionalmente utilizados pelas organizações. Baseando-se no pressuposto de que o domínio de certos

Contents of the Nursing Kits NUR-101 Navy Blue Bag (Kit K1219A) Foley Cath Tray Cotton Ball/Hydroge 2 Required Gloves Surgeon LTX Free PF 7.5 4 Required Glasses Safety 1 Required Bag Plastic Drawstring 1 Required Thermometer Kit W/20 Sheaths 1 Required ISO Kit: Latex Free 1 Required Tote Navy Large 1 Required Irrigation Tray Piston S

Microsoft word - gr 25112010 uniform politiereglement.doc

R. Mennes, voorzitter (burgemeester) G. Rottiers, N. Moortgat, K. Van Hoofstat, schepenen A. Ams, G. Van Frausem, L. Haucourt, D. Backeljauw, V. Goris, J. Van Wijnsberghe, R. Jacobs, R. Wilms, P. Van Bellingen, S. Billiau, F. Sleeubus, R. De Clerck, raadsleden K. Moulaert, secretaris A. Boen, schepen van rechtswege I. Barbier, D. Bollé, L. Van der Auwera, raadsleden OpeGelet op artikels 117, 11

SLIPSTREAM Online Business Success Coaching Lesson 24 Massive List Building Technique EXPERT ONLINE SUCCESS COACHING 1 © Stuart Harris – Al rights reserved Foreword Welcome back to the SLIPSTREAM Membership program – lesson 24. Did you ever wonder if there was a more effective way to build a list.a very large list and very very quickly?Here is the answer you have been looking for.

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