Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
practice presents a threat to public health
right balance in oversight of physician opioid
discipline of physicians: assessing state
and safety—have the ability to issue a
prescribing for pain: the role of state medical
medical boards through case studies. <http://
boards. J. Law Med. Ethics31, 21–40 (2003).
Hoffmann, D.E. & Tarzian, A.J. Achieving the
right balance in oversight of physician opioid
10. Federation of State Medical Boards. Protecting
prescribing for pain: a survey of state medical
the public: how state medical boards regulate
boards. J. Med. Licensing Discipline89, 159–170
and discipline physicians. <http://www.fsmb.
used. It is more oft en the case that the
org/smb_protecting_public.html>. Accessed
Bovjberg, R.R., Aliaga, P. & Gittler, J. State
to the DHHS study, case closure times “vary considerably according to how far through the disciplinary process a case
See ARTICLE page 807
proceeds. Nationally, cases resolved before or during investigation averaged 180 days from intake to closure in 2003,
“Personalized Medicine: Elusive
425 days for cases closed aft er investi-gation but before hearing, and 675 days
Dream or Imminent Reality?”: A
to reach hearing.”9 Although a signifi -cant majority of cases are closed during
investigation, for those cases that require a hearing, board efficiency is poor.
Moreover, many boards have a backlog of uninvestigated complaints.9
I was invited to comment on the article in this issue by Larry Lesko, “Personalized Medicine: Elusive Dream or Imminent Reality?”,1 especially with respect to three questions. There are several possible
and Willis, state boards would need an alternative, perhaps a “fast track” review
approaches to discussing these questions. One is to simply answer the question as directly and succinctly as possible; another is to expand
related to the prescribing of opioids for
on the questions. For the purpose of this Commentary, I try to do both.
pain. Ideally such a committee would include pain-treatment experts. Argu-ably, boards would need additional
In his article, Dr. Lesko lists the following
Direct answers
as three of the many unresolved questions
“No” would be my simple answer to the
fi rst question. I do not believe that RCTs
are necessary to establish the usefulness of
1. Are prospective, randomized con-
a predictive safety (or a dosing safety) test.
trolled trials (RCTs) necessary to qualify
RCTs are expensive and used to establish
or validate a predictive genetic test (e.g., CONFLICT OF INTEREST for CYP2C9 activity) to inform dosing in
that of a placebo. Safety tests are expected
The author declared no conflict of interest. clinical practice or for regulatory policies
to be predictive for an individual. Safety
signals are recognized by following treated
2. To what extent can prospective or
Reidenberg, M.M. & Willis, O. Prosecution of
retrospective observational studies sup-
specifi c genetic variants associated with an
physicians for prescribing opioids to patients.
port genotype-phenotype associations for Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81, 903–906 (2007)
adverse event (AE)—including those due
Code of Federal Regulations 21, §1306.04(a). the purpose of qualifying or validating a
to dosing related to drug metabolism vari-
3. United States v. Hurwitz, 459 F.3d 463, 468 (4th
predictive genetic test to determining opti-
ants—may well be the same as the allele
4. Hoover v. Agency for Health Care Administration,
frequency in the placebo group. However,
676 So. 2d 1380, 1380–85 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App.
3. What clinical end points are appropri-
placebo-treated patients do not receive the
ate for qualifying or validating predictive
Federation of State Medical Boards. Model
genetic tests when given the choice between
guidelines for the use of controlled substances
of a drug-specifi c AE, even if they carry
for the treatment of pain. <http://www. a clinically relevant, causal biomarker, a>
surrogate end point used as a substitute for
genetic variant is refl ected clinically only
a clinical end point, or a clinical outcome?
Federation of State Medical Boards. Model
policy for the use of controlled substances for the treatment of pain. <
1Genetics Research and Development, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA.
Correspondence: A Roses ([email protected])
Hoffmann, D.E. & Tarzian, A.J. Achieving the
defi nes the serious need for long-term,
could be confi rmed in long-term prospec-
tive observation studies rather than RCTs.
and should be tested for CYP2C9 variants
using a comprehensive screening tool that
already been in place for years. An exam-
at least covers tag single-nucleotide poly-
abacavir as a treatment for HIV, which led
to the identifi cation of a genetic marker
genetic screening tool.2 When such chips
begin with the fi rst patient treated in phase
or similar platforms become inexpensive,
I and continue through all clinical trials
Box 1). It is thus not a totally new concept
their routine application (when mandated
to monitor treated patients aft er marketing
cussions of and proposals for new schemes
has begun, including all patients in a man-
will be available for established tests or
datory provisional approval group (Figure
that would require fewer patients to defi ne
1). Predictive safety markers ascertained
prescribed “provisional” or “conditional”
sake, this will no doubt be part of routine
approval process involving continued sur-
patients during the provisional approval
veillance for safety signals in all patients.
period. For a drug with the “approved”
records and monitored databases. In fact,
No one would argue that 10,000 patients is
label, relevant prospective surveillance
initial-phase, commercially available SNP
platforms are being utilized routinely by
cacy for major illnesses to be available
to improve safety of coumadin in clinical
variants of interest during clinical tri-
earlier—under active and regulated risk-
practice, based on retrospective studies,
als for a drug as well as for combination interactions in adjunctive trials. Th
observational in nature, and do not man-date RCTs but do require consistent and
Box 1 Abacavir risk-management example.
Abacavir is a drug that is eff ective in treating HIV/AIDs that was developed in the early
1990s, when there was a huge unmet medical need for lifesaving drugs. There were also
organized and eff ective patient advocacy groups who engaged the political system. Abacavir
had been shown to be eff ective, but a signifi cant proportion of patients also developed a
hypersensitivity syndrome (HSS). Abacavir was granted conditional approval in the late 1990s,
subject to a comprehensive risk-management program that continues to this day. HSS was defi ned from studies of approximately 200,000 patients receiving the drug between 1996
sive safety databases by surveillance of
and 2000 (ref. 8). In 2002, a report published in Lancet from an academic group reported the
association with HLA-B5701 in 14 of 18 patients with HSS.9 In the same month the sponsor
Large clinical databases, such as those of
studies reported in Lancet that 39 of 84 patients were HLA-B57 positive.8
The regulated risk-management program has continued to test the marker in multiple
eff ectively for well-informed provisional
populations in order to evaluate prospective diagnostic value in diff erent ethnic groups
approval studies without reinventing de
and to gather information for the regulators. The drug is now widely used for HIV treatment.
novo the clinical trial monitoring schemes
HSS can be recognized clinically with clinical follow-up appointments, and, when HSS is
observed, abacavir can be safely stopped and patients warned never to receive it again.10
stant is the clinical care and monitoring
Patient medical records can refl ect this “allergy.” Deaths due to HSS have virtually disappeared
environment for prospective surveillance
since the mid-1990s. The predictive value of the test is still being evaluated prospectively in
that provides both the numerator (safety
observational studies of multiple populations receiving the drug. This observational program calls for periodic clinical examinations for HSS. It has also been demonstrated that the test
characteristics are diff erent in diff erent ethnic groups and, although highly effi
Caucasians, would be dangerous to rely on as a sole predictive test in other ethnic groups
cially those that will be mandated by reg-
in which HIV is epidemic.11 The cost to GlaxoSmithKline of maintaining this one-off risk-
management program is signifi cant, but the drug remains on the market, available to the
indications, could also be used to identify
“right” patients. In perspective, the cost of the program over 7 years is smaller than the cost
new safety data, as well as testing for pro-
of a single phase III clinical trial. The cost to patients not receiving the drug would have been
spective prediction characteristics.
more than signifi cant; it would have been tragic.
In considering the third question, it is
Similar conditional approvals for cancer drugs exist. Surely treatments with RCT-
critical to understand that identifi cation of
cacy for Alzheimer’s disease, depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary
a safety marker requires prospective obser-
disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other major diseases could similarly benefi t from
provisional approvals and closely monitored safety surveillance.
actually quite simple—no matter what may
defi ned in the drug label for selection of
patients to treat. Aft er several decades of
involvement with genomic technologies and their application to diagnosis and pharmacogenetics, I have formed views on drug development and surveillance
that, in the current electronic world, seem
ideas are not original; elements have been discussed in statements by offi
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), reports by the Institute of Medicine and
tion of various components of the health-
Figure 1 A rendition of drug development with provisional or conditional approval. A GAO report says
that a “new expedited process” would “serve as an incentive to increase drug development”.7 AEs, adverse
events; Epi, epidemiology; FTIH, first time in humans; PGX, pharmacogenetics.
agencies (in the United States with suf-fi cient government support to regulate and safeguard health care in the twenty-
be concluded from retrospective statistical
fi rst century). It would involve formal
data, predictive accuracy can be evaluated
utilization of comprehensive health-care
e power of counts is the clinical response to use of
systems to provide electronic data in real
an epidemiologic conclusion, usually per-
the drug. Even if several drug candidates
time as physicians are caring for patients
formed retrospectively, could be confi rmed
for its usefulness in prospective epidemiol-
patients, full clinical trials are necessary
ogy studies in populations using uniform,
the curve in the use of electronic health
for safety of a drug for at least the fi rst
200,000 patients need to be observed sys-
tematically.5 Serious clinical safety signals,
including those due to dosing, need to be
defi ned in real time using as few aff ected
Figure 1 is a simplistic diagram of
tested prospectively to defi ne patients who
predict outcomes can shorten clinical tri-
als once they have been established, but
those being developed to treat important
the time frame for the evaluation of sur-
in-a-lifetime, comprehensive genetic vari-
diseases or illnesses with major medical
ant scans will allow in-time defi nitions of
patient profi les that are highly correlated
to be eff ective (see Box 1). Th
cholesterol as a surrogate marker, but the
with a particular safety signal. Eventually
drug discovery and development is still a
such data will be routinely used in medi-
“fl ow through a pipeline.” However, for
rent use were initiated over the past sev-
cal care, when the genetic data have been
standardized and are available on a “bank
sulted with drug-development experts (in
of a new drug for Alzheimer’s disease.4
The right safe and effective drug at the
Region-specifi c brain glucose utilization
right dose for the right patient at an
as a surrogate marker for the next class of
appropriate cost
candidate drugs for Alzheimer’s disease
calls for “collaborative efforts among
may allow faster screening than the small
fi les can also be used to enrich patients
to . . . identify diseases in great need of
approval. . . . To help ensure safety, the
structures would be in place to follow a
Targets would still be discovered, screen-
medicines ascertained on the basis of data
ing assays developed, leads processed by
medicinal chemists, and candidates tested
for preclinical safety and drug metabolism,
and then drugs would be tested for the fi rst
To return to Dr. Lesko’s questions, large-
scale observational studies in a prospec-
to work, although certainly the defi nition
of animal metabolism could be assisted by
ing signals as they occur, and for rapidly
performed starting with the FTIH studies.
Organ toxicity markers might well be used
routinely before FTIH, as is beginning to
can provide for real-time individual and
tify the adverse clinical signals to associ-
ate with a safety test. Patients exhibiting
those signals would be tested for genetic
panels (including ethnic-specifi c variants)
also be available for prospective observa-
a new model (Figure 1) will allow
tional monitoring to assess predictability.
With all parties in the provision of health
Requirements for integrating drug
and eff ectively improve health care with
development, safety surveillance,
a cradle-to-grave electronic observational
and medical-outcome prospective epidemiology
determined prospectively over years.
In its simplest form, a prospective moni-
This article does not necessarily reflect the views
Lesko, L.J. Personalized medicine: elusive
dream or imminent reality? Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 81, 807–816 (2007).
metabolism and transport. Nat. Genet.37, 84–89 (2005).
Roses, A.D. 2025: the practice of neurology:
back from the future. Arch. Neurol. 58, 1766–
Alzheimer’s disease in persons homozygous for
the epsilon 4 allele for apolipoprotein E. N. Engl. J. Med.334, 752–758 (1996).
Roses, A.D. Genome-based pharmacogenetics
and the pharmaceutical industry. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 1, 541–549 (2002).
Kelly, P., Stallard, N., Zhou, Y., Whitehead,
abacavir. Lancet359, 1121–1122 (2002).
J. & Bowman, C. Sequential genome-wide
et al. Association between presence
association studies for monitoring adverse
events in the clinical evaluation of new drugs.
hypersensitivity to HIV-1 reverse-transcriptase
having adequate education or training in
Stat. Med.25, 3081–3092 (2006).
inhibitor abacavir. Lancet359, 727–732 (2002).
10. Phillips, E.J. Genetic screening to prevent
New Drug Development: Science, Business,
abacavir hypersensitivity reaction: are we there
Regulatory, and Intellectual Property Issues
yet? Clin. Infect. Dis.43, 103–105 (2006).
a critical question that the authors have
Cited as Hampering Drug Development Efforts,
11. Hughes, A.R. et al. CNA30027 Study Team;
not addressed as to whether, and to what
GAO-07-49, 35–36 (Government Accountability
CNA30032 Study Team. Association of genetic
extent, the reluctance of some physicians
variations in HLA-B region with hypersensitivity
to abacavir in some, but not all, populations.
to prescribe adequate pain medications is
HLA-B region and hypersensitivity reactions to
Pharmacogenomics5, 203–211 (2004).
attributable to the education and training that physicians receive in medical school and postgraduate training as opposed to
See ARTICLE page 903
what the authors term fear of government action. As the DEA stated in the policy
The DEA’s Balancing Act to
statement, it is not the agency’s role to provide medical training to physicians
Ensure Public Health and Safety
on the general practice of medicine or to specify the precise medical circumstances and patient characteristics that warrant
JT Rannazzisi1
the use of opioids to treat pain. Rather, that responsibility is carried by the medi-cal community, and how it does so seems
In their article in this issue, Reidenberg and Willis assert that there
likely to be the primary factor determina-
are multiple barriers to the adequate treatment of pain and that one of these barriers is fear of government action against a physician
state boards and associations have issued
who prescribes opioids for patients in pain.1 At the same time, the authors state that the risk of a physician’s being punished by either a
ment of pain patients, while taking steps
state medical board or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for a patient in pain with adequate medical record documentation is very small.
(CSA), the DEA is obligated to ensure the
sional practice should in no way interfere
availability of pharmaceutical controlled
with the legitimate practice of medicine or
cause any physician to be reluctant to pro-
extremely small. Indeed, the DEA recently
e DEA to prevent these controlled substances,
published a policy statement that sought
also stated in that document that it wishes
to emphasize this very point and alleviate
medical professionals that the agency has
channels. In particular, the DEA’s role
prescribing controlled substances to treat
embarked on a campaign to “target” physi-
under the CSA is to ensure that controlled
cians who prescribe controlled substances
substances are prescribed, administered,
the Federal Register on September 6, 2006,
for the treatment of pain (or that physi-
and dispensed only for legitimate medical
can be accessed on the Web sites of both
cians must curb their legitimate prescrib-
purposes by DEA-registered practitioners
the Federal Register and the DEA’s Offi
ing of pain medications to avoid liability).
acting in the usual course of professional
It appears that the fi ndings of Reidenberg
and Willis are consistent with the DEA’s
assertion that there has been no upsurge in
To protect public health and safety, the
law that physicians may prescribe control-
the number of cases initiated by the agency
DEA has always had a legal obligation to
led substances only for legitimate medical
against physicians who prescribe control-
investigate the extremely small fraction
of physicians who use their DEA regis-tration to commit criminal acts or oth-
1Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Correspondence: JT
Rannazzisi ([email protected])
this obligation seriously, because even a
single physician who uses his or her DEA
CESSATION OF A SEIZURE DISORDER: Correction of the Atlas Subluxation Complex Robert J. Goodman, D.C., John S. Mosby Jr., D.C., M.D. ABSTRACT Observations of one patient presenting with a seizure disorder are reported. Relief of symptoms is noted subsequent to correction of the misalignment of the occipito-atlanto-axial complex. The authors suggest a relationship between the misaligned skull and
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