Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.


Extreme lightweight of the Lithium-ion battery:
Reduced weight for user to carry, less fatigue
Lithium-ion battery does not suffer from “memory effect”:
Full capacity available every time after recharge
Lithium-ion battery has low self-discharge rate:
Long shelf life if stored during mine down-time
Rugged battery and headpiece design:
Longer life expectancy, even in the harshest environments
Maintenance-free battery design:
Reduced lamproom maintenance requirements
Fully repairable G headpiece:
Low operational and life running costs
48 lumen output focussed over 3 degrees angle:
High intensity light concentrated in the operator’s field of vision
Bulb manufactured to Oldham’s specific criteria:
Optimised lighting and battery performance even at end of shift
Inter-modular battery and lamptop design:
Fully compatible & interchangeable with other Oldham product
GL16 – HEADPIECE, CABLE & BATTERY SPECIFICATION Flexible twin core short laypolychloroprene sheath Length of battery (at base / at lid) 111 / 152 mm Height of battery terminals / cover 95 / 125 mm OLDHAM GL16 - Li-ion SAFETY LAMP
Research was undertaken by the University of New South Wales (Australia) in the late1980’s to study the behaviour of the human eye in differentlighting and working conditions. The light distribution of the Oldham main light source was engineered using this research to provide the optimalworking light. The Oldham G caplamp achieves a spot of 9500 Cd over 3 degrees (this is the normal area of focused sight for the human eye) and10 Cd over 120 degrees. The battery voltage seriously effects the light output from a halogen bulb, where a small percentage change in voltage greatly reduces the lumenoutput of the light source. To counter this effect, the main bulb has been designed and manufactured to Oldham’s specific criteria, which stabilisesvoltage toward the end of the daily working shift, and optimises light output. This results in a brighter lighting performance from 8 to 12 hours, higherthan any competitor. The main bulb has a life of more than 1000 hours.
The retina of the human eye plays a critical role in how we see. The retina, The halogen bulb fitted in the G headpiece has a greater intensity in the located at the back of the eyeball, contains photoreceptors that convert light long-wave region of the light spectrum when compared with other light to electrical impulses that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. There sources. This activates the cones and enables the eye to see colour, are two types of photoreceptors: cones and rods. Rods have greater short- making the lamp more suitable for seeing detail such as the ore vein in a wavelength spectral sensitivity than cones and are more sensitive to light.
The cones work in the longer light wavelengths and are more sensitive to Beam profile measurements are used to evaluate the illuminance distribution, and are useful for identifying illuminance “hot spots”, The spectral content of visible light can be characterised by the spectral evaluating beam uniformity, and to determine overall average illuminance.
power distribution as shown above, indicating the visible spectrum of light Hot spots or uneven light distribution can cause excessive discomfort glare and disability glare, and can be detrimental to peripheral visualperformance. The tight beam profile of the G-Type caplamp, clearly showsthe beneficial properties for viewing distant objects or for conducting finedetail work tasks that require high illuminance. L16 BATTERY PERFORMANCE:
A measured 12-hour discharge of the battery shows the highperformance characteristics of the lithium-ion technology.
Cycle performance tests indicate that even after 1000 shifts, the lampwill still achieve more than 85% of the original rated capacity,ensuring that the operator has excellent lighting performance from the lamp even at the end of its operational life.



ANTICANCER RESEARCH 32 : 3363-3370 (2012) Mesenchymal Characterization: Alternative to Simple CTC Detection in Two Clinical Trials GUISLAINE BARRIERE1, ALAIN RIOUALLON2, JOËL RENAUDIE2, 1Astralab Clinical Laboratory, Limoges, France; 2Department of Gynecology and Surgery. Clinique du Colombier, Limoges, France Abstract. Background: Breast cancer is one of the most enriched for C

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Spoilers: Dead Irish Writers “I don’t know why you won’t listen to me?” “Why I won’t listen to you?!” Josh shouted as they left the restaurant. “Amy, you’ve been harping on this for three days. Can’t we just have a nice dinner and not talk about political agendas?” “Harping! I’m not harping. I’m expressing the views….” Josh cut her off by walking to the p

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