___ A pair of khaki shorts (not p.t. shorts), suitable for shore liberty (of a style your grandmother would approve)
___ A standard-size sleeping bag and two pillow cases. Do not bring an oversized sleeping bag.
If you do not have a sleeping bag you can substitute with a twin-size sheet and blankets. There are pillows on board.
___ At least two utility uniform shirts with proper NSCC markings, and two pairs of utility trousers
Three shirts are recommended. Don=t forget the belt and buckle.
___ Utility or working jacket, or civilian equivalent.
___ Sweater or sweatshirt and sweat pants.
___ Black or white gym or deck shoes. To be worn with the utility uniform. Do not bring garishly colored or designer high-tops.
___ One or two towels. Recommended: thin, inexpensive bath towels, preferably white. Do not bring oversized or beach towels.
___ At least 5 sets of underwear and socks, including plain white t-shirts. Include white socks.
___ Toiletries (Don’t forget sun screen. There is shaving cream and laundry soap on board)
___ Your current NSCC ID card (cannot expire during training!), laminated, with photo
___ Your complete NSCC service record with training authority (orders) for this training included.
___ All of the items you bring are to be marked before arrival, in ink, with your name or initials
Your shirts and trousers and jackets should be carefully folded, or may be carried on hangers in a garment bag. All other Items such as towels, sweaters, t-shirts, and underwear should be tightly rolled and secured with rubber bands.
___ A seabag, duffel, or stowable soft luggage
___ A cheerful disposition, squared-away military bearing, and a willingness to learn
___ This list. Note the meclizine permission form on the back.
You may bring -
___ Black leather uniform shoes or work shoes
___ An inexpensive camera (If you prefer one-time-use cameras, previous crews have recommended bringing more than one. Put your name on
___ Training manuals or appropriate leisure reading
___ Spending money, in hope that shore liberty will be earned and granted.
Do not bring -
< Dress uniforms < Civilian clothing, except as may be needed to travel to the ship. Do not take public transportation wearing utility uniforms. < Prescription or non-prescription medications without prior authorization from the COTC < Jewelry < Computers, electronic games, radios, IPods or CD-DVD-MP3 players.
Cell phones may be brought but will be restricted as to use, and will otherwise be kept stowed.
Dear Parent or Guardian: Your cadet will be embarking on training which will take him to sea, in this case one of the Great Lakes. Lake Michigan is over 900 feet deep, and while it can become quite rough, we carefully monitor the weather and prefer to ride out bad weather in harbors. However, the motion of the vessel can occasionally cause seasickness, which is a type of inner ear disturbance very much like car or air sickness. Being seasick is no fun; it can make your cadet miserable. Since he is part of the crew which will be operating the vessel, should he become incapacitated it also makes more work for the rest of the crew. We have several options for dealing with seasickness: 1. We can, with your permission, issue the labeled standard dosage (one or two 25 mg tablets) of one of the most commonly used non-prescription over-the-counter preventatives. We will have on board Waldram2® by Walgreens, or Bonine®, or Less Drowsy Formula Dramamine®, all of which are identical as to the active ingredient, meclizine.* From past experience, once a cadet gets his sea-legs it is usually not necessary to issue it again. 2. We may have ginger candy on board. The cadets who have tried it report that it doesn’t taste very good, but it is reportedly a natural alternative to motion sickness medicine and it may prove effective if you do not wish for your son to be given meclizine. 3. Elastic bands using acupressure points on the wrist may work for some persons. These would have to be purchased prior to reporting for training, and are available at most drug stores. 4. If it is your choice, we will do nothing. We would rather avoid this option, but if there are those who do not have permission to take preventative medication, who can’t stand the candy, and who don’t have wrist bands, there isn’t much we can do except to keep the cadet on the deck in fresh air, and near the rail or a bucket. Please indicate your preference by signing below, and have your cadet bring this with him when reporting aboard: I give permission for my cadet to use the above described motion sickness medicine (meclizine) if he so requests, which will be provided as needed in accordance with the directions on the package.
Parent Signature_____________________________________ Date_________________
I DO NOT wish for my son to be given motion sickness medicine. Parent
*Please contact your doctor if you have questions regarding the appropriateness of this or any other medication. Some, including the prescription behind-the-ear patch containing Scopolamine may not be appropriate for youth.
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY 7700 ARLINGTON BOULEVARD FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 BUMED INSTRUCTION 6200.12A From: Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Subj: COMPREHENSIVE TOBACCO CONTROL FOR NAVY MEDICINE Ref: (4) Expectations of Health Promotion and Wellness (7) Expectations of Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program Providers (8) Expectations of Mental
Our mission is to foster, facilitate, and medical care for residents of Delta & February 19, 2007 The year 2006 will be remembered for the many “firsts” experienced by the Medical Access Coalition: the opening of offices in Escanaba and Menominee, establishing referral and coordination procedures with many local healthcare providers and agencies, and enrolling our first clients. Wh