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Microsoft word - 2010-2014 rule changes.doc

ISF Rule Changes 2010 – 2014
(FP and SP) A base on balls permits a batter to gain A live or dead ball appeal is a play or situation on
first base without liability to be put out and is which an umpire cannot make a decision unless
awarded to a batter by the plate umpire when four requested by a Manager, Coach or infielder player
pitches are judged to be balls. This is sometimes of the non-offending team. A coach or manager
referred to as a walk. If the pitcher desires to walk a
may only make a dead ball appeal and only after
batter intentionally, he may do so by notifying the
stepping onto the playing field.
plate umpire who shall award the batter first base.
The pitcher’s notification to the umpire shall be
Delete Exception
considered a pitch.
A base on balls is awarded to the batter when
If made by a fielder, the fielder must be in the infield four pitches are judged by the plate umpire to
when making the appeal. The appeal may not be be balls, including illegal pitches. (FP) ball is
made after any of the following has occurred: alive, (SP) ball is dead
a. A legal pitch has been thrown or an illegal
pitch has been called.
Definition of base on balls included an Intentional Walk which in fact is a different play. A base on balls Substitute, or an Illegal Re-entry, a
is a live ball play while an Intentional Walk is a dead (either leaving or returning to the line-up under the Replacement Player Rule) and
not reporting to the umpire can be made at
any time while such player is still in the game. 2. An appeal for base runners switching
A blocked ball is a batted, thrown, or pitched ball positions may be made any time until all
a. That becomes lodged in the fencing, or
such runners are in the dugout or the
b. Is touched, stopped, or handled by a person
inning is over.
not engaged in the game, or
c. That touches any object that is not a part of
the official equipment or playing area.
Official equipment means equipment in actual
use by the offensive team or defensive team
Defensive equipment left on the field by the
team playing offence is an example of
equipment that is not part of the official
equipment. A thrown ball touching a base
coach accidentally (in or out of the coaches box) is not a blocked ball.
d) is a ground ball that is touched by a defensive 9. Base runners switching positions on
player who is in contact with the ground that is REASON FOR CHANGE:
Amendment recognizes that runners might attempt to switch bases at any time not just during an offensive conference. It also recognizes this situation as an Official Equipment is considered to be any equipment (bats, gloves, helmets etc) in actual use by the defensive or offensive team during the course of play. Defensive equipment left on the field by the team playing offensive would not be regarded REASON FOR CHANGE:
An intentional base on balls occurs when the Clarifies the definition of a blocked ball to defensive team desires to place the batter on first base include a ball lodged in a fence and a ball that without the requirement to deliver four pitched balls. contacts equipment improperly left on the This is sometimes referred to as an Intentional Walk. REASON FOR CHANGE:
A base on Balls and an Intentional walk differ. In FP,
a base on balls the ball is alive whereas on an A force-out is an out which can be made only when a runner loses the right to the base which he is occupying because the batter becomes a batter- runner, and before the batter-runner or a succeeding DESCRIPTION:
runner has been put out. On an appeal the force out
is determined at the time of the appeal not at the
time of the infraction.
An Offensive Player Only (OPO) is a player in the batting order that continues to play offence, but not REASON FOR CHANGE:
defence, when the DP plays defence for that player Currently the rules only state that on an appeal you rather than for the FLEX PLAYER for whom he is can still have a force out. It does not state when the force out is determined. The new rule stipulated it is determined when the team appeals, not when the infraction occurred. Game situations change after the REASON FOR CHANGE:
infraction and a force should be determined when the Scorers use the term “Temporary DP” when an team appeals not when the infraction occurred. offensive player remains in the line-up but no longer plays defence because of the DP playing defence for other than the FLEX. The term Offensive Player Only refers to the offence player batting only and not fielding as the DP Is fielding for them. Rule 4 Sec 5 g. The DP may play defence at any position. Should the DP play defence for a player other than the DESCRIPTION:
FLEX, that player will continue to bat, but not play
defence, and is NOT considered to have left the A foul ball is a legally batted ball which: d. while on or over foul territory touches the A term is necessary for use with scorers and to have a person, attached or detached equipment or title for the batter for whom the DP is fielding when clothing of an umpire or player, in foul
territory or any object foreign to the natural
ground including the foul portion of a
double base or the portion of a dislodged
base located in foul territory.
Rule 2: Throughout, and with reference to distance tables and illustrations pages 105, 106, 107, and 108. REASON FOR CHANGE:
There exist inconsistencies between distances as Revised wording clarifies the status of a ball that hit expressed in Rule 2 text and measurements / distance the portion of a base that is in foul territory. PROPOSED: That all field measurements which are RULE 1, SECTION 57
variable according to discipline be expressed in one DESCRIPTION:
An example is shown below. The distance table If the defensive team desires to walk a batter presently printed on page 105 contains data, including intentionally, the pitcher may notify the plate umpire maximum distances and boys / girls distances, not in who shall award the batter first base. The pitcher’s the rule text. This also provides an opportunity to notification to the umpire shall be considered a pitch, review all distances and rationalize as appropriate. REASON FOR CHANGE:
Having only one table of variable distances, the reader can be sure of accessing the correct data, in a tabular form that makes for complete and easy REASON FOR CHANGE:
If batting box lines become erased or faded over the course of the game or disappear from slide in plays, the tags will assist the umpires in determining the limits of the batters box so they can then enforce the RULE 3, SECTION 1, LETTER a
manufactures item 3 and bat components item DESCRIPTION:
Format of Distances: pages 37-39; pages 105-107. DESCRIPTION:
All distances defined throughout the Code should be consistently displayed and conversions between a. Shall be of one piece construction, multi-
piece permanently assembled or two piece
interchangeable construction. If the bat is
designed with interchangeable components it
*ft*ins / (8m) which indicates Imperial as the primary must meet the following criteria:
1. Mating components must have a unique
*m / (*ft*ins) which gives metric preference locking key to prevent uncertified
equipment combinations in the field.
2. All component combinations must meet
At present, some conversions between metric and the same standards as if it were a portion
Imperial. systems are quotes with Imperial first, some of an one piece bat rules.
with metric. Some conversions are incorrectly 3. Manufacturer must demonstrate that the
calculated. This could lead to confusion over which interchangeable bat fails in a safe
manner. (i.e. visible damage before
locking feature’s fail’s)
A further, more radical, solution would be to use only 4. Bat components must be designed in a
one system (preferably metric) to express all way to prevent uncertified equipment
Manufacturers are coming out with a safe two-piece bat designed to have interchangeable barrels. Both barrels and handles would have to bear the ISF REASON FOR CHANGE:
k. If metal and not made of one-piece construction with the barrel end closed, shall have a rubber or vinyl plastic or other material insert approved by DESCRIPTION:
Note: In World Championship or Olympic Play,
firmly secured in the large end of the bat. on skimmed or loose surfaces there shall be a
1. The insert of the end cap shall be firmly
marker of rope or horse hair staked below the
and permanently sealed so it cannot be
surface to mark the outside corners of the batter’s
removed by anyone other than the
box, or a line marked across the back of the
manufacturer without damaging or
batters boxes from one to the other extending 0.91
destroying the end cap or barrel.
meter (3ft) passed the outside of the box, to
2. The bat shall be free of audible rattles
determine the back of the box as the game
when shaken.
progresses and the lines disappear.
3. The bat barrel shall not have signs of
c. For defensive equipment causing a blocked tampering.
ball, runners are awarded two bases:
i one base from the time of the pitch on a REASON FOR CHANGE:
Amendments better define when a bat is official and ii. two bases from the time of the throw
on a thrown ball, or
iii. two bases from the time of the pitch on
a fair batted ball.
Gloves worn by any player and may be any Clarifies what happens when a ball contacts combination of colors, provided none of the colors equipment improperly left on the playing field. (including the lacing) are the color of the ball. DESCRIPTION:
Note: Communication devices issued by the
official scorer for the purpose of communication
between the coaches/managers and the official
scorer are permitted provided they are only used
for official scorekeeping purposes. ISF World

Effect: Section 5: Failure to comply with the Championships and Olympic play only.
provisions of Section 5, after a warning from the umpire, shall result in the removal ejection of the player from the game. REASON FOR CHANGE:
Allows coaches/managers to make line up changes directly with official scorer by use of electronic REASON FOR CHANGE:
Clarifies how to handle a player who is not wearing official shoes. DESCRIPTION:
EFFECT – Section 1b-f:
Any infraction shall result in a warning for the first
infraction. Any subsequent infraction by a
coach/manager of the same team shall result in the
ENo equipment that is not part of the official
ejection of the coach/manager.
equipment shall not be left lying on the field, either
Any breach of the b-f should result in a warning and The ball is dead if it contacts equipment that is not
part of the official equipment. Official equipment
means equipment in actual use by the offensive
team or defensive team. Defensive equipment left
on the field by the team playing offence is an
example of equipment that is not part of the
official equipment.
Remove the exception which allows Co-Ed SP to a. For offensive equipment causing a blocked ball (and creating interference), the player REASON FOR CHANGE:
b. If no apparent play is obvious, no runner will There is no objective reason why SP Co-Ed should be be called out, but all runners will return to the allowed to play short handed in international last base touched at the time of the dead ball Rules should be consistent with other disciplines.
Also removes the regulations regarding playing two
batters of same gender back to back.
RULE 4, SECTION 4, Note to technical code

Note: At World Championship play, Olympic
GamesPlay, or Tournaments when the official line up
is submitted to the Umpire in chief before the game
as per the championship regulations, the line up must
be signed by the Head Coach/Manager. Once
submitted to the Umpire in chief the line up will be
The current rule does not cover the line ups being
handed to the UIC of a tournament although the
Championship rules do. There could be issues with
line ups not signed when line ups handed into UIC.
This rule addition makes the list approved and
official. Changes can still be made at the plate
meeting as per rule book for sickness or injury. We
don’t want line up changed at the plate meeting.
The DP may play defence at any position. Should the The status of the player entered during an DP play defence for a player other than the FLEX, unannounced substitute is not stated in the rule book. that player will continue to bat, but not play defence, The fact that an illegal substitute takes place should and is NOT considered to have left the game. This
constitute a withdrawn player, so when a player is player is referred to as the offensive player only
ruled ineligible for being unannounced or illegally re- entered a starting player could be re-entered, this would be considered a re-entry, and he would be able REASON FOR CHANGE:
to be re-entered again later in the game. If the original If Offensive Player Only is adopted as a new player had already been substituted that substitute definition, the additional wording is required in 4, 5 should not go back into that position as he has already been withdrawn by the illegal player being forced out. The fact that a player was found guilty of being unannounced, the withdrawn player is considered to DESCRIPTION:
The provisions of Rule 4 Sec 8 and penalties for violations apply. Placing the FLEX in a position in DESCRIPTION:
the batting order other than that of the starting DP, results in declaring the FLEX player an Illegal Player a. Coaches, players, substitutes or other bench the ejection of both the manager/coach (whose
personnel shall not be outside the designated name appears on the line-up card) and the FLEX,
bench dugout area, except when the rules or his substitute.
allowed or considered justified by the umpire. Note: This includes players other than the on-deck batter (who must remain in the on deck circle) at the REASON FOR CHANGE:
start of the game, between innings, or when a pitcher Effect 5 a-f. It is considered an illegal re-entry when the DP re-enters into a place other than the DP or his original position. In fact any batter re-entering into b. There shall be no smoking in the
another position, effect is ejection of coach and designated bench dugout area.
player. The rules currently say a FLEX player must only enter into the offensive line up in the DP position. However if he enters into another position The first offence is a team warning. Any repeat he is only an illegal player (ruled ineligible), this is offense shall result in the ejection of that team not consistent with other rules, illegal players are allowed to be there, they are just not announced. In the FLEX players situation they are not allowed to be REASON FOR CHANGE:
there. There should be a tougher penalty for the FLEX batting in a position which is illegal. While Rule 1 Section 27 provides that there will be no smoking in the Dugout area, there is no penalty.
(FP and MP ONLY) Fifteen (15) runs after three (3)
Should an Ineligible Player return to the game, it is innings: ten (10) runs after four (4) innings or seven
declared a forfeit to the team not at fault. After an upheld appeal for an unreported substitute or REASON FOR CHANGE:
an illegal re-entry, the original starting player or his For made the balance between 3rd, 4th and 5th innings. substitute is considered to have left the game. The 20 runs ahead is not a mercy for the lost team. RULE 5, SECTION 7, LETTER b
d. Must, while standing on the plate and with the DESCRIPTION:
ball in either the glove or the pitching hand, take A run shall not be scored if the third and/or last out of
the signal, or appear to be taking a signal, from e. Must, after taking the signal, bring his whole REASON FOR CHANGE:
body to a full and complete stop with the ball in Eliminates the word “third out” and now says no run the hand or glove with both held together in
counts if the last out is the result of anything listed in front of the body. This position must be held for the Rule. Previously it stated third out. We allow not less than two (2) seconds and not more than
appeals after the third out to eliminate runs and re- five (5) seconds before releasing the ball. NOTE: instate the batting order. This new change makes any Holding the ball in both hands to the side of the of the items listed in 7-5 b 1-5 a reason to eliminate a body is considered in front of the body. Sec. 2. STARTING THE PITCH.
The pitch starts when one hand is taken off the ball
or the pitcher makes any motion that is part of his
c. Additional out appeals may be made after
a. The pitcher must not make any motion to pitch the third out to remove a run.
without immediately delivering the ball to the REASON FOR CHANGE:
b. The pitcher must not use a pitching motion in Clarifies that an appeal may be allowed after a third which, after having the ball in both hands in the out for the sole purpose of removing a run from the pitching position, he removes one hand from
the ball, then takes a backward and forward
swing, and returns the ball to both hands in front
c. The pitcher must not use a wind-up in which there is a stop or reversal of the forward motion. DESCRIPTION:
d. The pitcher must not make two revolutions of the 6. It is not a charged conference for the defense if: arm on the windmill pitch. However, he may drop his arm to the side and to the rear before (d) The manager or coach makes a
substitution for the pitcherover the foul
starting the windmill motion. This allows the arm line to talk with pitcher when before or
after making the pinch pitcher.
e. The delivery must be an underhand motion, with the hand below the hip and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow. REASON FOR CHANGE:
f. The release of the ball and follow through of the The manager or coach talk with pitcher that has no hand and wrist must be forward and past the meaning and function for the team stratagem. g. Both feet must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate at all times prior to the forward DESCRIPTION:
step and the pivot foot must
remain motionless at all times before the
Before commencing the delivery (pitch), the pitcher start of the pitch. (See 6-2)
a. May not take the pitching position on or near the h. The pivot foot must remain in contact with
pitcher’s plate without having the ball in his the pitcher’s plate at all times before the
forward drag, leap or hop.
b. Shall not be considered in the pitching position i. In the act of delivering the ball, the pitcher unless the catcher is in position to receive the may take one step with the leading, non-
pivot foot simultaneous with the release of
c. Must have both feet on the ground within the the ball. The step must be forward toward the 61.0 cm (24 inch) length of the pitcher’s plate. batter and within the 61.0 cm (24 inch) length The hips shall be in line with first and third bases and both feet must be in contact with the pitcher’s NOTE: It is not a step if the pitcher slides his foot across the pitcher’s plate, provided contact is maintained with the plate and
there is no movement backwards. Lifting
Rule 6, Sec.7. Effect THROWING TO A BASE. the pivot foot off the pitcher’s plate and returning it to the plate, creating a rocking j. The pivot foot must remain in contact with,
Any infraction of Sections 1-7 is an Illegal Pitch. (EXCEPTION: Rule 6, Sec. 3m and Sec. 6b)
pitcher’s plate or be airborne prior to the
ground, provided the pivot foot remains in Correction of Rule reference in Exception. It is legal to drag, leap or hop and
then land and throw as long as the
original push starts from the

pitcher’s plate. It is not legal to step
If the pitcher or Coach desires to walk a batter
off with the pivot foot and then drag,
intentionally, either the pitcher, catcher or coach
leap, or hop and throw.
may do so by notifying the plate umpire who shall award the batter first base. The pitcher’sThe j. Pushing off with the pivot foot from a place notification to the umpire shall be considered a pitch. other than the pitcher’s plate before the stepping (non-pivot) foot has left the plate is REASON FOR CHANGE:
considered a “crow hop” and is illegal. The Coach is the head decision maker he should be k. The pitcher must not continue to wind up able to notify, the catcher calls the game, the pitcher can decide the intentional walk and the pitcher can l. The pitcher shall not deliberately drop, roll, or bounce the ball in order to prevent the m. The pitcher has twenty (20) seconds to
release the next pitch after receiving the ball, DESCRIPTION:
or after the umpire indicates, “Play Ball”. EFFECT – Sec. 3m: An additional ball is
If the Illegal Pitcher has returned and thrown one pitch, either legal or illegal, he is ejected from the game. If he is discovered prior to the next pitch, the manager of the offensive team has the option of REASON FOR CHANGE:
Two feet on the pitching rubber limits the amount a 2. Having the play nullified, with runners returning pitcher can leap and allows for better control. to the last base held at the time of the play. If the play was the result of the completion of the
batter’s turn at bat and the option is taken to nullify
the play, that batter resumes batting, assuming the
The pitcher may shall not push off from a place other ball and strike count he had prior to the discovery of than the pitcher’s plate prior to separating his hands the Illegal Pitcher, with each runner returning or prior to the windmill action, even after dragging. completing his turn at bat, and runners are
returned to the bases held at the time of the pitch.
There is no clarification to deal with the pitcher that still has his/her hands together when they land out REASON FOR CHANGE:
front and still have their hands together. Clarifies what happens to batter and runners if option 2 is taken. Merely states what is now the practice. lead off batter in the next inning, with the original ball and strike count cancelled. DESCRIPTION:
(b) (SP ONLY) If this is the third strike, the Exception: With two outs, the female batter has the batter-runner is also out, unless the third out option to walk or bat. That choice having been
of the inning was the runner interference call, made, by entering the batters box or reaching first
in which case the batter-runner shall be base, she may not change her mind.
deemed to have completed his turn at bat. REASON FOR CHANGE:
This is to clarify that, having opted to bat, the female When this rule change was original proposed it was batter may not, having received one or more pitches, intended to deal with interference caused by a non- playing team member. When written into the rule book, the reference to the non-playing member was inadvertently omitted. Interference by runners, batters, batter runners and on-deck batters are already DESCRIPTION:
7. After contacting the ball, throws his bat in such a EFFECT – Sec. 9a-d:
manner as to cause interference with a fielder’s Note Sec 2 g (1-7): If this interference is, in the The runner is out
umpire’s judgement, an obvious attempt to prevent a When anyone, other than another runner, physically double play, the runner closest to home plate at the assists him while the ball is in play or when the ball
time of the interference shall also be called out. is dead after a home run or award of bases.
NOTE: If a fly ball is caught on the play, the batter- REASON FOR CHANGE:
Throwing the bat in the direction of a fielder after contact should be ruled as interference. EFFECT – Sec. 9a-e: The ball remains in play. Exception Sec 9e: When the runner is assisted
after a home run or award of bases the ball
remains dead.
k. When a non-playing member of the team at bat
Situation of assisting a runner on a dead ball such as a interferes with a player attempting to field a home run or award of bases is not covered by the batted foul fly ball, or with a foul fly ball that a
fielder is attempting to catch.
If a runner creates the interference, then the runner is DESCRIPTION:
EXCEPTION: If this interference occurs f. When he physically passes a preceding runner interference occurs while there are runners on base, then the runner closest to home at the time NOTE: In both exceptions this case the batter-
runner will return to bat with an additional strike on the foul ball, provided the count prior to hitting the ball was less than two preceding runner during a dead ball play the ball will remain dead. If the ball becomes a dead
(a) (FPONLY) If this interference is the third foul ball, the runner who passed is not out.
out, the batter-runner will return to bat as the being taught at a recent international coach’s clinic REASON FOR CHANGE:
and was used in a National Championship. We as a practice do not call a runner out if passing occurs on dead foul ball. Think of the batter-runner DESCRIPTION:
rounding first on a fly ball to the outfield with R-1 coming back to tag up or hold the base. If the ball z. When runners switch positions on the bases. becomes a uncaught foul ball, we do not normally call the batter-runner out for passing. We cannot do This is an appeal play. When properly
this on any dead ball as a home run once it passes out appealed, each runner discovered to have
of the park is a dead ball but runners continue to switched positions on the bases will be
round the bases. Umpires should mentally declared out and the Head Coach shall be
(verbally?) note the passing but not call the out until ejected for Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
the status of the ball, whether a dead foul ball is NOTE: The appeal can be made any time until
all runners who switched positions are in the dugout or the inning is over. If one of the runners who switched bases is on base, both he and all other runners who switched bases will be out, DESCRIPTION:
even if they had scored, and any run(s) scored by any of the runners who switched bases will be n. When he interferes with a fielder attempting to catch a foul fly ball, or with a foul fly ball that a REASON FOR CHANGE:
fielder is attempting to catch, in which case the Changes to cover all situations where a switch could batter-runner will return to bat with an additional strike on the foul ball, provided the count prior to Play is clearly referred to as being an appeal play. hitting the ball was less than two strikes. i) (FPONLY) If this interference is the third out, the batter-runner will return to bat as the DESCRIPTION:
lead off batter in the next inning, with the original ball and strike count cancelled. When a fielder makes a play on a runner, while ii) (SP ONLY) If this is the third strike, the batter-runner is also out, unless the third out of the inning was the runner interference call, A pitch by the pitcher is not considered making in which case the batter-runner shall be deemed to have completed his turn at bat. REASON FOR CHANGE:
Clarifies what happens if the runner causes The manager of the offended team has the 2. Having the entire play nullified, with DESCRIPTION:
runners returning to the last base held at Rule 8 Sec 9s
When he runs bases in reverse order, or off the base
line while not attempting to advance, in an
attempt to either confuse the fielders or to make a
If the play was the result of the completion of the batter’s turn at bat and the option is taken to
nullify the play, that batter resumes batting,
assuming the ball and strike count he had prior to REASON FOR CHANGE:
completing his turn at bat, and runners are returned Runner 1 (R1) on third base, Runner 2 (R2) on first to the bases held at the time of the pitch. base. On the pitch R2 sprints toward Right Field (F9) and remains at right field, the catcher throws the ball REASON FOR CHANGE:
to short stop (F6) for the tag on the perceived steal to The current exception to the effect says "If the play second base. F6 confused moves toward F9, at this was the result of the completion of the batter’s turn at bat, that player resumes batting, assuming the ball This action is not in the spirit of the game; deception and strike count he had prior to completing his turn at is not part of the game of softball. This tactic was bat, and runners are returned to the bases held at the time of the pitch". RULE 8, SECTION 10, LETTER p
Rule 8 Section 10 (new)
The runner is not out when
(p) A coach unintentionally interferes with a thrown
ball while in the coaches box
Clarifies the current situation

When the runner offensive teamrunner runs bases in
reverse order, or off the baseline, while not
attempting to advance, in an attempt to
either to
confuse the fielders or to make a travesty of the game.
Adds that the deception created by not directly
advancing to the next base by running off the base
path results is a dead ball.

NOTE: Unless appealed to, the umpire does not call
the player out or penalize him for having failed to
touch base, leaving a base too soon on a fly ball,
batting out of order, being an unreported substitute,
being an Illegal Re-Entry, the replacement player or
returning withdrawn player does not report, or
making an attempt to go to second after reaching first
base, as provided in these rules.
The penalty for an illegal re-entry is the ejection of
both the manager/coach (whose name appears on the
line-up card) and the illegal substitute.

5. Call an infield fly.
Depending on the course of the fly ball and the
position of the fielders, the base umpire can have a
better angle than plate umpire to determine whether it
is an infield fly or an outfield fly.


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