Q2L applies to non formal settings (learners without teachers) = WP 3 (L2-
L1), WP5 (L2-L2), WP7 (L1-L2).
Q2L: For learners without the supervision of a teacher (4 parts
/ 35 questions)

A.Learning through watching subtitles (9 questions)
Instruction list of languages but add Korean, Somali, Persian/Dari, Pashto,
Q2L – 02
Subtitled audiovisuals are useful for learning languages. I agree with this statement Instruction Choose the answer that best represents your opinion to
- Not at all - Not much - Somewhat - Quite a lot - Very much, absolutely Q2L – 03
I think watching subtitles has particulalry helped me to Instruction Rank each of the options below according to how well they
complete the sentence above in your opinion, by scoring 1, 2,3,4, or 5; 1= the least helpful, 5:= most helpful Note: “foreign” and “new” refer to the language you are learning - appreciate / get used to different foreign accents. - understand conversations in different situations. - improve my listening skills. - learn more new words. - learn idioms, expressions, word combinations. - learn more about spelling / improve my spelling. - understand new meanings better and faster. - improve my grammar. - other (specify) Q2L – 04
When I watched subtitled films or other audiovisuals during the project, what I paid attention to was Instruction Choose only one of the following options, the one that best
- I never thought about this, so I can’t really say. - Words and expressions in the subtitles. - The speed of the subtitles. - Subtitles were sometimes quite different from what I could hear - Spelling and grammar mistakes in the subtitles. - Something else, which is quite different to the options mentioned. I am going to continue watching subtitles as a result of my experience in the project Instruction Choose the option that best represents how much you agree
- Yes, for sure. I’m really keen. - Yes, probably. I am quite interested. - I think I will but I don’t know when and how often. - I don’t know if I will yet. - I am going to continue watching subtitles but NOT because of this project. Could you say why you are going to watch subtitles as a result of your experience in this project, or why not? Instruction Please, write your answer briefly, if you can , as a list. No more
than three reasons in the space provided. I think I have improved my foreign language level because Instruction Choose up to three answers to show how your level has
improved for the language you are learning. Note: “foreign” or “the language” refers to the one you are learning - I passed an exam for a language certificate, or I passed an exam to go to a higher level in a language course. - I feel more confident in using the language. - I can read better/faster. - I am more active in conversations. - I got a job where knowing the language was part of the job profile - I now do more activities in my free time with the language. - I watch audiovisuals in the language more often than before. - I read more in the language if the contents are interesting, necessary or important to me. - I communicate with other people more than I used to in the language (friends, acquaintances, strangers…). The experience helped me to like learning the foreign language more because Instruction Choose the option below that best represents your opinion to
- I am now more motivated to learn. - I feel more confident when watching subtitled audiovisuals. - I am less anxious when watching subtitled audiovisuals. - I cannot say - Other reason(s): specify ……………. Q2L.-.09
A. How many people have told you you have improved the Instruction Choose the options that best represents your case (one option
A - Many
- A few
- No one
B - Native speakers of the language who are not involved in
language learning or teaching (e.g. strangers, acquaintances
but not teachers).
- People who are not native speakers of the language (e.g
people from my own country, or people who are also trying to
learn the language).
- No one
B. Exposure to subtitles (10 questions)
Q2L – 10
While watching the subtitled audiovisuals, the language combination I used most was… Instruction Choose only one of the following options.
Note: “foreign”refers to the language you are learning - Foreign audio and subtitles in a language I fully understand (usual combination in cinemas). - Foreign audio and subtitles in a language I understand (but not fully). - Foreign audio and subtitles in the same foreign language. - Audio in a language I fully understand and foreign subtitles. Q2L – 11
I would have preferred a different language combination to the one I had to watch. Which one? Instruction Choose your answer from only one of the options below.
Note: “foreign” refers to the language you are learning Options:
- Foreign audio and subtitles in a language I fully understand (usual combination in cinemas). - Foreign audio and subtitles in the same foreign language. - Audio in a language I fully understand with foreign subtitles. - I didn’t mind/ I am satisfied with the language combination I watched all/most of audiovisuals in. Overall, the spoken language, or languages, of the subtitled audiovisuals I watched during the project were Instructiion Choose the language or languages you have been listening to
Overall, the language, or languages, of the subtitles of the audiovisuals I watched during the project were Instruction Choose the language or languages you have been reading
How many hours did you spend watching for the SLL project, every month? Instruction Choose the answer that best represents your experience
- More than 10 hours total or about 2 hours a week. - Between 5 and 10 hours total or about 1-2 hours a week. - Less than 5 hours total or about 1 hour a week. - I was watching very irregularly but about 10 hours a month on average. - I was watching very irregularly but about 5 hours a month on average. - I was watching very irregularly but less than 5 hours a month on average. I spent .… months watching subtitled audiovisuals for the SLL project Instruction Choose the option that best represents your opinion
- More than 10 months - 9-7 months - 6-5 months - 4-3 months - 2 months - 1 month - I cannot say The kind of audiovisuals I watched were mostly…. Instruction Complete the sentence above by ranking three of the options
below in order of amount of time spent watching. 1 = the most used, 2 the second most used, 3 third most used. - Broadcast TV (pay or free) - Cinema theatre - DVD, video, PC, Internet, on a desktop,living-room, or large screen - Portable video player, on pocket-size, or small screen - Other (specify) Overall, the type of audiovisuals I watched during the project was… Instruction Choose the option that best completes the sentence above,
- Only the audiovisuals suggested by the contact person. - I decided myself. I chose all the viewing material. - A bit of both suggested and freely selected audiovisuals. The type of audiovisuals I watched mostly was… Instruction Choose the options below that best complete the sentence
above, according to your experience. If you watched more than one type, rank in order of frequency (from 1, the most viewed (not optional), 2 = the second most viewed (optional), 3= the third most viewed (optional only if you have already used 1 and 2 for other options). You can only select three options or less. - Feature films - Documentaries - TV-series, soap operas - Cartoons - Reports - Talking heads (for example interviews, magazines - Sport events, games - Variety shows Viewing conditions and setting. Did you watch alone, together with someone, or alone with other people around? Instruction Choose one or two options which can best represent your
experience Note: “foreign” refers to the language you are learning - Alone, at home mainly (or where I was staying). - Alone, in a public place mainly (cybercafé, library, university, etc.). - With people of the same language as me. - With people of the foreign language. C. Opinions on AV and subtitles (9 questions)
“I think time spent watching subtitles for language learning was well spent.”I agree with this statement…. Instruction Choose the answer that best represents your opinion in how
much you agree with the above statement. - .not at all. - …not much. - …somewhat. - .quite a lot. - …very much, absolutely. “I watch more subtitled audiovisuals now than I used to before taking part in the project.” I agree with this statement… Instruction Choose the answer that best represents your opinion in how
much you agree with the above statement. - …not at all. - …not much. - …I can’t say. - …somewhat. - …quite a lot more. Instruction Choose the option from the list below that best represents your
- I didn’t use to enjoy watching audiovisuals in a foreign language but now I do. - I didn’t use to enjoy watching audiovisuals in a foreign language and I still don’t. - I have enjoyed watching audiovisuals in a foreign language in the past and I still do. - I used to enjoy watching audiovisuals in a foreign language but now I don’t any more. Q2L – 23
What do you think is good about using subtitled audiovisuasl in foreign-language learning? “I like to combine subtitles and language learning because I can….” Instruction To complete the statement above, score each option on the list
below, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is for a very unimportant reason, and 5 is for a most important one. You can score 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 for every item. Note: “foreign” and “new” refer to the language you are learning - …strengthen my motivation to learn the foreign language. - …memorize new words and new structures. - …understand foreign dialogues. - …improve my listening skills. - …improve my speaking skills. - …get used to foreign accents. - …get myself to speak the foreign language. - …know more about the spelling of words. - …understand non-verbal aspects of the communication. - …improve my grammar. Q2L - Q24 “I don’t like to combine subtitles and language learning
Instruction To complete the statement above, score each option on the list
below, on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is a very unimportant reason, and 5 is for a most important one. You can score 1, 2,3, 4 or 5 for every item. - …the combination makes me confused. - I have the feeling that I am not improving my competence in the foreign language. - I don’t understand what I am supposed to learn. - I watch the images and do not pay attention to the language. - I mix up the languages. - I cannot listen and read simultaneously. - The subtitles are always too fast. - The legibility of the subtitles is too often poor. “Participating in the project has changed my watching habits in the following way…” Instruction Choose up to three of the following options to complete the
- I now try to watch more subtitled foreign-language audiovisuals. - I now try to watch more non-subtitled foreign-language audiovisuals. - I now compare subtitles and spoken language in audiovisuals more than before. - I now choose to watch audiovisuals depending on the language they are in, among other reasons. - I now select a different language combination (in soundtrack or subtitles) while watching DVD. - I have not changed my watching habits. - Some other reason (specify). Q2L – 26
“I think that the more I watch subtitled audiovisuals the more I learn the foreign language”. I agree with this statement… Instruction Choose one of the options below that best reflects how much
- …not at all. - …not much. - …somewhat. - …quite a lot. Q2L – 27
“I would recommend other people to work with subtitles to improve their foreign-language skills…” Instruction Choose one of the options below that best reflects how much
- Yes, absolutely. - Yes, to a certatin extent - No. - I cannot say. “Compared with other ways of learning a foreign language (such as reading or writing), I believe subtitled audiovisuals are just as good or better.” Instruction Choose one of the options below that best reflects how much
- I believe subtitles are not as good. - I believe they are just as good or better for nearly every aspect of learning foreign language. - I believe they are just as good or better, but only for one or more of the following reasons. Please select on all the options that reflect your opinion: - to hear conversations in different environments and situations provided with their proper context. - to learn new oral expressions and phraseology. - to learn new written expressions in the foreign language. - to understand new meanings better and faster. - to encourage learners to speak in a more every-day, colloquial style. - to better understand non-verbal aspects of communication (gestures, facial expressions, body language and mimicry). - to develop a learner’s interest in the foreign culture. - to appreciate different accents in the foreign language. - Other (specify) D. The Subtitle and Language Learning (SLL) experience as
such (7 questions)

Q2L – 29
Instruction Choose the option below that best reflects how much you agree
- Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. - Yes, I enjoyed it somewhat. - I can’t say. - Not much, really. Q2L – 30
Score all the following statements on a scale of 1-5 to show how much you agree with them. Instruction 1: I strongly disagree, 2: I disagree somewhat; 3: I agree a little;
4: I agree quite a lot; 5: I agree very much. - I had fun watching subtitled materials. - I felt I was learning. - I think I have improved my knowledge of the foreign language. - I now have a new interest for learning languages. - I have developed an awareness of language and differences among languages. - Watching subtitled audiovisuals is a relaxing way to learn a foreign language. - I know that I don’t like watching subtitled audiovisuals. Q2L – 31
“After the experience of this project, I feel that subtitles will enhance my language learning.” Instruction Choose the option that best represents how much you agree
1. I strongly disagree. 2. I disagree somewhat. 3. I can’t say. 4 I agree a little. 5. I strongly agree. Instruction Choose the option that best represents your case.
- I watched exactly what was required. - I watched less than was required. - I was not aware there were specific requirements. - I don’t remember what was required. “I have watched less than was required, because…” Instruction Choose the option (only one) that best represents your opinion
- …I did not have the time. - …I felt I was not learning. - …I did not have easy access to audiovisual devices. - …I did not have easy access to audiovisual materials (films, etc.). - …I did not know what to watch. - I lost my motivation. - I cannot say. - Other (specify) “I think the questionnaires were…” Instruction Choose the option that best represents your opinion to complete
- useful or interesting. - too long or detailed (with too many questions). - too complicated (not easy to understand all the questions). - well done. - I did not like the first questionnaire. - I did not like the second questionnaire (this one). - I cannot say. - I was expecting or hoping to answer a question which did not appear: specify which (up to three different questions), and you can even answer them if you like. “About the project on the whole, I think…” Instruction Choose up to three of the following options that could complete
the above sentence to give your opinion. - …everything was new for me. - …it was very interesting. - …the project lasted too many months. - …there were too many viewing hours. - …there was too much trouble getting audiovisual material. - …I would have liked to be better informed about the objectives of the project. - …the whole project is not relevant because everyone know that subtitles are useful for language learning. - Other (specify)


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