Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica doxycycline Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
JSC Bank of Georgia I Banking | Finance | ARIS
Challenge With tough competition and tighter integration of the Georgian economy into the world market, JSC Bank of Georgia needs to be able to quickly respond to changes in business needs. The bank aims to decrease time-to-market of new products and, importantly, devise new business processes as well as improve the existing ones.
in Georgia with more than a third of the market share in Georgia based on total
JSC Bank of Georgia chose ARIS to create an enterprise-wide world-class process
architecture and establish a Business Process Management (BPM) methodology
based on best practices. The bank first identified existing processes and devel-
oped an overall process landscape. The processes were mapped using ARIS. The
selected core processes were analyzed for full re-engineering. Using ARIS, the
and insurance services to its clients. As
bank is able to understand better the connections between its mission, strategy,
goals and processes and also realize significant operational efficiencies.
imately 1 million client accounts through one of the largest distribution networks
in Georgia, a full-service remote banking
• 48 percent increase in time and cost efficiency for core processes to be
of Georgia’s U.K.–incorporated holding
• New products introduced faster and with less risk
listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE: BGEO LN). For more
• Faster implementation and changes to IT systems
• Shorter learning curve for employees, who use process maps to understand
• Greater efficiency due to standardized processes
Get There Faster.™ “As a result of the redesign, the bank achieved simulated efficiency gain of 48 percent in time and cost efficiency for processes.”
Ilia Revia, Sr. Manager, Strategic Projects I Nino Meskhi, Head of BPM Center I JSC Bank of Georgia
Next, the bank embarked on a detailed as-is process understanding phase. This involved interviewing
The Georgian banking industry is dynamic, develop- process owners and other process participants as ing and highly competitive. A growing and diverse
well as reviewing existing regulations, procedures,
ARIS Business designer is a collaborative
customer base, tighter integration into the world
process design tool that’s easy to access
market, the need to meet regulatory requirements
and volatility caused by the global financial crisis
demand that banks increase their agility.
ARIS Business Architect offers additional
Bank of Georgia established a common process
features for creating, analyzing, managing
JSC Bank of Georgia turned to ARIS to do just that.
and procedure design methodology and accepted
terms and definitions of employee positions and
The methods for building information system re-
roles. The Business Process Modeling Center was
quirements at the bank were no longer adequate
given a task to map and support any changes to
to support the growth. The weaknesses of the
existing system included the inability to fully doc-
ument business practices as well as no visibility of
The BPM center’s strategy is to document all the
properly documented cross-departmental links and
core business processes in addition to satisfying
ongoing information systems project requirements. As a result, the bank’s staff now has access to 650
transparent, and employees can easily see their
All of this led to the bank’s taking on an enterprise-
ARIS models that describe the products, core pro-
process roles and responsibilities. In addition,
wide process improvement program. Using ARIS,
cesses and IT systems as well as organizational
business departments are able to evaluate more
the bank created standardized and easily manage-
alternatives for building their own business pro-
able process documentation to meet its program
cesses, which can be measured in terms of cost,
schedule, increase process quality, and reduce costs Process maps gathered by the BPM center are
and risks. ARIS enabled the bank to analyze and
delivered to the IT department’s business analysts.
improve existing processes before automating
This significantly expedites the requirements defi-
nition phases for the bank’s critical information
Take the next step to get there – faster.
“Using ARIS Design Platform’s capabilities, the bank
Software AG is the global leader in Business Process
simplified integration and acquired an ability to re-
Excellence. Our 40 years of innovation include the
use business process information, simultaneously
invention of the first high-performance transactional
increasing speed while modeling new processes
As a result of the program, IT systems can be im-
database, Adabas; the first business process analysis
platform, ARIS; the first B2B server and SOA-based
and gaining a better understanding of the connec-
plemented faster and with less risk. New products
integration platform, webMethods; and pioneering
tions between the bank’s mission, strategy, goals
can get to market faster since changes to infor-
big data technology with Terracotta.
and the business processes,” explained Ilia Revia,
mation systems can happen faster than before.
We offer our customers a variety of end-to-end
senior manager for strategic projects, and Nino
solutions that deliver low total cost of ownership
and high ease-of-use. Our industry-leading brands,
Also, the bank can easily handle changes to orga-
ARIS, webMethods, Adabas, Natural, CentraSite,
nizational charts, systems, process manuals and
Terracotta and IDS Scheer Consulting, represent a
product definitions to reduce the time it takes to
unique portfolio encompassing: process strategy,
design, integration and control; SOA-based integra-
update documents or procedures with changes.
tion and data management; efficient management
The bank started with a company-wide exercise of
New procedures are also developed faster.
of big data; process-driven SAP implementation; and
strategic process consulting and services.
identifying the existing business processes. The
clearly articulated process landscape provided a
The employees benefit in many ways. Via e-learning,
framework for establishing the scope of the entire they use process maps to train on new products
2012 Software AG. All rights reserved. Software AG and all Software AG
or process changes. A portal makes processes
products are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Software AG. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trade-marks of their respective owners.
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