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Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buff The Vampire Sla er
The town is dark and quiet. Everyone has gone home for the The to n is dark and uiet Ever one has gone home for thenight.
We PUSH IN on the house. Again, dark and quiet.
e PUSH IN on the house Again dark and uiet "My life closed twice before it's M life closed t ice before it sclose/ It yet remains to see. INT. BUFFY'S BEAR RIVER HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT INT BUFFY S BEAR RIVER HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT We PUSH IN on the living room, toward a table. As we near e PUSH IN on the living room to ard a table As e nearthe table, we see an envelope leaning against one of the the table e see an envelope leaning against one of thelamps.
If Immortalit unveil/ A thirdevent to me. On the envelope, there's writing. It reads : "RYAN CRANE" On the envelope there s riting It reads RYAN CRANE INT. BUFFY'S BEAR RIVER HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHT INT BUFFY S BEAR RIVER HOUSE BASEMENT NIGHT Where Rip was tied up. All that remains now are the ropes here Rip as tied up All that remains no are the ropesthat once bound him.
So huge, so hopeless to conceive/ As So huge so hopeless to conceive/ Asthese that twice befell. INT. BUFFY'S SUNNYDALE HOUSE - LIVING ROOM/FOYER - NIGHT INT BUFFY S SUNNYDALE HOUSE LIVING ROOM/FOYER NIGHT The same house we all know and love, but it's somehow The same house e all kno and love but it s someho different. It's decorated, but it's somehow off. Something different It s decorated but it s someho off Somethingisn't quite right about it.
We SLOWLY PUSH IN on the front door.
Parting is all e kno of heaven/and all we need of hell." The front door bursts open, and BUFFY, WILLOW, XANDER, DAWN, The front door bursts open and BUFFY ILLO XANDER DA N GILES and JENNA rush in, closing the door behind them.
GILES and JENNA rush in closing the door behind them Buffy turns on a light and everyone looks around the place.
Buff turns on a light and ever one looks around the place Looks empt enough e can sta herewhile we work on a plan.
ho s up for some good ol fashionedrunning away? Xander, not now. This isn't the time.
If this isn't, I don't know what is.
So I guess e figured out hathappened to all the Slayers.
The gathering That s hat Kenned called it when she was talking to Not this I had no idea this is hatshe meant. She never told me what it she meant She never told me hat itwas.
That doesn t matter no hat elsedid she say? That s it She gave me a bunch oflines about letting me go back to being normal and then had me takethe Scythe. I didn't ask many the Sc the I didn t ask man questions.
The can t kno right I mean theother Slayers can't be walking to other Sla ers can t be alking totheir deaths willingly. Maybe we their deaths illingl Ma be ecould explain it to them.
Xander s right The on t listen Kennedy's given them the same lines Kenned s given them the same linesshe fed Jenna, which probably means she fed Jenna hich probabl meansthat they all think I'm the evil that the all think I m the evilone. We'll have to do this another one e ll have to do this anotherway.
Perhaps it ould be best if e satdown. We're all tired.
Sure Ever Sla er in the orld sabout to die, so why not take a load I just mean that e need to thinkthis through. We can't make any rash this through e can t make an rashdecisions. We should try to remain decisions e should tr to remaincalm.
I just can t believe this ishappening. I can't believe I let it.
Buffy looks at Jenna. She realizes how far Jenna's come in Buff looks at Jenna She realizes ho far Jenna s come inthe last few months, just by hearing that line.
the last fe months just b hearing that line She s right e ll stop this ejust have to come up with a plan.
hich I guess e should probabl dosoon, considering that the Night of soon considering that the Night ofMorel Divineh is less than a day Morel Divineh is less than a da away.
Though Buffy is saying things that make it sound as though Though Buff is sa ing things that make it sound as thoughshe's feeling better, it's obvious that she's not. The look she s feeling better it s obvious that she s not The lookin her eyes tells us that she is very uneasy.
in her e es tells us that she is ver uneas KENNEDY stands in the center of the courtyard, surrounded by KENNEDY stands in the center of the court ard surrounded b HUNDREDS OF SLAYERS. She's giving a speech.
HUNDREDS OF SLAYERS She s giving a speech This is it e re finall gatheredin one place, ready to take back our in one place read to take back ourtrue destinies. None of you wanted true destinies None of ou antedthis. None of you chose to be called this None of ou chose to be calledto be a Slayer. Why should you have to be a Sla er h should ou haveto live with that burden? We can see that they're all a little nervous, but eager to e can see that the re all a little nervous but eager toget this over with. They all just want to be normal.
get this over ith The all just ant to be normal Among the other Slayers, watching Kennedy speak. Her face is Among the other Sla ers atching Kenned speak Her face iswithout expression.
The Night of Morel Divineh is here By this time tomorrow, you'll be No rest Tomorro is a big da andwe might have crashers at the party.
e might have crashers at the part We have to be prepared.
Kennedy is finished speaking. She walks off, toward the Kenned is finished speaking She alks off to ard theschool. ETHAN joins her.
That as uite a little speech ougave.
You should see m dad give one ofhis speeches.
I'm sure that'd be thrilling. Really.
Someho that s not entirel comforting.
INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT INT SUNNYDALE HIGH HALL AY CONTINUOUS NIGHT Again, it's not quite like either school that we saw before.
Again it s not uite like either school that e sa before It's a blend of both Sunnydale Highs.
There are MORE SLAYERS sitting on the floor as Kennedy and There are MORE SLAYERS sitting on the floor as Kenned andEthan make their way down the hall.
I m read I kno the spell I kno the choreography. What else is there the choreograph hat else is thereto know? They walk into a classroom, and close the door behind them.
The alk into a classroom and close the door behind them INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - CLASSROOM - CONTINUOUS AMY is waiting in the classroom, with the Scythe. She's AMY is aiting in the classroom ith the Sc the She slooking it over. Kennedy's not sure she likes that.
looking it over Kenned s not sure she likes that I just don t need ou tr ing a spelland blowing it up before I get a and blo ing it up before I get achance to use it.
Right ou re great noble cause Entirely not selfish.
Those girls never chose this life I'm just offering them a chance to I m just offering them a chance toget rid of it.
Kennedy doesn't feel like being around Ethan or Amy. She Kenned doesn t feel like being around Ethan or Am Shetakes the Scythe and leaves the room. Amy watches her leave.
takes the Sc the and leaves the room Am atches her leave Once she's gone, Amy turns to Ethan.
INT. BUFFY'S SUNNYDALE HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING INT BUFFY S SUNNYDALE HOUSE KITCHEN MORNING Xander is in the kitchen, looking through the cabinets when Xander is in the kitchen looking through the cabinets henBuffy walks in. She sits on one of the stools near the island.
Buff alks in She sits on one of the stools near the island Nope I guess hatever rebuilt theplace didn't go shopping for edibles.
Just as ell I m not sure I d beable to keep anything down.
Xander goes to another stool and sits.
I as kinda hoping that those da swere behind me. Like the world would ere behind me Like the orld ouldstop ending just because all those And no the go and end it an a That's gratitude for you.
At least all of the others kne y'know? I mean, Glory and the Master, kno I mean Glor and the Master and Mayor Wilkins knew what they and Ma or ilkins kne hat the were trying to do. These girls don't ere tr ing to do These girls don thave a clue.
ilkins as that his name I justkeep calling him "The Mayor".
But beside the point You eretalking about clueless girls.
The shouldn t have been broughtinto this. They're not prepared, and into this The re not prepared andthere's nobody to train them. How there s nobod to train them Ho could I have been so stupid? You re not stupid Buff You didwhat you had to, in order to win the hat ou had to in order to in thebattle.
Did I ever mention ho I came tothat decision? Okay, that piques Xander's interest. Buffy looks down.
Oka that pi ues Xander s interest Buff looks do n of these lines about ho alone Iwas. How I'd always be alone. It as Ho I d al a s be alone Itplayed on my own feelings.
It led me to the Sc the and thenpointed me in the direction and gave me a shove like I as a blindfoldedkid, trying to hit a pinata. I knew kid tr ing to hit a pinata I kne how the First played these games, ho the First pla ed these games but I fell for it anyway. I thought but I fell for it an a I thoughtI was being so smart.
So ho s that for a mood killer You try to be all comforting and You tr to be all comforting andthen you find out that I pretty much then ou find out that I prett muchdestroyed the entire world.
Xander looks Buffy squarely in the eyes with a steely Xander looks Buff s uarel in the e es ith a steel expression.
You ll stop this It s ho e ork Big drama, and then we stop it just Big drama and then e stop it justin time. Planet saved, bring on summer in time Planet saved bring on summervacation.
You re stronger than this orld Don't try to deny that fact.
Buffy takes in his words. They mean a lot to her. Finally, Buff takes in his ords The mean a lot to her Finall she moves on.
The last time e ent into battle things didn't turn out as well as things didn t turn out as ell asthey could have.
Xander gets her meaning and emotions flood back to his mind.
Xander gets her meaning and emotions flood back to his mind I can t sa I haven t thought aboutthat.
Y think illo d agree to just sitthis one out? Buffy puts a hand on Xander's shoulder.
hen e re fighting tomorro justremember that we're fighting against remember that e re fighting againstthe same thing that killed Anya and the same thing that killed An a andSpike. The First planned this. We're Spike The First planned this e restill fighting the cause that they still fighting the cause that the died for.
Then I guess e d better kick someass.
Kennedy is standing in the bathroom, looking at herself in Kenned is standing in the bathroom looking at herself inthe mirror. The Scythe is resting on the sink in front of the mirror The Sc the is resting on the sink in front ofher, next to the box with the amulet in it. She takes a deep her ne t to the bo ith the amulet in it She takes a deepbreath, and then looks at her watch.
After checking the time, she picks up the Scythe and looks After checking the time she picks up the Sc the and looksit over. She closes her eyes and takes in the power that it over She closes her e es and takes in the po er thatit's giving off.
INT. BUFFY'S SUNNYDALE HOUSE - DAWN'S ROOM - DAY INT BUFFY S SUNNYDALE HOUSE DA N S ROOM DAY Dawn walks into her room, and takes a look around. It's pretty Da n alks into her room and takes a look around It s prett much the same as she remembers it, but she feels oddly out much the same as she remembers it but she feels oddl outof place here.
She walks to the bed and sits down, resting her head in her She alks to the bed and sits do n resting her head in herhands.
After a moment, Buffy knocks on the door and walks in. Dawn After a moment Buff knocks on the door and alks in Da nlooks up at her.
I just needed to get a a from thegroup for a while. It's kinda tense.
It s eird being back here I mean it's the same as I left it, but it it s the same as I left it but itseems. I don't know.
Like ou shouldn t be here Likeyou're walking around inside a memory? Yeah At the same time though itkinda still feels like home.
Not reall I think things havechanged too much for me to jump back here like nothing ever happened I mnot sure I'm the same person I was not sure I m the same person I aswhen I lived here.
You should call him before we fight.
You should call him before e fight I'm not saying you should tell him I m not sa ing ou should tell himeverything, but you should talk to ever thing but ou should talk tohim. Just to talk.
I'm not sure we're in a talking place.
Dawn looks at Buffy, struggling with her thoughts.
Da n looks at Buff struggling ith her thoughts Ho am I supposed to do this Ho can I go about life, never telling can I go about life never tellinganyone about the reality of the world? It s hard You just have to rememberthat this is easier for them. As that this is easier for them Asmuch as it kills us, it keeps them much as it kills us it keeps themsafer.
Does it Sometimes I don t kno forsure.
Buffy stands, feeling a little uncomfortable.
Buff stands feeling a little uncomfortable I think it does Sometimes I sit inbed in the morning, wishing that I bed in the morning ishing that Inever told Xander or Willow the truth.
never told Xander or illo the truth I look at them, and how much they've I look at them and ho much the vegone through, and I just wonder what gone through and I just onder hatthey'd be like if they never had to the d be like if the never had todeal with any of this. The magic, or deal ith an of this The magic orthe demons. How much of their pain the demons Ho much of their paincould have been spared if they never could have been spared if the neverfound out? Just how much did I ruin found out Just ho much did I ruintheir lives? Dawn looks at Buffy, a little surprised. She's never heard Da n looks at Buff a little surprised She s never heardBuffy say this before.
You can t think the d ant that Imean, yeah, there's been pain, but mean eah there s been pain butthere's been good things too. There's there s been good things too There sbeen love, and strength, and family been love and strength and famil that they'd never have if it wasn't that the d never have if it asn tfor you. They know what to look out for ou The kno hat to look outfor now. They know how to survive.
for no The kno ho to survive Because of you, Willow and Xander Because of ou illo and Xandercan take on this world and the demons can take on this orld and the demonsthat live on it.
Or because of me, they'll die trying.
Buffy sits back down next to Dawn. She looks Dawn in the Buff sits back do n ne t to Da n She looks Da n in theeyes.
Tonight if e lose this battle ouguys have to live with the outcome.
gu s have to live ith the outcome If we lose this, I die and you're If e lose this I die and ou reall on your own.
It wouldn't be the first time, Dawn.
It ouldn t be the first time Da n We have to be realistic about this.
e have to be realistic about this Sometimes, I lose. And what happens Sometimes I lose And hat happensto all of you when I'm not around to to all of ou hen I m not around tohelp anymore? Dawn thinks for a moment. Finally, she looks back at Buffy Da n thinks for a moment Finall she looks back at Buff with strength in her eyes.
Then e ll handle it ourselves Because we know how. Because you Because e kno ho Because ougave us the power to take care of gave us the po er to take care ofourselves. You made us strong.
Buffy just looks at Dawn for a beat, taking in what her sister Buff just looks at Da n for a beat taking in hat her sisterjust told her. As she absorbs these words, she sees the just told her As she absorbs these ords she sees thestrength in Dawn's eyes.
Buffy looks down at the locket that she's wearing, thinking Buff looks do n at the locket that she s earing thinkinghard. She puts her hand on it.
If If something does happen to me I want you to take this. If I die, I I ant ou to take this If I die Iwant you to have it.
Dawn thinks about it for a second. She nods her head, Da n thinks about it for a second She nods her head accepting Buffy's words.
No You re not gonna die You restronger than that.
You go I ll be there in a sec Ijust wanna splash some water on my just anna splash some ater on m face.
Dawn pats Buffy's shoulder as she stands and walks out of Da n pats Buff s shoulder as she stands and alks out ofthe room. As she leaves, Buffy takes a look around. She takes the room As she leaves Buff takes a look around She takesa deep breath.
INT. BUFFY'S SUNNYDALE HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY INT BUFFY S SUNNYDALE HOUSE LIVING ROOM DAY Buffy walks down the stairs, into the living room. All of Buff alks do n the stairs into the living room All ofthe other Scoobies are already in there, preparing weapons the other Scoobies are alread in there preparing eaponsand looking over blueprints that are unrolled on the table.
and looking over blueprints that are unrolled on the table When Buffy walks into the room, she sees the blueprints.
hen Buff alks into the room she sees the blueprints Blueprints for the school e foundthem in a closet.
Good e ll need them e ll haveto know that place like the backs of to kno that place like the backs ofour hands. To get through those our hands To get through thoseSlayers and stop Kennedy, it won't Sla ers and stop Kenned it on tbe a matter of fighting our way be a matter of fighting our a through. That'd be impossible. through That d be impossible They'd kill us all good and bloody The d kill us all good and blood before we got through the front door. before e got through the front door We're gonna need stealth. We're e re gonna need stealth e regonna need a way to get in there gonna need a a to get in therewithout anyone noticing us until ithout an one noticing us untilit's too late. I want to be holding it s too late I ant to be holdingthe Scythe in my hands by the time the Sc the in m hands b the timethey realize something's wrong. Sound the realize something s rong Soundgood to all of you? E cept these are blueprints for theSunnydale High that we fought in Sunn dale High that e fought inlast time, not the new hybrid school.
last time not the ne h brid school They're actually kinda pointless.
But the look neat all rolled outon the table like that. Makes it on the table like that Makes itlook like we're planning.
Then I guess e ll just have to fightour way in.
Kinda ishing I hadn t heard the"good and bloody" part of your last good and blood part of our lastspeech now.
No e ll do this e have t o thingsthat the other Slayers don't. Weapons that the other Sla ers don t eaponsand training. They'll be sloppy.
and training The ll be slopp That's an advantage to us.
So hat s the plan e can t justgo in like they were demons, can we? go in like the ere demons can e These are just girls. Human beings.
e must do hatever it takes toprevent the ritual from taking place. prevent the ritual from taking place If saving the lot of them means It s not gonna happen I ve let toomany of these girls die already. I man of these girls die alread Iwon't let it happen again.
Oh I m thinking ver clearl M brain's a crystal right now.
hatever Point is I on t killthem. I'll fight them. I'll hurt them I ll fight them I ll hurtthem. I'll knock them out if I have them I ll knock them out if I haveto, but at the end of the day, these to but at the end of the da thesegirls either live, or I'm going down girls either live or I m going do nwith them. That's not up for debate.
Plan is e fight our a throughthe Slayers and get to Kennedy. Once the Sla ers and get to Kenned OnceI have the Scythe or the amulet, I have the Sc the or the amulet game's over.
The on t be after ou You re nota threat.
But if e re kicking their ass on tthey want to kick our ass? Look there s no a ou gu s cantake on Slayers. Me and Jenna are take on Sla ers Me and Jenna arethe only two that stand a chance.
Great so hile the sit out I getkilled. Fun.
You re not getting killed Nobod sgetting killed.
I kno it sounds insane but it hasto be this way. I made this mess.
Ho ever ou anna look at it it smine to clean up. You're not exactly mine to clean up You re not e actl Samatha Stephens anymore, Will.
Willow looks down. All of her feelings of weakness returning illo looks do n All of her feelings of eakness returningto her. Xander sees this and doesn't like it.
to her Xander sees this and doesn t like it She can take care of herself e allcan.
Look I need ou gu s there I m notsaying that you won't have work to sa ing that ou on t have ork todo. You just have to stay out of the do You just have to sta out of thefight, and make sure that Amy and fight and make sure that Am andwhoever else Kennedy has working hoever else Kenned has orkingwith her don't decide to turn me ith her don t decide to turn meinto a rat.
Giles shakes his head. He still doesn't like her plan, but Giles shakes his head He still doesn t like her plan butshe's in charge.
Buffy grabs a sword off of a nearby table.
Then grab some eapons cause e releaving as soon as we can. The sooner leaving as soon as e can The soonerwe get there, the better chance we e get there the better chance ehave of stopping it.
The SUV drives down the road slowly. The street is empty in The SUV drives do n the road slo l The street is empt ina way that just doesn't seem natural.
The sun is shining bright in the sky. It looks like it'd The sun is shining bright in the sk It looks like it dactually be a nice day if it weren't for the possible deaths actuall be a nice da if it eren t for the possible deathsof thousands of girls all over the world, and the downfall of thousands of girls all over the orld and the do nfallof humanity as we know it.
Everyone is sitting in silence, just watching the world pass Ever one is sitting in silence just atching the orld passby their windows as they hold onto their weapons of choice.
b their indo s as the hold onto their eapons of choice This is the lull before the big battle.
Again, Giles is behind the wheel. He looks straight ahead Again Giles is behind the heel He looks straight aheadfor a few moments, but then looks over to Buffy. He can see for a fe moments but then looks over to Buff He can seethat her mind is full of deep thoughts. He wants to say that her mind is full of deep thoughts He ants to sa something to her, to make her feel better, but he can't think something to her to make her feel better but he can t thinkof anything.
When he looks back to the road, his eyes widen and he slams hen he looks back to the road his e es iden and he slamson the brakes. Everyone in the car is jolted back to reality.
on the brakes Ever one in the car is jolted back to realit Through it, we can see DEMONS (a lot of them) starting to Through it e can see DEMONS a lot of them starting togather in front of the car.
And the kno e kno here it sgoing down.
on t it kinda ruin the fun if eget killed on the way to the bigger Buffy looks back to give everyone their orders.
Buff looks back to give ever one their orders e re going to have to make it therest of the way on foot. Everyone rest of the a on foot Ever onejust try to push past the demons and just tr to push past the demons andget to the school as fast as you Lot of Sla ers at the school Let sjust hope a few of them help us out.
Buffy opens her door and hops out. Everyone else follows, Buff opens her door and hops out Ever one else follo s holding onto their weapons.
The gang prepares to fight as the demons get closer and Toward the front of the demon lines, there's a REPTILIAN To ard the front of the demon lines there s a REPTILIANDEMON, wearing a long robe.
Buffy looks back to Jenna, and then to the reptilian demon.
Buff looks back to Jenna and then to the reptilian demon With that, Buffy charges toward the group of demons. She ith that Buff charges to ard the group of demons Sheswings her sword through the air as she goes.
s ings her s ord through the air as she goes Also rushing into battle. Once in the middle of the mess, Also rushing into battle Once in the middle of the mess one of the demons grabs onto Xander, pulling him back.
one of the demons grabs onto Xander pulling him back Dawn spins around and sees what's happening. She swings her Da n spins around and sees hat s happening She s ings herax, taking off the arm of the demon that's holding Xander.
a taking off the arm of the demon that s holding Xander Xander gets free.
Making their way through the demons much easier than the Making their a through the demons much easier than theothers, though still struggling. They're near the back of others though still struggling The re near the back ofthe herd.
Keep fighting e have to ait forthe others.
Jenna turns around, looking back at the others, who are still Jenna turns around looking back at the others ho are stillfighting to make it through the demons.
The can handle it It just takesthem a little longer.
Jenna continues to battle the demons that are coming at her.
Jenna continues to battle the demons that are coming at her Finally, she turns around and faces the others again.
Finall she turns around and faces the others again Kennedy is standing in the hallway. The other Slayers that Kenned is standing in the hall a The other Sla ers thatonce rested there are gone, leaving her alone.
once rested there are gone leaving her alone She's still holding onto the Scythe and the amulet box, She s still holding onto the Sc the and the amulet bo waiting.
One of the classroom doors opens, and Ethan walks out. He One of the classroom doors opens and Ethan alks out Hegoes to Kennedy.
Yes You probabl also kno thatthis probably won't go smoothly.
this probabl on t go smoothl Things very rarely do in this town.
Things ver rarel do in this to n Are you prepared for that? I can handle hatever s thro n m way.
Buffy, and the others are still fighting the demons. A few Buff and the others are still fighting the demons A fe demons are laying in the street, dead. Others are trying to demons are la ing in the street dead Others are tr ing toget at the people who are fighting them.
Xander is engaged in some fighting with a demon which is Xander is engaged in some fighting ith a demon hich iscovered in what looks like mold. He and the demon are fighting covered in hat looks like mold He and the demon are fightingfor the ax that Xander brought with him.
Finally, Xander knees the demon in the gut and pulls the ax Finall Xander knees the demon in the gut and pulls the a free. He whacks the demon across the face with the blade, free He hacks the demon across the face ith the blade sending the demon to the ground.
Once that demon's gone, Xander turns to Willow.
Once that demon s gone Xander turns to illo I could reall go for another one ofyour demonic super eyes right about our demonic super e es right aboutnow.
Willow doesn't respond. She's too busy, struggling with a illo doesn t respond She s too bus struggling ith acat-like demon. The demon keeps trying to scratch at her, cat like demon The demon keeps tr ing to scratch at her but Willow manages to avoid the claws. Willow smiles, proud but illo manages to avoid the cla s illo smiles proudof her evasion skills.
Another demon bumps into the cat demon, and both fall to the Another demon bumps into the cat demon and both fall to theground. Willow looks a little disappointed at first, wondering ground illo looks a little disappointed at first onderingwho took out her demon.
She looks over to see who did it, and sees Giles, who is She looks over to see ho did it and sees Giles ho isalready battling with yet another demon.
This reall isn t going as ell asI'd hoped.
Buffy grabs a demon and throws it at the demon that Dawn is Buff grabs a demon and thro s it at the demon that Da n isfighting. Dawn uses this chance to join up with Buffy.
fighting Da n uses this chance to join up ith Buff Dawn punches a little demon that's coming after her. The Da n punches a little demon that s coming after her Thedemon drops pretty quickly.
Look on the bright side At least eknow the spell takes place at night.
kno the spell takes place at night That's not for, like, hours.
As soon as Dawn says that, THUNDER ROARS through the sky.
As soon as Da n sa s that THUNDER ROARS through the sk Buffy and Dawn look up.
Kennedy and Ethan look up, as though they could actually see Kenned and Ethan look up as though the could actuall seethe sky. Ethan looks at his watch.
It s happening The countdo n isnearly complete.
She starts to walk toward the exit at the end of the hallway.
She starts to alk to ard the e it at the end of the hall a Ethan follows her.
EXT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS Kennedy and Ethan exit the building, and are joined by Amy, Kenned and Ethan e it the building and are joined b Am who is already outside.
The courtyard is packed tightly with hundreds of Slayers, as The court ard is packed tightl ith hundreds of Sla ers asis the balcony-type hallway on the upper level of the school.
is the balcon t pe hall a on the upper level of the school All of the Slayers are watching Kennedy as she makes her way All of the Sla ers are atching Kenned as she makes her a toward the stairs.
When she reaches them, she turns around, and looks at Ethan hen she reaches them she turns around and looks at Ethanand Amy.
You t o start telling the girlsthat it's time for this to happen.
h don t ou just get up the stairsand tell them yourself.
Do I look like Morpheus to ou Besides, I have other things to worry Besides I have other things to orr about. Just tell them to get ready, about Just tell them to get read and that we'll need them to keep any and that e ll need them to keep an party crashers away from me.
As Kennedy turns and walks up the stairs, one of the Slayers As Kenned turns and alks up the stairs one of the Sla ersin the courtyard, DIANA (a younger teenager) calls out to in the court ard DIANA a ounger teenager calls out toher.
Kennedy doesn't look back. Ethan and Amy start to talk with Kenned doesn t look back Ethan and Am start to talk iththe Slayers, and telling them to pass along what they're the Sla ers and telling them to pass along hat the rebeing told.
As she reaches the top of the stairs, she turns around and As she reaches the top of the stairs she turns around andopens the box that contains the amulet. She pulls the amulet opens the bo that contains the amulet She pulls the amuletout of the box, and lets the box fall to the ground.
out of the bo and lets the bo fall to the ground The fight against the demons is continuing. While there are The fight against the demons is continuing hile there aredemon corpses on the ground, the fight is still a hard one.
demon corpses on the ground the fight is still a hard one For each demon that's killed, another takes it's place.
For each demon that s killed another takes it s place Buffy is being held by a large red demon with cloven feet.
Buff is being held b a large red demon ith cloven feet It's strong, but she's not finished yet.
She manages to bend over, and flip the demon to the ground.
She manages to bend over and flip the demon to the ground As she does, she grabs the demon's arm and twists it until As she does she grabs the demon s arm and t ists it untilit SNAPS.
She looks back to the others, who are all still fighting.
She looks back to the others ho are all still fighting Struggling with a demon, and very close to losing the fight.
Struggling ith a demon and ver close to losing the fight As Buffy starts to head to Giles, the demons all stop As Buff starts to head to Giles the demons all stopfighting. They drop whoever they're attacking at the moment fighting The drop hoever the re attacking at the momentand turn away. They start walking toward the school.
and turn a a The start alking to ard the school On the ground, and out of breath. He looks at the demon he On the ground and out of breath He looks at the demon hewas fighting as it walks away.
Is it me or are demons getting ruderthese days? Leaving a fight right in these da s Leaving a fight right inthe middle like that.
The re onto the amulet e have tobeat them to the school.
Dawn joins Buffy. She's bleeding from a cut on her head.
Da n joins Buff She s bleeding from a cut on her head e can take care of the demons Youand Jenna go.
Dawn gives Buffy a nod with a sense of calm that reminds Da n gives Buff a nod ith a sense of calm that remindsBuffy of their earlier conversation.
Buffy nods and then looks to Jenna. Jenna takes the hint and Buff nods and then looks to Jenna Jenna takes the hint andboth of the Slayers take off running as fast as they can.
both of the Sla ers take off running as fast as the can Once they're gone, Willow, Xander and Giles join up with Once the re gone illo Xander and Giles join up ithDawn. They're holding onto their weapons again.
Da n The re holding onto their eapons again e have to keep the demons back Let's go.
Dawn raises her ax and starts to run after the demons.
Da n raises her a and starts to run after the demons Willow nods in agreement as they rush after Dawn.
illo nods in agreement as the rush after Da n Giles takes a moment to watch them run off. He can't help Giles takes a moment to atch them run off He can t helpbut feel proud, seeing them take on such a huge task and but feel proud seeing them take on such a huge task andrealizing how far they've all come.
As she reaches the back of the demon lines, she buries her As she reaches the back of the demon lines she buries herax into the back of one of the demons, taking it down quickly.
a into the back of one of the demons taking it do n uickl She pulls her ax back out, and charges at another demon, who She pulls her a back out and charges at another demon hoI'll call ROTAK. As she swings at Rotak, he sees her coming I ll call ROTAK As she s ings at Rotak he sees her comingand grabs the ax from Dawn. He flips the ax in his hand, and grabs the a from Da n He flips the a in his hand grabbing onto the handle, and swings at Dawn. Luckily, she grabbing onto the handle and s ings at Da n Luckil shemanages to avoid it.
Luck girl Let s see ou do thatagain.
He swipes at her with his free hand, which she ducks away He s ipes at her ith his free hand hich she ducks a a from. As she does this, he brings the ax down at her from from As she does this he brings the a do n at her fromabove. To avoid this, Dawn hits the street and rolls out of above To avoid this Da n hits the street and rolls out ofthe way. She quickly gets back to her feet. Rotak GROWLS.
the a She uickl gets back to her feet Rotak GRO LS ith all this luck ou d think I dbe in Vegas or something.
ell in a fe ears I don t thinkthey'd actually let me-- Before she can finish the sentence, Rotak swings at her again.
Before she can finish the sentence Rotak s ings at her again He rushes up behind another demon. The demon he rushes up He rushes up behind another demon The demon he rushes upbehind is a blue demon, from the Sisterhood of Jhe.
behind is a blue demon from the Sisterhood of Jhe As he nears the demon, he jumps onto her back, and thus the As he nears the demon he jumps onto her back and thus thestruggle begins. The demon swings him around, trying to get struggle begins The demon s ings him around tr ing to gethim off of her back, but he refuses to let go. As he holds him off of her back but he refuses to let go As he holdson, he pounds her in the back of the head with his fist.
on he pounds her in the back of the head ith his fist Finally, she flips him onto the ground and steps over him, Finall she flips him onto the ground and steps over him looking down at him.
Xander cocks his head slightly, recognizing the breed.
Xander cocks his head slightl recognizing the breed Realizing what kind of demon this is fuels his drive to fight.
Realizing hat kind of demon this is fuels his drive to fight He grabs her leg and pulls it out from under her, causing He grabs her leg and pulls it out from under her causingher to drop. Once she's down, Xander gets back up to his her to drop Once she s do n Xander gets back up to hisfeet.
Ha You don t like it so much henyou're the one with the big bruised ou re the one ith the big bruisedhead, do you? He pulls a dagger from his belt and stabs the demon through Xander looks up, proud of himself, but nobody noticed.
Xander looks up proud of himself but nobod noticed Xander picks a new target and attacks.
Buffy and Jenna arrive at the courtyard, and stop short behind Buff and Jenna arrive at the court ard and stop short behindthe large gathering of Slayers. The place is packed, which the large gathering of Sla ers The place is packed hichmakes it hard for then to see anything.
This is impossible Ho are esupposed to get through here? Buffy looks around, trying to spot a path through the crowd.
Buff looks around tr ing to spot a path through the cro d Finally, she starts to push through it, with Jenna close Finall she starts to push through it ith Jenna closebehind her.
The other Slayers don't pay them much attention at first, The other Sla ers don t pa them much attention at first but the area is so crammed that there is a lot of pushing and shoving being done. There's also a lot of talking, which and shoving being done There s also a lot of talking hichmakes it hard to hear any one voice.
Trying to keep up with Buffy, but finding it difficult. She Tr ing to keep up ith Buff but finding it difficult Shekeeps being pushed off of her path.
As she tries to force her way through, she gets an elbow in As she tries to force her a through she gets an elbo inthe gut from a Slayer who doesn't see her coming.
the gut from a Sla er ho doesn t see her coming The other Slayer turns around. It's now that we can see that The other Sla er turns around It s no that e can see thatthis Slayer is CANDY. She's dressed a little less slutty this Sla er is CANDY She s dressed a little less slutt now, and there aren't any neck wounds.
Jenna ignores her, trying to catch up with Buffy still. As Jenna ignores her tr ing to catch up ith Buff still AsJenna looks around, she stops walking.
Jenna's lost her. She has no idea where Buffy's gone, and Jenna s lost her She has no idea here Buff s gone andthe other Slayers talking are making it impossible for her the other Sla ers talking are making it impossible for herto make herself heard by Buffy.
The crowd is dense and pushy. Buffy is nowhere to be seen.
The cro d is dense and push Buff is no here to be seen Still pushing her way through the crowd. She is still looking Still pushing her a through the cro d She is still lookingaround for a plan of attack.
She looks back, looking for Jenna. When she doesn't see Jenna She looks back looking for Jenna hen she doesn t see Jennabehind her, she stops walking.
Buffy still can't see her. There are too many Slayers. She Buff still can t see her There are too man Sla ers Shedecides to keep moving. Once again, she begins to push through decides to keep moving Once again she begins to push throughthe crowd.
Not too far from where Buffy is pushing her way through.
Not too far from here Buff is pushing her a through Rhona sees Buffy pushing her way through the crowd and Rhona sees Buff pushing her a through the cro d andrealizes that something is up right away.
Rhona begins to push her way through the crowd.
Rhona begins to push her a through the cro d PULL BACK to show that Rhona is headed for Ethan, while Buffy PULL BACK to sho that Rhona is headed for Ethan hile Buff is still pushing her way toward the center of the courtyard.
is still pushing her a to ard the center of the court ard Talking with another one of the Slayers.
Be prepared Tell as man as oucan. We mustn't allow anyone to ruin can e mustn t allo an one to ruinthis event. Do you understand? The Slayer walks off. Ethan turns around to speak with another The Sla er alks off Ethan turns around to speak ith anotherSlayer when Rhona walks up behind him and grabs his shoulder.
Sla er hen Rhona alks up behind him and grabs his shoulder Thought ou might anna kno I sa Buffy Summers in the crowd. She's Buff Summers in the cro d She shere.
Ethan's eyes jump over to the crowd right away, scanning for Ethan s e es jump over to the cro d right a a scanning forBuffy.
Good Keep looking for an one elsethat might be helping her.
Ethan leaves Rhona behind and starts pushing toward the Ethan leaves Rhona behind and starts pushing to ard thefountain. When he reaches it, he steps onto it's ledge and fountain hen he reaches it he steps onto it s ledge andscans the crowd again.
When he finds it impossible to see through the crowd, he hen he finds it impossible to see through the cro d hecalls out.
The crowd is still making noise. Ethan looks back.
The cro d is still making noise Ethan looks back Amy is standing by the school, talking with another Slayer.
Am is standing b the school talking ith another Sla er She looks up and sees him.
Getting the message, Amy's EYES TURN BLACK. She mumbles Getting the message Am s EYES TURN BLACK She mumblessomething to herself that we can't hear over the crowd.
something to herself that e can t hear over the cro d Suddenly, a BALL OF LIGHT shoots from Amy's mouth and over Suddenl a BALL OF LIGHT shoots from Am s mouth and overthe crowd. When it's right in the center, the light POPS the cro d hen it s right in the center the light POPSwith a LOUD BANG.
She looks back and sees Ethan standing on the fountain. When She looks back and sees Ethan standing on the fountain henshe does, her eyes widen slightly as she realizes who has she does her e es iden slightl as she realizes ho hasbeen helping Kennedy while Amy's been in the past.
been helping Kenned hile Am s been in the past e have an intruder amongst us ASlayer named Buffy. One who would Sla er named Buff One ho ouldstop this event from happening.
Buffy starts to look around, not wanting to be noticed just Buff starts to look around not anting to be noticed justyet. She ducks her head slightly.
At the top of the stairs, holding the amulet in one hand and At the top of the stairs holding the amulet in one hand andthe Scythe in the other. When she hears Buffy's name, her the Sc the in the other hen she hears Buff s name hereyes shoot to the crowd, the same way Ethan's did. She begins e es shoot to the cro d the same a Ethan s did She beginsto scan the area, looking for Buffy.
e must find her and keep her fromthe amulet.
In the crowd, not too far from Buffy. When she sees Buffy, In the cro d not too far from Buff hen she sees Buff she smiles.
As she hears her name being spoken, her eyes widen. She's As she hears her name being spoken her e es iden She sbusted and she knows it.
Seeing where Chao-Ahn is, and who she's looking at. Kennedy Seeing here Chao Ahn is and ho she s looking at Kenned points to Buffy with the blade of the Scythe.
points to Buff ith the blade of the Sc the She lifts her head and prepares for battle as the rest of The battle begins. Slayer after Slayer jumps on top of Buffy, The battle begins Sla er after Sla er jumps on top of Buff hitting her. Buffy tries to fight them off, but there are hitting her Buff tries to fight them off but there aretoo many of them. She falls to the ground, and is pinned too man of them She falls to the ground and is pinnedthere. As the other Slayers hold her there, she struggles there As the other Sla ers hold her there she strugglesand yells.
But the others don't give an inch. Buffy is trapped.
But the others don t give an inch Buff is trapped Willow, Xander, Dawn and Giles continue to battle the demons illo Xander Da n and Giles continue to battle the demonsthat are making their way toward the school.
that are making their a to ard the school As Dawn finishes off another one, she looks around and then As Da n finishes off another one she looks around and thenback to Giles.
There s too man The re gettingthrough.
Get to the school e ll tr to cutthem off there.
Dawn nods, and starts to run toward the school.
Da n nods and starts to run to ard the school Battling two demons. Willow's demon grabs her by the neck Battling t o demons illo s demon grabs her b the neckand picks her up.
As she struggles, she manages to kick the demon in the chest, As she struggles she manages to kick the demon in the chest and push off of it, allowing her to escape.
and push off of it allo ing her to escape As she gets back to her feet, she swings her ax and kills As she gets back to her feet she s ings her a and killsthe demon.
As her demon drops, she looks to Xander, who is still As her demon drops she looks to Xander ho is stillstruggling with his demon.
Giles rushes to Xander's side and helps him with the demon.
Giles rushes to Xander s side and helps him ith the demon illo go ith Da n e ll follo as soon as we can.
Willow doesn't want to leave, but eventually does. She runs illo doesn t ant to leave but eventuall does She runsoff in the same direction that Dawn ran in.
off in the same direction that Da n ran in Dawn approaches the school, and takes in the sight of all Da n approaches the school and takes in the sight of allthe Slayers, who are yelling and causing a big fuss. Of the Sla ers ho are elling and causing a big fuss Ofcourse, Dawn doesn't know why they're yelling and fussing, course Da n doesn t kno h the re elling and fussing she just knows that it's noisy.
Willow soon joins her here and stops short when she sees the illo soon joins her here and stops short hen she sees theSlayers.
o it looks like so man more henyou're up close.
I see a hole lot of demons comingthis way. Do ya think any of these this a Do a think an of theseSlayers might help us kill a bunch Sla ers might help us kill a bunchof them? Dawn turns around and prepares for more fighting against the Da n turns around and prepares for more fighting against thedemons that are coming her way.
From behind Willow and Dawn, Jenna emerges from the crowd.
From behind illo and Da n Jenna emerges from the cro d She grabs Dawn's shoulder.
Dawn is surprised, and jumps a little, but then turns around.
Da n is surprised and jumps a little but then turns around When she sees Jenna, she's a little relieved. Then she hen she sees Jenna she s a little relieved Then sherealizes that Buffy's not there.
The others have her pinned I can teven get to her.
Dawn mulls this over. She looks to the crowd of Slayers, and Da n mulls this over She looks to the cro d of Sla ers andthen to the demons headed for the courtyard.
then to the demons headed for the court ard e can t e have to keep the demonsback.
e have to fight off the demons atleast until these Slayers start doing least until these Sla ers start doingit themselves. Kennedy getting this it themselves Kenned getting thispower is bad, but a demon getting it po er is bad but a demon getting itwould be worse. Buffy can handle ould be orse Buff can handleherself.
Willow doesn't like it, but she accepts it. She gives Dawn a illo doesn t like it but she accepts it She gives Da n anod.
Coming The just had to kill a fe demons first.
As the demons reach the courtyard, Willow, Dawn and Jenna As the demons reach the court ard illo Da n and Jennaraise their weapons and attack with all their might.
raise their eapons and attack ith all their might Still pinned on the ground, screaming at the other Slayers.
Still pinned on the ground screaming at the other Sla ers You don t kno hat ou re doing You don't understand! Ethan walks up to her, and looks down with a smile.
Ethan alks up to her and looks do n ith a smile I don t kno ho ou got out ofprison, Ethan, but you'd best be prison Ethan but ou d best berunning like hell.
Strong ords from such a pinned do nSlayer.
I imagine ou ll see for ourselfwhen he's burying his loafer in your hen he s bur ing his loafer in ourass.
Ethan chuckles. He looks up at Kennedy.
ell look at that I d sa it sjust about time to end this Buffy struggles against the Slayers that are holding her Buff struggles against the Sla ers that are holding herdown, and eventually gets a view of Kennedy.
She wraps the chain of the amulet around the Scythe and raises She raps the chain of the amulet around the Sc the and raisesit into the air, and then closes her eyes.
it into the air and then closes her e es Vortala meson noctu Morel Divineh Jubris en sokree.
She keeps her eyes closed as the AMULET BEGINS TO GLOW.
She keeps her e es closed as the AMULET BEGINS TO GLO Battling a group of demons. Willow isn't having an easy time Battling a group of demons illo isn t having an eas timewith hers. Both she and the demon are holding onto her ax, ith hers Both she and the demon are holding onto her a trying to get it from the other.
Jenna has lost her weapon and is now battling it out with a Jenna has lost her eapon and is no battling it out ith ademon, hand to hand. After getting punched rather hard in demon hand to hand After getting punched rather hard inthe face, she returns with a barrage of punches of her own.
the face she returns ith a barrage of punches of her o n Dawn, meanwhile, is trying to stab at her demon with a knife Da n mean hile is tr ing to stab at her demon ith a knifeshe's pulled after losing her primary weapon. The demon she s pulled after losing her primar eapon The demonrefuses to sit still long enough to get stabbed. It keeps refuses to sit still long enough to get stabbed It keepsducking out of the way like a hyper jack-in-the-box.
ducking out of the a like a h per jack in the bo Willow's getting into serious trouble now. The demon that illo s getting into serious trouble no The demon thatshe's struggling with twists the ax, causing Willow to lose she s struggling ith t ists the a causing illo to loseher grip on it. Her eyes widen as the demon raises the ax, her grip on it Her e es iden as the demon raises the a and prepared to swing at her.
Just before it can, a sword blade comes through its chest.
Just before it can a s ord blade comes through its chest It's pulled back out, and the demon drops to the ground, It s pulled back out and the demon drops to the ground dead.
REVEAL Giles standing behind the demon.
Giles ducks as a blade swooshes over his head. It's being Giles ducks as a blade s ooshes over his head It s beingheld by a demon in metal armor. Next to this demon, its twin held b a demon in metal armor Ne t to this demon its t inalso holds a sword.
Battling a demon nearby. He's got the demon in a choke-hold, Battling a demon nearb He s got the demon in a choke hold while he looks up and sees Kennedy and her glowing amulet.
hile he looks up and sees Kenned and her glo ing amulet was supposed to take place at night.
Still raised in the air, wrapped around the Scythe. The amulet Still raised in the air rapped around the Sc the The amuletshoots a BEAM OF BLACK LIGHT into the sky, and BLACK CLOUDS shoots a BEAM OF BLACK LIGHT into the sk and BLACK CLOUDSform in the sky, blocking most of the sun and giving the form in the sk blocking most of the sun and giving thearea a strange blue-ish hue.
You have to let me go You re allgoing to die! One of the Slayers that's holding her down grins at her.
One of the Sla ers that s holding her do n grins at her Do ou reall think ou re in a goodplace for making threats? I m not making a threat ou moron I'm telling you! Buffy closes her eyes, annoyed by this whole thing. She takes Buff closes her e es anno ed b this hole thing She takesa deep breath and stops struggling.
The Slayers that are holding her down look at each other, The Sla ers that are holding her do n look at each other wondering why Buffy has stopped struggling.
Suddenly, Buffy's eyes shoot open. Her face is filled with Suddenl Buff s e es shoot open Her face is filled ithdetermination.
She uses all of her strength to lift her arms off of the ground, causing two of the Slayers that are pinning her down ground causing t o of the Sla ers that are pinning her do nto crash into each other.
Once her arms are freed, Buffy punches another one of the Once her arms are freed Buff punches another one of theSlayers, and frees her legs. She quickly gets to her feet Sla ers and frees her legs She uickl gets to her feetand looks around at the Slayers around her.
and looks around at the Sla ers around her You wanna fight me? Then let's fight.
The Slayers attack again, throwing punches and kicks. Buffy The Sla ers attack again thro ing punches and kicks Buff manages to avoid all of their attempts to hit her as she grabs the arm of one Slayer and throws her into another grabs the arm of one Sla er and thro s her into anotherSlayer.
She kicks another, causing her to fall back, into another She kicks another causing her to fall back into anothertwo Slayers. Buffy smiles.
Ma be if ou didn t all spend somuch time whining about your power, much time hining about our po er you'd actually know how to use it.
Rhona approaches. She just watches the fight at first, without Rhona approaches She just atches the fight at first ithoutan expression on her face. Finally, she speaks.
an e pression on her face Finall she speaks Buffy looks over and sees Rhona. She doesn't like this.
Buff looks over and sees Rhona She doesn t like this I kno that ou like to be the bossof everyone. You always think you of ever one You al a s think ouknow better than the rest of us.
You did this to us You cost us ourlives. My family won't even speak to lives M famil on t even speak tome anymore.
comment this spell is going to killyou. It's gonna kill us all if we ou It s gonna kill us all if edon't stop it.
You're not in charge anymore, Buffy.
You re not in charge an more Buff Time to step back and let the rest Rhona looks back. She can't see past the other Slayers, but Rhona looks back She can t see past the other Sla ers butsomething tells her that something isn't right in the back something tells her that something isn t right in the backof the group. She slowly starts to push her way through the of the group She slo l starts to push her a through thecrowd, toward the back.
Buffy continues to fight with the other Slayers. She takes a Buff continues to fight ith the other Sla ers She takes alot of hits, but doesn't let them slow her down. She avoids lot of hits but doesn t let them slo her do n She avoidspunches and kicks and- for some odd reason- a flashlight punches and kicks and for some odd reason a flashlightthat's thrown at her. All the while, hitting back at the that s thro n at her All the hile hitting back at thegirls that are attacking her.
Oka no I m confused h are efighting Buffy? Hacking away at a rather large demon that isn't dying. It Hacking a a at a rather large demon that isn t d ing Itlooks at her angrily, with it's big red eyes, and huffs. It looks at her angril ith it s big red e es and huffs Ithits her with the back of it's hand, sending her flying hits her ith the back of it s hand sending her fl ingthrough the air, and onto the ground.
Xander sees her, but is too busy fighting to help her.
Xander sees her but is too bus fighting to help her In the middle of a sword fight with the twin of Giles' demon.
In the middle of a s ord fight ith the t in of Giles demon She looks at Willow's demon.
Willow stands back up, and picks up her ax. She starts to illo stands back up and picks up her a She starts towalk toward the demon, who is trying to make his way into alk to ard the demon ho is tr ing to make his a intothe crowd of Slayers. However, before Willow can get to it, the cro d of Sla ers Ho ever before illo can get to it Rhona kicks the demon in the gut, causing him to stumble Rhona kicks the demon in the gut causing him to stumbleback.
Willow sees Rhona, and is a little confused.
illo sees Rhona and is a little confused A couple of the other Slayers see the fight with the demons, A couple of the other Sla ers see the fight ith the demons and walk back to help fight them.
Willow watches this, still not sure what to think.
illo atches this still not sure hat to think And so Rhona attacks the demon's eyes.
Willow stands back, not knowing which direction to go in.
illo stands back not kno ing hich direction to go in The area is full of very confusing chaos.
And then Willow turns her head toward the school and sees And then illo turns her head to ard the school and seessomething.
Making her way through the crowd, and into the school.
Making her a through the cro d and into the school Watching Amy. She decides which baddie to attack next.
atching Am She decides hich baddie to attack ne t She starts to walk toward the school. When Xander sees this, She starts to alk to ard the school hen Xander sees this he's not sure what to think.
Willow makes her way through the crowd, into the school.
illo makes her a through the cro d into the school INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Willow enters the school. As the door closes behind her, the illo enters the school As the door closes behind her thesounds of the chaos outside become muffled.
sounds of the chaos outside become muffled Nobody else is around. The hallway is dark. It's a bubble of Nobod else is around The hall a is dark It s a bubble ofcalm in an otherwise insanely loud area.
She starts to walk down the hallway, not dropping her guard.
She starts to alk do n the hall a not dropping her guard As she passes classrooms, she looks inside, but moves on As she passes classrooms she looks inside but moves onwhen she doesn't see Amy in any of them.
She pauses for a moment, to listen for any odd sounds. When She pauses for a moment to listen for an odd sounds henshe doesn't hear any, she continues to walk.
she doesn t hear an she continues to alk As she moves on, we REVEAL Amy, standing behind her. Amy's As she moves on e REVEAL Am standing behind her Am ssmiling.
Someone had to keep an e e on ou Nice trick, bringing Kennedy back Nice trick bringing Kenned backlike that. Honestly, I thought it'd like that Honestl I thought it dbe a little beyond you.
Amy raises a hand, causing Willow to fly backwards, and slide Am raises a hand causing illo to fl back ards and slideacross the floor.
Not long after we left off. Amy takes a few steps toward Not long after e left off Am takes a fe steps to ardWillow.
And here ou al a s thought ouwere the toughest witch. Always ere the toughest itch Al a sthought you were so much stronger thought ou ere so much strongerthan me. Not that you earned any of Amy waves her hand again. This time, Willow is slammed into Am aves her hand again This time illo is slammed intoa group of lockers. She doesn't fall this time.
a group of lockers She doesn t fall this time Once she recovers, she looks back to Amy.
o ou are po erful Still missinga few pieces of the puzzle when it a fe pieces of the puzzle hen itcomes to sanity though.
Do ou reall anna be pissing meoff right now? Amy takes a few more steps toward Willow.
I hear you're not too tough anymore.
I hear ou re not too tough an more Too bad. You're missing a hell of a Too bad You re missing a hell of aparty.
Amy smiles. A gust of wind blows past her, and she BEGINS TO Am smiles A gust of ind blo s past her and she BEGINS TOLEVITATE.
She extends her hand, and a BOLT OF LIGHTNING shoots from She e tends her hand and a BOLT OF LIGHTNING shoots fromit. Willow dives out of the way as the lightning hits a it illo dives out of the a as the lightning hits adisplay case behind her, causing glass, pictures and trophies displa case behind her causing glass pictures and trophiesto fall all around Willow.
Amy begins to move toward Willow. Willow looks around for a Am begins to move to ard illo illo looks around for aweapon and finally picks up one of the trophies. It's a eapon and finall picks up one of the trophies It s aslightly melted cheerleading trophy that we've all seen slightl melted cheerleading troph that e ve all seenbefore.
Willow throws it at Amy, but Amy catches it without missing illo thro s it at Am but Am catches it ithout missinga beat. She grins and looks at the trophy.
He I finall got m hands on acheerleading trophy. If only my mother cheerleading troph If onl m mothercould see me now.
With a slight chuckle, she tosses the trophy aside and ith a slight chuckle she tosses the troph aside andcontinues to move toward Willow.
Buffy is still fighting with the other Slayers. She punches Buff is still fighting ith the other Sla ers She punchesone of them, and then throws her into the crowd. As soon as one of them and then thro s her into the cro d As soon asthat Slayer is gone there is another one there to take her that Sla er is gone there is another one there to take herplace. They're all over Buffy, throwing punches from every place The re all over Buff thro ing punches from ever angle.
Buffy dodges their fists with some painful looking back- Buff dodges their fists ith some painful looking back bending and uses every free chance she gets to hit one of bending and uses ever free chance she gets to hit one ofthem back. She knows she can't totally stop them, but she them back She kno s she can t totall stop them but shetries to keep as much clear space around herself as possible.
tries to keep as much clear space around herself as possible Sensing that this isn't getting her very far, she begins to Sensing that this isn t getting her ver far she begins tolook around for another option. She has to get to Kennedy.
look around for another option She has to get to Kenned Still battling demons. Dawn is now holding onto a sword in Still battling demons Da n is no holding onto a s ord ineach hand, having picked up the sword of the demon that she each hand having picked up the s ord of the demon that shewas battling before. She is using them to attack a fur-covered as battling before She is using them to attack a fur covereddemon that keeps snapping at her.
Giles is fighting hand-to-hand with a demon which has insect Giles is fighting hand to hand ith a demon hich has insecttype qualities to it. He avoids a swipe by this demon, and t pe ualities to it He avoids a s ipe b this demon andmanages to grab it around the head. With a twist, the head manages to grab it around the head ith a t ist the headpops off in his hands. He looks at it for a moment, and then pops off in his hands He looks at it for a moment and thendrops it.
Xander is on the ground. On top of him, a black and gray Xander is on the ground On top of him a black and gra alien looking demon has it's mouth open, and is trying to alien looking demon has it s mouth open and is tr ing toget closer to him. Xander is barely managing to hold it back.
get closer to him Xander is barel managing to hold it back Dawn looks back and sees Xander's situation. Her eyes widen.
Da n looks back and sees Xander s situation Her e es iden Xander That s a soul sucker Don tlet it get too close.
Giles grabs the soul sucker off of Xander and stabs it. The Giles grabs the soul sucker off of Xander and stabs it Thedemon dies and falls on top of Xander.
Xander pushes the demon off, and gets up.
Giles looks back at the crowd of Slayers. The demons are Giles looks back at the cro d of Sla ers The demons arepushing their way in by now. The area is filled with Slayers pushing their a in b no The area is filled ith Sla ersfighting demons.
The bright side to this is, it gives Giles a chance to think.
The bright side to this is it gives Giles a chance to think Xander takes a look back at the big battle that's going on.
Xander takes a look back at the big battle that s going on As he looks, he sees something.
Giles immediately looks over to where Xander is looking. His Giles immediatel looks over to here Xander is looking Hisface fills with anger.
And with that, Giles starts to force his way through the And ith that Giles starts to force his a through thecrowd.
Xander remains behind, taking a look at the demons around Xander remains behind taking a look at the demons aroundhim.
People keep leaving h do peoplekeep leaving? Still at the top of the stairs, holding the Scythe into the Still at the top of the stairs holding the Sc the into theair.
Umprute ela miku en Senoiah avinokecomreesh! Vessel of the chosen po er I commandyou. Open your gates and release ou Open our gates and releasethat which I seek! In the middle of swinging a Slayer around and throwing her In the middle of s inging a Sla er around and thro ing herinto the crowd. Once she does this, more Slayers attack her.
into the cro d Once she does this more Sla ers attack her Buffy exchanges punches at an almost impossible speed, doing Buff e changes punches at an almost impossible speed doingher best to avoid the punches that are being thrown at her.
her best to avoid the punches that are being thro n at her Out of nowhere, a RED HAIRED SLAYER dives onto Buffy, taking Out of no here a RED HAIRED SLAYER dives onto Buff takingher down, into the fountain.
Buffy and this other Slayer struggle as they both try to Buff and this other Sla er struggle as the both tr togain the upper hand in the water. The red haired Slayer gain the upper hand in the ater The red haired Sla erattempts to hold Buffy under the water, but Buffy quickly attempts to hold Buff under the ater but Buff uickl kicks the girl off of her, sending this Slayer flying kicks the girl off of her sending this Sla er fl ingbackwards.
Buffy gets to her feet and stands on the edge of the fountain Buff gets to her feet and stands on the edge of the fountainand more Slayers attack her. Some try to pull her feet out and more Sla ers attack her Some tr to pull her feet outfrom under her, but she avoids them, or kicks them away. from under her but she avoids them or kicks them a a Others climb onto the fountain with her, forcing her to Others climb onto the fountain ith her forcing her toexchange hits again.
As she battles one of the Slayers, another one comes from As she battles one of the Sla ers another one comes frombehind and hits her in the back of the head. Buffy loses her behind and hits her in the back of the head Buff loses herbalance and falls off of the fountain, landing on the ground, balance and falls off of the fountain landing on the ground and at the feet of many more Slayers.
Before she can get up, they begin to kick her and punch at Before she can get up the begin to kick her and punch ather. She is once again unable to get back to her feet.
her She is once again unable to get back to her feet She tries to block these hits, but there are too many of She tries to block these hits but there are too man ofthem.
Kick after kick. Punch after punch. Buffy is bleeding from Kick after kick Punch after punch Buff is bleeding fromseveral spots on her face by this point. She curls into a several spots on her face b this point She curls into afetal position, but the hitting doesn't stop.
fetal position but the hitting doesn t stop Still filled with dark clouds. A BLACK VORTEX begins to form Still filled ith dark clouds A BLACK VORTEX begins to formabove the school.
Fighting one big demon together. Dawn has given Xander one Fighting one big demon together Da n has given Xander oneof her swords and both of them are trying to hack away at of her s ords and both of them are tr ing to hack a a atthe demon, but they can't seem to cut through it's thick the demon but the can t seem to cut through it s thickskin.
Once e get through the skin it sjust a matter of getting it's heart.
The demon hits at Xander, causing Xander to stumble backwards.
The demon hits at Xander causing Xander to stumble back ards The demon swipes at Dawn, but she avoids it and keeps on The demon s ipes at Da n but she avoids it and keeps onattacking.
Dawn doesn't look back. She's busy avoiding the demon's Da n doesn t look back She s bus avoiding the demon sswipes.
Dawn now looks back, as she just gets a chance.
Da n no looks back as she just gets a chance When she looks back to tell Jenna what she's fighting, she hen she looks back to tell Jenna hat she s fighting shegets a puzzled look on her face.
Stabbing the hell out of CLEM, who isn't feeling a thing.
Stabbing the hell out of CLEM ho isn t feeling a thing Before she can finish, the demon she's fighting grabs her.
Before she can finish the demon she s fighting grabs her She drops her sword and begins to struggle.
She drops her s ord and begins to struggle Xander comes back into the picture, stabbing at the demon Xander comes back into the picture stabbing at the demonwith his sword. He stabs several times, with little damage ith his s ord He stabs several times ith little damagedone to the demon.
Walking up to the battle with SEVERAL OTHER COWBOY STYLE alking up to the battle ith SEVERAL OTHER CO BOY STYLEVAMPS. When he gets there, he smiles and VAMPS OUT.
VAMPS hen he gets there he smiles and VAMPS OUT ell no Looks like e got herejust in time.
He jumps into the battle, taking on a Slayer, and loving He jumps into the battle taking on a Sla er and lovingevery moment of it.
Willow rushes into the room, and slams the door behind her.
illo rushes into the room and slams the door behind her She watches the door as she makes her way to the back of the She atches the door as she makes her a to the back of theroom. She knows that Amy will be there at any moment.
room She kno s that Am ill be there at an moment As she gets to the back of the room, she finds herself in As she gets to the back of the room she finds herself inthe corner, not knowing what to do next.
Silence. It doesn't open. There's nobody there.
Silence It doesn t open There s nobod there Still watching the door. She's breathing heavy.
Still atching the door She s breathing heav Still nothing. Until it blows off it's hinges and flies Still nothing Until it blo s off it s hinges and fliesacross the room. AMY FLOATS into the room, only a few inches across the room AMY FLOATS into the room onl a fe inchesoff of the ground, with a cool wind blowing her hair and off of the ground ith a cool ind blo ing her hair andclothes around. Her eyes are black.
a to back ourself into a corner What's your next trick? Scream really hat s our ne t trick Scream reall loud and hope I go away? Oh ait That s right You don thave any more tricks, do you? Amy's HANDS CRACKLE WITH ELECTRICITY as she slowly raises Am s HANDS CRACKLE ITH ELECTRICITY as she slo l raisesone of them.
Amy SHOOTS A BOLT OF LIGHTNING at Willow. Willow dives out Am SHOOTS A BOLT OF LIGHTNING at illo illo dives outof the way just in time. The bolt hits the wall behind her, of the a just in time The bolt hits the all behind her and pieces of debris fall to the ground near her.
and pieces of debris fall to the ground near her Just the same old eak nerd thatcouldn't pay anyone to look her way couldn t pa an one to look her a back in high school.
Willow sits up, but stays on the ground. She looks at Amy, illo sits up but sta s on the ground She looks at Am who is in the front of the room.
He I asn t the one ho hung aroundthe cool crowd, just to seem more the cool cro d just to seem morepopular. "I'm dating the guitarist", popular I m dating the guitarist "My best friend saved the world", M best friend saved the orld "I'm secretly in love with the most I m secretl in love ith the mostpopular girl in school's boyfriend, popular girl in school s bo friend even though I'm supposed to be gay even though I m supposed to be ga but don't know it yet." M goodness if ou clung on an more, they'd officially make you a more the d officiall make ou aleech.
Please You re an open book orm Youwant to be the coolest, most loved, ant to be the coolest most loved most powerful person in the world, most po erful person in the orld but you don't want to work for it.
Funn part is it orked You didn tearn anything you have. You didn't earn an thing ou have You didn tearn the magic that you used. The earn the magic that ou used Therest of us work our entire lives, rest of us ork our entire lives and it doesn't get us anything but a and it doesn t get us an thing but astake to burn at, and the ability to stake to burn at and the abilit toturn ourselves into rats.
Amy lowers to the ground, and takes a few steps toward Willow.
Am lo ers to the ground and takes a fe steps to ard illo Oh but I finall got the hint Ifinally caught onto how this game is finall caught onto ho this game isplayed. It's not about earning it, pla ed It s not about earning it or learning how to use it. It's not or learning ho to use it It s notabout the power that you're supposed about the po er that ou re supposedto inherit in your blood. It's about to inherit in our blood It s abouttaking what you want. It's all about taking hat ou ant It s all aboutcutting corners. Once you learn that cutting corners Once ou learn thatlittle piece of information, it's little piece of information it sall easy street from there, isn't Amy stops and looks at her hand, still crackling with power.
Am stops and looks at her hand still crackling ith po er Reall insane mental person ithmore issues than I have fingers to count them on Yup that s hat Iwas thinking too.
I mean I ve heard of holding ontothings, but jeez! How many years things but jeez Ho man earshave you had to get over it? Look at have ou had to get over it Look atyou, still whining about a mother ou still hining about a motheryou haven't seen since your second ou haven t seen since our secondyear of high school.
Amy doesn't like this. She raises her crackling hand.
Am doesn t like this She raises her crackling hand Willow smiles. She could quite possibly get her ass kicked illo smiles She could uite possibl get her ass kickedright now, but she doesn't care. She leans on a nearby right no but she doesn t care She leans on a nearb counter, which has a metal tray on it.
Amy shoots a STREAM OF ENERGY at Willow. Willow quickly grabs Am shoots a STREAM OF ENERGY at illo illo uickl grabsthe metal tray and holds it in front of herself.
the metal tra and holds it in front of herself The energy hits the tray, and bounces off if it. It hits the The energ hits the tra and bounces off if it It hits theceiling, which causes a lot of debris to fall around Amy, ceiling hich causes a lot of debris to fall around Am but Amy looks up and STOPS THE DEBRIS before it hits her. It but Am looks up and STOPS THE DEBRIS before it hits her Itharmlessly falls around her.
Meanwhile, the jolt sends Willow flying back into the wall, Mean hile the jolt sends illo fl ing back into the all and she falls to the ground.
She looks back to Amy, feeling the pain.
Amy motions toward Willow again, sending a BALL OF ENERGY Am motions to ard illo again sending a BALL OF ENERGYtoward Willow. Willow quickly moves out of the way just in to ard illo illo uickl moves out of the a just intime.
She starts to crawl on the floor, between lab counters, trying She starts to cra l on the floor bet een lab counters tr ingto get away.
Okay, think. You can get out of this.
Another BLAST hits near Willow, causing papers to fall around Another BLAST hits near illo causing papers to fall aroundher. She stops to think.
She s using a a Drolian impactspell. Pulling energy from the air.
It s all just a balance of theelements. That's science-y. I know elements That s science I kno science. I just need to think.
ANOTHER BLAST rocks the counter that Willow's crawling near.
ANOTHER BLAST rocks the counter that illo s cra ling near She starts crawling again.
Moving around the room, looking around the counters for Moving around the room looking around the counters forWillow.
Without so much as a word from Amy, the bunsen burners ignite ithout so much as a ord from Am the bunsen burners ignitewith tall flames. The room fills with their glow.
ith tall flames The room fills ith their glo Amy turns toward the counter that Willow is hiding behind, Am turns to ard the counter that illo is hiding behind just as Willow scurries to another part of the room.
just as illo scurries to another part of the room Ho bout I sho ou another trick Ipicked up? Amy stops walking and turns toward the front of the room Am stops alking and turns to ard the front of the room(now standing somewhere in the center of the room). She looks no standing some here in the center of the room She looksup, and spreads her arms.
From around the room, TINY BLACK BALLS begin to form, and From around the room TINY BLACK BALLS begin to form andcircle around Amy.
She's under one of the counters, and is watching some jars She s under one of the counters and is atching some jarson a nearby shelf. Several of these jars are marked "SULPHUR", on a nearb shelf Several of these jars are marked SULPHUR and their contents are being pulled through the glass, and and their contents are being pulled through the glass andforming the balls that are circling Amy.
Colletus I summon ou Elemen Ienvoke your power. Come forth to envoke our po er Come forth tothis place, and serve my wishes.
Willow listens to this spell carefully, trying to remember illo listens to this spell carefull tr ing to rememberwhat it is.
Think Colletus Elemen Cepa Iknow these.
The black balls that are swirling around her are pulled into The black balls that are s irling around her are pulled intoone big ball directly in front of her. The BALLS TURNS INTO one big ball directl in front of her The BALLS TURNS INTOA SEMI-CLEAR, AMBER BUBBLE that soon grows, and forms around A SEMI CLEAR AMBER BUBBLE that soon gro s and forms aroundAmy. Once this happens, Amy continues. She brings her hands Am Once this happens Am continues She brings her handsto her front, as though cupping water in them.
to her front as though cupping ater in them The amber sphere begins to spin around her, causing a STRONG The amber sphere begins to spin around her causing a STRONGWIND to blow around her. This wind is finally drawn into a IND to blo around her This ind is finall dra n into aWHITE BUBBLE in her hands. She looks down at this.
HITE BUBBLE in her hands She looks do n at this Suddenly, Willow's eyes widen as she realizes what's Suddenl illo s e es iden as she realizes hat shappening.
Not good Reall not good I like mebeing human. I don't want to be dirt.
She starts to look around the room, trying to find something She starts to look around the room tr ing to find somethingvery specific.
Amy separates her hands, and again spreads her arms. As she Am separates her hands and again spreads her arms As shedoes this, A RIPPLING WATER BALL is pulled from the white does this A RIPPLING ATER BALL is pulled from the hitebubble. She now holds the white bubble in her right hand, bubble She no holds the hite bubble in her right hand and the water ball in the left.
This is taking a lot of her strength, but she continues.
This is taking a lot of her strength but she continues From the water ball, a FIRE BALL is formed in front of Amy.
From the ater ball a FIRE BALL is formed in front of Am Still scurrying to find something on the shelves of science Still scurr ing to find something on the shelves of sciencesupplies.
Willow finally finds what she's looking for. She picks up illo finall finds hat she s looking for She picks upanother jar, marked "ZINC" and lets out a sigh of relief.
another jar marked ZINC and lets out a sigh of relief Of these powers, I summon the fourth.
Of these po ers I summon the fourth Bestow this force upon mine enemy.
Willow unscrews the top of the jar, and then stands up.
illo unscre s the top of the jar and then stands up Amy looks over at Willow as all three of the balls in front Am looks over at illo as all three of the balls in frontof her BEGIN TO GLOW BRIGHTER, gathering their energies.
of her BEGIN TO GLO BRIGHTER gathering their energies Willow looks at Amy with resolve in her eyes.
illo looks at Am ith resolve in her e es You re right I am the same geek Iwas back in high school.
With that, Willow throws the jar of zinc at Amy.
ith that illo thro s the jar of zinc at Am As the jar hits the amber bubble around Amy, the AMBER BUBBLE As the jar hits the amber bubble around Am the AMBER BUBBLEDESTABLIZES and collapses.
As it does, it reacts with the fire ball, and a MASSIVE GREEN As it does it reacts ith the fire ball and a MASSIVE GREENEXPLOSION sends Amy flying into the wall, taking out a large EXPLOSION sends Am fl ing into the all taking out a largechunk of it as she falls to the ground.
Willow waits for a moment as silence fills the room. Slowly, illo aits for a moment as silence fills the room Slo l she begins to make her way toward where Amy fell.
she begins to make her a to ard here Am fell When she reaches Amy and looks down, her face fills with hen she reaches Am and looks do n her face fills ithdisgust.
Eyes and mouth wide open, making it look like she is really E es and mouth ide open making it look like she is reall surprised. She's very dead looking.
Willow gently taps Amy with her foot. As she does this, Amy's illo gentl taps Am ith her foot As she does this Am sEYES GO HOLLOW, caving into her head, and her head falls to EYES GO HOLLO caving into her head and her head falls toone side. When it falls, DIRT POURS FROM HER MOUTH, leaving one side hen it falls DIRT POURS FROM HER MOUTH leavingonly an empty shell of Amy remaining, while her insides have onl an empt shell of Am remaining hile her insides havebeen turned to dirt.
The demons are now in a full-on battle with the rest of the The demons are no in a full on battle ith the rest of theSlayers. There are more demons than can be counted, fighting Sla ers There are more demons than can be counted fightingmore Slayers than can be counted.
In the middle of all this mess, Buffy is off the ground, In the middle of all this mess Buff is off the ground being carried by her arms and legs by a few Slayers, each being carried b her arms and legs b a fe Sla ers eachseeming to pull in a different direction.
seeming to pull in a different direction Buffy's eyes are closed and she isn't moving. It looks like Buff s e es are closed and she isn t moving It looks likea very uncomfortable situation to be in.
Being punched repeatedly by a large, black, slimy demon. His Being punched repeatedl b a large black slim demon Hisface is bloody, and his blue eye is starting to swell.
face is blood and his blue e e is starting to s ell Each battling their own demons. Dawn is knocked to the ground Each battling their o n demons Da n is knocked to the groundand is about to be stomped on by her demon, but she manages and is about to be stomped on b her demon but she managesto roll out of the way just in time.
Ethan is making his way across the front lawn, skipping out Ethan is making his a across the front la n skipping outon the battle.
Making another one of our last minuteescapes, Ethan? Ethan stops and turns around. REVEAL GILES standing beind Ethan stops and turns around REVEAL GILES standing beindhim.
Right hat then A punch to theface? Send me back to prison? That s not enough You ve gone toofar this time.
Oh come on You have to admit itworked out rather well, mathamatically orked out rather ell mathamaticall speaking. A battle for everyone in speaking A battle for ever one inyour little circle.
e even had another bo helping usgather Slayers until last week. He'd gather Sla ers until last eek He dhave been the perfect sparring partner for that bo of ours if one of theless sane Slayers hadn't killed him less sane Sla ers hadn t killed himfirst.
I have to sa it s been fun hat sit that they're always saying? it that the re al a s sa ing "Revenge is sweet"? I spent years, Revenge is s eet I spent ears locked in a cage because of you and locked in a cage because of ou andyour girl. I think it's about time I our girl I think it s about time Irepaid the favor.
B killing her B killing all ofthe Slayers? By helping to destroy the Sla ers B helping to destro the world? Giles takes a step toward Ethan with one of his Ripper-y Giles takes a step to ard Ethan ith one of his Ripper expressions on his face.
You ve crossed a line this time Ican't let you get away with it.
So hat You kill me Isn t there arule against the good guys killing rule against the good gu s killinghumans? Giles gets closer to Ethan and is about to grab him. As soon Giles gets closer to Ethan and is about to grab him As soonas he gets close to Ethan, Giles' face goes blank. After a as he gets close to Ethan Giles face goes blank After amoment, he looks down.
REVEAL Ethan's hand, holding a small pen-knife. It's sticking REVEAL Ethan s hand holding a small pen knife It s stickinginto Giles' stomach.
You do hat ou have to I do hat Ihave to.
You didn t think I ouldn t beprepared for you, did you, old mate? Giles drops to his knees as the blood starts to soak his Reall must be going no Good luckwith saving the world.
Ethan turns and starts to walk away.
Giles looks down at his wound, still taking in the shock of Giles looks do n at his ound still taking in the shock ofbeing stabbed. After a beat, he looks back to Ethan with a being stabbed After a beat he looks back to Ethan ith alook that tells us that this fight isn't over.
look that tells us that this fight isn t over As he walks away with a slight grin on his face.
As he alks a a ith a slight grin on his face Kennedy is still at the top of the stairs, holding the Scythe Kenned is still at the top of the stairs holding the Sc thein the air. She looks into the sky.
THUNDER ROARS again. Wind begins to gust.
I call upon the po er of the Sla er Let it reside in me! Essance of Morel Let it reside in me Essance of MorelDivineh, bring forth your might! As Buffy is being pulled in different directions, she begins As Buff is being pulled in different directions she beginsto wake up. Her eyes open, and she takes in the sight of to ake up Her e es open and she takes in the sight ofthe world around her.
The Slayers battling against the demons. Total chaos.
The Sla ers battling against the demons Total chaos PAN UP to Kennedy, performing the ritual.
Buffy is once again struck with the severity of the situation.
Buff is once again struck ith the severit of the situation She begins to struggle, but she can't get free. It seems She begins to struggle but she can t get free It seemslike the more she tries to pull free, the more trapped she like the more she tries to pull free the more trapped shebecomes.
She s going to kill all of us h won't you listen to me? Buffy struggles more, but still can't break loose. As she Buff struggles more but still can t break loose As shefights, she looks up at the second level of the courtyard.
fights she looks up at the second level of the court ard On the upper level, looking down on her is THE FIRST, in the On the upper level looking do n on her is THE FIRST in theform of Buffy herself. The First watches what's happening form of Buff herself The First atches hat s happeningwithout any expression on it's face.
When Buffy sees this, she stops struggling for a moment. The hen Buff sees this she stops struggling for a moment Theworld around her suddenly GOES SILENT as Buffy and the First orld around her suddenl GOES SILENT as Buff and the Firstlock eyes. It's only for a moment, but it seems like eternity.
lock e es It s onl for a moment but it seems like eternit After that moment, the NOISE RETURNS, and Buffy snaps back After that moment the NOISE RETURNS and Buff snaps backto reality as a demon tackles one of the Slayers that is to realit as a demon tackles one of the Sla ers that isholding Buffy's legs. When the girl goes down, Buffy's feet holding Buff s legs hen the girl goes do n Buff s feetdrop to the ground.
Buffy takes this chance, and flips backwards, pulling free Buff takes this chance and flips back ards pulling freefrom the two Slayers that are holding her arms. Once free from the t o Sla ers that are holding her arms Once freefrom them, she spin-kicks another Slayer that is trying to from them she spin kicks another Sla er that is tr ing toattack her.
Buffy looks up to the sky, and sees the black vortex that Buff looks up to the sk and sees the black vorte thathas formed. She then looks to the top of the stairs and has formed She then looks to the top of the stairs andsees Kennedy, still performing the spell.
She quickly looks around the rest of the area, trying to She uickl looks around the rest of the area tr ing toform a plan. There are too many Slayers and demons between form a plan There are too man Sla ers and demons bet eenherself and the stairs, making that path an impossible one.
herself and the stairs making that path an impossible one Finally, she spots another option. She rushes forward and Finall she spots another option She rushes for ard andjumps into the air. She then kicks off of a demon, onto the jumps into the air She then kicks off of a demon onto theshoulder of another Slayer, and then manages to grab onto shoulder of another Sla er and then manages to grab ontothe ledge of the upper level.
With a quick swing and a flip, she leaps onto the upper level ith a uick s ing and a flip she leaps onto the upper leveland finds herself face to face with more Slayers, ready to and finds herself face to face ith more Sla ers read tofight her.
You don t have to fight me Just letme through.
The Slayer doesn't respond. She simply attacks Buffy. Buffy The Sla er doesn t respond She simpl attacks Buff Buff effortlessly punches the girl and tosses her over the ledge, effortlessl punches the girl and tosses her over the ledge onto a demon below.
h can t the ever just pick theeasy option? Buffy charges toward the other Slayers in her path, ready to Buff charges to ard the other Sla ers in her path read totake them on.
Still fighting demons, along with the other Slayers.
Still fighting demons along ith the other Sla ers Dawn knees her demon in the groin. Once it doubles over, she Da n knees her demon in the groin Once it doubles over shepunches it in the face. She swings her sword around, and punches it in the face She s ings her s ord around andstabs the demon through the back. It drops.
stabs the demon through the back It drops Jenna back-hands her demon in the face, then spins around Jenna back hands her demon in the face then spins aroundwith a kick. The demon drops to the ground, but grabs onto ith a kick The demon drops to the ground but grabs ontoher leg. She struggles to pull free.
As Xander decapitates his current demon enemy, he looks for As Xander decapitates his current demon enem he looks forhis next target. Then he spots something.
The demons in the area clear a path for this particular demon as he makes his way through the battle. It is D'HOFFRYN, and as he makes his a through the battle It is D HOFFRYN andhe has set his sights on Xander.
Xander watches D'Hoffryn walking toward him, but he's not Xander atches D Hoffr n alking to ard him but he s notscared. The look in Xander's eyes says "bring it on." scared The look in Xander s e es sa s bring it on She grabs a Slayer and throws her into another two Slayers, She grabs a Sla er and thro s her into another t o Sla ers sending them all to the floor. Buffy then catches the arm of sending them all to the floor Buff then catches the arm ofanother Slayer that is attempting to punch her in the face, another Sla er that is attempting to punch her in the face and flips this Slayer to the floor.
Buffy is getting close to Kennedy by this point.
Buff is getting close to Kenned b this point Durah essente mogratos Vortun lesintagra. Shor trun! Olte mosenna! intagra Shor trun Olte mosenna Shor trun! eapon of the Sla er channel theenergy. Unlock the source and bring energ Unlock the source and bringit forth! Endow me with the heart of it forth Endo me ith the heart ofthe source. Bring it forth! As she makes her way out of the school, the sight of the As she makes her a out of the school the sight of thebattle in the courtyard hits her. She doesn't know where to battle in the court ard hits her She doesn t kno here togo, or what to do next.
She looks to one side and sees Giles stumbling back into the courtyard, holding onto his bloody stomach. She rushes toward court ard holding onto his blood stomach She rushes to ardhim.
She gets to him and starts to look him over.
She gets to him and starts to look him over Giles doesn't respond to her. He's looking up at Kennedy.
Giles doesn t respond to her He s looking up at Kenned Willow looks back to Kennedy. As she does, her face goes illo looks back to Kenned As she does her face goesblank.
The amulet SURGES WITH POWER. Kennedy's hair and clothes The amulet SURGES ITH PO ER Kenned s hair and clothesblow violently, due to a wind that affects nobody else in blo violentl due to a ind that affects nobod else inthe area. Kennedy is no longer speaking, or performing a the area Kenned is no longer speaking or performing aritual. She is now just waiting, with the Scythe still held ritual She is no just aiting ith the Sc the still heldover her head.
She sees Kennedy. She knows that this is not a good thing.
She sees Kenned She kno s that this is not a good thing The power inside of Buffy begins to surge.
The po er inside of Buff begins to surge Buffy grabs onto one of the few remaining Slayers in her Buff grabs onto one of the fe remaining Sla ers in herpath and throws her back into another one.
path and thro s her back into another one She's fighting as hard as she can to get to Kennedy. Only She s fighting as hard as she can to get to Kenned Onl two more Slayers in her path now.
The black vortex begins to FLASH WITH LIGHTNING.
The black vorte begins to FLASH ITH LIGHTNING A bolt of this lightning strikes the amulet, sending a surge A bolt of this lightning strikes the amulet sending a surgethat jolts Kennedy. Still, she remains standing.
that jolts Kenned Still she remains standing Kennedy looks over the crowd of Slayers, and the demons Kenned looks over the cro d of Sla ers and the demonsthey're fighting. She smiles.
ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT strikes the amulet.
ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT strikes the amulet She throws the last remaining Slayer over the side of the She thro s the last remaining Sla er over the side of therailing, and rushes toward Kennedy.
In one last-ditch effort to stop the spell, and without even In one last ditch effort to stop the spell and ithout eventhinking about it, Buffy rushes up to Kennedy, and rams into thinking about it Buff rushes up to Kenned and rams intoher with all of the force that she can muster, grabbing the her ith all of the force that she can muster grabbing theScythe from Kennedy's hand.
Kennedy falls to the ground and looks back to Buffy, wanting Kenned falls to the ground and looks back to Buff antingto scream "No!".
Before Kennedy can say anything, however, A VERY LOUD THUNDER Before Kenned can sa an thing ho ever A VERY LOUD THUNDERROARS, and ECHOES through the courtyard.
Kennedy's face is thrust upward, toward the sky, and HER Kenned s face is thrust up ard to ard the sk and HEREYES BEGIN TO GLOW.
Buffy watches this happen, and a realization comes over her.
Buff atches this happen and a realization comes over her She looks down at the Scythe, realizing what is about to She looks do n at the Sc the realizing hat is about tohappen. Before she can do anything about it, Buffy is struck happen Before she can do an thing about it Buff is struckby a sudden surge, causing her face to be thrust toward the b a sudden surge causing her face to be thrust to ard thesky as well.
At the same time, the Scythe pulls her arm into the air, At the same time the Sc the pulls her arm into the air much like Kennedy was holding it.
The fighting stops cold as every Slayer freezes, and looks The fighting stops cold as ever Sla er freezes and looksupward. THEIR EYES BEGIN TO GLOW, and LIGHT SHOOTS FROM THEIR up ard THEIR EYES BEGIN TO GLO and LIGHT SHOOTS FROM THEIRMOUTHS, into the sky.
The demons stand back when they see this. A sudden calmness The demons stand back hen the see this A sudden calmnessfills the courtyard as the Slayers are paralyzed by this fills the court ard as the Sla ers are paral zed b thisenergy, and everyone else stops to watch them.
energ and ever one else stops to atch them Watching this happen with wide eyes. They are in utter shock.
atching this happen ith ide e es The are in utter shock Her eyes fill with tears as she sees what's happening.
Her e es fill ith tears as she sees hat s happening As the energy from the Slayers continues to shoot into the As the energ from the Sla ers continues to shoot into theair. Suddenly, THE ENERGY STOPS. For a moment, the girls air Suddenl THE ENERGY STOPS For a moment the girlsremain standing with their eyes and mouths still wide, and remain standing ith their e es and mouths still ide andpointed toward the sky.
And then, one by one, they begin to fall to the ground, dead.
And then one b one the begin to fall to the ground dead Still standing, Scythe above her head, looking toward the Still standing Sc the above her head looking to ard thesky.
And the black vortex. There are many streams of energy And the black vorte There are man streams of energ shooting into the vortex from all directions. Finally, the shooting into the vorte from all directions Finall theenergy stops.
After a moment, the vortex forms into a TORNADO-LIKE FUNNEL, After a moment the vorte forms into a TORNADO LIKE FUNNEL which lowers into the Sunnydale High area.
hich lo ers into the Sunn dale High area As the tip of this funnel strikes her. BLACK ENERGY SWIRLS As the tip of this funnel strikes her BLACK ENERGY S IRLSAROUND HER as though she were in the center of a tornado. AROUND HER as though she ere in the center of a tornado She screams as this hits her.
BALLS OF LIGHT shoot through the funnel, into Buffy. Each BALLS OF LIGHT shoot through the funnel into Buff Eachtime she is struck by one, it hits her like a bolt of time she is struck b one it hits her like a bolt oflightning. As this all happens, BUFFY'S WOUNDS BEGIN TO HEAL.
lightning As this all happens BUFFY S OUNDS BEGIN TO HEAL Finally, the FUNNEL DISSIPATES. Buffy is left, holding the Finall the FUNNEL DISSIPATES Buff is left holding theScythe. She looks down at the ground, breathing heavily. Sc the She looks do n at the ground breathing heavil She no longer has any signs of battle showing on her body.
She no longer has an signs of battle sho ing on her bod Slowly, she looks to the lower level of the courtyard, at Slo l she looks to the lo er level of the court ard atall of the dead Slayers.
Laying all over the place. Demons still standing over them, La ing all over the place Demons still standing over them only just starting to snap back into their usual grumpy



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