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University of Mobile
Implementation Procedure for Drug, Alcohol
& Controlled Substances Testing Policy
for Intercollegiate Athletes
Purpose of Program
To provide a deterrent to the use, misuse, and abuse of recreational and performance enhancing drugs. To provide a safer environment for participation in intercollegiate athletics. To provide information about the effects of drug and drug abuse. To ensure fair and equitable competition for all student-athletes competing in intercollegiate athletics. To maintain appropriate standards of behavior and ensure the integrity of the student- athlete and the University of Mobile.  Each year all student-athletes must sign the then current Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Policy for Intercollegiate Athletes Acknowledgment and Consent Form (the “Acknowledgment and Consent Form”) before participating in intercollegiate athletics at the University of Mobile. The Acknowledgment and Consent Form must be signed before the student-athlete can attend any team practice or participate in any intercollegiate sporting event for that year. The failure to complete and sign the Acknowledgment and Consent Form will result in the student-athlete being prohibited from attending or participating in team practices and intercollegiate competitions and may result in the student-athlete losing any athletic scholarships or aid he or she may be receiving. The current version of the Acknowledgment and Consent Form is located on the last page of the Student-Athlete Handbook, and the policy may be amended with or without notice at the sole discretion of the University. This policy is not to be construed as a contract between the college and the student-athletes at the University of Mobile. However signed consent and notification forms shall be considered affirmation of the student-athletes agreement to the terms and conditions contained in this policy .  By signing the University of Mobile Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Policy for Intercollegiate Athletes Acknowledgment and Consent Form the student-athlete: o Acknowledges that he/she understands the need to disclose all nutritional supplements o Acknowledges the policies and procedures outlined here and the student-athlete handbook, and fully accepts the detrimental and possibly permanent defects caused by the use of banned substances. o Fully accepts that they have been made aware of the University of Mobile policies with o Accepts any and all liability if they have in the past used, continue to use, and/or use at anytime in the future, banned substances in any form; and releases the University of Mobile, its agents and all personnel of any and all responsibility and liability related to such use.  The University may conduct unannounced, random drug or alcohol tests of intercollegiate student-athletes at any time. All student-athletes, as well as red-shirts, medical red-shirts, student-athletes who are academically ineligible, student-athletes who have exhausted athletic eligibility but are still receiving financial aid can be tested at any time during the academic year.  The University may also conduct suspicion-based drug or alcohol tests, postseason championship screening, re-entry testing, follow-up testing, and pre-season screening of student-athletes who the University reasonably suspects of using a banned substance or of the illegal or unauthorized use or abuse of alcohol. The coaching staff, an administrator, academic advisor, athletic trainer, or strength coach may be aware of certain signs, symptoms, or changes in behavior that may cause him or her to suspect substance abuse. These staff members have a duty to report any suspicions to either the Head Athletic Trainer or Athletic Director. Reasonable suspicion will be based on the UM reasonable suspicion reporting form located within this policy (Appendix A).  The University may test for any banned drug or substance, for alcohol, and for any evidence of tampering with any sample or manipulating or attempting to manipulate any drug or alcohol test. Selection and Notification Process
 Each student-athlete selected for testing shall be notified in writing, by phone, or in-person by a member of the athletic training staff no more than 24 hours prior to the test by being served with the Student-Athlete Notification Form. A student-athlete selected for testing shall read and sign the Student-Athlete Notification Form, and the time and date of notification shall be recorded. This form will also provide instructions for the student-athlete to follow prior to arriving at the testing site (Appendix B).  During a random drug or alcohol test, one or more student-athletes from each of the teams/sport categories will be randomly selected for testing. Suspicion-based tests may be administered at the same time as a random test or at any other time. Procedure for Collection of Urine
 Once an athlete signs into the testing facility on the day of their designated drug test, there is a 3 hour time frame to submit a valid sample. Once the 3 hours has elapsed, Drug Free Sports imposes an additional fee for testing to continue. This fee will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.  The current Testing Protocol is available at the Athletic Department and the office of the Vice President of Campus Life, Enrollment, and Athletics. Upon request by the student athlete, a copy of the testing protocol will be provided to the student-athlete with the Student-Athlete Notification Form and will be available at the collection station. The Testing Protocol may be amended from time to time, with or without notice, at the sole discretion of the University. Notification of Test Results
The results of a positive test will be relayed from the Athletic Training Staff to the Athletic Director upon receipt of results. The athlete will be informed by a member of the athletic department of a potential violation of this policy. Formal notice of sanctions will be provided in writing and in person to the student athlete against whom sanctions are being imposed. This meeting will consist of the Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, athlete’s coach, and athlete. The presence in a student-athlete’s urine of a banned substance, and/or metabolite of a banned substance, will be treated as a positive test result, except as noted herein. The presence of such a substance and/or metabolite of a substance will be determined by analysis of the student-athlete’s urine and confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.  A student-athlete can be found in violation of the University of Mobile’s drug, alcohol, and o failure without justification to sign the Student-Athlete Consent Form o failure without justification to sign the Student-Athlete Notification Signature Form o failure without justification to arrive at the collection station at or by the designated time o failure without justification to provide a urine specimen according to protocol shall be treated as a positive test for a Street Drug, the most severely sanctioned banned substance Sanctions
Alcohol Policy
o The University prohibits the illegal use of alcohol by its student-athletes, such as o The University also prohibits any student-athletes from possessing, consuming, using, selling, transferring or being under the influence of alcohol on school property or school grounds, on athletic road trips, at school functions, and prior to or during athletic practices or competitions. o The University further prohibits the abuse of alcohol, such as public drunkenness, by its A student-athlete who tests positive for Alcohol will be subject to the following sanctions: First o A student-athlete who tests positive for the first time as a University of Mobile student- athlete will be suspended for first available two weeks of the student-athletes respective sport and may be subject to a monetary fine (not to exceed 100.00). o Drug education o Eligibility for practice, competition, and athletic aid will be retained. The athletic director or designee shall notify the student-athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and head coach. o In addition, the student-athlete will automatically be tested at the next random testing date and may be tested at one or more random testing dates in any year in which the student-athlete intends to participate in intercollegiate sports. o A student-athlete who tests positive for alcohol after having previously tested positive while a University of Mobile student-athlete will be suspended from the intercollegiate athletic program for the remainder of the academic semester. o The athletic director or designee shall notify the athlete’s parent(s) or o In addition, the student-athlete will automatically be tested at every subsequent random testing date for so long as the student-athlete intends to participate in intercollegiate sports. This will be at the student athletes expense. o A student- athlete who tests positive for the third time for alcohol will be suspended indefinitely from the intercollegiate athletic program and will immediately lose all athletic aid. *In addition to the above, a student-athlete found in violation of this Policy may be subject to further or additional disciplinary action and/or treatment as outlined in the Student Conduct section of the University of Mobile Student Handbook. Non Street Drug
 A student-athlete who tests positive for any banned substance that is not in the “Street Drug” class of banned substances, (i.e. anabolic steroids) will be subject to the following sanctions: o A student-athlete who tests positive for the first time as a University of Mobile student-athlete will be suspended for the first two weeks of competition in the student-athlete’s respective sport. Eligibility for practice and athletic aid will not be retained for the period of suspension. o The athletic director or designee shall notify the student-athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and head coach. o The student-athlete will be responsible to meet with a drug education professional at his or her own expense to establish an educational program which must be submitted to the athletic director before the athlete is allowed to return to competition. o In addition, the student-athlete will automatically be tested at the next random testing date and may be tested at one or more random testing dates in any year in which the student-athlete intends to participate in intercollegiate sports at his or her own expense. o A student-athlete who tests positive after having previously tested positive while a University of Mobile student-athlete will be suspended from the intercollegiate athletic program for the remainder of the academic year and will immediately lose all athletic aid. o The athletic director or designee shall notify the athlete’s parent(s) or o In addition, the student-athlete will automatically be tested at every subsequent random testing date for so long as the student-athlete intends to participate in intercollegiate sports. *In addition to the above, a student-athlete found in violation of this Policy may be subject to further or additional disciplinary action and/or treatment as outlined in the Student Conduct section of the University of Mobile Student Handbook. Street Drug
 A student-athlete who tests positive for any banned substance in the “Street Drug” class of banned substances will be subject to the following sanctions (even if the substance is also within another class of banned substances): First Offense o A student-athlete who tests positive for the first time while a University of Mobile student-athlete will be suspended from attending or participating in team practices/meetings and intercollegiate competitions for the remainder of the academic semester. o The athletic director or designee shall notify the student-athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and head coach. o Prior to any future participation in the athletic program, the student- athlete will be responsible to meet with a drug education professional at his or her own expense to establish an educational program that contains a minimum of 10 contact hours with a counseling professional which must be submitted to the athletic director for approval before the athlete is allowed to return to competition. o In addition, the student-athlete will automatically be tested at the next random testing date and may be tested at one or more random testing dates in any year in which the student-athlete intends to participate in intercollegiate sport at his or her own expense. o A student-athlete who tests positive after having previously tested positive while a University of Mobile student-athlete will be suspended indefinitely from the intercollegiate athletic program and will immediately lose all athletic aid. o The athletic director or designee shall notify the athlete's parent(s) or *In addition to the above, a student-athlete found in violation of this Policy may be subject to further or additional disciplinary action and/or treatment as outlined in the Student Conduct section of the University of Mobile Student Handbook. Appeal Process
 Student-athletes who test positive are entitled to a hearing with the Appeals committee prior to the imposition of any sanction. Requests for a hearing must be in writing to the athletic director within 72 hours of the athlete receiving notification of a positive test. Special permission to have a witness present at the time sanctions are imposed will be granted by the Vice President of Enrollment, Campus Life, and Athletics. If this permission is granted the student-athlete must present his or her own case.  The athletic director along with a University of Mobile appointed drug, alcohol, and substance abuse policy committee shall have discretion to consider appeals that are filed outside of the 72 hour deadline. The appeals process will begin with the student-athlete’s request for additional testing of the sample (at their own expense), the Head Athletic Trainer will formally request Drug Free Sports to re-analyze the original test and complete further testing. Re-analysis findings will be final. If he re-analysis test is negative, the first drug test will be considered negative.  The committee shall review the information submitted by the athlete and Drug Free Sports and reconsider the factual findings and sanctions(s). The committee shall make the final decision regarding the appeal and will notify the athlete in writing of the decision. Exceptions
 The list of banned-drug classes is comprised of substances that are generally reported to be performance enhancing and/or potentially harmful to the health and safety of student-athletes. The University recognizes that some banned substances are used for legitimate medical purposes. Accordingly, the University may allow an exception to be made for those student-athletes with a documented medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of such a drug. The student-athlete must declare the use of the substance by presenting documentation on the pre-participation exam each year.  Procedure for seeking and granting exceptions: Alternative, non-banned medications for the treatment of various conditions exist and should be considered before an exception is pursued. A student-athlete who wants to apply for an exception must provide a written letter from the student-athlete’s treating physician diagnosing and explaining the student-athlete’s condition or need for the drug, the course of treatment prescribed, the medication prescribed and the dosage of the same, and an analysis of the student-athlete’s ability to safely practice, train and compete in the sport(s) in which the student-athlete intends to compete. The student-athlete’s medical history should also be provided.  This information will be considered by the Athletic Director or his or her designee who may request additional information or documentation he or she deems necessary in evaluating the request.  If the Athletic Director or his or her designee is satisfied of the following, he or she may grant the exception: (1) that the student-athlete has a true medical condition that requires treatment by a banned drug; (2) that a banned drug has been properly prescribed by the student-athlete’s treating physician; (3) that there are no alternative, non-banned drugs that can be used by the student-athlete to treat his or her condition; (4) that the use of the banned drug in combination with practice, training or participation in the particular sport will not unreasonably endanger the student-athlete; and (5) that the banned drug prescribed by the physician is in one of the following classes of banned drugs: stimulant, beta blocker, diuretic or peptide hormone.  Student-athletes with one or more exceptions may still be tested. In the event that a student-athlete is tested and tests positive for only those banned substances for which the student-athlete has an exception, such positive test result will be treated as a negative test result for enforcement and disciplinary purposes. If a student-athlete who has certain exceptions tests positive for banned substances for which he or she does not have an exception or if the student-athlete fails to otherwise comply with the University’s Drug, Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Policy for Intercollegiate Athletes and the Implementation Procedure and Testing Protocol for the same, that student-athlete will be subject to the same enforcement and disciplinary actions as if he or she had no exceptions.  Requests for exceptions will be reviewed by the Athletic Director whose determination Safe Harbor Program
A student-athlete can voluntarily request substance abuse evaluation and treatment. A student-athlete is NOT eligible for the Safe Harbor Program: 2. After he or she has been informed of a drug test 3. After documentation of a positive test  The University of Mobile Student Success Center & the Head Athletic Trainer will work with the student to prepare a Safe Harbor treatment plan, which may include confidential drug testing. The student- athlete will be tested for banned substances upon entry into the Safe Harbor Program and such a positive initial test will not result in any administrative sanctions except those listed in this section (i.e. the team physician may suspend the student from play or practice if medically indicated). A student-athlete will be permitted to remain in the Safe Harbor Program for a reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, as determined by the treatment plan.  If a student-athlete is determined to have new banned substance use and/or alcohol use after the initial Safe Harbor Program test (as determined by follow-up testing), or fails to comply with the Safe Harbor Program treatment plan, the student-athlete will be removed from the Safe Harbor Program and be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions as detailed in the University of Mobile’s alcohol, drug, and substance abuse policy.  Entering the Safe Harbor Program will be treated as one of the disciplinary action phases and any positive test indicating new banned substance use and/or alcohol use after the initial Safe Harbor Program test will be treated as the next subsequent positive.  While in compliance with the Safe Harbor Program treatment plan, the student-athlete will not be included in the list of students eligible for random drug testing by the University of Mobile. Banned Substances
 The University of Mobile’s Drug Alcohol and Controlled Substances Policy is clearly separate and distinct from the NCAA Program. Because the NAIA does not have its own list, the University of Mobile does rely upon the NCAA Banned Substance list. However, this list is not exhaustive and the University of Mobile reserves the right to test for any substance and at any cut-off level we so choose.  Prohibited substances include, but are not limited to, any drug or substance in one or o Stimulants o Anabolic Agents o Street Drugs o Diuretics o Peptide Hormones o Analogue o Beta Blockers o Anti-Estrogens o Alcohol o Beta-2 agonists A non-exhaustive list of examples of drugs and substances in these drug classes is hereto in Appendix C. Except as otherwise provided herein no substance prohibited class may be used, regardless of whether it is specifically listed Additional Banned Drugs and Banned Procedures
 Blood Doping. The practice of blood doping (the intravenous injection of whole blood, packed red blood cells or blood substitutes) is prohibited and any evidence confirming blood doping will be cause for action consistent with that taken for a positive drug test.  Local Anesthetics. The University allows and permits the limited use of local anesthetics during athletic events under the following conditions: o That procaine, xylocaine, carbocaine or any other local anesthetic o That only local or topical injections can be used (i.e., intravenous o That use is medically justified only when permitting the athlete to continue the competition without potential risk to his or her health.  Manipulation of Urine Samples. The University bans and prohibits the use of substances and methods that alter the integrity and/or validity of urine samples provided during testing. Drug Free Sports considers giving three or more invalid samples suspicion enough to place the athlete in a category of future test participants.  Examples of banned methods are catheterization, urine substitution, and/or tampering or modification of renal excretion by the use of diuretics, probenecid, bromantan or related compounds, and epitestosterone administration.  Beta 2 Agonists. The use of beta 2 agonists is permitted by inhalation only. o Some nutritional/dietary supplements contain substances banned by the University. A student-athlete is responsible for knowing the content of any supplements they are taking. o Before consuming any nutritional/dietary supplement product, review the product and its label with athletic department staff. o Dietary supplements are not well regulated and may cause a positive drug test result. Many dietary supplements are contaminated with banned drugs not listed on the label. Drug Education
 If Drug Education counseling is required the student-athlete can contact a member of the athletic training staff or the Student Success Center for available drug education resources within the area. The cost of such counseling and additional testing costs will be the sole responsibility of the student-athlete. Record retention
 The University will maintain all test results, both positive and negative, for the time the student-athlete remains enrolled at the University of Mobile. Upon the student-athlete departing the University of Mobile, all test results will be discarded. Confidentiality
 The University will strive to maintain the confidentiality of the results of all positive test results. Only the following persons will be notified by the University of a positive test result: the student-athlete, the Athletic Director, the Vice President for Enrollment, Campus Life & Athletics, the head coach of the student-athlete; the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student-athlete, and University counselors or therapists (if any).  The University of Mobile will not initiate contact with any law enforcement agency and will not disclose the results of any test conducted under these procedures to any law enforcement agency or any third party except under valid court order or subpoena. UNIVERSITY OF MOBILE DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS
I, _________________________________, under the reasonable suspicion clause UM Staff/ Faculty Member that is outlined in the University of Mobile’s Drug Education and Drug Testing Policy, report the following objective sign(s), symptom(s) or behavior(s) that I reasonably believe warrant ______________________________ be referred to the Vice President of Enrollment, Campus
Life, and Athletics for possible drug testing. The following sign(s), symptom(s) or behavior(s)
were observed by me over the past _____ hours and/or ______ days.

Please check below all that apply
The Student-Athlete has shown:
_____ irritability
_____ loss of temper
_____ poor motivation
_____ failure to follow directions
_____ verbal outburst (e.g. to faculty, staff, teammates)
_____ physical outburst (e.g. throwing equipment)
_____ emotional outburst (e.g. crying)
_____ weight gain
_____ weight loss
_____ sloppy hygiene and/or appearance
The Student-Athlete has been:
_____ late for practice
_____ late for class
_____ not attending class
_____ receiving poor grades
_____ staying up too late
_____ missing appointments
_____ missing/skipping meals
The Student-Athlete has demonstrated the following:
_____ dilated pupils
_____ constricted pupils
_____ red eyes
_____ smell of alcohol on the breath
_____ smell of marijuana
_____ staggering or difficulty walking
_____ constantly running and/or red nose
_____ recurrent bouts with a cold or the flu (give dates ________ )
_____ over stimulated or “hyper”
_____ excessive talking
_____ withdrawn and/or less communicative
_____ periods of memory loss
_____ slurred speech
_____ recurrent motor vehicle accidents and/or violations (give dates ________ )
_____ recurrent violations of University of Mobile Student Code of Conduct
Other specific objective findings include:

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Counselor Consulted: _________________________ Reasonable suspicion finding upheld Reasonable suspicion finding denied University of Mobile Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Student-Athlete Name: _____________________________Sport:________________________ Date of Notification: _________________ Time of Notification : _____________ I, ________________________________________, the undersigned: Acknowledge being notified to appear for institutional drug and alcohol testing and have been notified to report to the drug and alcohol testing station at: _________________, on ____________________ at or before ___________________a.m./p.m. 1. I will be prepared to provide an adequate urine specimen and will not over-hydrate. I understand that providing numerous diluted specimens will be handled as a 2. I understand that failure to appear at the site on or before the designated time will constitute a withdrawal of the previous consent to be tested as part of University of Mobile’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Consent and will result in a penalty. By signing below, I acknowledge being notified of my participation in institutional drug and alcohol testing, and I am aware of what is required of me in preparation for this drug and alcohol testing event. Student-Athlete’s Signature:_______________________________ Date:________________________ I can be reached at the following telephone number on the testing day: __________________________________ …………………………………….For Student Athlete ……………………………………… Student-Athlete: ______________________________________________________________________ Location of Test: ___________________ Date of test: __________________ Time to Report:______________ 1. Wake up 2. Do not urinate 3. Do not drink too many fluids 4. Do not overhydrate prior to test. NCAA Banned Drugs
The NCAA bans the following classes of drugs:
c. Alcohol and Beta Blockers (banned for rifle only) Note: Any substance chemically related to these classes is also banned.

The institution and the student-athlete shall be held accountable for all drugs within the
banned drug class regardless of whether they have been specifically identified.
Drugs and Procedures Subject to Restrictions:

b. Local Anesthetics (under some conditions). d. Beta-2 Agonists permitted only by prescription and inhalation. e. Caffeine if concentrations in urine exceed 15 micrograms/ml.
NCAA Nutritional/Dietary Supplements Warning:
Before consuming any nutritional/dietary supplement product, review the product with
your athletics department staff
Dietary supplements are not well regulated and may cause a positive drug test result. Student-athletes have tested positive and lost their eligibility using dietary Many dietary supplements are contaminated with banned drugs not listed on the Any product containing a dietary supplement ingredient is taken at your own

It is your responsibility to check with the appropriate athletics staff
before using any substance.
Note to Student-Athletes: There is no complete list of banned substances.
Do not rely on this list to rule out any supplement ingredient.
Check with your athletics department staff prior to using a supplement.
Some Examples of NCAA Banned Substances in Each Drug Class
amphetamine (Adderall); caffeine (guarana); cocaine; ephedrine; fenfluramine methylphenidate (Ritalin); phentermine (Phen); synephrine (bitter orange); methylhexaneamine, etc. exceptions: phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are not banned. Anabolic Agents – (sometimes listed as a chemical formula, such as 3,6,17- methasterone; androstenedione; norandrostenedione; methandienone; etiocholanolone; trenbolone; etc. Alcohol and Beta Blockers (banned for rifle only): alcohol; atenolol; metoprolol; nadolol; pindolol; propranolol; timolol; etc. Diuretics (water pills) and Other Masking Agents: furosemide; hydrochlorothiazide; probenecid; tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); synthetic cannabinoids (eg. growth hormone(hGH); human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); erythropoietin 3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene(ATD), etc. bambuterol; formoterol; salbutamol; salmeterol; etc.
Any substance that is chemically related to the class, even if it is not listed as an example, is
also banned!


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