Microsoft word - strategic_rotational_deworming_for_clients_to put

A Solution to the Growing Equine Parasite Resistance? As part of our practice philosophy, Unionvil e Equine Associates attempts to keep our clients informed of currentadvances in equine medicine. As you may be aware, significant drug resistance has developed in the equine parasitepopulation. Unfortunately, resistance to some commonly used de-wormers has been recorded at 95% in some herds ofhorses in the United States. It has also been recognized that only 1 in 5 horses shed significant numbers of parasite eggsin their manure. Most healthy horses are natural y immune to heavy parasite infestation. In fact low levels of parasites inadult horses can stimulate the immune system and promote a natural reduction in parasite burden.
Recently a new strategy for parasite control has emerged that targets treatment of the horses shedding the mostparasite eggs (20% of the population). The goal of this program is to lower but not eliminate the parasite load in adulthorses and to reduce contamination of the environment. By maintaining a low fecal egg count (FEC) in some horses wecan cultivate a parasite population that can become less resistant to de-worming, which is known as refugia. Thestrategy outlined below only applies to horses with a mature immune system (2 years and older).
Step One - Determine which horses are shedding parasites 1. Submit fecal samples from al of the horses on your farm to your veterinarian. It is essential to wait the fol owing interval post de-worming before submitting a fecal sample to get an accurate FEC:moxidectin- 4 months, ivermectin- 3 months, pyrantel -10 weeks, fenbendazole -8 weeks.
*See below for brand names.
2. Your veterinarian wil perform a FEC on each mature horse and rank them according to the number of parasite eggs the horse is shedding in its’ feces. The FEC is reported in eggs per gram (EPG) of manure.
The horses wil then be divided into categories of Low, Moderate and High shedders.
Step Two - Determine the effectiveness of our available de-wormers (i.e. resistance) 1. Out of the horses that are moderate to high shedders, work with your veterinarian to determine the efficacy of each de-wormer. Your veterinarian wil repeat a FEC, 10 to 14 days post de-worming, inorder to calculate a percent reduction in FEC to determine the resistance to that de-wormer for yourfarm. De-wormers that are found to be effective on your farm should be tested yearly to determine ifthey are maintaining efficacy.
Step Three - Establish an annual plan for each horse based on the level of shedding and efficacy of de-wormers Your veterinarian wil work with you to develop a treatment plan based on the individual needs of your horse(s) and thepeak parasite transmission period for our region (Spring, Summer & Fal ). See chart below.
a. Low Shedders: Twice per year in Spring & Falb. Moderate shedders: Three times per year in Spring, Summer & Falc. High Shedders: Four times per year in Spring, Summer & Fal Your veterinarian can assist you in determining which de-wormer to use and when. De-wormer selection is determinedbased on a working knowledge of the parasite life cycle, as not al de-wormers target al species or stages in each lifecycle. Most programs are based on the use of ivermectin and moxidectin. Using one or the other twice per year isenough for low shedders. Moderate or high shedders should be treated more frequently with something other than anivermectin based product to reduce environmental contamination. Praziquantel is added to some products to targettapeworms.
Below you wil find a de-worming schedule to fol ow once you and your veterinarian have discussed the sheddingpotential of your horse. Every horse in the program wil be treated at least twice a year. Some horses wil need to betreated additional times, with approved products, as determined by your veterinarian. The approved products wil bechosen based on their efficacy on your farm.
*Common brand names of paste de-wormers that might be used to treat your horse/s: Ivermectin plus praziquantal= Equimax®, Zimecterin Gold® Moxidectin plus praziquantel= Quest Plus® Fenbendazole= Panacur®, Safe-Guard® (Large scale resistance against this drug has been demonstrated, use only ifadvised by your veterinarian.) Effective period or length of time before surviving adults begin shedding eggs:


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