Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje penicilline antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Microsoft word - boy scout permission -- bashore 2012.doc
BSA Troop 152 Boy Scout Permission And Liability Wavier Form Permission to Attend Bashore Scout Reservation Vienna, VA June 2012
Dear Family Member:
Troop 152 will be attending Scout Camp June 24 – June 30, 2012 at Bashore Scout Reservation in central
Pennsylvania. Our Adult in Charge is Jim Wolfe (703-220-9231). Other adult leaders include Charlie Brown (703-819-3536). Your written permission is required before your Scout will be permitted to participate. Please
read this form carefully, sign where indicated, and ask your Scout to return the form to Mr.Wolfe or Mr. Brown.
SCOUT'S NAME: HOME TELEPHONE #: SCOUT'S HOME ADDRESS: I. In consideration of the benefits to be derived, and in view of the fact that the Boy Scouts of America is an voluntary educational institution, and having full confidence that every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the Scouts, I agree to my Scout’s participation and waive all claims against the leaders of this trip and officers, agents, and representatives of the Boy Scouts of America. II. MEDICAL DISCLOSURE INFORMATION: Please complete the separate medical forms as well. Note that a separate Medical Form and a Medications Form (2 forms) are required in addition to this Permission & Liability Waiver. A copy of your insurance card (front and back) is also required.
The trip leader should be aware of the following medical, or other, problems: _______________________
Our Scout is allergic to or highly sensitive to:
____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Non-prescription and over-the-counter remedies, including the following first-aid medications, may be available or utilized during this trip. Please indicate which items, if any, your Scout should NOT receive; otherwise, your Scout may be treated with them as necessary: Medication Example(s) Initial one of the following:
Scout may not have ________________ ________________________________________ BSA Troop 152 Boy Scout Permission And Liability Wavier Form Permission to Attend Bashore Scout Reservation Vienna, VA June 2012
III. EMERGENCY NAME and NUMBERS: During this outing, I/we may be reached at: In the event of an emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me. However, if I cannot be reached, I give permission for any physician, nurse, paramedic, first aid provider or medical facility to treat my Scout with any established, approved medical or surgical procedure necessary to ensure the health and safety of my Scout. This may include hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery or injections of medications. I agree to hold harmless all medical personnel, including those rendering first aid and the leaders of this trip, in this event. My medical insurance carrier is ___________________________________________
Signature of family member giving consent: _____________________________________
Please note that ALL information is required. Your Scout will not be allowed to board cars without a complete Permission & Liability Waiver Form.
Automatic Prediction of Evidence-based Recommendations via{abeed.sarker, diego.molla-aliod} important sentences in a medical abstract thatare associated with a posed query. In our work, weWe propose a supervised classification ap-use the sentences extracted by a domain-specific,query-focused text summariser. Consider the fol-larity classification approach is context-sensitive,
Zhou The Evaluation of a Temporal Reasoning System Page 1 of 15 pages Appendix 1 A Simple Example of a Questionnaire A Discharge Summary (Simplified): (Admission Date: 1991/03/18 14:00; Discharge Date: 1991/03/2916:00) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a 86-year old man with history of A-fib, esophageal reflux with strictures, history of depression, who presented with 3 week