Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica doxycycline Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.

Nscn 11-05

6 Northwest Sports Car News
2006 western regional rally calendar
Great American Race 2005, tentative, Philadelphia to San Rafael, CA. www.greatrace.com Rally Baie des Chaleurs, CARS National Stage Rally, CRC, New Richmond, PQ. www.rallybdc.com The Amazing Rallye, VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org This draft calendar is provisional as of the last revision on Nov. 11. Dates in BLACK are con-
Larison Rock Hillclimb, Oakridge, OR.
firmed. Dates in GRAY are provisional using corresponding weekends from 2005.
Porsche Parade Convention, Portland, OR. www.pca.org/parade/2006 First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Dakar Rally 2006, Portugal-Spain-Morocco-Mauritania-Mali-Senegal. www.dakar.com Rally Argentina, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills CA. www.smscc.org SoCal Rallycross 3, Gravel Crew, (cancelled in ’05), Corona, CA. www.gcrallyx.com NorPac Division SCCA Convention, Reno NV. www.nwr-scca.org, www.oregonrally.com, www.sfrscca.org Golden West 2005, SCCA Nat’l Tour PCC gravel, (tba), Northern Calif. www.sfrscca.org Rallye Academy, The Rallye Club, Mountain View CA. www.therallyeclub.org Silver State Gold Rush Challenge, Open Road TT, Hwy 278, Las Vegas, NV. www.sscc.us CARS AGM 2006, Vancouver BC. www.carsrally.ca Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Atlantic’s Grand Canyon Tours TSD Tour Canyon & Route 66, Laughlin NV. www.atlanticdrivingschoolaz.com La Carrera Internacional de Ensenada, Open Road TT (cancelled in ’05), Ensenada, MX. www.sscc.us ORG Stage Rally Annual Inspections Party, (location tba). www.oregonrally.com The Scenic View, SCCA National Road Rally Course, (tba) OR. www.leftrightonline.com Rallye Automobile Monte Carlo, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com The Beaver Cleaver, SCCA National Road Rally Course, (tba) OR. www.leftrightonline.com Oregon Region SCCA Regional Awards LUAU, Holiday Inn PDX & Columbia Conf. Ctr. www.oregonscca.com Flaming Geyser, NWR Rally Cross, Pacific Raceway, Covington, WA. www.nwr-scca.org NWR Banquet SCCA Banquet, (location tba). www.nwr-scca.org Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Island Rallysport Club First Aid Course, Duncan BC. www.rallybc.com Grand Prix of Portland, Portland International Raceways, Portland, OR. (workers info) Trail of the GNU, (winter version of July ’05 rally cancelled by floods), Calgary AB. www.cscc.ab.ca CART Champ Car & Toyota Atlantic, Streets of Vancouver, Vancouver, BC.
Sno*Drift, Rally America Nat’l Stage Rally, Atlanta, MI. www.sno-drift.org Gold Digger, WCRA BC Regional TSD, Pemberton, BC. www.rallybc.com Race Central Swap Meet, tba, Portland OR. www.oregonrally.com Pacific Rally Group, Rally Cafe, (Solo National Tour Event), Packwood, WA. www.nwr-scca.org Storm the Island (STi), IRC paved night TSD rally, Vanc. Is., Series #1, Port Alberni, BC. www.rallybc.com Reno Rally, WSRC & Pacific Rally Group (was Nov. ‘05), Reno, NV. [email protected] SCCA National Convention 2006, Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, MO. www.scca.org Brooklyn Bash Rallycross, Team Vanquish Rallycross, Brooklyn, WA. [email protected] First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Maine Forest Rally, Rally America National Stage Rally, Rumford, ME. www.maineforestrally.com Rallye Perce-Neige Maniwaki CARS Nat’l Stage Rally CRC Maniwaki PQ www.lino.com/~rallyperceneige Thunderhill 4 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org TSD Rallye School, PCA - TRC, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org RallyAir Rallycross 3, Gravel Crew, San Bernardino, CA. www.gcrallyx.com 25th Anniversary Rallye VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org ?? Monte Shelton North West Classic Motorcar Rally, Portland, OR. www.alfaclub.org/msnwc.htm Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Uddeholm Swedish Rally, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Neste Rally Finland, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com February Frolic ’06, PCA – TRC, Dublin, CA. www.therallyclub.org WCRA Novice Workshop #3, BC Novice TSD, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Thunderbird, WCRA, BC Regional TSD Winter Rally, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Ray’s Rambler, Pacific Rally Group, Rally Worker’s Rally Sprint & Party, Montesano, WA. www.nwr-scca.org Inaugural SCCA/CalClub Monte Carlo Regional TSD. www.smscc.org Janice’s Jaunt, Pacific Rally Group, Rally Worker’s Rally Sprint & Party, Montesano, WA. www.nwr-scca.org 2006 Regional Stage Rally National Championship – 2005 Awards, tba. Rally America Bible Creek Hillclimb, Willamette Motor Club, (Salem, OR), Wilemina, OR. www.wmclub.org Pacific Rally Group, Rally Awards Banquet, Fort Lewis Golf Club. www.nwr-scca.org Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Ridgecrest 1 Rally School, CRS School, RallyX, NASA/CRS, Ridgecrest, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Thunderhill Rallycross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org WCRA Rally-X, West Coast Rally Association, Ashcroft/Barnes Lake, BC. www.rallybc.com RallyAir Rallycross 4, Gravel Crew, San Bernardino, CA. www.gcrallyx.com Island Rallysport Club, Rally Cross #1, Port Alberni, BC. www.rallybc.com Island Rallysport Club, Novice TSD #3, paved, Campbell River, BC. www.rallybc.com Ketchum If You Can, Monte Carlo Series, Puget Sound Rally Club, (location tba). www.nwrally.com Alcan5000 2006, Kirkland, WA-Dawson, BC-Anchorage, AK. www.alcan5000.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Gambler’s Run, Open Road TT, Elko, NV. www.openroadracing.com Seed 9 Rally Sprint, CRS Regional Stage Rally, Goodsprings, NV. www.californiarallyseries.com Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com (unnamed), VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org Gorman Ridge (C3), ClubRally NASA/CRS/WSRC, Frazier Park, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Northern Loon Rally, AB Regional TSD, Edmonton, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Lunacy 2, VRS, The Rallye Club, Oakland, CA. www.therallyeclub.org Doo Wops (C2, C2), Team Vanquish PRG Reg’l Stage Rally, WSRC, Aberdeen, WA. [email protected] Mountains To Sea, Cascade Touring TSD, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Corona Rally Mexico, WRC and Super 1600 (spectators’ info), www.rallymexico.com Hunting of the Snark, Alberta Regional TSD, Calgary, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Ojibwe Forests, Rally America, National Stage Rally, Bemidji, MN. www.ojibweforestrally.com Cochrane Ranchlands, WCRC Regional Stage Rally, Cochrane, AB. www.rallywest.com OMV ADAC Rallye Deutschland, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com CSCC TSD Rally School & Rally, Cascade Sports Car Club, tba OR. www.cascadescc.com Tsunami, IRC TSD night, paved, Vanc. Is. Series #3, (tba). www.rallybc.com Cherokee Trails International Rally, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #1, Chattanooga, TN. www.cherokeetrailsrally.com NWR Rally Cross #2, NWR SCCA Rally Cross, (tentative), Brooklyn, WA. www.nwr-scca.org Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com ORG SCCA Rally Cross #3, Hood River Fairgrounds, Hood River, OR. www.oregonrally.com Performance Rally School by Oregon Rally Group, Portland, OR. www.oregonrally.com RallyAir Rallycross 4 (two 4’s ?), Gravel Crew, San Bernardino, CA. www.gcrallyx.com Tombstone 1 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Corona, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Desert Sands SCCA National Road Rally Course, Nogales, AZ. www.azbrscca.org International Rally Tennessee, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #5, tarmac, Linden, TN. www.nasarallysport.com Great Canyon SCCA National Road Rally Tour, Tucson, AZ. www.azbrscca.org A Series of Unfortunate Events, Gimmick, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org ORG SCCA Rally Cross 1, Oregon Rally Group, Hillsboro, OR. www.oregonrally.com New Improved Rally School v2.0, School and “proTour TSD Rally,” Thunderhill, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Island Rallysport Club, Novice TSD #1, paved, Victoria, BC. www.rallybc.com Rallye Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel, CARS National Stage Rally CRC, Ste-Agathe, PQ. www.rallyedefi.com Mini Club Rally, Vancouver Mini Cooper Club TSD, Vancouver, BC. www.rallybc.com Friday Nighter, NWRC, TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Desert Storm Rally, NASA & CRS Reg’l Stage Rally / Sprint, WSRC, Parker, AZ. www.desertstormrally.com WildWest International Rally, FIA listed, WSRC, Shelton, WA. www.wildwestrally.com RallyAir 1 Rallycross, Gravel Crew, Corona, CA. www.gcrallyx.com RallyAir Rallycross 5 (or is this really 6?), Gravel Crew, San Bernardino, CA. www.gcrallyx.com WCRA Novice Workshop #1, BC Novice TSD, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Sou’Wester (C3), Pacific Rally Group Regional Stage Rally, Shelton, WA. www.nwr-scca.org South Park April Fools, VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org Simpson Stages (C3),Pacific Rally Group Regional Stage Rally, Shelton, WA. www.nwr-scca.org 42nd April Fools Rallye A-B Gimmick, Empire Sports Car Assn., Santa Rosa, CA. www.empiresportscar.org The Loop, Calgary Sports Car Club, night TSD, BC point,s Calgary, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Flapdoodle Express, Chuckanut, April Fool’s Gimmick Rally, Bellingham, WA. www.chuckanutscc.org Targa Newfoundland, Tarmac Rally, St. John’s, Newfoundland. www.targanewfoundland.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Silver State Classic Challenge, Open Road TT, Hwy 318, Las Vegas, NV. www.sscc.us Rally New York USA, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #2 gravel, Monticello, NY. www.nasarallysport.com Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Propecia Rally New Zealand, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Wales Rally Great Britain, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Las Vegas RallyX 1, CRS Rally Cross, Jean, NV. www.lvrscca.org ORG Rally Cross, Portland International Raceway, Portland, OR. www.oregonrally.com Island Rallysport Club, TSD Rally School, Duncan, BC. www.rallybc.com Ridgecrest 2 RallyX & School, CRS Rally Cross, Ridgecrest, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Island Rallysport Club, Novice TSD #2 paved, Nanaimo, BC. www.rallybc.com Colorado Cog, Rally America Nat’l Stage Rally, WSRC, Steamboat Springs, CO. www.coloradocogrally.com Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Bighorn Rally, WCRC Regional Stage Rally, Edson, AB. www.bighornrally.com Treeline (C3), CRS Regional Stage Rally, WSRC, (location tba) CA. www.treeline-rally.org Rally to the Rally Cross, SFR TSD Monte Carlo Tour, Bay Area to Willows, (tba). www.sfrscca.org An American Adventure, Historic Rally, Long Beach to San Francisco. www.americanadventure2006.com RallyAir 2, Rallycross, Gravel Crew, (cancelled in ’05), Corona, CA. www.gcrallx.com SFR Rally Cross 1, Thunderhill, (cancelled in ’05), Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org International Rally New York, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #6, tarmac, Monticello, NY. www.nasarallysport.com Raindrop, RASC TSD Monte Carlo Series, tba WA. www.rainierautosport.com Carrera de Sierra (R L), PCA – SVR, TSD, Orinda, CA. www.DerPorsche.net Island Rallysport Club, Rally Cross #2, Port Alberni, BC. www.rallybc.com Primitive Rallycross, Rallycross, Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR. www.get-primitive.com Mudlark, Alberta Regional TSD, Calgary, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Rally School at Thunderhill, CRS Rally School, Willows, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com ??? Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Rally Japan, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Oregon Trail, Rally America National Stage Rally, Portland, OR. www.oregontrailrally.com Las Vegas RallyX 3, Night, 3rd Annual Burning Man RallyX, Jean, NV. www.lvrscca.org Oregon Trail (C3) & Trails End (C2), WSRC, Regional Stage Rally, Portland, OR. www.oregonrally.com Sept. 30 or Oct. 7 ? Night on Bald Mountain, ORCA, night TSD gravel, (location tba), WA. www.nwrally.com Subaru Rim of the World Rally, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #3, Lancaster, CA. www.rimoftheworldrally.com Sept. 30 or Oct. 7 ? SFR Rally Cross 4, Thunderhill, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Rim Friday (C2) & Rim Saturday (C3), NASA Regional Rallies, Lancaster, CA. www.rimoftheworldrally.com Thunderhill 5 Rally Cross. CRS, Rally Cross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Supermag Rally Italia Sardinia, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com Oct. 1 or Oct. 8 ? SFR Rally Cross 5, Thunderhill, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Alpine 500 Vintage Car Rally, TSD for pre-1975 cars, Sacramento-Lake Tahoe, CA. www.alpine500.com ORG SCCA Rally Cross #4, Hood River Fairgrounds, Hood River, OR. www.oregonrally.com Las Vegas RallyX 2, CRS Rally Cross, Jean, NV. www.lvrscca.org AGM, Calgary Sports Car Club, Calgary, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Heart of Darkness, WCRA BC Regional TSD, night, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Monster Mash the Musical VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org April Showers, SCCA Divisional TSD Tour, tba AZ. www.azbrscca.org First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org May Flowers, SCCA Divisional TSD, tba, tba AZ. www.azbrscca.org Prescott Rally, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #7, Prescott, AZ. www.prescottrally.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Serie, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Port Orford, SCCA Regional TSD, tba OR. www.oregonrally.com (unnamed), VRS, The Rallye Club, Mountain View, CA. www.therallyeclub.org ORG SCCA Rally Cross, Washington Co. Fairground, Hillsboro, OR. www.oregonrally.com One Lap of America, Open Road TT Car & Driver, South Bend, IN. www.onelapofamerica.com Reno SCCA Touring Rally TSD, Sierras, Reno, NV. www.renoscca.com Nevada Open Road Challenge TT. Hwy 318, Las Vegas, NV. www.sscc.us Maryhill Loops Hillclimb, Goldendale, WA. www.sovren.org Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Sports Car Olympics Rally, Rally West Region TSD Championship, Regina, SK. www.qcma.org Cyprus Rally, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Friday Nighter, NWRC, TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Sno-git, NWRC Monte Carlo Series, ORCA, tba. www.nwrally.com Pacific Forest Rally, CARS, National Stage Rally, CRC, Merritt, BC. www.pacificforestrally.com Spring Flowers, PCA – SVR TSD, Vacaville, CA. www.DerPorsche.net SCCA United States Road Rally Championship, Course/Tour/Tour, tba. www.scca.org Tombstone 2 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Corona, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Rallye de France – Tour de Corse, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com Thunderhill 2 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Tombstone 3 Rally Cross CRS Rally Cross, Corona, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Rose City Challenge, SCCA National TSD, Portland, OR. www.oregonrally.com WCRA Novice TSD, Novice TSD, Rally Workshop, tba.
Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Coast To Coast, IRC, BC Regional TSD, PCC Vanc. Is. #2 gravel, (tba). www.rallybc.com Lake Superior, Rally America National Stage Rally, Houghton, MI. www.lsprorally.com Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Moonlight Monte Carlo, map-Monte Carlo, PCA, Burlingame, CA. www.pca-ggr.org Olympus International Rally, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #4, Shelton, WA. www.evergreenrallygroup.org SoCal Rallycross 5, Gravel Crew, San Bernardino, CA. www.gcrallyx.com Thunderhill 2 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Mt Hood (C3), ORG, Reg’l Stage Rally, WSRC (Hood River), Odell, OR. www.oregonrally.com Rocky Mountain Rally, CARS National Stage Rally CRC, Calgary, AB. www.rockymountainrally.com Hood River (C2), ORG, Reg’l Stage Rally, (cancelled in ’05, tentative ’06), Odell, OR. www.oregonrally.com Rally of Turkey, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com Willows Rally School & Thunderhill RallyX 5, CRS, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org SFR Rally Cross 2, Thunderhill, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Rally de Catalunya – Espana, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com ORG SCCA Rally Cross #1, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR. www.oregonrally.com Ghouls Gambol XXXIX, Cascade Halloween TSD, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Midnight, IRC BC Regional TSD, night, gravel, Vanc. Is. #4, Nanaimo, BC. www.rallybc.com Susquehannock Trail, Rally America National Stage Rally, Wellsboro, PA. www.stpr.org Las Vegas RallyX 4, Jean, NV. www.lvrscca.org WCRA Novice Workshop #2, BC Novice TSD, (location tba). www.rallybc.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Series, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org No Alibi, TSD gravel tba, (Wenatchee-North Central WA), WA. www.rainierautosport.com Armageddon XXV, TSD Monte Carlo gravel, Bellingham, WA. www.chuckanutscc.org BMW Seattle Classic Motorcar Rally, tba. www.collegeplan.org/rally.htm Kananaskis Rally, WCRC Regional Stage Rally w/Recce, Cochrane, AB. www.cscc.ab.ca Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Friday Nighter, NWRC TSD & Novice Series, Bellevue, WA. www.nwrally.com Baldy Run 1 (C1), NASA & CRS Regional Stage Rally, (location tba) CA. www.treeline-rally.org Telstra Rally Australia, WRC and Group N. www.wrc.com SoCal Rallycross 1, Gravel Crew, Corona, CA. www.gcrallyx.com Tombstone 4 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Corona, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Mammoth Lakes, SCCA National Road Rally Course, Bishop, CA. www.sfrscca.org Tarline Rally Sprint (C1), CRS Regional Stage Rall, West Covina, CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Owens Valley, SCCA National Road Rally Course, Bishop, CA. www.sfrscca.org ORG SCCA Rally Cross #5, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR. www.oregonrally.com Friday Nighter, Cascade Friday Nighter Series, Portland, OR. www.cascadescc.com Las Vegas RallyX 5, CRS Rally Cross, Jean, NV. www.lvrscca.org Mountain Trials, WCRA BC Regional Stage Rally, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Laughlin International Rally, NASA/USAC/FIA, USRC #8, Laughlin, NV. www.rallyusa.com Acropolis Rally of Greece, WRC and Super 1600. www.wrc.com JAOS Adventure, GPS Navigation Rally, ARSG, Laughlin, NV. www.rallyusa.com SFR Rally Cross 3, Thunderhill, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Baldy Run Rally Sprint (C1), NASA CRS Reg’l Stage Rally, (location tba) CA. www.californiarallyseries.com Summer Solstice, PCA – YR TSD, Stockton, CA. www.pca.org/yos/ Totem, WCRA BC Regional TSD, PCC, (location tba). www.rallybc.com Formula Atlantic – Trans Am – CART @ PIR, Portland OR. (workers info) Rally of the Tall Pines, CARS National Stage Rally, CRC, Bancroft, ON. www.tallpinesrally.com Pikes Peak Int’l Hill Climb, Colorado Springs, CO. www.ppihc.com First Friday Nighter Rally, SMSCC Friday Nighter Serie, Mission Hills, CA. www.smscc.org Thunderhill 3 Rally Cross, CRS Rally Cross, Willows, CA. www.sfrscca.org Rally West AGM, CSSC (Calgary) NASCC (Edmonton) QCMA (Regina) WSCC (Winnipeg). TBA Rallycross, Team Vanquish, location TBA near Olympia, WA. [email protected] West Coast Rally Association AGM, TBA. www.rallybc.com ORG SCCA Rally Cross #2, Washington Co. Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR. www.oregonrally.com The Toy Rallye ’06, A-B/QA Gimmick, TRC, Fremont, CA. www.therallyeclub.org SoCal Rallycross 2, Gravel Crew, (cancelled in ’05), Corona, CA. www.gcrallyx.com GCRALLYX FINAL, Gravel Crew, Laughlin, NV. www.gcrallyx.com

Source: http://www.nwr-scca.org/regional/newsletter/2005/Nov05/Page_6_nscn11-05.pdf

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Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online Research Conference - Bologna, 15-16 June 2012 COMPARATIVE TABLE: THE NATIONAL E-FILING SYSTEMS ANALYZED Giampiero Lupo Department of Political Science, University of Bologna, (IT) Andrea Resca IRSIG-CNR, Bologna, (IT) Project coordinator Research Institute on Judicial Systems, National Resear


THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MORNING-AFTER PILL AND THE ABORTION PILL There has been considerable public confusion about the difference between the morning-after pill and the abortion pill because of misinformation disseminated by groups that oppose safe and legal abortion. The morning-after pil , also known as emergency contraception, helps prevent pregnancy; the abortion pil ,

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