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PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Phytother. Res.18, 435–448 (2004)
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1465
REVIEW ARTICLE Methods to Study the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Essential Oils Mouhssen Lahlou* Laboratory of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Department of Biology, FSU: Biology and Health, Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Casablanca, Morocco Many essential oils are extracted, analysed and their main components are identified, characterised and then published without any biological testing whatsoever. Their useful biological activities can remain unknown for years. Yet, the search for these activities often increases our knowledge of the potential use of oils in thera- peutics. Therefore, there is a real need for a simple, reliable and reproducible methods to study the bioactivity of essential oils and their constituents which can detect a broad spectrum of action or specific pharmacological activities in aromatic plants. These methods can then be employed by natural product chemists, pharmacologists and biologists to conduct their scientific research and to valorise natural products. Standardisation of some of these methods is therefore desirable to permit more comprehensive evaluation of plant oils, and greater comparability of the results obtained by different investigators. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Keywords: essential oils; phytochemistry; bioactivity; methodology.
the study of biological and pharmacological activities
of these products, as the value of an essential oil inaromatherapy has to be related to its chemical com-
Essential oils are valuable natural products used as
raw materials in many fields, including perfumes,
Most papers do not often cite the geographic origin
cosmetics, aromatherapy, phytotherapy, spices and
and the exact composition of the essential oil studied,
nutrition (Buchbauer, 2000). Aromatherapy is the thera-
which somewhat negates their findings. No considera-
peutic use of fragrances or at least mere volatiles to
tion is given to the basic question as to what the prin-
cure, mitigate or prevent diseases, infections and
ciples responsible for the therapeutic action are (Janssen
indispositions by means of inhalation (Buchbauer et al.,
1993a). This has recently attracted the attention of many
Essential oils are complex mixtures comprising many
scientists and encouraged them to screen plants to study
single compounds. Each of these constituents contrib-
the biological activities of their oils from chemical and
utes to the beneficial or adverse effects of these oils.
pharmacological investigations to therapeutic aspects.
Therefore, the intimate knowledge of essential oil
Hopefully, this will lead to new information on plant
composition allows for a better and specially directed
applications and new perspective on the potential use
application (Buchbauer, 2000). Considering all the
aforementioned differences in essential oil composition,
Many papers on the biological activity of essential
it is clear that only a detailed knowledge of the con-
oils have been published. The data, however, show much
stituents of an essential oil will lead to a proper use in
discordance between the same essence. The reasons
cosmetics by perfumers and cosmetic chemists. How-
for this variability can be understood if we take into
ever, such a detailed knowledge can only be obtained
account all the factors influencing the chemical com-
by means of carefully performed capillary-GC experi-
position of the oils, namely, climatic, seasonal and
geographic conditions, harvest period and distillation
This paper is aimed primarily at summarising the
technique, among others (Panizzi et al., 1993). The
phytochemical study and the bioactivity methods to
effect of plant maturity at the time of oil production
investigate essential oils from aromatic plants as
and the existence of chemotypic differences can also
potential biological and pharmacological resources.
drastically affect this composition (Lahlou and Berrada,
Some consideration of the special, practical problems
2003). These variations are of distinct importance in
of testing volatile oils (poor water solubility) are alsogiven, including suggestions for overcoming these pro-blems. The study also provides a set of guidelines forresearch on biological, pharmacological and toxico-
* Correspondence to: M. Lahlou, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Cellular
logical activities of plant oils with the aim of assessing
and Molecular Biology, Department of Biology, FSU: Biology and Health,
whether an essential oil possesses a specific biological
Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, Km 8, POB 5366, Maârif 20101, Route ofEl Jadida, Casablanca, Morocco.
and pharmacological effect or whether it has a wider
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
the reference standards (with known source); as pre-
viously reported (Lahlou et al., 2000b; 2001b,d; Lahlouand Berrada, 2003). Plant collection
Analytical conditions and procedures used should
There is often a lack of information on the distribution
• apparatus of oil analysis (make and model number
of the oil in different plant parts. Such information may
have predictive value, but is not available due to the
failure of most investigators to systematically study all
parts of plants. For this reason, the investigated parts
• the temperature programming conditions includ-
richer in essential oil (cones, fruit, leaves, bark) should
ing injector temperature, detector and column tem-
be selected on a rational scientific basis and with solid
peratures; in addition to mass spectra (electronic
justification (preliminary chemical screening). Further-
more, plants showing an aromatic character shouldbe collected. Examples of such plant families are
Sometimes identification by GC/MS must be con-
Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae,
firmed by retention indices (Kovats Indices) on two
Cupressaceae, Gentianaceae, Lamiaceae, Myrtaceae,
columns of different polarity, as reported in our earlier
Pinaceae, Piperaceae, Poaceae, Rutaceae, Verbenaceae
work (Lahlou, 2003); or on the same column, but at a
different temperature, as indicated by Denayer andTilquin (1994); and claims for the identification of newconstituents should be supported by co-injection with
Essential oil extraction
authentic compounds. Data should thus include essen-tial oils optical rotation, density and refraction index
‘Essential oils are products, generally, of rather com-
(Lahlou et al., 1999; 2000a).
plex composition comprising the volatile principles
On the other hand, compounds which are not easily
contained in the plants, and more or less modified
separated by GC, and molecules structurally similar like
during the preparation process’ (Bruneton, 1995). They
stereo-isomeric compounds of essential oils are ana-
are essentially obtained by hydrodistillation (the plant
lysed by 13C NMR as reported by Tomi et al. (1997).
material is heated in two to three times its weight of
This technique is also applied to the study of the chem-
water with indirect steam from outside the still) as
ical intraspecific variation and could also be used in
opposed to steam distillation (the plant material is
the quality control of volatile oils.
extracted by direct steam, produced in the still, or byindirect steam, produced outside and fed into the still),hydrodiffusion (low-pressure steam (< 0.1 bar) replacesthe volatile from the intact plant material by osmotic
action) or CO extraction (Buchbauer, 2000); in addi-
tion to expression of the pericarp (or cold pressing)
Animal models for pharmacological and toxicological
which is a special method for Citrus (Rutaceae) peel
oils extraction (Baaliouamer et al., 1992; Dellacassaet al., 1992) from fresh or dried material.
Many countries and organisations have legislation and
The microwave irradiation [or microwave assisted
guidelines for the care and use of animals for pharma-
process (–MAP–)] has also been developed and reported
cological and toxicological research purposes (Guide
by many authors as a technique for extraction of essen-
for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 1985;
tial oils in order to obtain a good yield of the essence
International Guiding Principles for Biomedical
and to reduce time of extraction (Paré et al., 1989; Collin
Research Involving Animals, 1985; Interdisciplinary
et al., 1991; Bouzid et al., 1997; Brosseau, 1997; Chiasson
Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals
et al., 2001; Ghoulami et al., 2001). This technique has
in Research, 1988; Use of Laboratory Animals in Bio-
also been applied for the extraction of saponins from
medical and Behavioural Research, 1988). Moreover, it
some medicinal plants (Safir et al., 1998). The MAP
is the responsibility of researchers to ensure that their
process uses microwaves to excite water molecules in
practices conform with those relevant to them. Train-
the plant tissues causing plant cells to rupture and
ing and research involving animals should incorporate
release the essential oils trapped in the extracellular
procedures which are designed and performed with
tissues of the plant (Bélanger et al., 1991).
due consideration of current scientific knowledge, the
Another technique consists of extracting oils using a
relevance to human or animal health, the advancement
mechanical and thermochemical reaction (Bouzid et al.,
of the science of toxicology and the potential benefit
1997). Yield data of these oils is therefore determined
to society. Nevertheless, these researches must contain
precise details on animals, especially the choice of theadequate laboratory animal model for a specific phar-macological study. Thus, the species, (e.g. Psamomis
Chemical analysis
obesus rats, Meriones shawi, Wistar rats, hamster, dogs,monkeys, rabbits, Swiss mice, Sprague-Dawley), should
Chemical analysis of essential oils is generally performed
be carefully selected and the number of animals kept
using GC (quantitative analysis) and GC/MS (qualita-
to the minimum required to achieve reproducible and
tive analysis) (Keravis, 1997). Identification of the main
scientifically valid results. Experiments that require
components is carried out by the comparison of both
the use of animals must be conducted in accordance
the GC retention times and MS data against those of
with the Guiding Principles in the Use of Animals in
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
Toxicology, which were adopted by the Society of Toxi-
with agar was considered homogeneous as a true solu-
tion in ethanol. Furthermore, MIC (minimal inhibitoryconcentrations) for different bacterial species in thepresence of agar appears to be significantly lower than
Dispersion and solubility of essential oils
those observed in the presence of Tween 80 or ethanol(Remmal et al., 1993b).
Generally, essential oils are poorly soluble in water,and this causes many problems for studying their bio-logical and pharmacological properties. In order to
Laboratory conditions and experimental techniques
overcome these problems, many authors have recom-mended the use of various solvents in the dilution of
Results of biological tests of essential oils are often
essential oils such as acetone, alcohol, ethylene glycol,
different and dependent upon experimental conditions
ethanol, methanol, DMSO and DMF (Dayal and
per comparison to the literature data. These are both
Purohit, 1971; Allegrini et Simeon de Buochberg,
related to the laboratory conditions (temperature,
1972; Martinez Nadal et al., 1973; Beylier-Maurel, 1976;
photoperiod, etc.), materials; in addition to the models
Morris et al., 1978; Conner and Beuchat, 1984; Lahlou
taken for biological experimentation (age, life cycle). et al., 2000b); or using an emulsifier detergent or
Moreover, the method of extraction of essential oils,
‘Tensioactif’ like Tween 20 or Tween 80 in different
influences their chemical composition, and thus, can
percentage (Allegrini et Simeon de Buochberg, 1972;
have repercussion regarding their biological properties.
Allegrini et al., 1973; Pellecuer et al., 1976; Beylier,
Techniques of solubility of these oils are among others
1979; Benjilali et al., 1984; 1986; Lahlou et al., 1999;
problems. Normalisation of methods and laboratory
2000a; 2001a,b; Lahlou, 2003). Furthermore, Chalchat
conditions, in addition to the techniques used (extrac-
et al. (1991) compared the results obtained for the
tion, dissolution and dispersion of oils, culture medium)
determination of the MIC of essential oil constituents
for testing biological and pharmacological activities
using two modern methods in liquid media, one involv-
of essential oils at the definitive stage of laboratory
ing Tween 80 as emulsifier and the other using noble
screening are desirable in order to provide a common
Agar as stabiliser. The authors concluded that the two
basis for the comparison of results obtained in various
parts of the world on different organisms tested under
On the other hand, Remmal et al. (1993a,b; 2001)
demonstrated that ethanol, Tween 80, Tween 20 and
Whenever pharmacological bioassays are investigated
Triton X100 present a depress effect of antimicrobial
in persons presenting with some heart-vascular diseases
activity of tested oils in a solid medium, in addition to
(hypertensive diabetes) or in healthy volunteers (for
their antagonist effect in a liquid medium. The authors
the study of the effects of fragrances on autonomic
suggested the use of 0.2% of agar suspension. In this
nervous system parameters and self-evaluation, for ex-
case, minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and mini-
ample), studies in these cases should take into account
mal lethal concentration (MLC) found by these authors
sex, age, weight and socio-cultural level of persons who
for different bacterial species in the presence of agar
took part in the experiments, in addition to the number
were significantly lower than those observed in the pres-
of subjects, which allows homogeneous statistical analy-
ence of Tween 80 or ethanol. This demonstrates the
sis. Furthermore, experiments should always take place
fact that solvents and detergents often used in antimi-
at the same time of day (the same conditions). Some-
crobial studies significantly decrease the antibacterial
times, 24 h prior to the beginning of each experiment,
activity of tested oils. The use of agar suspension to
subjects had to abstain from food and beverages con-
disperse essential oils also resulted in obtaining lower
taining the substances tested. Moreover, all subjects
MIC (Lens-Lisbonne et al., 1987) than those previously
should give written informed consent to all aspects of
reported by Morris et al. (1978) and Simeon de
the study. A second group of subjects should be used
Buochberg (1976) for the same micro-organisms and
the same oils dispersed with ethanol and Tween 80,respectively.
Balansard (1990) and Remmal et al. (2001) proposed
Correction of percentage mortality
another method to standardise emulsion of essentialoils essentially for antimicrobial tests in order to main-
Lethal effect of essential oils or their components on
tain their viscosity stable in aqueous medium. This tech-
biological organisms should take into account mortality
nique consists of adding 50 to 100 µl of oil to a sterile
in the control. Thus, in cases where control deaths
tube containing 10 ml of noble agar. After centrifuge
occurred, the data should be corrected using Abbot’s
agitation, the exact quantity of oil was determined
(1925) formula, as reported in our works (Lahlou
after tube weighing; the volume of agar solution was
et al., 2000b; 2001d; Lahlou, 2002; Lahlou and Berrada,
calculated in order to avoid desired concentrations of
the emulsion (2 to 4 mg /ml). These emulsions wereeasily used without particular technical problems forall evaluation of tested oils. Statistical analysis
The study undertaken by Santos et al. (1997) on anti-
bacterial activity of some essential oils did not utilise
Lethal concentrations/doses LC50, LC90 (or lethal
Tween 80 (detergent) or ethanol (alcohol) to disperse
doses LD50, LD90) and 95% confidential limits could
the essential oils with agar as these have been reported
be determined according to Dupont (1970) using the
to interfere with the estimation of antimicrobial activity
method of Litchfield and Wilcoxon. They can also be
of essential oils (Remmal et al., 1993b). The dispersion
calculated using the Reed and Muench method (1938)
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
or using probit analysis method as described by Finney
In order to facilitate the essential oils’ dispersion in
(1971), as reported in our works (Lahlou, 2001; Lahlou
the aqueous medium, the Tween 80 was used at 1.0%
et al., 2001a,b,c,d; Lahlou, 2002; 2003; Lahlou and
(Lahlou et al., 2001a). The results obtained indicated
Berrada, 2003; Lahlou et al., 2003).
an interesting molluscicidal activity of these compounds
Lethal doses LD50 could also be calculated using
at much high concentrations (0.20 103 ppm ≤ LC ≤
the INRA-INSA ‘Toxicologie’ analysis software which
2.85 103 ppm for oils and 0.12 103 ppm ≤ LC ≤ 2.68
uses the probit method developed by Bliss (1935).
103 ppm for the main components). When the Tween
The results of biological activities could be presented
80 was used at 0.2% only, and the solutions obtained
as mean ± SEM, with n indicating the number of observa-
were then dispersed in water by application of 2KC/s
tions. Values can be analysed using a Student’s t-test,
ultra-sound frequency for 5 sec, milky clear solutions
ANOVA or non-parametric tests, where appropriate,
were obtained and various concentrations were pre-
and are considered to differ significantly when p < 0.05.
pared. The results obtained from this second technique
In cases where data are insufficient for these tech-
(Lahlou et al., 2001b) are high enough in comparison to
niques, the dose-response data should be transformed
that of the latter and tested oils and their constituents
into a straight line by means of a logit transforma-
acted at low concentrations (0.28 ppm ≤ LC ≤ 2.84 ppm
tion (Swaroop, 1966); lethal concentrations are derived
for oils and 0.13 ppm ≤ LC ≤ 2.93 ppm for the main
from the best fit lines obtained by linear regression
Thus, the technique used for dissolution of tested
Results of other pharmacological or physiological
oils and their main components using a minimum
activities are usually expressed as means ± the standard
quantity of the ‘tensio-active’ Tween 80 (0.2% only) in
error of the mean used in order to construct a dose-
addition to the physical method for their dispersion
response curve. The significance of the results should
(ultra-sound apparatus), has led for the first time to a
be assessed by means of unpaired or paired Student’s
good solubility, diffusion and dispersion of the essen-
t-tests, Mann–Whitney U-tests, Dunn’s test and one-
tial oil in water, thus ensuring a better contact of these
way (doses) or two-way (treatment × doses) analysis of
oils and/or their constituents with tested organisms
variance (ANOVA) (Lahlou et al., 1999; 2000a).
(snails in this case). Therefore, the quantity of Tween80 used for dispersion of an essential oil had an import-ant influence on its biological activity. Factors affecting the bioactivity of essential oils The correlation composition-activity. Biological activ-
Studies of biological and pharmacological activities of
ity of an essential oil is in strict direct relation to its
essential oils/constituents may take into account the
chemical composition. Thus, in our screening plants
used in local folk medicine for biological properties(Lahlou et al., 2000b; Lahlou, 2001; Lahlou et al.,
Effect of treated plant part. In order to indicate a
2001a,b,d; Lahlou, 2002; 2003; Lahlou and Berrada,
difference in activity between two different parts of
2003), we noted a difference in activity of tested oils
the same plant, many studies have been performed.
and their main components on different biological
In particular, for molluscicidal tests (Lahlou et al.,
models studied. Essential oil, in its totality, acted less
2001b), oil obtained from leaves of Citrus aurantium
than the major constituents. In these studies, and in
var. amara Link (Rutaceae) was devoted on activity
order to search for the active components responsible
to B. truncatus snails at tested concentrations. Whereas,
for the biological activity, we studied the main com-
oil of the fruit of the same plant exhibited potent
ponents of oils that have shown toxicity to these bio-
molluscicidal activity at lower concentration (LC = 1.46
logical models. The relation between composition and
activity leads us to suggest in these cases that bio-
In fact, there is a lack of information on the distribu-
logical activity of the essences from the aromatic plants
tion of the biological activity in different plant parts
studied may be attributable both to their major com-
essentially related to the difference in distribution of
ponents (alcoholic, phenolic, terpenic or ketonic com-
active compounds (or active principles) which are more
pounds) and to the minor ones present in these oils.
frequent in some plant parts than in others. Although
It is possible that they may act together synergistic-
many other compounds do occur independently, dif-
ally to contribute to the toxicity of the totality of the
ference in chemical composition of these oils and gives
Technique used. During our in vitro study for licicidal Effect of the solvent/detergent. The most useful solvents
and niticidal activities of some Moroccan essential oils
in laboratory are toxic to biological organisms and
and their main components or plant oil chemotypes on
consequently interfered with the activity being studied
Pediculus humanus capitis (head lice), two methods were
(Lahlou, 2001). The choice of an adequate solvent (or
investigated: microatmosphere and direct application
detergent) is indispensable before envisaging a bioassay
(Lahlou et al., 2000b; Lahlou and Berrada, 2003). It
using an essential oil. Thus, in order to demonstrate
was found that some oils tested were most active on
the effect of the detergent (quantity), used for disper-
lice using the microatmosphere technique [Chenopod-
sion of an essential oil on the results of biological tests,
ium ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae), Mentha pulegium
a comparative study was carried out for the same ‘tensio-
and Thymus broussonettii (Lamiaceae) (LD
active’ Tween 80 when used differently in two different
3.10 µl]. Whereas others were found to be much
pieces of research on Bulinus truncatus snails (Lahlou
less active using this method [essentially Lavandulaet al., 2001a,b). In this case two very different sets of
stoechas (Lamiaceae), Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum
(Compositae), and Cedrus atlantica (Pinaceae)]. While,
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
during niticidal tests and using the microatmosphere
The perfume concentration in most cosmetic prod-
way, essential oils from C. ambrosioides, M. pulegium,
ucts ranges between 0.5% and 2%, thus being too small
T. broussonettii and O. compactum, in addition to Ruta
for any risk of toxicity from essential oil-constituents,
chalepensis were found to be the most potent among
with the exception of some more or less toxic terpenic
those tested (LD = 3.10 µl), other oils such as
ketones, such as thujone or pulegone (Buchbauer,
those from Citrus limon and C. sinensis (Rutaceae),
Pinus pinea (Pinaceae), Myrtus communis (Myrtaceae),Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Lauraceae), Pelargoniumsetaceum and Chrysanthemum viscidehirtum (Com-
Reference compounds
positae) acted more potently using the microatmospheretechnique (0% of nits hatched) than in direct applica-
All biological and pharmacological tests using natural
tion (10–30% of nits hatched). Essential oil from
products must include proper controls, and in this
Melaleuca viridiflora (Myrtaceae) was more active on
respect, comparison with an agreed reference standard
nits essentially in direct application (0% of nits hatched),
compound, under similar laboratory conditions, is
whereas 30% of nits hatched in microatmosphere of
essential and indispensable. It is recommended that this
standard should be as follows (Table 1). Biological material. During our study on licicidal and niticidal activities of some Moroccan essential oils Comparison with literature data
(Lahlou et al., 2000b), we observed that those derivedfrom Mentha pulegium and Thymus broussonettii
This step is important in order to conduct a scientific
(Lamiaceae), Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodia-
laboratory research with a rigorous procedure in order
ceae), and Ruta chalepensis (Rutaceae) possess the most
to compare all findings with those reported in the litera-
powerful licicidal and niticidal activities towards head
ture for other compounds studied under identical
lice, Pediculus humanus capitis. Other oils were found
laboratory conditions. This also indicates whether the
to be active only on nits like Origanum compactum
results found are within the accepted ranges (or limits)
(Lamiaceae) until volume of 3.10 µl. On the other hand,
as reported in the literature or are more or less inter-
using the direct application technique, louses were found
esting. Activity of oils from aromatic plants of the same
to be more sensitive and died within 15 min of exposure
family are rigorously comparable. However, there is
to an application of 0.5 µl of all tested oils.
some difficulty related to the conditions of experiment-ation which means that the results are sometimes rela-
Choice of the doses/concentrations. Paracelsus’ state-
tive. In general, using the same plant species oil should
ment remains true down the ages: ‘All substances are
result in similar biological or pharmacological activities
poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right
under identical laboratory conditions around the world.
dose differentiates a poison and remedy’ (Paracelsus,
Moreover, it is necessary to check in the literature
pp. 1493–1541). Thus, it is important to note that this
to ascertain if tested plant oils have been previously
choice must not be hazardous. In addition, this charac-
investigated for the same properties.
ter is most important for the study of bioactivity. Fur-thermore, these concentrations should be in accordancewith the limits already documented in the literature(other works for identical activity using the same com-
pounds or identical kind of plant). For this reason, inall our tests performed on biological organisms, when
Antiparasitic activities
an essential oil or the main components tested was foundto be toxic at a concentration, other appropriate lower
Molluscicidal activity. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic
concentrations (or dilutions of active ones) were pre-
disease in most developing countries. Fresh water snails
pared and performed in order to find the minimal toxic
act as the intermediate host; so control of these dis-
concentration which caused 50% or 90% toxicity or
eases is best achieved by breaking the transmission cycle,
lethal doses/concentrations LD50-LD90/LC50-LC90.
either by avoidance of infected water or destruction of
For example, in niticidal and licicidal tests (Lahlou
the intermediate host, the snails (Lahlou et al., 2001b). et al.,2000b;LahlouandBerrada,2003),different
Bioassays were performed using Bulinus truncatus snails
volumes of the oils (3.10–50 µl) were tested.
according to our works (Hmamouchi et al., 1998, 2000;
Since essential oils are highly concentrated fluid
Lahlou, 2001; Lahlou et al., 2001a,b; 2002; Lahlou, 2003).
substances, they are rarely used in an undiluted form.
Thus, five snails of uniform size (4–6 mm shell height)
Before application, oils are first blended with a carrier
were tested in distilled water containing each concen-
oil. This blending dilutes the essential oils so that they
tration of tested product. The exposure time was 24 h
are safe, and also helps to slow down the rate of evapo-
followed by a recovery period of 24 h. Death of snails
ration, to spread them evenly, and to increase their
was ascertained by examining immobilised snails under
eventual absorption into the skin. For this reason,
a dissecting microscope for the absence of heart beat.
active niticidal oils obtained from Chenopodium ambro-sioides (Chenopodiaceae), Mentha pulegium, Thymusbroussonettii and Origanum compactum (Lamiaceae),
Licicidal and niticidal activities. Tests on head lice,
in addition to Ruta chalepensis (Rutaceae) were tested
Pediculus humanus capitis and their nits were performed
in diluting the low potent volume (3.10 µl) at dilution
in identical Pyrex glass Petri dishes (5.5 cm diameter,
factors of 1:2, 1:4, and 1:10 in alcohol 95° (Lahlou
1.5 cm height) according to our works (Lahlou et al.,
2000b; Lahlou and Berrada, 2003), using two techniques:
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Table 1. Standard compounds recommended for biological and pharmacological tests
WHO, 1970; Gebremedhim et al., 1994; Lahlou, 2001; Lahlou et al., 2001a,b,c;Lahlou, 2003
Temephos, abate, malathion, allethrin, deltamethrin,
WHO, 1981; Laurent et al., 1997; Jantan et al., 1999; Lahlou, 2001; Lahlou et al.,
bromophos, fenitrothion, fenthion, chlorpyrifos
Streptomycin sulphate, cephalosporin C, penicillin G,
El Mahi et al., 1997; Santos et al., 1997; Larhsini et al., 1999; Akinpelu and
gentamicin, tetracycline, actinomycin D, rifampicin, ampicillin,
Olorunmola, 2000; Khan et al., 2000; Takaisi-Kikuni et al., 2000; Ebi, 2001;
piperacillin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin,
Erdemoglu and Sener, 2001; Marquina et al., 2001; Ogunwande et al., 2001;
tobramycin, enrofloxacin, benzyl penicillin, cloxacillin,
Rojas et al., 2001; Schlemper et al., 2001; Atindehou et al., 2002; Chowdhury
et al., 2002; Asha et al., 2003; Chowdhury et al., 2003; Fleischer et al., 2003a,b;Gupta et al., 2003; Copland et al., 2003; Kumarasamy et al., 2003a,b;Omer and Elnima, 2003; Perez et al., 2003; Somchit et al., 2003
Griseofulvin, ampicillin, amphotericin B, chloramphenicol,
Testa et al., 1991; Rahalison et al., 1994; El Mahi et al., 1997; Akinpelu and
econazole, nystatin, sulconazole, itraconazole, miconazole,
Olorunmola, 2000; Khan et al., 2000; Ebi, 2001; Erdemoglu and Sener, 2001;
5-flucytosine, propiconazole, tioconazole, fluconazole,
Kariba et al., 2001; Marquina et al., 2001; Rojas et al., 2001; Rub Nawaz et al.,
ketoconazole, benlate, nabam, clotrimazole, uconazole,
2001; Ogunwande et al., 2001; Chowdhury et al., 2002; 2003; Lahlou et al., 2002;
Fleischer et al., 2003a,b; Panagouleas et al., 2003; Perez et al., 2003; Somchitet al., 2003; Omer and Elnima, 2003; Vollekov et al., 2003
Praziquantel, santonin, pyrantel pamoate, mebendazole,
Keita et al., 1990; Awad and Probert, 1991; Ndamba et al., 1994; Martin et al., 1997;
piperazine citrate, biltricide, metronidazol (Flagyl®), albendazole,
Munoz et al., 2000; Ishih et al., 2001; Teixeira et al., 2001; Shuhua et al., 2000;
levamosol, gentian violet metronidazole, pentamidine, sodium
Onyeyili et al., 2001; Isah et al., 2003; Tapia-Pérez et al., 2003
stibogluconate (PentostamR), chloroquine, emetine,sulfamonomethoxine, pyrimethamine
Dao nil (glibenclamide), streptozotocin, sulfamid, biguanid,
Chattopadhyay et al., 1993; Skim et al., 1999; Kameswara et al., 2001;
Chakrabarti et al., 2003; Ohiri et al., 2003
Atropine, dicyclomine, neostigmine, nordihydroguairetic acid,
Santos and Rao, 2001; Baggio et al., 2003
Boskabady and Ramazani-Assari, 2001; Boskabady and Khatami, 2003
Phenylbutazone, carrageenin, indomethacin, dichlorfenac,
Susplugas et al., 1993; Choi et al., 2000; Muko and Ohiri, 2000; Badilla et al., 2003;
Dongmo et al., 2003; Mandal et al., 2003; Medhi et al., 2003; Sayyah et al., 2003
Badilla et al., 2003; Rahman et al., 2003
Atropine sulfate, diphenoxylate, chlorpromazine, loperamide,
Chaves et al., 1998; Biswas et al., 2002; Sairam et al., 2003; Hajhashemi et al., 2000
Morphine, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, lorazepam,
Susplugas et al., 1993; Alaoui et al., 1998; Aziba et al., 2001; Sayyah et al., 2003
(i) Microatmosphere: in this method, the whole oil or
reversed position after laying down the essential
component evaporates into the atmosphere of a
oil on a filter paper in the middle of the dish cover.
closed Petri dish, saturating it with vapour, whereby
The oil evaporates in the atmosphere of the dish
the volatile oil can exert an inhibitory effect on lice
and the volatile phase can exert its inhibitory
effect on the inoculated micro-organisms.
(ii) Direct application: in this technique, 0.5 µl of the
(iii) This latter technique was modified by Benjilali
essential oil or one of their main components was
et al. (1984). The authors used Pyrex glass Petri
applied directly onto the nits and lice and the
dishes with exactly the same shape where the
conidiospores were inoculated in radial lines. ThePetri dishes were turned upside down and the filter
Atiprotozoal oils. Mikus et al. (2000) examined 12
paper was put in the middle of the cover and
essential oils and eight terpenes for antiprotozoal
soaked with variable amounts of tested oil. For
activity. They were screened for antitrypanosomal and
each 3–6 strains series, and for each oil, six Petri
antileishmanial activity by an in-vitro growth inhibition
dishes were prepared. The partial inhibitory effect
assay, whereby the protozoa were seeded into wells
of essential oil was determined after incubation
containing different concentrations of the test sub-
by comparison of the growth observed (length
stances. After allowing 72 h for growth, efficacy was
and width) to that of the control. This technique
evaluated colorimetrically via an oxidation-reduction
presents some advantage when compared to the
indicator and expressed as the ED50 (effective dose),
original method of Kellner and Kober. First, it is
the inhibitory concentration that reduced the growth
inexpensive since it allows the study of several
strains using the same Petri dish. Second, theradial inoculation offers the advantage of easilyestimating the inhibition effect by measuring the
Antimicrobial tests
extent of growth and thus, to compare severalstrains under the same conditions for their
In recent years due to an upsurge in antibiotic-resistant
infections, the search for new prototype drugs to
(iv) Beylier-Maurel’s method (1976) has also been
combat infections is an absolute necessity and in this
modified by Benjilali et al. (1986) to study antimi-
regard plant essential oils may offer great potential and
crobial effects of other oils in a solid medium. This
hope. These products have frequently been reported to
technique, unlike the preceding one, permitted
be antimicrobial agents (Martinez Nadal et al., 1973;
testing per direct contact with the micro-organism,
Franchomme, 1981; Benjilali et al., 1984, 1986; Tantaoui-
the totality of essential oil constituents. In addi-
Elaraki et al., 1992; 1993; Panizzi et al., 1993; Remmal
tion, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
et al., 1993a; Remmal, 1994; Chanegriha et al., 1994;
Lattaoui et al., 1994; 1997; Lacoste et al., 1996; Tantaoui-
(v) Moreover, according to Santos et al. (1997), anti-
Elaraki, 1997). According to the latter author, the study
bacterial screening of essential oils from Psidium
of antimicrobial activity of essential oils presents some
and Pilocarpus species of plants was performed by
agar dilution method (National Committee forClinical Laboratory Standards, 1990) and the MIC
essential oils present a complex chemical
was determined for each essential oil using a two-
fold serial dilution technique (Hufford et al., 1975).
(ii) they are poorly soluble in water like their
The essential oils were added at concentrations
ranging from 50 to 3000 µg/ml to melted and
(iii) some of their constituents are volatile;
cooled Muller Hinton agar and then distributed to
(iv) they must be used in low doses.
sterile Petri dishes. The test bacterial organismswere inoculated in sterile saline (0.85%) on a 0.5
The antimicrobial activity of essential oils has been
MacFarland standard (108 colony forming units
demonstrated by numerous researches. Thus, many
(CFU)/ml) and this suspension was diluted 1:10 so
antimicrobial methods have been suggested, most
as to obtain a final concentration of 107 CFU/ml.
One micro-litre of this suspension was delivered
The first method, reported by Tantaoui-Elaraki
to the agar surface resulting in the final desired
et al. (1992), is a combination of the Beylier-
inoculum of approximately 104 CFU per spot. The
Maurel’ technique (1976), and modified by Benjilali
Petri dishes were then incubated at 37 °C for 18–
et al. (1986). The technique allows assessment of
20 h and after this period they were observed for
the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and
the lowest concentration that inhibits visible growth
the Minimal Lethal Concentration (MLC) of the
oil. It consists of cultivating the micro-organisms
Therefore, it is important to mention the sensitivity
on Millipore membranes of 0.45 µm porosity placed
or resistance of tested micro-organisms (Gram-positive
on agar media containing different concentrations
and Gram-negative bacterium, yeast, mold or fungi)
toward tested essential oils. In this case, the micro-
(ii) The second method is derived from the micro-
organisms can be classified into three groups:
atmosphere technique of Kellner and Kober,reported by Allegrini and Simeon de Buochberg
(1972). This second technique consists of cultivat-
(ii) highly resistant micro-organisms, having a weak
ing the micro-organisms to be tested in Petri dishes
on agar medium and incubating these dishes in
(iii) micro-organisms with a medium over-all sensitivity.
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004) Antiviral oils
down was observed daily for 4 days and comparedwith controls.
Besides their antibacterial and antifungal properties,
(iii) For ovicidal tests, 10 eggs of T. infestans were
essential oils had also been reported to possess inter-
introduced in each dish where the filter paper
esting antiviral activity. Bammi et al. (1997) demon-
disks impregnated with a known volume of oil
strated the effect of five essential oils on Epstein-Barr
was deposited. The hatching of the larvae and the
virus (EBV) (Viridae) which caused the infectious
effect on them (knock-down or mortality) were
mononucleosis associated with Burkitt lymphoma and
observed every day until the control eggs com-
naso-pharynx carcinoma. The study aimed the effect of
these oils on the expression of EBV viral capside anti-gen (VCA) in the Marmouset B95-8 lymphoblastoid
The results of this study indicated the effective-
cellular line using the indirect immuno-fluorescence
ness of 20 oils on nymphs and eggs when the impreg-
technique. The results showed a cytotoxic effect of
nated paper tests were used. These tests proved to
tested oils at a dilution factor lower than 1:500. More-
be the most sensitive and were therefore chosen for
over, the valour of cellular viability was not affected.
studying the action of 12 terpenes present in those
Treatment of B95-8 cells with 1:1000 dilution of
Thymus oil increased the fluorescence intensity of VCA-positive cells in two separate experiments. In three other
Growth inhibitors and antifeedants oils/constituents.
tests, only fluorescence intensity was increased by oil
Asarones isolated from the essential oil of Acorus
from Thymus sp., while the percentage of the fluorescent
calamus L. rhizomes (Araceae) were potent growth
cells did not increase significantly.
inhibitors and antifeedants to the variegated cutworm,Peridroma saucia Hubner (Koul et al., 1990). Experi-mental diets contained cis- or trans-asarone at concen-
Insecticidal activity
trations of 60–2000 ppm fresh weight of diet. Larvalweights and mortality were recorded after 7 and 10
Essential oils are also reported to have insecticide
days for first-instar larvae and after 2, 4, 6 and 8 days
properties, essentially as ovicidal, larvicidal, growth
inhibitor, repellency and antifeedant (Saxena and
Nutritional experiments were carried out with fourth-
Koul, 1978; Dale and Saradamma, 1981; Schearer, 1984;
instar larvae as these larger larvae and their frass could
Krishnarajah et al., 1985; Nath et al., 1986; Koul, 1987;
be more accurately weighed than that of the first three
Isman et al., 1990; Shaaya et al., 1991; Lahlou et al.,
instars. In the first experiment, 20 larvae/concentration
2001d). The influence of certain oils and their constitu-
were provided with either compound at dietary con-
ents on the reproduction of some insect species and on
centrations of 250 –1000 ppm. Relative growth per unit
morphological changes in others has also been discussed
weight of the insect at the outset of the experiment
(Saxena and Rohdendory, 1974; Ramos and Stefen,
(RGRi) and relative consumption per unit weight of
the insect at the outset of the experiment (RCRi) werecalculated on a dry weight basis after three days of
Larvicidal and ovicidal oils/constituents. According to
Laurent et al. (1997), 63 essential oils isolated from
Cis- and trans-Asarone were also topically applied to
Bolivian plants were tested on Triatoma infestans for
fourth-instar larvae in 1 µl acetone at doses of 5, 10, 20
ovicidal and larvicidal properties. This insect is respon-
and 30 µg/larva, with appropriate controls treated with
sible for transmission of Chagas’ disease to humans in
acetone alone. Twenty larvae were treated with each
the region extending from the arid Peruvian highlands
compound at each dose and were then allowed to feed
to the very dry northeastern Brazilian regions, and the
on untreated diet for 72 h before insects, remaining food,
plains of Argentina. Three types of test were used:
and frass were dried at 60 °C to constant weight, and
topical application on insects; nymphs on impregnated
paper and eggs on impregnated paper. In all tests, the
Antifeedant activity was assayed using a leaf disk
essential oils were used as ethanol solutions with con-
choice test. The 2.0-cm2 disks were punched out from
cabbage leaves and treated on each side with 15 µl ofaqueous asarone solutions emulsified with Triton X-
For insects test, 1 µl of each solution was applied
100 (0.1%) to give concentrations ranging from 1.0 to
directly over the abdomen of 10 fourth instar
45.0 µg/cm2. Controls were treated with 15 µl of the
nymphs of T. infestans. After observing daily for a
carrier alone. The leaf disks were dried at room
week, the nymphs were treated again with 5 µl
temperature and then fourth- or fifth-instar larvae were
of the same solution. Two sets of controls were
introduced into each arena containing two treated
utilised. One control group was treated with
and two control disks in alternate positions. Experi-
ethanol only, while the other was not treated. The
ments were carried out with two larvae per Petri
effect of the application was observed for another
dish with five replicates for each treatment. Consump-
week and compared with the controls.
tion was recorded using a digitising leaf area meter
(ii) For nymphs, 200 µl of each ethanol solution of
after 20 h for fourth-instar and 6 h for fifth-instar
essential oils were deposited over filter paper disks
which were dried at room temperature for 5 min
Gross dietary utilisation (efficiency of conversion of
and placed in Petri dishes, then 5 fourth instar
ingested food, ECI) was decreased when the diet was
nymphs of T. infestans were introduced in each
supplemented with cis-asarone or when this compound
dish. Insect control groups were treated in the same
was topically applied to fourth-instar larvae. Inhibition
way but dosed only with ethanol. The effect knock-
of growth occurred even at a moderate topical dose
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
(5 µl/larva) primarily as a result of decreased efficiency
Concentration-effect curves for each agent tested
of conversion of digested food (ECD), even though
were performed by cumulative additions to the bath
the approximate digestibility (AD) of the food was
in increasing concentration. In experiments examining
unchanged. Oral or topical treatment with trans-asarone
the relaxation of the basal tonus of the ileum, paired
also significantly inhibited larval growth, but in this
segments of ileum were set up: one piece was exposed
case the effect can be strictly attributed to decreased
to the oil and the other received no treatment. Relaxa-
consumption, as dietary utilization (ECI) was not
tion due to test substance was taken to be the differ-
ence between the tonus of control and test segment. Finally, in order to quantify the effect of EOCN onhigh K+-induced contractions, the preparations were
Antidiarrhoeal savoury
exposed to the EOCN for a 5 min period after whichthe bath solution was changed for one containing 60 mM
Hajhashemi et al. (2000) investigated essential oil from
Satureja hortensis for treatment of some gastrointestinal
Other methods investigated the effects of the essen-
problems. Isolated rat ileum was maintained in a water
tial oil of Croton zehntneri either on isolated smooth
bath and spasmogenic agents, either potassium chlo-
muscle preparations of the guinea-pig on skeletal mus-
ride (KCl) or acetylcholine (Ach) were added in vary-
cles, in addition to anethole and estragole (Albuquerque
ing concentrations. They caused a dose-dependent
et al., 1995; Coelho-de-Souza et al., 1998). The effects
contraction of the tissues. The spasmolytic activities of
of essential oil of Mentha x villosa were also studied
dilutions of savoury essential oil were then determined
on skeletal muscle of the toad (Fogaça et al., 1997)
in addition to the effects of eugenol on excitation-
The oil was also investigated for in-vivo tests on mice.
contraction coupling in skeletal muscle (Leal-Cardoso
The test animals were orally given a 10% solution of
savoury essential oil (1 mg/100 g) diluted in Tween 20,whilst the control animals were given either nothing ora solution of the emulsifier. Thirty minutes later, all of
Antinociceptive effect of essential oil
the mice were given castor oil in an attempt to inducediarrhoea but the animals in the essential oil group had
The antinociceptive effect of leaf essential oil from
Psidium guajava and its major constituents, β-
The savoury essential oil was considered as pasmolytic
caryophyllene and α-pinene was assessed by Santos
towards the ileum by countering the effects of depo-
et al. (1998) using chemical (formalin and acetic acid)
larisation caused by KCl and inhibiting the activation
and thermal (hot-plate) nociceptive tests in adult male
Acetic acid-induced writhing test. The number of Effects of essential oils/constituents on muscle:
writhes per mouse were counted during a 10 min
intestinal myorelaxant and antispasmodic effects
period, starting 10 min after i.p. administration of0.6% acetic acid (10 ml/kg). Vehicle (2% Tween 80 in
The effect of the essential oil of Croton nepetaefolius
saline, 10 ml/kg), essential oil (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg)
(EOCN), a medicinal plant from the north-east of Bra-
or its major components, β-caryophyllene (400 mg/kg)
zil, and its constituents cineole, methyl-eugenol and
were administered orally 45 min before acetic acid
terpineol, were studied on intestinal motility in-vivo and
on in-vitro mechanical activity of intestinal smoothmuscle (Magalhàes et al., 1998). Formalin test. Mice were injected with 20 µl of 1% formalin into the subplantar space of the right hind In vivo experiments. Each experimental mouse received
paw and the duration of paw licking was determined
a quantity of charcoal 30 min after receiving EOCN or
0–5 min (first phase) and 20–25 min (second phase)
vehicle administered intragastrically. After a further
after formalin. The Psidium essential oil suspended
20 min the animals were killed and the small intestine
in 2% Tween 80 was administered orally at doses of
removed. The distance travelled by the marker was
100, 200 and 400 mg/kg, 45 min before formalin injec-
measured and expressed as a percentage of the total
tion at a dose of 10 ml/kg. Control animals received
intestinal length. In addition, some animals were used
an equal volume of vehicle. To investigate the pos-
to determine the effect of EOCN on castor oil-induced
sible mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive
effect of the essential oil, animals received caffeine(20 mg/kg, i.p.) or naloxone (1 mg/kg, s.c.) 15 min
In vitro experiments. Male guinea-pigs were killed and
before oral administration of essential oil (400 mg/kg).
small segments of intestine and the gastro-oesophageal,
The effect of β-caryophyllene and α-pinene, the two
pyloric and ileo-caecal sphincters were removed by
major components of plant oil were also tested at a
The tissues were mounted vertically in organ baths
containing tyrode solution bubbled with air. In experi-
Hot-plate test. Mice were preselected by placing them
ments with ileum, following an equilibration period of
individually on the hot-plate maintained at 51° ± 0.5 °C
1 h, two standard contractions were induced by adding
and animals that showed a reaction time greater than
60 mM potassium chloride to the bath. The majority of
20 s were discarded. The reaction time was measured
the results presented were then normalised as a per-
before and 30, 60 and 90 min after oral administra-
centage of the mean of these initial contractions.
tion of essential oil (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg), its major
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
components β-caryophyllene (400 mg/kg), α-pinene
addition, serum samples of the mice were analyzed by
(400 mg/kg) or vehicle. A cut-off time of 45 s was used
gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), gas
chromatography-fourier transform infrared (GC-FTIR),and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection(GC-FID) to identify and quantify potent compounds
Gastroprotective effect of essential oil constituent
effective in increasing or decreasing the motility of miceby inhalation alone. Fragrance compound motility data
According to Santos and Rao (2001), the gastroprotec-
were correlated with data of the single-odor detection
tive effect of 1,8-cineole on ethanol-induced gastric
thresholds to compare volatility and motility effects.
mucosal damage in rats was performed as follow:
Gastric Mucosal Damage. Gastric mucosal damage was induced in conscious rats by intragastric instillation of CONCLUSION
ethanol. The test drug 1,8-cineole was administered atdoses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight by oral
It can be concluded that biological and pharmacolog-
gavage before ethanol. The animals were killed 60 min
ical activities of essential oils must take into account
after ethanol and their stomachs removed and opened
different parameters and factors which can affect re-
along the greater curvature to observe the lesions
sults of these studies (species, ecological factors and
macroscopically. Lesion severity was determined by
environmental conditions). Thus, each plant species
measuring the area of lesions with a transparent grid
presents a profile which it will express differently among
placed on the glandular mucosal surface.
these factors. For this reason, a few published studieson essential oils have aimed at elucidating the degree
Gastric Wall Mucus. The ethanol-induced changes on
of specificity of the effect of these compounds among
gastric mucus was indirectly analyzed by determining
the various types of their bioactivity.
the amount of Alcian blue bound to the gastric wall.
Moreover, the studies presented in this paper demon-
The mucus-dye complex was extracted by placing the
strated the general utility of the bioassays using com-
segments in 10 ml of 0.5 M magnesium chloride for
pounds of diverse structures and a complex chemical
2 h. Four milliliters of dye extract was mixed with an
composition of such essential oils. The knowledge of
equal volume of diethyl ether. The quantity of Alcian
the methods for testing essential oils/constituents is
blue extracted per gram of glandular tissue was then
therefore indispensable in discovering the spectrum of
action of these natural products, their modes of actionand their therapeutic applications. Gastric Secretary Studies. The pylorus of each rat was
Nevertheless, it is worth noting that essential oils are
ligated under light ether anesthesia to study the basal
very heterogeneous mixtures of single substances, bio-
gastric secretion. Cineole and cimetidine were adminis-
logical actions are primarily due to these components
tered intraduodenally immediately after pylorus ligation.
in a very complicated concert of synergistic or antago-
Control animals were given the vehicle instead of test
nistic activities. Mixtures of such chemicals show a broad
drugs. The animals were killed after 4 h. The stomachs
spectrum of biological effects and pharmacological prop-
were removed and the volume of gastric juice was
erties. Moreover, these compounds seem to possess a
distinct molecular formula, a certain molecular weight,and certain physicochemical properties. Gastric Mucosal Nonprotein Sulfhydryls (NP-SH).
Several factors such as phonological age of the plant,
Gastric mucosal NP-SH were measured and the
percent humidity of the harvested material, and the
glandular stomachs from rats treated with 1,8-cineole
method of extraction have been identified as possible
or vehicle were removed and homogenised in ice-cold
sources of variation for the chemical composition,
0.02 M ethyl-enediaminetetraacetic acid. The homogen-
toxicity and bioactivity of the extracts.
ate was mixed and then centrifuged. The supernatants
It is hoped that research institutes and universities
were mixed and the sample was shaken. The absorb-
will continue their efforts to discover other new natural
active compounds derived from aromatic plants anddevelop their action spectrum on biological materialsand pharmacological animal models to find other ac-
Sedative effects of essential oils and fragrance
tive natural molecules with potent therapeutic action
devoid or less toxic than synthetic ones. It is also desir-able that preclinical research on essential oils is a nec-
In order to screen and quantify a series of fragrance
essary part of the drug discovery and development
compounds and essential oils for their sedative pro-
process, especially given that there is no single forum
perties, groups of four mice each were exposed under
and focus for guidance on determining the validity and
standardised conditions to these compounds (Buchbauer
et al., 1993b). Thus, the motility of the animals was
Finally, we should maintain our efforts in consider-
ascertained after inhalation and also after caffeine-
ing and valorising our natural patrimony, as well as
induced overagitation to collect more detailed in-
conducting more scientific research on aromatic plants
formation on activating or sedating effects of several
from chemical analysis, biological, toxicological and
compounds and their aromatherapeutical usage. In
pharmacological investigations to therapeutic aspects.
Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 18, 435–448 (2004)
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Reformed Dutch Church organized; stone buildings dating 1717, 1773Precinct of New Paltz was created consisting of the New Paltz Patent, theLouis DuBois Patent [Nescotak], the Guilford Patent, the Thomas GarlandPatent at Kettelborough and Ireland Corners, and the Hugo Freer Patent[LeFevre, 107-108]Town of New Paltz incorporated March 31, 1785Post office in Budd’s Tavern on N. Front St. (cor. N
Shares of niche antiviral drugmakers rocket on flu news; Major antiviral, vaccine makers also gain Val Brickates Kennedy MarketWatch 27 April 2009 Niche makers of antiviral products and vaccines see shares rocket on news of a possible global pandemic of the swine-flu virus. BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Niche makers of antiviral products and vaccines saw shares rocket Monday on news of a possibl