Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Nhs greater glasgow and clyde
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Equality Impact Assessment Tool For Frontline Patient Services
It is essential to follow the EQIA Guidance in completing this form Name of Current Service/Service Development/Service Redesign:
Meticillen Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Screening Project
Please tick box to indicate if this is a :Current Service ; Service Development Service Redesign Brief description of the above: (Please include if this is part of a Board-wide service or is locally determined).
In 2008, a recommendation was made to the Scottish Government Health Directorate (SGHD) by Health Protection Scotland (HPS) that all patients being admitted in acute areas within the National Health Service (NHS) were screened for Meticillen Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). As part of these recommendations NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has established a Steering Group and MRSA Screening Project Team. All patients who are having surgery will have to be swabbed for MRSA. This is carried out at Pre-Assessment appointments and involves a nasal swab. The results are know within 48 hours and if it is positive, patients are called back for treatment (known as decolonisation). This can include Clinisan Body Wash and Bactroban Nasal Cream. There is a phased approach to MRSA Screening Project:
• Royal Alexander Hospital - September 2009
• Gartnavel General Hospital, Western Infirmary and Vale of Leven – October 2009
• Stobhill Hospital and Glasgow Royal Infirmary - November 09.
• Victoria Infirmary, Southern General Hospital and Inverclyde Royal Hospital - December 09.
Who is the lead reviewer and where based?
Shona Meldrum, Clinical Implementation Lead, MRSA Screening Project, Western Infirmary.
Please list the staff groupings of all those involved in carrying out this EQIA (when non-NHS staff are involved please record their organisation or reason for inclusion):
Lead Nurse for Preoperative Assessment Service, Stobhill Hospital; Sister, General Out-patient Department, Southern General Hospital; Sister, Preoperative Assessment Service, Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Infection Control Nurse, Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Clinical Implementation Support; MRSA Screening Project, Western Infirmary; Clinical Implementation Lead, MRSA Screening Project, Western Infirmary; Quality Co-ordinator; Equality and Diversity Assistant. Patient Representative. (Public Partner, Argyll and Bute)
Impact Assessment – Equality Categories Equality Category Existing Good Practice Remaining Negative Impact
• Although gender is recorded it is not
• Staff would try to accommodate patient requests for
routinely analysed. (Project only started
• For transgender patients, staff would ask how they
• The majority of patients are swabbed through the
Violence Plan, although staff do have an
nose. This takes place in private rooms. There are
• Staff were aware of how to book interpreters for
• Ethnicity data is not always captured.
patients whose first language isn’t English. If an
This depends on the information given as
interpreter is used this is documented in the case
part of the referral process which can be
notes. This is also documented in the electronic Pre-
• If an interpreter is required, at the time of the MRSA
swab, staff would make arrangements in the presence of the interpreter about how to contact the patient if the result is positive. (Usually it’s a telephone call but staff can make alternative arrangements with the patient when the interpreter is present).
• Information about MRSA is available in 9 different
languages from the Health Protection Scotland website.
• Information about MRSA is available in an audio
• Disability data is not always captured.
This depends on the information given as
• Information about MRSA is available in a video
part of the referral process which can be
(windows media format which is available on the
Staffnet site and from Health Protection Scotland
• Although information is available in other
website). This video also has a version with subtitles.
• Information about MRSA is also available in Braille
Clyde’s website. (It is accessible through
• An easy read version ‘About MRSA Screening’ is also
available for patients who have learning disabilities.
• Each site has disabled parking spaces available.
• Each site has a drop off point facility.
• There are disabled toilets available.
information leaflets regarding treatment
• There is sufficient space to accommodate
(decolonisation) were visually friendly.
wheelchairs and people with walking frames.
• Staff are aware of how to book a sign language
• Not all sites have access to textphones
• Some sites have access to text phones for patients
and staff were unaware of BT text direct.
who are deaf. This would be documented in the case notes.
• If an interpreter is required, at the time of the MRSA
swab, staff would make arrangements about how to contact the patient if the result is positive. (Usually it’s a telephone call but staff can make alternative arrangements with the patient when the interpreter is present).
• All sites could accommodate patients with guide
• If patient has a companion with them, staff would ask
the patients if they have any objections to that person being present.
• If an advocate was present with the patient this would
• If patients had difficulty in understanding the MRSA
swab process, staff would be willing to give practical demonstrations.
• Staff were aware of the importance of using
Sexual Orientation
• All staff had access to either Religions and Cultures
Religion and belief
Manual or the Multi-Faith Resource for Staff.
• Staff were aware of the importance of the 5k’s to Sikh
• Staff were aware of the courses provided by the
Chaplaincy Department on Spiritual Care.
• Staff would try to offer flexible appointments to
• If any patients had any concerns about what the
treatment contains then staff could obtain a composition list from Pharmacy.
• The patient’s date of birth is recorded.
• Although age data is recorded it is not
Age (Children/Young
routinely collated. (Project only started in
People/Older People)
• If a patient brought a child with them to the
appointment, staff would try to accommodate this.
• If patients are entitled to reclaim their travelling
• For patients travelling from other health
Social Class/Socio-
expenses, staff can advise them how to do so.
boards, who require a ferry, the distance
Economic Status
• Staff would be able to signpost patients to Social
• Staff could signpost patients to appropriate
• For patients living in other health board
Departments. For example, Smoking Cessation;
• For patients with drug addictions, staff would liaise
they don’t, when the patient is admitted
• For patients in the criminal justice system, staff would
arrange for them to be seen immediately to avoid
result and are therefore would be put in a
• For patients living in other health boards, the MRSA
Project Team are exploring the possibility of GP practices undertaking MRSA swabs.
• Some staff have access equality and diversity training
as part of their Professional Development Plan (PDP). This has also included the on-line courses
• For patients who test positive, and are unable to
come back to the hospital for treatment, staff can arrange to send the treatment through the post with clear instructions.
Date for completion responsible? (initials) Cross Cutting Actions Specific Actions
• Investigate how to capture equality and diversity data.
• Circulate NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Gender Based Violence Plan to staff for Completed March
• Investigate the possibility of having the patient information leaflets on NHS Greater
Glasgow and Clyde’s website rather than just on the intranet.
• Clarify if the treatment leaflets (decolonisation) and website information are visually
• Obtain copies of the Draft NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Accessible Information
• Circulate information about BT text direct to staff for information.
• Clarify if patients from other Health Boards are entitled to claim the ferry distance.
• Investigate with other Health Boards the possibility of patients being swabbed within
Ongoing 6 Monthly Review Please write your 6 monthly EQIA review date:
Lead Reviewer: Name: Shona Meldrum Sign Off: Job Title clinical lead implementation nurse Signature Date:25.3.10
Please email copy of the completed EQIA form to Irene Mackenzie, Corporate Information and Development Manager, Corporate Inequalities Team, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Dalian House, 350 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G3 8YZ. Tel: 0141-201-4970.
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