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RDU Update RDU Update
National Center for Pharmaceutical Access and Management, Department of Health
c/o Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
College of Medicine University of the Philippines
A quarterly publication on the rational use of drugs of the
547 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000
National Center for Pharmaceutical Access and Management, Department of Health Volume 18 No 1 Manila, Philippines 2011 Assessment of natural products used to lower blood sugar level
There has been increasing use of natural
products by Filipinos to control their blood
Ampalaya or bitter melon (Scientific name:
products in addition to their conventional
Momordica charantia) is registered as
antidiabetic medications such as metformin
dietary supplement in the Philippines as tea
and the sulfonylureas. Some ‘borderline
diabetics’ would use them to ‘prevent’ the
capsule or tablet made from dried pulverized
frank manifestations of diabetes. Still others
ampalaya as a single plant ingredient or in
such as banaba (Lagerstoenia speciosa),
and/or luyang dilaw (Curcuma longa).
consulting their physicians, having been
influenced by aggressive promotion of the
Traditional uses
neighbors. Information on the true worth of
Ampalaya fruit is a folk remedy for diabetes.
ampalaya should be made available for the
Some patients would ask advice from their
Dosage used in diabetes mellitus is 1/3 cup
physicians before using these supplements,
made from a decoction prepared by boiling
so practitioners should be ready with the
a 1:2 mixture of finely chopped ampalaya
objective information that they should give
leaves and water, to be taken 3 times daily,
preparations include one small, unripe, raw
In this issue of RDU Update, shall assess
fruit or about 50 to 100 milliliters of the juice
from the fruit pulp daily, by mouth. 100
RDU Update
preparations used by Filipinos, either as
milliliters of a 1:1 aqueous (water) extract of
single-plant preparation or as multiple-plant
the fresh fruit daily, by mouth may also be
Editorial Advisory Board: Nelia P, Cortes-Maramba, Marieta B, de Luna, Estrella B. Paje-Villar
preparation, to ‘lower blood sugar level’.
Editor: Isidro C. Sia Associate Editor: Nazarita T. Tacandong Managing Editor: Rainier M. Galang Contributing Editors: Celia P. Carlos, Maria Stephanie Fay S. Cagayan, Cynthia I. Valencia Art/Circulation Manager: Anna Margarita A. Bernardo Contributions, suggestions, inquiries, or feedback from readers are welcome. Please address all letters to: The Editor, RDU Update, The National Drug Information Center, c/o Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, 547 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000 *Professor of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines-Manila Telefax: (623) 5264384; E-mail: [email protected] RDU Update 2011 Volume 18 Number 1 Page 2 RDU Update 2011 Volume 18 Number 1 Page 3 Chemical constituents and activity1 Assessment of efficacy as antidiabetic Safety Safety agent
Adverse effect includes heightened bitter taste.
No toxicity has been reported, even in high
hypoglycemic effect include p-insulin, charantin,
Most clinical trials of ampalaya have been in
doses. The use of banaba should be avoided
diabetes with small number of subjects and
during pregnancy and lactation. Concurrent use
various forms and extracts. These have yielded
hypoglycemic patients. Concurrent use of
The hypoglycemic effects of extracts taken from
inconsistent results.1 Clinical trial data with
ampalaya are well documented. Conflicting
human subjects are limited and flawed by poor
design and low statistical power. Better
Assessment of efficacy as antidiabetic
mechanism of action behind these effects.
designed clinical trials are needed to further
Assessment of efficacy as antidiabetic agent
Some studies support the action of several
elucidate its possible therapeutic effects.4,5
substances, such as p-insulin, charantin and
Clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of
vicine, as being effective hypoglycemic agents,
There are no reviews for Momordica charantia
There are limited clinical studies to warrant its
banaba in the treatment of diabetes mellitus is
even without help from the pancreas (after
use as antidiabetic. Only small open studies
very limited.10 In a small, randomized clinical
pancreatectomy). Other investigators say that
trial involving 56 patients with Type 2 diabetes
extracts from ampalaya stimulate increased
Devices) nor the World Health Organization. It
mellitus, banaba extract standardized to 1%
insulin secretion. Still, other investigators
is, however, included in the list of 10 herbal
corosolic acid, administered for 2 weeks at
suggest an extrapancreatic effect to explain the
dosages of 32 mg and 48 mg daily, significantly
The use of gynema in patients with diabetes
processes that directly influence hepatic or
Ampalaya, as stated in the guide published by
the DOH, is indicated for use in diabetes
controlled trials are warranted to further
mellitus (mild, non-insulin dependent).2
Other constituents and activity
The use of banaba in the treatment of patients
with diabetes mellitus is not recommended.
Certain proteins found in ampalaya have been
Further well-signed trials are needed to
reported to have antiviral activity (momordica
The use of ampalaya, if it is to be used as an
Luyang dilaw (Scientific name: Curcuma longa)
establish its place in diabetic therapy.
anti-HIV protein–MAP30), antineoplastic
adjunct in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes
is used in combination with ampalaya and
property (alpha-momorcharin, MAP30, mellitus entails the supervision of a physician in
momordin I), and abortifacient activity (alpha-,
determining the proper dosage for both the
herbal extract and the conventional medicines
Safety REFERENCES 1Bitter melon – Alternative Medicine Evaluation. AltMedDEx®
for optimal glycemic control. Well-designed
System. Micromedex® 2.0 (Healthcare Series), Electronic Version
antifertility, analgesic and anti-inflammatory
clinical trials are needed to further elucidate its
1974-2011 Thomson Reuters (Healthcare).
2Gabay sa Paggamit ng 10 Halamang Gamot. Philippine Institute of
anaphylaxis have been reported in clinical trials.
Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC), Department of
An increased risk of kidney stone formation is
3Bitter melon. POISINDEX® Managements. Micromedex® 2.0 Safety
theoretically possible in susceptible individuals.
(Healthcare Series), Electronic Version 1974-2011 Thomson
Emmenagogue and abortifacient effects of
Adverse reactions noted with large intake of
Gymnema (Scientific name: Gymnema
luyang dilaw have been documented. Its use is
Leung L, Birtwhistle R, Kotecha J, Hannah S, Cuthbertson S. Anti-
diabetic and hypoglycaemic effects of Momordica charantia (bitter
ampalaya and its extracts include stomach
sylvestre) is not grown in the Philippines. It is
melon): a mini review. Br J Nutr. 2009 Dec;102(12):1703-1708.
pain, diarrhea, and hypoglycemia.3 It should not
imported as finished product and is registered
Yeh GY, Eisenberg DM, Kaptchuk TJ, Phillips RS. Systematic
review of herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in
be used in patients with hypersensitivity to
Assessment of efficacy as antidiabetic
diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003 Apr;26(4):1277-1294.
ampalaya, in pregnant or lactating women, and
Administration as food supplement, nut Filipinos
Gymnema – Alternative Medicine Evaluation. AltMedDEx® System.
Micromedex® 2.0 (Healthcare Series), Electronic Version 1974-
in patients with known liver disease or those
have been using it to control their blood sugar
Clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of
luyang dilaw in the treatment of diabetes
Gymnema. Facts & Comparisons, Wolters Kluwer Health 2009.
traditional use of roots, fruits and seeds as Date accessed:
The anti-sweet effects of Gymnema is being
8Nahas R, Moher M.Complementary and alternative medicine for
abortifacient effects of the seed momorcharin in
exploited to entice diabetics to use Gymnema.
the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Can Fam Physician. 2009
mice, ampalaya should not be used during
9Turmeric. Facts & Comparisons, Wolters Kluwer Health 2009.
sucrose, as well as those of sodium saccharin,
The use of luyang dilaw in the treatment of
cyclamate and glycine. The altered taste Date accessed: January 20, 2011.
Ampalaya has been reported to further lower
sensation may persist for 15 minutes to 24
recommended. Well-designed clinical trials are
10Banaba. Facts & Comparisons, Wolters Kluwer Health 2009.
blood sugar level when taken together with
hours.6 It is available as tea, powder, tablet and
chlorpropamide and might also occur if taken Date accessed: January 20, 2011.
together with other hypoglycemic agents.1
11Judy WV, Hari SP, Stogsdill WW, Judy JS, Naguib YM,
Concomitant use may lead to dangerously low
Gymnema is used in traditional medicine to
Passwater R. Antidiabetic activity of a standardized extract (GlucosolTM) from Lagerstroemia speciosa leaves in Type II
lower blood sugar. It has also been investigated
Banaba (Scientific name: Lagerstroemia
diabetics. A dose-dependence study. J Ethnopharmacol. 2003
in animals for its lipid-lowering effect.7
speciosa) is being used alone or in combination
with ampalaya in the treatment of diabetes.
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