Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
medical library guide
The Cochran School of Nursing Guide toAPA Citation Style - 6th Edition Examples of sources Journals (DOI) system
“A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency (the International DOI Foundation) to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet”. (APA 6th ed., p. 189, 2010).
Include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the reference if one is assigned (see section 6.31, APA 6th ed., p. 198, 2010).
“If a DOI is provided, no further retrieval information is needed” (APA 6th ed., p.191, 2010).
“Do not include retrieval dates unless the source material may change over time (e.g., Wikis)” (APA 6th ed., p.192, 2010).
Journal article electronic versionwith DOI
Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments
of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26,Journal article electronic version without DOI
Baulch, J., Chester, A., & Brennan, L. (2010). Adolescent and parent content
preferences and predictors of intention to use an online healthy weight website for adolescents. Electronic Journal of Applied Psychology, 6(1), 18-26. Retrieved from
Pagination (page numbers) information
Journals with continuous pagination are paginated by volume. Meaning, within a volume, instead of beginning with page one, the first page of each issue continues where the last one left off. When citing from these journals, no issue number is required.
However, in journals paginated by issue, each issue within a volume begins with page one. When citing from these journals, the issue number must be included.
Journal article print version paginated by volume
Cook-Campbell, J., & Sefton, M. (2010). Discharge teaching about Warfarin
patient retention of knowledge. Home Healthcare Nurse, 28, 366-374. Journal article print version paginated by issue
Gerdner, L. (2010). Evidence-based guideline: Individualized music for elders
with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 36(6), 7-15.
Note on multiple authors: “Invert all authors’ names; give surnames and initials
for up to and including seven authors (e.g. Author, A.A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C.). When authors number eight or more, include the first six authors then insert three ellipses, and add the last author’s name (APA, 6th ed., p. 184, 2010).
Journal with eight or more authors Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J. Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua,
L., …Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.
Newspapers and magazines Newspaper article
Von Stamwitz, A. (2010, January 26). An ill father, a life-or-death decision. The Magazine article
Ilkay, J. (2010, January). Vitamin D: Is it a weapon in disease prevention?
Today’s Dietician: The Magazine for Nutrition Professionals, 12(1), 12-13.
Online magazine article
Wallis, C. (2010, February). Health and Science: A debunked study won’t stop
vaccine-autism theorists. TIME. Retrieved from,8599,1958744,00.html?iid=tsmodule
Non-print Media (i.e. Videos, DVDS) Video/DVD
Vector Communications Corporation. (Producer). (2002). Mosby’s nursing assistant skills videos: Bathing [VHS].St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.
Smith, J.(2010). Nursing news: Self-monitoring trumps conventional care in blood pressure control. Retrieved from
Watson, J. (1999). Postmodern nursing and beyond. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill
Article or chapter in an edited book
Gunther, M.E. (2010). Martha E. Rogers, 1914 - 1994: Unitary human beings. In
M. R. Alligood and A. M. Tomey (Eds.), Nursing theorists and their work (pp. 242-264). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby Elsevier.
An interview is not considered recoverable data, so no reference to this is provided in the reference list. You may, however, cite the interview within the text as a personal communication. (APA 6th ed., p. 189, 2010). See example below: Example:
(J. Smith, personal communication, August 15, 2009)
Estradiol I Estradiol - E2 03000079 122 100 testes Precauções e advertências Português Para utilização em diagnóstico in vitro. Respeite as precauções normais de manuseamento de reagentes laboratoriais. Função Elimine todos os resíduos de acordo com os regulamentos locais. Imunoensaio para a determinação quantitativa in vitro do estradiolFicha de segurança