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Pharmacologic treatment of acute and chronic stress following trauma: 2006
Pharmacologic Treatment of Acute and Chronic Stress Following Trauma: 2006 Jonathan R. T. Davidson, M.D.
This article reviews pharmacologic treatment options for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
focusing on goals of pharmacotherapy and the clinical trial evidence for drug treatments available forPTSD. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are recommended as first-line therapy forPTSD; the roles of these and other drug classes including anticonvulsants, mood enhancers, atypicalantipsychotic agents, benzodiazepines, α -adrenergic antagonists, and
provement in PTSD symptom and outcome scores, achieving remission, and avoiding relapse are dis-cussed. Treatment of PTSD in association with other comorbid conditions is addressed, and the roleof pharmacotherapy in treating early PTSD and acute stress disorder is examined. Dosing strategiesfor the SSRIs sertraline and paroxetine are provided, and an algorithm for PTSD pharmacotherapy isdiscussed. (J Clin Psychiatry 2006;67[suppl 2]:34–39)
osttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be a severe,
cial functioning; to strengthen resilience, or the ability
chronic, and disabling condition with major con-
to cope and thrive in adversity; to relieve comorbid
sequences for the individual and society in terms of mor-
disorders commonly associated with PTSD, including
bidity, mortality, impact on economic productivity, and
depression and panic disorder; and to prevent relapse.
health-care/welfare costs. Effective treatment is critical,
While there is no single gold standard by which outcomes
and it is fortunate that well-controlled, double-blind trials
in PTSD treatment are measured, scales such as the
over the past decade have demonstrated superiority of se-
Davidson Trauma Scale,1 the Clinician-Administered
lective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs over pla-
PTSD Scale (CAPS),2 the Short PTSD Rating Interview
cebo. It is reasonable to believe that the use of these, and
(SPRINT),3 and the 8-item Treatment Outcome Posttrau-
related compounds, can become an effective tool in pro-
matic Stress Disorder Scale (TOP-8)4 provide measures
moting the long-term psychological and psychosocial
by which the changes achieved by pharmacotherapy can
health, and economic recovery, of those in the region af-
fected by the tsunami on December 26, 2004.
The SSRIs are currently recommended as first-line
The objectives of medical treatment for PTSD are to
therapy for the treatment of PTSD,5 and the SSRIs sertra-
reduce its core symptoms (i.e., reexperiencing via intru-
line and paroxetine are licensed for treatment of PTSD in
sive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks; avoidance of
the United States and elsewhere. Following recognition of
trauma-related situations and activities; emotional numb-
PTSD as a distinct clinical entity in the 1980s, efficacy
ing; and hyperarousal); to improve function, including so-
data from well-controlled, double-blind trials of pharma-cotherapy were initially slow to accumulate, but have be-come available more recently. SSRIs are effective acrossall PTSD symptom clusters and improve quality of life
From the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
and functional impairment, though sleep disturbances and
Science, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.
nightmares may respond less well in some cases.6,7
Presented at the symposium “After the Tsunami:Mental Health Challenges to the Community for Todayand Tomorrow,” which was held February 2–3, 2005, inBangkok, Thailand, and supported by an educational grantfrom Pfizer Inc.Fluoxetine. Three randomized, double-blind, placebo- Corresponding author and reprints: Jonathan R. T.
controlled trials8–10 have confirmed a significantly higher
Davidson, M.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
response in patients with PTSD receiving fluoxetine ver-
Science, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710(e-mail: [email protected]).
sus placebo for up to 3 months. In a 5-week study8 com-
paring fluoxetine at up to 60 mg per day (N = 33) versus
resilience-enhancing effect, as well as overall benefit in
placebo (N = 31), fluoxetine significantly reduced overall
PTSD: a significantly greater improvement in CD-RISC
PTSD symptomatology assessed using CAPS-2 (p = .01).
scores was seen at endpoint for venlafaxine XR versus pla-
Changes were most marked in the arousal and numbing
symptom subcategories. A 12-week trial9 comparing flu-oxetine up to 60 mg per day (N = 27) versus placebo
(N = 27) demonstrated that fluoxetine was more effective
on most measures using the Duke Global Rating for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Structured Interview
Early onset of action of SSRI therapy in PTSD was con-
PTSD measure at week 12, including global improvement
firmed by a study featuring mixed-models analysis of 2
(p < .06), with the effects of therapy evident using the
twelve-week, placebo-controlled trials of sertraline treat-
Duke scale as early as week 2. In a larger-scale, 12-week
ment.17 Sertraline was found to markedly improve anger
study10 comparing fluoxetine at 20 to 80 mg per day (N =
by week 1, an effect that was sustained throughout the re-
226) and placebo (N = 75), fluoxetine was associated
mainder of the treatment period and that largely explained
with a greater improvement from baseline in TOP-8 scale
the ensuing improvement on intrusive symptoms. Other
total score versus placebo at week 12 (p = .006).
symptoms improved later, such as emotional upset at re-
Paroxetine. A 12-week study11 comparing paroxetine
minders, anhedonia, and detachment at week 6 and avoid-
(20–50 mg per day; N = 151) and placebo (N = 156)
ance of trauma-related activities by week 10. While it is
showed significantly greater improvement in CAPS-2
clear that onset of SSRI action may be rapid, and the ma-
total score from baseline beginning at week 4 (p < .05
jority of SSRI efficacy trials in PTSD have been of 3
vs. placebo), with significantly greater proportions of
months’ duration or less, short-term therapy is insufficient
paroxetine-treated patients achieving a response (p < .001
for full recovery, and optimal results may not be seen until
vs. placebo) and remission (p = .008) by week 12 on the
Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale. In a sec-
There is evidence that continuation of SSRI therapy
ond 12-week study12 comparing paroxetine 20 mg per
brings about sustained improvement in PTSD: in an
day (N = 183), 40 mg per day (N = 182), and placebo
open-label continuation phase of a 12-week acute study,18
(N = 186), paroxetine-treated patients in both dose groups
patients treated with sertraline showed continued improve-
demonstrated significantly greater improvement on the
ment up to 9 months. The mean CAPS-2 score was re-
CAPS-2 (p < .001). A pooled analysis of these trials plus a
duced from 45 (representing mild PTSD) at 3 months to 20
third 12-week, placebo-controlled study of paroxetine
(equivalent to minimal or no PTSD symptoms and high-
confirmed that treatment resulted in significantly better
response and remission rates, improvement in sleep dis-turbance, and a reduction in symptom clusters in PTSD
Sertraline. A 12-week study14 with sertraline at 50
The noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepres-
to 200 mg per day (N = 94) versus placebo (N = 93)
sant mirtazapine was effective in treating PTSD in an
showed that sertraline produced a significantly greater
8-week, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study (N =
improvement from baseline at endpoint in CAPS-2 total
29) in which response rates on the Short Posttraumatic
score (p = .02). In a second 12-week study15 with sertra-
Stress Disorder Rating Interview Global Improvement
line (50–200 mg per day; N = 100) or placebo (N = 108),
measure were 60% for mirtazapine versus 22% for pla-
Davidson et al. reported significantly greater benefit for
cebo (p < .05).19 Mirtazapine also helps to alleviate sleep
this drug, relative to placebo, on most measures.
disturbance in PTSD patients; its main disadvantages areside effects of weight gain and somnolence.
The SNRI venlafaxine XR has demonstrated efficacy in
Treatment with fluoxetine and sertraline and with
Mood stabilizers and anticonvulsants can also be useful
the serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)
for treating PTSD symptoms. There is, however, a limited
venlafaxine extended release (XR) has been shown to
database regarding their efficacy and safety; most pub-
improve resilience in PTSD patients. Open-label treat-
lished studies are open label, and as these agents produce
ment with fluoxetine (N = 25) and sertraline (N = 54)
troublesome or serious side effects or require closer mon-
resulted in significant changes from baseline in Connor-
itoring, they should be classed as second- or third-line
Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) scores (p < .001
treatments. In a small double-blind trial of lamotrigine in
and p < .0001, respectively).7 A long-term (24-week)
1999, Hertzberg et al.21 showed preliminary evidence,
study16 comparing the effects of venlafaxine (N = 151)
based on 1 out of several rating measures, that lamotrigine
and placebo (N = 161) on all aspects of PTSD showed a
may be effective. A single-center trial of topiramate and
placebo presented by Tucker22 provided mixed but encour-
Psychotherapy has been shown to benefit patients with
aging results for the drug. Carbamazepine and divalproex
only a partial response to SSRIs. In a psychotherapy aug-
sodium both require regular blood tests, and topiramate
mentation study, 60 patients received sertraline for 10
produces cognitive side effects. One positive, placebo-
weeks.31 Those not achieving complete clinical remission
controlled trial of nefazodone exists,23 as does a negative
were randomly assigned to receive 10 sessions of pro-
placebo-controlled study of bupropion.24 Interestingly, bu-
longed exposure therapy over a further 5 weeks in addition
propion appeared to aggravate dissociative symptoms.
to sertraline or to receive drug alone. Patients who initially
Both of these trials by Davis and colleagues23,24 were con-
showed only a partial response benefited greatly from
the addition of prolonged exposure therapy to sertraline
There is a growing literature on the use of atypical anti-
psychotic agents as adjunctive therapy in PTSD. Olanza-pine was shown to be a successful adjunct treatment in
a study population with combat-related PTSD who werenonresponsive to 12 weeks of SSRI therapy.25 Patients
Although SSRIs are recommended as first-line therapy
who received adjunctive olanzapine for a further 8 weeks
for PTSD, approximately 20% to 40% of PTSD patients
(N = 19) showed greater improvement in CAPS-2 scores
fail to respond to treatment as well as one might hope. Re-
(p < .05) and sleep disorder symptoms (assessed by the
mission rates with SSRIs after 12 weeks are relatively low,
Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire; p = .01) than those who
at 30% or less,32 though better than might be expected
given the severity and chronic nature of PTSD. Many pa-
Similarly, Bartzokis et al.26 showed that the use of
tients discontinue SSRIs because of side effects, including
adjunctive risperidone in combat veterans with PTSD
gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep impairment, agitation,
achieved significantly better improvement than placebo in
insomnia, sexual side effects, and weight gain. As many as
a broad range of psychiatric symptoms as measured by the
half of all U.S. patients stop taking antidepressants within
CAPS-total scale and subscales (reexperiencing, avoid-
3 to 4 months of initiating therapy,33 for a variety of rea-
ance, and arousal). In a 5-week, double-blind, placebo-
sons including cultural and social factors, and this impacts
controlled trial of 40 combat veterans, those receiving
negatively on response and remission rates in PTSD.
adjunctive risperidone showed a significantly greater
One strategy to move PTSD patients from partial re-
improvement in psychotic symptoms, measured by the
sponse to full response, and to achieve higher remission
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, than those given
rates, is long-term drug therapy.34,35 Treatment can also be
placebo (p < .05), as well as a greater improvement in
augmented with another drug or with psychotherapy, and
CAPS reexperiencing subscale score at the study endpoint
high side effect rates can be avoided by using a low start-
(p < .05).27 The potential risk of side effects with the atypi-
ing dose and titrating steadily upward. Physicians can en-
cal antipsychotic agents, including weight gain, postural
courage patients to persist with taking their medication by
hypotension, extrapyramidal symptoms, hyperglycemia,
providing them with information and education on PTSD
and diabetes,28 does however need to be taken into account
Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the
α -adrenergic antagonist prazosin in PTSD. In a 20-week,
placebo-controlled crossover, add-on study of Vietnam
SSRI therapy appears to protect against PTSD relapse.
veterans, in which participants received a mean dose of
When a 6-month, open-label study with fluoxetine
9.5 mg per day of prazosin (N = 10) or placebo (N = 10),
was followed by 6 months of double-blind, randomized
prazosin produced a greater improvement in nightmares,
treatment with fluoxetine or placebo, 50% of patients re-
sleep disturbance, and global change in PTSD severity and
ceiving placebo suffered a major relapse versus 22%
functional status than placebo, measured using CAPS and
treated with fluoxetine (p < .05).36 In a relapse prevention
Clinical Global Impression of Change scale (CGIC).29 To-
study with sertraline, patients who completed a 12-week,
tal score and symptom cluster scores for reexperiencing,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study and a subsequent
avoidance/numbing, and hyperarousal were also signifi-
24-week, open-label continuation phase were randomly
cantly more improved with prazosin. In a small 6-week,
assigned to 28 weeks of maintenance treatment with
open-label trial involving non–combat-related PTSD,
sertraline (N = 46) or placebo (N = 50).37 The rates of
in which 5 individuals received prazosin at increasing
relapse (including discontinuation due to clinical deterio-
doses, all subjects experienced moderate-to-marked im-
ration) were 48% with placebo versus only 16% with ser-
provement on the CGIC, as well as an improvement in
traline (p = .005). In a double-blind, placebo-controlled
Clinical Impression of Change-Nightmares score and
study of positive responders to 12 weeks of fluoxetine
CAPS One Week Symptom Version PTSD nightmare and
treatment, patients randomly assigned to receive a further
24 weeks of fluoxetine therapy (N = 69) were found to be
less likely to relapse than those given placebo (N = 62;
Table 1. Suggested Dose Titration for Sertraline and Paroxetine in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
It is currently recommended that treatment should be
tried initially for at least 3 months,5,38 with effective phar-
macotherapy continued for at least 1 year. Discontinuing
medication after 6 months exposes patients to a higher risk
of relapse. There are currently no published PTSD relapse
prevention studies using agents other than SSRIs.
ued. If symptoms return, then it is advisable to continue
Because PTSD is commonly associated with other
psychiatric disorders,39 and because the SSRIs are recog-
Two studies, one randomized44 and the other non-
nized as effective broad-spectrum therapy for depression
randomized,45 suggest that treatment with the β-blocker
and anxiety disorders, it was expected that these drugs
drug propranolol immediately after trauma might prevent
would be effective in treating PTSD with some comorbid
some symptoms of PTSD, such as hyperarousal in re-
conditions. Acute, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
sponse to traumatic memories, but may not prevent PTSD
controlled studies indicate that both sertraline40 and parox-
overall. Further larger-scale studies are required.
etine13 are effective in treating PTSD both with and with-
Benzodiazepines are useful in controlling anxiety and
out depression, anxiety, or both. An early open-label trial
agitation and assisting sleep. They are not particularly ef-
with sertraline (N = 9) suggested that it was effective in
fective in ASD, however, and may impair learning in a
treating PTSD in patients with alcohol dependence, with
clinical situation and have withdrawal symptoms.5 They
participants showing decreased alcohol consumption.41 A
are therefore not recommended for ASD or early PTSD. In
subsequent 12-week placebo-controlled trial with sertra-
6-week and 6-month studies in trauma patients, more than
line in 94 patients failed to show an overall benefit for ser-
twice as many patients receiving benzodiazepine still had
traline, but suggested in a post hoc analysis the possibility
PTSD compared with controls receiving no treatment or
that there may be subgroups who respond better to sertra-
placebo, suggesting a harmful effect (although it is impor-
line; those with less severe alcohol dependence and later-
tant to remember that assignment to treatment was not ran-
onset PTSD had significantly fewer drinks per drinking
domized in 1 trial, thus leaving open the possibility of im-
portant confounding differences between the groups).46,47Hypnotic antidepressants may be more useful in treating
Antipsychotic agents may be useful in the short term
SSRIs should be initiated at a low dose, with slow titra-
for acute agitation, but, in general, experience with these
tion (up to the maximal daily dose if required) until a good
drugs is limited to use as an adjunct to SSRIs in chronic
response or remission is achieved, or until side effects pre-
PTSD, mainly if patients exhibit psychotic-like symp-
vent further dose increases. If side effects are troublesome
toms, bipolar features, lack of impulse control, and ag-
and the response is poor, other agents should be consid-
gression, or if there has been lack of response to other
ered. Suggested dose titration schedules for sertraline and
Effective pharmacotherapy of PTSD may be compli-
Very few studies have investigated pharmacologic pre-
cated by a number of cultural and social factors. It cannot
vention of acute stress disorder (ASD) or early PTSD (i.e.,
be assumed that treatments are universally accepted in all
occurring within 1 month of trauma). One study43 in chil-
cultures, and one needs to consider different beliefs, con-
dren suggests that short-term antidepressant therapy may
cerns, and taboos surrounding illness and treatment in dif-
be helpful in ASD or early PTSD. In a prospective, ran-
ferent settings, and the varying degree to which family
domized, double-blind pilot study in children with severe
members become involved, for example. Skepticism to-
burns and ASD, treatment with the tricyclic antidepressant
ward medication on the part of patients needs to be ad-
imipramine at 1 mg/kg for just 1 week produced an 83%
dressed by providing more education, increasing patient
response rate, versus only 38% for control patients who
contact, and offering assistance with problems. Failure to
received chloral hydrate to assist sleep.43 It is unknown for
do so may result in high rates of attrition or treatment non-
how long successful treatment of ASD should be contin-
A shortage of trained professionals and a lack of re-
(Lamictal), mirtazapine (Remeron), olanzapine (Zyprexa), paroxetine
sources can also pose challenges, particularly after a major
(Paxil, Pexeva, and others), prazosin (Minipress and others), propran-olol (Inderal and others), risperidone (Risperdal), sertraline (Zoloft),
disaster such as the 2004 Asian tsunami. Worldwide, much
topiramate (Topamax), venlafaxine (Effexor).
of the burden of diagnosis and prescription of psycho-tropic medications falls on the family doctor, and it is
Disclosure of off-label usage: The author has determined that, to thebest of his knowledge, bupropion, carbamazepine, divalproex sodium,
therefore necessary to optimize the management of PTSD
fluoxetine, imipramine, lamotrigine, mirtazapine, nefazodone, olanza-
pine, prazosin, propranolol, risperidone, topiramate, and venlafaxine
Ethnic differences in drug metabolism require attention
are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for thetreatment of posttraumatic stress disorder.
to dosing issues and side effects when treating trauma. Insome Asian populations, for example, higher plasma drug
levels occur with tricyclic antidepressants, lithium, andhaloperidol, leading to a greater incidence of side effects.48
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PURIM IS COMING! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH Purim is revealed not only as a day of joy, but as one when we forge a special closeness to God and with the entire Jewishpeople. This is the reason our Sages instituted the mitzvah of sending food and gifts to one another. Mishloach Manot giftscreate mutual love and awaken the power of unity in our family and in our congregation. We invite you to be
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