
Simultaneous determination of paracetamol, caffeine and propyphenazone in pharmaceuticals by means of a single flow- through UV multiparameter sensor AUTORES:
A. Domínguez Vidal, P. Ortega Barrales, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
MICROCHIMICA ACTA, 141 (2003) 157 – 163 A flow injection sensor for simultaneous determination of sulfamethoxazol and trimethroprim by using Sephadex SP C-25 for continuous on-line separation and solid AUTORES:
M.L. Fernández de Córdova, P. Ortega Barrales, G. Rodríguez REVISTA:
JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, Fourier transform Raman spectrometry for the quantitative analysis of oil content and humidity in olives AUTORES:
B. Muik, B. Lendl, A. Molina Díaz, M.J. Ayora Cañada REVISTA:
A flow-through fluorimetric sensing device for detemination of α- and β- naphthol mixtures using a partial least-squares AUTORES:
S. Ortega Algar, N. Ramos Martos, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Fast and single solid phase fluorescence spectroscopic batch procedure for (acetyl)salicylic acid determination in drug AUTORES:
S. Ortega Algar, N. Ramos Martos, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 31 (2003) TÍTULO:
A simple and straightforward procedure for monitoring phenol compounds in water by using UV solid phase transduction AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Bead injection spectroscopic flow-through renewable surface sensors with commercial flow cells as an alternative to reusable AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Analytica Chimica Acta, 482 (2003) 209-217 TÍTULO:
New contributions to the field flow –injection analysis: AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 376 (2003) 527-533 TÍTULO:
A single spectrocopic flow-through sensor for determination of AUTORES:
M.I. Pascual Reguera; G. Pérez Parras; A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Aceptado TÍTULO:
Direct, reagent-free determination of free fatty acid content in olive oil and olives by Fourier Transform Raman Spectrometry AUTORES:
B. Muik, B. Lendl, A. Molina Díaz, M.J. Ayora Cañada REVISTA:
Analytica Chimica Acta, 487 (2003) 211-220 TÍTULO:
Selection of calibration set samples in determination of olive oil acidity by partial least squares–attenuated total reflectance– AUTORES:
F. A. Iñón, J. M. Garrigues, S. Garigues, A. Molina, M. de la REVISTA:
Analytica Chimica Acta, 489 (2003) 59 - 75 TÍTULO:
Gel-surface enhanced fluorescence sensing system coupled to a continuous-flow assembly for simultaneous monitoring of AUTORES:
J. F. García Reyes, P. Ortega Barrales, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Analytica Chimica Acta, 493 (2003) 35 - 45 TÍTULO:
Continuous-flow separation and preconcentration coupled on-line to solid surface fluorescence spectroscopy for the simultaneous determination of o-phenylphenol and thiabendazole AUTORES:
J. F. García Reyes, E. J. Llorent Martínez, P. Ortega Barrales, REVISTA:
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 378 (2004) 429- 437 TÍTULO:
Implementation of flow-through multisensors with bead injection spectroscopy: fluorimetric renewable surface biparameter sensor for determination of berillium and aluminium AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
A dual continuous flow solid phase fluorimetric sensor for AUTORES:
S. Ortega Algar, N. Ramos Martos, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Native solid-surface fluorescence flow-through optosensor for fast detemination of diphenhydramine in pharmaceuticals AUTORES:
M.I. Pascual Reguera, M. Guardia Rubio, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Development of a single fluorescence-based optosensor for rapid simultaneous determination of fungicides benomyl and thiabendazole in waters and commercial formulations AUTORES:
J. F. García Reyes, P. Ortega Barrales, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. En prensa. TÍTULO:
A Prussian blue-based flow-through renewable surface optosensor for analysis of ascorbic acid AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:
Determination of oil and water content in olive pomace using near infrared and raman spectrometry. A comparative study AUTORES:
B. Muik, B. Lendl, A. Molina Díaz, L. Pérez-Villarejo, M.J. Ayora REVISTA:
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. En prensa TÍTULO:
Bead Injection Spectroscopy-Flow Injection Analysis (BIS-FIA): An interesting tool applicable to pharmaceutical analysis. Determination of promethazine and trifluoperazine AUTORES:
M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Ruiz Medina, A. Molina Díaz Journal of Pahrmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. En prensa. TÍTULO:
Solid-phase UV spectrophotometric method for determination of AUTORES:
M.I. Pascual Reguera, G. Pérez Parras, A. Molina Díaz REVISTA:

Source: http://www4.ujaen.es/~amolina/ultimaspublicaciones.pdf


DE VIJF R’S: BEDOELD VOOR ROKERS DIE OP DIT MOMENT NIET BEREID ZIJN SAMENVATTING RICHTLIJN BEHANDELING VAN EEN STOPPOGING TE ONDERNEMEN TABAKSVERSLAVING (ACTuALISERING 2009) Relevance (relevantie): Vertel de roker waarom het zo belangrijk is om te stoppen, zo persoonlijk mogelijk. Risks (risico’s): Vraag de roker naar de risico’s van roken en bespreekt deze. Met jaar


De Luna Díaz y Cía., S.C. Boletín Informativo Número 7, Noviembre de 2004 EDITORIAL El artículo 16 constitucional y 38 del código fiscal de la federación reglan y ESTIMADOS LECTORES: expresan la seguridad jurídica que “deben” proporcionar las autoridades hacendarias al emitir actos jurídicos cualquiera que sea su tipo y naturaleza, tienen la obligación de fundar y motiv

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