Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
ALS and other motor neuron disorders 2003 4(Suppl 1), 142–160# 2003 ALS and other motor neuron disorders. All rights reserved. ISSN 1466-0822
expressing G93A-SOD1 (G93A-glia) by standard immuno-
chemical methods; NF-kB activity was determined by EMSA.
Ferri A1,2, Cozzolino M1, Casciati A1, Ferraro E3,
We have demonstrated that high-level, transient expression ofseveral mutant FALS-SOD1s (A4V, G37R, G85R, G93A,
1Centro di Neurobiologia Sperimentale ‘‘Mondino-Tor Vergata-S.Lucia’’, Rome,
I113T) induces programmed cell death in ETNA cells. This
Italy; 2Ist. di Neuroscienze del CNR, Sez. Psicobiologia e Psicofarmacologia,
PCD is mitochondria- and Apaf-1-dependent, but AIF-
Rome, Italy; 3Dipartimento di Biologia, Universita` di Roma ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Rome,
independent. Induction of mitochondria damage follows
NO-dependent modulation of signalling pathways. Furtherexperiments are in progress to further elucidate the details of
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Activation of various apoptosis-related molecules has been
Our data confirm that mitochondria play a pivotal role in
reported to be involved in selective motor neuron death that
FALS-SOD1-induced cell death, acting as a target of the
occurs in human ALS and in animal and cellular models of
noxious function of mutant SOD1s and as an effector of the
SOD1-associated ALS.1 We have previously demonstrated that
a deleterious interplay between neuronal and glial cells isnecessary for the pathogenesis of the disease. In co-cultureconditions, activation of apoptotic pathways in human
neuroblastoma cells expressing G93A-SOD1 is dependenton activation of inflammatory processes and NO production
1. Gue´gan C, Przedborski S. Programmed cell death in amyotrophic
in G93A-glioblastoma cells stimulated by G93A-neuroblas-
lateral sclerosis. J Clin Invest 2003; 111: 153–161.
toma.2 We have also observed3 that the link between
2. Ferri A, Nencini M, Casciati A et al. Cell death in amyotrophic
pathogenic properties of FALS-SOD1s and the activation of
lateral sclerosis: interplay between neuronal and glial cells
the apoptotic cascade is represented by Apaf-1 (apoptotic
protease-activating factor-1), a molecular adaptor coupling
3. Cozzolino M, Ferraro E, Ferri A et al. Apoptosome deficiency
mitochondria-released cytochrome c to downstream activa-
prevents neuronal loss induced by mutant human SOD1s in vivo
tion of executioner caspases. However, a complete picture of
the mechanisms underlying programmed cell death (PCD) inALS is still lacking.
The aim of this study was to analyse in detail the role of
mitochondria damage and of several mediators of signal
transduction in the Apaf-1-dependent apoptotic cascade
Bazzini E1, Alimonti D1, Cereda C1, Corato M1,2,Ceroni M1,2,3
To study the role of mitochondria and Apaf-1 in mutantFALS-SOD1s-induced apoptosis, we have used embryonic
telencefalic cell lines derived from Apaf1x/x and z/z mice
Neurological Institute IRCCS ‘‘C. Mondino’’, Pavia, Italy; 2Department of
Neurological Science, Pavia University, Pavia, Italy; 3Policlinico of Monza,
(ETNAx/x and ETNAz/z, respectively) where we have
assessed apoptosis-related signalling events, such as activationof caspases, cytochrome c release, mitochondrial metabolismusing standard biochemical procedures and specific fluores-
cence probes. NO signalling was studied in co-cultures ofhuman SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells expressing G93A-SOD1
Abnormal SOD1 mRNAs were identified in brain tissue of
(G93A-neuro) with human U373 MG glioblastoma cells
sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients (SALS) as well
as in neuronal and non-neuronal tissues from a subject
with no neurological disease (Akihiro Kawata et al. 2000).
Other different transcripts of SOD1 gene were foundin various tissues of SOD1 mutated patients (M. Hirano
et al. 2000). In summary, five alternative splicing transcriptsof the SOD1 gene were described. We have studied the
Bunte H1, Sakharov D1, van Muiswinkel FL2, Ba¨r PR2,
SOD1 mRNAs in the ALS cellular model SH-SY5Y neuro-
blastoma line carrying the G93A, L84F, H46R mutations andin the wild type line. We have also considered lymphocytes
from fresh blood of ten SALS patients’ lymphocytes non-
Department of Biochemistry of Lipids, Institute of Biomembranes, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2Department of Experimental Neurology,
stimulated and stimulated with H2O2 and from healthy
R. Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
In this cell line the extraction of total RNA was followed bya retrotranscription reaction using oligo dT primers; then by
a PCR, using two specific external primers (the forward in
Neuronal cells cannot proliferate and therefore it is very
exon 1 and the reverse primer in exon 5), we have amplified
important that these cells are well protected against any
the entire codifying sequence (cds). With another pair of
damage caused. Protection of neuronal cells against the
primers we have also divided the cds into three parts and the
overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) occurs by an
amplifications by PCR. The abnormal transcript was auto-matically sequenced by dye terminator technology. The same
effective anti-oxidant defence system. However, the genera-
analysis was carried out in lymphocytes from fresh blood of
tion of oxidative stress is suggested to play an important role
ten SALS patients and controls. An agent causing oxidative
in the selective degeneration of motor neurons in amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Evidence supporting the role of
2O2) was added in primary culture of lymphocytes
at different concentrations (25, 50, 100 mM). Cells were
oxidants in ALS has been provided by the finding that about
collected at different time intervals (2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 36
20% of patients suffering from familiar ALS (10% of all cases)
have mutations in the gene encoding for the anti-oxidantenzyme Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Investigationshave led to the model in which mutant SOD1 is somehowcytotoxic to motor neurons, the so-called toxic gain-of-
function model, instead of the expected loss-of-function
In all cell line samples, a unique band corresponding to the
model. There is also evidence for a toxic role of ROS in
entire cds, (about 500 bp) was detected, while in the case of
patients with sporadic ALS. Neuronal damage caused by
the G93A line another band that differs from the coding
oxidants affects DNA, lipids and proteins and eventually leads
sequence (between 200 and 300 bp) was present. This
abnormal band is a fragment of the cds lacking the initial
The aim of this project is 1) to establish a model which
part. Sequence data showed that the band is a mRNA lacking
allows monitoring of ongoing protein oxidation in cultured
a part of exon 1. Aberrant mRNA was not found in non-
motor neurons, and 2) to investigate the relationship between
stimulated lymphocytes of SALS patients. We found different
mutant SOD1 expression, protein oxidation, and the vulner-
aberrant transcripts produced by alternative splicing in
ability of G93A-expressing motor neurons to ROS inducing
primary culture of lymphocytes from ALS patients, following
the stimulation. All of the abnormal transcripts are smallerthan the entire cds.
Primary motor neuron cultures derived from transgenic
mice overexpressing human mutant SOD1 (G93A mutation)
Probably the aberrant transcript, found in the G93A
and non-transgenics are used as a model. Cells are cultured at 6%
neuroblastoma line, depends on the type of mutation. In
O2 and treated with several stressors, including H2O2 and NOC-
fact the G93A amino acid substitution, unlike the other two
18 (a NO-donor). To detect protein oxidation, cells are incu-
mutations, causes loss of enzyme activity because it is located
bated with acetylTyrFluo. This is a fluorescein-labelled tyramine
in the active enzymatic site. All of these abnormal transcripts,
(tyrosine analogue) that, upon oxidation, is converted into a
found in stimulated patient’ lymphocytes, depends on
tyrosyl radical, which is able to cross-link with oxidised tyrosine
oxidative stimulus. Oxidative stress or ‘severe’ mutation of
residues. As a result, oxidised proteins become fluorescently
the SOD1 gene seems to increase transcription of aberrant
labelled and can be visualised and identified by fluorescence
SOD1 mRNAs smaller than the entire cds.
microscopy and 2D-electrophoresis, respectively.
Western blot analysis revealed a basal signal in non-treated,
The pharmacological effect of the two drugs were assessed
non-transgenic motor neurons. In addition, a concentration-
in term of cytoprotective effect and prevention of reactive
dependent increase in protein oxidation was observed upon
oxygen species (ROS) generation. Human neuroblastoma
cultures were exposed to MTT (0.5 mg/mL) for 40 minutes
2O2 (0–300 mM) and NOC-18 (0–50 mM) treatment. Com-
parison of the immuno-stained blot with the overall protein
at 37‡C; subsequently cells were lysed in DMSO and
pattern shows that specific proteins are affected.
formazan was spectrophotometrically quantified (570 nm). The dye 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) wasused to quantify levels of whole-cells ROS. Cells wereincubated for 45 minutes in Locke’s buffer containing
10 mM DCF-DA, washed two times, collected and fluorescencewas fluorimetrically quantified (excitation 488 nm, emission
Our experiments show that acetylTyrFluo is a useful probe
525 nm), after resuspension of the cell pellet in Locke’s buffer
to monitor ongoing protein oxidation in primary cultured
mouse motor neurons, either under basal conditions orexperimentally induced oxidative stress. While the subcellularlocalisation of oxidised proteins will be visualised by
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, 2D-electrophoresis
Our findings indicate that human SH-SY5Y cells do not
will be used to identify the oxidised proteins. Using the
display any susceptibility to excitotoxic cell death. However,
established model, we are currently investigating the protein
this cell line undergoes apoptosis when exposed to oxidative
oxidation pattern in motor neurons derived from mice
stress generated by addition of hydrogen peroxide. The
carrying the G93A mutant SOD1 gene and wild type controls.
cytoprotective effect shown by riluzole against hydrogenperoxide toxicity cannot be mediated by its anti-glutamateproperties, but it is expression of a direct antioxidant effect,as further confirmed by the preventive effect of riluzole on
whole-cell ROS production. Interestingly, riluzole exerted a
significant effect on oxidative stress at the lowest concentra-
tions tested (0.5–1 mM), which are the same as those presentin the CSF of ALS patients chronically treated with the drug.
On the other hand, alpha tocopherol showed only a modestantioxidative effect at 0.1 mM, which corresponds to the CSF
levels reached by this drug during a high-dose supplementa-tion. At the highest concentrations, alpha tocopherol (10 mM)resulted in an almost complete protective effect, which had
1Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Technologies, University of
not occurred with riluzole (10–30 mM).
Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza
The therapeutic use of most antioxidants is limited since
The relative efficacy of riluzole in the treatment of
they do not cross the blood-brain barrier after systemic
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), compared to other anti-
administration. Our findings suggest that riluzole is likely
glutamatergic drugs, points to other mechanisms of action for
to exert an antioxidant effect in the central nervous system
this agent, in addition to its anti-excitotoxic properties. In the
of ALS patients, when chronically administered following
present study, riluzole was compared to the biological
the usual clinical schedule. Also, despite being a weaker
antioxidant alpha tocopherol in human SH-SY5Y neuroblas-
antioxidant compared to alpha tocopherol in absolute
toma cells undergoing hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative
terms, riluzole reaches CSF concentrations that are more
cell death. The concentrations tested included the actual
efficacious in counteracting oxidative stress than those
cerebrospinal fluid levels reached by each drug in human
subjects, treated according to the usual clinical schedule.
Koh S-H1,2, Kim SH1, Yu H-J3, Kim M4, Lee K-W4,Jung HK2
Kim HJ1, Cho WM1, Park JH1, Hong YH2, Kim JM2,Sung JJ2, Kim MH2, Lee KW2
1Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul,Korea; 2Department of General Toxicology, National Institute of Toxicological
1Department of Neurology, and Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National
Research, KFDA, Seoul, Korea; 3Department of Neurology, Pundang Jaesaeng
University Hospital, Seoul, Korea; 2Department of Neurology, Seoul National
Hospital, Seoul, Korea; 4Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Seoul
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative
The effects of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on the
disorder characterized by the progressive loss of motor
phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and glycogen synthase
neurons leading to weakness and death. Mutations in
kinase-3 (GSK-3) pathway during oxidative stress induced
the Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene are respon-
injury were studied using H2O2 treated VSC4.1 cells (motor
sible for familial ALS (FALS). Although mutant SOD1-
induced motor neuronal death is still unknown, alteredzinc and copper binding capacity within the SOD1 proteinmay be related to the toxic gain of function. The purpose
of our study is to investigate the toxic effect of copper/zincon the SOD1 mutation and evaluate the protective
Following 100 mM H2O2 exposure, the viability of VSC4.1
effect of co-factors of mitochondrial enzymes against this
cells (EGCG or z-VAD-fmk pretreated vs. not pretreated) was
evaluated by using the MTT assay. Additionally expression ofcytochrome c, caspase-3, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase(PARP), PI3K/Akt, and GSK-3 were examined using Western
Motor neuron-neuroblastoma hybrid (VSC4.1) cells consti-tutively expressing human SOD1 with mutations (G93A,
A4V), or wild-type (W.T) were treated with copper or zinc. Viability was determined by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
EGCG or z-VAD-fmk pretreated VSC4.1 cells showed an
diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. To verify the
increased viability compared to untreated VSC4.1 cells, and
characteristics of neuronal cell death, cells treated with
pretreatment of VSC4.1 cells with either agent induced dose-
copper or zinc were fixed and stained with Hoechst 33342.
dependent inhibition of caspase-3 activation and PARP
Caspase inhibitor (Z-VAD-FMK) was co-treated with copper
cleavage. However, inhibition of cytochrome c release was
or zinc in each cell group. To examine the exposure of
only detected in EGCG pretreated cells. Upon examination of
copper/zinc induced free radical formation, intracellular
the PI3K/Akt and GSK-3 upstream pathway, Western blots of
concentration of peroxides was measured by flow cytometry
EGCG pretreated cells showed decreased immunoreactivity
of the fluorescence emitted by DCFH oxidation. Free radical
(IR) of Akt and GSK-3 and increased IR of p85a PI3K,
scavenger (trolox) was preincubated before treatment with
phosphorylated Akt, and phosphorylated GSK-3. In contrast,
copper or zinc. Other co-factors of mitochondrial enzymes
no changes were seen in z-VAD-fmk pretreated cells.
(pyruvate, thiamine or lipoic acid) were co-incubated withcopper or zinc to investigate protective effects. After treatmentof co-factors, the expressions of Bax and PARP cleavage were
These results show that EGCG affects the PI3K/Akt, GSK-3pathway as well as downstream signaling, including the
cytochrome c and caspase-3 pathways. Therefore, it issuggested that EGCG mediated activation of PI3K/Akt and
Copper/zinc decreased viability and increased the endo-
inhibition of GSK-3 could be a new potential therapeutic
genous levels of peroxides in the cells expressing mutant
strategy for motor neuron diseases associated with oxidative
SOD1. In copper/zinc treated cells, staining with Hoechst
33342 showed nuclear condensation and fragmentation,
however this toxicity was attenuated by caspase inhibitor (Z-
little investigation, in spite of their much shared pathogenic
VAD-FMK) or free radical scavenger (Trolox). Among
mechanism. We previously showed that HC induces selective
the various co-factors of mitochondrial enzymes, thiamine
cytotoxicity to SOD1 mutants (A4V and marginally to G93A).
and lipoic acid were ineffective, whereas pyruvate signifi-
Thus we investigated the effect of HC on the intracellular
cantly increased the viability of cells expressing mutant SOD1.
calcium concentration and oxidative protein injury in motor
In addition, pyruvate reduced bax expression and PARP
neuronal cell-line (VSC4.1) transfected with human SOD1 of
wild-type or mutants (WT, G93A, and A4V respectively).
These results indicate that pyruvate, which acts as hydroxyl
After establishing WT, G93A and A4V cell-line by transfection
radical scavenger or energy supplier, may protect motor
of SOD1s, expression of SOD1s was confirmed by the
neuron degeneration in FALS with SOD1 mutation. Low
Western blotting assay. We measured the intracellular calcium
toxicity and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier could be
concentration of WT, G93A, and A4V before and after the
of therapeutic value in some forms of FALS.
treatment of 10 mM HC for various time durations (1 to 24hours) by calculating the ratio of emissions at 360 and380 nm after loading with Fura2-acetoxymethyl (Fura2-AM)for 20 mins. We determined the production of intracellular
generation of peroxides using 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin diace-
tate (DCF-DA) in WT, G93A, and A4V cells responding to the
HC (100 mM, 10 mM)-treatment. We adopted Western blot-ting using the anti-nitrotyrosine antibody for assaying the
protein nitrosylation and using the anti-2,4-dinitrophenylhy-
drazine (DNPH) antibody after incubation of HC (100 mM,10 mM)-treated whole-cell extraction with DNPH for assayingthe protein carbonylation.
Sung JJ2, Kim HJ1, Hong YH1, Kim NH1, Cung YM1,Min JH1, Kim M1, Lee KW1
1Department of Neurology, and Clinical Research Institute, and NeuroscienceResearch Institute in SNU Medical Research Center, Seoul National University
HC induced no change of intracellular calcium concentration
College of Medicine, 28 Yongon-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul 110-744, Korea;
in each cell group until the 24-hrs HC-treatment, as well as
2Department of Neurology, Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital and College of
no difference of calcium content between WT and mutants. In
Medicine, Seoul National University, 395 Sindaebang-Dong, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul
the determination of intracellular generation of peroxides, the
peroxide contents increased gradually along the increase ofHC-incubation time in all cell groups, but the significantincrease was observed in the HC-treated mutants compared
with the HC-treated WT. Both protein nitrosylation andcarbonylation increased in the mutants compared with WT,
Mutations in Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) cause
and HC increased the protein nitrosylation and carbonyla-
,20% of cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
tion. Interestingly, we observed the increase of protein
(ALS). Mutant SOD1 triggers the disease through dominant
carbonylation and nitrosylation in the transfected SOD1.
cytotoxic gain-of-functions including increased excitotoxic,and oxidative damage, increased nitrosylation and proteinaggregation. Late-onset motor neuron degeneration despite
the innate presence of mutant SOD1 has no clear explana-tion. Parkinson’s disease and dementia were reported to have
Here we show that the HC-induced cytotoxicity is not
an association with hyperhomocysteinemia. A potential
mediated by the excitotoxicity, but by oxidative cytotoxicity
mechanism for cytotoxicity of homocysteine (HC) includes
including the protein nitrosylation and carbonylation, at least
autoxidation of the thiol group leading to the production of
in this cell-line model. The mutated SOD1 damage and the
reactive oxygen species mediated by copper, and excitotoxicity
increased protein nitrosylation with the absence of excito-
mediated by reaction of HC as an agonist of the glutamate
toxicity implicate that the loss-of-function theory should be
receptor. Relationships between HC and ALS have received
included in familial ALS pathogenesis.
toxicity of copper/zinc. However, HSP 70 significantly increased
the cell death induced by copper in G93A without affecting
formation of peroxides. Increased toxicity was attenuated byantioxidant (trolox), caspase inhibitor (Z-VAD-FMK) or calpain
inhibitor (calpeptin). A more protective tendency was observed
in calpain inhibitor than in caspase inhibitor.
Kim HJ1, Cho WM1, Park JH1, Hong YH1, Sung JJ2,Kim MH, Lee KW2
Our data show that the protective effect of HSP 70 againstcopper was inhibited by mutation of SOD1 (G93A). Thisprocess seemed to induce activation of calpain, which results
1Department of Neurology, and Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National
in motor neuronal cell death. These findings suggest that
University Hospital, Seoul, Korea; 2Department of Neurology, Seoul National
dysfunction of HSP 70 through mutant SOD1 may be a factor
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative
disorder characterized by the progressive loss of motor
neurons leading to paralysis and death. Mutations of the
human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) are found insome cases of familial ALS. Recent evidence suggests thatmutant SOD1s bind to and sequester heat-shock proteins
Park KS1, Choi WJ2, Kim HJ3, Kim NH2, Kim MH2,
(HSPs). This sequestration by mutant SOD1 decreases the
neuroprotective effects of HSP against a variety of insults. Inaddition, normal antioxidant function of SOD1 may be
1Department of Neurology, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, , Seoul Korea;
affected, thereby promoting oxidative stress. The purpose of
2Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea;
our study is to investigate the effect of HSP70 on the toxic
3Department of Neurology and Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National
gain of function of mutant SOD1 through altered copper and
To test the effect of HSP70 on constitutively expressing mutant
SOD1, motor neuron-neuroblastoma hybrid cells (VSC4.1) co-
(SOD1) gene have been identified in some cases of familial
expressing HSP70 and human mutant SOD1 (G93A, A4V) were
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). Many studies have
compared. These cells were treated with copper or zinc, and the
demonstrated that SOD1 mutation promotes neural death
viability was determined by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
at the intracellular level. The aim of this study was to
diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. In order to determine
investigate whether SOD1 mutant motor neurons have an
the features of neuronal cell death, we co-incubated each cell
extracellular effect that may affect the viability of adjacent
group with caspase inhibitor (Z-VAD-FMK) or calpain inhibitor
(calpeptin, ALLM, ALLN) during the treatment of these metalions. Cells treated with copper or zinc were fixed and stained withHoechst 33342. To confirm that exposure of copper/zinc inducedfree radical formation, production of peroxides was monitored
by flow cytometry using DCFH-DA. Analog of vitamin E (trolox)was preincubated before addition of copper/zinc.
We developed motor neuron-neuroblastoma hybrid cells(VSC 4.1), which constitutively expressed a mutant (G93A)or wild type (WT) SOD1. For co-culture of the different
kinds of cell lines, VSC 4.1 cells were grown and differ-entiated with G93A or WT cells. For co-culture of the same
Extracellular addition of copper/zinc increased the endogenous
kinds of cell lines, VSC 4.1, G93A or WT cells were grown and
levels of peroxides and death of cells expressing mutant SOD1
differentiated under the same conditions. Cell viability was
(G93A, A4V). Staining with Hoechst 33342 showed that in
determined using MTT assay. To investigate the mechanism of
copper/zinc-treated cells, the chromatin was dispersed into
viability changes, z-VAD-fmk (caspase inhibitor), trolox
multiple small nuclear fragments. HSP 70 reduced the produc-
(antioxidant), kynurenic acid (glutamate receptor blocker),
tion of peroxides and increased the viability in A4V against the
2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV; NMDA receptor
blocker), or 6-cyano-7-nitroquidoxaline-2, 3-dione (CNQX;
enzyme. Although a number of hypotheses exist, including
AMPA/Kainate receptor blocker) were added to the culture
aberrant free radical handling, metal toxicity and protein
aggregation, the exact mechanism(s) of selective motorneuron degeneration have not been precisely defined. Usingthe motor neuron-like NSC34 cell line, transfected with
normal or mutant SOD1 protein, we used the AffymetrixGeneChip system to identify changes in gene expression. This
The viability of G93A alone was lower than that of
allowed the profiling of 6,000 well characterized mouse genes
VSC4.1 or WT. In the co-culture of VSC 4.1 and G93A
and 6,000 ESTs, such that specific pathways, rather than just
cells, the viability was lower than predicted from each cell
individual genes altered in the presence of mutant SOD1
line. The expression of bax, nNOS or PARP cleavage was not
different among the conditions. Z-VAD-fmk, kynurenic acid,APV, or CNQX did not inhibit the reduced viability, but
trolox, the antioxidant reversed the viability of G93A. Inaddition, co-culture with WT cells increased the viability of
RNA was extracted from NSC34 cells previously transfected
with vector, normal human SOD1 or G93A mutant humanSOD1. Following cDNA synthesis, labelled cRNA wastranscribed and applied to the murine GeneChip U74Av2,
according to Affymetrix protocols. After stringency washesand staining, MASv5 was used to analyse the data.
Our data demonstrated that motor neuron cells with
Transcription profiles from cells transfected with nomal
mutant SOD1 (G93A) altered the viability of VSC4.1 cells
human SOD1 or mutant human SOD1, were compared
when they were cultured together. The decreased viability
with those transfected with vector using dCHIP. Semi-
was reversed by antioxidant trolox, supporting that oxida-
quantitative RT-PCR was used to confirm a selection of
tive stress may play a primary role. This result suggests
those changes identified. Western blotting and functional
that motor neuron cells with mutant SOD1 affect the viability
assays were also used to provide further insight into the
of neighboring motor neurons by generating oxidative
On average, hybridisation signals were obtained from 37% of
the genes arrayed on the murine GeneChip. Of 280 genes
differentially expressed in the presence of G93A mutant
SOD1, 211 were decreased and 69 increased. Severalcategories of genes whose expression was altered were
identified, including those involved in the antioxidant
response, ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, apoptosis andcell signalling, as well as genes previously implicated inneurodegeneration. In contrast, in the presence of normal
Kirby J1, Heath PR1, Allen S1, Lowes D2, Halligan E2,
SOD1, 6 genes were decreased, and 10 genes increased,
compared to both vector and G93A mutant SOD1 transfectedcells.
1Academic Neurology Unit, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK; 2OxidativeStress Group, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Identification of alterations in antioxidant defence and
ubiquitin-proteasome pathways provides further supportfor a role for oxidative stress and protein aggregation in
Mutations in the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (SOD1)
SOD1-associated motor neuronal cell death. Gene alterations
are causative in 20% of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
which may be amenable to therapeutic manipulation as a
(FALS) cases, through a toxic gain of function of the mutant
neuroprotective strategy will be discussed.
Under basal conditions, cells with mutant G93A SOD1,
compared to cells transfected with normal SOD1 or empty
vector, showed changes suggesting an increased propensity
of apoptosis with the activation of caspase-9 (P,0.001 byANOVA). There was significant activation of caspases-3(P,0.01 by ANOVA) and x8 (P,0.01 by ANOVA) in the
presence of mutant SOD1 in cells induced to undergo
oxidative stress compared to control cell groups. Similarly inthe G93A transgenic mouse model, caspase-9 activationpreceded the activation of caspases-3 and -8.
1Academic Neurology Unit, University of Sheffield, UK; 2Laroratory of
In the cellular model, there was significant inhibition of
Neurogenetics, National Institute of Aging, NIH, Maryland, USA
cell death by specific caspase-9 (P,0.05 by t-test) andcaspase-8 (P,0.05) inhibitors in cells expressing the
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
mutant G93A SOD1 upon serum withdrawal. However, noneuroprotection was observed with specific caspase-3 inhibi-
tion. Minocycline alone produced a significant 17.8%reduction in cell death in the G93A mutant cells undergoing
In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), approximately 10% of
oxidative stress (P,0.05 by t-test). Nifedipine alone did not
cases are familial, with one fifth of these associated with
offer any significant neuroprotection. The combination of
mutations in the gene encoding the enzyme copper/zinc
minocycline and nifedipine reduced cell death by 24.3%
superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1). There is increasing evidence
(P,0.05). Upon serum withdrawal, there were significant
that the final cell death pathway responsible for motor
decreases in caspase-3 activity in the NSC34 mutant cell
neuron death in ALS is apoptosis. The aim of this study was
line treated with minocycline alone (P,0.05 by t-test),
to investigate biochemically and pharmacologically the cell
nifedipine alone (P,0.05 by t-test), or both drugs in
death pathways involved in motor neuron death by utilising a
combination (P,0.01). Both drugs in combination pro-
duced a synergistic decrease in caspase-3 activity. Inaddition, increased cytosolic cytochrome c levels wereobserved upon oxidative stress which were ameliorated in
the presence of minocycline in the NSC34 cells expressingmutant SOD1 (P,0.05 by t-test) or empty vector (P,0.05 by
Using a mouse motor neuron cell line (NSC34) stably
transfected with mutant or normal forms of human SOD1,or with vector alone, we examined the cell death pathwayunder basal conditions and serum withdrawal-induced oxida-tive stress. Oxidative stress is thought to be a key mechanism
involved in the pathogenesis of ALS. We characterized thesequential activation of caspases by immunoblotting and
Mutant SOD1 predisposes motor neuronal cells to apop-
fluorogenic caspase activity detection. The caspase activation
tosis and increases the likelihood of cell death upon oxidative
cascade in the cell model was confirmed in the G93A
stress. Activation of the mitochondrion-dependent apop-
trangenic mouse model of familial ALS by studying the
totic pathway appears crucial in the cell death process.
trangenic mice and their littermates at different stages of the
In ALS, caspase-8 appears to play at least some role as
disease process. In addition, we examined the pharmaco-
a downstream caspase, although its role as an initiator
caspase may still be important. This study suggests that
inhibitors, the antimicrobial agent minocycline and the
for useful neuroprotection to take place in ALS, interfer-
voltage-gated calcium channel blocker nifedipine, upon
ence of the apoptotic pathway at the initiator stage is
serum withdrawal in the NSC34 cell model. We then went
required. In particular, once the activation of caspase-3
on to examine the possible mechanisms of neuroprotection
has occurred, the death process appears irreversible and
afforded by minocycline and nifedipine.
Three proteins were found to be up regulated in cells
expressing G93A mutant human SOD1 compared to those
expressing normal SOD1 and two were downregulated. To
date, 3 of these changed spots have been identified byMALDI-TOF-MS. Of those spots identified by MALDI-TOF
MS, Western blotting has thus far confirmed the identity anddownregulation of one protein, peroxiredoxin 3. Work toconfirm the identities of the other changed protein spots by
Academic Neurology Unit, Sheffield University Medical School, E FloorMedical School, Beech Hill RoadSheffield, S10 2RX
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Peroxiredoxin 3 is a thioredoxin-dependent hydroperoxidase,which acts to convert hydrogen peroxide to water within themitochondrial matrix. Mitochondria are particularly vulner-
able to oxidative damage from superoxide and its derivatives(generated as a byproduct of the activities of the electron
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an incurable, adult-
transport chain), yet lack catalase, the most efficient
onset neurodegenerative disorder causing progressive muscle
hydroperoxidase. Given the pre-existing evidence for oxidative
weakness and death after 2–5 years from respiratory failure.
damage to mitochondria in ALS, it is interesting that
Some 10% of ALS is familial, of which 20% is the result
peroxiredoxin 3, an enzyme which might be expected to
of mutations to Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1),
reduce oxidative damage due to hydrogen peroxide within
a ubiquitously expressed free-radical scavenging enzyme.
mitochondria, is downregulated in cells expressing mutant
Recently, increasing evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction
SOD1. Investigation of the downstream effects of this
in the tissues of patients with ALS and in models of the
downregulation and a wider examination of the mitochon-
disease has led to suggestions that mitochondrial dysfunction
drial antioxidant system are underway in response to this
may be important in disease pathogenesis.
In this study we aim to identify changes in mitochondrial
protein expression attributable to the expression of G93A
mutant SOD1 in a cell-culture model of SOD1 familial ALS.
We also plan to investigate the downstream, functional
consequences of these changes and by doing so hope toclarify the molecular basis of the mitochondrial dysfunction
Raimondi A1, Mangolini A1, Vanoni C1,Conforti L2, Francolini M2, Rizzardini M2,
NSC34 cells are motor neuron-like cells, which although
immortalised, retain many characteristics of adult motorneurons. Mitochondrially-enriched preparations of NSC34
cells stably transfected with empty vector, normal human
Department of Medical Pharmacology, C.E.N.D., University of Milan, IN-CNR
SOD1 or G93A mutant human SOD1 were made and 2-D gel
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology section, Via Vanvitelli 32, 29129 Milan,
electrophoresis performed to identify differentially expressed
Italy; 2Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Via Eritrea 62, 20157Milan, Italy
protein spots of statistical significance (non-parametric,paired Wilcoxon t-test). Spots whose expression was shown
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
to change significantly were manually excised from Coomas-sie-stained 2-D gels and MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopyperformed. Database searching was then carried out to
generate candidate protein identities. Confirmation of bothspot identity and of the change in expression level was then
A still unsolved issue regards the selectivity of motor
neuron damage caused by SOD1 mutants. Evidence obtained
in various experimental systems suggests that mutated SOD1
may exert its toxic functions in mitochondria. In this study we
have tested the hypothesis that selective damage of motorneurons may depend on a higher localisation of SOD1 in the
mitochondria of these neurons than in the same organelles of
The human wt SOD1 and the ALS-associated G93A
Rizzardini M, Mangolini, A Ubezio P, Lupi M,
mutant have been stably expressed in a motor neuron-like
cellular system (NSC34) and in a non-neuronal cell line(MDCK). In these cell lines we have measured the
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milan, Italy
total expression of wt and mutant SOD1 by Western blotanalysis and their mitochondria/cytosol distribution by
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
immunoelectron microscopy on cryosections stained forhuman SOD1. Alterations in the structure and functionof
The significance of the altered functioning of mitochondrial
electron transport chain in ALS is still elusive. This studyinvestigated in a cellular model of FALS whether the presence
of the G93A mutant form of human SOD1 increases thesusceptibility of motor neurons to inhibition of the
Western blot analysis showed a four- and two-fold higher
expression respectively of wt and mutant SOD1 expression instably transfected MDCK cells than NSC34 cells. Morpho-metric analysis on ultrathin cryosections revealed a higher
mitochondria/cytosol distribution of the mutated SOD1 inboth MDCK and NSC34 cell lines. In NSC34 even the
Motor neuron-like cells NSC-34 were stably transfected with
endogenous SOD1 showed a marked enrichment in mito-
normal (wt) or G93A mutant human SOD1. The expression
chondria. However, ultrastructural alterations of the mito-
of human SOD1 was determined by Western blotting.
chondria were observed only in NSC34-G93A cells. In these
Mitochondrial function and proliferation were measured by
cells, morphometry on trasmission electron micrographs
the MTT and the alamarBlue assay respectively. Cell death
revealed the appearance of a population with a higher size
and mitochondrial membrane potential were measured by
due to increase of mitochondrial volume. This sub-popula-
flow cytometry using propidium iodide (PI) and DiIC1(5)
tion of swollen mitochondria showed pale and patchy matrix
and sometimes abnormal cristae. We did not notice anyappreciable difference in the staining intensity for cytochromeoxidase activity. No mitochondrial or functional modifica-
tions were ever seen in the MDCK-G93A cells, although theyexpressed a higher level of the G93A mutant protein than
The level of human SOD1 proteins was about 25–50% of
that of the endogenous murine SOD1. The doubling oftimes of the G93ASOD1 and untransfected cells duringexponential growth were comparable. An effect of mutant
SOD1 on mitochondrial function was evident when serum
One possible explanation of these results is that toxi-
was removed for three days from culture medium. In these
city of SOD1 mutants does not depend on the amount
conditions, MTT conversion was lower in G93ASOD1 cells
of SOD1 in mitochondria but on a higher sensitivity
(57% of control) than in the untransfected or wtSOD1 cells.
of motor neuron mitochondria to the G93A-mediated
Using Newman-Keuls post hoc test, the difference among
toxicity. Experiments are in progress to identify the
the cell lines was significant. Rotenone, malonate, antimycin
molecular specificity underlying the selective vulnerability of
A, KCN and oligomycin, specific inhibitors of different
motor neuron mitochondria to ALS-associated SOD1 muta-
steps of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, were then
added to the cells in routine culture conditions and theMTT conversion of the three cell lines was measured after 6hrs of incubation. Antimycin A (2–10 mM) did not causesignificant mitochondrial impairment. After exposure to
malonate (10–100 mM), a comparable dose-dependent loss
This work is supported by Ministero della Salute, grant
of mitochondrial function (10–60% of decrease) was
IRCCS-2002, Fondazione Mondino, Roma, Italy.
observed in the three lines. Conversely rotenone (12.5 mM),
KCN (1mM) and oligomycin (5 mM) showed a preferential
neurons. The SMA-determining gene has been termed
toxicity towards G93ASOD1 cells, all causing in this line
Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) and is deleted or mutated in
a significant decrease of MTT conversion (65%, 82% and
over 98% of patients. We have recently demonstrated that in
70% of control respectively); their effect was negligible or
rodents SMN is expressed as two main isoforms with Mr of
lower in untransfected or wtSOD1. The difference among
32 kDa and 35 kDa, respectively. Both isoforms are localised
the cell lines was significant by Newman-Keuls post hoc test.
in nuclear coiled (Cajal) bodies, but the 32 kDa form is also
The effect of rotenone was further evaluated by flow
cytoplasmic, whereas the 35 kDa form is also microsomal.
cytometry. Treatment caused a larger increase of PI permeable
SMN is a novel protein involved in spliceosomal complex
cells in G93ASOD1 than in wtSOD1 cells (39% versus
formation and pre-mRNA splicing. However, its role in the
28.5%) and, among viable cells, in G93ASOD1 there was
selective motor neuron degeneration in SMA is still unknown.
a larger fraction of cells with depolarised mitochondrialmembrane.
To study the molecular relationship between the two mainSMN isoforms and their potential post-translational mod-
mitochondrial dysfunction caused by inhibition of mito-chondrial complex I, IV and V indicating an interactionbetween the mutant SOD1 and the functioning of the
mitochondrial electron transport chain. The most consistenteffect was observed after treatment with rotenone, an
Rat SMN cDNA was subcloned in oCMV-Tag1 vector to give a
inhibitor of complex I, probably the major ROS source
SMN fusion protein with FLAG epitope at the N-terminal and
in mitochondria. This gives support to the hypothesis
c-MYC epitope at the C-terminal. Transient transfections with
that in motor neurons an altered free radicals handling
the double-tagged rat SMN were performed in COS-7 cells
contributes to the mitochondrial toxicity of G93ASOD1
and protein expression analysed by immunoblots and
immunocytochemistry with confocal image analysis. SMNputative glycosylation and phosphorylation were studied in
cell extracts using deglycosylation and alkaline phosphataseassays.
This work was supported by Ministero della Salute, grantIRCCS-2002/Fondazione Mondino and by MIUR, projectRBNEO1B5WW-004, Rome, Italy.
Immunoblot and immunostaining studies of the transfectedCOS-7 cells demonstrated that the 32 kDa SMN isoform
derives from the full-length 35 kDa through a proteolytically
cleavage at the C-terminal. Furthermore, while neither
isoform undergoes glycosylation, the 35 kDa SMN isoformis physiologically phosphorylated in vivo.
SMN undergoes a complex post-translational rearrangement.
1INSERM U382 – IBDM, Campus de Luminy, Marseille, 13288 France; 2ALS
In physiological conditions, the protein is proteolytically
Clinical Research Centre, Institute of Neuropsychiatry, Palermo, 90129 Italy
truncated at the C-terminal, a putative intermediate step inits degradation pathway. SMN full length (i.e. the 35 kDa
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
isoform) is also heavily phosphorylated in vivo, and this maydrive its ability to interact with its molecular partners, either
proteins or nucleic acids. Our findings expand the under-standing of the biochemistry of SMN and may represent an
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive
important step in our knowledge of the pathophysiology of
disease characterized by a progressive loss of the spinal motor
SMA and a basis for developing specific therapies.
Spalloni A1, Albo F1, Ferrari F1, Bernardi G1,2,
Department of Neuroscience, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Via
Montpellier, 1, 00133 Roma, Italy; 2Fondazione S. Lucia, I.R.C.C.S.Via Ardeatina,306, 00179 Roma, Italy
1IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia Rome, Italy; 2Clinica Neurologica, University of
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy; 3Department of Neuroscience, University ofRome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenera-
known as a neuroprotective agent with anticonvulsive,
tive disorder, characterized by the progressive loss of motor
anxiolytic and anaesthetic properties. Clinical trials have
neurons (MN) in brainstem, spinal cord and motor cortex.
shown that riluzole prolongs the life of patients with
ALS occurs in two forms: sporadic and familial ALS (FALS).
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease leading to
FALS accounts for approximately 10% of all ALS cases, with
degeneration of motor neurons. Several mechanisms of
20% of FALS cases associated with dominantly inherited
action have been suggested for this drug and recently our
mutations in the Cu2z,Zn2z superoxide dismutase (SOD1)
studies have shown that interactions with glutamatergic
gene. The development of a transgenic mice (G93A) over-
neurotransmission, modulates the AMPA/kainate receptors
expressing this mutant form of SOD1 has provided a valuable
in rat cortical neuron.1 The aim of this work was to study if
animal model of the disease. Among several theories of ALS,
riluzole, as in cortical neurons, interacts with the AMPA/
a substantial body of literature suggests that MN degeneration
kainate receptors in motor neurons in order to better
may be a consequence of a disturbance in glutamatergic
characterize its neuroprotective effect and its therapeutic
neurotransmission involving excessive activation of glutamate
receptors and the disruption of intracellular Ca2z homeo-stasis. A pathogenic role for AMPA receptor (AMPAR)mediated neurotoxicity has been identified in the selective
Thus we are examining in mixed spinal cord cultures if MN
Primary cultures were obtained from spinal cords of mice
from G93A mice are more susceptible to toxicity following
embryos on day 15 of gestation. Motor neurons were visually
prolonged AMPAR stimulation compared to control and
identified by their morphological appearance and by thres-
SOD1 MN and exploring different pathways than the Ca2z
hold diameter criteria (w28 microm). Whole-cell configura-
permeable AMPAR. Firstly, we have tested if G93A MN are
tion of the patch clamp technique was used to record the
more vulnerable to AMPAR mediated excitotoxicity, by
currents induced by the perfusion of kainate at different
incubating MN cultures in the presence of Kainate. Cultures
have been exposed to various concentrations of the AMPARagonist Kainate (10, 25, 50 and 100 mM) in the presenceof 10 mM MK-801 to block NMDA receptor activation.
From preliminary data the results indicate that at thelowest concentration used (10 mM), all three preparations
In all tested motor neurons, when clamped at x60 mV, bath
are equally resistant to Kainate-induced toxicity,whereas
application of kainate produced inward currents without any
higher concentrations of the agonist (from 25 to 100 mM)
evident desensitization. These currents gated by kainate were
are causing a significantly higher incidence of MN death in
concentration dependent, with an EC50=35 mM. The applica-
the G93A population with respect to the control and SOD1
tion of different concentrations of riluzole (0.5–100 mM)
always decreased the currents induced by 50 mM kainate, ina dose dependent manner. The minimal effective effect wasobserved at 0.5 mM and an almost maximal inhibition wasobtained with 10 mM riluzole (IC50=1.54 mM). In order todeepen its mechanism of action on cultured motor neurons,different concentrations of kainate were applied in presenceof 1 mM riluzole. Riluzole reduced the kainate responseswithout significantly changing the EC50. These data indicateda noncompetitive inhibitory mechanism of riluzole on thekainate action site.
channels and heterooligomeric GluR1/2 channels wereexpressed in HEK293 cells.
These results indicate that riluzole decreases the kainate-induced currents in motor neurons in a dose-dependentmanner with a IC50 lower compared to cortical neurons. This
IC50 value is comparable with the plasma concentrationmeasured in ALS patients during the pharmacological
Co-application of the drugs with 10 mM glutamate resulted
in a slight dose-dependent depression of the peak currentamplitude by 10–20% at a concentration of 1 mM. Thecurrent decay in presence of glutamate was faster in presence
of the blockers. Resensitisation of GluR1 or GluR2 receptorchannels follows a monoexponential time course with a time
This work was supported by grant from Telethon, Italy
constant in the range between 10 ms and 150 ms. Resensitiza-
tion had a biexponential course when glutamate and theblocker were co-applied. The slower component of recoverywas independent on blocker concentration and had values of
around 2 s to 4 s, at least two orders of magnitude slower thanthe fast resensitisation. The proportion of the second, slowercomponent of recovery on the whole recovery process
1. Zona C, Cavalcanti S, De Sarro G, et al. Synapse 2002; 43: 244–
increased with blocker concentrations and reached 90% at
GluR 2 flip, and 50% at GluR1 flop and GluR2 flop channelsat 1 mM. The non-desensitising L506Y GluR2 channelsshowed a marked, dose-dependent current decay upon co-
application of glutamate and RPR119990/RPR117824. A
similar slow component of recovery was found as compared
to wild-type GluR2 channels in the presence of the blockers.
At kainate-type GluR6 receptors no block was observed
RPR117824 in single and double pulse experiments. AMPA-
Krampfl K, Schlesinger F, Cordes A-L, Dengler R,
type channels were competitively blocked by RPR119990 or
RPR117824 with an IC50 around 10x8 M. At GluR6 channelsthe dose-response relation of the observed competitive blockwas shifted to higher concentrations.
1Neurologische Klinik, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Our results show a specific block of recombinant AMPA-type
GluR channels and synaptic AMPA receptors by these novel
Antagonising glutamatergic neurotransmission by the block-
pyrazine derivatives. There is evidence from the kinetic
ade of AMPA type glutamate receptors is a promising
analysis of the block effect that the antagonists act by
pharmacological strategy for neuroprotection in neurodegen-
competing with glutamate at the glutamate binding site.
erative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or
We performed a quantitative analysis of the experimentally
Parkinson’s disease (PD). We investigated the interaction of
observed block mechanism by computer simulation and
two new pyrazine derivatives (RPR 119990 and RPR 117824)
could predict the experimental results by the addition of a
with native and recombinant AMPA type glutamate receptors.
blocked state connected with the unliganded closed stateof the receptor in a Markov model. Notably, the IC50 as lowas 10x8 M at AMPA-type glutamate receptors points to a
potential role of the novel drugs in preventing glutamate-triggered excitotoxic cell damage and correlates with positive
Recombinant human homooligomeric GluR1 flop, GluR2
results from pharmacological testing on the transgenic model
flip, GluR2 flop, GluR6, non-desensitising L506Y GluR2
These results constitute initial evidence that, in accordance
with clinical data, the firing properties of single cortical
neurons in a genetic model of ALS are altered to induceneuronal hyperexcitability. Further studies are needed toidentify and characterize the relevance of such current
Pieri M1, Albo F1,2, Longone P2, Zona C1,2
1Department of Neuroscience, University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’, Via
Montpellier, 1–00133 Roma, Italy; 2Fondazione S. Lucia, I.R.C.C.S., ViaArdeatina, 306–00179 Roma, Italy
This work was supported by grant from Telethon, Italy(n‡ 1185).
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative
1. Caramia MD, Palmieri MG, Desiato MT, et al. Neurology 2000;
disease characterized by the selective degeneration of motor
neurons in the spinal cord, brain stem and cerebral cortex. Mutations in the gene coding for Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase(SOD1) have been identified in 10% of patients affected bya familial form of ALS. Previous observations have shownin ALS patients by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS),
a reduction in corticomotor threshold with a consequentcorticomotor hyperexcitability.1 To analyse if the firing
properties of single cortical neurons in a genetic mouse
model of ALS are altered to induce neuronal hyperexcitability,
the electrical activity of cortical neurons has been tested in a
transgenic mouse model of a familial form of ALS, associatedwith a mutation in Cu,Zn SOD (Gly93- Ala).
Vanoni C1, Massari S1, Losa M1, Perego C1,Conforti L2, Pietrini G1
Cortical neurons were isolated from control and transgenic
1Department of Medical Pharmacology, C.E.N.D., University of Milan, IN-CNR
mice embryos expressing either the wild-type form of human
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology section, Via Vanvitelli 32, 29129 Milan
SOD1 or the mutant Gly93- Ala (G93A) and neuronal cultures
Italy; 2Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacology, Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy
were prepared. Current-clamp recordings were obtainedusing whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique.
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
The following parameters have been measured: 1) restingmembrane potential, 2) membrane input resistance, 3)
membrane time constant and 4) membrane capacitance.
The astroglial GLT-1 glutamate transporter is the most
Action potential (AP) properties have been measured from
important transporter in maintaining the extracellular con-
the repetitive firing derived from the first two spikes of the AP
centration of glutamate below neurotoxic levels. Loss of GLT-
discharges elicited on the same injection of current.
1 and increased extracellular concentration of glutamate havebeen documented in sporadic and familial cases of ALS, and
in FALS transgenic mice models expressing mutated SOD1. The molecular mechanisms of this regulation remain to be
Our results indicate that all membrane passive properties in
elucidated, and aim of this project is to clarify how the G93A
control, SOD1 and G93A cortical neurons are comparable. In
mutant of human SOD1 induces loss of GLT-1.
contrast, with the same injection of the current, the firingfrequency in G93A cortical neurons (36.93±10.8 Hz, n=15)is higher with respect to control (25.73±8.34 Hz, n=17)
and SOD1 (29.61±8.54 Hz, n=17) neurons. Moreover, thethreshold and the rate of repolarisation calculated from the
We have developed and characterized a cellular model of ALS
first AP were significantly different (P,0.05) in G93A cortical
stably expressing high levels of the human G93A mutant of
neurons (23.39±4.78 mV; 26.32±15.13 mV/ms) with respect
SOD1 (MDCK-G93A cell lines). In these cell lines and in cell
to control (28.24±3.46 mV; 15.85±4.77 mV/ms) and SOD1
lines expressing WT human SOD1 we have transiently
(27.59±4.33 mV; 20.91±13.03 mV/ms) neurons.
transfected cDNAs encoding glutamate transporters, and the
expression of the transporters have been analysed by
biochemical (Western blot, surface biotinylation assays) and
morphological assays (indirect double immunofluorescence
Wisman LAB1, Coenen S1, Van Wingerden W1,Hol EM2, Verhaagen J2, Van Muiswinkel FL1, Ba¨r PR1
Similarly to ALS cases and animal models of ALS, Western
1Department of Experimental Neurology, Rudolf Magnus Institute of
blot analysis of total cell extracts indicated a lower expression
Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands;2
of GLT-1 in cell lines expressing the G93A mutant of SOD1
Graduate School for Neurosciences, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research,
(20–30% of the expression measured in SOD1 expressing
MDCK cells). The effect is specific for GLT-1, as the total
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
expression of the EAAC1 glutamate transporter isoform isnot altered. Moreover, morphological analysis showed anintracellular redistribution of the GLT-1 glial glutamate
transporter in MDCK-G93A cell lines, whereas the surfacedistribution of the neuronal EAAC1 or the glial GLAST were
Glutamate excitotoxicity plays an important role in the
not affected. Together with a surface expression, GLT-1 also
pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In ALS
appeared in intracellular structures co-localising with inter-
patients the glutamate concentration in the cerebrospinal
nalised FITC-WGA labelled surface glycoproteins. No redis-
fluid is higher than in controls, suggesting an abnormal
tribution of GLT-1 was observed in cells over-expressing WT
glutamate metabolism. Normally, glutamate is removed from
SOD1. Surface biotinylation experiments indicated that
the synaptic cleft by glutamate transporters. In ALS, the
approximately 50% of the total GLT-1 was in intracellular
glutamate transporter EAAT2 is decreased, which may result
structures. The nature and functions of these structures
in toxic glutamate levels. In our study we aim to explore the
was demonstrated by double-immunofluorescence experi-
use of gene therapy to increase EAAT2 expression, in order to
ments using markers of endocytotic compartments. These
lower the glutamate concentration in the spinal cord, in a
experiments revealed a selective accumulation of GLT-1
in lysosomal degradative compartments. In line with GLT-1being targeted to degradation in MDCK-G93A cell lines,
inhibition of degradative compartments with chloroquinecaused an increase of GLT-1 expression.
To explore the possibilities of gene therapy for EAAT2,genetically engineered cells over-expressing EAAT2 werecreated to test the neuroprotective efficacy of EAAT2 onprimary motor neurons. Also, lentiviral vectors (LVV) coding
for EAAT2 were constructed and characterized using organo-typic spinal cord cultures. After characterization in vitro, GFP-
Our results demonstrated that the G93A mutant of SOD1
and EAAT2-LVV were injected into the spinal cord of G93A-
mediates a decreased cell surface expression of GLT-1 and
hSOD1 mice with the use of a spinal adaptor, at the level of
targets the transporter to degradation, thus suggesting the
vertebra L1. In a first experiment, LVV coding for GFP were
mechanism underlying GLT-1 loss in ALS.
injected, while GFP expression was examined two weeks later. Subsequently, ALS mice were treated with LVV-EAAT2 to
evaluate its effect on disease onset, progression and survival.
This work was supported by ALS Association, starter grant2001 to Pietrini G.
Genetically engineered cells showed an increase in functionalglutamate transporters compared to wild-type cells. Whenprimary motor neurons, cultured on an astroglial feeders,were exposed to glutamate in the presence of cells over-expressing EAAT2, an increased survival was observed. Similarto the results obtained in organotypic spinal cord cultures,injections of LVV-GFP in ALS mice lead to a profuseexpression of GFP in the ventral spinal cord without overttissue damage. While mainly localised in astrocytes, labellingof NeuN/Chat-immunoreactive motor neurons was onlyoccasionally observed.
While in vitro studies have demonstrated the neuroprotective
efficacy of an EAAT2 based gene therapy approach, in vivo
studies using GFP-LVV have indicated that spinal injection of
LVV is an effective and safe means to transduce foreign genes
in the ventral spinal cord of mice. Currently, we are inves-
tigating the neuroprotective effect of EAAT2-LVV gene therapyin ALS mice. Results of these studies will be presented.
Dewil M, Lemmens G, Robberecht W,Van Den Bosch L
Laboratory for Neurobiology, Department of Experimental Neurology,University of Leuven, Belgium
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
Broom WJ, Ay I, Pasinelli P, Brown RH Jr.
Day Neuromuscular Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts
In the mutant SOD1 mouse model for human ALS, mino-
General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolBoston, MA 02115, USA
cycline, a semi-synthetic tetracycline, slows disease progressionand significantly prolongs survival. The mechanism of action
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
of minocycline remains unknown, but in vitro evidencesuggests that microglial activation and the p38 mitogen
Familial ALS accounts for 10% of all ALS cases and
activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway may be involved. In
approximately 25% of these cases are due to mutations in
the present study we investigated the effect of minocycline on
the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (SOD1). More than
this protein kinase system in vivo and in vitro.
100 different mutations have been identified in the SOD1gene; these span all five exons. Several lines of evidence arguethat the mutant SOD1 protein is neurotoxic through an
acquired, adverse function, as yet not explicitly defined.
Western blot analysis showed p38 MAPK and in particular its
Particularly convincing is the observation that transgenic
active, phosphorylated form to be upregulated in the spinal
expression of high levels of mutant SOD1 protein produces a
cord of mutant (G93A) SOD1 mice, as compared to wild type
motor neuron disease phenotype in transgenic mice, with age
SOD1 over-expressing mice. This upregulation was almost
of onset and disease duration dependent on copy number.
exclusively present in the ventral part of the spinal cord as
These considerations predict that measures which decrease
compared to the dorsal part. Treatment of mice with
levels of mutant SOD1 protein should ameliorate the
minocycline significantly inhibited the p38 MAPK activation.
phenotype in transgenic mice and potentially in patients
Immunohistochemical studies of mutant (G93A) SOD1 mice
with SOD1-mediated disease. Mitomycin C (MMC) is an
spinal cord suggest that the phosphorylated p38 MAPK is
antibiotic used in chemotherapy for the treatment of
present in both ventral horn neurons, glial and microglial
primarily gastric, bladder and colorectal cancer. MMC is
celIs. To elucidate whether minocycline acts on the p38MAPK
activated in vivo to bind and cross-link DNA, thereby
system in microglial and neuronal cells or both, we studied
inhibiting DNA synthesis and transcription. A previous
the effect of the drug on microglial activation and on mutant
report suggested that MMC inhibits SOD1 expression.1 We
(G93A) SOD1-dependent motor neuron death in vitro.
have completed experiments to confirm and extend this
observation. Our Western immunoblotting data confirm that
induced phosphorylated p38 MAPK activation in purified
the drug reduces SOD1 protein levels in rat and human cells’
microglial cultures. To evaluate the protective action of the
in vitro system in parallel with an increase in level of p53.
compound on neuronal cells, we studied its effect on an in
Data from in vitro expression studies of transcription as well
vitro model for selective mutant SOD1-induced cell death,
as in vivo animal experiments will be presented.
namely cyclosporin A-induced mutant SOD1-dependentapoptotic neuronal death, described before. Minocyclinesignificantly inhibited this mutant SOD1-dependent cell
death of N2A cells. As SB203580, an inhibitor of the activityof p38 MAPK pathway, yielded similar protection, the
1. Cho, et al. Biochem Mol Biol Int 1997; 42: 949–956.
involvement of the p38 MAPK pathway in the cyclosporinA-induced neuronal death is likely. To evaluate the signifi-cance of these findings, primary mutant SOD1 motor neuroncultures were treated with cyclosporin A. In this model both
minocyclin and SB203580 were confirmed to protect against
in terms of growth curves (Trypan blue exclusion method)
cyclosporin A-induced apoptotic cell death.
and differentiation capacity (by immunostaining with specificneural antibodies, such as Tau1 for neurons and GFAP for
These results demonstrate that the beneficial effect of
minocycline in the mutant (G93A) SOD1 mouse is accom-panied by inhibition of the p38 MAPK system. This drug
Embryonic and adult neural stem cells share the great
appears to act on both microglial activation mechanisms as
majority of expressed genes (96.8%) while specific embryonic
well as on intrinsic neuronal death pathways.
transcripts are mainly connected to developmental stagerelated or migration genes (i.e. Engrailed2, Reelin and Zic1). Proliferation curves show that NSC mitotic cycles are quite
similar between adult and embryonic stem cells since no
statistically relevant differences can be observed. Even thepotential is apparently independent from developmental age;
production of neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes,expressed as a percentage of total cell number, is similar.
Cova L1,2, Ratti A1,2, Fogh I1,2, Mantegna L1,2,Fantozzi R1,2, Silani V2
Expression profiles seem to be highly conserved between
1Department Neurological Sciences, IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore; 2Department
embryonic and adult NSC; nevertheless their environmental
of Neurology and Laboratory of Neuroscience, ‘‘Dino Ferrari’’, University of Milan
niche of origin and their state are quite dissimilar. We
Medical School, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
show that adult NSC potential is limited mainly by a non-permissive environment and this may be exploited for cell
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
therapy of neurodegenerative disorders such as ALS, incombination with epigenetic stimulation in order to obtain
Neural stem cells (NSC) can be derived from adult
mammalian central nervous system, expanded in vitro asfloating clones (neurospheres) and induced to terminaldifferentiation in the three major neural phenotypes
(neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). Recent papers
have reported their wide potential in vivo both in thedevelopmental capacity (integration in chimeric animals) andneuronal repair in traumatic spinal cord injury or, more
recently, in chronic models of multiple sclerosis. Never-
theless, clinical use of adult stem cells is still limited by thescarce knowledge of their integration capacity and benefits in
Department of Neurology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
comparison with the foetal cells, since extensive molecularand cellular comparative data are still missing.
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
We aim to investigate if adult neural stem cells possessthe same potential as their embryonic counterpart. A wide
The aim of the present study is to establish an organotypic
definition of adult stem cell features will have an immediate
slice culture using mouse spinal cord as a reproducible in vitro
practical benefit in the treatment of neurodegenerative
model of ALS. This culture technique is useful for the drug
diseases and, in particular, of ALS.
screening of ALS, because this is applicable to the spinal cordof transgenic ALS mice.
In order to address this issue we compared neural stem cellpopulations obtained from the murine embryonic day 12
After the spinal cords were carefully dissected, lumbar spinal
(E12) representative of primary neurogenesis stage with adult-
cords were sectioned transversely at 350-mm intervals with a
derived NSC. An expression profile study has been performed
tissue chopper. The sectioned slices were transferred on
using the Affymetrix MG-U74Av2 Genechip arrays in order to
Millicell-CM porous membrane (Millipore), and then incu-
define the ‘overall’ NSC molecular characteristics. Briefly, total
bated in a defined medium containing 25% horse serum. At
RNA was extracted and hybridised to the commercial chips
days in vitro 14 (DIV14), 100 mM of pyrrolidine decarboxylic
and statistical analysis on obtained data was conducted using
acid (PDC), an inhibitor of glutamate uptake, was added
the MAS 5.0 software. Contemporaneously cellular behaviour,
to the medium. To rescue the MN death induced by PDC,
CNQX, non-NMDA antagonist, was applied at DIV 14. The
cultured slices were fixed with paraformaldehyde, and spinal
MNs were counted by immunohistochemical staining with
The cytoarchitecture of the slices was maintained at least
Department of CNS Research, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG,
for one month. More MNs were observed in slices from
post-natal day 2 (P2) than from P8 at DIV 14. PDC treat-ment induced MN death, which was rescued by CNQX
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
The dopamine receptor agonist (-)Pramipexole ((-)PPX) hasbeen shown to be neuroprotective in vivo, and several in vitro
studies showed that it might be a mitochondrio-protective
We established organotypic slice culture using mouse spinal
agent. In addition to its well-known dopaminergic agonism,
cord. Using this culture technique, screening molecules for
its physicochemical property of being a lipophilic cation with
a low redox potential has led to the assumption that (-)PPXmight concentrate in mitochondria, the main source ofreactive oxygen species. We therefore examine, if [3H]-labelled(-)PPX is taken up by brain mitochondria derived from mice. We found that (-)PPX uptake in mitochondria is 1) a fast and
2) non-saturable process, which depends on 3) mitochondrial
volume and 4) mitochondrial membrane potential (DyM). Furthermore we found (-)PPX to accumulate in mitochondriaby a factor of 3–4 which depends on mitochondrial
Kussmaul L, Mierau J, Fleissner S, Gillardon F,
membrane potential and the relative concentrations of
(-)PPX2z, (-)PPXz and the electrogenic neutral (-)PPXmolecule. We conclude that (-)PPX is able to accumulate in
Department of CNS Research, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG,
mitochondria by a mechanism which is driven by the DyM
(negative inside) and therefore might be targeted tomitochondria where it can act as an antioxidant or inhibitor
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
The dopamine receptor agonist Pramipexole ((-)PPX) hasbeen shown to be neuroprotective in vitro and in vivo,although the mechanism has not yet been resolved. In
addition to its well-known dopaminergic agonism, (-)PPX is
a lipophilic cation with a low redox potential. Therefore
it has been anticipated that (-)PPX might accumulate
in mitochondria, the main source of reactive oxygenspecies, where it might act as a powerful antioxidant. Wetherefore examined if [3H]-labelled (-)PPX is taken up by
Kussmaul L, Mierau J, Neumaier M, Boehringer M,
neural cells. We found that (-)PPX uptake in neural cells is a
Dorner-Ciossek C, Mendla K, Fleissner S, Maschke I,
1) fast and 2) non-saturable process, which depends on (3)
ion homeostasis, 4) pH and 5) mitochondrial membranepotential, especially in neurons. We thus conclude that (-)PPX
Department of CNS Research, Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.
is able to enter the cells and might function there as a
neuroprotective agent by a mechanism which has to beelucidated.
E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]
The dopamine receptor agonist Pramipexole ((-)PPX) hasbeen shown to be neuroprotective in vitro and in vivo. Inaddition to its dopaminergic agonism, (-)PPX is also able toenter neural cells and to accumulate in mitochondria.
Here we show the equipotent detoxification of in vitro
We thus conclude that EUK-134 is a powerful antioxidant
SND919CL2x. Furthermore (-)PPX is also able to detoxify
which lowers oxidative stress in vivo, as it has been shown
reactive oxygen species, generated in vitro by hypoxanthine/
previously.1 However, caution has to be taken if EUK134
xanthine oxidase. However, the capacity of (-)PPX to detoxify
is administered chronically e.g. in models of neurode-
ROS was 100-fold less compared to the SOD-Catalase-
generative diseases associated with oxidative stress such as
mimetic EUK-134. In order to investigate if EUK-134 is
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease owing to an accumula-
able to lower oxidative stress in mitochondria in vivo, we
tion of the compound and/or its metabolites. Additionally,
treated SOD-2 (-/-) mice with EUK-134 (30 mg/kg i.p daily).
the SOD-2 (-/-) model might be a useful tool to examine if
EUK-134 prolonged lifespan from 7±3 days in vehicle treated
the ROS and NO scavenging capacity of (-)PPX and its (z)
enantiomer in vitro is able to translate into a therapeutical
Furthermore, EUK-134 treated SOD-2 (-/-) animals showed
an increase in body weight for the first 15 days, whichwas significantly higher than in untreated animals. However,after 15 days of treatment the mice lost body weightand developed a progressive movement disorder. The
paramagnetic properties of EUK-134 allowed us to examineits biodistribution by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
1. Melov S, Doctrow SR, et al. Lifespan extension and rescue of
where it causes shortening of T1 values. We treated adult
spongiform encephalopathy in superoxide dismutase 2 nullizy-
mice by injection of 30 mg/kg EUK-134 i.p. and found
gous mice treated with superoxide dismutase-catalase mimetics. J
after 24 h increased signal intensities in liver and kidney.
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