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Don Weedman is Located!
solved. Robert R. Weedman was killed in an automobile accident on June 29, 1986
In the summer 2009 issue of the Weed- man Newsletter we stated that family
members were searching for Don Weed- man who was the son of Robert Raph-
Jamie asked if we could find Don and that
ael Weedman. With a lot of work, he
are several Donald Weedmans and they
can be located in the white pages on the
internet. Our data base which has several
ily of his late father and reports are that
identify all of the Don Weedmans in the
phone book. There are services available
on the internet to look further for people
story and for those interested here is how
We found a Don Weedman whose address
seem to fit any of the others with the same
In a 2005 Newsletter, a small article ap-
peared stating that Don Weedman was
the son of the late Robert Raphael Gorde Weedman. He stated all of his
cate he must work in a suburb of that city.
ily. But, until earlier this year, nothing
number which was called but the residents
Then, this spring, Jamie Weedman
In our search, we found there was another
Jones made contact with the Editor stat-
ing that she had found the Newsletter on our web site and that she thought she
Inside This Issue
was a step-sister of Don Weedman. She advised that Robert Raphael Weedman Don Weedman Located
had married her mother and had adopted Jamie. A son was born to that marriage
DNA Project Update
and Robert Lee Weedman was a half brother of Don. Robert R. Weedman Newsletter Archive
had apparently been in the military sta-tioned in Germany and had married
there. A son was born (Don Weedman) but when it came time for Robert to re- Subscriptions
we are advised that there has been a good
ied from Metrice Harris to Metrice
exchange of information. Both parties are
Harris-Weedman to Metrice Weed- man. And, we learned the age of this per-
son was about the same as that of Don Weedman.
It happens that the Editor and his wife are going to France in October and by
We “goggled” both Don Weedman and Metrice Weedman and found that she
had written a letter that was published in
the Boston Globe in May 2009. In it, she
Montpelier, France. A further “hit” re-
have a son). He has agreed and, assuming
vealed she had written several articles for
we can arrange for a convenient time, we
an English language magazine, Langue- doc Sun. We “goggled” that and found
tacted. Overnight, we got a response and
the editor advised she would send our e- mail to Metrice Weedman who, if she
desired, would make contact. She did and
shortly thereafter, we heard from Don Weedman who stated that he was the
person who made the 2005 inquiry and he still wanted to make contact with his
About the Weedman Newsletter The Weedman Newsletter is a quarterly family publication with emphasis on the genealogy of the Weedman and allied families. It is distributed to interested family members, selected genealogical societies and libraries. Circulation is 120. The Newsletter is edited, published and distributed by Nick Weedman. All address changes, new subscriptions, etc. should be sent to him. Articles for publication in the Newsletter are highly welcomed. They must have some relevance to the family and those with a genealogical flavor are of particular interest. Editor and Publisher: Nick Weedman Visit the Weedman Web-page at:
Queries regarding the Weedman family or allied lines are welcomed. Attention will be given to each and for those which cannot be answered by family genealogists, publication in the Newsletter will be made. The Weedman Newsletter is a registered publication (ISSN 0883-7791). (Continued from page 18) port further in the winter issue if we suc-
advise that all of the markers where there
were differences were those subject to mutation over the years and thus some
Rob Widmann. In the first twelve mark- Weedman/Widmann DNA
ers, two differed slightly and one of those markers was one that is subject to muta-
Project Update
tion. But comparing all 37 marker values
with those in our project who tested for
our DNA project and feel there is a possi- bility that we have sufficient clues to
mutation. More importantly, the simi- larity was striking!
There have been five participants in the
testing so far. These include Bill Weed-
there is a relationship between the Weed- man of San Diego, CA (the Christian man and the Widmann lines but there is Weedman, Jr. line through his son,
sufficient similarity to cause more inves-
Stephen Weedman); Freeman J. (Jim)
tigation. We will seek some expert advice
Weedman of Omaha, NB (the Jacob
on comparing the results if we can secure
Weedman line), Nick Weedman of Flat
Rock, NC (Christian Weedman, Jr. line
tested. And, we will certainly attempt to
through his son, William Weedman);
get more samples from both the Weed- Earl Joseph Weedman of St. Augustine, man and Widmann family members.
FL (the Florida line that originated with
Charles Weedman or Wiedeman of
The results were sufficient to cause us to
Mainz, Germany); and Rob Widmann of
rename our project to the Weedman/ Widmann Family DNA Project and to
Here is a summary of the results so far.
Bill Weedman tested for 12 markers as
did Earl Joseph Weedman. Nick, Rob,
our ancestry is German, others were told
and Jim tested for 37 markers. Each of
the three descendents of Christian
ers say we are of English stock. The great
Weedman, Sr. (Bill, Jim and Nick) had
a perfect match on the first 12 markers.
differences in the markers for Earl Jo- seph Weedman to allow the conclusion Christian Widmann was born in Gnie-
that there is not a common relative within
later learned that this family had several
children named Christian but they died
A comparison of the test results between
before reaching adulthood. More research
Jim Weedman and Nick Weedman
has revealed a concentration of Wid-
each off by a factor of one. The experts
issues of the Newsletter. Issue 1 in 1996
mann families in the Wuerttemberg area
appears to be missing. Three issues have
of Germany. Rob Widmann’s lineage is
been located and converted to digital for-
sue 3, Summer; and Issue 4, Winter. It is
possible that there was not an Issue 1 but,
if anyone has files back to 1996 and can
Including in all of these files are a num-
conclusions at this stage are premature,
Newsletters will
for the first time there appears to be some
Weedman Newsletter Archive
verted to optical character reader format which allows searching using Adobe Ac-
Virtually every issue of the Weedman Newsletter from its inception in March
1968 until the last issue is being placed
It is interesting to read early issues and to
called Newsletter Archive. This project
tered, it would be helpful to know so that
fully searchable. As a result, you can read every issue (with a couple of exceptions
Weedman – Balaran Marriage
at this point) and see if your line has had
Amy Elizabeth Weedman and Alan
striving for in the future is a massive in-
Lee Balaran both of Washington D.C.
dex to all 42 years of publication to allow
researchers to narrow their search efforts.
veat – some of the early issues were done
using cursive type and that is difficult for
OCR (optical character recognition) soft-
sues have very light type. Most early is-
sues have an index that can be consulted
probably a much better index to use when
the youngest daughter of Nick and Mer-
jor characters have to do with their rela-
rie Carol Weedman. Alan is the son of Miriam Balaran of Washington, D. C.
and the late Charles Balaran.
each other in the story. Likewise, I chose
Weedman Character in “Coyote Heart”
tion in similar ways in the story (one is
Editor’s Note: We subscribe to Google
Roy's son and the other, Ben, is a surro-
Alerts and Yahoo Alerts to keep up with items in the news related to anything
both end up sacrificed by the events that
about the Weedman family. Recently, a curious item appeared and it was about a character in a new book entitled, “Coyote Heart” written by Paula Mar- gulies of San Diego, CA. Thinking there might be some type of family connection, I contacted the author and her reply ap-pears below. While there are no family connections, I found her reply interest-
right names carry a lot of weight in the
story, so you have to choose carefully. I
Coyote Heart (you'll have to read the
Thanks for the good wishes for Coyote
Thanks for asking about the names. Paula
It's been a while since I wrote the book (I
started it back in 2003 and finished it a
year and a half later). But, I was selective
Dennis Donald Weedman
on the names I chose for the characters,
especially the first names. The main char-
Dennis Donald Weedman, lifetime resi-
acter, Carolyn, is the only one whose first
"Weedman," because I wanted something
"weed" part). I also wanted a last name
Dennis Donald Weedman was born
that began with the letter "w," since the
January 22, 1945 in Springfield Hospital
to Clifford and Noreen Weedman. He
with in the story is Roy Washburn, and I
with the same letter. (I got the idea for
He married Marilyn Knakmuhs Octo-
The first names for most of the other ma-
watching his grandchildren play ball and
daughters, Denise Stice of Indiana, Gale Weedman of Florida, Tamela Price of
Florida and Angela Bartley of Florida;
ing football, basketball, baseball and en-
son, Mervin David of Ohio; sister, Jean Weedman Litherland of Louisville,
very special friend Elizabeth Jeans of
He is survived by his wife Marilyn Weedman; mother – Noreen Weedman
of Sanborn; children – Kenneth Arndtson, Jr. of Lamberton, Shelby Arndtson (Kurt Roiger) of Sanborn, His lineage: Mervin B. Weedman8, David Henry Weedman7, William Herbert Weedman6, James Lisa Rohlik of Seaforth; Shannon David Weedman5, William Weedman4, John Weed-(Mike) Landkammer of Sleepy Eye, 13 man3, Christian Weedman, Jr.2, and Christian
grandchildren, sister – Janice (Stuart) Juhnke of Sanborn; sister-in-law Judy Weedman of Springfield, father and Bonnie Lou Weedman
mother-in-law – Robert and Verona Bonnie Lou Weedman, 64, of St. Knakmuhs, brothers-in-law – Darold
Augustine, died on Aug. 3, 2009, at Flag-
Knakmuhs and Loren (Kathy) Knak- muhs and eight nieces and nephews.
Dennis is preceded in death by his father
Clifford Weedman in 1991 and brother
– GaryWeedman in 2008.
up in Ocoee, Fla., and had resided in St.
His lineage: Dennis Donald Weedman8, Clifford
for Anastasia Baptist Childcare Ministry
Donald Weedman7, Loran Bruff Weedman6, Henry Linas Weedman5, Asa Weedman4, John Huhn Weedman, Sr.3, George Weedman2, and Christian Mervin B. Weedman Mervin B. Weedman, 76, of Melbourne,
Known as "Miss Barbara" to generations
of the childcare's families, she loved her
He was preceded in death by his parents, David H. and Melvina Weedman; infant
brother, David Clifton Weedman; and
two daughters, Paula Fagan and Della Phillips.
dren to Glendale, Ca. While working as a
waitress she met and married Bob Roun- thwaite, a hero to the whole family and
member and past president of the Ancient
Edna’s greatest protector and admirer.
She is survived by her husband, John L. "Jack" Weedman; a daughter, Cindy Craig; a stepdaughter, Cindy Strick- land; stepsons, Tommy and Lynn Weedman, all of St. Augustine; sisters, Kathy Wade of Williston, Fla., Paulette Dillard of Citra, Fla., Irene Judd of
Summerville, Fla., Dianne Wade of Ci- Claudia Urfer. She later went to Indi-
tra, Lynn Hopkins of Cheyenne, Wyo.;
ana to stay with her grandson, Bill Floyd
brothers, Ronnie Wade, Ray Wade,
and his wife Brenda and their children Jerry Wade, Randy Wade, all of Citra,
and Bobby Wade of Astor, Fla.; brother-
in-law, Rick Weedman of St. Augustine;
and great grandchildren and great, great
The lineage of Bonnie Wade Weedman’s husband, Jack are: John Lawrence (Jack) Weedman8, John Marion Weedman7, George Wilbur Weedman6, John Daniel Weedman5, George Glasscock Weed-man4, Daniel Weedman3, Christian Weedman, Jr.2, and Christian Weedman, Sr.1.
a good argument. She also was an hon-ored member of the Daughters of the
Edna May Weedman Rounthwaite
ton D.C. during World War Two. She would say “there is nothing more beauti-
ful than Washington D.C. in the spring.”
Edna May Weedman Rounthwaite, the
Claude and Mary Weedman Feb. 9, Bill and Bob Floyd and Rudy Berti.
Edna loved family and children, baseball,
Mearl in Wharton, TX. There she met
the Dodgers, collected hundreds of bells
and married Fritz Holland. That union
brought to her by family and friends from
produced three children, Claudia, Law- rence and Gerald. When their marriage
to classes easy. The professors know you
all over the globe, favorite song, Silver
After missing the first third of last season
Chocolate Licorice. Her family of 3 chil-
dren, 3 grandchildren, 8 great grandchil-
13.5 points and 10 rebounds for the 26-6
nament in Matt Gibson’s first season as
many friends will miss her forever. She was preceded in death by her 3 brothers, Hannah Marion, (Dee ), Mearl, and George D. Weedman of Weedman; her 4 sisters, Merna Tho- mas; Adelaide Donaldson; Elizabeth
She will officially sign with Evansville
Fitzgerald, and Susan Cameron; and
on Nov. 11. “She’s been starting since
her parents, Claude H. and Mary Weed- man.
“There’s a lot of potential there.”
“We’re playing in a new conference (the
championship and another regional title,”
Edna’s lineage: Edna Weedman Rounthwaite7, Claude Henry Weedman6, William Martin Weed-man5, Jeremiah Weedman4, Jacob Weedman3, George Weedman2, and Christian Weedman, Sr.1. 2009 Subscriptions Hannah Weedman Commits to the University of Evansville
reminder slips in the envelopes of those
Knoxville (IL) High School’s Hannah Weedman, a member of The Galesburg
(IL) Register-Mail’s All-Area team last
There are still a handful of subscribers
place a reminder slip in your envelope if
choice after visiting two of Evansville’s
year, that saves us the time required to
“I knew after I visited Evansville, that’s
remind you in the next year or so to con-
“They have only 2,500 students and the
Nick Weedman
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