Microsoft word - asset mgt rpt - february 2005.doc

No major problems, with only one blocked main in Gorge Rd attended. No new connections made. The waste water treatment plant came through the recent poor weather in reasonably good shape. Positive Dissolved Oxygen levels were maintained and instances of malodorous emissions eliminated. Tri-monthly tests required to be carried out by E-Can as a consent monitoring exercise were successfully completed. An Assessment report of the Council’s water and sanitary services, as required by the Local Gov Act, is almost completed. Asset management plans are also being prepared for potable water sources by Opus Consulting. Individual applications to connect to rural and/or town supplies are being received and processed. Applicants are being encouraged to apply for financial assistance under the Council's new Interim Development Contributions Policy where applications for services are related to properties located on the fringes of the urban area. Rural Water Schemes Otaio Water Scheme Enhancements to the Otaio Rural Water Supply scheme are now essentially complete although some commissioning work remains to be done. With the exception of instances where individuals have yet to install tanks, applicants have now been connected or (in the case of existing consumers) the supplies to all properties have been enhanced as requested. Lower Waihao Water Scheme In the last month there has been one repair of a break in the 150mm AC pipe. Upgrades to the Lower Waihao scheme are under review because of issues related to the supply intake. Waikakahi Water Scheme The Waikakahi scheme upgrade is still under consideration to determine the best way to achieve a volume upgrade, following the failure of the exploratory bore. The intake has been cleared with an excavator to extract weed. Hook Water Scheme. There has been a turbidity problem which is beyond our control. The Tavendales intake has been tidied up with the intake pipes backflushed with a pump and the intake topped up with chip. A new water meter has been ordered to replace the old one (1996) which is worn out. There was a pump malfunction within the scheme. No major problems reported. The Manchesters Road bore continues as the primary water source. Timaru Road bore remains available on stand by, having only pumped approx. 8 hours since last summer. The new Manchester Street 100mm PVC upgrade has been installed with 2 connections made so far. No broken mains reported and the usual maintenance of toby traps and lateral repairs continues. Works Infrastructure Ltd has completed pavement repairs and drainage maintenance in preparation for resealing. Storm Damage Heavy rain in December has resulted in some minor road damage. A dozer has been required to clear fords on the Otaio River. Some surface flooding of streets in Waimate Township has accrued after downpours. Queen Street Power Overhead Conversion Networks –South Ltd has laid cables and installed lighting columns for the overhead conversion of power lines on Queen Street (Goldsmith St. to Mill Rd.). The removal of old poles and line is still to be completed. Repairs to Pareora River Road Reseal Blacktop Construction Ltd have complete a grade 6 chip locking coat reseal to the section of Pareora River Road resealed last season which has suffer chip loss. This was completed at their cost. 2004/05 Resealing Contract Resealing is programmed to be completed in March by Blacktop Construction Ltd. ASSET MGMT – FEBRUARY 2005 INFORMATION REPORT Blacktop have indicated that overall adverse seasonal weather has interfered with
their programmes nationally.
Proposed Work
Culvert Repairs
Pentland Hills Road Twin 1200mm dia. pipes concrete invert.
New Culvert
Park Road – At Ford South of McNamaras Rd
Hannaton Road, Foleys Road
Corrigalls Road Concrete Ford install box culvert
Drainage Improvements
Corrigalls Road Unsealed section
Studholme Settlement Road
Hakataramea Valley Road (Cattle Creek to Gormans Road)
Serpentine Valley Road (parts)
Horseshoe Bend Road (Tavistock Road end)
Short St, Centre St, Whales St
Seal Widening
Hannaton Rd—Meyers Rd to Foleys Rd 400m
Serpentine Valley Rd—East of Elephant Hill Back Rd 300m
Serpentine Valley Rd—Zig Zag Rd to Wahaorunga Rd 900m
Serpentine Valley Rd—North of Tara Hills Rd to Pentland Hills Road. 1060m
Area Wide Pavement Treatment Granular Overlay
Serpentine Valley Road— Start Zig Zag Rd for 230m
Tawai Ikawai Road – Between Old Ferry and Ikawai Middle Rd 130m
Ikawai Middle Road -- West of Cock &Hen Rd 220m
Hakataramea Valley -- Road North of Mt Florence Rd 120m
Bridge Repairs
Prices are being sort for upgrades at Hursts Bridge, Hursts Road and Goulds Bridge
Teschemaker Valley Road.
Minor Safety Projects Sealing of Intersections
Waihao Back Road (, Uretane Rd, Hogans Rd, Studholme Settlement Rd)
SH 1 (Lyalls Rd, Braddon St, Highway Rd, Kingsbury Rd, Carrolls Rd,
Cooneys Rd Half Chain Rd.)
Mill Road (Parkers Bush Rd)
Ikawai Middle (Thortons)
Minor Safety Projects Sealing of Bridge Approaches
Moorland Farm Settlement Rd – Peters Creek Bridge McHenrys Road-Hurstlea Bridge Parkers Bush Road – Sutherlands Bridge ASSET MGMT – FEBRUARY 2005 INFORMATION REPORT Minor Safety Projects Intersection improvement
Foleys Road, Hannaton intersection, reshape corner to remove superelevation.
Serpentine Valley Road, Wahaorunga Road sight benching.
Minor Safety Projects Seal Widening on Curve
Corrigalls Road
Minor Safety Projects Sealing of Railway Crossing
Braddon Street and Half Chain Road subject to Railway track maintenance.
Minor Safety Projects visibility Improvement
Hakataramea Pass Road. Improve visibility at blind bend near river measuring gauge.
Widen narrow cutting about 2km from boundary.
Kerb and Channel Replacement
A design is being prepared for replacement of 500m of kerb and Channel on Naylor
Street. This project will include upgrading of the footpaths.
State Highway Rest Area Rubbish Drums
Transit New Zealand has advised of their proposal to remove Rubbish drums from
State Highway rest areas and to close the Rest Area on SH 1 south of the Pareora
River Bridge. (Letter Attached)
Staff support this proposal.
The Stormwater Asset Management Plan is in preparation.
Data collection and condition rating on the pipe asset has been completed. This
information was derived from a combination of existing plans, field inspection and staff
knowledge. An outline of the plan has been prepared.
Speed Limit Bylaw
See agenda item - Environmental Management Committee. A safety shower and eyewash has been installed on site by the hazardous waste container, to comply with OSH requirements. The RRP operational activities will be reported on more fully next report period. Waste Strategy and Solid Waste Asset Management Plan These are two separate but related documents, required by legislation to be adopted by 1 July 2005. To fulfill the consultation requirements, it is best to offer them for public comment with the Long Term Council Community Plan. Asset ASSET MGMT – FEBRUARY 2005 INFORMATION REPORT Management is now focusing resources to achieve the deadline of mid February 2005. Waste Management Plan (WMP) The purpose of the WMP is to put in place an acceptable strategy to meet the public’s waste needs and promote minimisation. It is largely a strategic document to set direction and engage public comment and must be reviewed every three years. This is currently being written by the Solid Waste Manager with peer review. The WMP seeks to set out how the challenges of moving towards zero waste might be achieved. The scope of the plan must address solid, liquid and gaseous wastes. Solid Waste Asset Management Plan (SWMP) The purpose of the SWMP is to describe and monitor, as necessary, the assets the solid waste system uses and how they will be maintained / changed in the future. This is largely a financially-based document that also must be reviewed every three years. Beca consultants have been engaged to produce this plan with staff providing much of the necessary input data. Their familiarity with this type of plan will enable the tight time frame to be met. This year’s agchem collection is almost complete, with approximately 5 tonne having been collected from about 95 properties. The cost for this year’s collection will be approximately $20,000. On one property, a large quantity of approximately 4 tonnes has been found. This is too large to be included in this year’s collection, unless other councils have only small quantities, and our total fall within the regional Ecan allocation. A decision on this can be made in May 2005 when all the quantities are known. The alternative is to account for this residual quantity in next financial year’s final collection. The property owner has been informed and is satisfied with either solution. Next year will complete the programme of clearing unwanted agchem collection from the district and is likely to be the last year that the Ministry for the Environment, together with Ecan, will fund the disposal of such material. Without this funding the costs to the district would have more than doubled. The shed contract is complete, with minimal ground-works and minor stormwater protection to tidy up. The next focus will be to evolve a satisfactory contract with Whitehorse Recycling Trust. There are several vacancies in the dept at this time and steps are being taken to attempt recruitment to these positions. Staff have been extremely busy coping with several strategic reports all being undertaken at this time e.g. • Assessments Study of Water and Wastewater [A Porter] • Asset Management Plan for Solid Waste[Beca/B Purcell] • Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management [B Purcell] • Asset Management Plan for Stormwater [R Moffat] • Asset Management Plan for Potable Water (an update) [Opus] • Asset Management Plan for Wastewater (an update) [Beca] ASSET MGMT – FEBRUARY 2005 INFORMATION REPORT • Development Contributions Policy inputs/estimates.[A Porter/R Moffat] • Inputs to preliminary budget processes.[team] Graeme Hamilton
Asset Manager
– 28 January 2005


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