Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.

University of Mysore, Mansagangothri, Mysore-57006, Karnataka, India Cell: + 91- 9480387874; +91-9243607677;  [email protected]
37 years of post graduate teaching and administrative experience at university level in India and abroad
Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Mysore, Karnataka, April 2011-Present
Vice-Chancellor, Yenepoya University, Mangalore, Karnataka, 2008-2010,
Chairman, Board of Studies in Chemistry, 2001-2004
Director, University-Industry Interaction Centre, University of Mysore, Karnataka, 1999-2004
Chairman, Board of Studies in Polymer Science, 1999-2003
Chairman, Department of Studies in Chemistry, University of Mysore, Karnataka, 1999-2000
Faculty Advisor, University of Mysore, 1992-1993
Visiting Professor, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011
Research Engineer, Centre for Nuclear Studies, Grenoble and Saclay, France, 1984-85
Associate Professor, University of Grenoble, France, 1983-84
Assistant Professor, University of Grenoble, France, 1982-83
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Paris, Orsay, France, 1981-82
Visiting Scientist , Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, 2003
Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore, 1994-till date
Reader, Department of Chemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore, 1986-94
Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore, 1974-86
External Assessor, Polymer Chemistry, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2011-14
International Referee, King Faisal International Prize for Science (US$ 200,000), 2011
Chairman, Project Review Committee, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
Member, Project Review Committee, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India
Member, Governing Council of University Grants Commission, Department of Atomic Energy
Member, Advisory Committee, Meenakshi University, Chennai
Member, Karantaka State Integration council, nominated by the Chief Minister, Government of Karnataka
Member, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of Karnataka
Publications: Over 100
Total Citations: Over 800 in international journals, more than 30 citations from Noble Laureates (1977- till date)
226 - Highest citations for an individual research article published from University of Mysore
Key-note and invited lectures: Over 100 (till date- only accepted invitations)
Nineteen candidates awarded PhD (Chemistry-11, Environmental Science-5, Polymer Science-2, Food Science
Six candidates presently working
Biochemistry and Biotechnology: Clinical Pathology, Bioplatform Molecules from Nutraceutical Industrial Spent
Environmental Science: E-Waste Management, Waste Minimization for Reducing Carbon Footprint
Polymer Science and Technology: Conducting Polymers, Green Composites, Nanocomposites
Chemistry: Green Spectrophotometric Methods for Theraupeutic Molecules and Environmental Toxicants, Redox Studies
Principal Investigator, Clean Technology for Waste Minimization from Nutraceutical Industry, Rs. 46.2 lakhs
(approximately US$100,000) funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India  Principal Investigator, Clean Technology for Recovery of Gold, Silver and other Allied Materials from
E-Waste and Allied Sources, Rs. 62.27 lakhs (approximately US$ 140,000) funded by the Ministry of
Environment and Forests
, Government of India
 Syed Akheel Ahmed (2011), Environmental Management: New Challenges, New Avenues (In Press)
 Syed Akheel Ahmed (2011), Green Analytical Chemistry (In Press)
 Syed Akheel Ahmed (2008), Islam and Scientific Enterprise, I.K. International Publishing House, New Delhi
Appreciation Award, by Chromatography Society of India, Mumbai, India, 2001
Republic Day Award for excellence in the field of Analytical Chemistry, by Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC),
Prof. H. Sanke Gowda Research Award for Analytical Chemistry, by University of Mysore, India, 1992-93
Cash Award for the Review Article entitled “Polyaniline - A Novel Polymeric Material”, Talanta, 1991, Pergamon
Press, Great Britain
Young Scientist Award for Chemical Sciences, India, 1989
Foreign Collaborator , designated by Atomic Energy Commission, France, 1984-85
Assistant Associeé, nominated by Rectorat de l’Academic de Grenoble, France, 1982-84
Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) fellowship, Paris, France, 1981-82
 Established Yenepoya Research Centre
 Brought in first-ever five major research projects worth Rs.1.6 Crore (~360,000 US$) from National funding
Agencies, Govt. of India to Yenepoya University  Effectively managed a major research project (worth 62.27 Lakhs, ~140,000 US$) as a single investigator - first
ever amongst the Universities and Colleges of Mangalore and Udupi Districts, Karantaka State, India  Established the Directorate for PhD Programs (88 Candidates registered in over 22 disciplines of health care
science within a year – a record in medical institutions in Karnataka)  Established Directorate University-Industry interaction
Established Clinical trials in collaboration with five major Pharmaceutical houses
 Initiated over fifteen Diploma, Bachelor, Master Courses / Programs in various disciplines of health care sciences
Member, Academic Council, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
Chairman, Board of Examiners - Polymer Science , University of Mysore, 1998-2001
President, Chemical Society, University of Mysore, Karnataka, 1999-2000
Fellow: Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology
Member: American Chemical Society
Life Member:
Life Member:
Indo-French Technical Association
Life Member: Indian Association of Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists.
Life Member:
Life Member:
Life Member:
Life Member:
Life Member:
IUPAC International Fellowship to attend Symposium on Speciality Polymers, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Nov 7,1990
INSA, COSTED Fellowship to attend International Seminar on Solid-state Ionic Devices, National University of Singapore, Singapore, July 18, 1988
 Bangalore University, Karnataka Central Leather Research Institute, Madras, Tamil Nadu Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kerala Dr. Baba Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Gulbarga University, Karnataka Karnatak University, Karnataka Kuvempu University, Karnataka Mangalore University, Karnataka Pondicherry Central University, Karnataka Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthpur, Andhra Pradesh MEMBER: BOARD OF STUDIES
Chemistry: University of Mysore (1998-2001) and (2004 - 2007)
Industrial Chemistry: Kuvempu University
Environmental and Water Management: University of Calicut (2003-06)
Polymer Science: University of Mysore (1993-99) and (2002-2005)
Chemistry: Gulbarga University (2001-2004)
Polymer Science and Technology (PG): University of Mysore (1999-2002)
Chemistry (PG): Invited Member (1999)
Chemistry (UG): Karnataka University (1997-2000)
Chemistry: Kuvempu University (1996-99)
Statistics: University of Mysore (1996-98)
Environmental Science: University of Mysore (1995-98, 2001-2004)
Geology: University of Mysore (1995-98) and (2001-2004)
Foods and Nutrition: University of Mysore (1992-95)
 Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh Bangalore University, Karnataka Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chattisgarh Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Maharashtra Madras University, Tamil Nadu Shri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthpur, Andhra Pradesh Kerala University, Kerala Nagpur University, Maharashtra Cochin University, Kerala Jabalpur University, Madhya Pradesh Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka H.S. Gour University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh Osmania University, Andhra Pradesh KEY ACTIVITIES AS VICE CHANCELLOR, YENEPOYA UNIVERSITY, 2008-10
Inauguration, Three day National Conference - Recent trends in Chemical Research, NITK Surathkal,
Inauguration, Annual Day Celebration, Madhav Pai Memorial College, Manipal, March 06, 2010
Invited Talk - Basic Sciences in Knowledge Driven Economy – Demands & Dilemma, National Science Day,
Mangalore University, Mangalore, March 03, 2010  Chief Guest, Founders’ Day Celebration, Jnanasarovara International School, Mysore, February 14, 2010.
Keynote address, Role of Private Management in the Propagation of Education in Coastal Karnataka, Golden
Jubilee Celebration, Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala, January 25, 2010  Guest of Honour - Valedictory Function, 48th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Physiotherapists,
Inauguration & Keynote address, Chemistry for Sustainable Development - UGC Assisted State Level
Seminar - New Horizon in the World of Chemistry, St. Philomena’s College, Puttur, January 23, 2010  Inauguration, IAPL Yenepoya Cricket Cup, Yenepoya University, Mangalore, January 22, 2010
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, St. Aloysius P.U. College, Mangalore, January 09, 2010
Inauguration, Workshop on Bio-Medical Ethics and Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property and Innovation
Management in Knowledge era, Regional Institute of Unani Medicine, Chennai, December 29, 2009  Distinguished Speaker, Christmas celebrations, Lions Club International District 324DS, Mangalore, December
Chief Guest, Inter-religious prayer meet, Infant Jesus Shrine, Bikarnakatte & Ryshivana – Institute of Indian
Christian Spirituality, Ranipura, December 19, 2009  Inauguration, National Conference on Recent trends in Advanced Materials RTAM -09, KVG College of
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, Crescent English Medium High School, Mangalore, December, 17, 2009
Chief Guest, Student Scientist Interaction Program - Basic Concepts of Science, NITK Surathkal - organised
by Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishath, Bangalore, December 16, 2009  Guest Lecture, Development through Innovation, Mangalore University, Mangalore, November 23, 2009
Invited talk, Electrochemistry of conducting polymers, International conference, Recent trends in Industrial
Electrochemical Science and Technology, Mangalore university, Mangalore, November, 07, 2009  Keynote address, Strategic Management of Innovations in an era of Globalization, National Seminar, Besant
Womens’ College, Mangalore, October 23, 2009  Guest Lecture & Release of Kannada Vijnana Sammelana Brochure, 5th Kannada Vijnana Andolan, Mangalore
University, Mangalore, September 15, 2009  Chief Guest, Parenting Program, Empowerment of Women and Development of Children, Hidayah Women’s
Keynote address, Peace through knowledge - the Islamic perspective, National Seminar on Islam and
Peace, Farook Colleg, Kozhikode, August 08, 2009  Keynote address, Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions with Special Reference to
Accreditation – Reaccreditation Process, UGC Sponsored State Level Conference, Cross Land College, Brahmavar, August 07, 2009  Inauguration, Students’ Council, Sree Dharmasthala Law College, Mangalore, August 05, 2009
Chief Guest, Felicitation programme of the meritorious students, Hira Women’s College, Mangalore, August, 03,
Chief Guest, Installation of the office bearers of 2009-10, Rotary Club, Moodbidri, June 29, 2009
Keynote address, State Level Conference - Role of Principals in the Changing Global Scenario,
Association of First Grade College Principals of Mangalore University, Mangalore, June 28, 2009  Guest Lecture, The Dynamics of Ideas, Medicon- 2009 - K.M.C., The Second Asian and Third Indian
Medical Student’s Research Conference, Mangalore , June 26, 2009.
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, Ghousia College of Engineering, Bangalore, May 20, 2009
Chief Guest, Students Graduation & Lamp Lighting Ceremony, Karavalli College of Nursing Sciences,
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, Al-Ameen College, Bangalore, May 02, 2009
Chief Guest, Installation of new office bearers 2009-10 & Prof. M.P. Pai Oration, Association of Surgeons of
India, S.K. Branch, Mangalore, April 27, 2009  Chief Guest, Yuvaraja Teachers’ Association, Yuvaraja College, Mysore, April 04, 2009
Chief Guest, National Seminar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Contemporary Indian Economy, University of Mysore,
Inauguration, Orthoscan 2009, Indian Medical Association Charitable Trust, Mangalore, March 29, 2009
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, Sree Devi College, Mangalore, March 22, 2009
Inauguration, Conference on Recent Trends in Medicine Chemistry and Drug Designing, SDM College, Ujire,
Chief Guest, CME – Rhinoplasty & Orthognathic Surgery, A.J. Institute of Sciences, Mangalore, March 5, 2009.
Keynote address, Green Analytical Chemistry- An emerging discipline, National level Seminar on Modern
Methods in Chemistry, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, February 20, 2009  Chief Guest, Valedictory Function, National Seminar - Revamping of legal education, SDM law College,
Inauguration, 6th All India Physiotherapy Students Conference, Physio Week 2009, Mangalore, January 29, 2009
Invited talk, Deemed Universities - A Boon to Knowledge Driven Economy, Universities of India 2008-09,
Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, January 22-24, 2009  Inauguration, Platinum Jubilee Celebration, Badria Institutions, Mangalore, January 21, 2009
Panel discussion, Secularism and Religious Freedom, Shanthi Kiran, Mangalore, January 15, 2009
Felicitation, Tumkur University, Tumkur, December 24, 2008
Invited Speaker, National Workshop on the Economics of Healthcare in the Indian Scenario, Platinum Jubilee
celebration of MCI, Father Mullers Medical College, Mangalore, December 21, 2008  Inauguration of Workshop, Funding Agencies for research projects and designing project proposals, St. Agnes
Chief Guest, Annual Day Celebration, Govt. Pre-University College, Sullia, December 06, 2008
Chief Guest, 20th Annual Day Celebration, Thumbay University College, November 29, 2008
Chief Guest, Student Council 2008-09, Father Mullers Medical College, Mangalore, November 04, 2008
Inauguration of Yenepoya Research Centre, Yenepoya University, September 01, 2008
Inauguration of Students Welfare Council, Sri Mahaveera First Grade College, Moodbidri, July 30, 2008
Invited lecture, Electrochemistry of conducting polymers - National conference on Recent trends in
Industrial Electrochemical Science and Invited lecture, Basic Sciences in knowledge driven economy –
Demands and Dilemma
, National Science Day, Mangalore University, March 2, 2010
Key note address, Role Of Private Management in the Propagation of Education in Coastal Karnataka,
Golden Jubilee Celebration , Sri Bhuvanendra College, Karkala, January 25, 2010  Key note address, Chemistry for sustainable development – UGC assisted State level seminar – New
Horizon in the world of chemistry, St. Philomena’s College, Puttur, January 23, 2010  Invited lecture, Development through innovation, Mangalore University, November 23, 2009. Mangalore
Key note address, Strategic Management of Innovations in an era of Globalization, National Seminar on
How Should Universities and Colleges Adapt to the Changing World, Besant Women’s College, Mangalore, October 10, 2009  Key note address, Peace through knowledge – the Islamic perspective - National Seminar on Islam and
Peace , Farook College, Khozikode. Agust 8, 2009  Key note address, Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions with Special Reference to
Accreditation/Reaccreditation Process –UGC sponsored State level conference, Crossland College, Brahmavar, August 7, 2009  Key note address, Role of Principals in the Changing Global Scenario – One Day State Level Conference
of Association of First Grade College Principals of Mangalore University – June 28, 2009.
Invited Lecture, The Dynamics of Ideas – The Second Asian and Third Indian Medical Student’s Research
Conference - MEDICON 2009 & K.M.C, Mangalore, June 24-28, 2009  Key note address, Green Analytical Chemistry – an emerging discipline, National level seminar on modern
methods in Chemistry , St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, February 20, 2009.
Invited for panel discussion: Universities of India 2008, A knowledge conclave: Mindlogix, Bangalore, January
Invited Lecture, Engineering the Benign Laboratories – ICFCR – 2008 , Mangalore University, Mangalore,
Invited Lecture, National Symposium on the Role of Analytical Instruments in Characterization and Quantification
of Materials, Department of Atomic Energy Bangalore, January 27-28, 2007  Invited Lecture, Student Participation in Quality Assurance, B.M.S. College for Women Bangalore. April 23-24,
Invited Lecture, National Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology, The Electrochemical Society of
India, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, July 20-21, 2007  Invited Lecture, Separation Science/Environmental Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, S.G.B. Amravathi
University , Amravathi, November 15-16, 2006  Invited Lecture, Chromatography, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Davanagere. March 31 and April 1 2006  Invited Lecture, Regional seminar on “Environmental pollution with special reference to pesticide pollution”,
Department of Chemistry, Parvathaneni Brahmayya Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada July 28-29, 2006  Invited Lecture, Analytical Chemistry in 21st century: Prospects and Challenges, Chemistry Teachers forum,
Tumkur University, Tumkur, September 23, 2006  Keynote Address, State Level Seminar in Revival of Conventional Courses, Abbas Khan college for Women,
Invited Lecture, Industrial Applications of Chemistry, Amruta Mahavidyalaya managed by Mata Amrutanandamayi
Math, College of Science and Business Management affiliated to the University of Mysore. Mysore, March 7, 2006  Invited Lecture, National Level Students Symposium on Emerging Area of Chemical Engineering and Bio
technology, BIOCHEMEXCEL – 2005, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere, November 24-25, 2005  Invited Lecture, National Level Conference on Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment, University B.D.T.
College of Engineering, Davangere, January 7-8, 2005  Invited Lecture, 3rd National Conference Polymers – Macro’05, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering,
Visiting Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Amravathi University, Maharastra, September 10-16, 2005
Inaugural Address, World Environment Day, SJ College of Engineering, Mysore June 5, 2004
Invited Lecture and Chairman of the Session, Convention of Indian Society for Technical Education, Students
Chapter, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere. April 16-17, 2004  Invited Talk, Two day workshop on Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and
Invited Talk, UGC Workshop on Chemistry Syllabus for B.Sc. Degree Semester Scheme, Maharani’s Science
College for Women, Mysore, July 15-17, 2004  Invited Lecture, Orientation Course for the Pre-University Lecturers, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Mysore, July 22, 2004
Inaugural address, UGC State Level Seminar on Modern Techniques in Analytical Chemistry, Shri Dharmastala
Manjunatheswara College, Ujire, July 29-30, 2004  Invited Lecture, Training Programme in Recent Trends in Material Science and Mathematical Modelling,
S.J.College of Engineering, Mysore July 30, 2003  Invited Lecture, Seminar on Frontier Areas in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry,
Kuvempu University, Karnataka, March 3, 2002  Invited Lecture, Seminar on Empowerment of Women with Reference to Minorities, Karnataka State Commission
for Women, Bangalore and Al-Ameen Education Society, Bangalore, February 7, 2002  Invited Lecture, Current Status of Science in Higher Education, University of Mysore, Karnataka, November 21,
S.M.N. Kutti Endowment Lecture, P.S.M.O. College, Tiruvangadi, Kerala, January 25, 2001.
Keynote address, X Annual Convention, Chem. Forum, P.C. Jabin Science College, Hubli, January 21, 2001
S.S. Koppalkar Memorial Lecture, Dr. A.V. Baliga College of Arts and Science, Kumta, January 12, 2001
Invited Lecture, XIX Conference of Indian Council of Chemists, Kuvempu University, Karnataka, November, 25-26,
Invited Lecture, Recent Advances in Chemical, Electrochemical and Nuclear Energy Systems, PES Engineering
College, Mandya, Karnataka, October, 21-31, 1999  Invited Lecture, National Symposium on Chemistry, Industries and Environment, Motilal Vigyan Maha Vidyalaya,
Invited Lecture, National Seminar on Environmental Pollution - Causes and Remedies, PES Institute of
Invited Lecture, National Workshop on Microanalytical Techniques, Kuvempu University, Shimoga (Karnataka),
Invited Lecture, National Seminar on Modern Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Pt: Ravishankar
Shukla University, Raipur (M.P), November 3-5, 1997  Invited Lecture, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Physico-chemical aspects of Fibres and Polymers,
University of Bombay, February 28-29, 1996  Invited Lecture, National Symposium on Polymers, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, February 26-27,
Plenary Lecture, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Polymers, University of Indore, Indore, February 6-7,
Invited Lecture, Indo-French Workshop on Electronic Conducting Polymers, Central Electrochemical Research
Institute, Karaikudi, India, March 20-22, 1995  Invited Speaker, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, January 24, 1994
Invited Speaker, National Workshop on Chemical Sensors, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam,
Invited Speaker, Bells Control Ltd., Mysore, December 6-8, 1990
Invited Speaker, All India Workshop and Training Course on Advanced Electrochemistry, Dr.H.S.Gour Vishwa
Vidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, November 26-30, 1989  Invited Speaker, International Seminar on Analytical Techniques in Monitoring the Environment, Tirupathi,
Plenary Speaker and Session Chairman, National Symposium on Electrochemical Techniques and
Instrumentation, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, December 1-2, 1988  Invited Speaker, All India Workshop on Micro and Chemical Techniques and their Instrumental Applications,
Dr.H.S.Gour Vishwa Vidyalaya, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, March 2-29, 1988  Invited Participant, Solid-State Physics Symposium, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, December 27-31,
Invited Speaker, International Seminar on Instrumental Methods of Electroanalytical Techniques, Mysore,
Plenary Speaker, National Symposium on Electrochemicals, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi,
Invited Speaker, All India Workshop on Micro- and Semi-micro Methods of Chemical and Instrumental Analysis,
University of Madras, Madras, May 14-27, 1987  Plenary speaker, National Symposium on Electrochemistry, Energy and Industry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur,
 PhD program in Chemistry
Shahryar Pashaei, Studies on Polymer blends and composites based on Polyurethanes and
Polyvinylchloride (Foreign National)
Narasaraju ENK Murthy, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Analytical studies on certain
Masoumeh Moghimi, Analytical and physico-chemical studies of dibenzazepines and related
compounds (Foreign National), 2007
Riyad Mohammed Ahmed Al- Okab, Synthesis, characterization and applications of new class of
analytical reagents, University of Mysore, Feb 2007 (Foreign National)
Mohsina Begum, Analytical studies on certain pharmaceutical drugs, University of Mysore, May 2007
Syeda Ayesha, Newer Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of certain pharmaceuticals
and neutraceuticals and development of dibenzazepines as new class of spectrophotometric reagents, University of Mysore, July 2006  Libi Thomas, Studies on conducting polymers – Microwave and chemically synthesized polyanilines
and their application, University of Mysore, July 2003  Keshvachar, N.G., Liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry and redox studies on tricyclic
dibenzazepine drugs and related compounds, University of Mysore, March 2003.
Syed Sabir Solid and liquid waste management: Recovery of gold and silver from secondary and
tertiary sources, Choudary Charan Singh University, Meerut July 2002 (Co-guide)  Silwadi, M.F. Analytical studies in tricyclic dibenzazepine drugs and related compounds University of
Mysore, October 2001 (Foreign National)
Dinesan, M.K., Synthesis, characterization and newer applications of polyanilines, University of
 PhD program in Environmental Science
Manoharan, D.A., Waste management of chemical industries: Newer methods of analysis and control.
University of Mysore – 2008
Sunitha R., Environmental management of solid and liquid wastes. University of Mysore, 2008
Salman Khan, Environmental management for sustainable growth: Newer methods of analysis of
pesticides and pharmaceuticals and recycling of metals from industrial wastes. University of Mysore,2008  Manjula, S., Newer spectrophotometric methods: Determination of metals and non-metals in industrial
effluents and environmental samples, University of Mysore, -May 2004  S.Suresha, Evaluation of solid and liquid waste containing heavy metals from industries and
development of simple methods of analysis and recycling, University of Mysore, March 2003  PhD program in Polymer Science
Syed Murtuza Ali S.K, Synthesis Characterization and Applications of Polymer Composites using
Nutraceutical Spents as Filler/Reinforcement Materials, University of Mysore- 2007  Rajshekhar Algood, Evaluation of mechanical properties of E-glass fibre reinforced polyurethane (Co-
guide) Ph.D. degree in Polymer Science awarded by University of Mysore, January 2007
 PhD program in Food Science and Nutrition
Saeedeh Arabshahi Delouee, Analytical and pharmacological studies on certain extracts of medicinal
plants and their development as neutraceutical, University of Mysore, November 2006 (Foreign
National, Co-guide)

 Evaluation of Waste of a Plating Industry: An Analytical Approach.
 Chemical Studies on Sulphuric Acid Transmittance of Bleached Cotton Linters Pulp.
 Study of Environmental Characteristics of Waste Water generated in the Manufacturing Process at Mysore  Evaluation of Solid Wastes: Analysis of Incinerated Ash in a Pharmaceutical Industry Reduction of Environmental Pollution through Total Quality Management: An Analysis Clean Technology for the Recovery of Silver from Processed Radiographic Filmss Studies on Organic Acids for Recovery of Silver from Photographic Industrial Wastes Extraction of Antioxidants from Spent Spices and their Determination using Ethanol as a Solvent Extraction of Antioxidants from Spent Spices and their Determination using Hot Water as a Solvent Extraction of Antioxidants from Spent Spices and their Determination using Water as a Solvent  Extraction of Antioxidants from Spent Spices and their Determination using Methanol as Solvent Diaminodibenzyl as a New Spectrophotometric Reagent for the Determination of Copper in Certain  Sulfadiazine as a Versatile Electrophilic Coupling Reagent for the Determination of certain Environmental PARTICIPATION IN TEACHERS TRAINING PROGRM/WINTER SCHOOLS/WORKSHOPS
 Course on “An Integrated Approach to Knowledge and Information”, October 4-30, 1993, National Institute of  All India Winter School on “Microcomputers in Chemistry”, November 18-30, 1991, V.H.N.S.N. College,  National Workshop on Affinity Chromatography, October 21.26, 1991, Primate Research Laboratory, Indian Institute  Summer Orientation Course on Science, Ranikhet, June 1990, Uttar Pradesh Teachers Training Programme for Diploma in Computer Applications, May 22 to June 30, 1989, S.J. College of  All India Orientation Course in Experimental Mineralogy and Petrology, July 1-20, 1981, The Mineralogical Institute,  Instrumentation Training Programme for Teachers on NMR techniques, March 16 to April 12, 1981, Indian Institute JOURNALS WHERE RESEARCH WORKS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED
Elsevier Publications
 Talanta Journal of Hazardous Materials Clinica Chimica Acta Hydrometallurgy IL Farmaco Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Reactive Polymers Synthetic Metals  Royal Society of Chemistry
Wiley-Interscience and Wiley-Blackwell
 Annali di Chimica Acta Crystalographica Journal of Applied Polymer Science  Saudi Chemical Society
 Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Acta Pharmaceutica  Sage Publications
 Bulletin of Electrochemistry Mikrochimica Acta  Taylor and Francis Group
 Polymer Plastics Technology and Engineering Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals  Chemical Society of Ethiopia
 Bulletin of Chemical Society of Ethiopia  National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR,
Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
Indian Pharmaceutical Association.
 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences  Indian Chemical Society
A.A.Balkema Publishers
 Acta Chromatographica Chimica Acta Turcica Clinical Chemistry  Chemical and Environmental Research   Journal de physique Analytical Chemistry-Indian Journal Environmental Science- Indian Journal Natural Products-Indian Journal LIST OF PUBLICATIONS
1. Murtuza Ali Syed, Sania Akhtar, Siddaramaiah, Akheel Ahmed Syed (2010),Studies on the Physico-mechanical,
Thermal and Morphological Behaviors of High Density Polyethylene/Coleus Spent Green Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 000.000-000(2010) 2010 Wiley Periodicals 2. Murtuza Ali Syed, B. Ramaraj, Sania Akhtar, Akheel Ahmed Syed (2010), Development of Environmentally
friendly high-density Polyethylene and Turmeric spent composites: Physicomechanical, Thermal and Morphological studies. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley Periodicals 3. Murtuza Ali Syed, Siddaramaiah, Raihan Taqui Syed & Akheel Ahmed Syed (2010). Investigation on
Physiomechanical properties, water, thermal and chemical ageing of unsaturated polyester/turmeric spent composites. Polymer Plastics Technology and Engineering. 49: 555-559, 2010. Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISSN: 0360-2559 print/1525-6111 online DOI:10.1080/03602550903533974 4. Shahryar Pashaei, Siddaramaiah and Akheel Ahmed Syed(2010), Thermal Degradation Kinetics of
Polyurethane/Organically Modified Montmorillonite Clay Nanocomposites by TGA Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 47, 1–7 5. Kampfer, P., Arun, A.B., Busse, H.-J., Langer, S., Young, C.-C., Chen, W.-M., Syed, A.A. and Rekha, P.D. (2010).
Virgibacillus soli sp. Nov., isolated from mountain soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. SCI.IF. 2.662-31/89-Microbiology. Doi:10.1099/ijs.0.020974-0 6. Murtuza Ali Syed, Siddaramaiah, B. Suresha, Akheel Ahmed Syed (2009) Mechanical and abrasive wear
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8. Al-Okab, R.A. and Syed, A.A. (2009) Novel oxidative electrophilic coupling reactions of phenoxazine derivatives
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recovery. Chemical & Environmental Research, 16 (1&2) 17-32 19. Syed, A.A., Suresha, S., Balaram, V. and Chandrasekhar, K. (2007), Micro and sub-micro level analysis of trace
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chlorine in drinking water and environmental water samples, Environmental Sciences-An Indian Journal, 2 (2) 22. Al-Okab, R.A. and Syed, A.A. (2007), Novel reactions for simple and sensitive spectrophotometric determination of
23. Syed, A.A. and Suresha, S. (2006) Sources, toxicity and recovery of silver from secondary sources: A review.
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24. Syed, A.A. Suresha, S. Balaram, V. and Chandrashekhar, K. (2006) Micro and Sub-micro analysis of trace metals
in metal ash by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Chemical and Environmental Research 15, 16-20.
25. Syed, A.A. Khan, S. and Manoharan, D.A. (2006) Novel oxidative electrophilic coupling reactions and their
applications for spectrophotometric determination of iron (III) in environmental waters, soils and industrial effluent samples. Chemical and Environmental Research 15,17-30 26. Syed, A.A. Khan, S. and Manoharan, D.A. (2006) Novel oxidative electrophilic coupling reactions between
dibenzazepines and MBTH and their applications to the spectrophotometric determination of residual chlorine in drinking water and environmental water samples. Chemical and Environmental Research, 15, 31-36 27. Begum, M. Syeda, A. Pasha, M.A. and Syed, A.A. (2005). New Spectrophotometric Reagents for the Determination
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reagents for sensitive spectrophotometric determination of certain dibenzazepine drugs. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 67, 175-181 29. Syeda, A. Mahesh, H.R.K. and Syed, A.A. (2005), 2, 2’-Bipyridine as a new and sensitive spectrophotometric
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acridine and iminodibenzyl in certain dibenzazepine class of drugs and related compounds. Acta Chromatographica, 12, 80-88 34. Syed, A.A. Amshumali, M.K. and Devan, N. (2002), Chromatographic methods for determination of nimesulide and
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37. Syed, S. Suresha, S. Sharma, L. M. and Syed, A.A. (2002), Clean technology for the recovery of silver from
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38. Syed, S. Sharma, L.M. Mohammad, A. and Syed, A.A. (2002), Selective recovery of gold from secondary sources
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41. Mohammed, A. Syed, S, Sharma, L.M. and Syed, A.A. (2001), Thin layer chromatographic separation and recovery
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