Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.


2005 Segway LLC Product
1-4 Units
5-10 Units
11-15 Units
16+ Units
1 - 8 Units
9 - 15 Units
16 - 30 Units
31+ Units
- smaller wheel base and platform,
weighs 32 kg
Segway HT p133
- ideal metro commuter
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- larger wheel base and platform,
weighs 38 kg
- added stability and plenty of cargo
Segway HT i170
Midnight Blue
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
for capability in all terrains
- Includes 400 watt/hour Saphion™
Lithium Phosphate Batteries
Segway XT
- Suspension effect, increased lateral stability
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- Includes 400 watt/hour Saphion™
Lithium Phosphate Batteries
- unlimited follow-mode key
-golf rack accessory
Segway GT
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
Segway HT i180
- Includes 400 watt/hour Saphion™
Midnight Blue/Solar
Lithium Phosphate Batteries
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
Segway HT i180
- Includes 220 watt/hour Nickel Metal
Midnight Blue/Solar
Hydride Batteries
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
Segway HT i180
- Includes 400 watt/hour Saphion™
Midnight Blue/Sport
Lithium Phosphate Batteries
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
Segway HT i180
- Includes 220 watt/hour Nickel Metal
Midnight Blue/Sport
Hydride Batteries
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
- Includes 400 watt/hour Saphion™
Segway HT i180
Lithium Phosphate Batteries
Midnight Blue
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)
- 05 Update include new two-piece fenders and wheel with colored
- Includes 220 watt/hour Nickel Metal
Segway HT i180
Hydride Batteries
Midnight Blue
Retail price Euro (excl vat and shipping)
Veiledende pris Norge (eks mva og frakt)



Reizdarmsyndrom: Leiden Sie unter einem oder mehreren der folgenden Symptome?:  Blähbauch, Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit, Verstopfung oder Durch- fall oder beides abwechselnd, schleimigem Stuhl,  eventuell auch unter unerklärlicher Müdigkeit, Herzklopfen, Schlafstörungen, Konzentrationsstörungen, Abnahme der Leis- tungsfähigkeit und der Lebensfreude? Dann leiden Sie m�

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