/ 1-800-LUNGUSA
Control Program Funding:FY2013 State Funding for Medications: All health plans cover NRT Patch Percentage of CDC Recommended Level: 64.7% (Zyban) and Varenicline (Chantix) varies by *Includes tobacco prevention and cessation funding provided to states from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Counseling: All health plans required to cover counseling; type of counseling covered varies Barriers to Coverage: Barriers to coverage vary recommends an investment of $10.53/smoker Recreational/Cultural Facilities: Prohibited *Due to current data on tobacco cessation coverage for state employees being unavailable, Hawaii was graded based on cessation coverage under Medicaid and quitline investment per Citation: HAW. REV. STAT. §§ 328J-1 to 328J-15 smoker only.
**Barriers could include: Limits on duration, annual or lifetime limits on quit attempts, requiring prior authorization, requiring co-payments, requiring using one or more cessation treatments before using others and/or requiring the use of The American Lung Association in Hawaii continues its leadership role in effects of secondhand smoke. The Lung Association continues its collaboration with the Coalition for Tobacco Free Hawaii on bills in the legislature to increase tobacco taxes, increase access to cessation Smoking Attributable Lung Cancer Deaths: resources and protect Hawaii’s comprehensive Smoking Attributable Respiratory Disease Deaths: 226 Adult smoking rate is taken from CDC’s 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Sur- During the 2012 legislative session, House Bill 2306 veillance System. High school and middle school smoking rates are taken was introduced which would have allowed smoking from the 2011 Hawaii Youth Tobacco Survey.
again in bars and nightclubs. A poll conducted by Health impact information is taken from the Smoking Attributable Mortality, Morbidity and Economic Costs (SAMMEC) software. Smoking attributable Qmark found that 87 percent of Hawaii residents deaths reflect average annual estimates for the period 2000-2004 and surveyed supported the smokefree workplace law. are calculated for persons aged 35 years and older. They do not take into account deaths from burns or secondhand smoke. Respiratory diseases This strong support, along with overwhelming efforts include pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, emphysema and chronic airway obstruction. The estimated economic impact of smoking is based on of grassroot advocates contacting legislators resulted smoking-attributable health care expenditures in 2004 and the average annual productivity losses for the period 2000-2004.
The Lung Association continues to advocate for funding for Hawaii’s successful tobacco prevention and control programs. Dollars received through the Master Settlement Agreement with the tobacco industry are allocated to the Tobacco Settlement Special Fund. A portion of this fund is used by the Department of Health for health promotion and chronic disease prevention programs, includ- ing tobacco control programs. Another portion is deposited into the Tobacco Prevention and Control Trust Fund which provides funding for the Hawaii Quitline, media campaigns and community interven-tion grants. Facing continuing budgetary challenges, legisla-tors unfortunately chose to divert money from the Tobacco Prevention and Control Trust Fund to the general revenue budget for two years back in 2011. Due to this diversion, the tobacco program realized a slight decrease in funding this budget year (fiscal year 2013) from last year. The American Lung Association in Hawaii will con-tinue educational outreach on the vital importance of funding tobacco prevention and cessation programs.
American Lung Association State of Tobacco Control 2013



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