Background. Reducing immunosuppression not only
reduces complications but also may lessen recurrent hepatitis C
virus (HCV) infection after liver transplantation. Patients/Methods.
HCV-infected cirrhotic patients randomised to tacrolimus monother-
apy (MT) or triple therapy (TT) using tacrolimus 0.1 mg/kg/day,
azathioprine 1 mg/kg/day, and prednisolone 20 mg/day, tapering over
We gratefully acknowledge ¢nancial support
3 months. Results. Twenty-seven patients (MT) and 29 (TT) ^ medi-
involved in this investigator-led study. No
an follow up 661 days (range, 1^1603). Rejection episodes (protocol/
funds were used for purchase of the drugs.
further biopsies) within ¢rst 3 months and use of empirical treatment
1Liver Transplantationand Hepatobiliary Unit,
were evaluated. New rejection was diagnosed if repeat biopsy (5 -day
interval) did not show improvement. Treated rejection episodes: 20
Royal Free Hospital,Hampstead, London, UK
MT (15 biopsy-proven) vs. 24 TT (21 biopsy-proven), with 19 (MT) vs.
24 (TT) methylprednisolone boluses. Overall: 35 episodes (MT) and
Correspondence to:Professor Andrew K.
46 (TT). Fewer MT patients had histological rejection (70%) than
TT patients (86%), with fewer episodes of rejection (18.5% vs. 10%),
and Hepatobiliary Unit,Academic Department of
and more moderate rejection (22% vs. 41%).The MTgroup had higher
early tacrolimus levels. Rates of renal dysfunction, retransplantation,
Royal Free Hospital, PondStreet, Hampstead,
and death were not significantly different. Conclusion. Tacrolimus
monotherapy is a viable immunosuppressive strategy in HCV-infect-
Tel: 0044 -207- 4726229Fax: 0044 -207- 4726226
Optimal immunosuppression in orthotopic liver transplan-
tation (OLT) should prevent rejection without serious
complications. Liver allografts are considered ‘‘immunolog-
Received 21 June 2005, revised 15 October2005, accepted for publication 26 October 2005
ically privileged,’ because of an absence of hyperacute re-
Copyright & Blackwell Munksgaard 2006
jection despite a positiveT-cell cross-match, a low incidence
Transplant Infectious Disease . ISSN 1398 -2273
*Current address: Histopathology Department, Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
of graft loss from chronic rejection, and the capacity of he-
HCV recurrence (15^18), and randomised them to groups
patocytes to regenerate following tissue injury (1). Thus,
receiving tacrolimus MT or TT consisting of tacrolimus,
there might be a greater possibility to minimise immuno-
azathioprine, and prednisolone in a prospective trial.
suppression in liver transplant recipients.
Tacrolimus is currently a ¢rst-line immunosuppressive
A distinction is often made between biological rejection
agent with better outcomes than micro-emulsi¢ed cyclo-
(histological changes of cellular rejection in absence of
sporine in our patient group (19), and has reliable action
significant clinical or biochemical abnormalities) (2) and
and acceptable side-effect pro¢le (20).
clinical rejection (histological changes accompanied by
Our current report focuses on acute cellular rejection
clinical signs of graft dysfunction). In liver transplantation
rates in this ongoing trial during the ¢rst 3 months after liv-
clinically significant cellular rejection is reported in ap-
er transplantation, because during this period patients are
proximately 50% of patients, whereas histological abnor-
at greatest risk of rejection.We assessed whether tacrolimus
malities can be seen in up to 80% of protocol biopsies
MT is a clinically viable option to prevent important cellu-
performed within the ¢rst week post OLT (3). Liver histolo-
gy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of acute rejection
(4, 5) and an international consensus on a common grading
system has been achieved (6). In addition, eosinophilia in
the graft is an independent diagnostic marker of cellular
rejection as found in our centre (7 ).
Inclusion^exclusion criteria and randomisation
The incidence of early clinical and biological cellular re-
jection is in£uenced by the type of immunosuppression (8).
From January 2000 to January 2004, we randomised con-
Severe rejection may affect graft and patient survival, pos-
secutive transplant recipients with HCV cirrhosis (inde-
sibly as a result of the use of more potent immunosuppres-
pendently of whether they had concomitant alcoholic
sion such as antilymphocytic preparations (9). Conversely,
aetiology or hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC]) when they
milder grades of rejection are associated with improved
(a) were older than age 18 years, (b) gave informed written
survival after liver transplantation, a situation different
consent, (c) had a cadaveric liver transplant. Exclusion cri-
from renal transplantation (9). Moreover, early cellular re-
teria were (a) multi-organ transplants, (b) retransplanta-
jection that responds promptly to treatment may be associ-
tion, (c) split or auxiliary transplants, (d) patients with
ated with a lower risk of immunological complications
contraindications to tacrolimus or azathioprine, and (e) re-
fusal to participate. We evaluated all patients up to May
Complete steroid withdrawal is now common practice in
2004, i.e., had at least 3 -month follow up.
many centres as patient and graft loss are not increased,
The study protocol conformed to the ethical guidelines of
and long-term steroid complications are reduced (10). How-
the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Hos-
ever few studies have avoided, from immediately after
pital Ethics committee. Randomisation took place on arriv-
transplant, the use of steroids in maintenance immunosup-
al to the operating theatre. Sealed opaque envelopes were
pression (11^14). When steroid use has been avoided, other
used, opened in numbered sequence containing the allocat-
agents have been substituted for the steroids so that ‘total’
ed treatment in a 1:1 proportion derived from a random
immunosuppressive potency is not reduced. Our own expe-
rience without steroids, using only calcineurin inhibitor
monotherapy (MT), showed that it was safe and effective
Thus, we evaluated calcineurin inhibitor MT vs. triple
We evaluated 56 consecutive patients (26 females, 30
therapy (TT) in a clinical setting, where less potent
males); 1 patient refused randomisation (given MT). Recip-
immunosuppressive therapy might be more bene¢cial. We
ient and donor characteristics and surgical details are
chose recipients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis re-
shown in Table 1. Typing of donor and recipient antigens
ceiving a cadaveric liver transplant, because increased
was performed with a standard assay using lymphotoxic
immunosuppression has been one of the factors leading to
antibodies. For each locus (-A, -B, -DR, -DQ) the number of
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
Patient characteristics in the two randomised treatment arms
1Significant HLA DR mismatch: both HLA DR loci were different in donor
compared with recipient. 2Significant total mismatch: a mismatch score 6 or more (from a maximum
of 8) derived from HLA comparisons (2 HLA A locus, 2 HLA B locus, 2 HLADR locus, and 2 HLA DQ locus) where no mismatch 5 0, 1 mismatch 5 1, 2
Two consecutive CMV-DNA PCR with twice weekly sampling.
Monotherapy, tacrolimus alone; triple therapy, tacrolimus/azathioprine/
prednisolone therapy; OLT, orthotopic liver transplantation; HCC,hepatocellular carcinoma; HLA, human leukocyte antigens; DR, donor; BIL,
bilirubin; GGT, g glutamyl transferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; AST,
aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine transaminase; ALB, albumin;INR, International normalised ratio; CRE, creatinine; CMV, cytomegalovirus.
mismatches was scored as 0, 1, or 2. Total human leukocyte
antigen (HLA) mismatch score (range: 0^8) was de¢ned as
sum of the number of mismatches for the 4 loci ^ HLA-A, -B,
-DR, or -DQ (21). Cold ischaemia time was de¢ned as the in-
terval from donor cross-clamp to removal from cold storage.
Warm ischaemia time was de¢ned as the interval between
removal from cold storage and venous reperfusion. Twenty-
one patients had known HCC, 11 had concomitant alcoholic
liver injury, and 2 patients were co-infected with hepatitis B
or D virus. Median follow-up was 661 days (range: 1^1603).
Liver and renal biochemical parameters were documented
at the ¢rst protocol biopsy. Renal dysfunction was de¢ned
(for the purpose of the study) as an increase in creatinine
value ! 130 mmol/L and was also evaluated at 6 weeks
post OLT and at the end of follow up. No patient received
HCVantiviral therapy within 3 months of transplantation.
Values at ¢rst protocol biopsy/(reference range) (median, range)
Tacrolimus (Prograf , Fujisawa Ltd, Killorglin, County
Kerry, Ireland) MT 0.1 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses or
TT of tacrolimus (same regimen), azathioprine ^ initially
intravenously (IV) then orally ^ 1 mg/kg/day, and methyl-
prednisolone (16 mg/day IV) until oral intake was estab-
lished, when 20 mg/day prednisolone was used. The ¢rst
doses of tacrolimus were administered initially via naso-
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
gastric tube starting within 6 h after the transplant and
and consent was not given for biopsy (empirical treatment).
then orally. If poor renal and/or poor graft function was
Mycophenolate mofetil was used if there were more than 2
present, a suitable adjustment in initial and subsequent
episodes of moderate/severe rejection not responding to
doses was made. Oral tacrolimus doses were adjusted ac-
methylprednisolone boluses or as a tacrolimus-sparing
cording to the clinical progress and the occurrence of ad-
agent if there was chronic renal impairment. A new episode
verse effects, to maintain a whole blood level of 5^14 ng/
of rejection was considered as one diagnosed by biopsy 5
mL (aiming for 5^10) by microparticle enzyme immunoas-
days or more after the histological diagnosis of the preced-
say (Imx Tacrolimus II, Abbot Laboratories, Illinois, USA).
ing episode only if it showed the same or worse grade than
In patients randomised to TT, the tacrolimus adjustment
the initial one or if after 5 days from the start of empirical
was the same as for the MT group. Azathioprine was con-
therapy there was moderate or severe rejection. Chronic
tinued at the same dose unchanged unless neutropenia de-
ductopenic rejection was de¢ned according to the criteria
veloped. Prednisolone was gradually tapered from 3 weeks
and then stopped between 3 and 4 months.
Serum samples before transplant and then at 1 and 3
Protocol liver biopsies were planned between the 5th and
months post transplant, were collected, stored at À 701C,
7th days after transplantation, and thereafter if clinically
and analysed for quantitation of serum HCV-RNA by a sec-
indicated, performed transjugularly for those with contra-
ond-generation branched DNA assay (bDNA 2.0, Quanti-
indications to the percutaneous route (22). If rejection was
plex, Chiron, Emeryville, California, USA). Determination
treated (1 g/day for 3 days of methylprednisolone IV) a re-
of HCV genotype was performed by reverse transcription
peat biopsy was performed 5 days after the initial methyl-
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse hybridisation
prednisolone bolus to assess histological response to
assay of the ampli¢ed sequence (InnoLipa HCV II, Innoge-
netics, Zwijnaarde, Belgium). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) vir-
The liver biopsy samples were formalin ¢xed, paraf¢n
aemia was screened for by PCR assay twice weekly (24).
embedded, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. A
Two consecutive positive CMV DNA samples were an indi-
separate set of 20 biopsies from transplanted livers show-
cation to treat with ganciclovir or valgancyclovir for 14
ing different degrees of rejection or other post-transplanta-
tion pathology (e.g., cholangitis, ischaemia) were reviewed
by all 3 histopathologists before the start of the study, using
a multi-head microscope in order to develop ‘ a similar atti-
tude and threshold to each feature’ as described before (7 ).
F|sher exact test was used for frequency tables and Mann^
All biopsies of this study were reviewed by 3 histopatholo-
Whitney rank-sum test was used for means. Bio-Medical
gists (A.P., A.Q., and A.P.D.), using the grading of cellular
Data Processing (BMDP Dynamic version 7, University of
rejection according to the Royal Free Hospital (RFH) scor-
California, Los Angeles, California, USA) was used for all
ing system as follows: mixed portal in£ammation, endo-
calculations. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statis-
thelialitis, bile duct damage, eosinophils in the portal tract,
giving a maximum score of 12 (score 4^6, mild rejection;
score 7^9, moderate rejection; score 10^12, severe rejection)
(7 ). Disconcordant cases were discussed using a multi-head
microscope to achieve a ¢nal consensus. The criteria for
grading into mild, moderate, or severe cellular rejection
are similar, with the exception of eosinophils in the graft,
By randomisation 27 patients received tacrolimus MT and
to the international Ban¡ criteria (6).
29 TT. The groups were well matched at randomisation
Acute cellular rejection was treated if the RFH score was
with no significant differences except for ascites, which
! 7 or if there was strong clinical suspicion of rejection
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
Frequency of rejection episodes in the two randomised treatment armsusing protocol biopsies during the ¢rst 3 months from transplantation
From the 56 patients, 51 had 1 biopsy or more (median 3,
range: 1^7 ). Of the 5 without biopsy, 4 (3 MT, 1 TT) were
clinically very sick and died within 1^20 days, and 1 (MT)
refused consent. No histological rejection was diagnosed in
14 (MT: 8^30%; TT: 6^21%), mild in 25 (MT: 11^41%; TT:
14^50%), moderate in 11 (MT: 3^11%; TT: 8^28%), and se-
vere rejection in 2 (MT: 2^7.5%; TT: 0^0%) patients. Medi-
an time to protocol biopsy was 6 days (MT) and 7 days (TT).
Following the ¢rst biopsy, 43% TTand 46% MT were treat-
Patients with at least 1 rejection episode
Rejection during 3 months after transplant
Patients with no more than mild rejection
During the ¢rst 3 months, following and including the ¢rst
Patients with no more than moderate rejection
biopsy, 19 MT patients (70%) had 35 rejection episodes and
received 19 courses of methylprednisolone (5 empirical
therapy, in 5 patients). In comparison, 25 TT patients
(86%) had 46 rejection episodes and received 24 courses
of methylprednisolone (3 empirical therapy, in 3 patients).
Thus, over the course of 3 months, 15 MT patients (10 biop-
Monotherapy, tacrolimus alone, triple therapy, tacrolimus/azathioprine/
sy-proven episodes) and 17 TT patients (21 biopsy-proven
episodes) were treated for rejection. Details of rejection ep-
isodes are shown in Table 2. The TT group had more rejec-
tion episodes and more moderate rejection episodes than
the MT group, but neither difference was statistically sig-
Other immunosuppression and virology evaluation
In 3 cases (2 MT, 1 TT) rejection was treated without me-
thylprednisolone boluses but with an increase in ta-
Patients without rejection or mild rejection in the ¢rstprotocol biopsy
crolimus dosage, and in 2 patients (1 MT at 3rd week post-
OLT; 1 TTat 2nd week) mycophenolate mofetil was used to
The TT patients, who did not have rejection in their ¢rst
potentiate the immunosuppressive regimen. Overall myco-
protocol biopsy, did not develop any episode of severe rejec-
phenolate mofetil was used in 10 patients in the MTgroup (8
tion thereafter and only 2 subsequently had moderate rejec-
for renal dysfunction, 1 for additional immunosuppression,
tion. However, if mild rejection was present, moderate or
1 after tacrolimus toxicity) commenced within the ¢rst
severe rejection subsequently occurred (F|g. 1). One patient
month of OLT (days 4^25), and in 7 patients in TTgroup (3
had mild rejection on ¢rst biopsy and subsequently moder-
for renal dysfunction, 3 for toxicity, 1 for ongoing rejection
ate rejection and then (responding fully to treatment) devel-
despite adequate tacrolimus levels) commenced within the
oped chronic ductopenic rejection, and was re-grafted 6
¢rst month of OLT (days 4^19). No antilymphocytic prepa-
In the MTgroup, of those who had no rejection in the ¢rst
HCVgenotypes were similarly distributed: genotype 1/1b
protocol biopsy, only 1 developed moderate rejection subse-
MT 41% vs. TT 41%, genotype 2/3 MT 36% vs. TT 38%,
quently; some who had histological rejection did subse-
genotype 4 MT 7% vs. TT 13%. Median HCV RNA levels
quently develop severe rejection (F|g. 2). No patient
pre-transplant were not significantly different 150,000 IU/
mL (MT) vs. 252,000 IU/mL (TT) (P 5 0.7 ), and nor at
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
TRIPLE THERAPY 1st PROTOCOL BIOPSY 28 patients- 1 died REJECTION NO REJECTION 6 patients Moderate Moderate 1 Moderate 3 Moderate
Fig. 1. Patients with tacrolimus/azathioprine/prednisolone triple therapy: rejection episodes.
1 month (MT) 1.5 Â 106 IU/mL vs. 860,000 IU/mL (TT)
3^20) (P 5 0.006). Median levels at 1 month (MT: 8.5 vs.
(P 5 0.98), nor at 3 months (MT) 4 Â 106 IU/mL vs.
TT: 8.5 ng/mL), 2 months (MT: 7 vs. 7.5 ng/mL), and
1.5 Â 106 IU/mL (TT) (P 5 0.52) in keeping with the previ-
3 months (MT: 7 vs. 6.7 ng/mL) were not significantly dif-
ous study from our group (25). CMV viraemia was not dif-
ferent (P40.05). Thus, within 3 months of transplantation
ferent in the 2 groups (5 MT, 6 TT).
among the 22 patients with moderate or severe rejection,
more had subtherapeutic concentrations of tacrolimus
(12 patients ^ 4 MTand 8 TT), compared to those with mild
rejection (5^2 MT and 3 TT of 22 patients), or no rejection
Tacrolimus levels just before or on the day of ¢rst protocol
biopsy were significantly higher in the MTgroup: median
7.3 (range: 3.5^26.2 ng/mL) vs. TT median 5.1 (range: 2.8^
12.2 ng/mL) (P 5 0.015), as also on day 3 (MT: 10 ng/mL,2.9^28.2 vs. TT: 6 ng/mL, 2.9^14) (P 5 0.011), day 5 (MT:
The median follow up was 661 days (1^1603). In both
9 ng/mL, 2.9^22.7 vs. TT: 6.3 ng/mL, 2.7^11.8) (P 5 0.045),
groups, 3 received a second transplant: 2 MT patients for
and day 21 (MT: 9.6 ng/mL, 3.3^17.7 vs. TT: 6.1 ng/mL,
hepatic artery thrombosis (8^12 days after ¢rst OLT) and
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
MONOTHERAPY PROTOCOL BIOPSY (3died- 1 no biopsy-empirical treatment- REJECTION 16 patients NO REJECTION 8 patients Moderate Moderate 2 2 Treated Moderate
Fig. 2. Patients with tacrolimus monotherapy: rejection episodes. MP, methylprednisolone boluses; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.
1 for primary non-function (at 2 days), while in the 3 TT pa-
1 because of neurotoxicity ^ converted to cyclosporine),
tients: 1 for hepatic artery thrombosis (42 days), 1 for chron-
and in 3 TT patients all because of neurotoxicity (2 convert-
ic rejection (6 months), and 1 for recurrent HCVcirrhosis (31
ed to cyclosporine and 1 to mycophenolate mofetil substi-
months). In the MT group 6 patients died; 4 from sepsis-
multiple organ failure (8, 8, 20, and 123 days), 1 from graft
proportion of patients whose serum creatinine was
failure (14 days), and 1 from pulmonary hypertension (6
! 130 mmol/L during the ¢rst 3 months was similar in
days). In the TT group 1 patient died after re-transplant
the 2 groups, 63% vs. 62%. At 6 weeks, median creatinine
(sepsis ^ 2 days) and 1 at 44 days from sepsis and multiple
was 100.5 mmol/L in the MT group vs. 115.5 mmol/L in the
TT group (not significant), and at 3 months both groups
had same median creatinine value (110 mmol/L, range MT:
78^222 and TT: 76^281 mmol/L). Antibiotics given after the¢rst 5 days were similar, 20 in MT and 20 in TT group
During the ¢rst 3 months tacrolimus was discontinued in
patients. No significant difference was found in the inci-
6 MT patients (5 because of severe renal impairment
dence of diabetes pre- and post-OLTaccording to treatment
with multiple organ failure shortly before death, and in
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
who subsequently developed cirrhosis post OLTcompared
with those without, but another study (27 ) showed that cu-
We evaluated 2 different immunosuppressive regimens in
mulative frequency of acute cellular rejection was not sig-
liver transplant recipients with HCVcirrhosis, with respect
nificantly different in HCV and non-HCV recipients within
to the frequency and severity of cellular rejection, using a
the ¢rst 6 weeks post OLT. A further study reported no dif-
schedule of protocol liver biopsies, which is the gold stand-
ference in the incidence and timing of acute cellular rejec-
ard for the diagnosis of cellular rejection (26). The ¢rst 3
tion in HCV vs. a control group (38). In contrast, a recent
months after transplant, rather than just the ¢rst 6 weeks
study (without protocol biopsies) showed that HCVaetiolo-
were evaluated, because this longer period usually encom-
gy was strongly associated with acute rejection (49% with-
passes most acute rejection episodes (9, 27 ) and during this
in 6 months and 42% receiving treatment) (29). It was
time there should be far less histological confusion with re-
unclear whether this ¢nding was the result of either an im-
current HCV (28). Protocol biopsies of HCV-infected recipi-
munologic environment associated with HCV infection, or
ents are particularly useful to minimise empirical
because rejection episodes were over-diagnosed in the
treatment of rejection, which might otherwise be given if
setting of recurrent HCV (29). The question could not be an-
liver dysfunction occurs, but it is not clear if some biopsies
swered, as protocol biopsies were not used.The interactions
are not performed because of poor clotting or other reasons,
between HCV, allograft rejection, and immunosuppression
and what severity of rejection warrants treatment.
are complex and the diagnostic dilemma between recurrent
We arbitrarily de¢ned episodes of rejection as separate,
HCVand cellular rejection can only be minimised with his-
if a protocol biopsy 5 days after histological diagnosis
showed the same degree or worse rejection, and if a biopsy
In our randomised trial, tacrolimus MT was not associat-
5 days after the start of empirical therapy for rejection
ed with an increased number or severity of cellular rejec-
showed moderate or severe rejection. This evaluation ac-
tion episodes. The trend for more moderate rejection
counts for the apparent high rate of cellular rejection over
episodes in theTTgroup was probably associated with low-
the 3 -month period. If solely the ¢rst protocol biopsy data
er tacrolimus levels similar to another cohort of HCV-infect-
are evaluated (common to many reports on rejection rates
ed transplant recipients (29). Less likely, but also possible,
in liver transplantation) then only 18.5% of the MT group
is that ascites is associated with increased rejection (9), and
and 27.5% of theTTgroup had moderate or severe rejection.
there was more ascites in the TT group. Lower tacrolimus
Overall 56% of our cohort (4/5 of these following the ¢rst
levels in either group were associated with moderate or se-
protocol biopsy) received treatment for rejection which ap-
vere rejection in a similar fashion so the added azathiopr-
proximates to the rate of 42% in a recent study of HCV pa-
ine, prednisolone, and mycophenolate mofetil as a renal-
tients with transplants, in which protocol biopsies were not
sparing agent (39) or to potentiate immunosuppression
(used similarly in both groups) did not ‘ compensate’ for
Currently, management of patients with HCV cirrhosis
the lower tacrolimus levels. Neither immunosuppressive
who are transplanted is a major challenge. These patients
regimen resulted in unusual rates of retransplantation
constitute the leading indication for transplantation, but
(11% in TT and 10% in MT) or of chronic rejection (1/56 ^
HCV recurrence reduces survival (30). Early management,
1.8%). Interestingly, in our cohort, patients in either trial
including modi¢cation of immunosuppression, may in£u-
group who did not have any rejection in the ¢rst protocol
ence severity of recurrent HCV infection (15, 17, 27, 31). Re-
biopsy did not have severe rejection during follow up (F|gs.
ducing immunosuppression has become more common (32,
33) and, in addition, avoidance of steroids in HCV recipients
In conclusion, MT with tacrolimus is comparable to TT
is increasingly popular using substitution with interleu-
with tacrolimus, azathioprine, and prednisolone in terms
kin-2 receptor blockers. Methylprednisolone boluses and
of the frequency and severity of cellular rejection and its
antilymphocytic preparations are associated with a worse
treatment, in HCV recipients transplanted with cadaveric
evolution of recurrent HCV infection (17, 18, 34^36), with
livers, so that this trial continues. Whether the absence of
few exceptions (11). In one study (37 ), rejection was signi¢-
maintenance azathioprine or steroids will be bene¢cial in
cantly more common among HCV recipients (genotype 1b)
terms of recurrence of HCVcan only be evaluated with pro-
Transplant Infectious Disease 2006: 8: 3^12
Samonakis et al: Tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
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Bereiche einschliesst, dürfen wir auch unser «Hass-, Vergeltung- und Gewaltpotential» zu Jesus bringen. Unsere Erde seufzt! Mil ionen von Menschen leiden unter den ver-schiedensten Formen der Ungerechtigkeit und Gewalt. Predigtzusammenfassungen «Darum wartet die ganze Schöpfung sehnsüchtig und voller Hoff- nung auf den Tag, an dem Gott seine Kinder in diese Herrlichkeit aufni
Gout, a form of arthritis, is no longer limited to the well-to-do Special to The Washington Post Monday, March 7, 2011; 6:34 PM Famous gout sufferers include, clockwise from top left, Thomas Jefferson, Henry VIII, Ben Franklin and Isaac Newton. Gout, wrote the British poet and physician Richard Blackmore in 1726, is "the grievous Calamity of the Great, the Rich and the most Easy in their