Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, except January and July, at 7.30pm at the Taroona Uniting Church, Taroona Crescent.
Oct 6 Taroona Garden Forum meeting at 7.30pm. Oct 17 Trip to Buckland, should be a very good day Oct 16-17 Collector’s Plant Fair Nov 26, 27 & 28 Three day trip to the NE Dec 12? Christmas lunch Jan Trip in the Channel area
Note: There are more details below. At the September meeting, Professor Jamie Fitzpatrick gave us a very interesting talk on urban gardens. Thank you very much Jamie for spending an evening educating us about our gardens. If anyone else wants to join the trip to the NE of Tasmania they will now have to organise their own accommodation in Bicheno. The two places where members are staying are now fully booked. Katrine Benjamin is resigning from the TGF committee at the end of the year after 4 years of producing newsletters. We would welcome a computer savvy member taking over in 2011. About 18 members had a wonderful trip to Bruny Island on Sunday, Sep 19. We went first to the beautiful bush block of Allegra and Adrian Biggs-Dale about 9km north of Cape Bruny lighthouse. We were able to wander along clipped grass paths through the bush which is returning to its original natural state, listen to frogs croaking in the dams and see some beautiful birds including a Wedgetail Eagle and a Flame Robin. We then visited three delightful, mainly native gardens in Adventure Bay and followed that with a delicious afternoon tea at the Glasshouse Cafe. Anne Hallam (Convener) If members have changed their home address or email address, could they please let me know. Katrine Benjamin (Secretary)
OCTOBER MEETING Robyn Hopcroft will talk to us about how to make mosaics. Many of you may have admired her mosaic lighthouse at the top of her drive. FEES Membership fees for this year are now OVERDUE (see below). Fees other than membership fees
per person on garden trips to cover the cost of gifts to private garden owners
Convener: Anne Hallam 6227 9399 Treasurer: Barbara Baddiley, 4 Heathorn Ave, Sandy Bay 6225 2471 Assistant Social Secretary: Peter Barefoot 6227 9115 Secretary: Katrine Benjamin 6227 8338 email[email protected] Committee members: Neil and Margot Gray 6234 4857, Margaret Armstrong 6267 2900. Website: THE LIBRARY Don’t forget to check out our library that has many useful books. OUTINGS MONTH TIME COST WHERE
2010 Plant Collector’s Fair at 1115 Huon Rd, Neika
Visit the well set out Bushland Gardens and Puchella
Nursery this side of Buckland on the way to Orford.
They share an entrance. We will have a well-qualified
guide to take us around to talk about the plants which are
endemic to the area. There is a well set up picnic area.
We will only visit here as there is a lot to see and do.
Three day trip to the NE. We will visit the Jam Factory,
Evandale and ‘Dunedin’ on Friday. On Saturday we visit 4 gardens and another 4 on Sunday. Sounds great!
Floral Shows and other garden events Oct 2-3 Spring Community Festival, at Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Entry $10. Conc. $5. Oct 8-10 Wildflower Spectacular, At the Hobart City Hall, Fri & Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-4pm. Oct 17 Oatlands Spring Festival. Open Gardens in Southern Tasmania. Sun Oct 3 ‘Sojourn’, 173 Redwood Rd, Kingston. 10am-4.30pm. Entry $6. Oct 16-17 ‘Lanes End’, 174 Lanes Rd, Glen Huon, Huonville, 10am-4.30pm. Entry $6. Sun Oct 17 ‘Glenlusk Gardens’, 37 Glenlusk Rd, Berriedale, 10am-4.30pm. Entry $6. Oct 30-31 Vireya Walk, 38 Kunama Dr, Kingston Beach, 10am-4.30pm. Entry $6. . DID YOU KNOW? Some good ideas in your garden.
For plant name tags, buy a packet of white plastic picnic knives from Chickenfeed (thanks
to Mary Reynolds for this idea). Write on the blade and poke the handle into the ground. Also see Peter Barefoot about getting a STABILO Aquarellable pencil which writes on paper, plastic, glass and metal and does not fade or wash off. Ron Murray put us onto these pencils, thanks Ron.
To safely spray Zero on weeds near other plants or when it is a bit breezy, cut the bottom off
a plastic 2l or 3l milk bottle, keep the lid on. In one of the shoulders of the bottle, cut a hole just big enough to put the nozzle of the spray applicator through. Cover the weed with the bottle and spray through the hole. Be careful when you remove the bottle to turn it upside down so you don’t drip spray where you don’t want it!
DON’T FORGET Last but not least, please bring plants, seedlings, bulbs or seeds to the meeting for the Trade Table the income from which boosts our finances Convener: Anne Hallam 6227 9399 Treasurer: Barbara Baddiley, 4 Heathorn Ave, Sandy Bay 6225 2471 Assistant Social Secretary: Peter Barefoot 6227 9115 Secretary: Katrine Benjamin 6227 8338 email[email protected] Committee members: Neil and Margot Gray 6234 4857, Margaret Armstrong 6267 2900. Website:
RU_AB_irrigoskopie_Layout 1 19.03.12 10:45 Seite 1 AUFKLÄRUNGSBLATT Sehr geehrte Patientin! Sehr geehrter Patient!Sie wurden von Ihrem/Ihrer behandelnden Arzt/Ärztin zu einer Irrigoskopie überwiesen. Bitte lesen Sie den folgen-den Text und beantworten Sie die Fragen. WAS IST EINE IRRIGOSKOPIE? Die Irrigoskopie ist eine spezielle Röntgenuntersuchung des Dickdar-mes. Sie erhalten dabei e
Management of epistaxis in general practice Dennis Pashen, Maurice Stevens (Australian Family Physician, Vol 31, No 8, August 2002) Background. The vast majority of cases of epistaxis can be managed successfully within Objective. To describe a range of clinical interventions in the management of epistaxis Discussion. A number of relatively simple treatments and procedures may