Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association ALLAN SHEPS WORKSHOP
“Working With Men in Therapy”
Points of
o Workshop
o Members
o Article by
positive such as, “facilitator asked Madeline
people to give a lot - it worked well”, “awesome!”, “excellent skills used to facilitate the process: respectful, o President’s
o Contact
THEN AND NOW by Madeline Bruce Registered Psychiatric Nurse
Then and now: A perspective on B.C. psychiatric admission units, as seen from 1962 to 2002. The concept of interpersonal healing, from the dyad where trust is developed, to the group experience with it's curative factors has taken a nosedive in some B. C. hospitals. In one hospital, where nurses get no group therapy experience at all the medical model is very much in evidence. The emphasis is on medicating the patients and pushing them out the door as quickly as possible. One young man was receiving a dozen medications at a time. Medication is not the answer to every problem. I recall a patient in my therapy group who faced an important issue in her marriage. She took Prozac, and by the next group meeting, the issue sort of disappeared, but the group members told her how uneasy they felt about that. There had been no real resolution. (continued Page 2) nurse/patient relationship could be an one unit that I know of, and nurses agent of change and healing. A Patients who were especially ill would sitting up in bed." Narrative be placed on Constant or Special I see much
that has
was with them constantly, or every 15 In the sixties the Therapeutic been lost,
what has
the patients who have been placed on because this is not something that Special Attention have a sheet of from the older nurses, the mature nurses with years of experience. I was in awe of their narrative charting, how much they gleaned from one interview, how pertinent their observations were, and how helpful their written accounts were to me, who followed them on the next shift, meeting a patient perhaps for the first time. CGPA MEMBERSHIP
Madeline Bruce (Nanaimo) Mag Bright (Vancouver) Maria Tejero
Marina Ursa.
Marlace Susut
Sandy Ramsay
2008 PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Lois Goodman
Lois presented the following report to the National Executive Council at the 29th Annual Canadian Group
Psychotherapy Association Conference held at the Delta Executive Resort, Kananaskis, Alberta in October
It was in 2003 a handful of dedicated group
therapists decided to move ahead with the idea of forming a CGPA Chapter in Prince determined to do. Forming a CGPA Chapter member of CGPA, would like to have seen. “Thank you Madeline for your ongoing long distance support”. And then of course there is our local executive and membership base! opportunity to thank Linda Goddard for her Without either of these we would not have a ongoing support in this endeavor. I feel Chapter. “Thank you to our section council honored to have taken on the leadership role members and all our members for your in developing our Chapter. I would also like to take this opportunity once I have now completed my extended official 2 again on behalf of our section to express our “thanks” for the grant monies we have as President Elect will be moving into the section to get established and offer both our I would like to thank Sandy for agreeing to Mahoney present her workshop on ‘Shame’ support my initially taking on the leadership and this past month Allan Sheps presented role. Both Sandy and I have been long time his workshop on ‘Men in Therapy’. Both workshops were highly successful. I have included a copy of the detailed financial workshop on ‘Shame’. I will forward the appreciated the opportunity of taking on the results on Allan’s workshop next year. leadership role in forming our Chapter and official capacity for the last couple of years. It Treasurer’s Report and our Section Activities has been an honour. for this past year. I would also like to take this opportunity to make special mention of our Newsletter and thank Blaine Powel for his dedication in making our Newsletter a reality. Blaine also evaluations. I have forwarded our Newsletter WORKSHOP RESULTS Blaine Powel Registered AAMFT Supervisor
One of the PG Chapter’s goals is to identify the needs of our diverse community of professionals in order to bring in presenters who will meet some of these education goals. We not only evaluate the workshop process, topic, and facilitator but also the demographics of the people who attend. These results are based on an 87% return rate (26/30). o 46% of the participants are new to the counselling field having been in the field less o 78% have a University Degree (BA 41%, Master’s 33%, PhD 4%) in a counselling o People, on average, are facilitating 3 groups per week. o The most prominent degree is a social work degree (39%) with counselling and nursing tied for second (19%). This makes sense as the local university offers these three disciplines. o Most groups being led are for adults (56%), then adolescents, and finally children. No one identified couple, family, or medical groups. o The facilitator was well received with an average response of 3.7 out of a possible 4.0 rating. Comments about the facilitator were positive with no negative comments being received. o A Few people commented that the workshop should have been 2 or more days. o Requests identified for future workshops were: family, couple, group process, boundaries, theory, waitlist, women’s, mental illness, and parenting. o The average response to 15 statements rated from 1 = strongly disagree to 4= strongly agree was 3.6 out of a possible 4.0. o The lowest ratings were for “Providing lunch is important to me” = 3.0 and “The audio visual equipment enhanced the workshop” = 3.3 The highest rating was for “The facilitator was knowledgeable of the subject matter = 3.9. CONTACT INFORMATION
The executive of Prince George Chapter of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association are always open to your ideas and feedback. If you want more information on the CGPA please call one of the executive. If you wish to include an article in our newsletter please let us know. o President Elect: Sandy Ramsay, 250-565-2151 o Treasurer: Marlace Susut 250-565- 2543



DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE & CHILD NEUROLOGYWorster-Drought syndrome: poorly recognized despite severe andpersistent difficulties with feeding and speechMARIA CLARK1,2 | REBECCA HARRIS1 | NICOLA JOLLEFF1 | KATIE PRICE1 | BRIAN GR NEVILLE21 Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London. 2 Neurosciences Unit, Institute of Child Health, University College London, UKCorrespondence to

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