Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
JUNE 2002 STATE REPRESENTATIVE — 166TH DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICE: CAPITOL OFFICE: Prescription assistance program for Medicare recipients
Several pharmaceutical companies have created a
individuals and $38,000 for couples, and not be eligible
prescription drug assistance program for Medicare
for any other prescription assistance, including
recipients who earn too much to qualify for
Medicaid, Medigap, private insurance, employer
Pennsylvanias prescription assistance program and
insurance, or state programs like PACE or PACENET.
too little to afford their medications. The free program
The Together Rx card offers savings of approximately
20 percent to 40 percent off the amount you usually
After applying and being accepted into the program,
individuals only have to show their card at a
The discount card may be used to fill prescriptions
participating pharmacy to get their prescription filled
for such drugs as Flonase, Amoxil, Tagamet, Ditropan
XL, Prilosec, Zantac, Advair and Zyban.
To be eligible, seniors must be a Medicare recipient,
For more information and an enrollment application,
have an annual income of less than $28,000 for
call 1-800-865-7211 or visit STATE REPRESENTATIVE — 166TH DISTRICT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HARRISBURG, PA 17120-2020 Printed on Recycled PaperLIO-CD 05.02Telemarketer do-not-call list to debut in Pennsylvania
A new state law that took effect May 31 requires
blocking their names and telephone numbers from
telemarketing companies to adhere to a do-not-call list
caller identification and other screening devices.
maintained by the Office of Attorney General.
Registration for the do-not-call list is free. Once the
Pennsylvania residents will be able to register for the
attorney general contracts with a nonprofit company
list and have their names removed from all
to maintain the do-not-call list, I will provide more
information to you about how to register.
That means telemarketing companies will not be
To check the status of the do-not-call list and when
allowed to call your home if you are on the list. The
you can start registering for it, check online at
attorney general will investigate and penalize for updates or call the Office
telemarketing companies that call people registered
of Attorney Generals Bureau of Consumer Protection
toll-free Hotline at 1-800-441-2555.
The law also will prohibit companies from purposely
Household hazardous waste collection dates
Two dates remain this year for the Delaware County
You can dispose of these items in an environmentally
responsible manner by dropping them off at the
Household hazardous waste is any household product
following locations from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following
that is labeled poisonous, toxic, flammable, caustic,
Examples of items that can be dropped off include
American Ref-Fuel at Highland Avenue and the
toilet bowl cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, nail polish and
Delaware River in Chester
nail polish remover, drain cleaner, hair coloring
products, mercury thermometers, oven cleaner, bleach,
Trash Transfer Station at Sussex Boulevard and
ammonia, floor cleaner, furniture polish, kerosene,
Marple Road in Marple Township.
pool chemicals, varnish, oil-based paint, glue, paint
For more information, contact the Pa. Resource
thinner, weed killers, fungicides and pesticides. State adopts pesticide notification rules for schools
A school pesticide notification law the governor
school students. Records will have to be kept by schools
signed in April will ensure parents, students and
for three years. Should an emergency pesticide
school employees are informed about pesticide
application be necessary, notice could be made to
Under the law, schools must post signs about
The new law takes effect Jan 1, 2003. More
upcoming pesticide applications inside a school or on
information is available from the state Department of
school grounds at least 72 hours in advance, and must
Agriculture; call 717-787-4737, or visit the department
leave information about the pesticide application posted
for at least 48 hours after the application. Copies ofpesticide information sheets also must be provided to
Free notary service
school employees and parents or guardians of students
You can get your documents notarized FREE at
at least 72 hours before the treatment is planned.
my district office. Just bring the documents to the
Pesticides cannot be applied within seven hours of
office, along with proof of identity (such as your
when students are scheduled to be present, or longer
drivers license or photo ID). The person whose
if the pesticide label requires an extended re-entry
signature is to be notarized must sign the document
in person in the presence of our notary.
Notices of upcoming pesticide applications will be
Please call ahead to make sure our notary is
mailed to parents and guardians or sent home with all
in the office. Haverford State Hospital update
The Haverford Township Board of Commissioners
undeveloped land to active recreation, like sports fields
has decided to purchase outright from the state the
and other facilities. I feel these 135 acres should be left
former Haverford State Hospital site, and Paul
undeveloped. There is plenty of space for creating
Winterhalter, the township solicitor is currently in
active recreation facilities on the portions of the site
negotiations with the state Department of General
Services to finalize the terms of the purchase.
The township likely will hire a law firm to act as
A formal approval of the purchase was expected at
special counsel on this and other legal matters related
the commissioners May 13 meeting, but was delayed.
to the townships purchase and development of the
As of this writing, that approval had been postponed
property. Also, the 12-member Haverford Township
Authority created by the township in 1997 to preside
over this project will likely be reconstituted. I hope the
After the agreement of sale is signed, the
new authority board members will be chosen for the
Pennsylvania General Assembly must pass legislation
expertise legal, financial, land development planning,
transferring the property to the township.
etc. they can bring to putting this land to the best use
One of the biggest issues involved with the townships
for township residents, and not just based on political
purchase and use of the property is the 135 acres of
land that currently are undeveloped. The Master Plan
If you would like to be placed on my Haverford State
for the site approved by the commissioners last June
Hospital e-mail update list, please e-mail me or contact
calls for that 135 acres to remain undeveloped, and to
be used for passive recreation, such as hiking trails.
Lately, there has been talk of devoting some of this
Nursing Loan Forgiveness Program
Pennsylvanias Nursing Loan Forgiveness Program
within six months of licensure, and must agree to
repays up to 50 percent of a borrowers outstanding
practice nursing in Pennsylvania for at least three
PHEAA-administered, federally insured student loan
debt over three years, up to a maximum of $50,000.
Applications for the Nursing Loan Forgiveness
To be eligible for loan forgiveness, nurses must have
Program are available in my district office, online at
graduated from an approved nursing program at an, or by writing or calling PHEAA at
approved nursing school after July 1, 2001 and be a
The Pennsylvania Nursing Loan Forgiveness Program,
Pennsylvania resident. Unlicensed borrowers must
P.O. Box 8114, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8114. Phone:
agree to apply for an RN license to practice in
Pennsylvania as soon as possible after completing
The deadline to apply is June 30.
school, must start practicing nursing in the state
Internet wine purchases now legal
A new law passed by the General Assembly this year
many wines that are not currently available in the
allows Pennsylvania residents for the first time to
state stores while preserving state tax revenues on
those sales. It also keeps the state store system intact
State residents may purchase up to one case of wine
and ensures alcohol cannot be shipped directly to
per month online from direct shippers licensed by the
state, as long as the state stores do not carry the brand.
You can find a list of wines available in
Wine purchased online must be shipped to a local state
Pennsylvanias state stores and an updated list of
store and picked up there by the resident, who is
licensed direct shippers, as well as more details about
responsible for paying state taxes and service fees.
purchasing wine online, at the state Liquor Control
The law gives Pennsylvania residents access to
Boards Web site: PHEAA offers online loan consolidation
The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
can lower your monthly payment by extending the
Agency recently began accepting student loan
consolidation applications. The application for loan
Once a completed application is submitted, PHEAA
consolidation is available online, and is accessible 24
will print the form and mail it to the borrower the next
hours a day, seven days a week on the PHEAA Web at
day. The form must be signed and dated, and sent back
If you are having trouble making the minimum
For more information on consolidating your student
monthly payment on your student loans, consolidation
loans, visit PHEAAs Web site at or
may be the answer for you. Consolidating your loans
call Network Loan Consolidation at 1-800-338-5000. Grants available to artists, arts organizations
The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, which
The 5-County Arts Fund allows the Pennsylvania
is the partner of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Council on the Arts to increase access to funds for
for Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and
organizations and artists in our region, many of which
Philadelphia counties, offers grants of up to $5,000
provide services and programs in schools, hospitals,
senior centers and elsewhere in the community.
Awards are given to nonprofit organizations and
individual artists sponsoring arts-related projects or
applications for its 2002 grant year. Applications are
programs in the five-county region. Funds for these
due July 1.
grants are provided by the Pennsylvania Council on
For More information about the 5-County Arts Fund,
the Arts, which is a state agency, with matching funds
please call toll free 1-866-5-COUNTY.
contributed by the Delaware River Port Authority. Unemployment benefits available for some part-time workers
If your employer reduced your hours from full
for partial unemployment benefits, or for any
time to part time because of the recent economic
question about unemployment compensation in
downturn, or if you were laid off completely and
Pennsylvania, call the Department of Labor and
have been able to find only part time work since, you
Industry toll-free at 1-866-403-6163.
may be able to receive partial unemployment.
Pennsylvania law allows you to work part time
Receive e-mail updates
and earn up to 40 percent of your weekly benefit rate
from Rep. Vitali
without losing your unemployment benefits. If you
About every three months, I send out a newsletter
earn more than 40 percent of your benefit rate, you
to update you about state and local news, events
can still receive partial unemployment your
earnings are simply deducted from your weekly
I am currently developing a list of constituents
benefit rate to determine those partial benefits.
who would like to receive more frequent e-mail
updates about legislation, local meetings and
Remember, it is important to report all wages you
events, and new programs that are announced
earn while you are receiving full or partial
between the publication of these newsletters.
unemployment. If you dont, you may be disqualified
from receiving any benefits and you may be subject
If you would like to be added to this e-mail
For more information about whether you qualify
Obstetrics/Gynecology Postfertilization Effect of Hormonal Emergency Contraception Chris Kahlenborn, Joseph B Stanford, and Walter L Larimore OBJECTIVE: To assess the possibility of a postfertilization effect in regard to the most common types of hormonal emergency contraception (EC) used in the US and to explore the ethical impact of this possibility. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION:
John S. Carlson, PhD ADDRESS: School Psychology Program Michigan State University 431 Erickson Hall East Lansing, MI 48823 517-432-4856 (office) 517-353-6393 (fax) [email protected] EDUCATION: 1993-1997 University of Wisconsin-Madison Doctor of Philosophy (May, 1997) Department of Educational Psychology Major: School Psychology (APA-accredited, NASP-approved) Internship: Primary