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Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing in Indonesia
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Definition. 3

Key Statistics. 4
CURRENT PRICE . 4 CONSTANT PRICE . 4 REAL GROWTH . 4 RATIO TABLE. 4 Market Characteristics . 5
Market Size . 5 Linkages . 5 Demand Determinants . 6 Domestic and International Markets. 6 Basis of Competition . 7 Life Cycle . 7 Segmentation. 8
Product and Service Segmentation . 8 Major Market Segment. 8 Industry Concentration . 8 Geographic Spread . 8 Industry Conditions . 10
Barriers to Entry . 10 Taxation. 10 Industry Assistance. 12 Regulation and Deregulation . 12 Cost Structure . 12 Capital and Labour Intensity . 13 Technology and Systems . 13 Industry Volatility . 13 Industry Performance . 15
Historical Performance. 15 Current Performance . 16 Participants . 19
Key Factors . 35

Key Sensitivities. 35 Key Success Factors . 35 Outlook. 36
News. 38

___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 2 Definition

Manufacturing drugs, medicinal chemicals or other pharmaceutical products, except herbal medicine, for human or veterinary use. Referrals
3133 - Beer and Malt Manufacturing - The class consists of establishments mainly engaged in the manufacturing, bottling or canning of beer, ale, stout, porter, green sand, temu lawak (medical root beer), shandy (fresh water), coffee beer, jamu (medicinal beer) and other mixed beer drinks. 35224 - Herbal Medicine Products Manufacturing - This Subgroup consists of establishments mainly engaged in manufacturing herbal drugs and herbal medicines for human use. Activities

The primary activities of firms in this industry are: - Ethical products. - OTC products. - Consumer Health. - Household Insecticides. - Household Pesticides. - Antitoxin. - Barrier cream. - Contraceptive. - Medical Gas. - Morphine Drug. - Ointment. - Pharmaceutical preparation. - Plasters and Bandages. - Serum and Vaccines. - Toiletries. - Vitamin products. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 3 Key Statistics

Industry Turnover
Industry Gross Product
Number of Establishments
Total Wages
Domestic Demand
Industry Turnover
Industry Gross Product
Number of Establishments
Total Wages
Domestic Demand
Industry Gross Product
Number of Establishments
Total Wages
Domestic Demand
Imports as a share of
domestic demand
Exports as a share of
Average turnover
per employee
Wages and salaries as
a share of turnover

Sources: DIS Estimates
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 4 Market Characteristics
Market Size
• In 2005, the Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing Industry generated an estimated turnover of Rp.26,200 Billions compared to Rp.25,110 Billions in the previous year. This is an increase of 4.34 per cent • Value added is estimated to have increased by 2.73 per cent from Rp.6,530 Billions in 2004 to Rp.6,708 Billions in 2005 • This industry's contribution to Indonesia's GDP is 0.28 per cent • In 2005 it is estimated that 355,900 persons are employed by 205 establishments • Employment decreased by approximately 0.7 per cent or 2,500 persons in 2005 compared to the previous year, while the number of establishments decreased by 3 players in the same period • Total wages was estimated to be Rp.4,627 Billions in 2005 decreasing from • Domestic demand calculated as revenue plus imports less exports in 2005 is estimated to total Rp.29,370 Billions. This is an increase of 3.37 per cent compared to the previous year where domestic demand total Rp.28,412 Billions. Linkages

Demand Linkages
Domestic Wholesale Trade in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products Retail Trade in Goods Primarily Food, Beverage, or Tobacco made in a Building (Supermarket) Retail trade in Goods not Primarily Food, Beverage ot Tobacco made in a Building (Toserba, Department Store) Retail Trade in Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic Materials and Laboratory Tools Private Enterprise Practicing Doctors and Health Services
Supply Linkages
Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing of Chlorine and Alkali Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing of Chemical Materials from Wood and Gum ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 5 Manufacturing of Soap and Household Cleaning Needs Including Toothpaste Demand Determinants

The demand determinants to this industry are: In the case of products for human use: • The age structure of the population. The older the population, the higher the • The performance of the real household income will affect this industry. Increasing real household income will increase the consumption of medicinal and pharmaceutical products. • The general state of community health will affect this industry. Better condition of community health will decrease sickness and will decrease the consumption of health care products. • The publics trust in conventional medicines and the increasing trend of • The government health policies. Government measures in logistics of medicinal and pharmaceutical products will affect consumption of government hospitals. • The exchange rate of Rupiah against foreign currency, especially with the US dollar, will influence the amount of exports as well as imports of medicinal and pharmaceutical products. • The progress of the Indonesian economy will influence the real household income and will influence the medicinal and pharmaceutical products consumed by households as well as service industries such as hospitals. In the case of products for animal use: • The composition and number of animals farmed. • Technological development in the farm industry. This can have a positive or a negative effect on demand depending on the development. • The prevalence of certain agricultural diseases and parasites. Domestic and International Markets

Exports The level of export is medium. The export trend is increasing. Total exports in 2005 are estimated to be Rp.1,748 Billions, decreasing from Rp.1,853 Billions the previous year. Export, as a share of turnover is 6.67 per cent in 2005 compared to 7.38 per cent in the previous year. Between 2001 and 2005, the share of export to turnover averages 7.12 per cent. Mainly exports went to Nigeria, Malaysia, Australia, Korea, Thailand and Japan. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 6 Imports The level of import is high. The import trend is increasing. Total Imports in 2005 is estimated to be Rp.4,918 Billions, decreasing from Rp.5,155 Billions in the previous year. Import, as a share of domestic demand is 16.74 per cent in 2005 compared to 18.14 per cent in the previous year. Between 2001 and 2005, imports as a share of domestic demand averages 16.33 per cent. Imports mainly came from Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. China is also significant contributor and has showed an annual increase. Basis of Competition
• The basis of competition depends in part on whether the product is still in patent, out of patent or is a generic equivalent. It will also depend on whether the product is a new innovative pharmaceutical for which there is "no reasonable alternative", or is a product for which there is a therapeutic alternative. The basis of competition will also vary between OTC (over the counter) products and complementary or alternative therapeutic products. • Competition based on price, especially for the OTC products. • Competition based on product types, especially for antibiotics. • Competition based on service, i.e. recruitment of medical detailers to launch the • Competition based on brands. Brand image building by implementing media Life Cycle

Life Cycle Stage This industry is in the growth stage Life Cycle Analysis Rapid changes are occurring in this industry, such as the merger of several operators. This is increasing establishments and employment. The Investment Coordinating Board considers this industry wide open for domestic and foreign investment. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 7 Segmentation
Product and Service Segmentation
% Share of Turnover
• Pharmaceutical products under regulation are only delivered with a doctor’s • OTC products are obtainable without a doctor’s prescription. • Health’s care products and other household products such as household Major Market Segment
Market Segment
% Share of Turnover

It is estimated that about 90.0 percent of the total volume of this industry were marketed
domestically. The main markets are hospitals and drug stores, especially for drugs
needing a doctor’s prescription.
Industry Concentration

The level of industry concentration is high. Turnover of the top ten leading companies in this industry accounts for greater than 70 per cent of the total industry turnover. Geographic Spread

Heading: Geographic spread based on Establishment

Heading: Geographic spread based on Employment
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 8
West Java
Of about 54 establishments 12 industry operators are foreign investors. The foreign
investors generally were multinational corporations (MNCs). Most of the foreign
investors operating in West Java come from West European countries (Germany, United
Kingdom). The main plants are in the Jabotabek area, surrounding DKI Jakarta.
East Java
Of about 44 industry operators in East Java, 19 industry operators have legal status as
joint venture enterprises and seven industry operators have legal status as foreign
investors. The foreign investors generally operated in the field of antibiotics and
currently are starting to produce medicines in the field of antibiotic strain. The main
plant site is the Malang area, about 85-km from Surabaya.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 9 Industry Conditions
Barriers to Entry

The barrier of entry for this industry is high and the trend is increasing. The barriers include: • The high level of initial capital expenditure required establishing a • The existence of several established, and often global, operators with significant • High Technology. • The high cost of research and development. • High levels of government regulations, including stringent quality and Analysis Government policies are a significant factor. Not only does the Government exert a considerable degree of influence over the market as the main purchaser of medicinal and pharmaceutical products, but is also heavily involved in the operation of the industry. The pharmaceutical industry is among the most highly regulated. This degree of control can serve to discourage the entry of new firms. • Established reputation of existing manufacturers; • High working capital requirements; • The high cost of developing new products; • Regulatory requirements; • Economies of scale and scope; • Stiff competition both among domestic producers and expansion of MNCs. Taxation

Luxury Total Import
Luxury Total
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 11 CEPT = Common Effective Preferential Tariff as part of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement Industry Assistance

The level of industry assistance is low and the trend is increasing. Domestic producers as well as foreign investors do not receive any significant protection against imported products. Imported products are subject to 0 - 20 percent import duty. Regulation and Deregulation

The level of regulations is high and the trend is increasing. This industry is subject to many regulations. Among these regulations, the industry operators that must observe at least two regulations: • Government Regulation No. 13/1995 on Industrial Licenses; • Decree of the Ministry of Industry No. 150/SK/7/1995 on the procedure for granting Industrial Permits and Expansion Permits. Cost Structure
Profit / Loss
% of Turnover
Operating Expense
% of Turnover
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 12 Analysis Estimated cost of goods for this industry based on major players average is approximately 61.75 per cent of turnover. This provides a gross profit of 38.25 per cent of turnover. Operating expense is estimated to be 33.72 per cent of turnover providing a net profit before tax of 4.53 per cent. The highest operating expense is Fuel, Parking, Toll & Retribution making up 4.09 per cent. This if followed by Marketing with 3.54 per cent, Interest with 3.48 per cent, Repairs and Maintenance with 3.46 per cent, Land and Building Rental with 3.27 per cent, Purchases with 2.94 per cent, Freight with 2.62 per cent, Depreciation with 2.16 per cent, Royalties with 1.88 per cent, Telephone with 1.43 per cent, Electricity with 1.24 per cent, Wages and Salaries with 1.08 per cent, Utensils and Equipment with 0.84 per cent, Staff Welfare Allowance with 0.52 per cent, Service Fee with 0.51 per cent, Administration with 0.38 per cent and Other Expenses with 0.27 per cent. Capital and Labour Intensity

The level of capital intensity is medium with a capital to labour ratio of 1: 2.16. This means there is one unit of capital for 2.16 units of labour, or for every dollar spent on capital, 2.16 dollars is spent on labour. Labour costs make up 8.44 per cent of value added while depreciation makes up 8.44 per cent of value added in this industry. Technology and Systems

The rate of technology change is high for this industry. Technologies used by major players are mostly high-end technology. Technology development in recent years have also seen a switch in focus away from traditional chemotherapy methods in favour of biotechnology which utilise living organisms for developing new products. To maintain product quality, the Health Ministry has introduced the good manufacturing practice method that must be followed by operators. Industry Volatility

The level of volatility is medium for this industry. Volatility measured as the average
rate of change in turnover over the past five years was 4.00 percentage points per year.
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 13
The level of Globalisation for this industry is high and the trend is increasing. Average imports as a share of domestic demand in this industry accounted for approximately 16.33 per cent over the past five years. Import trend is projected to be increasing. From total establishments, around 33 units or 16 percent are multinational companies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 14 Industry Performance
Historical Performance

In 1997 this industry was very much reliant on imported materials that share around 85
percent from the total input. The imported raw materials consists of, amberlite,
dextrocine, deggus etc. Due to the depreciation of Rupiah to US dollar, imported raw
material prices have increased up to 400 percent therefore increasing production cost.
To remain viable, the industry was forced to increase prices of its products. Operators
that were able to switch to locally produced or cheaper alternative materials were more
successful in minimising the effects of the exchange rate fall.
Production capacity utilisation reached 79 percent in the year of 2002, up from 55
percent in 1998. This indicated early signs of recovery in the national economy.
Due to a low raw materials supply, which only covered a two-month production in
1997, the government took measures to offset the supply of medicines such as
antibiotics and other patent protected-products. The government measures included
pleading for foreign grants requested manufacturers to produce generic medicines and
to use more local materials. This was in spite of a lower quality output.
Despite the industry being severely affected by the economic crisis in 1997 and the
price of imported materials increasing by 90 percent, the domestic manufacturing sector
is showing signs of recovery with many operators beginning to intensify production and
recruiting new professionals.
The increasing productivity does not necessarily influence national exports. Export
value of pharmaceutical products in 2002 has increased by 18.43 percent from 2001,
due to the increasing export of healthcare products and antibiotic medicines. Exports
continued to increase until 2004. In turn, value of imports showed a decrease from 2001
US$ 412 million to US$ 372 million in 2003 before increasing again in 2004 to US$
510 million.
Revenue (Historical)
Industry turnover is estimated to increase by an average rate of 1.18 per cent per annum,
ranging from Rp.25,098 Billions in 2001 to Rp.25,110 Billions in 2004 (constant 2005
prices). The highest growth of 5.26 per cent was reached between the 2003 and 2004
Value Added (Historical)
Value added is the difference between revenue and purchases, after adjusting for stock
changes. DIS estimates that value added reached Rp.6,106 Billions in 2001 making up
approximately 22.43 per cent of revenue. This decreased 7.81 per cent to Rp.5,629
Billions the following year, and then increased 3.80 per cent in 2003 to Rp.5,843
Billions. Between 2003 and 2004, value added is estimated to increase 11.75 per cent to
Rp.6,530 Billions, making up 27.37 per cent of revenue.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 15
Establishments (Historical)
The number of establishments between 2001 and 2005 is estimated to decrease at an
average rate of 3.19 per cent per annum, from 234 in 2001 to 205 in 2005. In 2001 the
number of establishments is estimated to be 234 units, decreasing to 234 units in 2002,
decreasing to 213 units in 2003, and then decreasing to 208 units in 2004.
Employment, Wages and Salaries (Historical)
In 2001 employment in this industry is estimated to reach 257,100 with wages and
salaries totaling Rp.4,626 Billions and making up 18.43 per cent of turnover. In the
following year, wages and salaries as a share of turnover increased to 19.86 per cent
totaling to Rp.4,737 Billions. From 2003 to 2004 this ratio was 19.84 per cent and 19.74
per cent respectively, showing total wages and salaries of Rp.4,732 Billions and
Rp.4,957 Billions. The number of employment between 2001 and 2005 is estimated to
increase at an average rate of 8.63 per cent per annum, from 257,100 in 2001 to 355,900
in 2005. Average turnover per employee in this industry was Rp.0.08 Billions per
employee for the past five years.
International Trade
Exports in this industry reached Rp.1,841 Billions in 2001, decreasing 10.39 per cent
the following year to Rp.1,649 Billions. In 2003 and 2004 it reached Rp.1,726 Billions
and Rp.1,853 Billions respectively. From 2001 to 2005, exports decreased at an average
rate of 1.01 per cent per annum. As a share of turnover, exports average 7.12 per cent
from 2001 to 2005.
Imports in this industry reached Rp.4,978 Billions in 2001, decreasing 20.42 per cent
the following year to Rp.3,962 Billions. In 2003 and 2004 it reached Rp.3,566 Billions
and Rp.5,155 Billions respectively. From 2001 to 2005, imports increased at an average
rate of 2.39 per cent per annum. As a share of domestic demand, imports average 16.56
per cent from 2001 to 2005.
Current Performance

An increasing number of poor people need medical treatment, therefore affordable medicine must be made more readily available. As a result, generic medicine is becoming more common. The domestic market for generic products is increasing as a result of government measures obliging public hospitals to prescribe generic medicines to patients. The price of pharmaceutical products, especially generic products, has tended to be stable. However, recent measures by the government to accommodate the poor in health ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 16 services have caused 10-30 percent price reduction of generic products, hence
increasing domestic sales volume.
The patent rights regulation has caused the domestic pharmaceutical industry to produce
or register drug copies for patent-protected drugs. However, to overcome this limitation,
domestic operators can establish a joint operation with operators that own the patent
Besides producing drugs under license, the medicinal and pharmaceutical industries are
permitted to produce herbal medicines as well as new formulated drugs, which have
fewer regulations.
Nowadays, illnesses are getting more complex. This has resulted in an increased
demand for pharmaceuticals. The revenue from this industry reached Rp.26.3 trillion
during the year of 2005 covered by 205 establishments. From a total of establishments,
4 were state companies, 168 units national private companies and 33 units joint ventures
companies. Imports and exports during 2005 also showed convincing growth reaching
Rp.1.7 trillion of exports and Rp.4.9 trillion of imports. Import value is normally higher
than the export value. However, before 2005, imports tended to decrease. During 2005,
PT Kalbe Farma and PT Kimia Farma (both are state companies) dominated the market
share, where as Kalbe Farma merged with Dankos and Ensevel Company in 2006.
Revenue (Current)
In 2005, the Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing industry generated an estimated
turnover of Rp.26,200 Billions compared to Rp.25,110 Billions in the previous year.
This is an increase of 4.34 per cent.
Value Added (Current)
Value added is estimated to increase by 2.73 per cent from Rp.6,530 Billions in 2004 to
Rp.6,708 Billions in 2005.
Establishment (Current)
The number of establishment is estimated to total 205 units, an decrease of 1.44 per cent
from the previous year.
Employment, Wages and Salaries (Current)
In 2005 it is estimated that 355,900 persons are employed by 205 establishments in this
industry. Employment decreased by 0.70 per cent or 2,500 persons compared to the
previous year.
Total wages was estimated to be Rp.4,627 Billions in 2005 decreasing from Rp.4,957
Billions in the previous year.
International Trade
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 17 In 2005 export of this industry total Rp.1,748 Billions, while imports total Rp.4,918 Billions. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 18 Participants
Major Players
Bio Farma, PT (Persero)
Financial Analysis

In 2004 total revenue for Bio Farma (Persero) was estimated to be Rp.542,680 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.300,503 million in 2004. The
estimated gross profit as a ratio of turnover for Bio Farma (Persero) was 55.37 per cent
while the average gross profit as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be
38.25 per cent. As such the company's estimated gross profitability ratio to turnover in
2004 was better than the industries estimated average.
Cost of goods in was estimated to be Rp.242,177 million. With operating expense
estimated to be Rp.132,508 million, profit before tax for Bio Farma (Persero) was
estimated to Rp.173,424 million.
Additional Information
Bio Farma is the only vaccine and sera manufacturer in Indonesia. The embryonic form
of this national pharmaceutical company has existed since the Dutch colonial rule.
Established in August 6, 1890, under the name of Parc Vaccinogen or Lands Koepok -
Inrichting, subsequently known as the Pasteur Institute, at that time the company
occupied the area of Weltevreden army hospital in Batavia, now Jakarta. The company
moved to Bandung in 1923, occupying an area of 93,200 square meters. Animal
breeding for laboratory purposes was established at Cisarua-Lembang on an area of
282,411 square meters. Following the nationalization of all former Dutch colonial
companies, series of changes have occurred within the company.
In 1978, by virtue of the Government Regulation No 26, the company obtained the
status as a public utility company (Perum). By virtue of the Government Regulation No
1 in 1997, it became a limited company, known as PT Bio Farma (Persero), located in
Bandung, West Java.
Kalbe Farma Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Kalbe Farma Tbk. with NPWP: 01.001.836.4-092.000 is a PMDN company established
on 10/09/1966. On 1991 it first issued 10,000,000 total listed shares on the stock
exchange. The company is a importer, manufacturer, trader, and their business activity
include: veterinary; pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp.
850,000,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 406,080,000,000. The company's
shareholders are Enseval (52.3%), Public (41.6%), and BNI Securities (6.1%). With its
head office in Bekasi, its products/services include pharmaceutical products, vitamins.
Brands of the company include Pro Cold, Promag, Xonce. Kalbe Farma Tbk. employs
around 6,643 staff in 2005.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 19
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Kalbe Farma Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.3,413,097 million.
This is a 18.13 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue was estimated to
be Rp.2,889,209 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.1,948,118 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.1,623,888 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is an
increase of 19.97 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Kalbe Farma Tbk. was 57.08 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as a
ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the
company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 15.78 per cent to Rp.1,464,979 million
compared to Rp.1,265,321 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.1,057,553 million in 2001
to Rp.1,214,529 million in 2004, profit before tax for Kalbe Farma Tbk. was estimated
to reached Rp.533,948 million and Rp.652,281 million in 2003 and 2004 respectively.

Merck Tbk., PT

Brief Description
Merck Tbk. with NPWP: is a PMA company established on
14/10/1970. On 23-Jul-81 it first issued 1,680,000 total listed shares on the stock
exchange. The company is a manufacturer, trader, and their business activity include
pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 22,400,000,000 and its paid
up capital is Rp. 22,400,000,000. The company's shareholders are Merck AG, Swiss
(74%), Public (18.61%), Merril Lynch Pierce, Fenner, and Smith Inc. (5.55%), and
Danareksa (Persero) (1.84%). With its head office in JakartaMerck Tbk. is affiliated
with Merck KGaA(Germany). Its products/services include vitamins. Brands of the
company include Becombion, Sangobion. Merck Tbk. employs around 529 staff in
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Merck Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.373,341 million. This is a
25.99 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue was estimated to be
Rp.296,320 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.211,876 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.180,571 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is an
increase of 17.34 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Merck Tbk. was 56.75 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as a ratio of
turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross
profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is average.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 20 Cost of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 39.50 per cent to Rp.161,465 million
compared to Rp.115,749 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.112,348 million in 2001 to
Rp.128,958 million in 2004, profit before tax for Merck Tbk. was estimated to reached
Rp.72,137 million and Rp.82,436 million in 2003 and 2004 respectively.
Phapros Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Phapros Tbk. is a national company. The company is a manufacturer, and their business
activity include: pharmaceutical. With its head office in Jakarta, its products/services
include pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include Boehringer Ingelheim,
Dentoria, F Trenka, Lederle, Lek Ljubljana, Lingzhi. Phapros Tbk. employs around
2,051 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2003 total revenue for Phapros Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.338,551 million. The
company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.179,723 million in 2003. The
estimated gross profit, as a ratio of turnover for Phapros Tbk. was 53.09 per cent while
the average gross profit as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25
per cent. As such the company's estimated gross profitability ratio to turnover in 2003
was better than the industries estimated average.
Cost of goods in was estimated to be Rp.158,828 million. With operating expense
estimated to be Rp.135,973 million, profit before tax for Phapros Tbk. was estimated to
Rp.46,481 million.
Pyridam Farma Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Pyridam Farma Tbk. with NPWP: 01.313.863.1-054.000 is a PMDN company
established on 27/11/1976. On 16-Oct-01 it first issued 120,000,000 total listed shares
on the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities
include pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 165,000,000,000 and
its paid up capital is Rp. 53,508,000,000. The company's shareholders are Pyridam
International Corporation (53.85%), Public (23.07%), Rani Tjandra (11.54%), and Ir.
Sarkri Kosasih (11.54%). With its head office in Jakarta, Pyridam Farma Tbk. employs
around 457 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2003 total revenue for Pyridam Farma Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.27,256 million.
This is a 62.66 per cent decrease from the previous year where revenue was estimated to
be Rp.72,991 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.16,993 million and an estimated
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 21
gross profit Rp.5,948 million in 2003 and 2002 respectively. This is a decrease of
185.69 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Pyridam
Farma Tbk. was 62.35 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as a ratio of
turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross
profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2003 decreased by an estimated 84.69 per cent to Rp.10,263 million
compared to Rp.67,043 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have decreased from Rp.2,955 million in 2001 to
Rp.15,141 million in 2003, profit before tax for Pyridam Farma Tbk. was estimated to
reached Rp.2,644 million and Rp.1,347 million in 2002 and 2003 respectively.
Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk. with NPWP: 1.001.695.4-054 is a PMA company
established on 08/07/1970. On 29-Mar-83 it first issued 972,000 total listed shares on
the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities
include pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 2,268,000,000 and its
paid up capital is Rp. 2,268,000,000. The company's shareholders are 345 Park
Corporation (68%), Linson Investments Ltd., Sword, Ireland (22%), Preferred
Shareholders - 345 Park Corporation (4%), Preferred Shareholders - Linson Investment
Ltd. (4%), and Public (2%). With its head office in JakartaBristol Myers Squibb
Indonesia Tbk. is affiliated with Bristol Myers Squibb (United States). Its
products/services include pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include
Counterpain, Engran. Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk. employs around 334 staff in
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk. was estimated to be
Rp.221,594 million. This is a 12.2 per cent increase from the previous year where
revenue was estimated to be Rp.197,493 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.137,688 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.110,305 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is an
increase of 24.82 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk. was 62.14 per cent while the average gross
profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent.
As such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry
is average.
Cost of goods in 2004 decreased by an estimated 3.76 per cent to Rp.83,906 million
compared to Rp.87,188 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.60,638 million in 2001 to
Rp.66,776 million in 2004, profit before tax for Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia Tbk.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 22 was estimated to reached Rp.43,526 million and Rp.58,900 million in 2003 and 2004
Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. with NPWP: 01.000.781.3-092.000 is a PMDN company
established on 20/05/1970. On 17-Jun-94 it first issued 17,500,000 total listed shares on
the stock exchange. The company is a distributor, manufacturer, and their business
activities include pharmaceutical; cosmetic, personal care. Authorised capital for the
company is Rp. 250,000,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 225,000,000,000. The
company's shareholders are Bogamulia Nagadi (66.13%), Public (19.03%), Bankof
Bermuda Ltd. (HK) (9.5%), and UOB KAY Hian Pte. Ltd. (5.34%). With its head office
in JakartaTempo Scan Pacific Tbk. is affiliated with Eli Lilly(United States). Its
products/services include pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include
Bodrex, Hemaviton, Vidoran Smart. Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. employs around 403 staff
in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.2,371,553
million. This is a 11.65 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue was
estimated to be Rp.2,124,162 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.1,068,788 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.967,719 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is a
decrease of 10.44 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. was 45.07 per cent while the average gross profit before
tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the
company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 12.65 per cent to Rp.1,302,765 million
compared to Rp.1,156,443 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.586,743 million in 2001 to
Rp.684,173 million in 2004, profit before tax for Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. was
estimated to reached Rp.434,560 million and Rp.435,763 million in 2003 and 2004
Additional Information
TSP has been a certified GMP pharmaceutical manufacturer since 1990 with
certification for 11 kinds of dosage forms. To date, the company has already produced
and marketed 105 items for distribution domestically and 43 items for export. TSP’s
production activities are carried out at its 11,622 sq metres plant in Cawang, East
Jakarta. Its factory was recently upgraded and it has a work force of 492.
Tablet capacity is by far the largest compared to the capsule and liquid lines. The tablet
line is currently running at 200 % utilisation based on 1 extended shift per day. The
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 23
tablet capacity is primarily devoted to the production of the Bode lines. Total tablet
production is approximately 1.3 billion units per year, while capsules are around 250
million units and liquid 1.170.000 billion ltss. The majority of its capsule machinery are
for the production of Hemaviton.
TSP’s strength lies in its OTC products with major brands Brodex, Brodexin, and
Hemaviton, collectively, contributing approximately 70% of the consolidated
pharmaceutical revenue.
Advertising and promotional activities are very important for successfully marketing
OTC products and maintaining brand royalty. TSP allocates approximately 20% of its
OTC revenue for this purpose.
Dankos Laboratories Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Dankos Laboratories Tbk. with NPWP: 1.002.885.0-054.000 is a PMDN company
established on 25/03/1974. On 13-Nov-89 it first issued 525,000 total listed shares on
the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities
include cosmetic; food supplement; pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company
is Rp. 255,000,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 89,302,500,000. The company's
shareholders are Kalbe Farma Tbk. (71.46%), and Public (28.54%). With its head office
in Jakarta, brands of the company include Extra Joss, Fatigon, Komix, Mixagrip,
Sakatonik. Dankos Laboratories Tbk. employs around 3,060 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Dankos Laboratories Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.1,361,627
million. This is a 14.3 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue was
estimated to be Rp.1,191,273 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.751,748 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.614,909 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is an
increase of 22.25 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Dankos Laboratories Tbk. was 55.21 per cent while the average gross profit before
tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the
company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 5.81 per cent to Rp.609,879 million
compared to Rp.576,364 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.395,361 million in 2001 to
Rp.466,278 million in 2004, profit before tax for Dankos Laboratories Tbk. was
estimated to reached Rp.176,681 million and Rp.271,940 million in 2003 and 2004
Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk., PT
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 24 Brief Description
Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. with NPWP: 1.001.859.6-054 is a PMA company
established on 05/02/1976. On 11-Nov-94 it first issued 10,000,000 total listed shares
on the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activity
include: pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 380,000,000,000
and its paid up capital is Rp. 280,000,000,000. The company's shareholders are: DVL
Investment Ltd. (89.5%), and Public (10.5%). With its head office in Jakarta, its
products/services include pharmaceutical products, health care products, optical
products, spectacles, beverage, energy. Brands of the company include 3M, Allergan
Inernational, Ashford, Asta Pharma, Azu Pharma, Bausch & Lomb, Baxter, Bionoricad,
Boots Healthcare, Braun, Cedona, Chemo, Ciba-Geigy AG, Coloplast, Dagra, Dr. Falk,
Ethypharm, Eurodrug, Farmitalia Carlo Erba, Goppingon, Hermal, Luitpold,
Mailinckrodt, Mallinckrodt, Merck, Merz, Mullor, Natur E, Neo Strata, Nicholas,
Pharmaton, Pharos Chemie Amsterdam, Rhone Poulenc, Rohto Pharmaceutical,
Schwabe, Servier, Stiefel, Stop Cold, Tiger, Tonotan, Vifor, W.E Woods. Darya-Varia
Laboratoria Tbk. employs around 1,134 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.222,452
million. This is a 43.01 per cent decrease from the previous year where revenue was
estimated to be Rp.390,346 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.150,899 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.261,900 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is a
decrease of 42.38 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. was 67.83 per cent while the average gross profit
before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As
such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better than the industry is
Cost of goods in 2004 increased by an estimated 44.29 per cent to Rp.71,553 million
compared to Rp.128,446 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.183,120 million in 2001 to
Rp.96,620 million in 2004, profit before tax for Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. was
estimated to reached Rp.70,955 million and Rp.50,236 million in 2003 and 2004
Additional Information
The pharmaceutical industry today has New Hope and optimism. The industry is
recovering following the return of social and political stability as well as a slow
recovery from the economic crisis hitting Indonesia since mid 1997.
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 25

Darya-Varia Group has effectively taken advantage of the period of economic turmoil to
restructure and right-size its operations. The Group is emerging from the crisis in
fighting shape and will be an aggressive competitor in the new Indonesian economy of
the next decade.
The Company is professionally managed by a team of executives with extensive
experience in the multi-national pharmaceutical industry as well as other multi-national
and major national corporations.
The Company, as a member of the Unilab Group, conducts its business in an ethical and
professional manner. The majority of its business is derived from relationships with
multi-national Principals.
We aim to conduct our business with our Principals in an atmosphere of mutual trust
and respect. Our relationships with our Principals are conducted in an open and
transparent manner. We aim to provide our Principals with legal certainty by fully
respecting internationally-recognized contractual obligations and all intellectual
property rights.
Darya-Varia Group is investing heavily in upgrading its manufacturing facilities to
modern GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards, in state-of-the-art information
technology and in upgrading its human resources so that all 1,800 employees may reach
their full potential.
Currently this company status was moved as a joint- operation company that consists of
PT. Darya Varia, PT. Kalbe Farma, PT. Tempo and PT. Prafa. Due to the raw material
scarcity, it is required that each of these companies will concentrate on one production
Kimia Farma Tbk., PT (Persero)
Brief Description
Kimia Farma Tbk. (Persero) with NPWP: 1.001.627.7-051 is a PMDN company
established on 23/01/1969. On 04-Jul-01 it first issued 500,000,000 total listed shares on
the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, trader, and their business activity
include chemical; pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp.
2,000,000,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 555,400,000,000. The company's
shareholders are Indonesia Government (90.03%), Public (9%), and Employees
(0.97%). With its head office in Jakarta, its products/services include pharmacy,
industry, drugstore, and pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include Kimia
Farma, Marcks. Kimia Farma Tbk. (Persero) employs around 5,538 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2003 total revenue for Kimia Farma Tbk. (Persero) was estimated to be Rp.1,816,384
million. The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.542,686 million in 2003.
The estimated gross profit as a ratio of turnover for Kimia Farma Tbk. (Persero) was
29.88 per cent while the average gross profit as a ratio of turnover for the industry is
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 26 estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the company's estimated gross profitability ratio
to turnover in 2003 was less than the industries estimated average.
Cost of goods in was estimated to be Rp.1,273,698 million. With operating expense
estimated to be Rp.454,029 million, profit before tax for Kimia Farma Tbk. (Persero)
was estimated to Rp.76,536 million.
Additional Information
Kimia Farma is a pioneer in Indonesian pharmaceutical industry. The origin of Kimia
Farma can be tracked back to 1865, in the establishment of NV. Pharmaceutische
Handel Vereneging, J. Van Gorkom & Co., and followed by the establishment of NV.
Chemicalien Handel Rathkam & Co. in 1817.
Through a merger process with a number of other pharmaceutical companies in 1969,
the government established PNF Bhineka Kimia Farma in line with the policy of
nationalization of former Dutch companies in Indonesia.
Then, on August 16, 1971, the legal status was changed into Limited Liability
Company, to become PT Kimia Farma (Persero).
On July 4, 2001, the company was listed at the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya
Stock Exchange.
Kimia Farma began operations in 1817 as NV Chemicalien Handel Rathkamp & Co, the
first Dutch pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. In 1969, following the nationalization
of all Dutch companies by the Indonesia goverment and merger of several state
pharmaceutical companies, PNF Bhinneka Kimia Farma was founded. In 1971, this
company was transformed into PT(Persero) Kimia Farma, a state-owned limited
liability company.
Indofarma Tbk., PT (Persero) [Jakarta I Branch]
Brief Description
Indofarma Tbk. (Persero) [Jakarta I Branch] is a BUMN company. On 17-Apr-01 it first
issued 1 total listed shares on the stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and
their business activities include pharmaceutical. The company's shareholders are
Indonesian Government (80.66%), and Public (19.34%). With its head office in Jakarta,
Indofarma Tbk. (Persero) [Jakarta I Branch] employs around 921 staff in 2005.
Additional Information
PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk is a pharmaceutical company and its line of business is in
producing and marketing of drugs: generic and branded which includes licensed drugs,
traditional medicines, health food and other related products. PT Indofarma Global
Medika (IGM) is a trading and distribution company whose shares are 100% owned by
Indofarma. Its line of business is trading and distribution of pharmaceutical products. At
present, IGM have 26 branches across the country with more than 15,000 outlets
consisting of pharmacies, hospital, drugs store as well as other health institutions. PT
Riasima Abadi Farma aquired by Indofarma in 1996 with 50.8% share. The factory
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 27
produces raw material of drugs such as paracetamol, salicylamid, ethoxy benzamid and
qlyceryl guayacolat and is located in Cileungsi, Bogor, West Java.
We have more than 300 items which separate by 192 items of generics drugs, 2 items
branded ethical, 5 items OTC, 7 items herbal medicines, 5 items health food, 157 items
medical devices and 2 items infant food.
We have research on new chemical entity with Gadjah Mada University and research on
Obat Asli Indonesia with BATAN (National Atomic Energy Board) and LIPI (Indonesia
Science Insitute. We also have research on bio-availability with various universities.
Konimex, PT
Brief Description
Konimex is a national company established on 08/06/1967. The company is a
manufacturer, and their business activities include pharmaceutical; confectionery. With
its head office in Solo, its products/services include candy. Brands of the company
include Ciggy, Frozz, Gesit, Hexos, Kristal, Mouten, Nano Nano. Konimex employs
around 1,003 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2005 total revenue for Konimex was recorded to be Rp.474,000 million. This is a
8.47 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total Rp.437,000 million.
The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.285,000 million and a gross profit
Rp.262,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 8.78 per cent.
Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Konimex was 60.13 per cent while the
average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be
38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better
than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 8.00 per cent to Rp.189,000 million compared to
Rp.175,000 million the previous year.
With operating expense having increased from Rp.176,000 million in 2001 to
Rp.191,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Konimex was estimated to reached
Rp.86,000 million and Rp.94,000 million in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
Pharco, PT
Brief Description
Pharco with NPWP: is a national company. The company is a
manufacturer, and their business activities include pharmaceutical. Authorised capital
for the company is Rp. 21,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rp. 21,000,000. With its
head office in Semarang, Pharco employs around 3 staff in 2005.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 28
Financial Analysis
In 2005 total revenue for Pharco was recorded to be Rp.481,000 million. This is a 8.33
per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total Rp.444,000 million.
The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.289,000 million and a gross profit
Rp.267,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 8.24 per cent.
Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Pharco was 60.08 per cent while the
average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be
38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better
than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 8.47 per cent to Rp.192,000 million compared to
Rp.177,000 million the previous year.
With operating expense having increased from Rp.179,000 million in 2001 to
Rp.194,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Pharco was estimated to reached
Rp.88,000 million and Rp.95,000 million in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
Schering Plough Indonesia Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Schering Plough Indonesia Tbk. with NPWP: 1.001.702.8-054 is a PMA company
established on 01/11/1972. On 08-Jun-90 it first issued 892,800 total listed shares on the
stock exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities include
pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 5,000,000,000 and its paid
up capital is Rp. 3,600,000,000. The company's shareholders are Schering-Plough INTL
USA (64.6%), Schering-Plough Health Care PRODUCTS INC. USA (24.6%), and
Public (10.8%). With its head office in JakartaSchering Plough Indonesia Tbk. is
affiliated with Schering – Plough (United States). Its products/services include
pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include 3M, Abbott, Becton &
Dickinson, Combiphar, Fidia, Gibolan, Glaxo Indonesia, Korea Green, Nandimar
Ayudhita, New Interbat, Sandoz, Sanofi Pasteur, Schering Plough , Terumo. Schering
Plough Indonesia Tbk. employs around 287 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2003 total revenue for Schering Plough Indonesia Tbk. was estimated to be
Rp.117,435 million. This is a 6.83 per cent increase from the previous year where
revenue was estimated to be Rp.109,925 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.44,657 million and an estimated
gross profit Rp.40,235 million in 2003 and 2002 respectively. This is an increase of
10.99 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Schering
Plough Indonesia Tbk. was 38.03 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as a
ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the
company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was less than the industry's average.
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 29
Cost of goods in 2003 increased by an estimated 4.43 per cent to Rp.72,778 million
compared to Rp.69,690 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.35,174 million in 2001 to
Rp.36,529 million in 2003, profit before tax for Schering Plough Indonesia Tbk. was
estimated to reached Rp.-460.00 million and Rp.5,303 million in 2002 and 2003
Saka Farma Laboratories, PT
Brief Description
Saka Farma Laboratories with NPWP: 1.724.226.4-504 is a national company
established on 24/4/1997. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities
include pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 52,000,000,000 and
its paid up capital is Rp. 13,000,000,000. With its head office in Jakarta, Saka Farma
Laboratories employs around 43 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2005 total revenue for Saka Farma Laboratories was recorded to be Rp.409,000
million. This is a 8.49 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total
Rp.377,000 million.
The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.246,000 million and a gross profit
Rp.227,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 8.37 per cent.
Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Saka Farma Laboratories was 60.15 per
cent while the average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is
estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross profitability ratio to
turnover was better than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 8.67 per cent to Rp.163,000 million compared to
Rp.150,000 million the previous year.
With operating expense having increased from Rp.152,000 million in 2001 to
Rp.165,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Saka Farma Laboratories was
estimated to reached Rp.75,000 million and Rp.81,000 million in 2004 and 2005
Interbat, PT
Brief Description
Interbat is a national company. The company is a manufacturer, and their business
activities include pharmaceutical. With its head office in Jakarta, Interbat employs
around 103 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 30 In 2005 total revenue for Interbat was recorded to be Rp.442,000 million. This is a 8.6
per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total Rp.407,000 million.
The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.266,000 million and a gross profit
Rp.244,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 9.02 per cent.
Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Interbat was 60.18 per cent while the
average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be
38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better
than the industry is average.
Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 7.98 per cent to Rp.176,000 million compared to
Rp.163,000 million the previous year.
With operating expense having increased from Rp.164,000 million in 2001 to
Rp.178,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Interbat was estimated to reached
Rp.80,000 million and Rp.88,000 million in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
Sanbe Farma, PT
Brief Description
Sanbe Farma with NPWP: 1.104.916.0-423 is a national company established on
01/04/1975. The company is a exporter, manufacturer, and their business activity
include: pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 1,905,000,000 and
its paid up capital is Rp. 1,905,000,000. With its head office in Bandung, its
products/services include pharmaceutical products. Brands of the company include
Poldan, Sanaflu. Sanbe Farma employs around 4,003 staff in 2005
Financial Analysis
In 2005 total revenue for Sanbe Farma was recorded to be Rp.462,000 million. This is a
8.45 per cent increase from the previous year where revenue total Rp.426,000 million.
The company achieved a gross profit of Rp.278,000 million and a gross profit
Rp.256,000 million in 2005 and 2004 respectively. This is an increase of 8.59 per cent.
Gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for Sanbe Farma was 60.17 per cent while
the average gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to
be 38.25 per cent. As such the company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was better
than the industry's average.
Cost of goods in 2005 increased by 8.24 per cent to Rp.184,000 million compared to
Rp.170,000 million the previous year.
With operating expense having increased from Rp.172,000 million in 2001 to
Rp.186,000 million in 2005, profit before tax for Sanbe Farma was estimated to reached
Rp.84,000 million and Rp.92,000 million in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
Additional Information
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 31 Sanbe Farma was founded in 1975. Now more than 25 years after its inception, it has grown into Indonesia's largest ethical pharmaceutical company among over 200 pharmaceutical companies including multinationals with over 1500 employees. The major activity is of course the production and sales of medicines such as the classical and modern antibiotics, vitamins, etc., not only for human but also in the veterinary field for animal health. We serve the medical community of this vast country of over ten thousand islands through 22 own distribution centers and we keep contact with close to 40.000 medical doctors. Our portfolio has over 150 medicines and medicinal products. Our market is almost 100% domestic and relatively little effort has been made so far by us to open foreign markets yet, although we have some sales in surrounding South-East Asia (Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand and Singapore) and African countries. Worldwide progress in the health science - in medical biotechnology - and the knowledge of medicines is now increasing at a speed never reached in mankind's past. At the molecular level it has been estimated that some 500 molecules in the various cells of the human body are the known target for various medicines. The mechanism of action of one after another medicine is being elucidated. This year we have seen the decoding of the total human genome, in excess of 30.000 genes, coding for at least as many proteins, if not many more. Already a paralogue for the receptor protein of serotonin (affecting depression), a protein in the airway muscles involved in asthma and a protein in the brain linked to amyloid plaques thought to be involved in Alzheimer's and Down's syndromes have been identified. These are among first data from the two privately and publicly funded Human Genome projects and will undoubtedly lead to improved medication for these diseases. Indonesia has never been in the forefront of the health science, but has been provided by us and our colleagues in the pharmaceutical field, affordable medicines for its large population. We, at Sanbe Farma, have been very fortunate because we gained the knowledge to formulate - after patents expire - some of the most potent medicines ever discovered by mankind. Our labour force is skilled and cost-effective and we pray that this will be recognized by the Multinationals, the Universities and the Governments in the Western World, which should be on the lookout for opportunities to press forward in solving the huge problems of human health with competent partners in the Eastern and Southern parts of the world. A world which has become small because of English as a common language, the Airplane and the Internet. We have decided to start our Home Page this year, in order to let the World know that we are ready to interact and also look beyond our own borders seriously. We do not want to be left behind in the world of the health industries, but want to be partners all along from the inception of a medicine to its use, from the start of a medical diagnostic device until its application. It has become easy now to interact and work together in a structural way. Medicines should be produced in the world of the cost-effective and skilled labor forces in order to render them affordable for all the people of the world. So we are not only seeking distributors for our medicines, which are produced here in Bandung in the most modern facilities and with all the care needed to preserve their quality, but we are foremost looking for overseas innovative and creative partners in our ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 32 own field who are willing to give licenses to us to produce and promote the products in
Indonesia, especially those of course that are particularly relevant for the prevalent
diseases of the People from Indonesia.
Our newly appointed and first Director of Biotech and Science, Dr. J. Hilgers from The
Netherlands, will describe in his message to you how he envisions the future for Sanbe
Farma in the field of "biologicals". It is sufficient to mention here our ambitious new
program, to be launched in close collaboration with Bandung's most prestigious Institute
in the field of human vaccines (The 111 year old Instituut Pasteur, now called
BioFarma, recognized by the World Health Organization) in the field of human and
animal vaccines and some Medical Faculties of prominent Indonesian Universities.
We-all of us- at Sanbe Farma are in high spirits entering the Virtual World with our
Home Page on the Internet and hope that it will bring us a wealth of new interactions
and contacts, necessary to make progress in the Real World.
Bayer Indonesia Tbk., PT
Brief Description
Bayer Indonesia Tbk. with NPWP: is a PMA company established on
14/03/1969. On 04-Aug-82 it first issued 2,324,100 total listed shares on the stock
exchange. The company is a manufacturer, and their business activities include
pharmaceutical. Authorised capital for the company is Rp. 64,000,000,000 and its paid
up capital is Rp. 13,169,900,000. The company's shareholders are: Bayer AG,
Leverkusen (87.08%), Public (8.97%), and Bayer Kimia Farmasindo (3.95%). With its
head office in JakartaBayer Indonesia Tbk. is affiliated with Bayer AG (Germany). Its
products/services include chemical, insecticide, perfume, spray, chemical, mosquito
killer, pharmaceutical product. Brands of the company include Autan, Bayfresh,
Baygon, Canesten, Mafu. Bayer Indonesia Tbk. employs around 659 staff in 2005.
Financial Analysis
In 2004 total revenue for Bayer Indonesia Tbk. was estimated to be Rp.332,974 million.
This is a 44.6 per cent decrease from the previous year where revenue was estimated to
be Rp.601,021 million.
The company achieved an estimated gross profit of Rp.120,071 million and an
estimated gross profit Rp.214,529 million in 2004 and 2003 respectively. This is a
decrease of 44.03 per cent. The estimated gross profit before tax as a ratio of turnover
for Bayer Indonesia Tbk. was 36.06 per cent while the average gross profit before tax as
a ratio of turnover for the industry is estimated to be 38.25 per cent. As such the
company's gross profitability ratio to turnover was less than the industry's average.
Cost of goods in 2004 decreased by an estimated 44.91 per cent to Rp.212,903 million
compared to Rp.386,492 million the previous year.
With operating expense estimated to have increased from Rp.123,815 million in 2001 to
Rp.63,439 million in 2004, profit before tax for Bayer Indonesia Tbk. was estimated to
reached Rp.116,337 million and Rp.59,866 million in 2003 and 2004 respectively.
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 33

Additional Information
Bayer is one of the leading international research-based chemical and pharmaceutical
companies. Bayer's products are well known and widely used in Indonesia already more
than sixty years ago. They were marketed through various agents and trading houses.
Today with more than 1,700 employees, the Bayer Group in Indonesia is engaged in
various business activities, ranging from Chemicals, Science, Polymers and Health
PT Bayer Indonesia
Following the stipulation of Law Number 1 Year 1967 which provided the legal basis
for foreign capital investment in Indonesia, the Bayer Group decided to set up its own
production facilities and established PT Bayer Farma Indonesia on 14 March 1969.
Therewith Bayer was among the first German investor with production facilities in
Indonesia and was granted pioneer status.
On 1 April 1971, PT Bayer Agrochemicals was established. The company produced
agrochemicals and household insecticides in Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung. On
18 May 1982, PT Bayer Agrochemicals merged with PT Bayer Farma Indonesia and the
Company's name was changed to PT Bayer Indonesia. In the same year, the Company
went public and offered its shares at the Jakarta Stock Exchange.
Today PT Bayer Indonesia is engaged in the business of Consumer Care,
Pharmaceuticals and Crop Protection. The company's production sites are located at
Cibubur, Cimanggis and Surabaya.
PT Bayer Kimia Farmasindo
In 1998 Bayer acquired PT PD Djawa Maluku, one of its distributors, and renamed it
PT Bayer Kimia Farmasindo. The company is mainly engaged in the business activities
of Haarmann & Reimer, Specialty Products and Chemicals & Polymers. The company
has one production site located in Sidoarjo, East Java.
PT. Bayer Indonesia listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges in 1991 and
has four subsidiary companies. PT. Bayer Indonesia produces ethical and OTC
products, consumer health care products, household insecticides, toiletries and
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 34 Key Factors
Key Sensitivities

The key sensitivities affecting the performance of this industry include: • Domestic Goods Availability - Primary Materials Fluctuations in the price of imported raw materials. • The systems and technology utilised by the industry Recent years have seen a number of key advances in the level of technology utilised by the industry. Continued advances in the fields of biochemistry, genome's, molecular biology and immunology will see the growing importance of technology. • The level of health consciousness of the population. Moves towards healthier living and prevention of disease. Additionally, community beliefs about the safety and effectiveness of taking pharmaceuticals, affects the demand for industry products. • Exchange Rates - Rupiah per US dollar Fluctuations in the foreign exchange rate. • Government policies relating to the industry. Operating against a highly politicised backdrop, the industry is subject to tight regulations with numerous policies influencing the manufacture and distribution of industry products. • Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents. Key Success Factors
• Supply contracts to secure continuous raw material supply. • Effective product promotions. • Effective cost controls. Efficiency through improvement of production costs. • Establishment of brand names. An established brand name is important, as people perceive there to be a risk in taking pharmaceuticals, but the perceived risk is lessened with identifiable brand names. • Being part of a group buying, promotion and marketing scheme alliances with • Having a diverse range of clients in distribution. • Provision of development programs, such as undertaking technical research and development for product innovation, and intensive human resources training. • Ability to alter goods and services produced in favour of market conditions. The development of new pharmaceuticals may increase revenue and market share. • Protection of intellectual property/copyright of output registration and patent ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 35 Line of Best Fit Projection
Industry Turnover
Industry Gross Product
Percentage Growth

Using the line of best fit projection analysis, industry turnover is projected to grow by
19.85 per cent from Rp.27,568 Billions in 2006 to Rp.33,040 Billions in 2010. Value
added is also projected to grow from Rp.7,118 Billions in 2006 to Rp.8,759 Billions in
2010. This is a total increase of 23.06 per cent.
DIS Projection & Analysis
Industry Turnover
Industry Gross Product
Percentage Growth
DIS forecasts industry turnover to increase by a total of 20.56 per cent from Rp.28,327 Billions in 2006 to Rp.34,152 Billions in 2010. Industry turnover is expected to reach Rp.28,327 Billions in 2006, increasing by 5.38 per cent to Rp.29,850 Billions in 2007, and then increasing by 5.69 per cent to Rp.31,549 Billions in 2008. Turnover is then expected to increase by 2.75 per cent Rp.32,415 Billions in 2009, and then increase to Rp.34,152 Billions in 2010. Value Added is forecasted to reach Rp.7,131 Billions in 2006, and then increase by 5.93 per cent to Rp.7,555 Billions in 2007. In 2008 value added is projected to reach Rp.7,963 Billions, increasing to Rp.8,399 Billions in 2009 and then increasing by 4.97 per cent to Rp.8,817 Billions in 2010. Turnover of this industry is expected to increase due to factors including: • Several industry operators have intensified production and recruited new professionals. This shows the industry's readiness to increase production, hence increasing sales volumes. • Some new medicine products produced by foreign manufacturers, which are specifically used for family planning and sexual disorder treatment, have tended to receive approval from the government to be distributed and marketed in Indonesia. • Deregulation in the field of community health has tended to simplify the establishment permit process, hence increasing sales volume of medicines and pharmaceutical products. This includes special government approval for fresh graduate doctors to establish operations. • Deregulation in pricing. The government's recent policy on prices of generic medicines has tended to increase demand and sales volume. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 36 Private and government sectors are continuing research to develop products using local materials. This effort is intended to reduce the reliance on imported materials. Tight competition among operators will continue increase. To strengthen the capital, three companies merged in the early 2006, these were Kalbe Farma, Dankos and Enseval. Hence in the future, the number of establishment’s forecast to decline but the sales revenue will continue to increase. Import value is still higher than export value but is forecast to decrease slightly during the next five years to 2010, in turn exports are forecast to increase over the same period. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 37 Merck Complains about High Costs: Kompas, 26 April 2006, page 19
PT Merck Indonesia complains about its high expenditure as a result of the regulation
that is too general regarding the import of chemicals. PT Merck has two pharmacy
divisions, a pharmacy division contributing to 70 percent of the income and a chemical
division contributing to 30 percent of its income.
In 2005, the company's sales rose to Rp.386.346 billion compared the previous year's
Rp.373.341 billion. Meanwhile, the company's profit increased from Rp.57.239 billion
in 2004 to Rp.57.700 billion in 2005.
H5N1 Vaccine Production Awaits MoU: Bisnis Indonesia, 12 April 2006, page T7
PT Bio Farma still waits for signed MoU between the Health Minister and the foreign
company appointed to manufacture avian influenza vaccine, H5N1. Despite speculation
that US-based Research Company Baxxter is soon to be Bio Farma's partner, Bio Farma
stated that it still do not known which company will be partnered with it.
Indofarma Revises Income Target: Bisnis Indonesia, 22 March 2006, page B1
After receiving the order to manufacture Tamiflu from the government, the management
of PT Indofarma Tbk has revised its income target this year from Rp.720 billion to
Rp.900 billion. The pharmacy received orders to produce 10 - 12 million capsules of
Tamiflu this year. So far, it has already made 5 million capsules worth Rp.80 billion.
Although its income may rise, Indofarma predicts that its net profit will not go much
higher because the Tamiflu project is not a large order.
Bio Farma Will Produce Avian Flu Vaccination: Bisnis Indonesia, 16 March 2006,
page T7

This year, PT Bio Farma will start producing the avian flu vaccination named H5NI for
humans. The company may work together with a research facility from the US named
Baxxter, a vaccine producer from France named Pasteur, and a vaccine producer from
Italy, depending on which one is ready first.
Pharmaceutical Products Should be Free of VAT: Bisnis Indonesia, 16 March
2006, page T7

Medicinal products, health equipment, and patient care equipment in hospitals should be
free of the 10 percent value added tax (VAT) to increase consumer's access to them in
the midst of the low buying power of consumers. The problems concerning the VAT of
hospital pharmacies have been going on for quite sometimes with no real solution.
Bio Farma Prepares 66.2 Million Dosages of Polio Vaccine: Bisnis Indonesia, 28
February 2006, page T7

___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 38
PT Bio Farma has prepared 66.2 million dosages of polio vaccine, which in total are
worth Rp.45 billion, to be distributed in the National Immunisation Week (PIN). The
National Immunisation Weekend will be held from February to April 2006. Bio Farma
plans to allocate the vaccines to 33 provinces in Indonesia.
KF and Indofarma's Merger Appraisal Done: Bisnis Indonesia, 24 February 2006,
page B1

The government might merge two pharmacies, PT Kimia Farma Tbk and PT Indofarma
Tbk, following the appraisal of the two pharmacies done by PT Mandiri Sekuritas. The
merge of the two companies is considered urgent because AFTA will be opened in
2008. By then, the pharmaceutical companies have to be prepared to compete with the
foreign companies.
Dexa Builds Rp.35 Billion Antibiotics Factory: Bisnis Indonesia, 7 February 2006,
page T7

PT Dexa Medica has invested Rp.35 billion to build a cephalosporin (a type of
antibiotic) factory with a production capacity of 8 - 10 million vials a year. The factory
is built to provide solid oral medication such as capsules, tablets, dry syrup, and sterile
powder injections. The factory's facility already includes current good manufacturing
practices (GMP). This factory is also built in order to fulfil the ever-increasing local and
export demand. It is hoped to contribute as much as 12 - 15 percent to the company's
performance. The company expects that in the next five year, the company's utilisation
will reach 70 - 80 percent. PT Dexa hopes to be able to dominate at least 7 percent of
the domestic market from the total prescription medication.
Pyridam's Sales Increase: Bisnis Indonesia, 3 February 2006, page B2
Although PT Pyridam Farma Tbk's sales all throughout last year was predicted to rise to
around Rp.39 billion from Rp.33.97 billion in 2004, its net profit dropped from Rp.1.3
billion to Rp.1.43 billion. This is because the company did not increase the price of its
products at all last year. Therefore, Pyridam will increase the selling price of its
products by around 8 percent to 10 percent in the beginning of this year in order to
adapt to increasing production costs. The minimum sector wage has also been increased
as much as 23 percent this year, giving a 4 percent effect to the company's total
New Blue Chip: Kontan, No.16, Year X, 23 January 2006, page 11
After the merge process was over, Kalbe Farma became a new blue chip in the stock
exchange market and has a bright business prospective. Investors have been keeping an
eye on the company's stock movement and are expected to come flocking soon. After its
merge with Enseval and Dankos, its market capitalisation value became extremely large
to around Rp.11.8 trillion. The number of shares owned by investors also rose from
around 3.3 million before the merge to around 3.8 million after the merge. Up to
September last year, Kalbe Farma managed to book a sale of Rp.3.3 trillion and net
profit of Rp.435 billion (before the merge). The company is considered to have all the
qualities of a blue chip.
Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 39

In 2006, the sales value of Kalbe Farma is predicted to reach Rp.4.9 trillion, or up 18
percent compared to last year's sales. Meanwhile, its net profit is estimated to reach
Rp.607 billion by the end of this year. If the exchange rate of the rupiah still remains
strong, then the company's growth potential has the ability to increase even more. The
current price of Kalbe's shares is around Rp.1,160 nominally. Analysts conclude the
prise could reach up to Rp.1,200 - Rp.1,350 per share.
Sanbe Operates Sterile Material Factory: Bisnis Indonesia, 13 January 2006, page

PT Sanbe Farma has started operating its new sterile material company, worth US$ 25
million, which produces medical products and equipment such as intravenous infusion,
eye drop, vials, eye ointment and lens maintenance liquid. The factory is the only
factory in Indonesia and Southeast Asia that manufactures infusion liquid in a soft bag
by implementing a 121 decree Celsius sterilization system for 15 minutes. The new
29,000-square-metre factory employs 200 workers.
___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2006 PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa Page 40


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