Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica doxycycline Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Columbia university medical center renal transplant program
– Nephrologists– Surgeons– Pathologists– Tissue Typing– Consultants
– Living Donor– Pre-Transplant– Post-Transplant– List maintenance
• Administrator• Social Work• QA/PI• “Desensitization Team”
– 4 Full-time transplant Nephrologists– 4 other Nephrologists participate in the care of transplant patients
– 7 transplant surgeons, 5 also participate in Liver transplantation– 3 Living Donor surgeons– 1 Pediatric surgeon
– Cardiology– Urology– Infectious Diseases– Pulmonary– Vascular Surgery– Psychiatry
– 1 post-transplant coordinator – “Top 40” list
• Living related• Living Unrelated, but Emotionally related• “Internet-related” donor
• Standard living donor transplants• Paired kidney exchanges (“swaps”)
Dedicated separate team, none involved with the care of the potential recipient
• Living Donor Coordinator• Nephrologist• Dedicated Social Worker• Psychiatrist• Nutrition• Surgeon
2. Pretesting: ABO, HLA, BMP, urine analysis
Calculate BMI Calculate eGFR (MDRD)
Calculate eCrCl (Cockroft and Gault)
If either calculation is below 80ml/minute, patient to bring in 24 hour urine collection to first evaluation or complete
Iothalamate GFR per the nephrologist’s recommendation 3. Donor Phone Intake The Donor must initiate the first contact with the transplant team. At that time, the results of the family study are
discussed with the donor and a brief history is taken. 4. First Evaluation
Meet with a Donor Transplant Coordinator
A complete physical with a nephrologist
Blood and urine tests Chest x-ray and EKG
Abdominal and pelvic CT scan angiogram
7. Discussion of patient at selection meeting by multidisciplinary transplant selection committee.
Pre-op testing to be completed 7-10 days prior to surgery; tests include a final cross match with the recipient,
Stress echocardiogram for all patients over the age of 50
Mammogram for women over the age of 40
Colonoscopy for everyone over the age of 50
PSA for all men over 50 years old and for all African Americans over age of 40
• Age < 18 years old• Measured gfr <80 ml/min• Abnormal glucose metabolism• Proteinuria, Hematuria• Hypertension• BMI > 40• Active psychiatric disorder/inability to give informed
Family history of ADPCKD, < 30 years old in the
• Living Donor Transplant• Deceased Donor Transplant• ABO Incompatible• + Cross match• Paired Kidney Exchange• Kidney after non-renal solid organ transplantation• Kidney re-transplantation following BK nephropathy
Columbia University Medical Center
– ThymoglobulinR 1-1.5 mg/kg daily x 4-5 days – Solu-medrol 500 mg IV day 0; Solu-medrol 250
mg IV d 1; 125 mg IV day 2; Solu-medrol 75 mg IV day 3.
– Tacrolimus (initial target level 10-12 ng/ml)– Mycophenolate sodium (MyforticR)
– Depending on pathology (Steroid pulse,
ThymoglobulinR, (OKT3), Plasmapheresis-IVIg)
Columbia University Medical Center
• Induction: (Elderly, Reduced LV function, HLA
– SimulectR 20 mg day 0, day 4 – Solu-medrol 500 mg IV day 0; Solu-medrol 250
mg IV d 1; 125 mg IV day 2; Solu-medrol 75 mg IV day 3.
– Tacrolimus (initial target level 10-12 ng/ml)– Mycophenolate sodium (MyforticR)
– Depending on pathology (Steroid pulse,
ThymoglobulinR, (OKT3), Plasmapheresis-IVIg)
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for Positive Crossmatch Live Donor
• Identification of donor specific antibody, type, “strength”(titer)
• Desensitization using plasmapheresis, IVIg, immunosuppression
• Patients with a live donor with a flow cytometry positive crossmatch
with Donor specific antibody, but a negative cytotoxic crossmatch, will receive 2 PP/IVIg treatments pre-transplant and 2 PP/IVIg treatments post-transplant
– Tacrolimus 0.05 mg/kg/dose with Q 12hr dosing– Myfortic (MPA) 720 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for Caucasians,
– MPA 1080 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for African Americans
One volume exchange replaced with Albumin
IVIg 100mg/Kg after each plasmapheresis treatment
Starting Titer- #PP/IVIg Patients will receive a Cytotoxic Treatments Pre- minimum of two PP/IVIg treatments Crossmatch Transplant following transplantation Following Cessation of Plasmapheresis: IVIg (10% sucrose free) 1 gm/kg QD X 2 days (total dose 2 gm/kg) to be administered every other month for 3 Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for Positive Crossmatch Live Donor (2)
• Intra-operative:
– Solumedrol 500 mg IVPB– Zenapax (Daclizumab) 2mg/Kg IV– Rituximab 375 mg/m2
• POD #0:
– Start Tacrolimus 0.05 mg/kg/dose with Q 12hr dosing when
– Myfortic (MPA) 720 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for Caucasians,
– MPA 1080 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for African Americans
• POD #1:
– Solumedrol 250 mg IVPB– Tacrolimus target level 15-20– MPA as above---adjust as tolerated
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for Positive Crossmatch Live Donor (3)
– Solumedrol 125 mg IVPB– Tacrolimus target level 15-20– MMF as above---adjust as tolerated
– Solumedrol 75 mg IVPB– Tacrolimus target level 15-20– MPA as above---adjust as tolerated
– Prednisone 20 mg X 2 weeks– Tacrolimus target level 15-20 for 3 months, then 10-15 for
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for Positive Crossmatch Live Donor (4)
• POD #14:
– Zenapax (Daclizumab) 1 mg/Kg – Prednisone 15 mg QD X 2 weeks IV
• POD #30 (1 month post-op):
– Prednisone 10 mg QD X 2 weeks– Zenapax (Daclizumab) 1 mg/Kg IV
• POD #45 (6 weeks post-op):
– Prednisone 5 mg QD X 2 weeks– Zenapax (Daclizumab) 1 mg/Kg IV
• POD #60 (2 months post-op):
– Prednisone 2.5 mg QD X 2 weeks then– Prednisone 2.5 mg QOD X 2 weeks then D/C at 3 months– Zenapax (Daclizumab) 1 mg/Kg IV
Renal Transplantation Follow-up Protocol for Positive Crossmatch Live Donor Transplantation
• Protocol biopsies, Donor-specific crosssmatch• Weeks 1,2,4• Months 6, 12, 24
– Diagnosis (DSA, graft dysfunction, Histology – C4d+)– Treatment
• Plasmapheresis, IVIg• Pulse steroids• (Thymoglobulin)• (Rituximab, High-dose IVIg)• Donor-specific antibody monitoring
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for ABO-Incompatible Live Donor Starting #PP/IVIg Isoagglutinin Treatments Transplant
is based on starting isoagglutinin titer and
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for ABO-Incompatible Live Donor
– Tacrolimus 0.05 mg/kg/dose with Q 12hr dosing – MyforticR (MPA) 720 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for
– MyforticR 1080 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for
African Americans (?”intensified dosing regimen”)
– Solumedrol 500 mg IVPB– Thymoglobulin 1.5 mg/kg (round off to nearest 25mg)
(goal for total Thymoglobulin dose 6 mg/Kg)
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for ABO-Incompatible Live Donor
– Start Tacrolimus 0.05 mg/kg/dose with Q 12hr dosing when
– Myfortic (MPA) 720 mg/dose with Q 12hr dosing for Caucasians,
– MPA 1080 gm/dose with Q 12hr dosing for African Americans
– Solumedrol 250 mg IVPB– Thymoglobulin 1.5 mg/kg (round off to nearest 25mg) –
(Thymoglobulin should be administered following plasmapheresis)
– Tacrolimus target level 15-20– MPA as above---adjust as tolerated
Renal Transplantation Immunosuppression for ABO-Incompatible Live Donor
• POD #2: • Solumedrol 125 mg IVPB • Thymoglobulin 1.5 mg/kg (round off to nearest 25mg) – goal for total
Thymoglobulin dose 6 mg/Kg---Thymoglobulin should be administered following plasmapheresis
• Tacrolimus target level 15-20• MMF as above---adjust as tolerated
• POD #3: • Solumedrol 75 mg IVPB • Thymoglobulin 1.5 mg/kg (round off to nearest 25mg) -Thymoglobulin
should be administered following plasmapheresis
• Tacrolimus target level 15-20• MPA as above---adjust as tolerated• CBC with Differential on POD#3 for patients on Thymoglobulin with target
percentage of Lymphocytes <5% and the absolute lymphocyte count <100
Renal Transplantation Follow-up Monitoring for ABO- Incompatible Live Donor
• POD #4:
– Tacrolimus target level 15-20 for 1 month, then 10-15 for 2nd
• Desensitization for Deceased donor transplantation (per
– Patient selection – waiting time based– IVIG (high dose)– Rituximab
• Kidney Transplantation after other non-renal sold organ transplant (already on long-term immunosuppression)
– Simulect induction– Sirolimus converted to Mycophenolic acid– Resume Sirolimus at 6 weeks
• Repeat transplant with prior history of BK polyomavirus
– Simulect induction– Tacrolimus, Leflunomide
– Volumes – Patient, graft survival, living donor and deceased
donor, adult and pediatric, benchmarked against US national results
– Analysis of all graft failures, regardless of time after
– Analysis of all patient deaths, regardless of time
– Review of possible disease transmission from donor kidney
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 12898-12900 Validation of a Model for the Complex of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase with Sustiva through Computation of Resistance Profiles Robert C. Rizzo, De-Ping Wang, Julian Tirado-Rives, andWilliam L. Jorgensen* Department of Chemistry, Yale Uni V ersity New Ha V en, Connecticut 06520-8107 Re V ised Manuscript Recei V ed October 24, 2000 All retrovi
Asthma Action Plan/Medication Authorization Form For all children with asthma Mecklenburg County Health Dept. Student Name ______________________________ CMS Student ID# ____________________________________ School/Year ______________________________ Grade/Teacher ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian ______________________ Contact Number (H)