Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
WEEK OF JUNE 18, 2007 • VOL. XXX, NO. 25
New Risks, New PlanDrug safety concerns show need for sophisticated risk management.
rcoxia, Vioxx, Acomplia, Zelnorm, and Tysabri; Aranesp,
Procrit, Avandia and Lucentis. The concerns raised about
these drugs illustrate the unprecedented focus on both safe-
ty and costs not only at the Food and Drug Administration but also in
Congress and at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
sales for Zelnorm at the FDA’s request. An outside reviewer’s
From the FDA’s enhanced concerns about safety to Congress’
post hoc analysis of clinical trials revealed an increased risk of
consideration of bills authorizing the FDA to impose ongoing
cardiovascular events for Zelnorm users. But that analysis
risk management programs and post-market studies, as well as
showed that only 13 patients (0.1 percent) had serious events,
the CMS’ increasing interest in requiring pharmaceutical compa-
nies to demonstrate cost and comparative effectiveness, the land-
The FDA has been evaluating whether additional safety warnings
scape of drug and biologic development is rapidly and irrevoca-
for other products—including the diabetes drugs Avandia from
bly changing. These changes will have dramatic consequences
GlaxoSmithKline and Actos from Takeda—are needed to highlight a
for the process of selecting drug candidates, the scope and type
possible risk of congestive heart failure in certain patients.
of clinical studies, and the market value of products and compa-
Similarly, the FDA convened its Oncologic Drugs Advisory
nies. Pharmaceutical companies must respond by better integrat-
Committee to reassess the risk-benefit profile of certain anemia
ing their own risk management strategies.
drugs, such as Amgen’s Aranesp and Johnson & Johnson’sProcrit, to address new concerns over their use with cancer
patients. The advisory committee unanimously recommended
The market has seen the highly publicized withdrawals of
that additional safety studies be conducted. It also voted in favor
several widely used drugs—including Merck’s Vioxx and
of added “black box” warnings on the product labels.
Pfizer’s Bextra—because of significant safety issues that arose
Another way in which the FDA has reacted to growing public
after FDA approval. Not surprisingly, this has had ripple effects
concern about drug safety is by imposing risk minimization
at the FDA itself. In a host of ways, the agency has been increas-
action plans, or RiskMAPs. The agency in 2005 issued guidance
ing its oversight of new and already-approved drugs.
documents on RiskMAPs, which can effectively limit the scope
For example, there has been a substantial increase in health
of the distribution and sale of products. For example, the recent
advisories. In 2001, the FDA issued four. By 2005 and 2006, the
RiskMAP adopted for Biogen Idec/Elan’s multiple sclerosis
drug Tysabri required that the drug makers create a mandatory
Greater evidence of comparative safety or efficacy may be
patient registry, mandate a preliminary MRI, and make the drug
required for approval of new drugs where other therapeutic
available only through authorized doctors or centers.
products are on the market. The FDA’s “not approvable” deci-
In addition, the agency has increasingly obliged drug developers to
sion on Merck’s arthritis drug Arcoxia, for example, has been
agree to undertake post-market clinical studies, generally referred to
widely seen as indicating a more conservative approach.
as Phase IV studies. (The efficacy of this requirement, including the
That same conservativism appears to have affected the agency’s
effectiveness of the FDA’s oversight, has been widely questioned.)
weighing of the risks and benefits of Sanofi-Aventis’ diet drugAcomplia. After issuing an initial “approvable” letter, the agency
reversed its determination that an “obesity management” indication
While the FDA has been doing more with its current authority,
for Acomplia could be approved without an advisory committee
public outcry over drug safety has stimulated congressional inter-
2007 ALM Properties Inc. All rights reserved. This article is reprinted with permission from Legal Times
(1-800-933-4317 • [email protected] • www.legaltimes.com).
est as well. Congress has undertaken hearings both on safety
The first comparative effectiveness trial of a pioneer drug
issues affecting specific drugs (such as Avandia) and on broad
undertaken by the National Institutes of Health was
legislation to enhance FDA authority. Proposals have exploded in
announced in February this year. The trial will compare two
number. From 1989 to 1998, no bills containing the words “drug
Genentech drugs, Lucentis (which costs $2,000 a dose) and
safety” were introduced. From 2003 to 2004, there were 19. And
Avastin (which costs $40 a dose). The potential Medicare sav-
ings from use of the less expensive drug are estimated at as
This year the Senate passed the Food and Drug Administration
Revitalization Act, which requires a particularized “risk evalua-tion and mitigation strategy” if serious risks are uncovered during
a drug’s clinical trials and post-approval studies or through the
This unprecedented confluence of interest among the FDA,
FDA’s adverse event reporting system or outside studies. The bill
Congress, and the CMS on drug safety, comparative effective-
also mandates that the agency create an active post-approval drug
ness, and cost issues makes it imperative that pharmaceutical
surveillance system and provides significant civil penalties—up
and biotechnology companies develop their own more sophisti-
to $2 million—for companies that fail to comply with the risk
The effects of all these government efforts on drug developers
Mark McClellan, the former head of both the FDA and the
are likely to be substantial. They include more restricted distribu-
CMS, has commented that this legislation would constitute “the
tion, and consequently sales, of some drugs; reductions in cover-
biggest set of changes in post-market drug regulations since at
age and reimbursement by the government and private payers
least 1962,” with the FDA “doing no less than entering a new
based on new comparative clinical effectiveness and cost-effective-
ness studies; and the resulting effects on the market’s valuation of
McClellan has also observed that more generally, new drug
drugs and their manufacturers, which could, in turn, affect negotia-
safety laws could be expected to create new interactions between
tions over collaboration agreements, mergers, and acquisitions.
the FDA, the CMS, and private payers as part of the development
Traditionally, drug developers have narrowly focused their
of cost containment mechanisms under the Medicare prescription
clinical trials on generating sufficient safety and efficacy data to
drug benefit. Legislation has recently been introduced in the
obtain FDA approval as quickly as possible. Pricing and reim-
House, for example, to provide additional funding to compare the
bursement issues were rarely addressed before that approval.
cost and effectiveness of various treatments for particular illnesses.
Indeed, they seldom needed to be addressed at all, because near-ly every approved drug was reimbursed at whatever price level
Perhaps most surprisingly—in view of its traditional lack of
That system is no more. In this new era of greater focus on
involvement in this area—the CMS has begun to consider a role in
safety and cost, developers of drugs and biologics must make
drug safety and effectiveness matters. The driving force is the
their own risk management plans up front.
strongly felt need to contain the costs of the Medicare drug benefit.
For example, clinical trials today should include tests designed
So far, the CMS has proposed restrictions on coverage and
to establish comparative safety and efficacy as well as cost-effec-
reimbursement for anemia drugs, such as Aranesp and Procrit,
tiveness. Such evidence must be ready at the time of FDA
in view of the new label warning for certain cancer patients.
approval to answer government and private payer challenges.
The CMS is also reviewing its coverage policy for these drugs
Drug developers should also be prepared with their own data
when they are used to treat kidney disease. Because these
and communications strategies to respond to the results of gov-
drugs are the single largest expenditure for Medicare, limita-
ernment-directed studies of comparative efficacy. The implica-
tions on the scope of coverage or reimbursement could result
tions of making supporting data more publicly available at an
in substantial savings for the government. A Wall Street phar-
earlier stage in a product’s life cycle must also be addressed.
maceutical industry analyst observed, “We could never have
Companies will also want to prepare plans to respond to ques-
anticipated that the extent of the regulatory and reimbursement
tionable calls for the market withdrawal of a product and to
address the risk of class actions, which will surely follow.
There is a similar substantial interest in developing mechanisms
Proving the clinical safety and efficacy of a pioneer drug is
to research the comparative effectiveness of medical treatments.
thus only the beginning. Drug companies must also adjust to
The Congressional Budget Office is preparing a report on the
these new cost and safety demands with their own improved,
potential for such research to reduce costs and improve treatment.
better-integrated risk management strategies.
And Gail Wilensky, the head of the CMS’ predecessor agency, hasproposed a new quasi-governmental entity to oversee such
Stephen Paul Mahinka is a partner and chairman of the life
research. Private insurer groups have also supported the idea.
sciences interdisciplinary practice at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius in
This quasi-governmental entity might be modeled after the
Washington, D.C. Kathleen M. Sanzo is a partner in the firm’s
United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Clinical
D.C. office and leader of the FDA/health care regulation practice.
Excellence, which has become active in evaluating clinical
Contact them at [email protected] and ksanzo@mor-
effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. The U.K. agency conclud-
ganlewis.com. Their firm represents several of the drug compa-
ed, for example, that Tysabri is not cost-effective for routine
nies mentioned here. The authors thank Jun Li, a law clerk andregulatory scientist, for his assistance.
2007 ALM Properties Inc. All rights reserved. This article is reprinted with permission from Legal Times
(1-800-933-4317 • [email protected] • www.legaltimes.com).
Ley No. 86-89 que modifica los artículos 1 y 67 de la Ley del Notario No. 301 del 18 de junio de 1964 EL CONGRESO NACIONAL En Nombre de la República Ley No. 86-89 CONSIDERANDO: Que la Ley del Notariado, publicada en la Gaceta Oficial No. 8870, rige desde el 18 de junio de 1964; CONSIDERANDO: Que, conforme al Artículo 67 de dicha Ley se establece una tarifa a la que están sometidos
W estchester R egional E mergency M edical A dvisory C ommittee BLS Nebulized Albuterol Collaborative Agreement Between an Emergency Medical Service (EMS) agency and a Physician Medical Director for the Provision of Nebulized Albuterol Administration in New York State, in the Westchester EMS Region The following agreement stands between the ____________________________________