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Yet another quarter of robust performance
Analyst | Shishir Manuj | Tel : +91-22-67103043 | [email protected]
Dabur reported strong volume-led numbers in line with our estimates. Despite softening in demand observed by most players,
Dabur reported broadbased growth. With strong performance improvement in FemCare, management reinforced its acquisitions
management track. Margins improved sharply despite spurt in marketing spend. We like the company for its wide portfolio, strong management and growth focus. We find the stock attractively priced and reiterate our BUY. Dabur is our top FMCG pick.
Revenue grew 19% with 14% underlying volume growth.
Except some slackness in hair and home care, most other
segments reported strong growth. Translation losses during
the quarter pulled down reported growth.
555bps yoy decline in GM offset sharp jump in A&P ratio
driving OPM up 235bps to 19.5%. Operating profits were up
35%. Management does not see pressure on gross margins
for the near-term. We see OPM holding up for some time, as
A&P ratio leaves sufficient legroom to manage margins.
While high food prices are being cited by most managements
as hurting demand, we are pretty comfortable with Dabur’s
current volume growth. However, value growth will turn down
in absence of any major product inflation. The launch pipeline
We like the sharp improvement in FemCare OPM (18.5% vs
12.7%), as management stays focuses on investing behind
fewer brands and not trying too many things.
Stock is trading at 23.6x EPS and 18.8x EV/EBITDA on
1-year rolling forward basis. We find valuations attractive for
20% 2-yr EPS CAGR, and much lower risk to growth. We
reiterate our BUY call with a target price of Rs 186.
Source :Company, Bloomberg, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates
Mangal Keshav Securities Ltd. 301A-304, Kotia Nirman, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053.
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates
Oral care surprised positively, hair care negatively:
We are quite surprised by the strong growth in oral care led
by toothpaste. This comes on the back of very sedate
Dabur’s strong 18.8% revenue growth was driven by 14%
growth in the last few quarters. We are raising our
underlying volume growth. Both domestic and international
estimates for oral care growth. However, hair care
growth remained strong, although currency translation
disappointed us. While hair oil was facing a strong base
and did not witness price growth, anti-dandruff shampoos
pulled down overall shampoos growth. We believe we will
Sales growth backed up by high volume growth
see some improvement going ahead as the company rolls out new extension nationally.
International revenue growth was a little weaker compared
to recent history, a part of which is explained by the
strengthening Rs/USD. We had anyways estimated for a
lower growth for the medium-term accounting for the increased size of the business.
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research
Volume growth consistent at higher levels
12.0 Overall sales growth hurt by deferral of
15.0 institutional sales. Company gained
30.4 performed well. Toothpowder managed
49.1 to stay flat, despite declining category.
25.0 Burrst to be launched nationally next
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research
Dabur gained market share in most key categories.
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research; some data points have been restated
helped deliver this improvement. Management continues to focus on the bleaching and depilatory products.
OPM expanded 234bps driven by 555bps yoy lower
material cost, despite hardly any product price hike taken.
Recurring EPS grows 27%: Operating profits grew 34.8%
Management indicated that they are adequately covered
yoy driving up recurring EPS by 27% to Rs1.59. This was
for the next quarter, although they were tentative for the
despite a lower other income and higher effective tax rate
year ahead. We see some input inflation build up, but this
is likely to be more muted than most other FMCG
Tweaking up estimates: Although the results are in line with
companies due to the spread of inputs. We believe current
our estimates, we are raising our estimates to account for
OPM levels are sustainable over the next few quarters, as
little slower revenue growth and higher gross margins.
management has got back pricing power after no price
hikes in the last few quarters. Besides, Q3FY10 saw 54%
yoy higher A&P spend. While management believes A&P
base ratios have moved up to around 13%, we believe this
still allows management to leverage when under margin
Source: Mangal Keshav Research Estimates Source: Bloomberg, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research.
The stock is trading at 23.6x EPS and 18.8x EV/EBITDA on
a 1-year forward basis. We find the valuations attractive
based on the 20% EPS CAGR over FY10E-FY12E. We also
see lower risk to growth compared to most other FMCG
peers due to the diversified product and raw material
portfolio and lower head-on competitiveness.
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research.
Femcare witnessing sharp improvement: We are quite
impressed by the c.600bps improvement in FemCare’s
OPM to 18.5% besides a strong growth that it has reported.
Tighter cost control and better leverage benefits have
Source: Company, Mangal Keshav Research Estimates
Institutional Sales / Trading Desk Roshan Shah
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501, Heritage Plaza, J. P. Road, Opp. Indian Oil Colony, Andheri - (W), Mumbai - 400 053.
301A-304A, Kotia Nirman, Opp. Laxmi Industrial Estate, New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 053.
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