Kevin stasney m

Physician:_______________________________ City____________________ State____ Zip_______ Okatie, SC 29936 Phone_________________ Fax________________ Phone: (888)-322-6641
FAX: (843)-645-9987
Patient Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________
Address: ___________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _______
Date of Birth: _______________________________ Allergies: ________________
Telephone Number: _________________________
 Lorazepam 1 mg/mL/Diphenhydramine 12.5 mg/mL/Haloperidol  Ondansetron 4 mg/0.1 mL Topical Lipoderm Ginger Root 200 mg capsules  ABHR (Lorazepam/Diphenhydramine/Haldol/Metoclopromide) Lorazepam gel (1mg/ml) Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dry Mouth
 Sodium Cl 8.8 mg/Potassium Cl 3.1 mg/Calcium Cl 3.4 mg Base A Troche Sig: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mouth Pain

 Misoprostol 0.0024%/Diphengydramine HCl 0.1%/Compound Oral Rinse  Morphine Sulfate 1 mg/mL Oral Gel Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg/Lidocaine HCl 2%/Hydrocortisone 1%  Magic Mouthwash (Tetracycline/Diphenhydramine/Lidocaine/Maalox)* *( You can customize your own mouthwash) Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pain Managment
 Ketoprofen 10% Topical Lipoderm
 Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm  Diclofenac Sodium 10% Lipoderm Transdermal Gel  Ketamine 10%/Gabapentin 6%/Clonidine 0.2%/Nifedipine 2% Topical Lipoderm* *(Ideal for Neuropathic pain) Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wound Care Managment
 Phenytoin 5%/Misoprostol 0.0024% Topical Gel
 Phenytoin 2%/Misoprostol 0.0024%/Lidocaine 2%/Bupivacaine 0.2%/Diphenhydramine  Ketoprofen 2%/Lidocaine 2%/Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 2%/Aloe Vera 0.2%  Misoprostol 0.0024%/Phenytoin 5%/Metronidazole 2% Topical Gel Sig: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Quantity: _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Physician Signature: ____________________________


By catrin lorch

by Catrin Lorch Expeditions in the Coral Reef “The ancient hordes are best imagined as floating islands. (.) under whose protection homo sapiens was able to develop into a being that outwardly avoids conflicts and inwardly luxuriates. “Im selben Boot”, Peter Sloterdijk (1995) The philosopher seeks new images to describe the polis ; unlike Plato (“the farmer from Athens”), S

Microsoft word - practice leaflet a4 june 2009

30 Lockwood Road, Beverley. East Yorkshire. HU17 9GQ Telephone: (01482) 888690 Fax: (01482) 888689 Internet Site at Bsc MB ChB DA DCH DFFP MRCGP DFOM ADVDFOM The Surgery is open from 8am to 6pm Mon to Friday* ** Joint Rapid Access Clinic – where Doctor and Nurse work together operates on most Tuesday & Thursday mornings – Please ring to confirm. * Occa

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