Folder ovr 2014 italiano

3. Soars contact: Mihai Patrichi
Jud. Alba: The Apuseni Mountains
PC 507215 Str. Principala 155 Soars tel 0268-267415 GSM 0745-041866 1. Albac contact: Mircea Morar / Primaria (townhall)
» Situated in Soars, 12 kilometers north of Fagaras. PC 517005 Albac tel & fax 0258-777057 GSM 0744-938253 » On road 75 Turda - Oradea, south of the Apuseni Mountains, via Câmpeni. The little town of Albac is 21 kilometers west of Câmpeni, some kilometers Jud. Cluj: The Transilvanian hills
before the mountain pass at the border of jud. Bihor. 1. Gherla contact: Costea Dragomir / Todea Ovidiu
PC 405300 Str. Mihai Viteazul 6 Gherla tel & fax 0264-244115 GSM 2. Arieseni contact: Marta Maghiar
PC 517040 Centru No. 13 Arieseni GSM 0744-278219 Always contact at least one day before. » On road 1C / E576 from Cluj to » Is on road 75 Turda - Oradea, south of the Apuseni Mountains. From Pensioni in Romania – Bed &
Câmpeni you go to Albac and after that about 20 kilometers to Arieseni. GPS N 46.28.613 E 22.45.285 Breakfast 2014
3. Gârda de Sus contact: Ioan Stefanut
Jud. Harghita: Székelyland (the country of the
PC 517310 Centru No. 31 Gârda de Sus GSM 0744-700871 Hungarians)
» Is on road 75 Turda – Oradea, south of the Apuseni Mountains. From 1. Lazarea - Bureau d'information contact: Barabas Csilla
Câmpeni about 22 kilometers to the west. PC 537135 Str. Principala No. 1369 Lazarea tel & fax 0266-364695 GSM 0740-177644 & 0741-245107 @ [email protected] » Situated on road 12 about 5 kilometers west of Gheorgheni. Jud. Bistrita Nassaud: The valley of the Ilva
1. Lunca Ilvei contact: Iorenim / Vâsies Iulia
Jud. Hunedoara: The Western Carpathians
PC 427125 Str. Principala Lunca Ilvei tel 0263-378060 @ [email protected] & [email protected] 1. Beriu contact: Ioan Ilie
» From Nassaud road 17D, after about 21 kilometers go to the right into llva PC 307575 Grui 63A Beriu GSM 0742-376712 valley, the village is 35 kilometers into the valley. » For Beriu follow Castau, south of Orastie. This town is on road N7 / E68. 2. Telciu contact: George Micu
2. Lesnic contact: Doinel Ilea
PC 427355 Str.Principala Telciu 928 tel 0263-369125 PC 337531 Lesnic 184 (Vetel) Deva tel & fax 0254-282158 GSM 0723- » Telciu is on road 17C from Nassaud to Moisei, 16 kilometers north of » The village is near Vetel on road 68A Deva - Arad, about 11 kilometers 3. Petreni contact: Ioan Poca
Jud. Brasov: De Saxon, German villages
PC 337041 Str. Georg Enescu Bl.2 Sc.A Ap.5 2700 Deva tel / fax 0254- 1. Purcareni - Association "L'arbre de Joie" contact: Maylis Cazaumayou /
» From Simeria go 15 kilometers south over road 66 / E79. At Båcia (Calan) cross the Strei river. GPS N 45.48.048 E 23.1.002 PC 507222 Purcareni tel / fax (from 9.00 till 12.00) 0268-517057 & 0268- » Situated 12 kilometers east of Brasov, direction Târlungeni. Jud. Maramures: The valley of the Iza
1. Botiza contact: George Iurca
2. Sâmbata de Sus - Fundatia Brancoveanu contact: Dr Liviu Comaniciu
PC 437065 Botiza tel 0262-334110 fax 0262-334233 @ [email protected] PC 507266 Sâmbata de Sus fax 0268-280409 GSM 0723-429936 » There is a road from Sighetu Marmatiei along the river Iza, after about 35 » Situated 3 kilometers west of Fagaras, at Sâmbata de Jos you go to the kilometers go to the south near Sieu, after that still 15 kilometers more. 2. Craciunesti
4. Valea Lunga contact: Marinela Stoica / Ileana Pacuela
PC 437051 Vasile Boiciuc No. 337 Craciunesti tel 0262-360062 GSM 0744- PC 517815 Str. Victorei 102 Valea Lunga tel 0258-713786 GSM 0723- » Is on road 285 north of Sighetu Marmatiei. GPS N 47.57.209 E 23.58.961 » From road 1 / E81 Cluj - Sebes take at Teius road 14B via Blaj direction Medias. The village is about 6 kilometers east of Blaj. 3. Desesti contact: Primeria (townhall)
PC 437135 Desesti tel & fax 0262-372621 » From Sighetu Marmatiei direction Baia Mare, the village follows after 8 5. Axente Sever - Museum and Fortified Church
kilometers south of Giulesti. GPS N 47.46.34 E 23.51.367 Str. Principala 269 PC 557025 Axente Sever tel 0269-847328 4. Ieud - Comité OVR contact: Gabriel Chinaris at pension Ciuclia
Pension in the wall of a fortified church. » The fortified church is in the centre of the village. Axente Sever is on road N14 from Sibiu to Medias, south of Copsa Mica. GPS N 45.5.35 E 24.12.727 » In the Iza valley take the road from Sighetu Marmatiei. After 40 kilometers go to the right at Bogdan Voda. Ieud is still 6 kilometers more. GPS N 47.40.67 E 24.14.017 Jud. Suceava: The Bucovina
5. Vadu Izei - Centrul de animare a Tarii Maramuresului contact: Ioan
1. Paltinoasa contact: Vasile Macarescu
PC 437365 Ulita Batrana 704B, Vadu Izei tel & fax 0262-330171 PC 727415 Str. Draveil 39 Paltinosoara GSM 0741-139222 » From Sighetu Marmatiei take road 18 to the south, after 6 kilometers the Iza » Situated on road N17 / E576 about 32 kilometers west of Suceava. valley will start, at the split of the road is Vadu Izei. 2. Sucevita contact: T. Casa & D. Derevlean
PC 727510 Sucevita tel (10.00 - 20.00 hrs.) 0230-210995 GSM 0722-710938 Jud. Mures: The heart of Transsylvania
» From Vatra Dornei direction Gura Humorului, road 17 / E576, at 1. Gornesti contact: Orban Zoltan
Câmpulung Moldovenesc go north via road 17A, after 56 kilometers the PC 547280 Str. Salcamilor 78B Gornesti tel 0265-123449 & 0265-123470 village will appear. GPS N 47.46.9 E 25.43.521 GSM 0745-509161 @ [email protected] & [email protected] » Gornesti is on road 15, halfway Târgu Mures and Reghin. 3. Vama contact: Coca Simionescu
PC 727590 Judecâtoriei 6 Vama (street beginning in front of the church) fax 0230-312845 GSM 0722-896544 & 0745-259969 @ [email protected] & [email protected] Jud. Sibiu: The Fagaras Mountains
» Situated on road 17 / E576 Vatra Dornei - Suceava, the village is between
Câmpulung Moldovenesc and Gura Humorului. 1. Saliste - Association Marginimea Sibiului in Dezvoltare contact: Maria
PC 557225 Str. I. Moga 11 Saliste tel 0269-553014 » From Sibiu road 1 / 7 / E68 to the west, the village follows after 22 Bed and Breakfast: Euro 10 – 15 per person B&B and supper: Euro 15 - 25 per person per night Full Board: Euro 20 - 30 per person per night 2. Sebesul de Sus - Association Agroturistica OVR contact: Mircea Lugojan
PC 557196 Str. Principala 264 Sebesul de Sus tel 0269-258852 & 0269- 258806 GSM 0723-708547 fax 0269-211277 In this list, offered by Opération Villages Roumains, you will find addresses » From Sibiu direction Bucharest and Brasov. After 16 kilometers the road of private houses, which offer Bed and Breakfast. The addresses are sorted splits. Here you must go direction Brasov. From road 1 / E68, go to the right out by county (judet). The addresses are in the coloured judets. At the bottom after 12 kilometers near Avrig. Either take road 7 / E81 near Talmaciu road 1 you see a little text how to find the village and not the individual addresses. In / E68 and go to there right at Avrig. GPS N 45.39.235 E 24.21.196 most of the villages are more B&B addresses and the contact person brings 3. Tilisca contact: Irina Balea
PC 557280 Str. Scolii 535 Tilisca tel 0269-554009 GSM 0744-313102 & » From Sibiu road 1/7 / E68 to the West. After about 20 kms go to the left to Tilisca en Poiana Sibiului. GPS N 45.47.901 E 23.50.719


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