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JNCI Editor-In-Chief to Step Down
News stories. Former and current in-house editors who worked with Kramer feel that their Barnett S. Kramer, M.D. , MPH, will step
down from his position as Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of the National “Serving as editor of JNCI for
the past 18 years has been one of
was invited to join the the most gratifying and memor-
Associate Editor in able activities of my career.”
JNCI ’ s third Editor-In-Chief in 1994. During health was also evident through his efforts to “Barry, it has been a pleasure and an honor to work his tenure, the JNCI was transferred from the make the information in JNCI articles acces- with you. On behalf of the JNCI staff and OUP, Scientific Publica tion Branch of the National sible to lay readers and through resources on we sincerely appreciate your tremendous dedication tute to its current publisher, the JNCI website to help journalists and med- during your tenure and your contributions to the Oxford University Press. JNCI ’ s impact factor ical writers understand the medical evidence JNCI ’ s success as a leading oncology journal.” increased from 7.9 to its current 14.7 during Kramer ’ s tenure, and the Journal is today one of Refl ecting on his tenure as Editor-In- the world ’ s leading oncology journals. Chief, Dr. Kramer remarked, “Serving as Scientifi c Managing Editor, JNCI To improve the quality of JNCI content editor of JNCI for the past 18 years has been and reporting, Kramer initiated several pol- one of the most gratifying and memorable We Welcome the Next JNCI Editor-In-
icies, including: requiring authors of clinical activities of my career. It afforded me the Chief
trials to submit a brief protocol of their study
opportunity to work with so many wonderful Carmen J Allegra, M.D., will be the next JNCI design and include the trial registration Journal staff, managing editors, senior editors, Editor-In-Chief. Allegra is currently at the number in the Methods section, requiring associate editors, and editorial board mem- University of Florida, Gainesville, where he is gender-specifi c and race/ethnicity-specifi c bers. They played central roles in making the analyses when appropriate, reporting differ- Journal what it has become. I am also deeply Hematology and Oncology, and Associate ences in outcome measures with 95% confi - indebted to my wife, Ruthie, and my son, Director for Clinical and Translational Research dence intervals on the differences, reporting Jeremy, for their support over the years.” in the University of Florida Shands Cancer absolute rates in the Abstract and text, in- During his tenure as JNCI Editor-In-Chief, cluding study limitations in the Discussion Kramer was the Director of the NIH Offi ce of Gastrointestinal Cancers Committee, National section, a Context and Caveats box written Disease Prevention and was involved in the Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project. in-house by the Senior Editors, and re- NCI Physician Data Query (PDQ®). He con- His term will begin in mid-2012, and transition quiring confl ict of interest disclosure of tinues to have an active role in the PDQ®, planning is currently underway. It is a pleasure sources in News stories. He also instituted serving as Editor-In-Chief of its Screening and to welcome a new Editor-In-Chief designate of rigorous statistical review of all research Prevention Editorial Board, and he has recently his caliber, vision, and broad range of expertise. studies as part of the peer review process. become the Director of the NCI Division of As JNCI Editor-In-Chief, Kramer champi- Oxford University Press 2012. DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djs214 oned the cause of evidence-based medicine in treatment, screening, prevention, behavioral OUP ’ s Journals division in the US, com-research, evaluation of biomarkers and prog- mented, “Despite the fact that I ’ ve only known nostic or predictive factors. All bench research Barry a short while, his mark of quality on was reviewed with equal rigor. Kramer worked JNCI, and his commitment to its mission, have closely with the JNCI Senior Editors to ensure been evident from our fi rst conversation. Our that appropriate study designs and statistical association has, sadly, been a brief one, but I ’ ve analyses were used and clearly described in quickly come to appreciate just how deeply JNCI articles. His evidence-based approach also JNCI and OUP are indebted to him. As a time carried over into the News Section, where he of great change in scholarly publishing and encouraged emphasis on the reporting of health communication, the core values Barry brought outcomes, rather than intermediate endpoints, to the JNCI enterprise will continue to inform along with explicit discussion of study design in 580 News | JNCI


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