Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.

Curriculum vitae

459 Old Town Ct
Alexandria, VA 22314
703. 519-5276
DATE OF BIRTH 22 September 1959


Grad. Certificate 2006
Loyola University, IL Bioethics and Health Policy Johns Hopkins University Neurotoxicology/Neuropathology City University of NY Biopsychology (with distinction) City University of NY Biopsychology/Neuropharmacology City University of NY Philosophy of Psychology Norwich University, VT Physiological Psychology St. Peter’s College, NJ Physiological Psychology (cum laude)

PRESENT POSITION(S): Samueli-Rockefeller Professor
Division of Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine Scholar-in-Residence, Center for Clinical Bioethics Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Division of Palliative Medicine; Department of Medicine Fellow, Bioethics and Medical Philosophy John P. McGovern Center for Health, Humanities and Human Spirit Texas Medical Center, University of Texas Moody Health Sciences Center Director, Institute for Integrative Medicine Research, Ethics and Policy Director, Pain Management and Behavioral Medicine Research Program (conjoint) Assistant Professor (conjoint appointment with HealthSouth) Departments of Biology and Psychology Lamar University Beaumont, TX Post-graduate Preceptorship in Aerospace Physiology U.S. Navy Aerospace Physiology Training Program, Naval Aeromedical Institute Director of Pain Research (conjoint appointment w. Drake University) College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Drake University Post-doctoral Fellow, Neurotoxicology/Neuropathology

Fellow, Medical Philosophy and Ethics, Harris Manchester College, University
American Psychological Association Fellow: Harvard Medical School Advanced Training Institute in Biomedical Neuroimaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, MA. Clinical Fellow, Methods and Ethics Study Section, National Pain Databank Project
Faculty, National Educational Dialogue in Integrative Medicine, Washington, DC
Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Neurophysiology, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
Visiting Scientist, Dept. Clinical Neuropharmacology, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Pain Physician
Associate Editor, Neuroethics
Associate Editor, Neuroscience and Ethics sections, Forschende Komplimentärmedizin
Associate Editor, Clinical Bioethics section, Practical Pain Management
Associate Editor, Neuroscience and Ethics section, Spirituality and Health International


Hallvard Award for Scientific Excellence and Leadership, Ola Grimsby Elected to Life Membership, Karl Jaspers Society of North America Manchikanti Distinguished Lectureship, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians/American Board of Pain Medicine William Hershel Medal for Achievement in Biomedicine and Education, American Academy of Pain Management Richard Weiner Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education in Pain Medicine Lamar University Faculty Award for Teaching and Research Excellence Fellow, American Society of Behavioral Medicine Who’s Who Among Young Professionals in America Medical Service Corps Director’s Award for Excellence, Naval Aerospace Medical Institute Named as “Presidential Point of Light” for academic and professional service Professional Excellence Award, Drake University Distinguished Student Award, City University of New York Elected to Sigma Xi, National Research Honor Society Cum laude Graduate, St. Peter’s College, NJ Danesino Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities

Laurence S. Rockefeller Fund Award: In support of a Center for Brain, Mind, and Healing Research, to advance basic science studies, medical education and integrative clinical care. CTNS-STARS Planning Grant: Genetics, neuroscience and the nature of being A dialectical, natural philosophical approach that seeks to preserve the notion CIRCLE Grant, Georgetown University Medical Center: Curricular development Hunt-Travis Foundation Grant: Normative ethics in integrative pain medicine. American Psychological Association Visiting Fellowship: Harvard Medical School MIT/MGH Advanced Training Institute in Biomedical Neuroimaging. US Naval Bureau of Medicine and Surgery: A multi-site, cohort study of outcomes and mechanisms of integrative medical approaches to maldynic lumbar spinal pain. 2002 Department of Defense Academic/Clinical Center Development Award: Development of an inter-disciplinary program of comprehensive integrative medicine for occupational health needs in combat aviators and support personnel Pharmacia Scientific Relations’ Grant: Utility of the novel COX-II inhibitor valdecoxib vs therapeutic modalities against uncomplicated musculoskeletal pain. NCK Step-Grant: Differential efficacy of exercise-based neural rehabilitation in neuropathic pain patients. Texas Bankers Association: Programmatic development for graduate telemedical education in a pluralistic medical community structure. Immunom Research Corp. Collaborative Award: Effects of acute nociceptive and thermal stress upon 5-HT-neuroimmunologic axes in developing rats. Citizen Ambassador Program Award: Scientific delegation for 1992 joint USA-USSR collaborative study of pain research and therapy. McDonnell-Douglas Scientific Support Award: Effects of the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone on parameters of human physiology and pharmacology under conditions of Gz and altitude stress. Whitehall Foundation Award: Patterns and mechanisms of 5-HT3 receptor regulation in vivo and in vitro. Bristol-Myers/Squib Scientific Relations Grant: 5-HT1A and NE alpha receptor plasticity following repetitive buspirone and gepirone treatment. Drake University Research Award: Pharmacology of 5-HT3 receptor-mediated nociception/analgesia in neonatal rats. ADRIA-Pharmitalia Investigative Grant: Patterns and substrates of analgesia produced by S and R isomers of novel 5-HT3 antagonists ADR-851 and ADR-882 in rodents. Bristol-Myers Research Support Award: Patterns and putative neuropharmacologic mechanisms of buspirone-induced analgesia. Sandoz Pre-clinical Research Award: Profile, substrates and cellular effects of calcitonin analgesia in rats. Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship: Electrophysiologic effects of iontophoretically applied peptides on nocisponsive neurons in the spinal cord of neonatal rats German Academic Exchange Postdoctoral Fellowship: Electrophysiologic correlates of opioid receptor-linked c-AMP activation in identified nociceptive neurons in rat spinal cord 1986 NIEHS Post-doctoral Training Fellowship: Pharmacology and neurotoxicology of
Invited Reviews, Editorials and Commentaries

Giordano J, Lega LI. Rational, emotive, ethical approaches to psychosocial pain care.
Prac. Pain Management 7(7): 74-78 (2007).
Giordano J, Walter J. Pain and psychopathology in military wounded: How etiology,
epidemiology sustain an ethics of treatment. Prac. Pain Management
Ives JA, Giordano J. Unusual claims, normative process: On the use and stringency
of scientific method. Forsch. Komplementarmed. 14: 138-139 (2007).
Giordano J, Pedroni J. Pain research: The relationship of knowing and doing.
Prac. Pain Management 7(5): 28-30 (2007).
Gupta A, Giordano J. On the nature, assessment, and treatment of fetal
pain: Neurobiological bases, pragmatic issues and ethical concerns.
Giordano J. On placebo… Prac. Pain Management 7(4): 73-76 (2007).
Giordano J, Gomez CF, Harrison C. On the potential role for interventional pain
management in palliative care. Pain Physician 10(3): 395-398 (2007)
Giordano J. Chronic pain and spirituality. Prac. Pain Management 7(3): 64-68 (2007)
Manchikanti L, Boswell MV, Giordano J. Evidence-based interventional pain management:
principles, protocols, potential and applications. Pain Physician 10(2): 329-356
Giordano J
. A big picture: neurogenesis, pain and the reality and ethics of pain
medicine. Prac. Pain Management, 7(2): 37-52 (2007).
Giordano J, Neale A. Daniel Callahan redux – business and medicine “Can this marriage
work?” Del Med J 79(5): 185-187 (2007).
Giordano J. Resolutions: examining the past, present and future of practical pain
management. Prac. Pain Management, 7(1): 63-67 (2007).
Maricich Y, Giordano J. Pain, suffering and the ethics of pain medicine: Is a deontic foundation
sufficient? Am. J. Pain Management, 17: 130-138, (2007).
Giordano J. Technology, techniques and tekne: On the ethical use of guidelines in the practice
of interventional pain medicine. Pain Physician, 10: 1-5 (2007).
Giordano J, LeRoy P, Uthaman U. On the role of primary care within a system of integrative multi-
disciplinary pain management. Prac. Pain Management, 6(8): 66-69 (2006).
Giordano J. Hospice, palliative care, and pain medicine: Meeting the obligations of
non-abandonment and preserving the dignity of terminally ill patients.
Giordano J. Pain as disease and illness: Part Two – Structure and function of the ethics of
pain medicine. Prac. Pain Management 6(7): 65-68 (2006).
Giordano J. Changing the practice of pain medicine writ large and small through identifying
problems and establishing goals. Pain Physician, 9: 283-286 (2006).
Giordano J. Understanding pain as disease and illness: Part One. Prac. Pain Management

Giordano J. The moral community of the clinical pain medicine encounter. Prac.

Giordano J.
Competence and commitment to care. Pain Practitioner, 16(2): 10-16, (2006).
Giordano J. Cassandra’s curse: Interventional pain management, policy and
preserving meaning against a market mentality. Pain Physician, 9: 167-170 (2006).
Giordano J.
Agents, intentions and actions: moral virtue in pain medicine. Prac.

Giordano J. Of oaths, authenticity, and agency. Am. J. Pain Management, 16: 98-101 (2006).
Giordano J. On knowing: Domains of knowledge and intellectual virtue in practical
pain management. Prac. Pain Management, 6(3): 65-67 (2006)
Giordano J. Dolor, morbus, patiens: Maldynia, pain as the illness of suffering. Pain

Giordano J. Good as gold? The randomized controlled trial: pragmatic and ethical issues in
pain research. Am. J. Pain Management, 16; 68-71 (2006)
Giordano J. Dignity, and pain medicine at the end of life. Prac. Pain Management,

Giordano J. Pain medicine, morality and the marketplace; Time for a change. Prac. Pain

Giordano J. In the patients’ voice. Am. J. Pain Management 16 (1): 34-35 (2006)
Giordano J. Bioethics and intractable pain. Prac. Pain Management 5(7): 72-79 (2005).
Giordano J. Philosophical perspectives and ethical discourse in the challenges of pain research
and treatment: An invitation. Am. J. Pain Management 15 (3): 103-106 (2005).
Giordano J. Toward a core philosophy and virtue-based ethics of pain medicine.

Giordano J, Boswell MV. Pain, placebo and nocebo: epistemic, ethical and practical issues. Pain

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Manchikanti L, Boswell MV, Giordano J. Interventional approaches to the diagnosis and
treatment of low back pain: current evidence. Adv. Pain Management 1(2): 54-59
Giordano J, Jonas WJ. Asclepius and Hygieia in dialectic: Philosophical, ethical and pragmatic
bases of an integrative medicine. Integrative Medicine Insights 2(3): 89-101 (2007)
Dogra N, Giordano J, France N. Teaching medical students about uncertainty: The findings of a
qualitative study focusing on cultural diversity. BMC Medical Education 7(8): (2007) Manchikanti L, Giordano J, Fellows B, Manchukonda R, Pampati V. Role of psychological
factors as predictors of opioid abuse and illicit drug use in chronic pain patients.
Giordano J , O’Reilly M, Taylor H, Dogra N. Confidentiality and autonomy: The
challenges of offering research participants the choice of disclosing their identity. Qualitative Health Research 17(2): 1-12 (2007)
Giordano J., Engebretson, J. Neural and cognitive factors in spiritual experiences: bio-psycho
social domains of effect relevant to clinical practice. Explore, 2(3):187-196 (2006)
Giordano J. Moral agency in pain medicine: Philosophy, practice and virtue.

Giordano J, Engebretson, J., Garcia, M.K. Challenges to CAM research: Focal issues influencing
integration into a cancer care model. J. Integrative Cancer Ther. 4(3): 210-218 (2005) Giordano J, Flanagan, J. Expanding the Institutional Model: a revisionist approach to medical
integration. J. Manipulative Physiol. Ther. 28: 603-605 (2005)
Giordano J. Neurobiology of nociceptive and anti-nociceptive systems. Pain Physician

Giordano J. Informed consent: a potential dilemma for CAM. J. Manipulative

Giordano J. Pain research: Can paradigmatic revision bridge the needs of medicine, scientific
philosophy and ethics? Pain Physician, 7: 459-463 (2004).
Giordano, J.
, Garcia, M.K., Strickland, G. Integrating Chinese Traditional Medicine into a mainstream
public health paradigm: A conceptual approach J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10: 4: 714-718 (2004).
Giordano, J., Gerstmann, H. Patterns of serotonin and 2-methylserotonin-induced pain may reflect 5-
HT3 receptor sensitization. Eur. J. Pharmacol.483: 267-269 (2004).
Giordano, J., Schultea, T. Serotonin 5-HT3 receptor mediation of pain and anti-nociception.

Giordano, J.
, Garcia, M.K., Boatwright, D., Klein, K. Complementary and alternative
medicine in mainstream public health: A role for research in fostering integrative practice. J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 9:3: 1-5 (2003)
Giordano, J., Stapleton, S., Boatwright, D., Huff, G. Blending the boundaries: steps toward the
integration of complementary and alternative practice to mainstream medicine J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 8:6: 897-906 (2002)
Giordano, J. The neurologic basis of chronic pain: from molecule to mind. Adv. Dir. Rehabilitation:

Flanagan, J., Giordano, J. The role of the institution in developing the next generation clinician as
researcher. J. Manip. Physiol. Ther., 25: 193-6 (2002)
Giordano, J. Fibromyalgia: emerging concepts in diagnosis and treatment. Adv. Dir.
Giordano, J. Herbals and phytomedicinals in pain management. Adv. Dir. Rehabilitation: 9:8:38-41

Giordano, J. Perspectives on the utility of the National Pain Data Bank. Am. J. Pain

Giordano, J.
Chronic pain and sexual dysfunction. Adv. Dir. Rehabilitation: 8:5: 29-30 (1999).
Giordano, J., Sacks, S. Topical ondansetron attenuates capsaicin-induced inflammation and pain. Eur.

Giordano, J. Integrated approaches to multi-disciplinary pain management. Adv. Dir. Rehabilitation,

Giordano, J., Sacks, S. Sub-anesthetic doses of bupivacaine or lidocaine potentiate ICS-205 930-
induced peripheral analgesia. Eur. J. Pharmacology, 334: 39-41 (1997)
Giordano, J. Anti-nociceptive effects on intrathecally administered 2-methylserotonin in developing
rats. Devel. Brain Res. 98: 142-144 (1997)
Kirk, E., Anderson, R., Giordano, J. Serotonin receptors: targets for pharmacotherapy. J. Neurosci.

Christopher, K., Giordano, J. Motion sickness susceptibility: Relation of aerobic fitness and gender.

Giordano, J., Rogers, L. Putative mechanisms of buspirone-induced antinociception in the rat. Pain.

Sufka, K., Schomburg, F., Giordano, J. Receptor mediation of 5-HT-induced inflammation and
nociception in rats. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 41(1): 53-56 (1992)
Sufka, K., Giordano, J. Patterns of analgesia produced by S and R isomers of the novel 5-HT3
antagonists ADR-851 and ADR-882 in rats. Eur. J. Pharmacology. 204: 117-119 (1991)
Giordano, J. Analgesic profile of centrally administered 2-methylserotonin against acute pain in rats.
Eur. J. Pharmacology. 199: 223-236 (1991) Sufka, K., Hughes, R., Giordano, J. Effects of selective opioid antagonists on morphine-induced
hyperalgesia in domestic fowl. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 38: 49-54 (1991)
Sufka, K., Stratton, DB, Giordano, J. Regional differences in serotonergic contractile sensitivity
mediated by 5HT receptors in rat aorta. Artery. 18(1): 47-53 (1990)
Harms, D., Giordano, J. Ethical issues in high risk infant care. Comp. Ped. Nurs.

Rogers, L., Giordano, J. Effects of systemically administered monoamine re-uptake blocking agents on
patterns of buspirone-induced analgesia in rats. Life Sci. 47(ii): 961-969 (1990)
Gerow, E., Giordano, J. Ethical considerations in fetal tissue transplantation. J. Neurosci. Nurs.

Giordano, J., Doescher, R. Multiple opioid receptors may mediate B-casein-induced analgesia in
neonatal rats. Int. Narc. Res. 89: 457-460 (1989)
Paredes, W., Giordano, J., Hughes, HE, Barr, G. Methods of intraspinal drug delivery in infant rats.

Giordano, J., Dyche, J. Differential analgesic action of serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in three
pain tests. Neuropharmacol. 28: 431-434 (1989)
Giordano, J., Rogers, L. Antinociceptive effects of the novel anxiolytic buspirone in three pain tests in

Giordano, J., Rogers, L. Peripherally administered serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists attenuate
inflammatory pain in rats. Eur. J. Pharmacology. 170: 83-86 (1989)
Giordano, J., Levine, P. Botanical preparations used in Italian folk-medicine: Pharmacologic and
chemical basis of effect. J. Soc. Pharmacol. 3: 83-110 (1989)
Hilton, F., Giordano, J., Fortney, S. Vasodepressor syncope induced by lower body negative pressure;
possible relevance to G-stress type training. Aviat., Space, Environ. Med. 59 (1989)
Giordano, J., Barr, GA Possible role of spinal 5-HT on mu-and kappa opioid receptor-mediated
analgesia in the developing rat. Devel. Brain Res. 33: 121-127 (1988)
Giordano, J. Putative 5-HT and NE substrates of cocaine abuse: targets for pharmacotherapy. Am.

Giordano, J., Hartig, P. In vivo labeling indicates that CSF-serotonin activates the 5-HT1c receptor on
the apical surface of choroid plexus epithelium. Neurosci. 22 (Suppl.): 25 (1987)
Giordano, J., Barr. GA. Morphine and ketocyclazocine-induced analgesia in the developing rat;
differences due to type of noxious stimulus and body topography. Devel. Brain. Res.
Books (4)

Giordano J, Boswell MV (eds.) Dimensions of Pain: Scientific, Psycho-social and Philosophical
NY, Informa Press. (in press)

Giordano J.
(ed.) Maldynia: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on the Illness of Chronic Pain. NY,
Taylor-Francis. (forthcoming: 2008)
Giordano J. (ed.) Complementary and Integrative Approaches to Chronic Pain. Boston, Jones-Bartlett.
(forthcoming: 2008)
Giordano J, Gordijn B. (eds.) Neuroethics: Scientific, Philosophic and Ethical Perspecitves on the
Silent Revolution in Neuroscience
. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming; 2008)
Book Chapters (10)

Giordano J. Ethical obligations to, and in infrared medical biotechnology research and practice.
In: N. Diakides (ed.) Progress and Developments in Infrared Imaging Biotechnology. NY, Informa,
Conwell TD, Giordano J. Functional infrared imaging in the evaluation of complex regional pain
syndrome type I (CRPS-1). In: N. Diakides (ed.) Progress and Developments in Infrared Imaging
. NY, Informa, (2007).
Giordano J, Pedroni J. The legacy of Albert Schweitzer’s virtue ethics within a contemporary
philosophy of medicine. In: D. Ives (ed.) Reverence for Life Revisited: The Legacy of Albert Schweitzer.
Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars’ Press. (2007).

Giordano J
, Boswell MV. Neurobiology of nociception and anti-nociception. In: L. Manchikanti (ed)
Handbook of Chronic Spinal Pain Management. ASIPP Press, Paducah, KY. (2007).
Giordano J. Pain, the patient and the physician: Philosophy and virtue ethics in pain medicine. In: M.
Schatman, (ed.) Ethics of Chronic Pain Management. NY, Taylor-Francis. (2006).
Giordano J, Anderson A. Spinal pain: Pathophysiologic mechanisms and effects of manual
therapeutics. In: M. Boswell, BE. Cole (eds.) Weiner’s Pain Management: a guide for clinicians, 7th ed.,
Boca Raton, CRC Press (2005).
Giordano, J. The neuroscience of pain and analgesia. In: M. Boswell, BE. Cole (eds.) Weiner’s Pain
Management: A Guide for Clinicians
, 7th ed., Boca Raton, CRC Press (2005).
Giordano, J. and Shultea, T. Spinal pathophysiology and mechanisms of spinal pain and
anti-nociception. In: R. Gordon (ed.) Manipulation Under Anesthesia: Clinical and Scientific Principles.
Boca Raton, CRC Press (2005).

Giordano, J. Phytomedicinal therapies for chronic pain. In: R. Weiner (ed.) Pain Management: A
Practical Guide for Clinicians
, 6th ed., Boca Raton, CRC Press (2001)
Giordano, J. The neurobiology of pain. In: R. Weiner (ed.) Pain Management: A Practical Guide for
6th ed., Boca Raton, CRC Press (2001)

22. October 2007. Placebo effects and responses: neurobiological basis, practical and ethical issues in
the spirit of cura personalis. Invited lecture: Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown
University Seminar Series, Washington, DC
21. October 2007. Neuroethics: A bigger picture – bottom-up and top-down considerations. Invited
panel lecture: American Society of bioethics and Humanities, Washington, DC
19. September 2007. Body, brain-mind, and spirit: consilient values and virtues in Jesuit education.
Invited speaker: Michelmas Convocation, St. Peter’s College, NJ
5. September 2007. From neuroscience to a neuroethics of pain: Implications for constituent disciplines
of pain medicine. Invited plenary: American Society of Pain Educators, Las Vegas, NV.
23. June, 2007. Philosophy and ethics of pain management: Concepts, and practical applications toward
a unity of brain, mind, meaning and morality in healing. Invited lecture: American Society of
Interventional Pain Physicians’ Capitol Hill Meeting, Washington, DC.

11. June 2007 Suffering, the self, and the clinical encounter. George Washington University Hospital,
and School of Medicine Grand Rounds, Washington, DC
10. May 2007 Ethical imperatives and obligations for research in CAM: Can a core philosophical basis
enable a truly integrative medicine? Plenary: International Congress on Complementary Medicine
Research, Munich, GER
7. May 2007 Moral agency in pain medicine. Invited Universum Lecture. Dept of Moral Theology and
Philosophy, Universitaet Bonn, Bonn, GER
21 April 2007 At the interface of brain, mind and machine: Neuroethics of neurobiotechnology.
Fourth Annual Conference of Biotechnology, NY Polytechnic Institute-SUNY Downstate Medical
College, Brooklyn, NY
14. April 2007 Understanding a neuroscience of suffering to derive an agent-based ethics of medicine.
Plenary, Delaware Medical Society Annual Meeting, Wilmington DE.
2. April 2007 New vistas in brain, mind, and healing research: Toward a translational effort of
cura personalis. Invited lecture: Grinnell College, Grinnell IA.
15. March 2007 Science and spirituality: Natural philosophical foundations,
complex systems applications, and preservation of the notion of transcendence. Oxford Roundtable in Science and Religion, Lincoln College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 4. December 2006 Does the neuroscience of pain ground a neuroethics of pain medicine? Plenary; Ethics in Medicine Series, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20. November 2006 Clinical ethics in medicine: Historical perspective, potential and problems for the present and future. Cornell University Symposium on History in Medicine. Washington, DC. 7. September 2006 Beyond the analgesic ladder: Ethical and practical issues in analgesic pharmacotherapeutics and drug development. Plenary Lecture: American Academy of Pain Management Clinical Meeting, Orlando FL. 29. August 2006 Ethical implications for and in infrared imaging biotechnology research and practice. International Biomedical Engineering Society Conference, New York, NY 7. August 2006 Profession, moral obligation and the ethical practice of pain medicine. Plenary lecture, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, St. Louis, MO 10 July 2006 Regrounding medicine in humanity amidst technocracy and cultural pluralism: On the need for a philosophy of medicine. Invited lecture; Roundtable in Arts and Sciences, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 25. June 2006 Placebo and nocebo: Science, evidence and ethics in research and practice. Manchikanti Distinguished Lecture, American Board of Pain Medicine Congressional Meeting, Washington, D.C. 25. May 2006 The problem of pain, and the process and purpose of policy. Invited Lecture: Delaware Medical Society, Wilmington, DE 21. April 2006 From a neuroscience to a neurophilosophy of pain: Implications for ethics in research and practice of pain medicine. Colorado Consortium of Professional Psychology, Colorado Springs, CO 16. March 2006 A right and good healing: Philosophical basis and ethical obligations inherent to medical integration. Plenary Lecture: ACC-Research Advisory Council Conference, Tysons Corner, VA 3. March 2006 Virtue as a bridge to facilitate integration of complementary and mainstream medicine. Association for Professional and Practical Ethics, Jacksonville, FL. 18 February 2006 The neurobiology and neurophilosophy of mind-body interactions: Implications for medical practice and bioethics. CG Jung Center, Houston, TX 17 February 2006 Can the neurobiology of pain contribute to both the neurophilosophy of mind and an ethic of care? University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX 16 February 2006 Mechanisms and ethical use of acupuncture as co-opted technique or therapeutic system within an integrated medical model. TIRR, Houston, TX. 28 October 2005 Healing what cannot be cured: The legacy of Albert Schweitzer’s “Reverence for Life” in a contemporary philosophy of medicine. Tenth Annual Albert Schweitzer Memorial Symposium, Albert Schweitzer Center, Quinnipiac University, CT. 7 October 2005 Complementary, but not alternative to medicine: The importance of a core-philosophy and virtue-based ethics to enhance cultural competence and integration of CAM and mainstream medicine. Neiswanger Institute Conference on Medical Education and Cultural Competence, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 24 September 2005 Neurophilosophy of maldynic pain: Disease, illness and ethical obligations to treatment. Plenary Lecture: American Academy of Pain Management Clinical Meeting, San Diego, CA 9 September 2005 Ethics of pain research and medicine: Neuroscience and the basis of therapeutic and moral agency. Invited Plenary Lecture: American Society of Pain Educators National Forum, Las Vegas, NV 6-7 August 2005 Neuroanatomy and pathophysiology of pain: Toward a reconciliation of disease process and illness phenomenon. Invited plenary lecture: American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. St Louis, MO 29 June, 2005 Autonomic substrates of neuropathic pain syndromes: Ethical and pragmatic issues in quantification of qualitative variables. Plenary Lecture: American Academy of Thermology, Baton Rouge, LA. 19 March 2005 Ethical obligations defining the need for evidence-based practice of complementary therapeutics an integrative medical model. Research Advisory Committee/ACC, Las Vegas, NV. 9 September, 2004 The role of serotonin 5-HT3 receptors in pain and anti-nociception: A mechanism for channelopathic maldynia and its cognitive effects. American Academy of Pain Management Clinical Meeting, San Antonio, TX 8 August, 2004 Nociceptive and neuropathic pain: anatomy, physiology, iatrogenic factors dictating ethical care. American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, St. Louis, MO 19 January, 2004 Anatomic, chemical and molecular basis of maldynic pain: physiologic and cognitive neuroscientific relevance to a neurophilosophy of pain. American Academy of Pain Medicine Invited Lecture, Newport, CA 10 September, 2003 Neural mechanisms of pain and analgesia: role of neurologic substrates in determining patient responses: Ethical responsibilities. American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, Alexandria, VA. 6 September, 2003 Neurobiology of nociception and pain modulation: Novel roles for serotonergic and nitric oxidergic substrates in clinical syndromes. American Academy of Pain Management Clinical Meeting, Denver, CO. 20 August 2003 Phytomedicinal and nutriceutical approaches to managing chronic pain in the sports’ medical setting: Evidence-based approaches and ethical use. Baylor Sports Medicine Institute, Houston, TX. 8 September 2002 Neurochemical basis of type II and type III pain: implications for ethical pharmacotherapeutics. American Academy of Pain Management Clinical Meeting, Reno, NV 19 February, 2002 Utility of sertraline in reducing chronic pain and specific neuroendocrine parameters of fibromylagia. Pfizer Grand Rounds Series Lecture, College Station, TX. 22. January, 2002 Role of serotonin receptors and reuptake sites in mediating the symptomatic constellation in fibromyalgic patients. Pfizer Grand Rounds Series Lecture, Texas Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX 8 January 2002 Forensic neurology in aviation accident reconstruction. FAA Safety Lecture Series, Houston, TX. 1 November 2001 Integrative pain management: A role for complementary and alternative therapeutics, and ethical parameters. Rice University, Houston, TX. 26 October 2001 Pharmacodynamic and kinetic parameters of celecoxib and rofecoxib suggest distinct utility in the treatment of uncomplicated myofascial pain. Texas Medical Association Grand Rounds Meeting, Houston, TX. 23 August 2001 COX-II inhibitors in the treatment of primary myofascial pain syndrome: beyond the RCT. Texas Methodist Hospital Grand Rounds, Houston, TX 19 April 2001 Neuropharmacology of serotonin reuptake sites in brain and spinal cord: implications for pragmatically appropriate and ethically sound use of specific SSRIs for pain based upon pharmacokinetic and dynamic effects. Memorial Hermann Hospital Grand Rounds Lecture, Houston, TX 24 March 2001 The serotonergic system in chronic pain and depression: chemical co-morbidity may indicate pharmacotherapeutic specificity. Pfizer Grand Rounds Series, Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX 13 March 2001 Serotonin receptors in maldynic pain and depressive illness: targets for drug therapy. Harris County Medical Association Meeting, Houston, TX 20 January 2001 Use of biochemical markers in the pharmacotherapeutics of the depressed chronic pain patient. SE Texas Medical Association Meeting, Beaumont, TX 14 June 2000 Neurophysiology of stress factors in high performance aircraft flight. Center for Aviation Safety Education, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ 8 June 2000 Pain medicine: from research to practice: Ethical implications. Texas Healthcare Network Lecture Series, Houston, TX 9 March 2000 Serotonin receptors in the mediation of migraine headache and atypical cephalalgia. Merck Sharpe-Dohme Grand Rounds Lecture Series, Austin, TX 9 June, 1999 Stress effects on human factors contributory to industrial accidents and pain: Ethical responsibilities for occupational medicine. Texas Chemical Society Conference, Conroe, TX. 19 May, 1999 New developments in psychopharmacology: The ethics of psychogenetics. S.E. Texas Psychological Association, Beaumont, TX. 22 January, 1999 Chronic pain: advances in research, diagnosis and treatment. National Academy of Continuing Education, Jacksonville, FL. 21 January, 1999 Stress factors affecting accident susceptibility and resultant pain. American Society of Safety Engineers Regional Conference, Beaumont, TX. 8 November, 1998 Behavioral medical issues in chronic pain: Ethical issues in pain research and therapy. Grand Rounds, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Beaumont, TX. 2 November, 1998 Medical certification for aviators: disease, illness and truth-telling in practice. Greater Houston Association of Flight Instructors’ Conference, Houston, TX. 10 September, 1998 Effective management of human factors dynamics in aviation safety programs. Houston FSDO Aviation Safety Training Course, Houston, TX. 9 July, 1998 Sexual Dysfunction: Diagnoses, pathology and therapy in chronic pain patients. Texas Psychological Association, Beaumont, TX. 4 July, 1998 Human factors in pilot performance. Galveston Area Aviation Society, Dept. Aviation Medicine UTMB, Galveston, TX. 11 February, 1998 Identifying and managing aviation stress factors. S.E. Texas Pilots’ Assn., Beaumont, TX. 14 January, 1998 Personality factors in aviator performance. Beaumont Flight Safety Meeting, Beaumont, TX. 17 December, 1997 Ergonomics and bioengineering in general aviation. S.E. Texas Pilots’ Assn., Houston, TX. 15 November, 1997 Factors in aircraft crash survival. Houston Area Flight Standards and Safety Meeting. 17 October, 1997 Geriatric Pain Management: Teaching old dogma new tricks. Texas Statewide Consortium on Gerontology, Beaumont, TX. 15 August, 1997 The many faces of pain: new vistas in bioethical pain management. Ward Symposium, John Gray Center, Beaumont, TX. 1 February, 1997 Donepezil: a novel agent in treating Alzheimer’s dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation, Austin, TX. 5 February, 1997 Novel approaches to analgesic pharmacotherapy: Ethical and medico-legal parameters in clinical practice. St. Elizabeth Conference in Advances in Healthcare, Beaumont, TX. 19 February, 1997 Multidisciplinary approaches to chronic pain management. Department of Medicine and Surgery, Jennie Sealy Hospital, UTMB, Galveston, TX. 20 February, 1997 Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s dementia: utility of donepezil pharmacotherapy. Conference of Beaumont Primary Care Providers/Physicians, Beaumont, TX. 16 November, 1996 Environmental effects on neurogenesis: Implications for nature, nurture and neurology. Texas Perinatal Assn. Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. 26 October, 1996 Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Serotonergic substrates as targets for therapy. S.F. Austin State University Clinical Care Conference, Nacogdoches, TX. 16 July, 1996 Biopsychology of stress responses: practical and bioethical implications for occupational medicine. Integrated Health Care Dept. , E.I. DuPont Co., Beaumont, TX. 4 December, 1995 Putative role of serotonin 5-HT3 receptors in pain and analgesia. Pain Study Section, Roche Biosciences, Palo Alto, CA. 14 October – 18 November, 1995 Exercise Physiology: A role in conservative, chronic pain management. Invited Lecture Series: Pinnacle Health Care, Havelock, NC. 12 October, 1994 Biomechanical implications of Aviator Back Syndrome relevant to Gz-axis impact-acceleration injury susceptibility and pain. Safety and Flight Equipment Conference, Reno, NV. 30 April, 1992 Effects of unusual movement, disorientation, pain and stress on aviator physiology and performance. FAA Medical Safety Seminar, Des Moines, IA. 21 April, 1992 The spinal and peripheral 5-HT receptor system and inflammatory pain: Ontogeny and functional mechanisms. Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 23 March, 1992 5-HT receptor-mediation of pain and analgesia: new vistas and pharmacologic implications. Depts. of Biophysics and Neuroscience, Allegheny General Hospital Center, Pittsburgh, PA. 12 March, 1992 Central nervous system mechanisms of vertigo and disorientation in aviators: role of 5-HT and 5-HT receptors. FAA Midwest Chapter Seminar, Cedar Rapids, IA. 16 February, 1992 Central and peripheral nervous systems as pharmacological targets for stress and pain management. U.S. Navy Fleet Hospital, Des Moines, IA. 18 November, 1991 Assessment and treatment of pain and stress in research animals: Practical and ethical concerns. Depts. of Pharmacology and Psychiatry, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. 9 September, 1991 Advances in research and therapy of Parkinson’s disease: Confronting bioethical issues in fetal tissue utilization. Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Society, Des Moines, IA. 29 April, 1991 Pharmacologic substrates of pain and pain modulation. Mind and Medicine Annual Lecture Series. Dept. of Pharmacology and Physiology University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Des Moines, IA. 5 March, 1991 Azapirone 5-HT1A agonist effects on CNS and neuroendocrine substrates of analgesia. Mead-Johnson Invited Lecture, Des Moines, IA. 25 February, 1991 Putative mechanisms of azapirone-induced analgesia. Invited Lecture/Grand Rounds, Allegheny-Singer Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. 20 November, 1990 Serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT3 receptor mediation of nociception. Sigma Xi Distinguished lecture, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, IA. 12 November, 1990 Interaction of serotonergic and neuroendocrine systems in pain modulation. Sandoz Colloquium on Somatostatin and Pain, New York, NY. 10 September, 1990 Physio-pharmacology of stress and pain: A shared system of mind and body?. Invited lecture: University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Science, Des Moines, IA. 20 September, 1990 Novel therapeutic approaches against neurodegenerative disorders: Practicality and ethics. Iowa Parkinson’s Disease Society, Des Moines, IA. 18 August, 1989 Anatomy and pharmacology of antinociceptive systems in neonates: Developmental effects of pharmacotherapy. Grand Rounds Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, IA. 23 May, 1989 Analgesic systems in the newborn: Practical and ethical implications for pharmacotherapeutics. Iowa Methodist Medical Center: Conference for Pediatric and Neonatal Nursing, Iowa City, IA. 19 April, 1989 Cellular and molecular pharmacology of novel anxiolytic and antidepressant agents. Polk County Mental Health Foundation, Des Moines, IA. 14 April, 1989 Patterns of analgesia produced by the novel anxiolytic buspirone: Implications for clinical utility. Interdisciplinary Conference on Rehabilitative Neurology, Iowa Methodist Foundation, Des Moines, IA. 3 April, 1989 Neuromodulation of spinal and supraspinal analgesic systems in the neonatal rat. Depts. of Physiology and Pharmacology, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, IA. 14 September, 1988 Advances in pharmacotherapeutics of opioid abuse. Interdisciplinary Narcotic
Control Conference Iowa Governor’s Alliance on Substance Abuse, Des Moines, IA.
9 September, 1988 Pharmacologic mechanisms of narcotic dependence: Perspectives on novel treatment
approaches in fetal addictive syndromes. Grand Rounds, Dept. of Pediatrics Blank Hospital, Iowa
Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, IA.
21 August, 1988 Stress-, and exercise-induced alterations in opioid neurochemistry. 1st Symposium on
Fitness Medicine, Kansas City, MO.
18 August, 1988 Pharmacologic and genetic mechanisms of substance abuse. Drug Abuse Center,
Powell Clinic, Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, IA.
10 May, 1988 Pharmacology and development of bulbospinal systems in opiate anti-nociception. Dept.
of Pharmacology, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.
1 February, 1988 Changing neuropharmacologic patterns of opioid analgesia in neonatal rats. Depts. of
Psychology and Anatomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
18 October, 1987 Pharmacologic substrates of stimulus-specificity in spinal and supraspinal opioid
analgesia. Dept. of Clinical Neuropharmacology, Max Planck Institut fur Psychiatrie, Munich,

1. Medical Philosophy and Bioethics. Of interest are the philosophical bases of the disease-illness
continuum of chronic pain, the neuroethics of suffering and the phenomenal ‘self’ as contextual to pain
medicine and psychiatry, and the development of ethical frameworks for neurological research and
2. Basic and clinical parameters of neural responses to pain. These studies are examining
central and peripheral neural and endocrine mechanisms operative in reaction to pain and stress. These
investigations are aimed at understanding the interactive role of the neurochemical, hormonal and
metabolic systems affecting diverse responses (e.g.- analgesia, “placebo” effects, states of
consciousness) in order to develop enhanced methods of translational research and improve
interdisciplinary clinical interventions.
3. Role of the serotonin (5-HT3) receptor system in pain and analgesia. We have shown that peripheral
and central 5-HT3 receptors differentially mediate components of the nociceptive response produced by
inflammation. Of current interest is the development of a theoretical model of pain based upon non-
linear, dynamical complex systems’ effects and neural mechanisms and substrates of this system
relevant to clinical practice.
4.Development, implementation and application of integrative medical approaches aimed at elucidating
outcomes and mechanisms relevant to the public health model. Particular emphasis is placed upon
utilizing quantitative and qualitative methods to study systems that may be engaged through specific
integrative medical interventions to evoke physiologic processes with potential therapeutic benefit(s).

Courses Taught:
Introduction to Ethics
Bioethics II
Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of Palliative Care (seminar)
Ethics and Policy in Evidence-based Integrative Medicine
Neuroethics (seminar)
Director: Ethics Case Rounds, Division of Palliative Medicine
Co-Director: Ethics Case Rounds, Department of Anesthesiology
Graduate/Post-doctoral/Scholars’ Supervision
Anne Benvenuti, Ph.D. “Toward an integration of the neural and the phenomenal in transcendent experiences” “Assessment of the objective and subjective dimensions of chronic pain: A mixed methods’ empirical, and philosophical study” “Pain, suffering and a Heideggerian notion of the person as event: Implications for the moral obligations of medicine” “Comparative analysis of the history and philosophical basis of medical ethics “Physiological bases for examples of interpersonal healing in the New Testament” “Toward a consilience of neuroscience and education in a genomic world” “The concept of the ‘human vegetable’and its implications for medical philosophy, “Philosophical premises and ethical dimensions of cultural negotiation in the “The neurocentric basis for categorical determination(s) of death: implications “Self and identity: neural foundations of biological and psychological models” “The basis of diagnosis in pain medicine and psychiatry: problems and potential” “Toward a neurobiological theory of suffering” MOODY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER, PASADENA, TX Courses Taught: Clinical Psychopathology Biomedical Ethics Research Methodology Pathology (Neural, endocrine and general systems’ pathology) Complementary and Integrative Medicine Graduate Supervision: Michelle Morrison: “Putative neural and immunologic mechanisms of manual medical approaches: distinctions and implications for integrative utility” Suzanne Ivie: “Attitudinal perspectives toward acupuncture training and practice among mainstream and complementary healthcare providers” Chair of Research Committee: Derek Myers: “Biophysical properties of manipulation of spinal zygapophyseal joints: gas-phase shift and putative mechanoreceptor activation” Director, Basic and Clinical Research Programs Co-Chair: Human Subjects’ Advisory Committee LAMAR UNIVERSITY, BEAUMONT, TX Undergraduate Courses Taught Abnormal Psychology Physiological Psychology Psychopharmacology Advanced Physiology Cell Physiology Pathology Pharmacology Graduate Courses Taught Pharmacology Neuroscience Medical Ethics Advanced Research Methods Pathophysiology Graduate Supervision 1998-2002 Co-chair of Ph.D. Dissertation Committee: Scott Raven, “Multi-level information transfer modeling of telemedicine in clinical pain practice” Union Institute (in absentia) Co-chair of Thesis Committee: Jacqueline Cottle (M.A.) “Co-morbidity profiles of psychopathy and pain” Chair of Thesis Committee: Edith Kirk (M.S.) “Serotonin receptor localization and function in the mammalian eye” Co-chair of Thesis Committee Betsy Craigue (M.S.) “Effect of caffeine intake on affective and pain symptoms in lithium-maintained bipolar II patients” AEROSPACE TRAINING CENTER, MCAS CHERRY POINT, NC Courses Taught: Aviation Physiology Sensory Physiology Stress and Human Factors Aeromedical Aspects of Ejection High Altitude and G-force Tolerance Aeromedical Bioengineering DRAKE UNIVERSITY, DES MOINES, IA Undergraduate Courses Taught Pharmacotherapeutics Curriculum Coordinator Seminar in Advanced Psychopharmacology Independent Research in Neuropharmacology Honors Seminar: Biomedical Ethics Seminar: Complementary/ Integrative Medicine Undergraduate Thesis Advisor 1992 Alicia Quela, B.S., “A novel model of ischemic-inflammatory pain in rats.” Sarah Frank, B.S., “5-HT receptor-mediation of ischemic pain in rats.” David Puckett, B.S., “Azapirone therapeutic effects on PGE2-induced inflammatory bowel syndrome in rats.” Devin Nickol, B.S., “Role of mastocyte-, platelet- and free plasma-derived serotonin in 5-HT3 receptor mediated inflammatory pain.” Erin McCarville, B.S., “Neuroimmunologic impact of acute and chronic inflammatory pain and the effects of azapirone 5-HT1A agonists upon nociception-induced immunoresponsivity in rats.” Kudus Onisemoh, B.S., “Therapeutic actions of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ADR-851 and the anti-inflammatory analgesic, indomethacin, on chronic arthritic pain in rats.” Sharam Loftipour, B.S., B.A., “Changing constructs of medical intervention in disease morbidity and mortality; the role of biomedical technology and ethics.” Post-doctoral Supervisor: Steven Dutcher, D.O., Micro- and macro-surgical treatment of peripheral ischemic nociception. Extramural Supervisor of Ph.D. Dissertation: LaVerne Rogers, “Patterns and putative mechanisms of analgesia produced by the novel anxiolytic, buspirone, in rats.” (Degree in absentia from Auburn University, AL) Post-doctoral Supervisor: Ken Sufka, Ph.D., Neuropharmacologic mechanisms of pain and analgesia. Co-Chair of Ed.D Dissertation Committee: Rod Tomczak, D.P.M., “Effects of problem-based medical curriculum on medical board and resident physician performance.” Co-Chair MA Thesis Committee: N. Edgington, “Characterization of isometric responses to 5-HT in aortic smooth muscle from thyropathologic rats. Adjunct Member, Veterinary Care and Research Animal Use Committee, Des Moines College of Osteopathic Medicine, Des Moines, IA
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Animal Research Technique
Graduate Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Physiological Psychology

The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare
American Society of Bioethics
Society of Behavioral Medicine (Fellow)
Society for Neurosciences
North American Spine Society (Professional Member)
American Psychological Association
New York Academy of Sciences
Aerospace Medical Association (U.S.)
International Society of Aviation Safety Investigators (Professional Member MO 4473)
American Society of Safety Engineers: Biomedical Division (Professional Member)
Society of U.S. Naval Flight Surgeons



FAA Licensed Commercial Pilot: Airplane Single/Multi-Engine (land)
Aviation World Record Holder (NAA/FAI Aviation World Speed Records, 2000; 2001; 2002, 2003)
Federal Aviation Administration Safety Instructor/Safety Counselor of the Year, 2000
Second-Degree Black Belt, Kodokan Judo
Competitive weightlifter (Regional Natural Masters’ class and Open Champion, 2003, 2004, 2005)
English horsemanship
PADI/NAUI Certified Scuba Diver
Jazz Pianist
Vintage automotive restoration

Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D.
Chair, President’s Council on Bioethics
1425 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20057
202. 296-7351
Kevin T. FitzGerald, SJ, Ph.D., Ph.D.
David Lauler Chair in Catholic Healthcare Ethics
Professor, Molecular Genetics Department of Oncology Georgetown University Medical Center 4000 Reservoir Rd Washington, DC 20057 202. 687-5473 [email protected] Mark V. Boswell, Ph.D., M.D. Chair, Department of Anesthesiology Director, Pain Medicine Program Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 806.789-9646 [email protected]



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