Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje penicilline antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
No job name
Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 5900-5905 Lab-on-Valve System Integrating a Chemiluminescent Entity and In Situ Generation of Nascent Bromine as Oxidant for Chemiluminescent Determination of Tetracycline Mei Yang,†,‡ Ying Xu,‡ and Jian-Hua Wang*,†
Research Center for Analytical Sciences, Northeastern University, Box 332, Shenyang 110004, China, and Department ofChemistry, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China
A novel configuration of a lab-on-valve (LOV) system was
and FDA have launched the maximum residue limit of 100 µg
fabricated and applied for chemiluminescence (CL) detec-
L-1 TCs in milk.4 A number of analytical protocols for TCs were
tion by integrating a demountable Z-type flow cell onto the
recently reported,5-11 among which mass spectrometric proce-
LOV unit. A bismuthate immobilized microcolumn was
dures showed promising detection capability.5-8 For routine
incorporated in one port of the LOV for in situ oxidation
analysis, however, the development of low cost but sensitive and
of KBr and generation of bromine as oxidant for the
robust procedures are highly desired. bromine-hydrogen peroxide-tetracycline (TC) chemilu-
Chemiluminescence (CL) plays an important role and pos-
minescent reaction. The nascent bromine reacts with
sesses clear advantages for the analysis of TCs owing to high
hydrogen peroxide and produces a weak CL signal, the
sensitivity and simple instrumentation.12-15 Bromine was employed
intensity of which was significantly enhanced in the
as an effective oxidant for the CL reaction.16 The sophisticated
presence of TC following an energy-transfer mechanism.
procedure for preparing bromine standard solutions in addition
A novel procedure for tetracycline quantification was
to its unfavored limit of detection restricted its applications. The
therefore developed based on the present system. When
electrogenerated nascent bromine avoids the preparation of
compared with the reported flow injection-CL methods for
bromine standard solution;17,18 however, the additional instrumen-
TC, this procedure not only provided an improved detec-
tation and the controlling facilities further complicated the entire
tion limit of 2.0 µg L-1 but also minimized sample and
system. Furthermore, the stability of the system for generating
reagent consumption. A linear range of 6.0-10 000 µg
bromine also needs to be further improved. L-1 was derived along with RSD values of 5.9 (at the
Flow injection (FI) chemiluminescece procedures facilitate fast
concentration level of quantification limit) and 2.2% (at
measurement of a transit CL signal, while their applications in
50 µg L-1), and a sampling frequency of 120 h-1 was
routine analyses are rather limited, attributed in part to the
achieved. The system was validated with a National
intricate network of conduits and channels leading to the lack of
Standard Procedure (GB/T 18932.4-2002, HPLC with
robustness.19,20 At present, it is a fashion to develop analytical
UV detection) by measuring TC contents in commercial
(4) Andersen, W. C.; Roybal, J. E.; Gonzales. S, A.; Turnipseed, S. B.; Pfenning,
milk samples.
A. P.; Kuck, L. R. Anal. Chim. Acta 2005, 529, 145-150.
(5) Lindsey, M. E.; Meyer, M.; Thurman, E. M. Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 4640-
Tetracyclines (TCs), a group of antibiotics, have been em-
(6) Hamscher, G.; Sczesny, S.; Hoper, H.; Nau, H. Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 1509-
ployed for disease prevention and infection treatment and oc-
casionally used as additives with low concentrations in stock-
(7) Batt, A. L.; Aga, D. S. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 2940-2947.
breeding.1 The widespread employment of TCs caused a series
(8) Eichhorn, P.; Aga, D. S. Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 6002-6011. (9) Goicoechea, H. C.; Olivieri, A. C. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 4361-4368.
of problems, as the residues in milk and meat might be either
(10) Korpela, M. T.; Kurittu, J. S.; Karvinen, J. T.; Karp, M. T. Anal. Chem. 1998,
directly toxic or cause allergic reactions in some hypersensitive
individuals.2 In addition, long-term consumption of foodstuffs with
(11) Loetanantawong, B.; Suracheep, C.; Somasundrum, M.; Surareungchai, W. Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 2266-2272.
low-level antibiotics poses problems associated with the spread
(12) Zhang, X. R.; Baeyens, W. R. G.; Vandenborre, A.; Vanderweken, G.;
of drug-resistant microorganisms.3 Therefore, EU, FAO/WHO,
Calokerinos, A. C.; Schulman, S. G. Analyst 1995, 120, 463-466.
(13) Halvatzis, S. A.; Timotheoupotamia, M. M.; Calokerinos, A. C. Analyst 1993,
* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +86 24 83688944.
(14) Lau, C.; Lu, J. Z.; Kai, M. Anal. Chim. Acta 2004, 503, 235-239.
(15) Townshend, A.; Ruengsitagoon, W.; Thongpoon, C.; Liawruangrath, S. Anal.Chim. Acta 2005, 541, 105-111.
(1) Nozal, L.; Arce1, L.; Simonet, B. M.; Rios, A.; Valcarcel, M. Anal. Chim.
(16) Alwarthan, A. A.; Townshend, A. Anal. Chim. Acta 1988, 205, 261-265. Acta 2004, 517, 89-94.
(17) Zheng, X.-W.; Yang, M.; Zhang, Z.-J. Acta Chim. Sin. 2001, 59, 945-949.
(2) Wangfuengkanagul, N.; Siangproh, W.; Chailapakul, O. Talanta 2004, 64,
(18) Zheng, X.-W.; Yang, M.; Zhang, Z.-J. Anal. Chim. Acta 2001, 440, 143-
(3) Mathur, S.; Singh, R. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 2005, 105, 281-295.
(19) Wang, J.-H.; Hansen, E. H. Anal. Chim. Acta 2002, 456, 283-292.
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the SI-LOV CL detection system incorporating a bismuthate immobilized microcolumn. Operating procedure: a small amount of KBr solution was aspirated via port 3 to flow through the oxidation column, where KBr was oxidized to Br2. Sample and H2O2 solutions were then aspirated successively. The stacked zones were afterward dispensed via port 5 toward the flow cell, during which process the Br -
H2O2 TC CL reaction was facilitated and the CL was monitored in the flow cell.
methodologies for minimized reagent and sample consumption
minimized reagent and sample consumption. In addition, the
governed by an integrated miniature unit.21,22 At this juncture, the
selectivity for tetracycline was improved by employing solid-phase
relatively large fluidic consumption by FI does not seem to fit
this trend. The recently emerged sequential injection (SI) lab-on-valve (LOV) conception23-28 has proven to be an excellent front
end for downscaling the level of fluidic manipulation and sample
Apparatus. The lab-on-valve system adopted in the present
pretreatment and thus facilitates novel applications and provides
work consists of a few independent components, as illustrated in
alternatives for integrating various detection facilities incorporating
Figure 1. A Micro-SIA sequential injection system (FIAlab Instru-
appropriate entities in the LOV system.
ments Inc., Bellevueo, WA) equipped with a 2.5-mL syringe pump
In this study, we report a novel configuration of LOV integrat-
was employed for fluidic delivery. The central part of the system,
ing a CL detection entity. The latter is designed to be demountable
i.e., the LOV unit, integrates all the necessary flow channels and
from the main body of the LOV, which facilitates CL detection in
sampling ports, in which various reagent-based assays can be
a Z-type flow cell. A bismuthate immobilized silica microcolumn
performed. A microcolumn packed with sodium bismuthate
was incorporated in the LOV for in situ oxidation of KBr, and
immobilized silica beads was incorporated into port 3 of the LOV
generation of bromine served as oxidant for the bromine-
for in situ oxidation of KBr to produce bromine serving as oxidant
hydrogen peroxide-TC CL reaction. The nascent bromine reacts
for the bromine-hydrogen peroxide-tetracycline CL reaction. A
with hydrogen peroxide and produces a weak CL, the intensity
Z-type multipurpose flow-through cell, with a channel inner
of which was significantly enhanced in the presence of tetracycline,
diameter of 1.0 mm and a total channel length of ∼30 mm along
following an energy-transfer mechanism.
with a capacity of ∼24 µL, is permanently integrated on the side
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to
of the LOV unit and connected to port 5; this part is designed to
conduct CL detection in the lab-on-valve and in situ oxidation for
be demountable from the main body of the LOV whenever
generating nascent bromine by using immobilized bismuthate.
necessary. The flow cell allows a series of miniaturized fluidic
When compared with the reported FI-CL procedures, the present
operations to be performed, including mixing and dispersion of
one provides not only an improved limit of detection, but also
fluidic zones. The light emission from the CL reaction system wasmonitored with a side-on photomultiplier tube (PMT, Xi′an Remax
(20) Wang, J.-H.; Hansen, E. H.; Miro, M. Anal. Chim. Acta 2003, 499, 139-
Electronics) by directly adhering its light entrance window to the
(21) Ruzicka, J.; Hansen, E. H. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 212A-217A.
(22) Brivio, M.; Verboom, W.; Reinhoudt. D, N. Lab. Chip 2006, 6, 329-344.
The entire system was controlled with a personal computer
(23) Ruzicka, J. Analyst 2000, 125, 1053-1060.
by running the FIAlab for Windows software (FIAlab Instruments)
(24) Wang, J.-H.; Hansen, E. H. Anal. Chim. Acta 2001, 435, 331-342 (25) Erxleben, H.; Ruzicka, J. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 5124-5128.
and IFFM-D software (Xi′an Remax Electronics).
(26) Long, X.-B.; Miro, M.; Hansen, E. H. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 6032-6040.
As compared to the previous versions of lab-on-valve with a
(27) Ogata, Y.; Scampavia, L.; Ruzicka, J.; Scott, C. R.; Gelb, M. H.; Turecek, F.
single-channel flow cell integrated into the LOV,29-32 the present
Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 4702-4708.
(28) Long, X. B.; Miro, M.; Hansen, E. H. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2005, 20, 1203-
(29) Wang, Y.; Wang, J.-H.; Fang, Z.-L. Anal. Chem. 2005, 77, 5396-5401.
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
one accommodates a Z-type flow cell on a side part of the main
The column was replaced whenever a significant drop of the CL
body. This configuration not only is easier to fabricate but offers
was recorded. Practically, a much easier way could be used to
vast potentials and versatilities in its compatibility with a variety
judge whether the column should be renewed. A newly packed
of detection modes, i.e., spectrophotometry, laser-induced fluo-
column is brown colored, while it gradually turns to light color
rescence, electrochemistry, and chemiluminescence.
after a number of operations, and it finally turned to white with
All the external channels were 0.8-mm-i.d PTFE tubing con-
excessive use, which revealed that most of the immobilized
nected to the LOV unit with PEEK nuts/ferrules. The capacity of
sodium bismuthate has been consumed, and replacement of the
Chemicals. All the reagents used in the present study were Sample Pretreatment. Tetracycline has the potential to
at least of analytical reagent grade, and 18 MΩ cm-1 deionized
chelate metal species and bind onto silanol groups. Thus, for the
sample pretreatment process, the employment of a strong chelat-
A tetracycline stock solution of 100 mg L-1 was prepared by
ing reagent, i.e., EDTA, facilitates the removal of metals and
dissolving appropriate amounts of tetracycline hydrochloride
improves the recovery of the target species.1,5 Therefore, the
(Sigma) in deionized water. Working solutions of various con-
centrations were prepared daily by stepwise dilution of the stock
A 5.0-mL portion of pH 4.05 Mcllvaine buffer was added to 1.0
mL of the milk sample in a glass centrifuge tube, which was placed
A KBr solution of 0.05 mol L-1 was obtained by dissolving 3.0
in the ultrasonic cleaning bath and the mixture was sonicated for
g of KBr (Kemiou Chemicals, Tianjin, China) in 0.02 mol L-1 H2-
10 min. After being centrifuged for 20 min at 4000 rpm, the
SO4 (Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., China, SCRC) and diluted
supernatant was collected, and the solid residue was subjected
to a second ultrasonic extraction. The total collected supernatant
H2O2 working solutions were prepared by appropriate dilution
was then filtered through a 0.45-µm PTFE filter, and the filtrate
of the 30% (v/v) solution (Kemiou Chemicals) with 0.01 mol L-1
was subjected to solid-phase extraction by adopting a nonpolar
NaOH. The use of an alkaline medium deteriorates the long-term
silica-based Isolute C18 syringe cartridge (Dalian Institute of
stability of the H2O2 solution; therefore, it was prepared daily, and
Chemistry and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), with the
its optimum concentration is stated in the following.
column sorbent previously activated using an appropriate amount
A pH 4.05 Mcllvaine buffer solution was prepared by dissolving
of methanol and water. After sample loading, the column was
6.4 g of citric acid monohydrate (SCRC), 14.2 g of Na
prewashed with an aliquot of 5.0 mL of Mcllvaine buffer at a flow
(SCRC), and 30.25 g of Na2EDTA (SCRC) in 813 mL of deionized
rate of 1.5 mL min-1. The retained tetracycline was finally eluted
with 2.0 mL of methanol, adopting an elution flow rate of 1.0 mL
Other chemicals used were silica gel beads (nominal bead size
min-1, the eluate was rotary evaporated to dryness at 40 °C, and
of 100 mesh, Wu-si Chemicals Co., Shanghai) and NaBiO3
the residue was dissolved in 500 µL of water for the ensuing CL
Deionized water was used throughout as carrier solution. Operating Procedure. An entire operating cycle includes the Bismuthate Immobilization and Preparation of the in Situ
following steps: 800 µL of carrier was aspirated into the syringe,
Column Reactor. A 5.0-g sample of silica beads was treated in
which was afterward used to deliver the sample and reagent zones
an oven at 1000 °C for 3 h and afterward mixed with 1.0 g of
toward the flow cell. Subsequently, 15 µL of KBr solution was
NaBiO3 fine powder. The mixture was stirred for 30 min, during
aspirated via port 3 of the LOV at a flow rate of 20 µL s-1. As this
which process the NaBiO3 was immobilized onto the surface of
zone flowed through the NaBiO3 immobilized column, the KBr
the silica beads. A microcolumn was subsequently packed by
was oxidized giving rise to nascent bromine, which was stored in
using ∼100 mg of the obtained silica beads in a piece of PTFE
the holding coil. An aliquot of 50 µL of sample solution was then
tubing (2.0-mm i.d., 3.2-mm o.d.) blocked at both ends by glass
aspirated into the holding coil via port 4 followed by 50 µL of H2O2
wool. The microcolumn was then integrated into port 3 of the
solution via port 2, both at a flow rate of 50 µL s-1. Thereafter,
lab-on-valve unit. Before use, the column was rinsed thoroughly
the stacked zones were dispensed via port 5 toward the flow cell,
by pumping 15 mL of H2SO4 (0.02 mol L-1) and 15 mL of deionized
during which process the bromine-hydrogen peroxide-tetracy-
water alternatively through it at a flow rate of 1.5 mL min-1, to
cline CL reaction was facilitated and the light emission was
ensure the complete removal of the loosely adhered NaBiO3 on
monitored in the flow cell using a side-on PMT operated at a
negative high voltage of 900 V. The blank level of the detection
Further experiments demonstrated that no obvious deteriora-
system was occasionally checked and adjusted by introducing an
tion of the oxidizing capability of the column was observed after
equal amount of carrier (50 µL) instead of sample solution into
300-400 cycles for complete conversion of 15 µL of KBr solution
(0.05 mol L-1) to bromine. The performance of the column was
The NaBiO3 immobilized microcolumn was replaced whenever
checked, alternatively monitoring the emitted CL intensity by
it was excessively used, i.e., after ∼350 samples have been
adopting a tetracycline standard solution of affixed concentration.
processed using the present system. A rinsing procedure wasadopted for the new column, as described in the section Bismuth-
(30) Chen, X.-W.; Wang, W.-X.; Wang, J.-H. Analyst 2005, 130, 1240-1244. (31) Hindson, B. J.; Brown, S. B.; Marshall, G. D.; McBride, M. T.; Makarewicz.,
A. J.; Gutierrez, D. M.; Wolcott, D. K.; Metz, T. R.; Madabhushi, R. S.; Dzenitis, J. M.; Colston, B. W. Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 3492-3497. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(32) Edwards, K. A.; Baeumner, A. J. Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 1958-1966. Flow Cell Configurations. In the present chemiluminescent
(33) Cinquina, A. L.; Longo, F.; Anastasi, G.; Giannetti, L.; Cozzani, R. J.Chromatogr., A 2003, 987, 227-233.
system, the configuration of the flow cell has been proven to affect
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
significantly the recorded CL signal. The experiments indicatedthat, when using a conventional spiral flow cell with channel innerdiameter of 0.5 cm instead of the Z-type flow cell, a thoroughmixing of the stacked zones occurred as they flow from a narrowchannel in the LOV into a wider one. Thus, a 15-20-fold higherblank signal was recorded attributed to the reaction of nascentbromine and hydrogen peroxide. Consequently, a deteriorationof the signal/noise ratio was observed. It is conceivable that theblank signal should be lower if a spiral flow cell of smaller diameterwere used. Actually, this was well demonstrated by the Z-typeconfiguration of the flow cell. The present Z-type flow cell wasdesigned to fit the receiving area of the light entrance window ofthe PMT, which provides sufficient CL detection area by incor-porating the Z-channel onto an appropriate planar area and,
Figure 2. Effects of sampling sequences on the recorded CL.
therefore, facilitates a complete collection of the light emission.
Conditions: KBr concentration in 0.02 mol L-1 H2SO4, 0.05 mol L-1;
As compared with the single-purposed spiral cell for CL detection,
H2O2 concentration in 0.01 mol L-1 NaOH:, 0.01 mol L-1; sampling
the multipurposes of the Z flow cell are characterized by the vast
(aspirating) sequence, Br2 sample-H2O2; volumes of KBr-sample-H2O2 solutions (µL), 15-50-50; aspirating flow rates for KBr-
potentials and versatilities in its compatibility with a variety of
sample-H2O2 solutions (µL s-1), 20-50-50; negative high voltage
detection modes, i.e., spectrophotometry, laser-induced fluores-
cence, electrochemistry, and chemiluminescence. In addition,Z-type channels are much easier to be fabricated mechanically,while the fabrication of spiral channels into the monolithic LOV
silica surface; there is thus a risk of losing particulate NaBiO3
system poses a real challenge, unless microfabrication techniques
during the oxidation process. As a compromise, a mass ratio of
1:5 was employed for the immobilization process, yielding both a
In Situ Generation of Nascent Bromine and the Perfor-
satisfactory oxidizing efficiency and an adequate lifetime of 300-
mance of the Immobilized Bismuthate Column. The overall
performance of the entire system depends strongly on the
NaBiO3 has very strong oxidizing ability in acidic medium. To
concentration of the nascent bromine. Therefore, a high oxidation
maintain the oxidizing capability and the stability of the packed
column, an appropriate acid should be employed. The experiments
oxidation rate is highly desired. It is ideal that quantitative
indicated that HCl and HNO3 destruct the packed column and
oxidation is accomplished while the KBr solution was aspirated
therefore were not a choice. When using H3PO4 and H2SO4, a
to flow through the column reactor. The oxidation kinetics was
higher response and a longer lifetime of the column were
therefore investigated by varying the contact time of KBr solution
achieved. For the ensuing experiments, H2SO4 was employed.
(15 µL) with the oxidizing surface, which was realized by changing
Further investigations showed that an improvement on the
the flow rate for aspirating the KBr solution through the column.
recorded CL intensity was observed with the increase of H2SO4
A complete oxidation of KBr in a 0.05-0.30 mol L-1 solution was
concentration in KBr solution up to 0.02 mol L-1, while afterward,
achieved within 1 s, by aspirating 15 µL of solution to flow through
a decline of the signal was recorded. This might be attributed to
the column reactor at a flow rate of 5-25 µL s-1. When employing
the fact that the present CL reaction is preferentially performed
KBr solution within this concentration range and the optimized
in alkaline medium, while a higher concentration of acid tends to
experimental conditions as detailed in the ensuing sections, a
dilute the concentration of NaOH in the adjacent H2O2 zone, which
virtually constant CL intensity was recorded. This result denotes
in turn deteriorates the CL reaction. For further experiments, a
that a KBr concentration of 0.05 mol L-1 with an aspirating flow
H2SO4 concentration of 0.02 mol L-1 was employed.
rate of 20 µL s-1 is adequate for the ensuing CL reaction for the
Effect of Sampling Sequence. For the present SI-LOV CL
reaction system, the penetration and dispersion of the stacked
When using a fixed amount of NaBiO3 immobilized silica for
zones, i.e., Br2 in H2SO4, H2O2 in NaOH, and tetracycline (sample),
packing the column reactor, no variations for the oxidation
is the decisive factor on the CL emission. Therefore, the effect of
efficiency were observed by varying the length and diameter of
sampling sequence of the various zones and their concentrations
the packed column. Thus, for the ensuing experiments, ∼100 mg
and volumes were carefully optimized.
of NaBiO3 immobilized silica beads was employed to pack the
Figure 2 illustrated the effect of sampling sequence of the three
column into a PTFE tubing of 2.0-mm inner diameter.
zones. It is obvious that a very weak emission was detected
The immobilized amount of NaBiO3, which is directly related
whenever the Br2 and H2O2 zones were directly adjacent, while
to the amount of NaBiO3 used for immobilization, has a significant
significant emissions were recorded in the cases where the Br2
effect on the oxidizing efficiency and the lifetime of the column.
and H2O2 zones were separated by the sample zone. It is
When a NaBiO3/silica mass ratio of 1:10 (m/m) was adopted, the
interesting that the highest CL intensity was always achieved by
lifetime of the packed column is only ∼100 operating cycles for
adopting the sampling (aspirating) sequence of Br -
15 µL of KBr solution. Although the oxidizing efficiency and
sample-Br2. This observation could be satis-
lifetime of the column were significantly improved with a mass
factorily explained by the following energy-transfer mechanism
ratio of 1:1, the NaBiO3 was not uniformly immobilized on the
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
When adopting the sampling sequence of Br -
sample-Br2, the Br2 and H2O2 zones penetrate through
the sample zone and contact each other while flowing toward theflow cell. At the very moment when the nascent Br2 meets H2O2,the excited state of O *
2 is generated, which immediately transfers
its energy to the TC molecule and produces the excited state of
Figure 3. Effects of various zone volumes on the recorded CL
TC*. Afterward, the transition of TC* to ground state along with
signal. Conditions: KBr concentration in 0.02 mol L-1 H2SO4, 0.05
the emission of strong CL takes place. When the zones are
mol L-1; H2O2 concentration in 0.01 mol L-1 NaOH, 0.01 mol L-1;
directed toward the flow cell, an alkaline medium is preferential
to the CL reaction. At this point, the leading part of the flow for
rates for KBr-sample-H2O2 solutions (µL s-1), 20-50-50; negativehigh voltage of the PMT, 900 V.
medium for the CL reaction and, thus, gives rise to strongemission. In the case of H
By taking into account the fast kinetics of the present reaction
part of the flow is acidic. When flowing toward the flow cell, an
and the transit nature of the CL signal, the recorded readout
acidic wetting film was formed on the inner wall of the channel,
depends strongly on the flow rate of the various zones. Thus, a
which slightly diluted the alkaline medium of the ensuing H2O2
faster dispensing flow rate of 120 µL s-1 was employed in order
zone and, therefore, a decline of the recorded CL.
to minimize the time required for transporting the stacked zones
For the sampling sequences where Br2 and H2O2 zones were
(reaction mixture) into the detection point in the flow cell. An
directly adjacent, although a sufficient amount of excited state of
even higher flow rate, i.e., 150 µL s-1, resulted in virtually no
was generated, there is no chance to transfer its energy to
increment of the recorded signal but a slight deterioration on the
majority of its excitation energy was released in the form of heat. Effect of Foreign Species. For real world samples, the matrix
Therefore, only very weak signals were detected.
compositions are usually quite complex, which might cause
Sample and Reagent Zone Volumes and Flow Rates. Based
interferences for the determination of trace-level TCs. Thus,
on the discussions in the above sections, the stacked zone volumes
potential interfering effects from some of those species frequently
and their concentrations should be carefully chosen to achieve
encountered in analyzing livestock products, i.e., milk and meat,
optimized CL. Figure 3 illustrated the effects of zone volumes on
were investigated by using the present system.
the recorded CL intensity. The selection of Br2 zone volume is
For the assay of 1.0 mg L-1 tetracycline, no interfering effects
quite tricky; the amount of nascent bromine generated from a
were observed in the presence of 1000-fold of alkali metal ions,
small zone of 10 µL is not sufficient for the CL reaction, while a
large zone corresponds to a large amount of H2SO4, which tends
earth and the majority of heavy metal species, and 10-fold of
to deteriorate the alkaline medium for the reaction. Thus, a Br2
ascorbic acid and uric acid. However, equal amounts of Cu2+, Zn2+,
zone of 15 µL was employed throughout the study.
cations cause interfering effects. In some particular
The H2O2 zone provides an alkaline medium for the CL
cases, appropriate dilution of the sample solution or digestion
reaction. The experiments have shown that the CL intensity
helps to attenuate the matrix effects, but this cannot be used
reached maximum by using a H2O2 zone volume of 50-100 µL; a
excessively because TC contents in many real world samples were
further increase of the zone volume results in an enhancement
quite low. It is therefore highly desired to incorporate a sample
of blank and thus a decline of the net signal, which is a common
pretreatment procedure in order to eliminate the interfering
observation in CL reactions involving H2O2. Further experiments
components prior to analysis. In the present case, when employing
showed that a maximum CL intensity was recorded when
a solid-phase extraction procedure with a C18 cartridge as detailed
employing a H2O2 concentration of 0.01 mol L-1 in a 0.01 mol L-1
in the Sample Pretreatment section, the potential interfering
NaOH solution. For further studies, a 50-µL zone volume of this
species mentioned herein could be effectively eliminated. Analytical Performance of the Present System and Its
It is conceivable that an appropriate sample zone not only
Validation. The characteristic performance data of the SI-LOV
facilitates the penetration of Br2 and H2O2 zones in order to trigger
CL detection system for TC were summarized in Table 1, along
their reaction and give rise to the excited state of O *
with a comparison to some of the reported flow injection CL
able to receive the energy transferred from the O *
procedures, in terms of limit of detection and reagent/sample
a small sample zone is not sufficient to receive the transferred
consumption. It is obvious that the present system not only
energy, while too large a sample zone makes it difficult to be
significantly improved the limit of detection for the CL reaction
effectively penetrated/dispersed through by the Br2 and H2O2
system with bromine as the oxidant but also substantially reduced
zones. This requirement was only fulfilled when using a sample
the consumption of reagent. In addition, the present system
zone volume of 50-150 µL and a steady CL signal was recorded.
provides a sampling frequency of 120 h-1, which is a clear
Therefore, a sample zone of 50 µL was used.
advantage for routine analysis. Furthermore, the high precision
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
Table 1. Characteristic Performance Data for the SI-LOV CL Detection System with Nascent Bromine as Oxidant for the Determination of Tetracycline I ) 0.5451CTC (µg L-1) + 49.35
RSD (at the level of quantification limit)
Features of FI-CL Procedures for Tetracycline
Table 2. Determination Results for Tetracycline in Milk
attributed to the fact that the original concentrations achieved by
Samples by a National Standard Procedure (GB/T 18932.4-2002) and the Present System
the standard procedure were roughly 10% higher, and this errorwas transferred to the final recoveries. CONCLUSIONS
By integrating a Z-type flow cell serving as the CL detection
entity, a novel SI-LOV system was employed for CL detection.
The incorporation of a bismuthate immobilized microcolumn onto
the LOV gives rise to nascent bromine by in situ oxidation of KBr,
LOV system not only significantly improved the limit of detection
and stability along with a long lifetime of the packed column
for tetracycline but also minimized sample and reagent consump-tion. In addition, the simple instrumentation makes it possible to
reactor guarantee long-term stability of the entire system, char-
construct a portable analyzer for field measurement of antibiotics,
acterized by a reasonable RSD value at a very low concentration
in addition to the feature of easy automation of the entire system.
Further investigations are under progress. Another distinct feature
The present SI-LOV CL detection system with nascent bromine
of the present version of lab-on-valve is characterized by the vast
as oxidant for tetracycline assay was validated using a National
potentials and versatilities in its compatibility with a variety of
Standard Procedure for tetracycline (GB/T 18932.4-2002, HPLC
detection modes, including spectrophotometry, laser-induced
with UV detection issued by the General Administration of Quality
fluorescence, electrochemistry, and chemiluminescence.
Supervision Inspection and Quarantine, China) by measuring
tetracycline contents in commercial milk samples. The sample
The authors are indebted to the financial support from the
pretreatment was carried out following the procedure detailed in
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC-20375007,
the Sample Pretreatment section. The results were summarized
20575010, NSFC-RFBR program-20411120643), the key project forscientific research from the Ministry of Education, China (105056),
in Table 2. Agreements were achieved between the results
the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, China
obtained by the standard procedure and the present system. In
(20042011), and the SRFDP program (20050145026).
addition, reasonable spiking recoveries for the commercial milk
samples were also attained by employing the present procedure.
Received for review April 19, 2006. Accepted May 23,
It can be noted that the recovery rates obtained by using the
standard procedure were overall on the low side, which might be
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 16, August 15, 2006
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