Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
human psychopharmacologyHum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2005; 20: 183–187. Published online 7 February 2005 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hup.676
A comparison of donepezil and galantamine in thetreatment of cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer’sdisease: a meta-analysis
Robin D. J. Harry and Konstantine K. Zakzanis*
University of Toronto at Scarborough, Toronto, Canada
This review was conducted in order to determine the efficacy of donepezil and galantamine in the treatment of cognitivesymptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, and also to determine whether galantamine was a superior pharmacological intervention. Meta-analytic methods were used to analyse the data from eight empirical studies which met the inclusion criteria specified. By finding the mean effect sizes of the treatment on the outcome measures of cognition, it was determined that neither drugwas greatly efficacious. However, this result does not necessarily diminish the practical value of the drug. It was also foundthat galantamine was no better than donepezil at treating cognitive decline in AD. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words — donepezil; galantamine; Alzheimer’s; pharmacology; meta-analysis
injury and the presence of the apolipoprotein e4 allele(Davidson et al., 2002). Several rare, causative genetic
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also known sometimes as
mutations have been identified in AD, including the
dementia of the Alzheimer’s type, is the most preva-
mutation of the amyloid precursor protein on chromo-
lent cause of dementia in the aged population. It
some 21, and presenilin genes 1 and 2 on chromo-
is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which
somes 14 and 1, respectively (Cummings, 2003).
accounts for about 50% to 70% of dementia in older
The most prominent neurobehavioural deficit of
people. Although AD can only be conclusively diag-
AD is memory impairment (Banich, 1997; Cummings,
nosed at autopsy, the evolution of new techniques for
2003). Patients with AD also suffer visuospatial difficul-
structural and functional imaging of the brain has
ties, executive function impairment and language diffi-
allowed more insight into the epidemiology of the dis-
culties. The pathophysiology of AD includes amyloid
ease. Diagnosis has also been improved by the provi-
plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, both of which cause
sion of more defined guidelines to diagnosing AD by
atrophy of the cortex (Banich, 1997; Cummings, 2003).
the National Institute of Neurologic and Communica-
There is also atrophy in the nucleus basalis, which
tive Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease
causes the cholinergic deficit observed in patients with
and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS—
ADRDA) in 1984 (Ishii et al., 1991).
The loss of cholinergic transmission is believed to
Age is the primary risk factor of AD. Gender is also
be the cause of the deterioration of cognitive function
a risk factor; women are more likely to die from AD
seen in patients with AD (Francis et al., 1999). This
than men. Other risk factors include a history of head
hypothesis, known as the cholinergic hypothesis,spawned the use of pharmacological interventions thatincrease the activity of the system, and so retard theprogression of cognitive impairment. This was most
* Correspondence to: Dr K. K. Zakzanis, Department of Life
successfully done with acetylcholinesterase inhibi-
Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military
tors. These drugs inhibit the activity of acetylcholines-
Trail, Toronto, Ontario, MIC 1A4 Canada. E-mail: [email protected]
terase in the synaptic cleft, hence increasing the
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
amount of acetylcholine available for neurotransmis-
with statistical significance) of the effect size in the
sion, enhancing the activity of the cholinergic system.
Two of these drugs, donepezil (Aricept1) and galan-
Meta-analyses control for biases that are potentially
tamine (Reminyl1), are the focus of this review.
present in significance testing, such as subjective
Donepezil was approved for treatment of mild-to-
study selection and inaccurate interpretations of statis-
moderate AD in the USA in 1996. In 1997, it was
tical findings (Wolf, 1986). Also, Cohen’s d does not
approved in the UK, and in Canada as the first drug
necessitate the assumption of homogeneity of var-
treatment for AD. It is highly selective for acetylcho-
iance, as it controls for participant variability. Meta-
linesterase, has few side-effects, and in the literature,
analyses also account for the ‘file-drawer’ problem
is said to have beneficial effects on cognition and daily
by reporting the fail-safe N statistic. This statistic tells
living in AD patients (Jones, 2000). Galantamine has
the number of studies needed to overturn the mean
also shown similar results. It was approved for treat-
effect size that was obtained in the meta-analysis
ment of mild-to-moderate AD in the USA and Canada
(Zakzanis, 2001). This statistic can be a good indica-
in 2001. However, galantamine has a modus operandi
tion as to whether or not the results of the study can be
somewhat different to that of donepezil: in addition to
allosterically modulates the nicotinic receptors in the
cholinergic system. This action increases the releaseof acetylcholine, and so enhances cholinergic activity
The review of the available literature began with a
search on Psyc-Info and PubMed. Using the advanced
This difference in drug mechanisms begs the ques-
search option, the search was done through the data-
tion: which drug is more effective? Does galantami-
base using key words as follows: galantamine,
ne’s dual mechanism make it a superior intervention
galanthamine, Reminyl, donepezil, Aricept, Alzhei-
to donepezil in the treatment of AD? This review aims
mer, dementia, efficacy, pharmacology. Relevant arti-
to determine the efficacy of donepezil and galanta-
cles were found in eight journals, both through the
mine in the treatment of the cognitive deficits of
electronic databases and through manual searches.
AD, and determine which drug is the superior pharma-
The articles were retrieved through online access to
the journals, and from Gerstein Science InformationCentre at the University of Toronto.
The method used to carry out this investigation was
Criteria for articles to be included in this study are
meta-analysis. Meta-analytic techniques provide a
outlined in Table 1. Publication after 1984 ensures
means of quantifying the magnitude of an effect or a
that all participants were diagnosed according to the
deficit. The magnitude of the effect was indexed in
NINCDS—ADRDA criteria. The randomized, double-
this study by the effect size statistic, Cohen’s d, which
blind design reduced the risk of researcher biases in the
is a measure of the degree to which a phenomenon is
reporting and interpretation of the results. Effect sizes
present, or in theoretical terms, the degree by which
were computed from statistics such as means, standard
the null hypothesis is false (Zakzanis, 1998). The
deviations and standard errors of the mean.
meta-analysis reports the mean effect size, whichreflects the average of all the effect sizes of the studies
included in the review. The mean effect size is theninterpreted in terms of the study.
Recorded variables in the studies included in this
Cohen’s d can be converted to a corresponding
investigation were mean age, gender, weight and eth-
overlap statistic (OL%), which directly shows the per-
nicity. The scores on the screening MMSE were also
centage of overlap between patient and control sam-ples. Also, Cohen’s benchmarks provide a useful
guide to interpreting the effect size. Cohen assigned
the labels of a small effect to a d of 0.2, a medium
(b) A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study design
effect to a d of 0.5, and a large effect to a d of 0.8
(c) Participants with mild to moderate AD, and without current
(Zakzanis, 2001). While this is a useful frame of refer-
diagnosis of any other psychiatric or neurological disorder
ence, it is not always practical, and care should be
(d) Outcome measures of cognitive ability in AD patients(e) Study statistics convertible to the effect size statistic d
taken to interpret the importance (not to be confused
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2005; 20: 183–187.
Characteristics and participant demographics of donepezil studies
Characteristics and participant demographics of galantamine studies
recorded. Outcome measures of cognition were the
of these studies used the ADAS-cog as a measure of
cognition. As with the donepezil studies, there were
(ADAS-cog), the Japanese version of the ADAS-
considerably more female participants than male
cog, and the mini-mental state examination (MMSE).
Table 4 includes the mean effect sizes for the mea-
sures of cognition across all the studies. Effect sizes
were computed according to Cohen’s d formula where
Eight studies met the inclusion criteria for this inves-
the mean change of the treatment group was sub-
tigation; three on donepezil, and five on galantamine.
tracted from the mean change of the placebo group,
In total, test results from 1174 AD patients treated
with placebo, 668 treated with donepezil, and 1510
(Zakzanis, 2001). This table also includes the number
treated with galantamine were recorded across meta-
of effect sizes which contributed to each mean. Effect
sizes were computed for each treatment dosage of the
Table 2 includes a description of the study charac-
drug. Also included in the table are the standard devia-
teristics and demographics of the participants in the
tion of the mean effect size, the overlap percentage
studies on donepezil. The age of the participants did
(OL %), and the minimum and maximum effect sizes
not vary significantly across the studies. Notably, all
that contributed to the mean. The fail-safe N at a cri-
three studies had approximately twice the number of
terion of 0.02 was also calculated for each outcome
female participants than male participants. Two of the
studies used the MMSE as well as the ADAS-cog as
The ADAS-cog evaluation of donepezil yielded a d
outcome measures of cognition, and Homma et al.
of 0.48, which translates to an overlap percentage of
67.8. The MMSE yielded a d of À0.36, which yielded
Table 3 includes a description of the characteristics
an overlap percentage of 75.6. It should be noted that
and the demographics of the galantamine studies. All
the ADAS-cog yields a positive d. This reflects the
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2005; 20: 183–187.
placebo group having a higher score; a higher score on
(Wolfson et al., 2000). A meta-analysis of the effects
the ADAS-cog means greater dysfunction. The nega-
of donepezil and galantamine on the functional per-
tive d on the MMSE means that the placebo did worse
formance and quality of life of AD patients may serve
on the test than the treatment group; lower scores
to give a better idea of the efficacy of the drugs, and
mean greater dysfunction. Galantamine showed a d
of 0.52 on the ADAS-cog, which means an overlap
The second purpose of this review was to compare
the efficacy of donepezil with that of galantamine. Galantamine does not seem to have an advantage. This seems counter-intuitive, because galantamine’s
mechanisms, theoretically, are designed to increase
This review was conducted on the clinical trials of the
the amount of acetylcholinesterase in the synaptic
drugs donepezil and galantamine to determine and
cleft to a greater extent than donepezil. Donepezil
compare their respective efficacies in treating the cog-
only inhibits acetylcholinesterase. Galantamine inhi-
nitive symptoms of AD. Using meta-analytic techni-
bits acetylcholinesterase, modulates presynaptic nico-
ques on the available literature, it was possible to
tinic receptors so that they release more acetylcholine,
determine how effective each of the drugs was.
and modulates postsynaptic nicotinic receptors so that
While some of the AD patients treated with donepe-
the neuron is activated. Despite this, it does not seem
zil showed better cognitive function than the partici-
to be more effective than donepezil. This could be
pants in the placebo group, the number was far from
because donepezil may just be a more powerful drug,
the majority. As evident from the mean effect size,
despite the relative simplicity of its action. Perhaps
most patients showed the same decline in cognitive
donepezil inhibits acetylcholinesterase more than
function as did the placebo-treated patients. Galanta-
mine showed the same result. The majority of people
An alternative explanation is that the modulation of
treated with galantamine in those studies showed the
nicotinic receptors does not help the cholinergic sys-
same cognitive deficits on the scales as did the patients
tem as much as would be believed. Allosteric modula-
tion of the presynaptic nicotinic receptors is capable
This brings to question the practicality of the use of
of increasing the amount of glutamate, as well as acet-
either donepezil or galantamine as interventions of the
ylcholine, released into the synaptic cleft (Maelicke,
cognitive decline that befalls AD patients. The mean
2000). However, increased levels of glutamate in the
effect sizes of donepezil and galantamine on the
central nervous system have also been associated with
ADAS-cog were 0.48 and 0.52, respectively. If inter-
neuronal dysfunction and cell death (Danysz and
preted according to Cohen’s benchmarks, these effect
Parsons, 2003). By allosterically modulating the nico-
sizes would fall just along the border of low to mod-
tinic receptors, galantamine may be causing harm as
erate efficacy of the drug. That does not paint a pro-
mising picture for patients with AD.
This investigation is not without its limitations. The
However, it is not entirely sensible to draw all con-
number of effect sizes contributing to the mean is small,
clusions about the practicality of the pharmacological
and therefore these results cannot be generalized. As
interventions based solely on their small effect. AD is
seen by the small fail-safe N, these results can be over-
a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, which is
turned easily with a minimal number of studies with
always terminal, and is still incurable. The effect that
negligible effect sizes. Another limitation is the possibi-
donepezil and galantamine have may be small, but it
lity of moderator variables that this study did not
exists nonetheless. Anything that could possibly slow
account for. For example, the doses of the acetylcholi-
the progression of AD, and give the patients a bit more
nesterase inhibitor used, as well as the duration of the
study, may have had a significant impact on the effect
Perhaps a better analysis of the practicality of these
sizes obtained. Correlational analyses would have to
drugs would be a consideration of their cognitive
be done to understand exactly how these moderator
enhancements in conjunction with their effects on
variables may have affected the outcome of this study.
the functional disability of patients with AD. It standsto reason that an improvement in cognitive function
would also mean an improvement in the functionalperformance of AD patients. Also, the level of func-
This meta-analytic review aimed to discover the effi-
tional performance also contributes heavily to the
cacy of two of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used
quality of life that a person with AD experiences
to reduce the rate of decline in patients with AD,
Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2005; 20: 183–187.
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