Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.


Organized by
3rd World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Its Complications in Conjuction with the 4th Hong Kong Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Factors – East Meets West Symposium Medical Grand Round – An 80-Year-Old Man with Enquiry: Miss Venus YIP/Miss Gloria LEUNGTel: 2990 3746/ 2990 3697, Fax: 2990 3438 Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington D.C., USA (Theme of Scientific Session – Bio-terrorism) Padioiodine Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis in Children Enquiry: Dr. Chak-man YU, Tel: 2595 6410Email: [email protected] The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 Institute of Cardiovascular Science andMedicine, The University of Hong KongEnquiry: Ms. Kinny TINTel: 2855 3349, Fax: 2872 5828Email: [email protected] The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 HKMA Tennis Tournament at Kowloon Tong Club The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 and The New Medico-Legal Society of HKVenue: Senior Officers' Mess, 6/F., CaineHouse, Police HeadquartersEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] FUTURE PROGRAMME
Basic Course in Neurosurgery for Theatre Nurse The Jockey Club Skills DevelopmentCentre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chapterof the American College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] CME for Doctors Promoting Physical Activity (IV) The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 Health Care Providers 2002/2003 (II) at OLMH Hong Kong Society of Paediatric RespirologyVenue: Lecture Theatre, M/F., HospitalAuthority BuildingEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Angela LEE/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] Queen Elizabeth Hospital (VII) – Psychiatry HKMA Tennis Tournament at Kowloon Tong Club The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 Medical Grand Round: Update in Management of Swallowing Difficulty and Aspiration Pneumonia Enquiry: Ms. Connie NGTel: 2703 820, Fax: 2703 8202 Hong Kong College of RadiologistsEnquiry: Ms. Diane LEE, Executive Officer,Hong Kong College of Radiologists,Rm 909, 9/F Hong Kong AcademyMedicine Jockey Club Building, 99 WongChuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong KongTel: 2871 8788, Fax: 2554 0739Email: [email protected]: http://www.hkcr.org HKMA Tennis Tournament at Kowloon Tong Club The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 FUTURE PROGRAMME
Direct Patient Access to Physiotherapy – Venue: Senior Officers' Mess, 6/F., CaineHouse, Police HeadquartersEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] CMAAO Mid-term Council Meeting at Lotus Hotel, Asia and Oceania c/o The Hong KongMedical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 Centre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chapterof the American College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] Hong Kong Society of PaediatricGastroenterology, Hepatology and NutritionEnquiry: Dr. K. TSEEmail: [email protected] Hong Kong Division of the InternationalAcademy of PathologyEnquiry: Dr. Polly LAM, Fax: 2385 2455Email: [email protected] International Conference 2002 – Development Dyslexia in Children Using Chinese Language: Enquiry: Ms. Sarah WONG, Tel: 2599 8996Website: www.fmshk.com.hk/hkcndp Kwong Wah Hospital (VIII) – Orthopaedics HKMA Tennis Tournament at Kowloon Tong Club The Hong Kong Medical AssociationEnquiry: Tel: 2527 8285 FUTURE PROGRAMME
and The New Medico-Legal Society of HKVenue: Senior Officers' Mess, 6/F., CaineHouse, Police HeadquartersEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] Care of the Critically III Surgical Patient Course The Jockey Club Skills DevelopmentCentre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chapterof the American College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] Symposium and ISCD Certificate Courses – ISCD Certificate Courses in Clinical Densitometry Foundation, International Society forClinical Densitometry, Asian PacificOsteoporosis FoundationVenue: The Postgraduate Education CentreFaculty of Medicine, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Prince of WalesHospitalEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Angela LEE/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2002 The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologistsand The Society of Anaesthetists of HKVenue: Ballroom, 3/F., Sheraton HongKong Hotel & TowersEnquiry: Secretariat - Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Grace CHUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected]: www.hkca.edu.hk or FUTURE PROGRAMME
c/o Hong Kong Physiotherapy Annual Congress Sports Medicine & Health Promotion,Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association,Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine& Sports ScienceTel: Ms. Winnie WONGTel: 2646 1477, Fax: 2646 3020Email: [email protected]: www.cuhk.edu.hk/whoctr/fims/ Symposium and ISCD Certificate Courses – Osteoporosis: Innovations and Breakthroughs Hong Kong, Hong Kong OsteoporosisFoundation, International Society forClinical Densitometry, Asian PacificOsteoporosis FoundationVenue: The Postgraduate EducationCentre, Faculty of Medicine, The ChineseUniversity of HK, Prince of Wales HospitalEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Angela LEE/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] International Symposium on Hepatology 2002 (15th ASM of the HK Association of Liver Diseases) of Liver DiseasesVenue: Room 301B, New Wing, Hong KongConvention and Exhibition CentreEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Manda FUNG/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] The Fifth Meeting of The Asian – Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Enquiry: Conference Secretariat,Management Society for HealthcareProfessionals, 8/F, 88 Lockhart Road,Wanchai, Hong KongTel: 2861 2668, Fax: 2527 4698 Email: [email protected]: www.AAFITN.com Department of Optometry and Radiography,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University andZhongshan Ophthalmic Center, ZhongshanUniversityVenue: Ballroom, 1/F., Harbour PlazaHong KongEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Angela LEE/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected]: www.myopia2002.com FUTURE PROGRAMME
Subspecialty Talk – Parenting Issues in Children Enquiry: Dr. S P WUTel 2958 8888, Fax 2384 5204 Hospital, Stanford University School ofMedicineEnquiry: Ms. Erica CHUNGTel: 2595 6410, Fax: 2904 5371 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Program – Centre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, QueenMary Hospital, Hong Kong Chapter of theAmerican College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, TheJockey Club Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] 4th Hip Section Meeting of the Asia Pacific Enquiry: Tel: 2735 8118, Fax: 2735 8285Email: [email protected]: http://www.mvdmc.com/apoa Hong Kong Thoracic Society andAmerican College of Chest Physicians(HK and Macau Chapter)Venue: Convention Hall, Level 2, Old Wing,Hong Kong Convention and ExhibitionCentreEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Grace CHUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] Care of the Critically III Surgical Patient Course The Jockey Club Skills DevelopmentCentre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong Chapter of theAmerican College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] 4th Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons The Hong Kong Neurosurgical SocietyEnquiry: Ms. Anthea LUKTel: 2111 7574, Fax: 2111 0132Email: [email protected]: www.asiancns.org FUTURE PROGRAMME
Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Instructor Course The Jockey Club Skills Development Centre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong Chapter of theAmerican College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] Hong Kong Society of PaediatricEndocrinology & Metabolism, The HongKong Society of Childhood Neurology andDevelopmental PaediatricsEnquiry: Dr. Chak-man YUEmail: [email protected] Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Provider Course The Jockey Club Skills DevelopmentCentre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong Chapter of theAmerican College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] 18th World Congress of Digestive Surgery & Department of Surgery, University of Hong 9th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress Kong Medical CentreEnquiry: Congress SecretariatTel: 2818 0232/2855 4235, Fax: 2818 1186Email: [email protected]: http://www.wcds2002.org The First Asian Chapter Meeting – International International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and Hong Kong Society of NephrologyVenue: Hong Kong Convention andExhibition CentreEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Grace CHUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected]: www.acm-ispd.org Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2002 "Oculoplastic and Orbital Diseases" Kong, The Hong Kong OphthalmologicalSocietyEnquiry: Ms. Vicki WONGTel: 2761 9128, Fax: 2715 0089 FUTURE PROGRAMME
Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Provider Course The Jockey Club Skills DevelopmentCentre, Department of Surgery, Universityof Hong Kong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Hong Kong Chapter of theAmerican College of SurgeonsEnquiry: Course Administrator, The JockeyClub Skills Development Centre,Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospital, Pokfulam, Hong KongTel: 2855 4885/4886, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospitalEnquiry: Forum SecretaryTel: 2818 0232/ 2855 4235, Fax: 2855 4235Email: [email protected]: www.hku.hk/surgery Hong Kong Institute of Allergy and American College of Allergy, Asthma & ImmunologyVenue: Level 4, Old Wing, Hong KongConvention and Exhibition CentreEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms. Sandy CHUNG/Ms. Grace CHUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected] XII World Congress on Cardiac Pacing & Electrophysiology Society, Hong KongCollege of CardiologyEnquiry: Tel: 2735 8118, Fax: 2735 8282Email: [email protected]: www.icpes.com Department of Surgery, University of HongKong Medical Centre, Queen MaryHospitalEnquiry: SecretariatTel: 2855 4885, Fax: 2819 3416Email: [email protected] 3rd Asian Conference on Emergency Medicine The Hong Kong Society for EmergencyMedicine & Surgery and Hong KongCollege of Emergency MedicineVenue: Level 4, Old Wing, Hong KongConvention and Exhibition CentreEnquiry: Secretariat – Ms Grace CHU/Ms. Sigourney LIUConference Organising ServiceThe Federation of Medical Societies of HKTel: 2527 8898, Fax: 2866 7530Email: [email protected]: www.acem2003.com

Source: http://www.fmshk.com.hk/hkmd/sep2002/future.pdf

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LESSON ASSIGNMENT LESSON 3 Antibiotics TEXT ASSIGNMENT LESSON OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you should be able to: Given the trade name of an antibiotic or sulfonamide agent and a list of generic names, select the generic name that corresponds to the trade name. Given an antibiotic or sulfonamide agent and a list of side effects/toxicities, select the side effect

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Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) Dr. Mohammed Sadiq An increasing number of obsessive-compulsive disorders are surfacing among Muslim communities around the world. This article is intended to provide some information about OCD to those who are suffering from this disorder. As such, the symptoms of this disorder, some contributing factors as well as some treatment alternatives will be dis

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