Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose & Throat, LLC
PATIENT NAME:____________________________________________________________________ Last
Date of Birth:______________ Age: ______ Sex: M - F Marital Status: S M D W SEP Name of Spouse / Parent if Patient is a Minor_______________________________________________________ Social Security#:_______________________ Email Address:__________________________________________Cell Phone#:___________________ Mailing Address:_____________________________________________Home Phone#:_________________
Northern Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Employer:_______________________________________________Business Phone#______________________ ALL CHARGES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE TIME OF SERVICE, FORMS OF PAYMENT: CASH, CHECK, MONEY ORDER, VISA, MASTERCARD. HOW DO YOU INTED TO PAY FOR TODAY’S VISIT:____________________________________________ Who is your Primary Care Physician? ______________________________________________________________ Who referred you to Our Practice?_____________________________________________________________ Whom may we contact in the case of an emergency?
NAME:_______________________________PHONE:____________________RELATIONSHIP:_____________ AUTHORIZATION TO DISCLOSE MEDICAL INFORMATION
DO WE HAVE PERMISSION TO TALK TO FAMILY MEMBERS?________YES _______NO IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Name:________________________Phone:______________________Relationship:_____________________ Name:________________________Phone:______________________Relationship:_____________________ MAY WE LEAVE A DETAILED MESSAGE ON YOUR HOME ANSWERING MACHINE? _____YES ______NO MAY WE CONTACT YOU OR LEAVE A MESSAGE AT OUR WORK? _____YES _____NO HIPAA Privacy Act
I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. I hereby authorize the examination and treatment and authorize the release of medical information to insurance or Medicare carriers. I will be responsible for payment of services my insurance or Medicare does not cover (non-covered) services performed with my permission in this office that my insurance company has contracted to another provider or facility. I will be responsible for knowing the providers and facilities in my insurance company’s network and for accepting referrals to only these providers and facilities. If I accept a referral to a provider or facility outside my insurance network, I will be responsible for any charges not covered by my insurance company or Medicare. I hereby authorize my insurance benefits be paid directly to FLORIDA GULF COAST EAR, NOSE & THROAT, LLC. A copy of this authorization is as valid as the original. I understand I have the right to review FLORIDA GULF COAST EAR, NOSE & THROAT, LLC’S Notice of Privacy Practices, located in the waiting room, and to obtain a copy by asking the receptionist. I also give permission for FLORIDA GULF COAST EAR, NOSE & THROAT, LLC to discuss my medical test results and condition with the individual(s) listed above. Signature of Patient, Parent, or Legal Guardian:________________________________________Date:__________________ Medical Information Sheet Patient Name:__________________________ Reason for visiting our office today?____________________________________________________________ List Major Medical Problems: (Check if you currently have or have had in the past) High Blood Pressure__
List all Previous Surgeries:_____________________________________________________________________________ List Known Allergies:__________________________________________________________________________________ Do you require pre-medication prior to surgical procedures? Yes____ No___ Family History: List relationship to you if Yes is checked
Yes___No___ ____________ Bleeding Problems Yes___No___ ____________
Do You Smoke? I Quit___ When?______Never____Cigarettes____Cigars____Pipe____Snuff or Chew_____ Do You Consume Alcohol? None______Less than 1 per Day _____1-2 per Day_____More than 2 per Day_____ Other Medical Problems:______________________________________________________________________________ Please Circle any of the following that you experience:
Ear Pain, ear drainage, ringing, hearing loss, nasal congestion, nasal drainage, bleeding, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, neck pain, neck swelling
Blurry vision, double vision, changes in vision acuity
Cardiovascular: Palpitations, chest pain, ankle swelling, leg cramping Respiratory:
Shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and coughing up blood
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, abdominal pain, dark or bloody stools
Pain on urination, bloody urine, frequency or hesitancy of urination
Dizziness, fainting spells, numbness, weakness, headache, stroke
Heat or Cold intolerance, weight change, increased thirst
Patient Name:__________________________
What Pharmacy do you use and the location?_______________________________________________ Medications (Please circle current use and underline past use) Antihistamines: Atarax Allegra Allegra-D Allerx Benadryl Clarinex Claritin Claritin-D Tavist
Zyrtec-D Zyrtec Over the Counter:_____________________________________________________
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_______________________________
Decongestants: Entex Profen Sudafed Duratuss Other_________________________________________
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_______________________________
Nasal Sprays: Astelin Atrovent Beconase Flonase Nasarel Nasochrom Nasocort Nasonex Rhinocort
Vancenase Afrin Other:________________________________________________________________
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_______________________________
How often do you dose this medication?______________________________________________________
Asthma Inhalers: Aerobid Azmacort Beclovent Flovent 44,110, or 220 Intal Pulmicort Tilade Vanceril
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_______________________________
How often do you dose this medication?______________________________________________________
Bronchodilators: Albuterol Alupent Atrovent Brethaire Combivent Foradil Maxair Proventil Serevent
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-________________________________
How often do you dose this medication?______________________________________________________
Slo-Bid Theo-Dur Theo-24 Unidur Uni-Phyl
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-__________________________________
Leukotriene Modifiers: Accolate
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-__________________________________
Oral Bronchodilators: Albuterol Tabs Proventil Tabs Volmax Volspaire
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_________________________________
Oral Steroids:
Medrol Prednisone Prednisolone Sterapred
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_________________________________
How often did you dose this medication?_____________________________________________________
Eye Allery Drops: Alocril Optivar Patanol Zaditor Other_________________
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction-_________________________________
Proton Pump Inhibitors: Nexium Aciphex Protonix Over the counter_______________________________________
Symptoms: Improved Not Improved Sedation Reaction:_________________________________
Medications not listed Above:___________________________________________________________________________ Immunizations: Insurance Information Patient Name:________________________________Date:___________________________
Primary Insurance Carrier Name:_________________________________________________ Policy Holder Name: _______________________________Relationship:_________________ Date of Birth of Insured:______________Social Security # of Insured:____________________ Policy ID#:___________________________Group #_________________________________ Secondary Insurance Carrier Name:______________________________________________ Policy Holder Name:________________________________Relationship:________________ Secondary Insurance Policy #:________________________Group #:____________________ If Patient is a Child Responsible Person/Guardian Information:
Name:__________________________Relationship:______________Phone:______________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Social Security #___________________________Date of Birth:________________________ Insurance Policies and Payment Procedures In an Era of Managed Care we cannot possibly know the terms of your individual policy. Please review your plan booklet or check with your insurance representative if you are unsure whether services at Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose and Throat are covered under your policy. It is your responsibility to know if the services you are having needs to be pre-authorized or not. Most insurance plans have a specialty office visit co-pay; this co-pay applies to the doctor visit portion of your bill only. If the doctor provides a service at the same visit, such as using the microscope to look in the ear or uses an endoscope to look in the nose; a scope to look into the throat; order hearing tests, allergy tests and allergy injections, this is considered an ancillary charge with your insurance company and most likely you have a deductible to be met and then a percentage of out of pocket amount which is usually 20%. This is in addition to the co-pay assigned to specialists. If we order hearing tests or allergy testing we recommend that you call your insurance carrier and ask them how these services are paid in a doctor’s office. You will be expected to pay your deductible and co-payment amounts at the time services are rendered. If you are unable to do so, we ask that you contact the office manager to see if other payment options can be made. Signed:___________________________________________Date:__________________ Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose & Throat, LLC PAYMENT POLICY: We accept Medicare assignment and bill secondary insurance only if you have a Medigap plan (one where Medicare automatically crosses over). Your co-payment and deductible are due at the time of service; we accept payment in the form of cash, checks or credit cards. Non-Medicare patients are expected to pay at the time of service unless we have an established relationship with your insurance carrier. In order to establish optimal relations with our patients and to avoid misunderstanding and confusion regarding payment policies, our staff is trained to consistently inform you of the financial payment policies of this office. Payment is required for all services at the time they are rendered. We accept payment in the form of CASH, CHECKS, and CREDIT CARDS (Visa and MasterCard Only). When you provide a check as payment you authorize us to either use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment. A returned check fee of $40.00, or maximum allowable by law, will be electronically debited from your account in the event your electronic transfer is returned from your financial institution. Any balances not paid within 60 days will accrue interest in the amount of 12% per month. Note a $40.00 fee will be charged to all patients who fail to cancel their scheduled appointments within 24 hours of the appointment. A fee of $20.00 will be charged to patients whose prescriptions need to be refilled while up north. We try our best to make sure that patients have enough refills on their prescriptions before they leave for the north, and feel the time and cost of calling or faxing prescriptions long distance has to be the responsibility of the patient. MEDICAL/PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: I hereby authorize my Health Insurance plan to make direct payment to Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose and Throat, LLC, Dr. Samuel L Hill III, Dr. Patrick M. Reidy for all services provided to me, unless I have paid in advance for said services. I hereby authorize Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose and Throat, LLC to release any information acquired in the course of my treatment to my Health Insurance carrier, if needed for payment of my claim. I hereby authorize photocopies of this form to be as valid as the original, and authorize the above Medical/Payment Authorization for as long as Florida Gulf Coast Ear, Nose and Throat, LLC remains my physician. I understand I am responsible to pay for services provided to me, and any account balance that has not been paid within 90 days is subject to be sent to collection, and I am responsible for the 40% collection fee, charged by the Collection Agency. SIGNATURE OF THE PATIENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN AGREEING TO THE ABOVE MEDICAL/PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: SIGNED:_______________________________________DATE:__________________ REV 7/2010
Ophthalmic Contract Visit Form To be completed by the PCT (References in brackets in bold italics are references to clauses of the model mandatory or additional services as appropriate) Voluntary information is highlighted with grey background shading Section A – All Contracts 1. Practice Details 1.1 Practice Name (66.3) 1.2 Contractor Name (If different)
Cooley Alert ! News from our Government Contracts Group The Significant Risk to SBIR Program Participants Under the False Claims Act based on incorrect statements of fact, and as the basis for his qui tam action. After nies, the U.S. Government’s Small Business a lengthy investigation, the United States Innovation Research (“SBIR”) Program is ment for performance of that co