Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
Ek260 en06 data sheet, 24.07.2009
Electronic volume correctorwith integrated data logger
Volume correction including compressibility calculationData logging function with peak-load displayIntegration in remote data transfer systems
The EK260 is a battery-operated volume corrector. It can be used with all gas me-
ters such as diaphragm, turbine or rotary gas meters. As an alternative to recording
the fl ow-proportional pulses for the operating volume, the EK260 can also read the
original meter readings from the Absolute-ENCODER index of a gas meter. The volume corrector calculates the conversion factor C and the compressibility K on the basis of
the consumption data and the analogue measurements of gas temperature and gas
pressure. The standard volumes, standard fl ow rates and operating fl ow rates can be
The EK260 consists of a central unit with either an integrated or external pressure sen-
sor and a temperature sensor which is permanently connected to the unit. The com-
pressibility K can be programmed as a constant for all gases or calculated according
The volume corrector can be used in a wide variety of applications involving natural
gas measurements thanks to a fl exibly confi gurable serial interface and four program-
The integrated fl exible data logging function allows the consumption profi le to be re-
corded and the peak-load values of a day or of a measuring period to be stored in
The volume corrector EK260 can be connected to the Absolute-ENCODER index S1 on a turbine or rotary meter. This means that the original mechanical meter readings from
• Flexibly confi gurable serial interface
the primary measuring instrument are used to correct the volume and register the
data. Missing or excess volumes that occasionally occur during pulse transfer proc-
esses due to reverse operation, bouncing pulses or electromagnetic interference can
therefore not occur. The combination of gas meter with Absolute-ENCODER index and
EK260 will also work with battery power to make regular control readings of the gas meter redundant.
EK260: Electronic volume corrector with integrated data logger
changes to be made to certain calibration-
Four freely programmable digital outputs
relevant values or parameters such as the
enable a range of information to be trans-
The current values and parameters can be
cp value, without the calibration switch
puts, they allow the volume pulses deter-
display and changed if required. The use
are registered in this logbook with a time
mined for a metering cycle to be forwarded
of four arrow keys guarantees simple navi-
in the form of pulse packets. When used as
gation of the data arranged in lists. Each
value is displayed with a clear description
possible after deleting the logbook with the
can be signalled on the basis of different
Basically all archive and logbook entries
tant values are combined in a confi gurable
ured values). The outputs can be secured
user list. The display range can be limited
without additional tools being required.
against unauthorised changes by either a
to this list of current meter readings and
customer lock, supplier lock or calibration
essential operating parameters, which will
guarantee simple operation of the volume
Local programming or readout of the unit
is performed via the optical interface (IEC
62056-21) on the front panel. In addition,
The power supply for the unit is provided
the device features a fl exibly confi gurable
by two lithium batteries. In standard op-
The integrated event-triggered data logger
serial interface (RS232/RS485) for the per-
eration (pulse input), the batteries have a
service life of 5 years. This can be doubled
by using two additional batteries. The cur-
In the fi rst monthly archive, the meter read-
corrector can thus be integrated into vari-
rent operating status of the EK260 is taken
ous applications and remote data transfer
into account when calculating the remain-
ing battery capacity. If the battery life is 3
months or less, the corresponding indica-
for operating and standard fl ow rates and
tion appears in the display. This information
can also be called up via the status regis-
ter. The batteries can be replaced without
tion protocols. Invoice-relevant data or
If the volume corrector is connected to an
In the measuring period archive, the mean
multaneously in many established central
functions, including if there is a failure of
are stored, in addition to the meter read-
ings of the operating and standard volume
will receive a time stamp with the date and
time. The measuring period can be set be-
As an alternative, the Modbus protocol can
For wall mounting, the housing of the EK260
is equipped with boreholes. It can also be
the internal interface, which allows con-
fi tted directly to the meter or gas pipe using
operating modes are supported. In order to guarantee the greatest fl exibility as re-
elements, associated indicators and data
formats can thus be freely confi gured.
An EK260 installed in an explosion-hazard
traceability of operating status, status
All protocol information is disclosed and is
available on request for the development
The event logbook is used to record the last
tension unit FE260. The industrial modem
EM260 is particularly suited for remote data
transfer in non-explosive areas under dif-
fi cult ambient conditions in energy supply
book (audit trail). The old and new param-
eters are recorded in addition to the time of
Two additional digital inputs can be used
concept of these units allows various inter-
the change. In addition, the access rights
either as pulse inputs (input 2) or status in-
faces to be used to connect other devices
puts for various applications, such as sta-
as an alternative to the modem. Function
are also recorded (calibration, supplier or
tion monitoring and pulse comparisons, for
extension unit FE230 is a battery-operated
The technical calibration logbook allows
cation without an external voltage supply.
EK260 connected to Absolute-ENCODER index S1 (Namur)
• Digital transmission of the original meter reading
• No errors caused by reverse operation, bouncing
• Meter readings must no longer be checked and
• Energy supply of the Absolute ENCODER via the EK260• Approval for Zone 1 hazardous areas• Ideally suited to remote data transfer
Schematic representation of the transmission of original meter readings to the battery-operated volume corrector EK260 using the NAMUR interface
FE260 Function extension unit – a fl exible interface between volume corrector and energy data management
Serial interface Power supply
- Intrinsically safe power supply for EK260
The Ex-barrier of the serial interface and
unit. In addition, the intrinsically safe power
the pulse outputs of the volume corrector
supply of the volume corrector is guaran-
or an interface for connection to other de-
is provided by the FE260 function extension
teed. The unit’s modular concept allows the
FE230 Function extension unit – battery-operated GSM modem for data communication
Serial interface Input/output for control
power supply. To optimise the service life of
cal time window for calling up the data.
the battery, the volume corrector activates
EK260: Electronic volume corrector with integrated data logger
H 165 mm x W 165 mm x D 102 mm (not including connections)
Conforms to European Standard EN 12405-1: 2005 + A1: 2006MID - DE-08-MI002-PTB001 volume conversion device
2 lithium batteries, service life > 5 years under standard operating conditions (pulse input)4 batteries are required for battery operation in ENCODER mode (option). For mains operation in ENCODER mode (option) 2 batteries are suffi cient.
9 V DC +/-10%, I < 40 mA mains power supply unit
2-line dot-matrix display with plain-text description of the values displayed. All parameters, settings and archived values can be displayed.
3 digital inputs for connecting LF pulse generators and message signals (e.g. manipulation contact)Input 1 – connection to Absolute-ENCODER index S1 (Namur) possible (option)
Absolute sensor, Type ENVEC CT30, integrated in housing or, as an option, provided as an external sensorConnection for precision steel pipe (Ermeto 6L) or fl exible pressure tube, M12 x 1.5 threadPressure ratings 0.7 – 2 bar / 0.8 – 5 bar / 1.4 – 7 bar / 2 – 10 bar / 2.4 – 12 bar / 4 – 20 bar / 6 – 30 bar /
8 – 40 bar / 14 – 70 bar / 16 – 80 bar
Pt-500 resistance thermometer to DIN 60751 with protective tube, for use with thermowell. - Installation length 50 mm Ø 6 mm, length of supply cable 2.5 m
Calculation in accordance with S-GERG-88, AGA 8 (GC1 or GC2), AGA NX-19 or programmable as a constant
- Meter readings and maximums of the last 15 months for Vb and VmMonthly archive 2
- Maximums and minimums of the last 15 months for Qb, Qm, pressure and temperatureMeasuring period archive- Event-triggered recording of meter readings and measured values with time stamp and status- Recording interval (measuring period) programmable as required (1 minute – 1 month)- Storage capacity 9 months at a recording interval of 60 minutes (7000 records)
- Recording of non-periodic events (e.g. time changes with time stamp)
- Recording of all parameter changes with time stamp (old and new values)
- Storage capacity 200 recordsTechnical calibration logbook
- Recording of changes to calibration-relevant values/parameters with time stamp
4 digital transistor outputs, freely programmable and protectable via calibration lock as
- Pulse output for all operating or standard volume meters
- Signal output for alarm and/or warning status information
- Output 2 as HF output (max. 1 kHz) depending on the load or on an analogue signal
Optical interface in accordance with IEC 62056-21 (IEC1107)Internal serial interface RS232 or RS485
Your contactsGermany Belgium SingaporeElster GmbH
Elster-Instromet Sdn. Bhd. (Singapore Branch)
[email protected][email protected][email protected]
– Source code: The stuff you type into the computer. – Compile (build): Taking source code and making a program that the computer can understand. – Executable: The compiled program that the computer – Language: (Special sense) The core part of C central – Library: Added functions for C programming which – Header file: Files ending in .h which are included at beginning (START) or
f : {0, 1}32 × {0, 1}48 → {0, 1}32. These notes are based in part on Susan Landau’sYou can find a pictorial representation of f in Fig-paper: “Standing the test of time: the data en-ure 4.5. Here is how f (A, J) is computed:1. Expand A to a bitstring of length 48, using aDES was adopted in 1977 as a standard for “un-2. Compute E(A) ⊕ J. View E(A) ⊕ J as the con-classified” a