Cephalexin Capsules and Eli Lilly and Company Material Safety Data Sheet Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company Manufacturer's Emergency Phone: Manufacturer: CHEMTREC: Common Name: Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets Chemical Name: 5-Thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid, 7-[[(2R)-aminophenylacetyl] amino]-3-methyl-8-oxo-, monohydrate, (6R,7R)- Chemical Name 2: 7-(D-alpha-Amino-alpha-phenylacetamido)-3-methyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid monohydrate Synonym(s): Cephalexin M. F. Blend; Cephalexin; Cephalexin Monohydrate; Cephalexin Capsule Mix; Cephalexin Monohydrate Capsule Mix; 066873 Formulation; H69; H71; 4202; 4203; Cefalexina Capsules Trademarks(s): Branfalexina; Kefalex; Falex; Keferol; Keflex Package; L-Keflex; Orex; Orakef; Kefloridina; Keflex KX; Keflex; Keforal Lilly Item Code(s): AH0377; AH0378; CAP3001L; MS5062; MS5063; ND0711; ND0720; ND0730; ND0753; ND0762; ND0832; ND0833; ND0834; ND0861; ND0862; ND0868; ND0877; PU0401; PU0402; PU0403; PU3001; PU3069; PU3070; PU3140; PU3141; PU3246; QA432Z; QA433Y; QA455Z; QA476X; QD471R; TA1872; TA1894; TA1895; TA1896; TA4053; TA4090; TA4091; TA4202; TA4203; TA4210; TA4211; UC5010; UC5011; UC5346; UC5347; UC5348; UC5349; UC5376; UC5377; UC5930; UC5931; UC5938; UC5939; UC5942; UC5943; UC5944; UC5945; UC5961; UC5962; UC5970; UC5974; UC5975; UC5976; UC5977; UC5978; UC5979; UC8932; UC8933; UC8945; UC8946; UC9555; UC9556; UE0001; UE0002; UF0015; UF0016; UG9027; VF0072; VF0077; VF0079; VF0084; VF0085; VF0090; VF0092; VF0100; VF0101; VF0122; VF0142; VF0143; VF0155; VF0159; VF0160; VF0223; VF0224; VF0225; VF0226; VF0227; VF0254; VF0255; VF0256; VF0257; VF0264; VF0265; VF0273; VF0288; VF0289; VF0291; VF0292; VL0257
See attached glossary for abbreviations.
Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients Ingredient Concentration %
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Contains no hazardous components (one percent or greater) or carcinogens (one-tenth percent or greater) not listed above.
Exposure Guidelines: Cephalexin monohydrate - LEG <100 micrograms/m3 TWA for 12 hours. Section 3 - Hazards Identification Appearance: White or colored powder finished as capsules or coated tablets Physical State: Solid Odor: Odorless Emergency Overview Emergency Overview Effective Date: 23-Apr-1994 Lilly Laboratory Labeling Codes: Health 1 Reactivity 0 Special A Primary Physical and Health Hazards: Not hazardous if intact. Severe Allergen. Caution Statement: Intact Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets are not considered to be a health hazard. Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets contains cephalexin which causes severe allergic reactions. Routes of Entry: Inhalation and skin contact. Effects of Overexposure: Capsules and tablets are intended for human consumption under guidance of a physician. Capsules and tablets are not considered hazardous under normal handling procedures. Allergic reactions to cephalexin monohydrate have been reported. Allergic reactions to contents of capsules or to the powder used to make the tablets may include rash, nasal congestion, cough, dry throat, and eye irritation. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Hypersensitivity to penicillin or cephalosporin. Carcinogenicity: Cephalexin monohydrate - No carcinogenicity data found. Not listed by IARC, NTP, ACGIH, or OSHA. Section 4 - First Aid Measures Eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Get medical attention.
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Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and clean before reuse. Wash all exposed areas of skin with plenty of soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Inhalation: Move individual to fresh air. Get medical attention if breathing difficulty occurs. If not breathing, provide artificial respiration assistance (mouth-to-mouth) and call a physician immediately. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control center. If available, administer activated charcoal (6-8 heaping teaspoons) with two to three glasses of water. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Immediately transport to a medical care facility and see a physician. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures Flash Point: Not applicable UEL: No applicable information found LEL: No applicable information found Extinguishing Media: Use water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, or Halon. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: As a finely divided material, may form dust mixtures in air which could explode if subjected to an ignition source. Hazardous Combustion Products: May emit toxic fumes when exposed to heat or fire. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures Spills: Wear protective equipment, including eye protection, to avoid exposure (see Section 8 for specific handling precautions). Vacuum material with appropriate dust collection filter in place. Be aware of potential for dust explosion when using electrical equipment. If vacuum is not available, lightly mist material and remove by sweeping or wet wiping. Section 7 - Handling and Storage Storage Conditions: Controlled Room Temperature: 15 to 30 C (59 to 86 F). Section 8 - Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
See Section 2 for Exposure Guideline information.
Filled capsules and compressed tablets are not considered hazardous under normal handling procedures and protective equipment is not required. The following are recommended for manufacturing or other situations where exposure to contents may occur.
Respiratory Protection: Use an approved respirator. Eye Protection: Chemical goggles and/or face shield.
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Ventilation: Laboratory fume hood or local exhaust ventilation. Other Protective Equipment: Chemical-resistant gloves and body covering to minimize skin contact. If handled in a ventilated enclosure, as in a laboratory setting, respirator and goggles or face shield may not be required. Safety glasses are always required. Additional Exposure Precautions: In production settings, airline-supplied, hood-type respirators are preferred. Shower and change clothing if skin contact occurs. Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: White or colored powder finished as capsules or coated tablets Odor: Odorless Boiling Point: Not applicable Melting Point: No applicable information found Specific Gravity: No applicable information found pH: No applicable information found Evaporation Rate: No applicable information found Water Solubility: Slightly soluble Vapor Density: No applicable information found Vapor Pressure: No applicable information found Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable at normal temperatures and pressures. Incompatibility: May react with strong oxidizing agents (e.g., peroxides, permanganates, nitric acid, etc.). Hazardous Decomposition: May emit toxic fumes when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Section 11 - Toxicological Information Acute Exposure No data are available for Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets. Toxicity data for cephalexin monohydrate and cephalexin hydrochloride are presented. Oral: Cephalexin monohydrate - Rat, 5000 mg/kg, no deaths, increased urine output, weight loss. Monkey, 1000 mg/kg, no deaths, diarrhea. Skin: Cephalexin monohydrate - Rabbit, 153 mg/rabbit, no deaths or toxicity. Inhalation: Cephalexin hydrochloride - Rat, 1990 mg/m3 for 4 hours, no deaths.
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Intravenous: Cephalexin monohydrate - Rat, 700 mg/kg, no deaths or toxicity. Dog, 100 mg/kg, no deaths, vomiting, tarry stools. Skin Contact: Cephalexin monohydrate - Rabbit, nonirritant Eye Contact: Cephalexin monohydrate - Rabbit, slight irritant Chronic Exposure No data are available for Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets. Toxicity data for cephalexin monohydrate are presented. Target Organ Effects: Cephalexin monohydrate - No effects identified in animal studies. Other Effects: Cephalexin monohydrate - Salivation and vomiting. Reproduction: Cephalexin monohydrate - No effects identified in animal studies. Sensitization: Cephalexin monohydrate - No applicable information found. Mutagenicity: Cephalexin monohydrate - Not mutagenic in bacterial cells. Section 12 - Ecological Information
No applicable ecological information found.
Section 13 - Disposal Considerations Waste Disposal: Dispose of any cleanup materials and waste residue according to all applicable laws and regulations. Section 14 - Transport Information Regulatory Organizations: DOT: Not Regulated ICAO/IATA: Not Regulated IMO: Not Regulated Section 15 - Regulatory Information
Below is selected regulatory information chosen primarily for possible Eli Lilly and Company usage. This section is not a complete analysis or reference to all applicable regulatory information. Please consider all applicable laws and regulations for your country/state.
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U.S. Regulations Cephalexin monohydrate TSCA - No CERCLA - Not on this list SARA 302 - Not on this list SARA 313 - Not on this list OSHA Substance Specific - No EU Regulations EC Classification Contains cephalexin monohydrate (C = 14-96%) Xn (Harmful) Xi (Irritant) Risk Phrases R 42/43 - May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact. Safety Phrases S 36/37/39 - Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Section 16 - Other Information MSDS Sections Revised: Section 1.
As of the date of issuance, we are providing available information relevant to the handling of this material in the workplace. All information contained herein is offered with the good faith belief that it is accurate. THIS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO CREATE ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE). In the event of an adverse incident associated with this material, this safety data sheet is not intended to be a substitute for consultation with appropriately trained personnel. Nor is this safety data sheet intended to be a substitute for product literature which may accompany the finished product.
For additional information contact:Eli Lilly and CompanyHazard Communication317-277-6029For additional copies contact: Eli Lilly and Company 1-800-LILLY-Rx (1-800-545-5979)
ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsAIHA = American Industrial Hygiene AssociationBEI = Biological Exposure Index
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CAS Number = Chemical Abstract Service Registry NumberCERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (of 1980)CHAN = Chemical Hazard Alert NoticeCHEMTREC = Chemical Transportation Emergency CenterDOT = Department of TransportationEC = European CommunityEINECS = European Inventory of Existing Chemical SubstancesELINCS = European List of New Chemical SubstancesEPA = Environmental Protection AgencyHEPA = High Efficiency Particulate Air (Filter)IARC = International Agency for Research on CancerICAO/IATA = International Civil Aviation Organization/International Air Transport AssociationIEG = Lilly Interim Exposure GuidelineIMO = International Maritime OrganizationKow = Octanol/Water Partition CoefficientLEG = Lilly Exposure GuidelineLEL = Lower Explosive LimitMSDS = Material Safety Data SheetMSHA = Mine Safety and Health AdministrationNA = Not Applicable, except in Section 14 where NA = North AmericaNADA = New Animal Drug ApplicationNAIF = No Applicable Information FoundNCI = National Cancer InstituteNIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthNOS = Not Otherwise SpecifiedNTP = National Toxicology ProgramOSHA = Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationPEL = Permissible Exposure Limit (OSHA)RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery ActRQ = Reportable QuantityRTECS = Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical SubstancesSARA = Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ActSTEG = Lilly Short Term Exposure GuidelineSTEL = Short Term Exposure LimitTLV = Threshold Limit Value (ACGIH)TPQ = Threshold Planning QuantityTSCA = Toxic Substances Control ActTWA = Time Weighted Average/8 Hours Unless Otherwise NotedUEL = Upper Explosive LimitUN = United NationsWEEL = Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (AIHA)
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Synopsis: In a village in Iraqi Kurdistan, on the border between Iran and Turkey, the villagersdesperately seek for a satellite dish antenna in order to keep updated on theimpending attack of the Americans in Iraq… Coming from another village with hisyounger sister and her child, a mutilated boy has a foreboding: the war is getting Las tortugas también vuelan Sinopsis : En un pu