Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
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This booklet contains information about your Group Benefits. Please
keep it in a safe place. It is intended to summarize the principal
features of your plan. All rights to benefits are governed by the Group
Defined terms are capitalized (e.g. Dependent). Pacific Blue Cross
(PBC) is referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our” in this booklet. We will
refer to you, the employee/member, as “you” or “your” in this booklet.
Pacific Blue Cross, the registered trade-name of PBC Health Benefits
Society, is an independent licensee of the Canadian Association of Blue
Please refer to the Table of Contents to help you locate the appropriate
section in this booklet. If you require additional information, please
We have a Privacy Policy which governs our collection, use, and
disclosure of personal information (including personal health
information) about individuals who are members or Dependents. The
Privacy Policy requires us to keep such personal information
confidential, but does permit use and disclosure of personal information
in limited circumstances consistent with the proper administration of
group benefit and insurance coverage plans.
A copy of our current Privacy Policy can be obtained from us on
request and is also available on our website: www.pac.bluecross.ca. By
participating in the group benefit and insurance plans, and submitting
claims under those plans, you are consenting to the collection, use, and
disclosure of your personal information pursuant to the terms of our
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, %
) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /
Effective Date of Coverage and Enrolment . 11
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #'
Out-of-Province Non-Emergency Eligible Expenses . 23
Out-of-Province Emergency Eligible Expenses . 23
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, %(
Plan A – Basic Preventive & Restorative Services. 28
Plan B – Major Restorative Services . 30
Emergency Treatment Outside Your Province of Residence . 32
The Schedule of Benefits contains a brief summary of your benefits.
Please refer to the appropriate page in this booklet for a more detailed
$25 per person or family each calendar year.
If in any calendar year the Eligible expenses
do not exceed the Deductible, the Eligible
expenses incurred during the last 3 months of
the calendar year may be applied against the
After $1,000 has been paid for a person or
family in a calendar year, further Eligible
expenses for that person or family within that
year will be reimbursed at 100%, subject to
Dependent Children See definition of Dependent.
means within 4 months from the coverage effective date.
means the date coverage becomes effective based on
2) the average number of hours you work each week or each year,
3) the waiting period selected by your employer, and
means the initial portion of the Eligible expenses, which you must pay
before we will reimburse charges for any Eligible expense.
means a doctor of dentistry who is duly qualified and licensed to
practice dentistry in the area where the service is provided. For the
purposes of this booklet, Dentist may also mean dental specialist, or
means any of the following persons for whom coverage is provided
2) an unmarried child of the Member or Spouse who:
i) is under age 21, is fully dependent on the Member and Spouse
ii) is any age as a full-time student attending a recognized school,
college or university and is fully dependent on the Member
iii) is any age as a mentally or physically handicapped person, is
fully dependent on the Member and Spouse for support and
means that you (and your Dependents) are eligible to claim certain
means the Canadian provincial/territorial dental Fee guide that contains
dental services and fees in effect on the date the dental services are
performed. For Alberta, the Fee guide means the current Alberta Blue
means Schedule 2 of the Pacific Blue Cross Fee schedule that contains
eligible dental services, financial limits, treatment frequencies, and fees
in effect on the date the dental services are performed.
-means your legal Spouse or a person who has been living with you in a
common-law relationship for at least 6 consecutive months and who is
Extended health care benefits are intended to supplement and not
overlap benefits under government plans such as the Medical Services
Plan and Fair PharmaCare Program of British Columbia. You are
required, as a condition of coverage, to take all reasonable steps to
qualify and obtain the fullest extent of coverage, benefits, contribution,
or reimbursement available under all applicable government plans. We
will also make payment only where permitted by provincial legislation
If you are eligible for coverage, you must complete an application card
within the Allowable enrolment period to ensure that your coverage
You should apply for Dependent coverage (when applicable):
1) on the same date you apply for your own coverage, or
2) within the Allowable enrolment period if you have a new
1) If you are not actively at work on your coverage effective date,
your coverage effective date will be delayed until you return to
2) If we do not receive your application card within the required time
limits, please refer to the Late Applicant section.
Coverage begins on the coverage effective date shown on your
identification (ID) card(s), provided you and your Plan Administrator
Should you require additional information about when your coverage
starts, please contact your Plan Administrator.
If you did not apply during the Allowable enrolment period but request
coverage later (for yourself and/or your Dependents), ask your Plan
Administrator to explain the requirements for late enrolment in your
Group Plan. Note: Different benefits may have different requirements
– health evidence or retroactive premium payment. In some instances,
We will issue identification (ID) cards for distribution by your Plan
Only you and your enrolled Dependents are entitled to use this card.
Should you (or your Dependent) allow an ineligible person to use this
card, your coverage may be suspended without notice.
You may be asked to substantiate that an individual you claim as a
Dependent meets the definition of Dependent for your group.
1) All claims must be submitted to us in English.
2) We pay eligible claims when we receive all the required
become familiar with the time periods allowed for claiming
benefits. Under the Claims sections, we fully describe the
claiming deadlines for each benefit. No payment will be made if
we receive your claim after the time limits described in this
3) We may reject your claim if sufficient information is not provided
to enable a full assessment of the claim, or if an attempt is made,
except through unintentional error, to make an excessive claim, or
if a claim is made for a person who is not entitled.
4) The necessary claim forms are available from your Plan
5) The exchange rate on foreign currency is payable at the rate quoted
by selected Canadian financial institutions for the date on which
the expense was paid. Fluctuations in exchange rates are not our
If you and your Spouse work for the same employer, please check with
your Plan Administrator to see if Duplicate coverage is allowed for
dental and extended health care benefits.
If you and your Spouse work for different employers and you are both
enrolled for similar benefits, Duplicate coverage is allowed.
If you are eligible for Duplicate coverage, you and your family should
discuss both plans (and what portion of the benefits you pay) to
determine whether it is to your advantage to enroll under more than one
Your Plan Administrator will advise you if you are eligible to waive
If Duplicate coverage is allowed, we pay claims based on the rules of
the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association guidelines. They
1) Dependent 00 is always the primary claimant. Dependent 01 (or 90
to 99) is always the secondary claimant.
2) Dependent children are always covered primarily under the parent
who has the earliest birthdate in the year (month and day).
3) In situations of separation or divorce, the following order applies:
a) the plan of the parent with custody of the child
b) the plan of the Spouse of the parent with custody of the child
c) the plan of the parent not having custody of the child
d) the plan of the Spouse of the parent in c) above.
4) Total reimbursement shall never exceed 100% of the Eligible
1) We will not be liable for any portion of an expense for which you
or your Dependent is entitled to reimbursement:
a) under any other group or individual benefit plan or insurance
b) due to the legal liability of any other party.
2) In no event will benefits be payable for expenses resulting directly
or indirectly from, or in any manner or degree associated with, any
a) intentional self-inflicted injury while sane or insane, war,
whether declared or undeclared, or any act of war, or
participation in a riot, insurrection, or civil commotion
b) active duty in the military forces of any nation or international
organization, or in any civilian noncombatant unit which
c) a direct or indirect attempt at, or commission of, an indictable
offense under the Criminal Code of Canada or similar law of
d) false pretences or fraudulent misrepresentation
e) any injury, illness, or condition for which care is provided or
may be provided or available without cost by public
authorities or by a tax-supported agency, including preventive
treatment and services available under any Workers'
Generally, your coverage (and any Dependent coverage) terminates if
you cease to be eligible due to change of group, leave of absence, age
limitation or retirement, if you terminate your employment, or if the
group plan terminates, etc. For further details on termination of
coverage, please have your Plan Administrator refer to the Group
Should your group coverage terminate for any reason, you may
purchase an individual plan from Pacific Blue Cross if you live in
British Columbia, or an individual plan offered by your local Blue
Cross organization if you live elsewhere in Canada.
To convert coverage you must ensure that your application and full
payment is received by us or Blue Cross within 60 days of the date
your group plan terminates. Coverage will become effective
immediately after your group coverage terminates.
If you qualify for one of our individual plans under the conversion
option, we will waive the Preexisting condition contained in the
means any illness or condition for which you receive medical attention,
consultation, diagnosis, or treatment in the 12 month period before you
Call our Individual Products Department at 604 419-2200 for an
If you are converting to an individual plan offered by Blue Cross,
contact your local Blue Cross organization for full details before your
Individual coverage is also available from us. Call 604 419-2200 or
1 800 USE-BLUE (873-2583) outside the Lower Mainland for
CARESnet is an online service from Pacific Blue Cross that offers you
convenient and secure access to your benefit information 24 hours a
day. Information about benefit coverage, claim status, and easy access
to claim forms are the enhanced services CARESnet provides. To
access CARESnet, visit our website: .
The Extended Health Care (EHC) plan is designed to help you pay for
specified services and supplies incurred by you and your Dependents,
when not provided under a government health plan or by a tax-
All dollar limits included in the benefit descriptions are &
• calculates the total Eligible expense
• subtracts the Deductible, when applicable
• applies the reimbursement percentage
• calculates the total Eligible expense
• subtracts the Deductible, when applicable
• applies the reimbursement percentage
means a charge for any service and/or supply included in this booklet
1) in our assessment is a customary charge medically necessary for
health care and maintenance, or to maintain or restore teeth, and
2) was ordered or referred by a Physician or Dentist, unless otherwise
specified in the benefit description, and
3) is not a cost normally paid (in whole or part) or provided by a
government plan or any other provider of health coverage, and
4) is incurred while your coverage is valid. An expense is "incurred"
on the date the service is provided or the supply is received.
It does not include any payment to a pharmacy or a Practitioner
(demanded or received by balanced billing, extra billing, or extra
charging) which represents an amount in excess of the schedule of costs
prescribed by the government plan. PharmaCare’s low cost alternative
and reference based pricing will not be applied unless specified in this
means an individual who is duly qualified and licensed to practice
medicine or surgery, or both, in the area where the service is provided,
but excludes a Physician residing with or related to you or your
means an individual who is currently licensed, certified, or registered to
practice a profession in the area where the care or service is provided.
Your EHC plan covers reasonable and customary charges for the
following services and supplies when medically necessary, and
prescribed, ordered, or referred by a Physician. Unless otherwise
indicated, the maximums included here are on a per person basis.
The additional charge for semi-private or private room
accommodation in a hospital or the extended care unit of a
hospital. Charges for rental of a telephone, television, or similar
a) charges for licensed ambulance service to and from the nearest
Canadian hospital equipped to provide the type of care
b) air transport will be covered when time is critical and the
patient's physical condition prevents the use of another means
c) emergency transport from one hospital to another, only when
the original hospital has inadequate facilities
d) charges for an attendant when medically necessary.
Drugs and medicines dispensed by a licensed pharmacist or a
Physician, in a quantity we consider reasonable:
a) drugs and medicines which legally require a prescription from
a Physician or Dentist, and included with the above:
b) insulin preparations, testing supplies, needles, and syringes for
c) vitamin B12 for the treatment of pernicious anemia
d) allergy serums when administered by a Physician.
Drugs and medicines which are not covered by Pharmacare but
which are currently covered under this Plan will continue to be
covered. Reimbursement of eligible drugs and medicines will be
subject to Pharmacare's low cost alternative and reference based
pricing payment policies. If the drug or medicine does not meet
the patient's needs, Pharmacare's low cost alternative and reference
based pricing will not apply. A doctor's letter indicating this must
Professional services of the following Practitioners to the
maximum amounts indicated per calendar year, but excluding
appliances and tray fees. Only the services of a private duty nurse require referral by a Physician. a) acupuncturist .$500
h) private duty care by a registered nurse for a person with an
acute condition in the person’s home or in a hospital in the
Dental treatment by a Dentist, which is required, performed, and
completed within 52 weeks after an Accidental injury which
occurred while covered under this EHC plan, for the repair or
replacement of natural teeth or prosthetics. No payment will be
made for temporary, duplicate, or incomplete procedures, or for
correcting unsuccessful procedures. "&&means caused by a direct external blow to the mouth or face
resulting in immediate damage to the natural teeth or prosthetics
and not by an object intentionally or unintentionally being placed
We pay benefits based on eligible dental services and financial
limits in our current Fee schedule, and we pay the fees in our
current Fee schedule or, if applicable, the Fee guide in the
Charges for the following services and supplies:
c) walkers, canes and cane tips, crutches, splints, casts, collars,
and trusses, but not elastic or foam supports
d) rigid support braces and permanent prostheses (artificial eyes,
limbs, larynxes, and mastectomy forms). Myoelectrical limbs
are excluded, but we will pay the equivalent of a standard
e) mastectomy brassieres to a maximum of 1 brassiere per breast
f) charges for the following items to the limitation and maximum
g) wigs and hairpieces required as a result of medical treatment,
injury, alopecia areata, alopecia universalis or alopecia totalis
i) custom made orthopedic shoes (including repairs) and
modifications to stock item footwear when prescribed by a
Physician, podiatrist, or chiropractor as medically
necessary after diagnosis of the patient. A custom made
orthopedic shoe is one fabricated from raw materials and
specifically designed for the patient, based on a three-
dimensional volumetric model of the patient’s foot and
ii) custom made orthotics when prescribed by a Physician,
podiatrist, chiropractor, or physiotherapist as medically
necessary after diagnosis (including an in person
biomechanical assessment) of the patient. A custom made
orthotic is one fabricated from raw materials using a three-
dimensional volumetric model of the patient’s feet
to a combined limit of one pair for an adult and Dependent child
i) hearing aids (including repairs, maintenance, batteries,
recharging devices, or other such accessories) to a maximum of
$1,000 in a 60 month period per ear per person. Replacement
will be covered only when the hearing aid cannot be repaired
j) hearing protection on a voluntary basis per employee to a
payable maximum of $100 in a 60 month period beginning at
the date of service of the first claim and must be approved by
k) hearing test per employee reimbursed at 80% of the cost up to
a maximum of $100 in a 12 month period, subject to
a) Preauthorization is required from us for expenses in excess of
b) Charges for standard durable medical equipment when rented
from a medical supplier. If unavailable on a rental basis, or
required for a long-term disability, purchase of these items
c) Repairs to purchased items. We will replace the item when it
can no longer be made functional. We may request trade-in or
d) Reimbursement on rental equipment will be made monthly
and will in no case exceed the total purchase price of similar
i) manual wheelchairs, manual type hospital beds, and
necessary accessories – electric wheelchairs and hospital
beds will be covered only when the patient is incapable of
operating a manual wheelchair, otherwise we will pay the
ii) medical heart and blood glucose monitors, and cardiac
iii) bi-osteogen systems (when recommended by an
orthopedic surgeon) and growth guidance systems
iv) breathing machines and appliances including respirators,
compressors, percussors, suction pumps, oxygen
v) insulin infusion pumps for diabetics – when basic
vi) transcutaneous electric nerve stimulators (TENS) when
vii) transcutaneous electric muscle stimulators (TEMS)
required when, due to an injury or illness, all muscle tone
Charges for the purchase of eyewear when prescribed by a
Physician or optometrist and/or repair of eyewear and charges for
contact lens fittings when performed by a Physician or optometrist
to a maximum of $400 in a 24 month period. Charges for
non-prescription eyewear are not covered.
Charges of a Physician for medical examinations required by
government statute or regulation for employment purposes
provided such charges are not payable by your employer under a
10) Prostate Blood Testing for employees over 40 years of age per
We will reimburse you (and your Dependents) for non-emergency
Eligible expenses incurred while travelling outside your province of
residence subject to the Deductible, in-province reimbursement
percentage, and maximums. We will not reimburse any expenses
payable or provided under a government plan.
While travelling outside your province of residence, benefits are
payable for the following Eligible expenses incurred IN AN
EMERGENCY ONLY and when ordered by the attending Physician.
Non-emergency continuing care, testing, treatment, and surgery, and
amounts covered by any government plan and/or any other provider of
1) Local ambulance services when immediate transportation is
required to the nearest hospital equipped to provide the treatment
2) The hospital room charge and charges for services and supplies
when confined as a patient or treated in a hospital, to a maximum
If reasonably possible, we should be notified within 5 days of the
patient's admission to hospital. When the patient's condition has
stabilized, we have the right, with the approval of the attending
Physician, to move the patient by licensed ambulance service to
the hospital nearest the patient's home which is equipped and has
space available to provide further medical treatment. Where
transportation would endanger the patient's health, the 90 day limit
may be extended with our express written consent.
3) Services of a Physician and laboratory and x-ray services.
4) Prescription drugs in sufficient quantity to alleviate an acute
5) Other emergency services and/or supplies, if we would have
covered them inside your province of residence.
In emergencies which occur while you (and your Dependents) are
travelling, medi-assist will coordinate the following services:
1) locate the nearest appropriate medical care
2) obtain consultative and advisory services and supervision of
medical care by qualified licensed Physicians
3) investigate, arrange and coordinate medical evacuations and
4) arrange and coordinate the repatriation of remains
5) replace lost or stolen passports, locate qualified legal assistance
and local interpreters, and other incidental aid you and/or your
Your Pacific Blue Cross worldwide emergency medi-assist card
provides instant information on how to contact medi-assist. Call the
nearest medi-assist emergency access number listed on your card. If
necessary, call collect or contact the local telephone operator for help in
placing your call to medi-assist. Have your EHC ID number and
medi-assist group number ready for personal identification – both
The following are not included as Eligible expenses under your EHC
1) except as specifically included in this booklet: dentures or dental
treatments, hearing aids, eyeglasses, contact lenses, surgical lens
implants, or examinations for the prescription or fitting of any of
these, x-rays, hospital coinsurance, vitamins and/or minerals,
contraceptives, fertility drugs, erectile dysfunction drugs,
medications used to treat or replace an addiction or habituation,
support stockings, orthotics, arch supports, transportation charges
incurred for elective treatment and/or diagnostic procedures or for
health or health examinations of any kind, and professional
services of Physicians or any person who renders a professional
health service in the patient's province of residence
2) general anesthetic, medications used to prevent baldness or
promote hair growth, food replacements or supplements, HCG
injections, drugs not approved for sale and distribution in Canada,
and medications available without a prescription
3) any drug, vaccine, item or service classified as preventive
treatment or administered for preventive purposes, and which is
not specifically required for treatment of an illness or injury
4) allergy testing unless rendered by a naturopath
5) personal comfort items, items purchased for athletic use, air
humidifiers and purifiers, services of Victorian Order of Nurses or
graduate or licensed practical nurses, services of religious or
spiritual healers, occupational therapy, services and supplies for
cosmetic purposes, public ward accommodation, rest cures, and
6) charges for completion of forms or written reports, communication
costs, delivery and mailing or handling charges, interest or late
payment charges, non-sharable or capital costs levied by local
hospitals, or charges for translating documents into English
7) any payment to a pharmacy, a Practitioner, or a Physician
(demanded or received by balanced billing, extra billing or extra
charging) which represents an amount in excess of the schedule of
8) that portion of a claim normally covered by the government plan
which has been refused on the basis that the claim was not
submitted within the government plan's time limits
9) expenses incurred, outside your province of residence, due to
elective treatment and/or diagnostic procedures, or complications
10) expenses incurred, outside your province of residence, due to
therapeutic abortion, childbirth, or complications of pregnancy
occurring within 2 months of the expected delivery date
11) charges incurred outside your province of residence for continuous
or routine medical care normally covered by the government plan
12) expenses of a Dependent hospitalized at the time of enrolment
13) services performed by a Physician who is related to or resident
14) fees for ambulance services when an ambulance is called but not
15) ambulance charges for work related illness or injury assessed by
the Workers' Compensation Board to be your employer’s
16) retroactive coverage and payment of any expense, including
expenses that receive special authorization from PharmaCare
17) any other item not specifically included as a benefit.
Provided your pharmacy is connected to our electronic processing
system, we will pay them directly for prescription drugs and testing
supplies for diabetics covered under your EHC plan. Simply show the
The pharmacist will charge you only for amounts not covered by us. If
you or the pharmacy do not have access to this system, or for other
types of expenses, please follow the instructions below.
! If your Spouse and/or children have coverage through
another plan, your Pay Direct card cannot be used for their prescription
expenses. Please refer to item 2 below for further information.
1) Because we do not return receipts after the claim is processed, we
suggest that you keep a photocopy of the receipts that you submit
to us. We will send you a remittance statement for your records
2) If you have Duplicate coverage, please review the Coordination of Benefits section under General Information. Two separate claim
forms (one for the primary plan and one for the secondary plan)
must be completed. The remittance statement from the first plan
must be submitted to the second plan. Because claims information
regarding the other plan is not retained on our files, be sure to
provide information on the second plan on both claim forms.
Incomplete claims will be returned for clarification.
3) Certain medical expenses are covered under the government plan.
If you submit your claim to us before you submit your claim to the
government plan, we will deduct what the government plan would
normally pay (e.g. PharmaCare expenses) from your EHC claim.
The balance of the EHC claim is then paid according to the plan
design selected by your employer. Information for claiming
PharmaCare expenses may be obtained from your pharmacist.
4) Accumulate receipts and when reasonable reimbursement is due,
a) Obtain a claim form from your Plan Administrator.
b) Follow the instructions on the claim form. To avoid delay in
claims payment, please include original receipts and all other
requested information with your claim. (Photocopies of
receipts are acceptable only when accompanied by a claims
payment statement from another carrier).
the expense was incurred. However, we must receive your
. of the calendar year following the year in
which the expense being claimed was incurred. If not, your
claim will not be paid under any circumstances.
! We must receive your receipts for 2006 before
1) We pay benefits based on dental services, financial limits and
treatment frequencies in the Fee schedule.
2) We apply the reimbursement percentage shown in the Schedule of Benefits to the fees shown in the Fee schedule/Fee guide as
a) for services performed in British Columbia or outside
Canada, if your province of residence is British Columbia the fees in the Fee schedule
b) for services performed in Canada but outside British Columbia
the fees in the Fee guide in the province/territory of service
c) for services performed outside Canada if your province of
residence is not British Columbiathe fees in the Fee guide in
3) Fees in excess of the amount shown in the applicable Fee
schedule/Fee guide will be your responsibility.
Plan A covers services for the care and maintenance of teeth, including
procedures to restore teeth to natural or normal function. Eligible
expenses per person include, but are not limited to, the basic services
i) complete − provided we have not paid for any other exam
by the same Dentist in the past 6 months –1 per 3 year
ii) recall − 2 per calendar year iii) specific − provided we have not paid for any other exam
iv) consultations (as a separate appointment).
i) diagnostic ii) panoramic − 1 per 2 year period iii) complete mouth series − 1 per 3 year period
All x-rays combined shall not exceed the dollar limit for a
c) diagnostic models − 1 set per calendar year.
a) scaling b) polishing − 2 per calendar year c) topical application of fluoride − 2 per calendar year
d) fixed space maintainers e) preventive restorative resins and pit and fissure sealants −
combined limit of 1 per tooth in a 2 year period. No age limit.
a) fillings to restore tooth surfaces broken down as a result of
decay – limited to a dollar amount equal to a 5 surface filling
ii) composite (tooth coloured) fillings on permanent front
On permanent posterior (molar) teeth and all primary teeth, we
pay the bonded amalgam rate for composite fillings.
b) stainless steel crowns on primary and permanent teeth − once
c) inlays or onlays − only 1 inlay or onlay on the same tooth will
be covered in a 5 year period. Where other material would
suffice, you will be responsible for the difference between the
cost of the chosen material and the cost of alternative material.
4) Endodontics – for the treatment of diseases of the pulp chamber
and pulp canal including, but not limited to root canals − 1 per
5) Periodontics – for the treatment of diseases of the soft tissue (gum)
and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth, excluding bone and
tissue grafts, but including the following:
a) occlusal adjustment and recontouring – a combined yearly
b) root planing c) gingival curettage − 1 per sextant in a 5 year period
d) osseous surgery – 1 per sextant in a 5 year period
a) removal, repairs, and recementation of fixed appliances b) rebase and reline of removable appliances − a combined limit
of 1 per upper and 1 per lower prosthesis in a 2 year period
c) tissue conditioning − 2 per upper and 2 per lower prosthesis in
d) gold foil – only when used to repair existing gold restorations.
b) other routine oral surgical procedures
c) anesthesia in conjunction with surgery shall not exceed the
You are eligible for Plan B services when your Dentist recommends
replacement of your missing teeth, or reconstruction of your teeth
(where basic restorative methods cannot be used satisfactorily).
Mounted x-rays and/or diagnostic casts may be required for our
Plan B services include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) inlays or onlays involved in bridgework
bruxing guards − 2 appliances in a 5 year period (no benefit is
payable for the replacement of lost, broken, or stolen bruxing
1) Only 1 major restorative service involving the same tooth will be
2) Crowns and fixed bridges on permanent posterior (molar) teeth are
limited to the cost of the gold restoration.
3) Only 1 upper and 1 lower denture (complete or partial) is eligible
4) No benefit is payable for the replacement of lost, broken, or stolen
dentures. Broken dentures may be repaired under Plan A.
5) Veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays are subject to the
conditions outlined in our Fee schedule. Where other material
would suffice, you will be responsible for the difference between
the cost of the chosen material and the cost of alternative material.
Benefits are payable for orthodontic services performed on or after the
effective date of your coverage. Plan C covers orthodontic services
provided to maintain, restore, or establish a functional alignment of the
1) The lifetime benefit maximum under Plan C is shown in the
2) No benefit is payable for the replacement of appliances which are
3) Services done for the correction of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
4) Treatment performed solely for splinting is not covered.
You are entitled to the services of a Dentist if, while travelling or on
vacation outside your province of residence, you require emergency
dental care. You will be reimbursed according to our Fee schedule.
The following are not Eligible expenses under your dental plan:
1) items not listed in our Fee schedule and fees in excess of those
2) any item not specifically included as a benefit
3) charges for broken appointments, oral hygiene or nutritional
instruction, completion of forms, written reports, communication
costs, or charges for translating documents into English
4) procedures performed for congenital malformations or for purely
5) charges for drugs, pantographic tracings, and grafts
6) charges for implants and/or services performed in conjunction with
implants, except as indicated in our Fee schedule
7) anesthesia not done in conjunction with surgery, and charges for
8) charges for services related to the functioning or structure of the
jaw, jaw muscles, or temporomandibular joint
10) recent duplication of services by the same or different Dentist
11) any extra procedure which would normally be included in the basic
12) services or items which would not normally be provided, or for
which no charge would be made, in the absence of dental benefits
13) travel expenses incurred to obtain dental treatment.
1) Present your ID card to your Dentist’s office. It is important to ask
if your dental benefits will cover the entire cost of your treatment.
To avoid any misunderstanding, we suggest that your Dentist
submit an outline of the proposed services to us )
, This is important especially when your Dentist is
recommending extensive dental work. This will help you
understand what portion of the Dentist’s bill must be paid by you
in the event that you wish to proceed with the treatment
2) We suggest that you submit claims within /
completed date of services (earlier if possible). Failure to submit a
claim within the 90 day limit will not invalidate the claim if it is
submitted as soon as reasonably possible. However, in no event
will we pay any claim or adjustment submitted later than #
3) We require a separate claim form for each member of your family
who has received dental services. Be sure to include the following
b) name and birthdate of the person receiving the dental care
c) your group, ID, and Dependent(s) numbers (this information is
e) whether you have coverage through another plan. Claims
information regarding the other carrier is not retained on our
files. If you or your Dependents are covered by two plans,
your Dentist must complete two separate dental claim forms
(one for each plan). Incomplete claims will be returned for
4) Before your Dentist starts treatment, please ask them how billing is
a) We will pay the Dentist directly for services provided under
this dental plan when we receive a claim form signed by the
Dentist, certifying these services were performed and the fee
b) If you have paid your Dentist directly, we will reimburse you
the benefit amount when we receive a claim form or receipts
signed by your Dentist. We will send you a cheque when the
Because we do not return original receipts, we will accept
photocopies. Do not hold receipts until the completion of
i) We suggest that you submit orthodontic claims within
of the date the payment was due to your
ii) Reimbursement is made if the complete and correct
claims information is received within 1 year of the due
date. However, no benefit is payable for claims not
i) Have your orthodontist complete the “Certified Specialist
in Orthodontics Standard Information Form” (the
treatment plan) before treatment starts. The treatment
plan must include a brief description of treatment to be
performed, a breakdown of the fees to be charged, and the
ii) If the payment schedule or treatment changes, we require
iii) We will retain your treatment plan on file. If we do not
have your treatment plan on file we are unable to pay:
iv) Claims for consultations, exams and records (x-rays,
study models, etc.) will be reimbursed without a treatment
i) If you are paying in monthly or quarterly installments,
submit receipts for the monthly or quarterly fees on a
regular basis – as treatment progresses. Claims receipts
received by us which are over 1 year old will not be
ii) If you paid any amount to the Dentist before treatment is
complete, we will allow an initial payment amount and
then prorate the balance into monthly payments to you
iii) As long as your coverage is effective, monthly or
quarterly reimbursements will be made to you until the
dollar maximum is reached or the treatment is complete,
International Science and Investigation Journal ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF Aloe vera JUICE AGAINST MULTI-ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT BACTERIA STRAINS IN ABEOKUTA, NIGERIA. *Akinduti Paul Akinniyi. Department of Medical Microbiology & Parasitology, Olabisi Onabanjo Universit,P.M.B.2001, Sagamu , Ogun State, Nigeria. e-mail:[email protected] of Medical Microbiology & Parasi
Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) – --- Internal Use Only (FIUO)---For Official Use Only (FOUO) –NOT FOR FURTHER DISTRIBUTION 1 Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Declarations – HHS: Downgraded to Phase 1 – Awareness (9 May 2009) – WHO: Pandemic Phase 5 (29 Apr 1600 EDT) – USG: Public Health Emergency declared (26 Apr 2009) – SLTT Declarations: 10 • CA, TX, WI, FL,