Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Clinical evidence.pmd
Pain Physician, Volume 5, Number 3, pp 260-265
2002, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians®ISSN 1533-3159
Clinical Evidence of Chemical Radiculopathy Curtis W. Slipman, MD*, Zacharia Isaac, MD**, David A. Lenrow, MD#, Larry H. Chou, MD##, Russel V. Gilchrist, DO♦ and Edward J. Vresilovic, MD, PhD♣
It is universally accepted that an anatomic abnormality
greater than axial pain, examination findings demonstrating
such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis can lead to
a new myotomal deficit that correlates with the root level
radicular leg pain. There is some controversy as to whether
predicted by the dermatomal pain distribution, and failure
radicular pain can be caused by a non-structural, solely
to improve after at least 4 weeks of active physical therapy.
biochemical disorder. Prior studies using biochemical
Magnetic resonance imaging void of local nerve root
analysis of inflammatory mediators of the disc or
pathology as per review by the first author and the
surrounding structures have enumerated many possible
interpreting radiologist was required. Each patient had to
biochemical mediators of radicular pain. However, such
have a positive electromyographic study for an acute
studies have not definitively demonstrated whether these
radiculopathy. Each patient had to have a positive
inflammatory mediators are the causes of radicular pain or
fluoroscopically guided diagnostic selective nerve root
whether these mediators are simply products of the
In summary, this paper provides clinical evidence that
The purpose of this paper is to report upon patients who
anatomic abnormalities are not required to cause
satisfy strict criteria affirming a diagnosis of radiculopathy
radiculopathy, thus implying that a biochemical etiology
in the presence of normal imaging studies. The study was
is likely to play a significant role in radiculopathy and
designed as a prospective case series of patients fulfilling
inclusion and exclusion criteria at a university hospitaloutpatient physiatric spine practice. Keywords: Radiculitis, radiculopathy, radicular pain, chemical, biochemical, electromyography
Inclusion criteria consisted of symptoms of extremity pain
There are numerous causes of leg pain which have a spinal
was popularized by Mixter and Barr in 1934 (1). In contrast,
etiology. These can be classified into radicular or somatic
there is some controversy as to whether radicular pain
(previously termed sclerotomal) etiologies. It is
can be caused by a non-structural, solely biochemical
universally accepted that an anatomic abnormality such
disorder. A few authors have postulated this latter scenario
as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis can lead to radicular
can occur, but there has been no definitive proof offered.
leg pain. This biomechanical paradigm for radicular pain
Prior studies using biochemical analysis of inflammatorymediators of the disc or surrounding structures haveenumerated many possible biochemical mediators of
From the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and
radicular pain (2-15). However, such studies have not
Orthopedic Surgery, the Penn Spine Center, and Hospital
definitively demonstrated whether these inflammatory
of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
mediators are the causes of radicular pain or whether they
vania. *Dr. Slipman is the director and associate profes-
are simply products of the degenerative cascade.
sor, **Dr. Isaac is a fellow, #Dr. Lenrow is an assistant
Theoretically, these inflammatory mediators, found near
professor and ♦Dr. Gilchrist is a fellow at the Penn Spine
degenerative discs, can be “innocent bystanders” or
Center, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, ##Dr.
“tombstones” in the process that produces pain and
Chou is the director of PM&R Services and assistant pro-
radiculopathy. Hence, they could be markers of
fessor of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, and
degeneration rather than provocateurs of the degenerative
♣Dr. Vresilovic is chief of Orthopaedic Spinal Disorders
cascade. If this were true, structural abnormalities would
at the Penn Spine Center and assistant professor of the
always have to be present to produce radiculopathy, and
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Hospital of the
anti-inflammatory medications injected locally should
University of Pennsylvania. Address correspondence:
Curtis W. Slipman, MD, 3400 Spruce Street, Philadel-phia, PA 19104. E-mail: [email protected]
A basic requisite for a biochemical basis of radicular pain
Pain Physician Vol. 5, No. 3, 2002
is the ability of structures spatially contiguous with the
injury such as history of chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
dorsal root ganglion (DRG) to generate chemical
diabetes mellitus, HIV, lymphoma, antecedent viral illness,
inflammatory mediators. There is a plethora of literature,
history of alcoholism, heavy metal exposure, etc; history
in animal and human models, that demonstrates the ability
of prior spine surgery, or an abnormal MRI of the thoracic
of the intervertebral disc to generate inflammatory
inlet or pelvis for those complaining of arm or leg pain,
mediators (2-15). Given this inflammatory potential, one
must assume that such chemicals can reach the DRG,thereby sensitizing it to mechanical stimulation. If this
The technique for diagnostic selective nerve root block
assumption is accurate, then there must be instances in
utilizes no sedation. Fluoroscopic guidance was always
which patients present with radicular pain without
used. For diagnostic cervical procedures, the needle tip
discernible structural pathology. Identifying patients with
position and perineural flow was confirmed with the
these findings would provide irrefutable evidence that
infusion of 0.5 mL of Omnipaque®. Afterward, 0.8 mL
inflammatory mediators have the ability to reach and
of 2% Xylocaine® was injected. For diagnostic
initiate an inflammatory response in the nerve root. The
lumbosacral procedures, the needle tip position and
purpose of this paper is to report upon such patients;
perineural flow was confirmed by the injection of 1.0 mL
individuals who satisfy strict criteria affirming a diagnosis
of Omnipaque. Subsequently, 1.0 mL of 2% Xylocaine
of radiculopathy in the presence of normal imaging studies.
Each patient completed a 100 mm visual analogue scale(VAS) and pain drawing immediately prior to and 30
Patients were enrolled in this study on a prospective basis
minutes after a diagnostic selective nerve root block. An
if they met specific inclusion and exclusion criteria.
independent trained medical professional administered the
Inclusion criteria consisted of symptoms of extremity pain
pre- and post-injection assessments to insure objectivity.
greater than axial pain, examination findings
A threshold of 80% reduction on the VAS defined a
demonstrating a new myotomal deficit that correlates with
the root level predicted by the dermatomal paindistribution, and failure to improve after at least 4 weeks
Although not part of the diagnostic assessment, as part of
of active physical therapy. A high quality closed magnetic
the treatment plan, patients with a diagnostic positive block
resonance imaging void of local nerve root pathology as
received a subsequent therapeutic selective nerve root
per review by the first author and the interpreting
block. For cervical therapeutic injections, a mixture of
radiologist was required. The MRI had to reveal no
1.0 mL of Celestone Soluspan® and 0.5 mL of 1%
evidence of spinal stenosis, herniated disc, tumor, synovial
Xylocaine was infused around the nerve root. For lumbar
cyst, foraminal stenosis, lateral recess stenosis, or other
therapeutic injections, a mixture of 2.0 mL of Celestone
intradural or extradural lesion. Flexion/extension
Soluspan and 1.0 mL of 1% Xylocaine was infused. A
radiographs had to reveal no evidence of segmental
range of 2 to 4 injections per patient was used. Patients
instability. Each patient had to have a positive
participated in a stabilization physical therapy program
electromyographic study for an acute radiculopathy that
and strengthening exercises for the muscles of the affected
corresponded with the distribution of pain and the
myotomal deficit. Criteria established by the the AmericanAcademy of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AAEM) for the
All data collection, analysis, and telephone interviews were
electromyographic definition of radiculopathy was used.
performed by an independent reviewer. Fourteen variables
Electrodiagnostic evidence of nerve root involvement
were recorded for each patient when treatment was
included the presence of positive sharp waves, fibrillation
initiated; they were: age, sex, symptom duration, pain
potentials, or complex repetitive discharges observed in
location, 100 mm VAS pain score, 10 point verbal pain
the associated lumbar paraspinal musculature and in at
rating, medication usage (adjuvant analgesics included
least two muscles with similar myotomal, but different
anti-epileptics or oral steroid tapers), employment status,
peripheral nerve innervation (16). Finally, each patient
smoking history, electrodiagnostic abnormalities, motor
had to have a positive diagnostic selective nerve root block.
exam abnormalities, sensory exam abnormalities, reflex
Exclusion criteria consisted of a history of trauma or work
abnormalities, and provocative maneuver response.
related injury; peripheral neuropathy; any illness or
Provocative maneuvers performed included Spurling’s
medication known to cause peripheral nervous system
maneuver and upper extremity root tension signs for
Pain Physician Vol. 5, No. 3, 2002
cervical radiculopathy. For lumbar radiculopathy,
had completed an oral steroid taper.
provocative maneuvers included straight leg raise, crossedstraight leg raise, reverse straight leg raise, sitting root
Follow-up data collection occurred at 1, 3, 6 and 12
tension sign, and Braggard’s maneuver. For suspected L5
months. The average final follow-up interval occurred at
and S1 radiculopathies, if reproduction of similar pain
14.5 months (range: 12 to 20 months) after discharge from
symptoms below the knee was produced with straight leg
treatment. An average of 3 therapeutic injections (range:
raise, crossed straight leg raise, or Braggard’s maneuver
2 to 4) was administered to each symptomatic level.
then the provocative maneuver was considered positive. For suspected L4 radiculopathy, the reverse straight leg
The average recorded follow up verbal score at the 1 month
raise was considered positive if anterior thigh and medial
and final follow-up was 1.5 (range: 0 to 3). There was no
calf pain similar to the patient’s complaints were elicited
appreciable change in the pain rating score during the entire
with knee flexion with the patient laying prone.
follow-up interval. Two patients were working full time,one part time, and one was not eligible for employment.
Follow-up data were collected by an independent reviewer
No change in employment status was observed over time.
during a phone interview with each patient. Variables
Two patients were using over-the-counter medications, and
recorded included present medication usage, employment
one was using prescription NSAIDs. None were using
status, and a verbal pain rating using a 10 point scale.
Verbal pain ratings represented each patients’ currentaverage daily pain level rated from 0 to 10. Patients were
followed at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months following discharge. All patients were reassessed when the last patient enrolled
Chemical radiculitis is an inflammatory condition of the
nerve root, which may result following the rupture of theannulus fibrosus and dissemination of disc fluid along the
nerve root sheath (2). The concept of radiculitis was firstdescribed by Lewin (17) in 1943, when he discussed the
Four patients, 2 men and 2 women with a mean age of
condition of irritation of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots.
46.3 years (range: 28 to 59 years old) were included.
In 1946, Holmes and Sworn (18) reported 5 cases of
Patients’ average symptom duration at initial presentation
lumbosacral root pain without any identifiable mechanical
was 17.5 months (range: 3 to 48 months). One patient
cause. A decade later, Walk (19) evaluated 200 clinical
was a smoker. As per our exclusion criteria, none of the
cases of discography assessing 310 lumbar intervertebral
patients’ symptoms arose from a work or accident related
discs. Walk (19) hypothesized that 2 neurological
injury. The level of root involvement for each patient is
syndromes may be caused by intervertebral discs;
listed in table 1. The initial clinical characteristics of the
compression of the nerve root by the disc or irritation of
the nerve by the perineural spread of the contents of thenucleus pulposus occurring through a disc rupture.
The average VAS score at initial presentation was 73
Subsequently, it has been demonstrated that when nucleus
(range: 60 to 90). Two patients were working full time,
pulposus material is exposed to the vascular space an
one part time, and one patient was retired. At the time of
immune response with subsequent antibody formation
presentation, all four patients were using prescription
results (20). Gertzbein (20) evaluated 10 patients with
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), two were
sequestered discs or disc protrusion contained by annulus
using opioids, one was using adjuvant analgesics, and one
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patient Table 1. Level of nerve root involved population at initial presentationPain Physician Vol. 5, No. 3, 2002
or posterior longitudinal ligament. He showed that an
cartilaginous endplate, but the precise role in discogenic
increase in the cellular immune response existed by
low back pain is unclear. In a recent study, Roberts et al
demonstrating an elevation in the lymphocyte
(11) demonstrated that the degree of matrix
transformation test of these patients. Marshall performed
metalloproteinase activity was proportional to the degree
immunological research on 9 patients with severe acute
back strain and lower extremity pain (20). He found that6 of the 9 subjects possessed an IgM response to increased
Various neuropeptides have been found in disc specimens.
titers of glycoprotein liberated from the intervertebral disc,
Ashton et al (12) identified elevated levels of calcitonin-
further supporting the hypothesis of chemical induced
gene related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) in the
outer annulus fibrosus. Nerve fibers immunoreactive tovasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and c-flanking peptide
A variety of studies have been performed to understand
of neuropeptide (CPON) were also found in the majority
the role of inflammation in radicular pain. Leukocytes,
of annulus fibrosus specimens. VIP is involved in
macrophages and lymphocytes have been found at the site
vasodilation and possibly in sensory transmission. CGRP
of surgically created porcine disc protrusions in vivo (3).
is involved in nociception, while CPON is a
Saal and co-investigators (4) found elevated levels of
vasoconstrictor. In addition to its role in nociception, SP
phospholipase A (PLA ), the rate limiting enzyme in the
increases prostaglandins, IL-1, collagenase, and tissue
chemical cascade that liberates arachidonic acid,
necrosis factor. SP and CGRP were also found in the
prostaglandins, and leukotrienes, in disc material obtained
annulus and posterior longitudinal ligament in rats and
from patients surgically treated for radiculopathy due to a
human specimens obtained at the time of surgery (13, 14).
herniation (5). Subsequently, Ozaktay et al (6)
SP and VIP were analyzed by radioimmunoassay to
demonstrated that PLA can produce electrophysiologic
determine their concentration in experimentally induced
and histologic changes in neural tissue. Further research
chronic nerve root compression (15). Elevated levels of
by Chen et al (7) showed that PLA promotes loss of
SP but not VIP were noted in the DRG of the porcine
myelin, breakdown of myelin sheaths, and vacuolar
compressed nerve root. In an earlier study, Weinstein et
degeneration ultimately creating hypersensitive regions
al (22) demonstrated elevated levels of SP and VIP in the
where ectopic discharges may be elicited. Matrix
DRG of dogs who underwent discography. The authors
metalloproteinases are known to be responsible for normal
postulated compressive forces applied to disc can pump
extracellular matrix remodeling and can degrade all the
fluids into vertebral body, annulus, or posterior
known matrix components of the intervertebral disc.
longitudinal ligaments with stimulation of nociceptive
Several studies have shown the liberation of these
cytokines during disc degeneration. Kang et al (8) obtainedand assayed disc material from patients undergoing surgery
Given the assumption that radicular pain manifests
for herniated disc or scoliosis. Herniated disc material
consequent to an inflammatory process, it is reasonable
demonstrated statistically elevated levels of matrix
to assume that providing an antiinflammatory agent would
metalloproteinase activity, nitric oxide, PGE2, and
be an appropriate treatment choice (23-27).
interleukin-6 (IL-6) when compared to the scoliotic discs.
Glucocorticoids are known to be the most potent
In a follow-up study, Kang et al (9) also demonstrated
antiinflammatory agents. It has also been demonstrated
that interleukin-1 beta stimulated the production of matrix
that methylprednisolone reduces the electrophysiologic
metalloproteinase, nitric oxide, and interleukin-6 in the
dysfunction associated with nucleus pulposus induced
cells of intervertebral discs. Kanemoto et al (10)
nerve root injury, but questions remain about the
performed immunohistologic staining of 100 human
subcellular mechanisms behind this corticosteroid effect
intervertebral disc specimens collected at the time of
(28). More recent literature (29) identifying a reduced
surgery to evaluate the disc degeneration cytokines matrix
PLA activity level in injured nerves follow the
metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) and tissue inhibitor of
administration of epidural betamethasone, suggests that
metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1). In 78% of the surgical
the anti-inflammatory properties of these agents may be
specimens, immunohistological staining demonstrated the
responsible for their ability to preserve nerve conduction.
presence of MMP-3 and the absence of TIMP-1. These
Relief of sensory radicular symptoms may also result from
findings may suggest that intervertebral disc degeneration
an ability of corticosteroids to stabilize neural membranes,
is caused by a disturbance in the equilibrium of MMP-3
thus suppressing ectopic discharges within the dorsal root
and TIMP-1. MMP-3 contributes to degeneration of the
ganglion (DRG) and injured nerve fibers, which are
Pain Physician Vol. 5, No. 3, 2002
believed to lead to pain and paresthesias (30, 31). CONCLUSION
Additionally, corticosteroids may have a direct anestheticeffect on small unmyelinated nociceptive C-fibers within
This paper provides clinical evidence that anatomic
irritated neural tissue (22, 30). Although glucocorticoids
abnormalities are not required to cause radiculopathy. The
are the primary agent used to mitigate radicular symptoms,
obvious implication is that a biochemical etiology can
it must be emphasized that local anesthetics are used
initiate radiculopathy and/or radicular pain. This may
simultaneously. These agents have been shown to exhibit
suggest, but in no way proves, a role for selective injections
properties that may be helpful in treating radicular pain.
of anti-inflammatory agents for patients with radicular pain
In particular, lidocaine may offer a therapeutic effect
through its ability to improve blood flow (32) and reduceneural dysfunction (33) in injured nerve roots. REFERENCES
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PRACTICAL USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN CLINICAL AND SUB-CLINICAL MASTITIS USO PRÁCTICO DE LOS ANTIBIÓTICOS EN MASTITIS CLÍNICA Y SUB-CLÍNICA Andrew Biggs, The Vale Veterinary Centre, The Laurels, Station Road, Tiverton, Devon EX16 4LF Email [email protected] RESUMEN El uso de antibióticos para tratar infecciones intramamarias es tan solo una parte de un plan de control de mastitis en una le
Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report Joanne Flanagan, Infection Prevention and Control Nurse Specialist (CNS) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CONTENT PAGE NUMBER Infection prevention and control committee Infection prevention and control policies, procedures and guidelines Meticillin resistant staphlococcus aureus (MRSA ) surveillance Meticillin resistant staph