Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.

Bill puka

Bill Puka --CV Highlights

Ph.D. Harvard (1980) Advisors: Nozick, Rawls, and Kohlberg

Fifty-five (or so) publications

• Sole-authored book: Toward Moral Perfectionism
• 7 edited volumes: Moral Development: A Compendium
(Defining Perspectives in Moral Development, Fundamental Research in Moral Development, Kohlberg's Original Study, The Great Justice Debate, New Research in Moral Development, Caring Voices and Women's Moral Frames, Reaching Out) • 45 or so essays (36 referred), 5 also reprinted.

Book Manuscripts

• Democratism: An Allegiance Beyond Patriotism and Good Citizenship. A critique of blatantly undemocratic
US domestic and foreign policy, the American public’s response to it, and a depiction of contrasting responses that early Americans (committed most to democracy, not nationalism or government compliance) would have. • Good Will: a recipe: The application of the non-violence method of Gandhi and King to the resolution of • The Right Choice: A problemsolving proceduralization of the cognitive-moral competence systems observed by Piagetian researchers, especially Kohlberg, Rest, Selman, Gilligan, and Hoffman. An application of these procedures to particular interpersonal and ethical problems. • The Right Mix: Making a Federal Case Out of Ethics Focusing on the problem of moral reductionism; how to combine the major principles of individual rights, egalitarian justice, utilitarianism, and perfectionist virtue theory; the virtues of logically inelegant ethics; the application of eclectic ethics to public policy issues. • For Goodness Sake: focusing on topics of moral exemplarism and irreverent-heretical-pre-Christian approaches to ethics. Illustrative chapter headings: “The virtues of hypocrisy,” “The good of evil,” “Forgoing forgiveness.” But also: “Gracing with our presence,” Of Beauty and Light,” “The practical lessons of Gandhi, King, Teresa, and Day.”
Education Projects: Be Your Own Hero: Careers in Commitment (founder and director): Public school
moral education program running from K-12 and at college, focusing on role models. Ark Community Charter
School, Troy, NY, founding Board member.
Main Areas of Research and Teaching
Moral-political philosophy, psychology and moral development, applied ethics (business, medical, engineering, professional, public policy), philosophy of mind, cognitive science, applied cogsci research in problem solving (protocol task analysis), democracy and anarchism.
Competitive Fellowships and Grants

• Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1997-99) Urban Revitalization Grant--Project Director.
• First APA Mellon Congressional Fellow (1980-83) Drafted legislation on workplace democracy, employee
ownership, and urban revitalization for the Senate Small Business Committee and Senator Gary Hart. • Reason Foundation (summer, 1980) Santa Barbara: applying Right-Mix ethics to policy • Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences (summer, 1979) Stanford Constructed a moral philosophical reinterpretation of empirical data on moral development. • Connecticut NEH grant, Trinity College, Project director—ethics and community outreach (1976) Bill Puka
Curriculum Vitae (working copy)

Dept. of Cognitive Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180-3590 (518) 276-8101 (Office) (781-862-9144 (Home)

Harvard University

[Note: (a) My doctoral program met all standard requirements for the Ph.D. in philosophy including courses,
language, and thesis. It also met core course requirements for the Ph.D. in psychology, including psychological
testing and a clinical internship and additional coursework and research in developmental psychology. (b)
Several years were taken off from graduate work to pursue a career as songwriter and recording artist for
Warner Bros. Music and Columbia Records. Actual thesis writing began in 1974 alongside full-time teaching.]

Masters: Problems in Personal Identity . Brown University

: Toward Moral Perfectionism. Harvard University
Advisors: R. Nozick, J. Rawls, L. Kohlberg Major philosophical aims of thesis: • To show that moderate forms of moral perfectionism and ideal- utilitarianism can be reconciled with the basic assumptions of Kantian justice. • To show that psychological rights and right violations can be legislated despite conceptual vagueness problems. To show that liberal-egalitarian and socialistic policies are required to protect negative (libertarian) rights. • To defend ethical liberalism (Rawls) against libertarianism (Nozick) in political theory. • To provide empirical support for the claim that Kohlberg stages of moral development are true Piagetian structures. • To reinterpret Kohlberg's "justice" stage sequence relative to moral perfectionist ethics. • To demonstrate the cognitive continuity between a sense of duty and the ranking of values and virtues. • To relate an empirically based account of psychological right violations to theories of
Areas of Competence and Interest: Philosophy
Ethical theory, social and political philosophy, applied and professional ethics, philosophy of mind, cognitive
science, theory of social research, philosophy of biology, philosophy of law, eastern philosophy, feminist
studies, Marxism, anarchism and workplace democracy, methods of theory building and argumentation, cultural
anthropology and human rights.
Areas of Competence and Interest: Psychology
Cognitive (moral and ego) development, counseling, interpersonal perception, applied cognitive science
(protocol interview research and task analysis), simulated gaming research, gender differences, group dynamics
and leadership, authoritarianism (indoctrination, persuasion, attitude change, compliance).

• Visiting Scientist, WZB (Wissenschaftzentrum-Berlin] 1992
• Visiting Scholar Lectures, the Netherlands Five University Consortium, 1991
• Beer Trust Research Grants, 1989-90, 1990-91
• First APA Congressional Fellow: Senate Small Business Committee, Gary Hart's Office, 1980-82 • Fellow, Reason Foundation, Santa Barbara, summer, 1980. • Fellow, Center For Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, summer, 1979. • Harvard Graduate Prize Fellow, 1969-73.
Robert Nozick (dec.), Dept of Phil, Harvard University
Lawrence Kohlberg (dec.), Dept. of Human Development, Harvard University
JohnRawls (dec.) Dept of Phil, Harvard University
Jurgen Habermas, Dept. of Soc. Phil., Univ. of Frankfurt
Thomas Regan, Dept. of Phil, North Carolina State Univ.
Wolfgang Edelstein, Director: Max Planck Institute For Human Development, Berlin
Wolfgang VanDen Daele, Director: Wissenschaftzentrum-Berlin
Anne Colby, Senior Fellow, Carnegie Foundation/ Director, Murray Research Ctr., Radcliffe College
Augusto Blasi, Dept. of Psychology (emeritus), Univ. of Massachusetts
Mary Brabeck, Dean, School of Education, NYU, formerly dean of Boston College
Teaching Experience: Philosophy
• Professor of philosophy and psychology, Rensselaer, 1982-present.
• Instructor/Assistant Professor of philosophy (intercultural studies, urban-environmental studies, public policy), Trinity College, Hartford, 1974-82. • Instructor in aesthetics, Cesare Barbieri Center, Rome, Italy, 1982. • Instructor in philosophy (part-time) Univ. of Massachusetts (Boston), 1973. • Teaching Assistant (to Charles Fried, Harvard Law School), • Teaching Fellow, Harvard, 1970-72 (Wittgenstein tutorials). • Instructor in philosophy, Brown Univ. (extension) 1968. Consulting: Philosophy
• Schenectedy, NY School Dept.: daylong teacher workshop on values education and role models: Be Your
• Phillips Academy (Andover, MA), Windsor School (Boston, MA), Pittsfield High School (Pittsfield, MA): piloting of Be Your Own Hero program and consulting on values education (1991). • Antioch University (Los Angeles, CA): 2-day seminar/workshop on ethical lifeskills, moral exemplarism, • Esalen Institute scholar seminars on ethical life skills, moral exemplarism, and community service (Jan, • N.Y. State Governor's Office of Employee Relations: Management training of bureau chiefs (May 1988, • Danforth medical education grant, Boston College School of Nursing (Spring 1984). • Western Electric Corp.: Management training in ethics (April 1981). • Connecticut Humanities Council Grant: Project director, issues of life and death/ medical ethics (1977-78).

Teaching and Research:
• Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, RPI, 1995-present
• Visiting Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1996 (Teaching and Learning Program)
• Research Member: MA program in I/O and Human Factors (RPI)
• Associate in Education, Center For Moral Development, Harvard Graduate School of Education: researched the relation of Kohlbergian moral judgment to the perceived fairness-structure of institutions, and the relation of value and virtue judgments to judgments of right and obligation (1984-85, 1978-79 {honorary}). • Instructor in organizational development, TRICE program and Hartford Housing Authority: ran six-week course for high-level and mid-level management (1975). • Instructor in psychology (part-time) University of Massachusetts: introduction to psychology, • Teaching assistant (to Arthur Dyke), Harvard Divinity School: client-centered counseling (1973). Research associate (to R. W. Wittenborn), Rutgers Interdisciplinary Research Center and Marlboro State Mental Hospital: psychological testing, psychiatric interviewing, psychopharmacological research on the effects of Tofrenil and Mellaril on postmenopausal, depressive psychosis, 1966-67.
Consulting: psychology
• Common Boundary Conference: seminar/workshop for psychotherapists on counseling, Fall, 1991.
• Esalen Institute 3-day scholar seminars on moral development and counseling, 1989-90 • Hartford Police Dept. and the Stowe Village Tenants Association: ran several human relations training seminars for residents of a public housing project and officials of the police, fire, and sanitation department, 1978. • Community Drug Half-Way House (Hartford): staff training in psychological counseling, 1976. • Niantic State Correctional Facility (Connecticut) and Kennedy Foundation: staff training in peer counseling and moral development interventions, 1973-76, New Haven Prison Half-Way House 1976.
Empirical Research Program:
Ethical and interpersonal problem solving (1998- )
After developing an Ethical Cognition and Sensibilities Interview, “think aloud” interviews were administered
to approximately 100 subjects over two years (in-person interviews, taped, types on computer and various
combinations of these). The resulting interview protocols are undergoing task analyses and several educational
interventions are being designed (the first is underway) to train students in competent problemsolving methods
based on the results. An NSF funding proposal is being constructed in conjunction with the Decision Sciences
and Engineering Systems Dept at RPI and the Center for Ethical Development at the Univ. of Minnesota. One
component of the proposal concerns developing an ETHICAL ADVISOR program specifically designed to aid
internet users facing ethical and interpersonal conflicts on line; currently being piloted.

Courses Taught in Philosophy and Psychology
Cognitive science
roject Director: Grants
and Programs

Follen U-U: Dialogues Across the Divide
(July 2005-May 2006)
The congregation of the Follen Unitarian-Universalist Society voted in a yearlong project proposal I formulated
to bring the Christian right (conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists) into dialogue with liberal faith
traditions and secular humanists. I am facilitating a series of 6 hour workshops, each over a three-week period ,
to expose mutual stereotypes and conflicts between these groups, but also mutual commonalities and the good
will to cooperate despite differences.

The Hudson River Valley Regional Revitalization Project
(Sloan Foundation: 1999-2001)

A seed grant was awarded to promote socioeconomic development within the Capitol District of New York
State and surrounds. Various studies were run of the current economy and organizational structure of this
distrcit, especially in Troy NY. Various proposals were constructed to provide low-cost rental property and
loans for incubating small business in Troy and for linking low-tech businesses down town to the RPI high-tech
incubator. Additional proposals were constructed for developing science and technology programs in the public
school system, again partnering with RPI, and for developing youth entrepreneurship there.
The Umuluwe-Ajirija Sister City Program (initiated May 2000)
A program that partners three Igbo villages in Southern with the RPI community viewed as a city or community.
Our first contact concerns setting up sufficient computer facilities at the school in these villages to allow internet
collaborations between their students and our and with a new charter school (The Troy Ark Community School)
which serves a mostly economically disadvantaged and racial minority population. Grant applications currently
submitted to Ford and Carnegie Foundations.
Be Your Own Hero: Careers In Commitment (1989- )
An education project designed to provide exemplary role models to public and private school students (K-
college), specially targeted to inner city youth.
Components: (1) Lesson plans profiling obscure and "superstar" exemplars, to be integrated into the normal public school curriculum in social studies, history, English and science; (2) Discussion and role-taking exercises designed to clarify student self-ideals; (3) Direct encounters with local heroes discussed in class; (4) Community service placements with these exemplars, and others, in mentoring relationships; (5) Career counseling and placement in service-oriented youth entrepreneurship, social service careers, and service orientations within traditional careers. Also included: features of critical-feminist studies, political-economy, peer-counseling, and cultural diversity education, as well as major value education approaches such as values clarification, moral discussion, and character development. Funding Support: Two Beer Trust Research Grants were used to launch the project (2) Funding Support Inquiries from foundations: (a) from Bristol Meyers-Squibb to fund three pilot schools in New York City, and
(b) from Ewing Marion Kaufmann Foundation (to integrate Be Your Own Hero with Project Essential in the
Kansas City Missouri School System). Grant requests also have been sent by the Noetics and Esalen
Institutes to the Laurence Rockefeller Foundation.
Social Problems and Community Participation Project

A Connecticut Humanities Council grant was awarded for promoting the public discussion of crucial social
issues. As project director I arranged for open seminars, workshops and “teach-ins” to be held at senior center,
community centers, at houses of worship within the state of Connecticut (1976)


The Golden Rule, Consequentialism, Deontology, Rawls, etc,, (2005-2006) Nine entries for The Encyclopedia
of Moral Education, NY: Greenwood Press.
Academic Integrity: Can Student Cheating Compare with Faculty Fraudulence and Adminsitrative Hypocrisy?
Teaching Ethics as lifestyle Excellence (2005) Liberal Education (Summer/Fall). Translating Moral Structures into Problem Solving Processes. (2005). In W. Edelstein & G. Nunner-Winkler (Eds.) Morality in social context. New York: Eliviser. Moral Development(entry) (2004). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Eds, M. Boylan, R Tong Multiple Intelligences: A response of Willingham. Education Next: J. of The Hoover Institution Supporting Ethical Problem Solving: An Exploratory Investigation. (Robbins, R.W., Wallace, W.A., and B. Puka) in the 2004 Proceedings of the Association of Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Management Information Systems and Computer Personnel Research, Tucson, AZ, April 22-24, 2 The Good of Evil (2003) in T. Wren and W VanHaaften (eds) Moral Sensibilities in Adolescence. Netherlands; Concord Press. To be reprinted in Spanish (2004) (themes: the ways in which chief teen problems cited by character educators represent legitimate goods (gang violence, drugs and alchohol consumption, teen pregnancy, The DIT and the Dark Side. (2002) Journal of Moral Education, 31, #3. (Fall) (themes: the uncovering of ideological biases in the Defining Issues Test based on correlations with political preference tests and computational models of cognition applied to protocol analysis; the unexpected usefulness of such bias in moral education to sensitize students to bias in moral judgment.) Altruism and Character (2003 in press) in D. Lapsley (ed.) Moral Self and Responsibility: Essays on the work of Augusto Blasi. New Jersey: Erlbaum Press. Forgoing Forgiveness (2002) In Before Forgiving. S. Lamb and J. Murphy (ed.) New York, London: Oxford University Press. (themes: the various pros and cons of forgiveness, pre-empting forgiveness with a handful of alternative approaches) De-Moralizing Moral Education: Putting the Pagan Back in Character (2000). In T.Wren and W. Van Haaften (eds.) Moral Sensibilities and Education. Netherlands: Concorde Press. (2001) Reprinted in Spanish Sensibilidades morales y educacion. Gedisa Press, Barcelona, Spain. (themes: the various faces of punitive and workaday moralism in moral and character education.) A Good-Willed Cookbook (2000) Journal of College and Character Vol. I, “1 (@CollegeValues.org) (themes: the utility of training students in “cookbook” and stepwise recipe-approaches to moral choice and behavior modeled on Asian methods of childrearing in ritualistic cultural etiquette.) Inclusive moral education: A critique and integration of competing approaches. (2000) In Moral Eduction and Pluralism. M Mogdil & C. Mogdil (eds.) London: Falmer Press. (themes: the criticisms made of four major approaches to moral education; a strategy for partnering these alternative approaches so that they make up for mutual shortfalls and build on mutual strengths.) Moralische Nahe und moralisches Urteil: Allgemeine Theorien im personlichen Kontext. (2000) In Moral im sozialen Kontext. W. Edelstein & G. Nunner Winkler (eds.) Berlin, Germany: Suhrkamp Character Education and the Young Child. (1999) In Moral Education in Early Childhood. W VanHaaften & T. Wren (eds.). Amsterdam: Concord Press. Reprinted in Spanish (Gedisa Press: Barcelona Spain. (themes: the special difficulties and opportunities of educating young children in values and role-modelling; the importance of non-indoctrinative approaches to moral education and strategies for utilizing them.) Building altruism: Task analysis, natural development, and artificial moral-intelligence. (1997) In Education and Altruism. Belgrade: Institut da Pedagoska Istrazivanja Press. (themes: applying the research strategies of cognitive science to ethical problemsolving; the possibilities of a programmable ethic and its educational regimen) Narrative psychology: The good, the bad, and the bibliophilic (A critique of Lorenco, Brown and Tappen) (spring 1996) Human Development 39 #2 1993: 94-107. (themes: the conflict between qualitative and quantitative analysis of interview data; the misuses of theoretical interpretation and the lack of theoretical method; the need for comparative justification) Caring community meets classroom democracy," in Dewey , Pragmatism, and Intercultural Education (1995) New York: SUNY Press. Moral wisdom, moral spirit, and moral education, Free Inquiry (summer, 1994). (themes: how the separation of church and state principle actually discriminates unfairly against fundamentalist religions) The science of caring. Hypatia, Vol. 6 #2 (summer, 1991): 200-209. (themes: a reply to criticisms of "The liberation of caring," further explicating my suggested research program in comparative interpretation by treating criticisms of my views and my responses to them as alternative research hypotheses.) Interpretive experiments: Probing the care-justice debate in moral development. Human Development 34 #2, 1991: 61-80. (themes: identifying five assumptions that ground the case for ethical caring and its critique of patriarchal justice; testing these assumptions with five counterhypotheses on the nature of caring and fairness.) Reconstructing Kohlberg's theory: preserving essential structure and removing controversial content. In Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development: Advances in Theory, Research, and Application. J. Gewirth and W. Kurtines (eds.) New York:Earlbaum Associates (1991). (themes: distinguishing Kohlberg's meta-theories from his social scientific theory of moral development; showing that the data-based theory can stand without Kohlberg's moral philosophical assumptions; showing that most critiques of Kohlberg apply to his meta-theories and are essentially irrelevant to the empirical stage theory.) The liberation of caring. Hypatia: a Feminist Journal of Philosophy , Vol. 5, #1 (Spring) 1990: 58-82. Reprinted in Who Cares? M. Brabeck (ed.) New York: Praeger Press 1989. Reprinted in J. Larrabee (ed) An Ethic of Care. NY: Academic Press. (theme: an interpretive counterhypothesis to Gilligan's "different voice": ethical caring is not an alternative track of moral development favored by women, but a loosely related set of coping strategies for dealing with sexist oppression; caring shows lingering sexism in its highest orientation.) The Majesty and Mystery of Stage 6. In The Domain of Morality. T. Wren (ed.) Cambridge, Mass: M.I.T.Press, 1989. (themes: why the major attacks on Kohlberg's theory are defective; how they can be reconstituted; how Kohlberg's stage 6 conception of moral adequacy is empirically, structurally, and functionally defective; how the defining and disjunctive logic of liberal-egalitarian justice is inadequate; how the continuum logic of benevolence fills in the gaps; how Kohlberg's moral stage sequence, below stage 6, shows a combination of justice and benevolence ethics.) Just Regard and Caring Concern: Different Voices or Separate Realities? MOSAIC Mongraphs #4, Bath, England: University of Bath Press, 1989. (themes: proposing that the psychological phenomena of moral reasoning development and ethical orientation (justice and care focus) fall in different domains; divergences in research method account for the difference; flaws in theory building account for their confusion.) The philosopher as corrections officer: doing time in a participatory democracy. In Philosophers at Work. E. Cohen (ed.) New York:Holt Rinehart, Winston, 1989. (themes: how to apply an eclectic ethical position to certain styles of personal interaction; how to apply principles of respect and concern to the self-governance of a prison unit.) Caring--in an interpretive voice. New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 7, #3 (Winter) 1989: 295-314. (themes: distinguishing qualitative research from interpretive theory; explicating the necessary steps and components of an interpretive account in social science; analyzing the different missing steps and components of Kohlberg's theory and Gilligan's "different voice" hypothesis; arguing that these "rival" positions are talking passed each other.) Ethical caring: pros, cons, and possibilities. In Inquiry Into Values: Problems in Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. II, New York:Mellen Press, 1988. (theme: a comparative justification of ethical caring, raising problems for its claims to moral adequacy.) Moral development without the philosophical captivations. Moral Education Forum, Winter, 1987. (theme: on the proper and improper relationships between moral philosophy and psychology; on the non-partisan use of ethical theories in gauging moral development.) Applied ethics--taking a stand. International Journal of Applied Philosophy , Vol. 3 #1 (Spring) 1986: 69-84. (theme: distinguishing applied philosophy from philosophers applying themselves to non-academic work; a model for nonacademic philosophy stressing traits of integrity, wisdom, and depth; applications of this model to government work.) Die Nutzen und Nachteil der Stufe 6. In Zur Bestimmung der Moral Philosophische und Sozialwissenschaftliche Beitrage. W. Edelstein and G. Nunner-Winkler (eds.) Munich:Surkamp Press, 1986. (A long monograph of which The majesty and mystery of stage 6 is a selected and substantially revised version.) The savings approach to social conflict. Philosophy and Social Conflict, Vol. 6 (Spring) 1984: 120-137. (themes: why ethics can not be applied directly to social policy; why policy ethics must express the Constitutional ethic and the diverse ethical views of "the people"; posing a motley ethic to represent such ethical diversity; posing a creatively bipartisan policy for urban revitalization emphasizing economic democracy.) An analytic approach to resolving problems in medical ethics. (with D. Candee) Journal of Medical Ethics, June, 1984, 2, 61- Reprinted in Professional-judgment: A Reader in Professional Decision-making. A. Elstein and J Dowie (eds.) NewYork: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988). (theme: how to derive concrete moral judgments from abstract principles of Kantian respect and utilitarian concern.) The libertarian challenge: notes on Nozick. Revista de Occidente, Feb., 1984: 189-207. (theme: evaluating the libertarian problem for liberalegalitarianism--if autonomy is the source of moral regard, and we freely invest ourselves in our talents and skills, how can these individual differences be morally arbitrary?) The Community Assistance and Revitalization Act (S.634) Federal bill and Senate floor statement, Congressional Record 2/28/83. (themes: a bill to give tax incentives to small business owners and investors to create jobs and housing in urban ghettos; the creation of a resident-owned, democratically run development corporation to control economic growth and spread profit from housing "gentrification; eleven special incentives to promote employee ownership of businesses.) Codes and creeds (Reply). Business and Professional Ethics 7, (Summer), 1983: 63-66. (theme: professional codes of ethics seem useless for decision making, but they provide unseen aid formoral perception and self-expression.) Moral vision: as Kohlberg sees it. (essay review) Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 55 #1 (Spring) 1983: 68- 73. (theme: why Kantian ethics can not rule out conservative themes such as just desert, negative rights, and capital punishment; why liberal justice must account for them.) Altruism and moral development. In The Nature of Prosocial Development. D. Bridgeman (ed.) New York:Academic Press, 1983. (themes: gauging moral development in both deontological and teleological terms; deriving developmental adequacy from benevolence reasoning as well as justice reasoning; challenging traditional philosophical critiques of "love ethics" (apage) echoed by Kohlberg.) An interdisciplinary treatment of Kohlberg. Ethics, 92 (April) 1982: 468-490. (themes: a critique of how philosophers analyze Kohlberg's theory; an alternative model for how to apply philosophical theory to statistical findings on moral judgment; a comparison ofKohlberg's complex-stage model with the simplestage and continuum model of moral development.) Kohlbergian forms and Deweyan acts. In Moral Development, Moral Education, and Kohlberg. M. Munsey (ed.) Birmingham:Univ. of Alabama Press, 1979. (theme: a comparison of principled and intuitionist ethics.) A Kohlbergian reply to critics. In The Domain of Moral Education. Cochrane, Hamm, Kazepides (eds.) New York:Paulist Press, 1979. (themes: a selective defense of Kantian ethics against antiformalist criticism; a defense of Lakotosian research programs and theory building.) Moral education and its cure. In Reflections in Values Education. J. Meyer (ed.) Waterloo, Ontario :Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1976. (themes: limitations of deontological theory and justice principles; sociobiological roots of ethics; education to promote benevolent virtues and values.)
Of animal liberation. (Review of Peter Singer's Animal Liberation) Philosophical Review, winter, 1973.
Just and unjust Lies. (Review of Sissela Bok's Lying) Psychology Today, June, 1978.
Ethics. (Review of J.L. Mackie's Ethics) The Journal of Moral Education January, 1979.
Essays (submitted for publication)
Democratism versus Patriotism: (At Education Next; J. of the Hoover Institution (Stanford Univ.)
The Citizen’s Emergency Powers Act: Checks and Balances That The Constitution Left Out (at Philosophy and Public Policy, for review). Patriotism: Sacred and Profane (At International Journal for Social Studies, for review) Patriotism as Treason: Five Lesson in Democracy (at Harvard Ed Review, for review) Be your own hero ( under review) In Why The Right is Wrong .L. Nicholson (ed.) New York: SUNY Press. (themes: the problems of moralism and ideological bias in character education; the presentation of and alternative moral education program focusing on exemplars as role-models, but also integrating a variety of approaches and the psychological mechanisms they engage) Leaving the Victim Out (At Yale Law Review for review). (Theme: how fundamental features of US Constitutional Rights, rules of court procedure and evidence, plea bargaining and immunity unjustly discriminate against crime victims and civil litigants.) The Legal Advocate as De Facto Saint. (final revisions) (Theme: How the roles assigned to a legal advocate within the adversary system of court representation and general representation require or imply behavior akin to that observed in research on moral exemplars toward their constituencies.) Corporate Responsibility and Lifestyle Redress (with Edward Woodhouse) At Journal for Business and Professional Ethics, for review. (Theme: If one participates in irresponsible corporate behavior that can’t feasibly be prevented or publicly exposed, one owes proportionate compensation through extra- work participation in related public causes.) Ethically adequate ethics: substantive and applied theory building. (paper version submitted to APhA eastern division meetings, article version for Journal of Philosophy) (themes: Separating distinctive from substantive philosophical theorizing; recasting major ethical theories as extremely bold and reductionist experiments in moral cognition; setting parameters for substantive ethics and prescriptive theory)
Good Will: Steps of Respect in the footsteps of the King. (submitted to AERA for determination of appropriate
journal, probably Educational Researcher) (themes: a summary outline of the steps of Good Will from the
Good Will book, accompanied by a variety of tips for educating Good-Willed skills.)
The Science of Caring. (submitted to the AERA journal Educational Researcher (revisions requested) (themes:
tracing out the applications of ethical caring research for interpersonal negotiations, with accounts of
classroom scenarios. )

Toward Moral Perfectionism: Niceness Rampant Harvard Dissertation Series, New York :Garland Press, 1989.
(themes: Redefining the nature of virtue ethics in the perfectionist tradition; utilizing research findings in cognitive psychology to help define perfectionist duties and psychological rights and support their enforcibility; arguing that libertarian moral precepts imply non-libertarian governmental policies, specifically, that the enforcement of libertarian rights to basic psychological development requires an extensive, interventionist state apparatus--a liberal or socialist state--not a minimalist one. Moral Development: A Compendium. New York: Garland Press, 1994 This edited seven-volume series is intended to be an encyclopedia for the field. In addition to classic writings it includes essays constantly referred to, but either never published or extremely hard to find. The volumes cover the history, philosophy, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and cross-cultural research programs, and critical analyses of moral development. volumes include: • Defining Perspectives (contrasting the cognitive-developmental approach in moral development with • Fundamental Research (the classic studies in moral development establishing a developmental sequence and the relation of logical, role-taking, and moral judgment) • The Great Justice Debate (critical controversy over reputedly ideological and methodological bias in • New Research (updated longitudinal, cross-sectional, and cross-cultural research) • Caring Voices and Women's Moral Frames (research on sex differences, sex bias, and diverse moral • Reaching Out (related research in social psychology on altruism, apathy, and pro-social behavior)
Books (unpublished: several currently under review at publishers)
Democratism: An Allegiance Beyond Patriotism and Good Citizenship: (themes: Ironies in the
common sense ideology and cherished assumptions of Americans regarding their democoracy;
problems caused by liberal and conservative ideologies; ideological intractability in the abortion and
same-sex marriage debates; the need to replace majority rule by proportional representation, the
inappropriateness of executive leadership in a democracy; the need to bolster political voting with
economic voting regarding the distribution of tax revenues; proposed legislation for achieving
greater accountability among public servants; the undemocratic qualities of democratic government,
citizenship and patriotism.)

Good Will: a recipe: (themes: the need for stepwise methods when grappling with difficult interpersonal and
ethical decisions; the value of the methods of non-violence proposed by Gandhi and King; personalizing this method and making it practical enough to apply to everyday life; the pros and cons of its steps; its application to a variety of cases including friends taking advantage of each other, lovers or spouses wishing to separate, sexual harassment at work.) The Right Choice (themes: The results of protocol and task analysis research showing the competent problem solvers use implicit methods for making decisions; locating such methods in the competence systems offered in the field of cognitive moral development; reformulating the depiction of those competences to take seriously the many criticisms made of them and their research bases; converting the depiction of competences into expressive directives for solving ethical and interpersonal problems; tailoring these directives to handle real-life negotiation and mediation; applying these procedures to everyday problems.) For Goodness Sake (themes: The realism of idealism, questioning the obligation-supererogation distinction; “Of Beauty and Light,” detailing the criterial features for identifying an ethical exemplar, Ethical wisdom and experimentalism as shown by prominent and obscure ethical exemplars, Be Your Own Hero: Careers in Commitment, a role-models character education curriculum, implications of the value of persons and its implications for personal style--living up to oneself as a being of august value, intellectual and ethical generosity: the framework for ideologically non-partisan and multi-partisan thinking.) The Right Mix: Making a federal case out of ethics. (themes: Designing an applied theory of ethics from a normative theory of ethics; faulting the reductive logic of theory building for the chief rivalries in ethics; overcoming conflicts between competing political, economic, and ethical ideologies through a detailed procedure for deconstructing and reconstructing the component rationales of major moral views; deriving a democratic ethical policy using the ethical structure of the US Constitution and legal system; applying the integration of democratic ethics and "right mix" ethics to the detailed provisions of urban development legislation; providing the ethical basis for preferring employee and community ownership to job creation and training.
Lecture Posts and Papers Delivered

“Educating for Dissent and Non-Compliant Citizenship,” also “Democracy on Demand not Democracy by
Consent,” Two paper presentations at NYU School of Education, AME Annual conference (Nov. 2007)
“Civic Engagement and Complicity in Undemocratic Education,” Dept of Psychology and Education, Cornell
University, May 2007)
“Building Virtues: Character and `Experiments in Truth’,” Notre Dame Invited Symposium on Personality and
Moral Character (Oct 2006).
“Hypocrisy and Moral Motivation,” paper presentation (roundtable), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, AME
annual conference
“The same-sex marriage dispute: Cross-partisan strategies for resolution,” (twentieth) annual AME convention,
Harvard University (Nov. 2005)
“Challenging Cherished Democratic Assumptions,” Bennington College” Social Science Lecture (2004)
“Undemocratic by design: why the chief functions of all governments are undemocratic,” Dept of Philosophy
and Greek Association, Trinity College (2004)
“Addressing the `moral values’ of evangelicals,” annual conference (AME) Chapman University, Dana Point,
California (2004)
“God can’t be a King or Lord: why a Perfect Being wouldn’t set up a divine dictatorship.” St Joseph’s College,
Connecticut (2004).
“Creating moral decision algorithms,” Society of Computer Ethics, annual conference, Boston College (2003)
”Methods for transforming moral-theoretical reconstructions into practical prescriptions,” paper presentation,
AME annual convention paper Vancouver, British Columbia, Fall 2001.
”A recipe for moral citizenship.” The Association for Moral Education (annual meetings) conference
paper. Glasgow, Scotland, summer 2000.
“Strategies for altering moral motivation and perception.” Paper read at the Association for Practical and
Professional Ethics annual meetings. Washington, DC, winter, 1998.
“The case for proto-philosophy: A critique of Mathew’s The Philosophy of Childhood.” Invited paper,
American Philosophical Association (eastern division meetings), New York, NY, summer 1997
“Altruism as a firm of computational intelligence: The search for an ETHICAL ADVISOR program.” Paper
read (for me) at the International Conference on Educating the Young in Altruism, Beograd, Yugoslavia, spring 1997. “Civil engineering and `the good life.’” Keynote address Am. Society of Civil Engineers, Merrimack College, 1996. “Mining values in education: Be Your Own Hero.” Scholar-in-residence address. Park School, Baltimore Maryland, spring 1996. “The left-right policy of entrepreneurial communism: make new friends but keep the old.” Fudon and Beijing Universities, China --invited talks on how employee ownership and community ownership mechanisms allow free market, capitalism without undermining communitarian production and management (deferred from Summer, 1994 to Spring 1995) ”Moral education: where it is and where it's headed”--two paper presentations at the International Conference on Moral Education (Amsterdam) and Katholiek Univ. (Nejmegen) the Netherlands (for June, 1995). ”The good of evil: A plea for paganism in moral education.” Paper delivered at St Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont (fall, 1994). “Applied ethics in human and animal experimentation.” Psychology Dept., Northeastern University, January 1992. ”The moral psychology of respect and caring: Research lessons learned.” Psychology Department Colloquium, Fordham University, January, 1992. ”Philosophizing research: Models for a data-based philosophy of moral development and education:” Visiting Scholar Lectures: The Netherlands Five University Consortium: delivered two public addresses on moral development at the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Nijmegen, also consulting on a dozen or so doctoral theses, June 1991. “ Modeling and moral reasoning in education.” Dartmouth College, January and November, 1991. “ Moral exemplars in education.” Institute for Noetic Sciences psychological research conference, Spring, 1991. Designing good policy. Distinguished Visiting Scientist series: WZB (Wissenschaftzentrum-Berlin)--two public lectures on ethics and public policy. July, 1991, (deferred one year) . ”Be your own hero.” International Association of Moral Education conference, Notre Dame University, Fall 1990. “The pitfalls of ethical pluralism and other problems.” Max Planck Institute Ringberg Conference, Munich, July, 1991. “Local heroes and values education.” Rensselaer Town and Gown series, Spring 1990. “Ethical caring: pros, cons, and possibilities” (conference paper) World Congress in philosophy (Soc. for Value Inquiry.) Aug., 1988. “On the conflict between fairness and kindness” (public lecture) Trinity College, September, 1987. “The philosophical bases of moral development” (conference paper) Association for Moral Education, October, 1987. “The procreation of value: the fetus and abortion” (conference paper) APA Western meetings, March, 1987. “Justice and benevolence: a model for integration” (conference paper) APA Eastern meetings, December, 1986. “Male justice and female benevolence: is there a difference?” (public lecture) Philosophy and
Women's Studies Depts., Williams College, October, 1985.
“Two ethics for professional responsibility” (invited paper) American Society for Women
Engineers, September, 1984.
“A critique and reconstruction of rights and welfare principles” (conference paper) Max Planck Institute
for Human Development, Munich, W. Germany, July, 1984.
“A pluralistic approach to public policy ethics” (conference paper) applied ethics conference,
Bowling Green State University, May, 1984.
“Ethical responsibility or professional responsibility?” (invited lecture) New York State Soc. of Engineers,
March, 1983.
“Responsibility and the DC-10 case” (invited lecture) Engineering Society of Baltimore, January, 1983.
“The Enterprise Democracy Act: a case study in applied ethics” (public lecture) R.P.I., May, 1982.
“Revising the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: the ethics of international bribery” (public lecture)
The Grad. School of International Management, Glendale Arizona, April, 1981.
“Philosophy in residence in the U.S. Senate” (conference paper) APA Eastern meetings, December, 1980.
“Retribution as moral education” (Fellows seminar paper) Reason Foundation, July, 1980.
“Rawls and Kohlberg” (Fellows seminar paper) Center For Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, July,
“Better than Kohlberg” (public lecture) Hampshire College, April, 1978.
“The tensions of humanitarianism” (conference paper) Connecticut Association on Retardation,
Hartford, Conn., Dec., 1978.
“What makes communes work?” (public lecture) Wesleyan University, May, 1978.
“Love and justice” (conference paper) International Conference on Moral Development, Leicester
University, England, Aug. 1977.
“Kohlbergian theory” (public lecture) Psychology Department, Smith College, March, 1977.
“In bad taste: the case for ethical vegetarianism.” (public lecture) Tufts Univ. Dept. of
Urban/Environmental Studies, March, 1975.
“Justice and moral development” (conference paper) Harvard Grad. School of Education, July,
(Also, seven papers delivered at Harvard's Center for Moral Development, five at Trinity College,
and eight at Rensselaer, while in residence at each.)
Related Activity


Ombudsperson, School of Humanities and Social Science (1996-97)
Director: Accelerated IT and Pre-Law Program, PP&CS (2000+)
Director: First-Year Studies workshops
Co-founder: faculty workgroup on reindustrialization
Philosophy Dept. Advisor: graduate, major, minor (various years)
Director: Martin Luther King Jr. Week (1986-88)
Committees: Animal use and care, alcohol review, educational planning and policy, curriculum
Trinity College:
Cofounder: TCAC, a student internship program in the Hartford community.
Cofounder: Racial minority Support Group
Committees: Curriculum, teaching techniques, academic dishonesty
Public affiliations

Executive Board, Association for Moral Education, 2003-
Board of Directors: Ark Community Charter School, Troy NY (1999-2004 )
Advisory Board: Northeastern University Center for the Advancement of Science Education, 1991-95
Trustee: Board of Directors of the National Center For Employee Ownership, 1981-1986.
Trustee: Board of Directors of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Science, 1983-1987.
Member/volunteer: Fellowship of Reconciliation, Amnesty International, National Organization For Women,
Feminization of Power Campaign, Cambridge-El Salvador Sister City Project (1988-90), Korea Rights
Committee (Albany), Greenpeace, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Animals and Culture
Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, and so forth.
Professional affiliations (various years)
Occasional Member: American Philosophical Association
International Society for Value Inquiry
Association for Moral Education
Philosophy and Education Association
Harvard-Radcliffe Science-Education Roundtable (1995-97)
Congressional Addendum
As Congressional Fellow (legislative aide) Sen. Gary Hart (D-Co) 12/15/80 - 9/1/81 (Consultant until 1983) U.S. Senate Small Business Committee 9/15/80 - 12/15/80
Major projects:

• The Enterprise Democracy Act of 1983: authored this federal bill, Senate floor statement, and various supporting materials. The bill represents a bi-partisan option to enterprise zones. • Democratic alternative budget for FY 1982, concentrating on HEW issues (food stamps, AFDC, school lunch, Black Lung Trust Fund, Child Welfare Adoption Assistance, Medicaid and Medicare, legal services). • Alternative budget used in the Senate Budget Committee for mark-ups of the Omnibus Budget Act of 1982. • Position papers: employee ownership and ESOPs, including in-depth psychological interviews with • Continental Airlines merger project: coauthored bill to give employees prior notification and first buy-out options on their companies in the event of a hostile takeover. • Senate Ethics Code Revision: consulted for four months with majority staff of the Senate Ethics Committee regarding the Hastings Center proposal for revising the Senate Ethics Code. • Feasibility research: analyzing legislation to promote prison entrepreneurship based on the results of youth • Legislation to provide a low-cost credit tier within the Federal Reserve Bank. • Position paper and floor statement: the constitutional amendment and "court stripping" agendas of "New • Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearings of Alexander Haig as Sec. of State: formulated questions concerning the ethics of Haig's professed policies and decision procedures.
Additional projects: (research and position papers)
Youth employment bills, targeted job tax credits, investment credit incentives, patent laws regarding new drugs,
the marriage tax penalty, family farms, regulatory reform, the refundability of tax credits, the Kemp/Roth plan to
use block grants to consolidate Federal programs, the balanced budget amendment, export trading companies
and their role in reducing the trade deficit, the National Consumer Cooperative Bank, the Federal Trade
Commission, and the NSF Small Business Innovation Research Program.

Source: http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/~pukab/Bill%20Puka%20Resume.pdf

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