Microsoft word - working in iraq - personal equipment.doc
• Personal Protective Jacket (PPE - body armour)
• Biological & Chemical Warfare Suit (should include: boots / respirator / gloves inner &
o u t e r / c a n i s t e r s / d e t e c t o r p a p e r / d e c o n t a m i n a t i o n p o w d e r )
• The one-piece emergency biological and chemical warfare suit is recommended.
• Shamag - wide scarf for maximum protection - wrap around
• Cotton Shirt - should be long sleeved and loose fitting
• Should be cotton and similar to the following lightweight and quick to dry makes:
R o h a n B a g s T r o l l T r o u s e r s M o u n t a i n E q u i p m e n t L o w e
• Should be woollen loop stitched, of suitable length and sizes need to be different if
• Light woollen pair (for night time - cold, etc.) or thin leather durable pair (used for
d e a l i n g w i t h s c r u b , t r e e s , e t c .
Waterproof Jacket
• Gore-tex or Aquatex (provide the best waterproof cover as the fabric will allow any
b u i l d u p o f s w e a t t o b e e x p e l l e d t h r o u g h t h e m a t e r i a l w h i l s t s t i l l h o l d i n g i t s w a t e r p r o o f / w i n d p r o o f i n t e g r i t y - d o u b l e s u p f o r p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t w i n d / d u s t s t o r m s , e t c . ) .
• Bolle / CEBE (ski type glasses - high reflective glasses are essential to protect against
Ski Goggles
• Bolle / CEBE ski type goggles (ideal for use in dust / sand storms)
Fleece Top / Pile Jacket
• Similar to: Helly Hanson / Buffalo top (required for night use as temperature drops)
• Sturdy footwear with suitable ankle support like the KSB Gore-tex boots (with Vibram
• All clothing mentioned in protective clothing list
• Small day sack or rucksack (one that can double up as a stretcher if possible - contact
C e n t u r i o n f o r m o r e d e t a i l s )
• Radio communications (between each member or vehicles - Motorola type - range 3km
• Whistle (for emergencies / warning of air raid attacks)
• Small knife or Leatherman (many uses)
• Waterproof Stuff Sack (ideal to keep items dry and dust free)
• Emergency food (some form of high nutrition food to sustain yourself for minimum 24
• Gore-tex Bag (Protects sleeping bag from dust, etc. and also is waterproof and doubles
• Compass / Map (map to be waterproofed if possible)
• Warm Fleece Top (if moving away from location and for night time use - cold
• Small First Aid Kit (roll down `bumbag` - contact Centurion for further details)
• Personal Alarm (emergency warning alarm for rooms with inadequate security)
• Small Torch / Batteries (similar to Maglites)
• Mosquito Net / Shelter Top (if away from base location)
• GPS System (remember do not always rely on GPS - it is only as good as the batteries
• Hostile Environment & Emergency First Aid booklet (from Centurion)
• Biological & Chemical Warfare Awareness handbook (from Centurion)
• Documents / accreditation / press passes
• Spare set of clothing (to include: trousers, shirt, socks, underwear)
• Small cooker (Calorgas `Bluey` or Epigas or Multi-fuel cooker)
• Water Jerry can (as much as you can)
• Rations (preferably `boil in the bag` ready to eat rations, or tinned food
• Personal medication (if not carried on individual)
• Air panel (for recognition or emergency signalling)
• Strong cordage (minimum length 20 metres - many uses)
• Improvised minefield probes (BBQ skewers, etc.)
• Binoculars (if not carrying on person)
• Small watertight containers containing: coffee / teabags / sugar / powdered milk /
v i t a m i n t a b l e t s / s o u p p o w d e r / w a t e r p r o o f m a t c h e s / w a t e r p u r i f i c a t i o n t a b l e t s , e t c .
• Plastic sheeting - doubles as emergency shelter (if needed)
• Square piece of wood (to place jack on in sand / mud conditions)
GROUP FIRST AID KIT Scalpel & blades / First Field Dressings) / Tweezers / Thermometer / Cas-straps / Airways No 3 & 4 / Disposable gloves / Syringes (5mm) and needles (21gm) / Pain killers / Imodium / Sutures / Dioralite (oral rehydration solution) / Anti-biotic creams / Anti-fungal creams / Bonjela (mouth ulcer treatment) / Emergency dental repair kit / Blisteze (cold sore treatment) / Assorted dressings / Assorted bandages / Assorted plasters / Burn packs & dressings / Steri- strips / Adhesive tape / Porous adhesive tape / Surgical stretch bandage / Tubular grip bandage / Scissors - sharp / Tuff-cut scissors / IV solutions and giving sets / Head-torch and batteries / Anti-inflammatory tablets / Anti-histamine / Neck brace / Soluble aspirin / Blister kit / Multi-vitamins / Eye drops / Antacid INDIVIDUAL FIRST AID KITS Can be made up for the individual`s needs and items can be taken from above list (For controlled drugs, etc. - speak to your doctor or in the UK, the Fleet Street clinic) For more advice please contact Centurion THE ABOVE LIST IS BY NO MEANS EXHAUSTIVE CONTENTS OF KIT WILL VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR RISK ASSESSMENT AND WHERE YOU ARE TRAVELLING EQUIPMENT CAN BE TAKEN FROM BASE LOCATION TO ADD TO THE VEHICLE OR PERSON IF DEPLOYING AND VICE VERSA. IF WORKING IN A TEAM (or just as importantly as an individual) Consider and discuss your actions and what you or the team would do if any of the following should happen: Breakdown / Ambush / Coming under fire / Road traffic accidents / Check points / Biological & chemical attack / Fires / Artillery & aircraft bombardment / Serious injuries / Fatality / Civil disturbances / Getting lost / Minefields / Convoy procedures / Evacuation procedures / Use of local drivers / fixers / Building security / personal security / Vehicle security, etc.
Natural Supplement for Bone Loss What is Strontium? STRONTIUM is a metallic element widely distributed, but found in minute amounts. It is found in various compounds, seawater, marine plants, food, bones and teeth. Names for strontium include: Sr, Sr+2, Sr++ and element 38. First discovered in 1740 by a Scots-Irish chemist, Adair Crawford, strontium was found to be a distinct m
The CATALYSIS SOCIETY of Metropolitan New York Simon Podkolzin Past Chairman Wolfgang Ruettinger Catalysis Society Representative Israel Wachs Jennifer Wade David Harris Colin Beswick John Byrne Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Somerset, New Jersey Excellence in Catalysis Award Lecture Greg Hughes Leveraging Centers of Excellence in