Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje antibiotica doxycycline Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.

Microsoft word - 2014-02-12-mn

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Cass County Board of Supervisors met at 8:30 a.m. with all members present: Frank Waters, chair; Duane McFadden, Charles Rieken, Gaylord Schelling and Mark Wedemeyer. Agenda upon motion by McFadden, 2nd by Schelling was approved. Minutes of February 6, 2014 upon motion by Wedemeyer, 2nd by Rieken were approved. County Attorney Daniel Feistner reviewed current legal activity. The Board set March 5, 2014 as the date for the public hearing on the County FY2015 budget. There being no county engineer’s report, the board took up the matter of the employment of the Director of Mental Health and General Assistance. Teresa Kanning made request to speak. Chair Waters denied request. Motion by Wedemeyer, 2nd by Schelling: to terminate the employment of Teresa Kanning, the Cass County Director of Mental Health and General Assistance, retroactive to 02/05/2014, due to work related items. There was no discussion by the board. Roll call vote: Ayes- Wedemeyer, Rieken, McFadden, Schelling and Waters. Nayes- none. Carried unanimously. At 9 A.M. as published in the Atlantic News Telegraph, the Board proceeded with the public hearing on proposal to vacate and close and/or clear the record
of three portions of roadway located in Cass County. The Board, the Auditor, the
assistant to the County Engineer, the County Attorney, a representative of
R.E.C., a landowner and the media were present.
Assistant to the County Engineer Richard Hansen briefly reviewed the
location and situation of each portion of roadway. No written objections had
been received and there were no objections to the portion of 644th St in Sec 14,
Grove Township or the portion of Galt Lane in Sec 5, Lincoln Township.
However, Guthrie County R.E.C. line crew foreman Elden Wolfe asked how
R.E.C.’s easement would be affected on the portion of 700th St between Sec 2 & 3,
Benton Township. The board decided to postpone action on this portion of roadway
until a later date.
There being no further comment offered: (At about 9:14am) Motion by
McFadden, 2nd by Rieken: to close hearing. Carried unanimously.
Motion by McFadden, 2nd by Schelling: to adopt: RESOLUTION TO VACATE ROADWAY 2014-009
WHEREAS, this being the date and time set for the hearing on the proposed vacation and closure of a portion of Cass County
Secondary Road, described as follows:
That Portion of 644th Street, originally established (road #37 of 1872) on June 28th, 1872 (See Road Record North Book, page
for Grove Twp. Section 14) all lying in Section 14, T-76N, R-36W of Cass County, Iowa. The intention of this road closure is to vacate
all that segment of 644th Street lying in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 14. Commencing at the
north line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and thence running in a southerly direction to the current point of termination. The current
point of termination being the same point as the point referred to in the road vacation of 1876 where the southern end of Road No.
37 was vacated. The length of road to be affected by this resolution is about 842.6 feet.
The area so vacated shall revert to the adjacent owners of record as of the date of this order.
WHEREAS, No objections have been received, either in writing or by persons present;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cass County Board of Supervisors that the subject section of road be ordered vacated and
Vote: Carried unanimously. Resolution adopted.
Motion by Schelling, 2nd by McFadden: to adopt RESOLUTION TO VACATE ROADWAY 2014-010
WHEREAS, this being the date and time set for the hearing on the proposed vacation and closure of a portion of Cass County
Secondary Road, described as follows:
That Portion of Galt lane, originally established (Road #6 of 1917) on December 26th, 1917 (See Road Record North Book, page for Lincoln Twp. Section 5) all lying in Section 5, T-76N, R-34W of Cass County, Iowa. The intention of this road closure is to vacate all of Galt Lane (40 feet wide and centered on the 1/4 section line) beginning at the east 1/4 corner of the NW 1/4 of said section 5 and thence running northerly along the 1/4 section line to a point on the southern right of way limits of 730th Street which
is 33 feet south of the north line of said section 5. The length of road to be closed and vacated by this resolution is about 1,287 feet.
The area so vacated shall revert to the adjacent owners of record as of the date of this order.
WHEREAS, No objections have been received, either in writing or by persons present;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Cass County Board of Supervisors that the subject section of road be ordered vacated and
Vote: Carried unanimously. Resolution adopted.
At about 10:45 am the board recessed to attend a Home Care/Hospice meeting
at Cass Co. Memorial Hospital.
Report filed: Home Care/Hospice Report for quarter ending 12/31/13.
The following claims were approved and the auditor authorized to issue checks for
General Basic Fund
Access Systems, Inc. Copier Contract 387.40
Akin Building Center Building Materials 10.75
Alliant Energy Utilities 120.46
Am San LLC Supplies 1158.73
Anita Printing Services, Inc Office Supplies 133.90
Anita Tribune Co Inc Publishing 552.89
Atlantic City Clerk Storm Water 157.49
Atlantic Medical Center Coroner Call 300.00
Atlantic Motor Supply Absorbent 22.77
Atlantic Municipal Util Utilities 3545.56
Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 831.89
Atlantic Pest Control LLC Extermination Service 37.50
Brown Electric Company Inc Repairs 576.30
Camblin Plumbing & Heat, Inc. Repairs 1705.21
Cambridge Law Firm Substance Abuse 426.00
Cappels Custodial Supplies 253.89
Cass Co Meals on Wheels Meals 650.00
Cass County Attorney Meals 24.62
Cass County Public Health Public Health Emerg Prep 604.51
Cass County Sheriff Serving Notices 30.56
Cook Sanitation Sanitary Disposal 100.00
Cott Systems, Inc Maintenance/License 375.00
Counsel Office & Documents Copier Contract 642.70
Culligan Soft Water Serv Rental 56.10
Fareway Stores Inc Food & Provisions 321.45
Farm & Home Publishers Plat Books 1625.00
Farmers Elect Cooperative Utilities 34.26
Robert Figgins Construction 695.24
Griswold American Publishing 165.86
Gronewold Bell & Kyhnn & Co Audit Services 4000.00
Hall Floor Covering Flooring 563.23
Hepler Curbside Recycling Inc Sanitation Expense 40.00
Jeff Hetrick Fuel 20.00
HR Systems Inc Training 325.00
IMAGETek, Inc Backup & Recovery 40.00
Iowa DNR Training 20.00
ISAC Registration 140.00
John Johnson Continuing Ed 25.00
Lora Kanning Mileage 28.67
Cheryl Lebeck Custodial Services 84.00
City of Lewis Utilities 99.96
LexisNexis Information Charges 69.00
M & M Sales Company Copier Contract 24.42
Martin Sheet Metal Bronze 10.50
Medivac Corp Ambulance 2800.00
NACCTFO Registration 125.00
Nishnabotna Valley R E C Utilities 155.45
Office Stop Office Supplies 179.99
Olive Street Station Fuel 50.68
Olsen Fuel Supply Inc Fuel 35.00
Shawn Page Continuing Ed 25.00
Public Safety Fund County Contribution 24613.21
Purchase Power Postage 585.45
Jennifer Reynolds Transcripts 49.00
Charles A Rieken Mileage 162.96
Robinson Hardware Inc Supplies 174.46
Shelby County Conservation Fire Training 50.00
Solutions Inc Tech Support 200.00
Southern Iowa Rural Water Assc Utilities 33.00
State Med Examiner/Path Autopsy Report 1567.50
Stone Office Products Office Supplies 446.11
SWIPCO IDED Contract 294750.00
Frank Waters Mileage 194.88
Welter Properties Rent 325.00
Wright Express WexBank Fuel 974.22
21st Century Cooperative Rent 60.00
General Supplemental Fund
Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 62.50
Cass County Sheriff Juvenile Expense 1018.70
Crittenton Center Inc Emergency Shelter 1446.15
Iowa Communities Assurance Pool Insurance 167365.72
NW Iowa Youth Emergency Servic Shelter Care 2250.00
Purchase Power Postage 50.33
MH-DD Services Fund
Cambridge Law Firm Legal RepresentationCommi 564.00
CASS Incorporated Sheltered Workshop 14981.94
Country Care Center Corp Residential Care Fac. 2976.00
Mosaic-Western Iowa Residential Care Fac. 196.85
Office Stop Office Supplies 208.47
Park Place Home Comm.Based 2018.86
Partnership for Progress Inc Home Comm.Based 15850.84
The Pride Group Inc Residential Care Fac. 2046.00
Donna Ray Employee Mileage/Fuel & S 376.18
REM Developmental Services Inc Sheltered Workshop 607.88
SW IA Mental Health Cen Hired Services 29671.33
Rural Services Basic Fund
Cappels Supplies 53.98
Carpenter Uniform Corp Uniforms 278.98
Dvorak Tire and Service Vehicle Maintenance 1242.50
Ryan Johnson Floor Mats 84.50
Jones Automotive Inc Vehicle Maintenance 1193.80
Corey Larsen Supplies 6.57
McAtee Tire Service Inc Vehicle Maintenance 243.38
Ultramax Ammo 399.00
Wright Express WexBank Fuel 4801.93
Secondary Road Fund
Casey's General Stores, Inc. Fuel 459.25
Sheriff Investigations
Cappels K-9 Supplies 30.99
Attorney Federal Seized Monies
Josh Lahr Conference Fees 1537.76
Eric VanderWiel Conference Fees 1754.26
Attorney Local Seized Monies
Akin Building Center Office Remodel 4953.02
Cass County Attorney Postage 53.56
Robert Figgins Remodeling 6168.01
Iowa Co Attorney's Case Manage Software 4036.00
Geographic Info System Fund
ISAC Registration 150.00
Local Emergency Mgmt Agency
Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 57.41
Iowa Emergency Mgmt Assoc Mich Registration 150.00
Mike Kennon Fuel 70.96
Environmental Control Agency
Atlantic News Telegraph Publishing 48.77
Barker, Lemar and Assoc Inc Annual Services 3075.00
Bower Welding & Fabrication Outside Labor 152.14
Brown Electric Company Inc Building Maintenance 1282.92
Caterpillar Financial Services Dozer 4765.12
Central States Wire Prod, Inc. Supplies 5740.09
Clean Harbors Env Services Inc HHW Disposal 5845.93 Culligan Soft Water Serv Water 35.25 Curtis Welding & Fab Inc Supplies 76.73 Farmers Elect Cooperative Utilities 1867.12 KJAN Advertising 30.00 L&P Financial Services Corp Parts 25.26 Marne/Elk Horn Telephone Telephone Services 3.49 Office Stop Office Supplies 13.49 Purchase Power Postage 22.88 Requip, LLC Preventative Maintenance 2397.16 Robinson Hardware Inc Building Supplies 149.89 21st Century Cooperative Rent 65.00 Meeting adjourned. Next meeting February 19, 2014. /s/-Frank Waters, Chair Attest: /s/-Dale Sunderman, Auditor


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