Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje amoxicilline kopen zonder recept Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Savvas papacostas cv
Current Positions: Senior Consultant Neurologist, Head of Clinic B: Epilepsy Evaluation and Treatment Center, Memory Disorders Center, Clinical Neurophysiology, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus. Adjunct Associate Professor of Neurology (Division of Epilepsy), University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, USA Visiting Associate Professor of Neurophysiology, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus WORK ADDRESS
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
Fax. No. (357) 22392786 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] EDUCATION 1982-1986 Medical Degree
1980-1982 Master’s Degree Case Western Reserve University
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy, and Assistant in Neurology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., USA
Combined Residency in Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, New York, USA as follows:
Chief Resident and Instructor in Neurology
Medical Intern, Cafaro Memorial Hospital, and St. Elizabeth's Hospital and Medical Center, Youngstown, Ohio, USA
Senior Consultant Neurologist, Section of Behavioral Neurology and Epilepsy
Director, Neurology Clinic B and Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
Officer of the Day on Contract Basis at the VA Medical Center
Rochester Psychiatric Center, Rochester, N.Y., USA
Teaching medical students on the Psychiatry and Neurology Wards University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
Teaching Psychiatry Residents on Neurological issues University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
Teaching Neurology Residents on Clinical Neurophysiology Columbia University, New York, New York
Teaching Brain Anatomy and Physiology to Graduate students, Intercollege University, Nicosia, Cyprus
2001 -2006 Teaching Brain Anatomy and Physiology to Graduate students, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 2003-2006 Teaching Psychopathology to Graduate Clinical Psychology students
Intercollege University, Nicosia, Cyprus
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cyprus
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Cyprus
Panayides, Socrates, M.Sc. Thesis: Translation into Greek, Validation, and Development of the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory, QOLIE-89 1998-1999 Papathanasiou, Eleftherios, Ph.D. Dissertation: Vestibular Evoked Potentials 2001-2004 Papastavrou, Evridiki, Ph.D. Research project: Stress impact on carers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. 2005 Themistocleous Demetra, M.A. Thesis: Quality of Life and Working Memory in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. 2007-2008 Nikou, Maria, M.A. Thesis: Quality of Life and Working memory in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. 2007-2008 Anastasiou, Irena, M.A. Thesis: Translation and Validation into Greek of the Epilepsy Foundation Concerns Index and Co-administration with Beck’s Depression Scale and Anxiety Measurement Scale to Patients with Epilepsy. 2008- 2009 OTHER Member of the Technological University of Cyprus Advisory Committee for the creation of the School for Health Sciences Guideline Reviewer for the American Academy of Neurology Practice Parameters SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL PEER REVIEWS
Epilepsia The Journal of International Angiology Neuroscience Letters The Journal of the Neurological Sciences Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Neuroepidemiology Epileptic Disorders RESEARCH PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS European Science Foundation (EU) PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION, ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS
Certified in Neurology by the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. Cert. No. 38671. Year of certification, 1993 Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners, USA Licensed Physician by the State of New York (Licence No.170719-1), USA Licensed Physician by the Republic of Cyprus (Licence N.2265) Certified European Epileptologist by the European Epilepsy Academy Certified Trainer in Epileptology by the European Epilepsy Academy Active Member, American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 1994 - present
Member, AAN Section on Behavioural Neurology
National Contact Point (Cyprus) for the Surveillance of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, in the European Union Member, International League Against Epilepsy Faculty of One Thousand Corresponding Member, American Epilepsy Society Founding Member and past member of the Executive Committee, Cyprus Academy of Neurology Founding Member and Current President, Cyprus Epilepsy Society, a Chapter of the ILAE Member European Epilepsy Academy (EUREPA) and Designated Epileptology Trainer Active Member, European Neurological Society (ENS)
Member, ENS Subcommittee on Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders
Member of the European Federation of Neurological Societies Scientist Panel of Epilepsy Member, Editorial Board, JAMA, Neurology & Psychiatry, Middle East Member, Editorial Board, Archives of Neurology, Middle East Scientific Advisor, Organisation for the Support of Alzheimer’s Patients Scientific Advisor, Cyprus Parkinson’s Disease Organisation Member, Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics Scientific Council RESEARCH
Field work in the village of Platt, Northern Greece, on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B
Utility assessment of geriatric patients on a geriatric ward in Edinburgh, Scotland
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postictal Psychosis in an inpatient epilepsy population. Clinical and Electrographic correlates. Columbia University, New York, USA
Long-term follow-up of patients with psychogenic seizures. Columbia University, New York, USA
Felbamate study participant. Antiepileptic
partial epilepsy. Columbia University, New York, USA
Comparison of normal Cypriot population to established standard parameters of normal values in evoked potentials
Significance of mid-frontal to occipital dissociation of p100
1995 Open trials of Lamotrigine as add-on therapy in children aged
Apolipoprotein E determination in Cypriot patients with Alzheimer’s Dementia and comparison with normal population
European Consortium to establish a Genetic Basis of Epilepsy
Gabapentin as Add-on Treatment in partial-onset resistant
Topiramate as Add-on Treatment in Partial-Onset Resistant Epilepsy
The Effect of Apolipoprotein E and Presenilin-1 on Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease in Cyprus
A Double-Blind, Randomised, Dose Comparison Study of AVONEX® (Interferon Beta-1a) in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis. Principal Investigator for Cyprus
Gulf and Middle East Study on Quality of life in People with Epilepsy. Principal Investigator for Cyprus
-Genetic Analysis of Epilepsy Families -Evaluation of Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials in MS -Levetiracetam as add-on therapy in patients with intractable epilepsy
-Age of onset, APOE status, education and family history in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
-Impact on carers of people with Alzheimer’s Disease
-Gallantamine in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients
-Evaluation of Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials
-Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s Disease in Cyprus
-Stress Impact on carers of Alzheimer’s Disease
-Disssociation of mid-frontal from occipital positivity on VERs -EURO-CJD Epidemiological Surveillance of Transmissible
Spongiform Encephalopathies in Europe FP-6/FP-7 funded
-Investigation on the action of different medication classes
on the reactivation of fetal hemoglobin -European Consortium on the genetic analysis of
photosensitivity and visual sensitive epilepsies 2006
-Neurophysiological Correlates of developing Intelligence -Brain Activity correlates of developing intelligence in epileptic Children
-Correlation of Psychopathology and Sleep disorders -Comparison of Psychogenic Seizure patients with matched Epileptic controls -Working memory and quality of life in patients with epilepsy
-Translation, Validation and Application of the British Epilepsy Foundation Concerns Index to Cypriot epileptic
-Pan-European Surveillance of Sudden Unexpected death in
Epilepsy during Video-EEG Monitoring (MORTEMUS study)
-The Neurocognitive Study of Aging -Safety and Efficacy of Esclicarbazepine as Add-on Therapy in Pharmacoresistant Partial-onset Epileptic Seizures: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Multi-Center Clinical trial
-Applied Neuroscience and Neurobehavioral Research
Center. A three year infrastructure award financed by the
Dean's List in Undergraduate College Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, 1978-1979 M.A. Degree Summa Cum Laude Edinburgh Geriatric Tutorial Award, 1986 Special Mention was given by the “Hippocrates” Medical Association on Nicosia – Kyrenia for the presentation: Papathanasiou ES, Kyriakides T, Iliopoulos I, Petsa M, Kleopa KA, Piperidou C, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “Vestibular symptoms and signs are correlated with abnormal neurogenic vestibular evoked potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis”. 18th Annual Medical Conference, 9-10 April, 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, Elected in February 2011. PUBLICATIONS
Peer-Reviewed Articles Grollman EN, Papacostas SS: "Acquired Dementia with Retinitis Pigmentosa", Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 7(1):18-22, 1994 Walczak TS, Papacostas SS, Williams DT, Scheuer ML, Lebowitz N and Notarfrancesco A: "Outcome After Diagnosis of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures", Epilepsia 36(11):1131-1137, 1995 Papathanasiou ES, Galganski-Cleanthous M, Pattichis C, Middleton L, Papacostas S. “Evoked Potentials of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics. I: Normal Parameters for Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials”. Cyprus Medical Journal 14 (3 & 4):52-55, 1996. Papathanasiou E, Galganski-Cleanthous M, Middleton LM, Pattichis C, and PapacostasS: “Evoked Potentials at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics II: Normal Parameters for Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs)”, Cyprus Medical Journal (In Press). Papathanasiou ES, Cleanthous MEG, PapacostasSS, Discussion: Using Statistics to Determine the Tolerance Limits of Normal Values in Evoked Potential Testing”, American Journal of Eletroneurodiagnostic Technology 38:33-42 1998 Papathanasiou E, Panayiotou P, Galganski-Cleanthous M, Middleton L, Stylianidou G, Koukkoulli R, and PapacostasSS, “Ambulatory Electroencephalography is Useful in Differentiating Seizures from other Behavioural Changes in Children”, Cyprus Medical Journal 16 (1&2): 14-16, 1998. PapacostasSS and Papathanasiou E, “Reversible Phenytoin Induced Dyskinesias”, Cyprus Medical Journal 16 (1&2): 34-36, 1998. PapacostasSS, “Subclinical Electrographic Rhythmic Discharge in Adults: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. Cyprus Medical Journal 17 (3&4):14-17, 2000 PapacostasSS, Hadjivassilis V. “Kleine-Levin Syndrome: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature”. European Psychiatry 15:231-5, 2000 PapacostasSS. “Oxcarbazepine versus Carbamazepine Treatment and Induction of Serum Lipid Abnormalities: Report of A Case.” Journal of Child Neurology 2000;15(2):138-40 PapacostasS. Alzheimer’s Disease: “Therapeutic Developments”. Cyprus Medical Journal 17(1&2):16-18, 2000 Papathanasiou E, Zamba E, PapacostasS. “Radial Nerve F-Waves”. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 2001(112); 145-152 Papathanasiou E, Zamba E, Papacostas S. “Normative Values for High Voltage Stimulation across the Brachial Plexus” Elecrtomyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 42:151-157, 2002 Wijdicks, Eelco; Gustavo Saposnik; Marnia Davtian; Jean Marquez; Paulo Bittencourt; Jorge Alegria; Pablo Lorenzana-Pombo; Enrique Hernandez; Calixto Machado; SavvasPapacostas; Adriana Slobodova; Tomas Alarcon; Mohamed El- Tamawy; Francisco Ivan Ordonez; Ain-Elmar Kaasik; Walter Haupt; Ben Edoo; Jhon Logothetis; Rodolfo Gebhart; Ian Morales; Kollár Tibor; Kurupath Radhakrishnan; Kahnar Wiriadisastra; Mark Keegan; John Hall; Hiroshi Takeshita; Ashraf Kurdi; Sejin Lee; Chong-Tin Tan; Norbert Vella; Pratap Chand; Zaheer Aslam; Telmo Aquino; Rene Punsalan; Ahmad Hamad; Tak-Sun Tse; Mihvea Chiorean; Pvel Pilipenko, Valery Feigin; Imad Unin Kanaan, Zuheir Al-Kawi; Jamshid Davantou; Peter Turcani; Jordi Peña-Casanova; Lars Forsgren; Sung- Tsang Hsieh; Gaspar Kitange; Niphon Poungvarin; Kanter Ramcharan; M. ben Hamida; Bursen Ince; Jon Dorman; Igor Vishvevsky; Carlos Chouza; Angelina Faoro; Thong van Nguyen; Milorad Zikic. “Brain death worlwide: Accepted fact but no global consensus in diagnostic criteria”. Neurology 58:20-25, 2002 M. Clanet, E.W. Radue, L. Kappos, H.P. Hartung, R. Hohlfeld, M. Sandberg- Wollheim, M.F. Kooijmans-Coutinho, E.C. Tsao, A.W. Sandrock, W. Kristoferitsch, Schrieber, Schlederer A, Seeldrayers, Piette B, S.Papacostas, K. Kyriallis, M Pantzaris, B. Brochet, A. Gayou, M. Rouanet, F. Rouant, C. Confavreux, G. Riche, S. Blanc, J. Achiti, C. Magnier, P. Aubertin C. Mekies, D. Brassat, C. Thalamas, C. Vuilleman, A. Senard, G. Lau, P. Cesaro, F. Degos G. Defer, Treating S. Schaeffer G. Edan, de Marco, V. Cahagne, S. Belliard, O. Lyon-Caen, B. Stankoff, C. Lubetzki, I. Arnulf, P. Damier, J. Pelletier, D. Tamman, L. Suchet, A. Dalecky, L. Rumbach, Treating Dr. Moulin, E. Berger E. Roullet, D. Pez, O. Heinzlef, P. Lecanuet, P. Vermersch, A. Engles R. Dengler, F. Heidenreich, Examining Dr. Lindert, Dr. Koehler, Dr. Windhagen, D. Steiner, R. Zschenderlein, J. Luenemann, H. Gelderblom, N. Kassim, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, D. Koerner, D. Vogt-Schaden, D. Stingle, D. Storch-Hagenlocher, M. Sailer, D. Matzke, R. Hohlfeld, D. Dose, C. Weiler, K. Kunze, C. Heesen, P. Bamborschke, H. Petereit, D. Liu, Dr. Nolden, F. Grunwald, D. Menck, D. Grupe, H.-P. Hartung, P. Rieckmann, D. Weilbach, D. Flachenecker, D. Chan, D. Maurer, J. De Keyser, G. Zwanniken, D. Azordrager, X. Montalban, D. Nos, O. Fernández, J.A. Tamayo, F. Romero, T. Arbizu, D. Martínez-Yélamos, D. Martin, D. Casado, M. Sandberg-Wollheim, R. Ekberg. N. Achalbedaschwili, D. Schött, C. Lienert, E. Luthringer, D. Bates, M. Westwood, M.J. Campbell, D. Burrows, R. Capildeo, D. Abbas, D. Riaz A. Compston, I. Bjornson, C.P. Hawkins, S. Wetherby, S. Ellis, S. Hawkins, M. Duddy D.L. McLellan, S. Wroe, K. Powell, C.A. Young, Co-investigator Dr. Lecky, P.
Rieckmann, C. Polman, J. Kesselring, A. Thompson, H. Wekerle, J. Whitehead. “A randomized, double-blind, dose-comparison study of weekly interferon {beta}-1a in relapsing MS“ Neurology, 59: 1507, 2002 PapacostasS. “Photosensitivity during the Hypersomnic Phase in a Patient with Kleine-Levin Syndrome. Report of a Case”, Journal of Child Neurology 18 (6):432- 433, 2003 Papacostas S. “Description and Organization of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Monitoring Unit”, Cyprus Medical Journal 20 (1&2):42-44, 2003 Papathanasiou E, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Pantziaris M, Kyriakides T, Papacostas S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pattichis C, Iliopoulos Y, Piperidou C. “Click Evoked Neurogenic Vestibular Potentials (NVESTEPs): A Method of Assessing the Function
Neurophysiology 43: 399-408, 2003 Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Papacostas S. “Knitting artifact on EEG”. Neurological Pictures: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 74:1501, 2003
Hardmeier M, Wagenpfeil S, Freitag P, Fisher E, Rudick RA, Kooijmans- Coutinho M, Clanet M, Radue EW, Papacostas S, Berrry I, Differ G, Lyon-Caen O, Roulett E, Rumbach L, Weiller C, Bamborschke S, Hartung HP, Riekmann P, Sandberg-Wollheim M, Ekberg R, Bates D, Hawkins C, Kappos L,. “Atrophy Is Detectable Within a 3-Month Period in Untreated Patients With Active Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis” Archives of Neurology, 60:1736–1739, 2003
Papathanasiou E, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Pantzaris M, Kleopa K, Kyriakides T, Papacostas S, Pattichis C, Iliopoulos I, Piperidou C. “Neurogenic Nestibular Evoked Potentials Using a Pip Auditory Stimulus”. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology 44: 167-173, 2004 Clanet, M, Kappos, L, Hartung, HP, Hohlfeld, R. M. Sandberg-Wollheim, M.F. Kooijmans-Coutinho, E.C. Tsao, A.W. Sandrock, W. Kristoferitsch, Schrieber, Schlederer A, Seeldrayers, Piette B, S.Papacostas, K. Kyriallis, M Pantzaris, B. Brochet, A. Gayou, M. Rouanet, F. Rouant, C. Confavreux, G. Riche, S. Blanc, J. Achiti, C. Magnier, P. Aubertin C. Mekies, D. Brassat, C. Thalamas, C. Vuilleman, A. Senard, G. Lau, P. Cesaro, F. Degos G. Defer, Treating S. Schaeffer G. Edan, de Marco, V. Cahagne, S. Belliard, O. Lyon-Caen, B. Stankoff, C. Lubetzki, I. Arnulf, P. Damier, J. Pelletier, D. Tamman, L. Suchet, A. Dalecky, L. Rumbach, Treating Dr. Moulin, E. Berger E. Roullet, D. Pez, O. Heinzlef, P. Lecanuet, P. Vermersch, A. Engles R. Dengler, F. Heidenreich, Examining Dr. Lindert, Dr. Koehler, Dr. Windhagen, D. Steiner, R. Zschenderlein, J. Luenemann, H. Gelderblom, N. Kassim, B. Storch-Hagenlocher, D. Koerner, D. Vogt-Schaden, D. Stingle, D. Storch-Hagenlocher, M. Sailer, D. Matzke, R. Hohlfeld, D. Dose, C.
Weiler, K. Kunze, C. Heesen, P. Bamborschke, H. Petereit, D. Liu, Dr. Nolden, F. Grunwald, D. Menck, D. Grupe, H.-P. Hartung, P. Rieckmann, D. Weilbach, D. Flachenecker, D. Chan, D. Maurer, J. De Keyser, G. Zwanniken, D. Azordrager, X. Montalban, D. Nos, O. Fernández, J.A. Tamayo, F. Romero, T. Arbizu, D. Martínez-Yélamos, D. Martin, D. Casado, M. Sandberg-Wollheim, R. Ekberg. N. Achalbedaschwili, D. Schött, C. Lienert, E. Luthringer, D. Bates, M. Westwood, M.J. Campbell, D. Burrows, R. Capildeo, D. Abbas, D. Riaz A. Compston, I. Bjornson, C.P. Hawkins, S. Wetherby, S. Ellis, S. Hawkins, M. Duddy D.L. McLellan, S. Wroe, K. Powell, C.A. Young, Co-investigator Dr. Lecky, P. Rieckmann, C. Polman, J. Kesselring, A. Thompson, H. Wekerle, J. Whitehead. “ Interferon -1a in relapsing multiple sclerosis: four-year extension of the European IFN -1a Dose-Comparison Study”. Multiple Sclerosis 10(2);139-144, 2004. Panayides S, Goldstein HL, Mouratoglou V, Papacostas S. “Patient-validated Content of a Greek Version of the Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory (QOLIE-89) Combined with Individualized Measures”. Epilepsy and Behavior 5(3): 367-379, 2004 Papathanasiou E, Pantzaris M, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Kleopa K, Iliopoulos I, Piperidou C, Papacostas S. “Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis” Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 44: 313-317, 2004 Papacostas S, Petsa M, Myrianthopoulou P, Papathanasiou E. “The use of Video-EEG monitoring in the detection of pseudoseizures”. Cyprus Medical Journal, 21(3-4):11-13, 2004 Papathanasiou E, Loizides A, Panayiotou P, Papacostas S, Kleopa K. “Ulnar Neuropathy at Guyon’s Canal: Electrophysiological and Surgical Findings”. J Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 45:87-92, 2005 Baker GA, Jacoby A, Gorry J, Doughty J, Ellina V, and the SIGN Group (Membership of the SIGN group: Adel Al Jishi, Hajir Sikaroodi, Sayed Jalal Ziaei, Kurosh Gharagozli, Reza Khandaghi, Mohammad Hossein Harirchian, Shahriar Nafissi, Manouchehr Ilkhani, Jamshid Lotfi, Mohammad Mehdi Zolfaghari, Majid Ghafarpour, Mahmoud Motamedi, Mohammad Mehdi Etemadi, Hossein Pakdaman, Alireza Nikseresht, Abdolrahman Najlerahim, Ballal Adibeig, Akbar Soltanzahdeh, Mostafa Shirzadi, Babak Zamani, Anil Tusso, Asmahan Shubaily, Pratap Chand, Subashini Prabhakar, Tag Eldin Sokrab, Richard McLachlan, Manorama Devi, E.V. Joshy, Jihad Insashi, Chaker Khamis, Mounir Khoury, Naji Riachi, Salim Atrouni, Kamel Ezzedine, Houssein Abed Ali, Abdul Rahman Samra, Abbas Serhan, Hassan Abdallah, Raymond Chemaly, Rached Succari, Hassan Eid, Shawkat Beaini, George Hanna, Bassem Yammout, Rosette Jabour, Ali Mokdad, Mohammad Mikati, Abdellatif Wraikat, Fouad Ibrahim, Adnan Al-Abdallat, Yacoub Al-Bahu, Fairouz Al Sayegh, Ahmad Khalifa, Imad Saadeh, Nouha Toubal, Yaman Daboul, Savvas Papacostas, Andri Mallikidou,
and Socrates Panayides). “Quality of Life of People with Epilepsy in Iran, the Gulf, and Near East”. Epilepsia, 46 (1):132-136, 2005 Papathanasiou ES, Piperidou C, Ilippoulos I, Malekidou A, Katelari-Theocharidou E, Kyriakides T, Kleopa KA, Papacostas S. “Neurogenic vestibular evoked potentials in three cases of vestibular system dysfunction”. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 45:39-45, 2005. Papathanasiou ES, Piperidou C, Pantzaris M, Iliopoulos I, Petsa M, Kyriakides T, Kleopa KA, Papacostas S. “Vestibular symptoms and signs are correlated with abnormal neurogenic vestibular evoked potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis”. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 45:195- 201, 2005. Papathanasiou ES, Piperidou C, Iliopoulos I, Myrianthopoulou P, Pilavakis P, Papacostas S. "Brainstem auditory evoked responses that disappear during sleep: A possible manifestation of a neurogenic vestibular evoked response". Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 45:263-266, 2005 Hardmeier M, Wagenpfeil S, P. Freitag P, Fisher E, Rudick RA, Kooijmans M, Clanet M, Radue EW, Kappos L, for the European IFNß-1a in Relapsing MS Dose Comparison Trial Study Group: The MRI Subgroup consisted of the following investigators: Seeldrayers P, Papacostas S, Berry I, Defer G, Lyon-Caen O, Roullet E, Rumbach L, Brochet B, Confavreux C, Edan G, Pelletier J, Vermersch P, Weiller C, Bamborschke P, Hartung HP, Rieckmann P, Dengler R, Heidenreich F, Zschenderlein R, Storch-Hagenlocher B,Sailer M, De Keyser J, Sandberg-Wollheim M, Ekberg R, Bates D, Hawkins CP, Campbell MJ, Hawkins S, Wroe S C.A. Young CA. “Rate of brain atrophy in relapsing MS decreases during treatment with IFNß- 1a”. Neurology; 64:236-240, 2005 Papathanasiou ES, Theocharidou EK, Papacostas SS. “Parallel auditory vestibular evoked neurogenic and myogenic potential results in a case of peripheral vestibular dysfunction, showing that the former originates from the vestibular system.” Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 46(2):105- 11, 2006 Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Charalambous M, Eracleous E, Thodi C, Pantzaris M. “Vertigo and imbalance caused by a small lesion in the anterior insula.” Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 46:185-192, 2006 Tofaris GK, Revesz T, Jacques TS, Papacostas S, Chataway J. “Adult-onset Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation and cortical α-synuclein and tau pathology:a
2007;64:280-282. Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Papathanasiou ES. “Epileptic seizures followed by nonepileptic manifestations: A Video-EEG diagnosis”.
Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 46:323-327, 2006 Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Dietis A, Papathanasiou ES “Induction of central-type sleep apnea by vagus nerve stimulation”. Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 47:61-63, 2007 Papastavrou E, Kalokerinou-Anagnostopoulou A, Alevizopoulos G, Papacostas S, Tsangari H, Sourtzi P. “The validity and reliability of the Zarit burden interview in Greek Cypriot carers of patients with dementia”. Nosileftiki (Nursing) 45(4):439-449, 2006 Papacostas S, Kkolou E, Papathanasiou ES. “Levetiracetam in three cases of progressive myoclonus epilepsy” Pharmacy World & Science, 29(3):164-6, 2007 Papastavrou E, Kalokerinou A, Papacostas SS, Tsangari H, Sourtzi P. “Caring for a Relative with Dementia: Family Caregiver Burden”. Journal of Advanced Nursing: 58(5):446-57, 2007. Papacostas SS, Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Stylianidou G. “Tuberous Sclerosis Successfully Treated with Levetiracetam Monotherapy: 18 Months of Follow-up”. Pharmacy World & Science, 29(4): 350-352, 2007 Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS. “Letter to the Editor: Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis Patients”. Journal of Vestibular Research 17(4): 205, 2007. Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS. “Flash electroretinography: Normative values with surface skin electrodes and no pupil dilation using a standard stimulation protocol”. Documenta Ophthalmologica, 116(1):61-73, 2008. Papastavrou E, Kalokerinou Anagnostopoulou A, Alevizopoulos G, Papacostas SS, Kalakoutas Y, Sourtxim P. “Validation of the Zarit Burden Interview in Greek”. Cyprus Medical Journal, 24(1-2): 31-39, 2008. Papacostas S, Malikides A, Petsa M, Kyriakides T. “10-year mortality from Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease in Cyprus”. WHO – Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 14(3): 715-719, 2008. Papastavrou E, Tsangari C, Kalokerinou A, Papacostas S, Sourtzi P. “Assessment of the Memory and Behavior Problems of Patients with Dementia”. Nursing Care and Research, 22:19-28, 2008. Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS. “Letter to editor: Sleep Related Disorders in Children with Vagal Nerve Stimulators”. Pediatric Neurology, 39(2):142, 2008.
Papastavrou E, Tsangari H, Kalokerinou A, Papacostas SS, Sourtzi P. “Gender issues in caring for demented relatives”. Health Sciences Journal, 3(1):41-53, 2009. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadjiloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “A New Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potential (N6) Recorded with the Use of Air-Conducted Sound”. Otology and Neurotology.31(3):528-535, 2010. Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Kkolou E, Papacostas SS. “Brainstem lesions may be important in the development of Epilepsy in Multiple Sclerosis patients: An evoked potential study”. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121(12):2104-10, 2010. Kyriakides T, Papacostas SS, Papanicolaou E, Bagdates E, Papathanasiou ES. "Sleep hypoventilation syndrome and respiratory failure due to Multifocal Motor Neuropathy with Conduction Block". In Press: Muscle and Nerve. Papastavrou E, Tsangari H, Karayiannis G, Papacostas S, Efstathiou G, Sourtzi P. “Caring and coping: The dementia caregivers”. In Press: Aging & Mental Health. Invited Reviews and Book Chapters Papathanasiou ES, Piperidou C, Papacostas S. “Vestibular Evoked Potentials”. Advances in Clinical Neurosciences, 14:283-289, 2004 Evridiki Papastavrou, Athina Kalokairinou, Panagiota Sourtzi, Savvas Papacostas, Haritini Tsangari. “The pilot results of the family burden experienced by families with a member suffering from dementia: The health inequalities perspective”. In: “The price of life: Welfare systems, Social nets and economic growth” Cidadania, Lisboa, Edicoes Colibri/ CIDEHUS/UE, 2007, pp.201-220. Miscellaneous Papacostas S "Culture, Disease, and Healing" in EXPLORATIONS, Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 1986 Papacostas S “Migraine” Health For All Quarterly Publication of the Cyprus Ministry of Health, Vol. 4(8): 35-36 Sept-Dec 1998 Papacostas S, Koukkoullis R. Lamotrigine as Add-On Therapy in Children with Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy. British Med Journal (Middle East ) vol.7 119-21 Oct 2000. Papacostas S. “Epidemiologic Surveillance of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies in Cyprus”. Biannual Epidemiologic Surveillance Report of the Ministry of Health of Cyprus, Jan-June Vol. 3 p.7, 2005 Papacostas S. “Mortality in Cyprus from Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease during 1995- 2004” ”. Biannual Epidemiologic Surveillance Report of the Ministry of Health of Cyprus, Jan-June Vol. 6 p.1-2, 2008. ORAL PRESENTATIONS Grand Rounds
"Neuropsychiatry of Head Trauma" Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, New York, June 1987 "Evaluation and Treatment of Dementia", Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, December 1991 “Review of New Anti-epileptic Drugs”, Democretian University of Thrace Medical School, Alexandroupolis, Greece, May, 1997 “Vestibular Evoked Potentials”, Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 2002 “Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials: Technique and Preliminary Findings in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis”, Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 2003 Invited Speaker "Progress
Neuroscience Conference, June 1994, Thessaloniki, Greece "Mechanisms of Action of New Antiepileptic Medications", First Beirut-Nicosia Neuroscience Meeting, October 1994, Beirut, Lebanon "Progress in Antiepileptic Pharmacotherapy", Second Eastern Mediterranean Neuroscience Conference, November 1994, Cairo, Egypt "Mechanisms of Action New Antiepileptic Medications", Second Thessaloniki- Nicosia Neuroscience Conference, April 1995, Nicosia, Cyprus "Lamotrigine as Add-On Therapy in Children Aged 2-12 with Treatment Resistant Epilepsy", Third Thessaloniki-Nicosia Conference on Neuroscience, May 1996, Thessaloniki, Greece "Progress in Antiepileptic Pharmacotherapy and Report on Study using Lamotrigine as Add-On Therapy in Children with Treatment Resistant Epilepsy", First International Conference on Epilepsy of the Ukrainian League Against Epilepsy, May 1996, Kiev, Ukraine “Memory Dysfunction”. 2nd Meeting of the Pancyprian Organisation for the Support of Alzheimer’s patients, 6/11/1999, Larnaca, Cyprus “When is epilepsy deemed intractable? When do new proceed to surgery?” World Hellenic Biomedical Congress, 11-14 October 2000, Athens, Greece. “Relationship of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy with New Variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease”. Sponsored by the Ministry of Health of Cyprus for Cypriot Practising Physicians. 12 Dec 2000, Nicosia, Cyprus “Molecular and Biochemical Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease”. Presented at the First International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease of the Middle East. 17-19 April 2001, Limassol, Cyprus “Molecular diagnosis and Biological markers of Alzheimer’s Disease”. 2nd Panhellenic Scientific Congress on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, 17- 20 Jan 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece “Quality of Life in Epilepsy”. 1st Mediterranean Congress of Neurology, 25-28 Apr 2002, Limassol, Cyprus “Dementia” Hippocrates Medical Association of Nicosia-Kyrenia Continuing Education Program, 26th Feb 2004, Nicosia Cyprus
“Alzheimer’s Disease” Larnaca Medical Associstion Continuing Education Program, 22nd July 2004, Larnaca, Cyprus “Dealing with Epilepsy in School”. 4th Seminar for the Continuing Education of School Medical Services, 13-14 Oct 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus “Symptomatic Focal Epilepsy”. 1st Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, 21-23 Oct 2005, Athens, Greece “cognitive Side Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs”. 1st Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, 21-23 Oct 2005, Athens, Greece “Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy”. 2nd Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, 10-12 Nov 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece “Future Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease”. Pancyprian Association for the Care of People with Alzheimer’s Disease. 21st September, 2007-09-24, Nicosia, Cyprus “Classification of epileptic seizures according to the proposed scheme of 2001”. Meeting od the Panhellenic & Cyprus epilepsy societies, 22nd September, 2007, Limassol, Cyprus. “Epilepsy and Dementia”. 3rd Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, 9-11 November, 2007, Athens, Greece. “Presurgical Evaluation of Adults with Intractable Epilepsy”. Meeting of the Greek Society of Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology on Developments in Clinical Neurophysiology, 8-9 December, 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus. “Epilepsy. Etiology, Diagnosis and Therapy”. Hippocrates Medical Association of Nicosia-Kyrenia continuing education series, 31st January, 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus. “CJD in Cyprus”. European and Associated Countries Collaborative CJD Surveillance Group Meeting, 29-31 May 2008, Riga, Latvia. Cyprus Ministry of Health Post-Graduate Training Conference on Alzheimer’s disease. A). Pathogenesis and Diagnosis. B). Epidemiology. 2nd October, 2008, Nicosia, Cyprus. “Memory Dysfunction and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Epilepsy”. Delivered in Memeory of Dr. Goula Styliadidou, at the 4th Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress 14-16 November 2008, Alexandroupolis, Greece. “Differential Diagnosis of Dementia”. 7th Pancyprian Congress of the “Asklepios” Medical Society of Paphos, 13-14 December, 2008, Paphos, Cyprus.
“Restless Legs Syndrome”. 7th Pancyprian Congress of the “Asklepios” Medical Society of Paphos, 13-14 December, 2008, Paphos, Cyprus. “The role of the Multidisciplinary Team in the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease – Round Table” 6th Panhellenic Join Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. 20-23 February, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece. “Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies with Myoclonic Seizures in the Phenotype” 5th Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress 6-8 November, 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece. “Neurological Causes of Fainting”. Larnaca Medical Association Conference on “Neurology in Primary Care”, 27 February, 2010, Larnaca, Cyprus “Dementia: Types, Pathophysiology, Investigation and Treatment”. 1st Geriatric Conference of the Cyprus Association of General Physicians, 08 May, 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus “The Epidemiology of Alzheimer’s Disease in the 21st Century”. The Cyprus Universuty of Technology School of Nursing Conference on: The Multifactorial and Multi-level Nature of Alzheimer’s Disease. 14 December, 2010, Nicosia, Cyprus. “Quality of Life, Years of Education, and Neuropsychological Performance in Older Greek Cypriots”. 7th Panhellenic Congress on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, 16-20 February, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece. “Latest Developments in Alzheimer’s disease”. 8th Conference of the Famagusta Medical Society ‘Galenos’, 19-20 March, 2011, Larnaca, Cyprus. “Latest developments in the Treatment of Epilepsy”. 8th Conference of the Famagusta Medical Society ‘Galenos’, 19-20 March, 2011, Larnaca, Cyprus. PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS
Platform Presentations Papacostas SS. Walczak TS, Resor S, Scheuer, ML, Pedley TA. "Prevalence and Risk Factors of Postictal Psychosis: A Controlled Study in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit", platform presentation at the scientific sessions of the American Academy of Neurology Meetings, New York, New York, April 1993 Stylianidou G, Papacostas S, “Landau-Kleffner Syndrome: A Study of two Cases”, Mediterranean Child Neurology Meeting, June 10-13, 1999, Crete, Greece Panayides S, Papacostas S. “Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory. Greek Translation, Validation and Development. Final Results”. Platform presentation at
the 7th European Conference on Epilepsy and Society-2000 Meeting, 19-21 May, 2000, Athens, Greece Panayides S, Papacostas S. “Self-Reported Hierarchy of Needs: A Determinant of Neuropsychological Assessment” Seminar on Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology, co-organised by the Universities of Oslo and Cyprus, May 31st- June 1st 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus Covanis A, Kramer U, Aydinli N, Topku M, Papacostas S. “Epilepsy – Comprehensive Care”. 26th Congress of the Union of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Paediatric Societies, Oct 4-6, 2001, Portoroz, Slovenia Covanis A, Kramer U, Aydinli N, Topku M, Papacostas S. “Paediatric and Adolescent Epilepsy Care in Mediterranean Countries”. 7th Mediterranean Epilepsy Meeting, Nov 22-25, 2001, Athens, Greece Papacostas S, Hadjivassiliou M, Xenophontos S, Cariolou M. “Correlation of Age of Onset, ApoE Status, Family History and Education in Cypriot Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease”. 13th Alzheimer Europe Conference, June 12-15, 2003, Thessaloniki, Grecce Baker GA, Jacoby A, Gorry J and the SIGN group. “Quality of Life of People with Epilepsy: An Iran, Gulf and Near East Study”. 25th International Epilepsy Congress, 12-16 Oct. 2003, Lisbon, Portugal PapathanasiouE, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Papacostas S, Myrianthopoullou P, Pattichis C, Iliopoulos I, Piperidou C, Pantzaris M. “Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials have a high percentage of abnormality in patients with multiple sclerosis” 14th South-East European Society for Neurology and Psychiatry, 16-19 Oct. 2003, Thessaliniki, Greece Papathanasiou ES, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Pantzaris M, Kyriakides T, Papacostas S, Myrianthopoullou P, Pattichis C, Iliopoullos I, Piperidou T. “Neurogenic Vestibular Potentials Using a Tone Stimulus”. 17th Annual Congress of the Nicosia-Kyrenia Medical Society, 13-14 Sept. 2003, Nicosia, Cyprus Papathanasiou E, Piperidou C, Iliopoulos I, Myrianthopoulou P, Pilavakis P, Papacostas S. “Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses That Dissapear During Sleep: A Possible Manifestation Of A Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Response”. 14th European Neurological Society Meeting, 26-30 June 2004, Barcelona, Spain Papathanasiou E, Piperidou C, Iliopoulos I, Malikkidou A, Katelari-Theocharidou E, Papacostas S. “Use of Sound Stimulation in the Evaluation of the Vestibular System”. 19th Pancyprian Medical Congress, 24-26 September, 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus
Papastavrou E, Kalokairinou-Anagnostopoullou A, Alevizopoulos G, Papacostas S, Kalakoutas Y, Sourtzi P. “Validation of the Zarit Burden Interview for the Greek Population”. 4th Panhellenic Interdisciplinary Congress on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. 31st March-3rd April, 2005, Thessoliniki, Greece Papathanasiou ES, Kyriakides T, Iliopoulos I, Petsa M, Kleopa KA, Piperidou C, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “Vestibular symptoms and signs are correlated with abnormal neurogenic vestibular evoked potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis”. 18th Annual Medical Conference "Hippocrates", 9-10 April, 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus Papathanasiou E, Loizides A, Panayiotou P, Papacostas S, Kleopa K. “Surgical Confirmation
Electrophysiological Techniques”. 7th Greece-Cyprus Surgical Meeting, 28-30 Oct. 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus Papastavrou E, Kalokairinou A, Alevizolpoulos G, Papacostas S, Sourtzi P. “Stress on carers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease”. 12 Pancyprian Nursing Conference, 25-26 Nov. 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus Papacostas S, Papathanasiou E. “Clinical applications of vestibular evoked potentials”. 1st Meeting of Centers-Network for Research (CeNeReN), 20 January 2006, Nicosia , Cyprus Papathanasiou ES, Katelari-Theocharidou E, Papacostas SS. “Parallel auditory vestibular evoked myogenic and neurogenic potential results in a case of peripheral vestibular dysfunction, showing that the former originates from, the vestibular system”. 19th Conference of the Nicosia-Kyrenia Medical Society ‘Hippocrates’, 4-5 November 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Papacostas SS. “Pure central sleep apnea as a side-effect of vagal nerve stimulation”. 2nd World Association of Sleep Medicine Meeting, 4-8 February 2007, Bangkok, Thailand. Tsangari H, Papastavrou E, Papacostas SS. “Statistics and Society: a study on the burden experienced by caregivers of patients with Alzheimer”. Panhellenic Congress on Statistics, 11-15 April, 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus. E. Kkolou, A. Flourentzou, A. Malikkidou, G. Stylianidou, SS. Papacostas. “Efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam during one-year follow-up as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant generalised epilepsy” 17th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 16-20 June 2007, Rhodes, Greece Anastasiou I, Stavrinides P, Papacostas SS. “Psychometric Properties of the Greek Translation of the ‘Epilepsy Foundation Concerns Index’: A Pilot Study”. 3rd Pancyprian Psychiatric Meeting, 19-22 June, 2008, Limassol, Cyprus
Ryvlin P, Tomson T, On Behalf of the MORTEMUS Study (Papacostas SS, Participant). “MORTEMUS (Mortality in Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Study): Preliminary Findings”. 8th European Congress on Epileptology, 21-25 September, 2008, Berlin, Germany Papastavrou E, Papacostas SS, Tsangaris H, Kalakoutas Y. “Family Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias: the Cyprus Experience” 5th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders in the Middle East, 15-17 May, 2009, Limassol, Cyprus Papacostas SS. “Fourteen-year mortality from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in Cyprus”. 1st International Congress on Clinical Neurology & Epidemiology, 27 - 30 August, 2009, Munich, Germany. Constantinidou F, Stavrou M Christodoulou M, Themistocleous D, Papacostas SS. “The Relationship of AD8 and Cognitive Performance in Grrek Cypriot Adults: A Preliminary Study”. 25th International Alzheimer’s Disease Congress, 10-13 March, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadjiloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS "A New Vestibular Evoked Potential Occurring 6 msec after Stimulus Onset with Air-Conducted Tone Auditory Stimuli". The Barany Society Meeting, 18-21 August 2010, Reyjkavik, Iceland. Posters Papacostas SS. "Oxcarbazepine versus Carbamazepine Treatment and Induction of Liver Enzyme and Serum Lipid Level Abnormalities: Report of a Case". International Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cellular Mechanisms of Antiepileptic Drugs, January 1996, Genova, Italy Papathanasiou E, Cleanthous MEG, and Papacostas SS, “Population Samples Showing a Skewed Distribution: Is it being taken seriously?”, American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 8-10, 1996. Papathanasiou E, Panayiotou P, Middleton L, Stylianidou G, Koukkoulli R, and Papacostas SS, “Ambulatory Electroencephalography is useful in differentiating seizures from other behavioural changes”, 13th Meeting of the Union of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Paediatric Societies, Nicosia, Cyprus, November 9-11, 1996. Papacostas SS, Koukkoullis R. “Lamotrigine as add-on therapy in epileptic children with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. XVI World Congress of Neurology, Sept 14-19, 1997, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Papacostas SS. "Photosensitivity during the Hypersomnic Phase in a Patient with Kleine-Levin Syndrome", 9th Annual Meeting, American Neuropsychiatric Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 1-3, 1998 Papathanasiou E, Zamba E, Papacostas S, Middleton L, “Radial Nerve F-Waves”, XI International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, Sept. 7-11, 1999, Prague, Czech Republic Panayides S, Papacostas S. “Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory-Greek translation, Validation and Development”. 23rd International Epilepsy Congress, Sept. 12-17, 1999, Prague, Czech Republic Papathanasiou E, Zamba E, Papacostas S. “Normative Values for High Voltage Stimulation across the Brachial Plexus and its use in Thoracic Outlet syndrome”. 10th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 23-26 August 2000, Lyon, France Hadjivassiliou M, Ayrton N, Karagrigoriou A, Papacostas S, Cariolou, M. “The Effect of Apolipoprotein E and Presenilin-1 on Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease in Cyprus” 1st International Quality Research in Dementia Conference, 19-22 Oct. 2000, London, UK Hadjivassiliou M, Ayrton N, Karagrigoriou A, Cariolou M, Papacostas S. “The Effect of ACE, Apolipoprotein E and Presenilin I on Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease”. 2nd International Congress on Vascular Dementia, 24-27 Jan 2002, Salzburg, Austria Georghiou A, Tsingis M, Kyriakides T, Pantziaris M, Papacostas S, Zamba- Papanicolaou E, Christodoulou K. “Molecular Genetic Studies of Sporadic Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) in the Cypriot Population”. 1st Mediterranean Congress of Neurology, 25-28 Apr 2002, Limassol, Cyprus Kappos L, Clanet M, and the European Interferon Beta-1α (AVONEX) Dose- Comparison Study Group. “Sustained Efficacy of Interferon Beta-1α in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: 4-year Results from the European Dose-Comparison Study”. 54th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology, 13-20 Apr 2002, Denver, Colorado, USA Radue EW, Kappos L, Simonian S, Kooijmans M, Clanet M, Slasor P, Rudick RA, the European Interferon Beta-1α Dose-Comparison Study Group. “MRI Results of the European Interferon Beta-1α Dose-Comparison Study”. 54th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology, 13-20 Apr 2002, Denver, Colorado, USA
Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Papanicolaou E, Pantziaris M, Kyriakides T, Piperidou C, Iliopoulos I, Papacostas SS. “Click Evoked Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials (NVESTEPs): A New Easy Method of Selectively Testing the Vestibular Pathways of the Brainstem” Presented at the 11th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 24-28 Aug 2002, Barcelona, Span Kkolou E, Papacostas SS. “Levetiracetam Add-On Therapy in Patients with Intractable Epilepsy: Initial Experience in Cyprus”. Presented at the 5th European Congress of Epileptology, 6-10 Oct 2002, Madrid, Spain Clanet M, Kappos L, Qunming D, Kooijman-Coutinho MF, European Interferon Beta-1a (Avonex) Dose-Comparison Study Investigators. “Effect of Neutralizing Antibodies (Nabs) on ths Clinical Efficacy of Interferon β-1a: Results from the European Dose-Comparison Study”. 55th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Neurology, 29 Mar-5 Apr 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Papathanasiou ES, Myrianthopoulou P, Kyriakides T, Papacostas S, Iliopoullos I, Piperidou T. “Neurogenic Vestibular Potentials Using a Tone Stimulus”. 7th European Federation of Neurological Societies Meeting, 30 Aug-2 Sept 2003, Helsinki, Finland Papathanasiou E, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Kyriakides T, Kleopa L, Pantzaris M, Papacostas S, Iliopoulos I, Piperidou C. “Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis”. 19th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, 17-20 Sept 2003, Milan, Italy Papathanasiou ES, Kyriakides T, Kyriakou K, Myrianthopoulou P, Veresies K, Papacostas S. “Video-EEG Recording of a Patient with Lafora Body Disease”. 25th International Epilepsy Congress, 12-16 Oct. 2003, Lisbon, Portugal Kkolou E, Papacostas S. “Levetiracetam add-on therapy in patients with intractable epilepsy”. 25th International Epilepsy Congress, 12-16 Oct. 2003, Lisbon, Portugal Marini C, Phillips HA, Bleasel A, Papacostas S, Vildamudi L, Sommerville L, Neocleous V, Mulley J, Bertrand D, Berkovic SF. “Do Parasomnias and Nocturnal Epilepsy Share the same Molecular Mechanism?” 57th Annual Meeting, American Epilepsy Society, 5-10 Dec. 2003, Boston, USA Kkolou E, Papacostas S. “Levetiracetam is Effective and Well-tolerated in Patients with Intractable Epilepsy”. 6th European Congress of Epileptology, 30/5-3/6/2004, Vienna, Austria Papathanasiou E, Mikati M, Comair Y, Papacostas S. “Electroencephalographic Evidence of Brain Plasticity in a Patient with Sturge-Webber Syndrome”. 6th European Congress of Epileptology, 30/5-3/6/2004, Vienna, Austria
Kkolou E, Koukkoullis R, Dietis A, Flourentzou A, Stylianidou G, Papacostas S. “Topiramate add-on therapy in patients with intractable epilepsy”. 14th European Neurological Society Meeting, 26-30 June 2004, Barcelona, Spain Papathanasiou E, Loizides A, Panayiotou P, Papacostas S, Kleopa K. “Ulnar Neuropathy at Guyon’s Canal: Electrophysiological and Surgical Findings”. 8th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress, 4-7 Sept, 2004, Paris, France Papathanasiou E, Papacostas S, Kyriakides T, Iliopoulos I, Petsa M, Kleopa K, Piperidou C, Pantzaris M. “Clinical correlates of abnormal neurogenic vestibular evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis”. 20th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis/ 9th Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation in MS, 6 - 9 Oct 2004, Vienna, Austria Kkolou E, Papacostas S, Kyriallis K, Toufexis J, Pantzaris M. “Interferon Beta-1a (IFNβ)-1a (AVONEX) 30 µg and 60 µg Are Equaly Effective in Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: Results From the Cyprus Study Site of the European IFNβ-1a Dose-Comparison Study”. 20th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, 6-9 Oct 2004, Vienna, Austria Papathanasiou ES, Pantzaris M, Papacostas S. “The source of far-field neurogenic vestibular evoked responses as studied in a patient with brainstem damage”. 12th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 8-12 May, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden Kkolou E, Papacostas S. “Efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam during one- year follow-up as add-on therapy in patients with intractable epilepsy”. 15th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 18 - 22 June, 2005, Vienna, Austria Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS. “Flash electroretinography using surface electrodes and no pupil dilation, using the stimulation standards of the ISCEV”. 43rd Annual Symposium of the International Society of the Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV), 23-27 August, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland Kkolou E, Koukkoullis R, Papacostas S. “Efficacy And Tolerability Of Lamotrigine In Children With Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy”. 26th International Epilepsy Congress, 28 Aug – 1 Sept. 2005, Paris, France Papastavrou E, Kalokerinou A, Kalakoutas Y, Papacostas S, Alevisopoulos G, Sourtzi P. “Reliability and factor structure of the Zarit Burden Interview in the Greek language”. XIII World Congress of Psychiatry, 10-15 Sept. 2005, Cairo, Egypt
Papastavrou E, Kalokerinou A, Kalakoutas Y, Papacostas S, Alevisopoulos G, Sourtzi P. “The burden experienced by care givers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease”. XIII World Congress of Psychiatry, 10-15 Sept. 2005, Cairo, Egypt Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Charalambous M, Thodi C, Pantzaris M. “Vertigo and imbalance caused by a small lesion in the anterior insula”. 9th European Federation of Neurological Societies Meeting, 17-20 Sept. 2005, Athens, Greece Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Georghiou AT, Tsingis M, Kyriakides T, Pantzaris M, Papacostas S, Kleopa K, Christodoulou K. “Sporadic spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) in the Cypriot population”. 9th European Federation of Neurological Societies Meeting, 17-20 Sept. 2005, Athens, Greece Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Pantzaris M. “A comparison of sound- evoked neurogenic and myogenic vestibular potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis”. 21st Congress of the European Committee/10th Annual Meeting of the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, 28 Sept- 1 Oct 2005, Thessaloniki, Grecce. Papathanasiou ES, Katelari-Theocharidou, Papacostas SS. “Parallel auditory evoked and myogenic potential results isn a case of labyrinthitis in recovery, showing that the former examination originates from the vestibular system”. 18th World Congress of Neurology, 5-11 November, 2005, Sydney, Australia. Myrianthopoulou P, Dietis A, Papacostas S. “Vagus nerve stimulation therapy in a pharmacoresistant epileptic population in Cyprus”.16th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 27 - 31 May 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland. Papastavrou E, Papacostas S. “The burden experienced by caregivers with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias”.16th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 27 - 31 May 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland. Kkolou E, Kleopa K, Papacostas S. “Efficacy and tolerability of oxcarbazepine during one year follow-up as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. 16th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 27 - 31 May 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland. Christophi E, Papacostas S. “Characteristics of epileptic patients referred for social work services” 10th European Conference on Epilepsy & Society, 2-4 August, 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark. Myrianthopoulou P, Dietis A, Papacostas S. “Efficacy of Vagus nerve stimulation therapy in a treatment resistant epileptic population in Cyprus”. 10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, 2-5 Sept 2006, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Papathanasiou E, Papacostas S, Pantzaris M. “Vestibular evoked neurogenic potentials are more sensitive in detecting abnormalities than vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in early stage multiple sclerosis”. European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Congress, 27-30 Sept 2006, Madrid, Spain. Papathanasiou ES, Thodi C, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “Neurogenic potentials using auditory stimuli originating from the vestibular system: evidence from a case of unilateral acoustic neuroma”. 17th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 16-20 June 2007, Rhodes, Greece Kkolou E, Dietis A, Flourentzou A, Malikkidou A, Petsa M, Stylianidou G, Papacostas SS. “Efficacy and tolerability of Levetiracetam during a one year follow-up as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. 11th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, 25-28 August, 2007, Brussels, Belgium Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “Vestibular Evoked Neurogenic Potentials Using Air-Conducted Tone Auditory Stimuli: New Candidate Waveforms Discovered After Extensive Scalp Mapping”. XXVth Barany Society Meeting, 31st March - April 3rd, 2008, Kyoto, Japan Myrianthopoulou P, Dietis A, Papacostas S. “Vagus Nerve Stimulation: an Increasing Effectiveness”. 18th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 7 - 11 June 2008, Nice, France Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “The Search for New Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potential Waveforms: A Topagraphical Scalp Mapping Study Using Air-Conducted Tone Auditory Stimuli”. 18th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 7 - 11 June 2008, Nice, France Constantinidou Papacostas
“Neuropsychological Performance in Greek-Cypriot Adults with Chronic Epilepsy: A Preliminary Study”. 8th European Congress on Epileptology, 21-25 September, 2008, Berlin, Germany Kkolou E, Dietis A, Flourentzou A, Stylianidou G, Koukkoullis R, Papacostas S. “Long-term efficacy and tolerability data on Topiramate as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. 8th European Congress on Epileptology, 21-25 September, 2008, Berlin, Germany Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Kkolou E, Pantzaris M,. “Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy: Evidence of preferential involvement of upper limb somatosensory evoked potentials”. 8th European Congress on Epileptology, 21- 25 September, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Constantinidou F, Themistocleous D, Nikou Maria, Papacostas S. “Effects of Chronic Epilepsy on Neuropsychological Performance and Quality of Life in Greek-Cypriot Adults: Preliminary findings.” American College of Rehabilitation Medicine - American Society of Neurorehabilitation Joint Educational Conference, 15-19 October, 2008, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Papacostas SS, Nicou M, Themistocleous D, Constantinidou F. “Effects of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy on Neuropsychological Performance and Quality of Life in Greek-Cypriot adults: Preliminary Findings”. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2nd Biennial North American Regional Epilepsy Congress, 5-9 December, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA
Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Kkolou E, Pantzaris M. “Demyelinating Lesions Involving the Upper Limb Somatosensory Pathway may be a Critical Factor in the Development of Epilepsy in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis”. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 2nd Biennial North American Regional Epilepsy Congress, 5-9 December, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA Papacostas
“Neuropsychological Performance in Adults with Chronic Epilepsy on Multi- antiepileptic Drug Treatment”. World Psychiatric Association International Congress, 1-4 April, 2009, Florence, Italy. Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Kkolou E, Pantzaris M. “Demyelinating lesions involving the brainstem may be an important factor in the development of Epilepsy in Multiple Sclerosis patients: A large retrospective study”. 28th International Epilepsy Congress, 28th June -2nd July, Budapest, Hungary, 2009. Kkolou E, Dietis A, Flourentzou A, Malikkidou A, Petsa M, †Stylianidou G, Papacostas SS. “Three-year data on efficacy and tolerability of Levetiracetam as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. 28th International Epilepsy Congress, 28th June -2nd July, Budapest, Hungary, 2009. Myrianthopoulou P, Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Kyriakides T. “The Contribution of Quantitative Sensory Testing in the Assessment of Symptomatic TTRVal30Met Carriers”. 13th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress, 12-15 September 2009, Florence, Italy. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadjiloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “A new neurogenic vestibular evoked potential (N6) recorded with the use of air-conducted sound”. 13th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress, 12-15 September 2009, Florence, Italy.
Myrianthopoulou P, Papathanasiou ES, Pantzaris M, Kyriakides T, Zamba- Papanicoloaou E, Papacostas SS. “Visual evoked potential interocular amplitude differences matter in the end”. 19th World Congress of Neurology, 24 - 30 October, 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Papathanasiou ES, Papacostas SS, Myrianthopoulou P, Kkolou E, Pantzaris M. “Demyelinating lesions involving the subthalamic nucleus may be an important factor in the development of Epilepsy in Multiple Sclerosis patients: An evoked potential study”. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 4-8 December, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Michaelides C, Neophytou M, Papacostas SS. “A first epidemiological study of Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) in Cyprus”. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, 4-8 December, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Kkolou E, Dietis A, Flourentzou A, Malikkidou A, Petsa M, Stylianidou G, Papacostas SS. “Long-term efficacy and tolerability of Levetiracetam as add-on therapy in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy”. 2nd East Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress, 4-6 March, 2010, Dubai, UAE. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadliloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. "Vestibular Evoked Neurogenic Potentials Using Air−Conducted Sound: The Discovery of a New Scalp Recorded Potential (N6) That Probably Originates from the Midbrain". American Academy of Neurology 62nd Annual Meeting, 10-17 April 17, 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadjiloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “A new scalp waveform is discovered (N6) that is vestibular in origin after using air-conducted sound stimuli”. 20eth Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 19-23 June, 2010, Berlin, Germany. Votsi C, Nicolaou P, Georghiou A, Kleopa K, Middleton LT, Pantzaris M, Papacostas S, Kyriakides T, Christodoulou K, Zamba-Papanicolaou E. “Investigation of Sporadic Ataxia Patients in the Cypriot Population”. 14th Congress of the European federation of Neurological Societies, 25-28 September, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland. Papathanasiou ES, Lemesiou A, Hadjiloizou S, Myrianthopoulou P, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “A new neurogenic vestibular evoked potential (N6) recorded with the use of air-conducted sound”. 29th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, 28th October to 2nd November, 2010, Kobe, Japan. Papathanasiou E, Pantzaris M, Papacostas S. “Characteristics of Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials: 700 Hz Tone Frequency Appears to Evoke the Best Response”. 21st Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 28-31 May, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Papathanasiou E, Papacostas S, Pantzaris M. “Has MRI advancement from 0.35-1.0 Tesla to 3.0 Tesla made a significant difference compared to evoked potentials in the evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis?” 21st Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 28-31 May, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. Papathanasiou ES, Pantzaris M, Papacostas SS. “Characteristics of Neurogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials: Condensation Stimuli Appear to Evoke the Best Response”. 14th European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology, 21-25 June, 2011, Rome, Italy.
DE L’HEGEMONIE DES MODELES AU PRE-TOTALITARISME LA PSYCHIATRIE DU XXIe SIECLE, PARADIGME DES « SOMBRES TEMPS » ACTUELS Dr Alain CHABERT Psychiatre de service public Membre du C.E.D.E.P. et de la L.D.H. Aix-Les Bains 2 Mai 2006 Résumé Je souhaite, à travers cette communication, essayer de montrer comment, si nous observons les évolutions actuelles de la psychiatrie du
Omsorgs- och socialförvaltningen Avd Individ- och familjeomsorg Chatarina Plomér Projektledare Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal (BiL) smygstartade den 2 mars 2009. BiL har sina lokaler i bottenplanet på Ljusdals Närsjukhus. Verksamheten består av två sjuksköterskor om 75 procent vardera, läkare om 25 procent (från