Het is echter wel schadelijk om overmatig te alcohol te drinken, zeker als u een infectie heeft. Dit komt de infectie eerder verergerd door het gebruik van alcohol antibiotica en ibuprofen samen Doorgaans worden ze voorgeschreven bij bacteriële infecties die om de één of andere reden niet uit zichzelf over gaan; ze doden dan de bacteriën.
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Differences in Food Culture – Traditions & Trends. Exemplified with the cultural differences between France - Denmark - Sweden
Dr. Dominique Bouchet Professor of International Marketing Odense University Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark [email protected] Fax : [45] 6615 5129 Dominique Bouchet: "Differences in Food Culture - Traditions & Trends. Exemplified with the cultural differences between France-Denmark-Sweden."in Claus Heggun (Ed.): Quality and Risk Management. Proceedings of the 25th International Dairy Congress (21-24. September 1998, Aarhus Denmark), The Danish National Committee of the IDF, Aarhus 1999. pp. 210-216.
Abstract : It is a challenge to become acquainted with the complexity of different food cultures. By looking at the differences in the ways in which people in France, Denmark and Sweden relate to the concept of “eating”, an introduction is here given to the analysis of food cultures. A culture shock
I was born and grew up in France. Nearly
25 years ago - at the age of 25 - I moved to
everything, just like they did not refrain
had thought would last for months - in just
Some differences are noticed straight
vegetables, and the bread often tasted – for
me – like cardboard. It was not unusual to
have to content oneself with one dish for a
differences in general are neither easy to
consumed in the evening. Most meals were
analyse nor to describe. Cultures are very
conversation. It did not take much before
culture, it is often easier to wonder at the
strange choices – and differences – you are
seemed to be their favourite food. When I
conscious of everything, but when it is a
almost inevitable: you must eat even if it
interested. In their view French sausage
disgusting. Liquor was more interesting.
The components of food culture
multiple cultures employ in the building of
cultural changes. The latter are even more
their food culture, some are physiological taste experiences (sweet, salt, sour, bitter,
cold, warm, dry, spicy.). Some have to do
Ecology as an example
with preparation (raw, boiled, fried.).
Others refer to basic attitudes (ethos)
concerning the relationship with nature and
the universe (pure, unclean, holy, secular,
example of such a cultural change. In this
genuine, healthy, necessary.). Yet others
refer to the social ties (traditional, public,
private, luxurious, festive, everyday-like,
different in France and in Denmark. With
relationship between product and nature,
In other words, it is not just what you eat
both countries are aware that such products
which is interesting, but also how, when,
are gentle to nature. But when the issue is
the relation between the product and the
domains intersect: everything we eat - as
body, the priorities in the two countries
differ: in Denmark it is emphasised above
influenced by all the systems of meaning at
all that the products are healthy, whereas in
France the main issue is the better taste.
Thus, a tendency which seems to be shared
When an innovation occurs
which makes new products possible or if a
In the above example the experience seems
supplier from abroad tries his luck with
to be more important for the French than
foreign products, the new product will be
the realisation, whereas it is the opposite
viewed according to the complex system of
for the Danes. Two different rationalities
interpretation which makes up a culture.
prevail: the Danish rationality is based on
This happens in more or less the same way
evaluation, wheras the French rationality is
as when e.g. car manufacturers wish to find
dominated by aestethic - i.e. sensuous -
as something which enabled the driver to
The sensuous and the factual
have even more control of the vehicle.
Volvo, on the other hand, emphasised that
General cultural criteria are also making
the braking system meant even more safety
themselves felt when consumers relate to
other types of products. If it is a question
Food cultures, however, are considerably
consumers the factual. Because the taste
sensation plays such a large role in France,
with innovation is far less conscious than
themselves be influenced by e.g. hygienic
occupation as well as social status. The
arguments, which is a source of wonder for
references - the food ideal - are practically
the same for all sections of the population.
deeply rooted in different ways of relating
However, that ideal does not have the same
to the animalistic - to life and death. Fresh
content or significance as in France. Food
and language are not employed to the same
appreciated in Denmark, whereas in France
degree in order to show off an expertise,
more alive, and thereby more powerful and
Denmark one is included in the community
without necessarily taking an interest in
The animalistic aspect is seen as something
hurriedly on a frequent basis, and there are
positive in France and Spain, whereas the
fewer occasions for eating together, and
morbidity. The reaction is one of disgust,
Thus, the food rituals function differently.
and therefore it is desirable to kill each and
matter of course and indifference rules,
process of frying, boiling, or pasteurising.
individual taste. In France everybody has
into something different: the proteins it
to confirm their state of membership and
consists of. Digging a little deeper into this
issue, one finds that there are different
perceptions of the distinction between the
taste and aesthetics. But, as mentioned, not
very much in both countries distinguishes
respective cultures. In the Nordic countries
people talk more about nature in man than
about culture versus nature, just like many
people try to behave naturally. Contrary to
Swedish multiplicity
that, people in Catholic countries are fond
of rhetoric and pomp and gladly make use
Matters stand differently in Sweden where
the French aristocratic food ideal rules in
one part of the population, and Danish-like
The food cultures in France and
Denmark, the Swedish food culture is less
The French use food more intensively as a
homogenous. It refers less to the national
complexity from local and group-specific
codes. Thus, the Swedish and French food
confirmation of a person’s affiliation. But
principles of the French kitchen are the key
to the integration in a community in which
general, the nutritional and the natural
across all groups of identification. Unlike
that he prefers this kind of discrete service
to what he has experienced in the United
States where the staff with a stiff plastic
practical characteristics, and the taste
smile would inelegantly interrupt the meal
preferences refer less to personal than to
at any given time with an importunate and
Peter. How is everything?” The Swedish
At a seminar where the food was prepared
participants critisised the uniformity of the
formalism in that area as an interruption of
food with reference to people’s individual
taste. The Swedes deplored the fact that the
where the intrusion of the waiter breaks the
preferred a sliced tomato and a grilled fish.
also perceives the waiter’s smile as being
false, primarily notices the the falseness
rather than the lacking consideration of the
The perception of service Planet system or commode
The differences in food cultures are also
A great deal of the categories which are
evaluation of the quality of food and meals
connected in a culture-specific structure
The American stops in front of the table
planet system than with a well-organised
where the waitress is preparing omelets.
He tells her that he is allergic to dairy
drawers. Quality, formalism, authenticity
products and asks if that particular omelet
refer to widely different culture-specific
contains milk. The Swedish waitress does
not appear to react. She does not answer
but turns her back and walks off to make a
expressing his surprise and disappointment
Accordingly, it ought to be clear that it
irritated voice, “I’ll just have a hard-boiled
analyses of individual dimensions, set up
egg.” But the waitress does not register
independently of each other in a commode-
like chart where the familiarity forms, the
thoughts. While the three colleagues are
social aspect, and the taste are taken out of
filling their plates from the buffet, the
closely connected, they are also intricately
Three minutes later the waitress comes to
their table where, discretely and without
Table 1: How priorities differ in the three countries:
The most important aspect Sensous experience
Food formalism Taste preferences
The legitimacy of simple The legitimacy of natural taste
Food talk The rhythm of meals Restaurant Industrialisation of food production Ecological products Food code
No reference to a shared No reference to a shared
Main reference
Different sources: Aristocracy or peasantry and/or the working classes
Dictámen Nro: 0070/09 - - Expediente Nro: 23643/09 Fecha Dictámen: 2009-04-20 Carátula: M.; R. C. s/ Acción de Amparo Materia: Amparo Mandamus - - Fuero: Originarias TEXTO DICTAMEN A fs. 42 V.E. corre vista de las presentes actuaciones a este Ministerio Publico a fin de que me expida sobre la acción instaurada y sustanciada en autos. El Sr. R.; C. M., con el patrocinio letra
Presseinfo Würth Elektronik Jubilare feierten Erfolgreich absolvierten sie das Jahr 2011. - Eines von vielen, in denen sie engagiert an Herausforderungen und Arbeitsaufgaben herangetre- ten sind. Und mit einer gelungenen Show wurden sie kurz vor Weih- nachten dafür geehrt: Rund 100 Jubilare der Würth Elektronik (WE) Gruppe mit Sitz in Niedernhall erlebten im Stuttgarter G