Vele mensen zullen het gevoel wel kennen, ze zitten aan de antibiotica, maar hebben dan een feestje penicilline antibiotica kopen Antibiotica zijn medicijnen die alleen op recept te krijgen zijn.
Microsoft word - dog allergy e-book-final.doc
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Legal Disclaimer………………………………. 3 Chapter 1: An Overview of dog allergies…….4
Chapter 2: Conventional treatment options….7 Chapter 3: Treating allergies with the raw dog food diet …………………………………….10 Chapter 4: The advantages of a raw food diet…………………………………………….17
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This free report is based on my research and
should not be taken as medical advice for your dog. I’m simply providing an alternative way for you to think about curing your dog’s
allergies. There are links in this book that lead to further
information that if you decide to purchase I will be compensated with a small commission. It’s commissions like these that allow me to
provide work like this free of charge. This book is subject to copyright and is not to
be distributed or changed without consent from Send requests to [email protected] if
you would like to discuss the matter. All attempts have been made to verify that the
information in this book is accurate via multiple sources. However, I am not a vet and before following any advice in this book you
should perform your due diligence including speaking with your vet. Feedback and questions can sent to [email protected].
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Chapter 1: An Overview of dog allergies Man’s best friend shares not only a home with their human companions but also many other
characteristics. Not only do our pets enjoy company, exercise and good food they can also suffer from aliments in the same way
people do. Dogs can become ill from a variety of causes.
Every owner tries to limit the risk from illnesses by inoculating their animals against common diseases and will try to provide care in the
case of accidents however not every owner realizes that dogs can also suffer from allergies.
Allergies in dogs manifest themselves in several ways. The most common evidence of
an allergy is in the condition of the dogs’ skin. The dog may exhibit excessive scratching or skin flaking due to the allergy. Other problems
such as frequent vomiting, hair loss or skin infections may also be symptoms of an
allergy. The main types of dog allergies can be categorized into five distinct areas.
• Firstly dogs can become overly sensitive
allergic to fleabites will display excessive
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accompanied by swelling. It is likely the dog will scratch and itch to relieve the problem. Ticks and other insects such as
bees and wasps can also provoke a similar reaction.
• Secondly dogs can become allergic to
natural or man-made substances. Allergens exist in the natural world such
as the pollens released by plants. Also chemicals used to clean bedding or the home can provoke an allergic reaction in
• The third kind of allergy is atopic. Atopic
dogs will often go on to develop a full range of allergic symptoms. The
syndrome is equivalent to hyper allergic conditions in humans. Elevated levels of
immunoglobulin E will be present in the animal’s blood leading to an over-reaction to many allergens.
• Fourth, bacteria can cause allergies. This
is normally a secondary compliant shown by a dog who has a parasitical problem.
Treatment of the initial problem is recommended to reduce the allergy.
• Finally food is one of the main causes of
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such as itching, scratching, loose stools
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Medical science has created a variety of
treatments in an attempt to eliminate allergies or to remove their symptoms. The treatments have varying levels of success and some may
create unwanted side effects. A trained veterinarian usually offers
conventional treatment options however off the shelf remedies can be found in many pet stores and supermarkets.
Benadryl is an over the counter antihistamine. It does not require a prescription from the vet
and has successfully been used to treat symptoms of allergies in humans and dogs. Benadryl functions as a histamine blocker. Histamine is the naturally occurring chemical that causes watery eyes, sneezing and itchy
skin. An excess level of histamine can be caused by an allergic reaction brought on by the factors discussed in the previous chapter. The medicine is available in many forms including injections and liquid form for introduction in the dog’s food. However, the medication is not suitable for all dogs. Those with existing medical conditions
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such as cardiovascular disease, glaucoma or
prostate enlargement should receive clearance from a veterinarian before commencing a course of Benadryl. Side
effects of the medication include drowsiness. Another option is the use of medicated
conditioners and shampoos. These can alleviate itching and skin complaints when used as directed. Some shampoos may
contain natural extracts from oatmeal, aloe vera or omega-6 fatty acids. These treat the symptoms of some allergies and will provide relief for a period of time to your dog. Washing your dog can help with a
number of problems and the animal can even enjoy the experience if correctly introduced to it.
Other shampoos and cleaning products may contain hydrocortisone.
This is a higher strength treatment designed to introduce steroids to the dogs skin. Steroid treatment is also possible with injections or oral dosing. The steroids will suppress the symptoms of allergies and give a period when the dog does not suffer. When the allergies reoccur another dose will be necessary. Side effects of this treatment can include liver abnormalities, vomiting,
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loose stools and increased aggression or
irritability. Immune modulators are another type of
medical treatment. Cyclosporine changes the immune system of the dog and is common in the treatment of genetic problems such as
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). Side effects include nausea and lose of appetite.
Medical science can provide many benefits for our animals but often the focus in on
treating symptoms rather than the underlying cause.
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As mentioned dogs can suffer from allergies
due to a range of factors, however commercial dog food can actually combine a couple of these factors to significantly
increase the risk of an allergic reaction in your pet. Most commercially available dog food is made from cereals or grains. Manufactures will often use cheaper grains that have been
classified as unfit for human consumption. These cheaper grains may be contaminated
with bacteria or with pests such as flour beetles, granary weevils or mealworms. The bodies of these pests can find themselves in
commercial dog food and cause allergies. Furthermore a dog’s digestive tract differs
from that of an herbivore and has not evolved to fully digest grains and cereals. Wheat is
approximately 60 percent digestible while corn is only 54 percent digestible. Low quality commercial food that is high in carbohydrates and fat will not leave your dog in the best of health. Commercial foods may also contain chemicals that the dog may be
allergic to. Chemicals are introduced into dog food to act as preservatives, flavor enhancers
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and even used as dyes to give the food a
more appealing look. While long lasting, tasty looking food might encourage owners to buy more this is not necessarily the most desirable
thing for your pet. Furthermore commercially available kibble
does not encourage the dog to chew. The food may be inhaled at a rapid rate and this can present a choking hazard.
Also, the dog does not get the development of its jaw and neck muscles that raw food
present. Additionally, raw foods must be chewed
thoroughly and this provides a natural cleaning mechanism for the dog’s teeth. The raw food diet for dogs consists primarily of uncooked meat, bones and the other raw organs of animals. Many believe this diet is
nutritionally superior to the commercial feed available as it provides more protein and fewer carbohydrates. It is believed that cooked meat is an unnatural choice for dogs, as they would not encounter this in the wild. The same holds true for other processed foods. A dog on a raw food diet can eat a varied diet. This is not usually the case when kibble
is the basis of every meal. Raw food diets
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include turkey and the necks, wings, backs,
drumsticks, heart and gizzards are all suitable for animal consumption. Chicken parts including carcasses, necks, backs, wings, legs, eggs and organs can all be fed to your dog.
Dogs on raw food diet can eat oily fish rich in omega-3 oil. These fish include herring,
sardines, mackerel and anchovies. If feeding your dog raw beef then meat
suitable for stewing, ground beef, marrowbones and organs are the preferred animal parts.
More exotic animals are also edible and depending on what is available in local area
your dog can eat an incredibly varied diet that never becomes monotonous. Care should of course be taken when feeding raw meat to your dog. The meat should come from a reliable source, preferably ethically raised and organic. Also the meat should be prepared and stored in a hygienic manner. Frozen meat must be properly defrosted in the refrigerator to ensure bacteria such as salmonella do not get passed on to your pet.
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Removing commercial kibble from your dogs
diet and replacing it with foods they have eaten for thousands of years will address the underlying problem and cause of allergies.
Current medical treatment does not attack the root of the problem. The use of shampoos,
injections and pills provide temporary relief for dogs suffering from allergies but often the problem will return once treatment has
ceased. Rather than simply continue to fill your animal
full of chemicals would it not be better if a natural remedy were found. The dog would no longer have to suffer the side effects of many
of these medical treatments. Side effect that include increased aggression from steroids and drowsiness from anti-histamines.
Switching to a raw food diet is a simple process. Sometimes people are deterred after
becoming reliant on bags of kibbles that make proud boasts on their packaging. The advertising spends by kibble manufacturers certainly shows tempting images and also makes promises about the health of your dog. Dogs must initially be supervised when making the switch. Because the animals become used to eating kibbles they may not have learned to chew their food. Dogs often overeat kibble because of the ease with which
it may be inhaled, rather than chewed. If the
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problems can arise. Choking or stomach perforation is a danger if the dog fails to break down the bone. One common myth about
bones is that fragments can harm your animal’s internal organs. This myth is actually brought about by the consumption of cooked bones. Cooked bones lose their natural suppleness and may break
into shards. Likewise the cooked bone is also tougher on
your dog’s teeth and can lead to dental problems. Raw bones do present either of these dangers however the problem of
choking still remains for rapid eating animals. Choking can and does occur on kibble diets
but to decrease this hazard when switching to a raw diet owners are encouraged to supervise meal times.
Also hand feeding the animal will prevent the dog from gulping down whole bones. Keeping a grip on the bone slows down the eating process and gives the dog time to chew upon the bone. This has the added benefit that the dog’s stomach has time to produce the chemicals necessary to break down the food. It should be noted that puppies that have been raised
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on a raw food diet do not suffer from the
problem of gulping or inhaling food. The raw food diet can also be supplemented
with vegetables to give the other vital nutrients your animal needs for a healthy coat, gums and bones.
Dogs enjoy crunching on carrots and vegetables such as broccoli, celery or
spinach can also be added to the meat. Judging the amount to feed your animal on a raw food diet can take a little experience.
Commercial foods do have the advantage in this respect. In commercial food the nutrition
content is standardized and each portion will have the same number of calories and levels of fat, proteins and carbohydrates.
Natural foods do not have this kind of information on the packaging and instead a
period of experimentation may be necessary. As a guide, a medium sized active dog will require between a pound and a half to two pounds of raw food. Monitor your dogs weight for any gains or decreases and check the ribs. If you can’t feel the ribs then your dog is eating too much! The expense of a raw diet sometimes puts people off the switch. However moving to a
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raw diet can actually be cheaper in the long
run. Not only are some kibbles very expensive for
the actual nutrition content they contain the lower quality kibbles can also prove to be a false economy. Despite costing less your dog
will need to eat more to get the same level of nutrition. Anecdotal evidence from owners who feed raw food diets also suggests another cost saving.
According to these owners dogs on long-term raw food rarely require a visit to the vet. This
significantly reduces the cost of dog ownership. Also it is true that the cuts of meat dogs most enjoy are often the cheapest. Organs and stewing meat are not prime cuts for humans.
However their high nutrition content, chewy texture or fat levels make them ideal for pets.
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Many owners will ask themselves if making
the switch from such a convenient kibble based diet is worth it. Certainly reports from those who have tried the diet suggest that it is when done correctly. This means owners should take care when
preparing the food to ensure that bacteria cannot grow in the meat and also to supervise the feeding of the animal to make sure
choking from rapid eating does not occur. Risks are always present in life but knowledge
of them can allow the owner to reduce them to a minimal level. Allergies may become a thing of the past and complaints that have troubled the dog often disappear after a period of detoxing and
adjustment. The side effects associated with medications will no longer be a problem and dogs previously on a regime of anti-histamines regularly report a new lease of life in their animal. Owners have reported other benefits such a
dramatic improvement in the quality of the animals fur. Oily fish is rich in omega-3 oils
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and can help with a healthy looking shiny
sleek coat. With a raw food diet dental and oral hygiene
problems are often also resolved. The raw diet gives your dog a dental workout with every meal. The chewing action cleans and
removes built up bacteria and food particles. This gives your dog better breath and whiter teeth as plaque acid is removed by the
chewing action. Lower vet bills are another reason to make the
switch. As allergies vanish secondary complaints such as irritated skin and excessive itching will also go.
Boosting the immune system of your pet will also make it less likely they succumb to minor
illnesses. As these problems often require a trip to the vet you will have more money to spend on things such as toys for your loyal
pet! Buying meat wholesale and purchasing bones is also lighter on the pocket than pricey commercial food. Nobody wants to say a premature goodbye to his or her pet. The longest living dog recorded was an Australian dog-called Bluey. Bluey lived on a cattle ranch and enjoyed a raw food diet of emu and kangaroo. If you are tired of visits to the vet and feel that
constant medication should not be something
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your dog must endure then consider the raw
food diet. If you want to extend the life and increase the happiness of your animal then you should consider learning more about the
raw food diet. If you want your pet to look its best and be
free from uncomfortable allergies then you should try the raw food diet. Information about the raw food diet, how to implement it and diet
plans for different types of dog can be found by following this link. If the link doesn’t open copy and paste the URL below into your
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